Đồng nghĩa của most shameful

Tính từ

Superlative for worthy of or causing shame or disgrace
basest lowest meanest unworthiest vilest wickedest ignoblest dastardliest shabbiest baddest disgustingest sordidest hatefullest scurviest shadiest shoddiest shiest lewdest obscenest uncleanest vulgarest wretchedest nastiest terriblest rottenest dirtiest awfullest foulest abjectest evillest sorriest horriblest pitifullest viciousest beastliest lousiest direst poorest paltriest snidest cheapest darkest unpleasantest woefullest grossest unseemliest miserablest ghastliest sleaziest squalidest cruelest saddest horridest filthiest blackest crummiest scummiest unfairest poxiest unholiest bentest scungiest seediest seamiest uselessest ugliest grubbiest lamest tawdriest grimmest pettiest scabbiest rattiest gruesomest crassest grisliest duffest profanest perversest beggarliest cruddiest coarsest cowardliest guiltiest sneakiest gravest wantonest trashiest roughest grodiest unluckiest rudest fulsomest sickest unhappiest fearfullest seriousest harmfullest shiftiest arrantest slimiest dodgiest rankest extremest impolitest feeblest dreariest unkindest violentest bleakest trickiest crudest heaviest unfittest sombrest gloomiest drabbest lowliest slipperiest suckiest drearest sullenest somberest morosest raunchiest skankiest craftiest completest measliest creepiest ickiest sliest forlornest glummest unhealthiest foolishest starkest humblest boldest mournfullest commonest punkest smuttiest steepest fishiest meagrest deadliest bummest wettest nattiest stingiest silliest absurdest ropiest uncouthest rowdiest adversest yuckiest grottiest scariest dreadest wiliest porniest bawdiest weightiest spookiest gnarliest shrewdest wankiest slickest severest meagerest squickiest scuzziest loathliest bloodthirstiest spitefullest harshest grotesquest intensest deepest hardest keenest acutest fiercest plainest sheerest eeriest unearthliest ghostliest bloodiest fellest hairiest goriest weirdest strangest bizarrest oddest stoniest wildest coldest loosest bitterest dolefulest sternest thickest-skinned shadowiest uncanniest soberest flintiest difficultest maddest unruliest gruffest painfullest deadest ignorantest greatest sublimest toughest faultiest naughtiest cattiest orneriest powerfullest faintest dimmest weakest yukkiest sourest awkwardest unfriendliest rigidest nethermost unloveliest sickliest strictest grayest murkiest dingiest greyest kitschiest deathliest rabidest steeliest moodiest dourest austerest tackiest vividest juiciest ruggedest perviest kinkiest angriest yellowest raciest saltiest purplest purest realest simplest fairest perfectest flattest cleanest veriest blankest most disgraceful most infamous most outrageous most reprehensible most scandalous most atrocious most contemptible most deplorable most despicable most dishonourable most appalling most abominable most heinous most inglorious most unprincipled most ignominious most immoral most indecent most loathsome most monstrous most odious most unspeakable most degrading most dishonorable most disreputable most indefensible most inexcusable most knavish most louche most low-down most nefarious most notorious most opprobrious most unforgivable most unrespectable most egregious most flagitious most unbecoming most carnal most corrupt most debauched most diabolical most drunken most flagrant most immodest most impure most intemperate most profligate most reprobate most ribald most sinful most villainous most detestable most dreadful most execrable most offensive most iniquitous most abhorrent most degenerate most wrong most criminal most lamentable most unscrupulous most unsavoury most depraved most unsavory most frightful most improper most dishonest most currish most hideous most repugnant most pathetic most revolting most crooked most intolerable most horrifying most shameless most pitiable most distressing most unpardonable most grievous most humiliating most horrendous most treacherous most dissolute most unethical most unfortunate most objectionable most undignified most indecorous most distasteful most ungodly most regrettable most worthless most abysmal most underhanded most hopeless most fiendish most sickening most dismal most disagreeable most mortifying most perverted most degraded most deceitful most barbarous most unsuitable most tragic most underhand most stinking most unlawful most unbefitting most repulsive most obnoxious most inappropriate most inadequate most repellent most godawful most insupportable most unrighteous most unacceptable most embarrassing most nauseating most unsatisfactory most unjustifiable most disappointing most undesirable most rascally most untrustworthy most culpable most horrific most exceptionable