Đồng nghĩa của most servile

Tính từ

Superlative for excessive in obsequious praise or flattery
oiliest smarmiest smoothest suavest slickest soapiest fulsomest glibbest humblest slimiest greasiest gushiest suckiest butteriest slipperiest phoniest creamiest smuggest creepiest sugariest blandest supplest winsomest softest lavishest silkiest abjectest amplest grossest coarsest mushiest hammiest most unctuous most sycophantic most obsequious most ingratiating most flattering most oleaginous most subservient most gushing most adulatory most urbane most hagiographic most insincere most effusive most cloying most plausible most nauseating most hypocritical most sickening most wheedling most saponaceous most pinguid most silver-tongued most smooth-tongued most self-abasing most smooth-talking most honey-tongued most Uriah Heepish most complimentary most deferential most appreciative most honeyed most laudatory most encomiastical most encomiastic most mealy-mouthed most compliant most admiring most favourable most submissive most winning most disarming most endearing most insinuative most charming most toadyish most favorable most glowing most reverential most enthusiastic most commendatory most worshipful most slavish most extravagant most over the top most credible most eloquent most persuasive most truckling most self-effacing most reptilian most convincing most overdone most excessive most inordinate most immoderate most liberal most generous most extensive most profuse most unrestrained most rapturous most exuberant most lyrical most ebullient most expansive most magniloquent most bombastic most grandiloquent most overgenerous most sanctimonious most emotional most sentimental most voluble most blubbery

Tính từ

Superlative for complying or willing to comply with an order or request
meekest tamest best loyalest best-behaved humblest lowliest mildest ignoblest meanest timidest lowest commonest vulgarest gentlest obscurest basest abjectest softest gamest poorest simplest mundanest patientest shiest courtliest politest easiest quietest fearfullest readiest plainest most obedient most compliant most submissive most docile most tractable most biddable most amenable most acquiescent most deferential most manageable most yielding most accommodating most malleable most dutiful most pliant most pliable most governable most passive most respectful most complaisant most obsequious most subservient most controllable most duteous most obliging most willing most conformable most reverential most obeisant most regardful most disciplined most ingratiating most attentive most devoted most faithful most observant most docious most hearsome most sheeplike most unquestioning most unassertive most subdued most resistless most menial most spiritless most sycophantic most self-effacing most proletarian most plebeian most lower-class most longanimous most ordinary most subordinate most modest most ductile most slavish most persuadable most self-abasing most persuasible most spineless most agreeable most unprotesting most low-born most unassuming most prosaic most workable most gullible most truckling most impressionable most suggestible most subject most undistinguished most consenting most commonplace most average most unpretentious most reverent most unobtrusive most cowed most demure most forbearing most conforming most approving most flexible most unresistant most accepting most cooperative most tolerant most supplicatory most sheepish most convincible most apprehensive most hesitant most unambitious most timorous most tentative most assentive most suasible most susceptive most supine most self-conscious most uncomplaining most domesticated most placable most amiable most disciplinable most teachable most trainable most Uriah Heepish most low-bred most deprived most courteous most civil most considerate most thoughtful most awed most deferent most compromising most adaptable most mannerly most ingratiatory most forgiving most conciliatory most responsive most open most easy-going