most hellacious most ungentlemanly most glaring most scoundrelly most damnable most diabolic most chronic most heartbreaking most indelicate most condemnable most pants most blamable most God-awful most untoward most amoral most servile most calamitous most substandard most malfeasant most unfitting most questionable most despisable most nauseous most unrefined most uncharitable most laughable most devilish most murderous most heartrending most ill-advised most noxious most unconscionable most disastrous most savage most malevolent most mercenary most displeasing most menial most unwholesome most upsetting most warped most inelegant most macabre most demeaning most delinquent most lawless most wrongful most illicit most irreligious most black-hearted most sacrilegious most impious most miscreant most blasphemous most blatant most unladylike most errant most accursed most infernal most fraudulent most unwelcome most godless most repellant most distressful most tragical most noisome most putrid most disdainable most perfidious most rancid most reproachable most barbaric most censurable most malicious most inept most unfavorable most unfavourable most insufferable most unbearable most caitiff most tasteless most illegal most rubbish most obvious most brutish most bestial most devious most venal most sinister most nightmarish most harrowing most uninviting most preposterous most graceless most inhuman most conspicuous most deceptive most terrific most patent most disheartening most lurid most grewsome most licentious most ruthless most blameable most illegitimate most pernicious most roguish most maleficent most direful most felonious most pronounced most striking most unwarrantable most reprovable most inexpiable most suspect most blackguardly most thoughtless most off-color most dubious most unceremonious most satanic most malignant most disrespectful most lowering most mediocre most indiscreet most incongruous most amiss most excruciating most mean-spirited most meanspirited most depressing most disturbing most alarming most desolate most unpalatable most barefaced most abandoned most godforsaken most second-rate most brazen most hellish most inopportune most catastrophic most frightening most bribable most injurious most cheerless most open most terrifying most enormous most desperate most fearsome most undisguised most no-account most infelicitous most solemn most piteous most joyless most uncomfortable most cursed most evident most naked most audacious most tainted most sullied most manifest most intimidating most unconcealed most faithless most scurrilous most ridiculous most callous most inapt most exorbitant most excessive most transparent most palpable most formidable most extortionate most morbid most immoderate most merciless most sepulchral most impoverished most indigent most depressive most comfortless most decadent most corrupted most scheming most rueful most derisory most heartless most forbidding most self-seeking most brass-necked most unsuccessful most unheroic most traitorous most undesired most unpopular most facinorous most responsible most answerable most slipshod most tarnished most senseless most blameful most chargeable most discomfiting most slavish most to blame most afflictive most regretful most taboo most forbidden most hateworthy most disorderly most avaricious most flaunting most pornographic most ungenerous most gut-wrenching most plebeian most corruptible most outcast most swinish most tenth-rate most prohibited most suspicious most irremissible most lascivious most unreasonable most ostentatious most calculated most covetous most narrow-minded most bungling most irreverent most cataclysmic most ominous most aberrant most interdicted most banned most unendurable most incompatible most inconsistent most detractive most untrue most backbiting most unwanted most malapropos most incorrect most inapposite most unapt most untenable most unpermissible most mortal most unallowable most unfaithful most confounded most defective most derogatory most libidinous most craven most unwarranted most impossible most exasperating most extravagant most maddening most dangerous most unchivalrous most salacious most reproachful most selfish most inconsiderate most miserly most indictable most flagitous most unutterable most indescribable most unsporting most undeserving most deleterious most damaging most ludicrous most god-awful most affecting most demeritorious most scatological most blue most ruffian most raffish most malodorous most baleful most baneful most prejudicial most hurtful most nocuous most mischievous most contumelious most uncivilized most uncivilised most flaming most deliberate most noticeable most spine-chilling most redoubtable most hair-raising most ill most detrimental most wayward most cunning most scatologic most daunting most negligible most insufficient most off-putting most ineligible most injudicious most inexpedient most tactless most bald-faced most calculating most cheating most conniving most Machiavellian most guileful most designing most astounding most heart-rending most taxing most troublesome most disquieting most shuddersome most frozen most over the top most unsportsmanly most unsportsmanlike most insubstantial most rubbishy most tremendous most hollow-hearted most galling most vomitous most unpleasing most disgustful most unlikable most unmerited most recreant most festy most bogging most rebarbative most cloying most unappetizing most contemptuous most exploitative most conscienceless most rancorous most libertine most despiteful most unfeeling most defiled most inhumane most vengeful most unconscientious most tyrannical most pitiless most wrathful most scrofulous most disparaging most brutal most cold-blooded most vindictive most sadistic most scornful most disdainful most self-indulgent most inexorable most demonic most virulent most out of character most impermissible most restricted most unmentionable most unsuited most ill-considered most ill-timed most undue most ill-suited most explosive most profound most exquisite most furious most intensive most heavy-duty most almighty most vehement most ferocious most blistering most Janus-faced most stomach-turning most stomach-churning most parlous most unpromising most funereal most lugubrious most saturnine most dreich most elegiac most sunless most tenebrous most lonesome most tenebrific most elegiacal most poverty-stricken most downright most inordinate most absolute most unqualified most significant most unmitigated most major most apparent most brute most truculent most butcherly most demoniac most chilling most unnatural most unmerciful most Mephistophelian most uncaring most menacing most sanguinary most disconcerting most demoniacal most startling most ghoulish most bloodcurdling most unsettling most traumatic most worrying most implacable most unsympathetic most unsparing most soulless most wolfish most insensitive most dislikeable most hostile most non-human most subhuman most troubling most irksome most threatening most overwhelming most unrelenting most Stygian most unpitying most unforgiving most indurate most obdurate most affectless most ironhearted most stoney most stonyhearted most pachydermatous most boorish most insensate most cold-hearted most uncompassionate most hard-boiled most unrestrained most relentless most feral most untamed most serpentine most twisted most demonian most Luciferian most demonical most dreaded most unconcerned most worrisome most abased most unhallowed most prurient most torturous most stressful most agonizing most dishonored most foreboding most annoying most discomposing most draconian most destructive most stone-hearted most crazed most eldritch most irritating most inexpressible most tigerish most troublous most tormenting most fraught most abnormal most aggressive most dishonoured most poisonous most humorless most humourless most fiery most sanguine most sedate most sorrowful most rakish most jackleg most spookish most uncontrollable most rakehell most hated most spine-tingling most hateable most venomous most rakehelly most Kafkaesque most unhuman most inconceivable most unbelievable most ruffianly most unimaginable most unjust most thievish most critical most phantasmagorical most unreal most nightmarey most uncultured most peccant most bothersome most demoralizing most mephistophelean most awesome most preternatural most undefinable most piggish most irrational most ferine most gluttonous most cannibalistic most malign most beast most frenetic most possessed most maniacal most awe-inspiring most unsightly most dislikable most lecherous most lustful most insubordinate most contaminated most despised most oppressed most ruinous most bearish most indifferent most imposing most impressive most brackish most inconvenient most devastating most abhorred most otherworldly most sensational most onerous most unsafe most undescribable most graphic most exaggerated most blood-stained most voracious most ravenous most lupine most ill-boding most intimidatory most explicit most melodramatic most demoralising most massive most afraid most contradictory most anaemic most haggard most corpselike most wraithlike most anemic most deathlike most supernatural most vexatious most deviant most minatory most viperous most rigorous most antipathetic most inimical most antagonistic most averse most infected most ailing most diseased most dispirited most melancholy most