Tính từ

Superlative for not honorable in character or purpose
ignoblest basest vilest meanest lowest sordidest wretchedest nastiest dirtiest abjectest paltriest shabbiest wickedest unworthiest snidest rottenest scurviest poorest pettiest dastardliest coarsest lewdest baddest foulest disgustingest squalidest shoddiest cheapest evillest tawdriest viciousest humblest sleaziest beastliest cowardliest obscenest cruelest horriblest vulgarest unseemliest lowliest trashiest ugliest pitifullest commonest sorriest profanest hatefullest unholiest blackest darkest shadiest bentest seediest seamiest scungiest skankiest meekest gloomiest uncleanest filthiest grubbiest cruddiest unpleasantest grimiest grottiest lousiest smuttiest dustiest muddiest muckiest grungiest dingiest grossest perversest sickest lamest scummiest awfullest scabbiest rattiest miserablest wantonest loosest unfairest horridest terriblest yuckiest gruesomest ghastliest beggarliest roughest ickiest rankest crudest fulsomest loathliest bummest sneakiest direst crassest slimiest measliest grodiest smelliest acridest stinkiest whiffiest pongiest unloveliest bitterest yukkiest sourest niffiest harshest funkiest rudest perviest unhealthiest dodgiest sliest saddest uncouthest woefullest shiftiest shiest trickiest poxiest uselessest tattiest grimmest stupidest slipperiest fishiest craftiest fastest wildest germiest wiliest kinkiest sloppiest messiest harmfullest easiest shrewdest greediest punkest slickest crumbiest crummiest junkiest suckiest spitefullest flimsiest schlockiest cheesiest wackest faultiest shlockiest weakest creepiest unkindest grisliest unfriendliest grabbiest cattiest simplest squickiest scuzziest surliest orneriest stingiest meagerest severest worst-tempered obscurest scrubbiest unfittest meagrest puniest most despicable most contemptible most shameful most dishonourable most ignominious most disgraceful most detestable most dishonorable most execrable most immoral most reprehensible most unprincipled most corrupt most degenerate most heinous most currish most infamous most improper most degraded most shameless most wrong most uncharitable most menial most craven most unchivalrous most reproachful most low-down most disreputable most dishonest most abominable most depraved most abhorrent most unsavoury most sinful most iniquitous most unscrupulous most worthless most impure most dissolute most reprobate most slavish most scandalous most unsavory most offensive most undignified most unbecoming most lamentable most inelegant most off-color most plebeian most loathsome most indelicate most wrongful most ungodly most blasphemous most nefarious most unrighteous most monstrous most irreligious most sacrilegious most impious most villainous most odious most treacherous most fiendish most murderous most atrocious most barbarous most diabolical most godless most diabolic most debauched most outrageous most criminal most underhand most crooked most underhanded most notorious most perverted most illegal most tainted most unlawful most illicit most sullied most egregious most lawless most roguish most illegitimate most decadent most warped most malfeasant most stinking most scoundrelly most rascally most flagitious most louche most avaricious most repugnant most caitiff most outcast most dismal most subservient most deplorable most self-effacing most dejected most deferent most black-hearted most distasteful most mercenary most venal most covetous most calculated most self-seeking most unwholesome most uncleanly most soiled most stained most draggled most blackened most bedraggled most rakish most libertine most revolting most licentious most indecent most profligate most appalling most obnoxious most repulsive most lascivious most disagreeable most jackleg most rakehell most pitiable most rakehelly most dreadful most lecherous most abandoned most corrupted most unethical most repellent most nauseating most horrendous most hideous most degrading most pathetic most unchaste most unspeakable most untrustworthy most amoral most noxious most defiled most rancid most unrefined most immodest most deceitful most carnal most miscreant most festy most lustful most sickening most libidinous most intemperate most prurient most God-awful most profaned most nauseous most objectionable most unpalatable most noisome most unappetizing most frightful most polluted most uninviting most displeasing most unsportsmanlike most repellant most putrid most unwelcome most unpleasing most disgustful most off-putting most despisable most inexcusable most contaminated most unforgivable most knavish most disdainable most deceptive most opprobrious most horrifying most malodorous most inglorious most mephitic most fetid most miasmal most uncongenial most olid most hellish most fraudulent most rapacious most grasping most bribable most devious most unprofessional most promiscuous most unpardonable most malicious most meanspirited most malevolent most Machiavellian most accursed most conscienceless most ribald most graceless most cheating most malignant most calamitous most brutal most unsightly most disastrous most unrespectable most foul-smelling most drunken most retrograde most doggish most retrogressive most inappropriate most unsuitable most thoughtless most unbefitting most indecorous most purchasable most corruptible most disappointing most disturbing most perfidious most traitorous most unconscionable most disrespectful most callous most blackguardly most salacious most lubricious most damnable most slipshod most cutthroat most flaming most cursed most piteous most infernal most confounded most double-crossing most indefensible most hateworthy most despised most ruined most footling most bestial most swinish most hated most godawful most abhorred most narrow-minded most flagrant most padded most suspect most questionable most disorderly most no-account most abased most hateable most insanitary most insalubrious most unhygienic most dubious most suspicious most deviant most hedonic most dishonoured most unsporting most unrestrained most wayward most concupiscent most dishonored most boorish most baneful most deleterious most derogatory most ungentlemanly most indulgent most raffish most twisted most flagitous most infected most cunning most sybaritic most swinging most unnatural most substandard most unsatisfactory most mediocre most calculating most conniving most guileful most designing most unhealthful most tarnished most septic most open most violated most unsportsmanly most acquisitive most dilapidated most scheming most unsanitary most wanting most deficient most unacceptable most dissatisfactory most rubbishy most bush most self-indulgent most pants most exceptionable most Janus-faced most horrific most insupportable most cheapjack most godforsaken most off most low-grade most inadequate most bush-league most second-rate most grievous most intolerable most disease-ridden most money-grubbing most undesirable most abusive most inconsiderate most malign most tasteless most galling most vomitous most unlikable most avid most moneygrubbing most churlish most ordinary most commonplace most bogging most rebarbative most cloying most macabre most hostile most vindictive most venomous most poisonous most undistinguished most proletarian most despiteful most annoying most hurtful most cantankerous most virulent most materialistic most insignificant most modest most underprivileged most unimportant most stomach-turning most stomach-churning most ruthless most ill-humored most sarcastic most selfish most miserly most unremarkable most ill-natured most mean-spirited most ill-tempered most trivial most inconsequential most unpretentious most humdrum most plebby most lower-class most low-born most working-class

Trái nghĩa của most servile

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