melancholic most unappealing most saddening most uncool most unconformable most extrinsic most foreign most invidious most revulsive most alien most different most unfitted most illiberal most intolerant most inflexible most colourful most sensationalist most concerning most uncongenial most anguished most pathological most unsound most punishing most mirthless most lethal most pulp most nerve-wracking most nail-biting most nerve-racking most punitive most tyrannous most constant most coldhearted most unremitting most heartstopping most ungentle most unusual most brooding most irascible most suggestive most inauspicious most amazing most bewildering most astonishing most stunning most staggering most Plutonian most convulsive most impetuous most raging most delirious most surprising most incessive most cutthroat most enraged most undomesticated most raving most killer most unpropitious most cataclysmal most frantic most infuriated most rapacious most pestilent most stony-hearted most primitive most animalistic most Tartarean most Plutonic most subterranean most bloodless most unemotional most misguided most colorful most garish most distinct most killing most categorical most inclement most vital most pestilential most Avernal most helly most total most mortiferous most definite most thorough most consummate most thoroughgoing most unconditional most life-threatening most sulfurous most categoric most inveterate most positive most regular most unalloyed most plumb most unregenerate most bodacious most straight-out most blooming

Tính từ

Superlative for worthy of or causing shame or disgrace
unworthiest abjectest wretchedest rudest snidest vulgarest impolitest cattiest foulest haughtiest spitefullest violentest snootiest nastiest sniffiest snottiest cheekiest unpleasantest harshest sarkiest meanest bitterest sharpest unfriendliest shortest bluntest surliest brusquest unkindest gruffest curtest disgustingest roughest coarsest crudest proudest uppitiest vainest coolest snippiest boldest hardest high and mightiest most embarrassing most mortifying most degrading most humiliating most ignominious most toe-curling most demeaning most undignified most inglorious most disparaging most slighting most derogatory most denigratory most contemptuous most disdainful most scornful most deprecatory most crushing most humbling most pejorative most uncomplimentary most derisory most depreciatory most depreciative most derogative most denigrative most detractive most disgraceful most lowering most dishonourable most contemptible most menial most dishonorable most unbecoming most discomfiting most cringeworthy most squashing most opprobrious most derisive most condescending most patronizing most depreciating most patronising most insulting most abusive most offensive most contumelious most disrespectful most defamatory most deprecating most scurrilous most critical most insolent most vituperative most scathing most negative most slanderous most libellous most libelous most hurtful most sarcastic most deprecative most mocking most discourteous most unflattering most obnoxious most uncivil most unmannerly most impertinent most damaging most supercilious most reproachful most dismissive most personal most censorious most abhorrent most obloquious most objectionable most ridiculing most vituperatory most arrogant most calumniatory most withering most diminishing most displeasing most unfavourable most blasphemous most invective most injurious most impudent most provocative most exceptionable most sardonic most detractory most unacceptable most reprehensible most unfavorable most censurable most upsetting most judgemental most judgmental most malicious most uncharitable most satirical most caustic most acerbic most unsympathetic most inexpedient most snidey most epithetical most calumnious most damning most defiant most intrusive most familiar most cynical most overbearing most egotistic most hypercritical most abrupt most ungracious most malevolent most despiteful most despicable most bad-mannered most ill-mannered most dyslogistic most irreverent most disadvantageous most distasteful most irritating most annoying most offhand most deplorable most repugnant most insufferable most unwelcome most undesirable most disagreeable most vitriolic most upbraiding most truculent most scurrile most reproving most castigatory most insupportable most intolerable most inappropriate most exasperating most sharp-tongued most galling most outrageous most scandalous most biting most indecent most improper most detestable most snobbish most repulsive most cavalier most audacious most temperamental most upstage

Trái nghĩa của most shameful

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