Đồng nghĩa của pitifullest

Tính từ

Superlative for deserving or arousing pity
miserablest saddest sorriest wretchedest poorest abjectest woefullest basest forlornest scurviest vilest dolefulest lowest meagrest meagerest mournfullest shabbiest smallest unluckiest unhappiest painfullest awfullest direst terriblest tenderest paltriest meanest gruesomest bitterest gloomiest grimmest starkest powerfullest lousiest pettiest puniest uselessest drearest teariest dreariest lamest intensest beggarliest ghastliest horriblest grossest nastiest sordidest deadliest unpleasantest feeblest cruelest difficultest adversest blackest deathliest fearfullest rottenest gravest dirtiest awkwardest soppiest deepest vividest strongest liveliest fervidest cheapest grandest gladsomest touchiest glibbest lucidest kickiest heartiest syrupiest sugariest weepiest schmaltziest drippiest cutesiest mushiest gooiest hokiest cheeriest pleasantest lovingest sweetest showiest warmest most heartbreaking most pathetic most distressing most piteous most pitiable most heart-rending most affecting most grievous most lamentable most moving most disturbing most harrowing most saddening most touching most deplorable most heartrending most plaintive most poignant most rueful most worthless most distressful most gut-wrenching most tragic most afflicted most arousing most cheerless most comfortless most commiserative most compassionate most derisible most disgraceful most dismal most distressed most joyless most sorrowful most tearful most unfortunate most upsetting most agonizing most calamitous most traumatic most regrettable most disastrous most dreadful most emotional most hapless most tragical most melancholy most disquieting most ill-fated most ill-starred most hopeless most impressive most depressing most luckless most appalling most impactful most desolate most afflictive most catastrophic most emotive most heart-warming most atrocious most commiserable most horrendous most melting most dolorous most excruciating most ruined most haunting most desperate most anguished most star-crossed most unfavourable most sentimental most unsuccessful most unfavorable most disappointing most snakebit most cataclysmic most fateful most dispiriting most mortifying most outcast most misfortunate most degrading most telling most uplifting most heart-wrenching most evocative most ruthful most hideous most affective most heartwarming most nostalgic most expressive most passionate most unsightly most abominable most repulsive most stunning most wistful most mind-blowing most responsive most sympathetic most disconsolate most ruinous most blighted most offensive most galling most devastating most accident-prone most vexatious most despondent most dejected most worrying most crushing most mortal most lethal most untoward most baleful most untimely most tormenting most hurtful most destructive most alarming most unsettling most frightening most stressful most concerning most nagging most confronting most nerve-racking most shameful most execrable most cursed most doomed most egregious most forsaken most broken most unprosperous most stricken most ignominious most intolerable most shattered most pained most troubled most inexcusable most god-awful most ill-omened most meaningful most exciting most inspiring most encouraging most inspirational most significant most eloquent most rousing most striking most dramatic most impassioned most heartening most motivating most thrilling most inspiriting most persuasive most stimulating most spirited most heartfelt most sensitive most fervent most motivational most influential most instigative most gripping most provocative most stimulative most exhilarating most ardent most profound most refreshing most sincere most satisfying most thought-provoking most pleasing most feeling most soulful most lachrymose most suggestive most revealing most challenging most pregnant most silver-tongued most articulate most sententious most graphic most electrifying most meaning most revelatory most energetic most indicative most animated most pointed most romantic most merciful most interesting most insignificant most despicable most inadequate most contemptible most controversial most fiery most perceptual most visceral most intuitive most inflammatory most delicate most contentious most cheerful most awesome most disheartening most tragicomic most fluent most breathless most lugubrious most melancholic most funereal most discomposing most enriching most improving most forceful most graceful most effective most potent most affectional most dynamic most intoxicating most riveting most breathtaking most memorable most exhilarative most galvanic most smooth-tongued most well-spoken most anthemic most fulfilling most enthusiastic most vigorous most vibrant most comforting most facund most vocal most magniloquent most outspoken most grandiloquent most voluble most mind-bending most heart-stopping most mind-boggling most hair-raising most bittersweet most mawkish most cloying most sappy most sweet-and-sour most lovey-dovey most positive most joyous most artistic most descriptive most forcible most emphatic most visionary most imaginative most demonstrative most allusive most inspired most masterly most brilliant most alive most mobile most communicative most representative most ingenious most thoughtful most colorful most open most picturesque most understanding most colourful

Tính từ

Superlative for arousing or deserving great pity or contempt
miserablest beggarliest paltriest meanest measliest lowest meagerest meagrest saddest shabbiest sorriest wretchedest dinkiest mingiest poxiest smallest pettiest slightest scantiest puniest scantest stingiest skimpiest least minutest tiniest piddliest leanest poorest sparsest lousiest slenderest basest shortest scarcest lowliest lightest sparest slimmest commonest foolishest absurdest silliest merest hollowest humblest narrowest ignoblest emptiest shallowest scrubbiest mildest uselessest barest thinnest woefullest trashiest shoddiest sleaziest cheapest thinnest on the ground simplest vainest roughest severest vulgarest obscurest sordidest uncouthest unfittest barrenest weest flimsiest bittiest bitsiest frothiest teensiest tritest itsy-bitsiest itty-bittiest flightiest weakest subtlest teeny-weeniest giddiest lamest dizziest ditziest finest goofiest weeniest junkiest ditsiest weensiest yeastiest tackiest wankiest baddest fussiest tawdriest feeblest crummiest nastiest sketchiest chaffiest rottenest pottiest punkest crumbiest wackest drossiest abjectest sourest uncommonest ficklest abstrusest faintest in shortest supply fewest and farthest between strictest wishy-washiest pickiest finickiest wimpiest teentsiest justest forlornest veriest frailest deadest shiest shrimpiest lostest gaudiest showiest itsy bitsiest shadowiest vaguest crudest terriblest schlockiest coarsest cheesiest bummest faultiest unworthiest frilliest duffest ropiest wantonest hastiest glibbest ignorantest falsest weakliest quickest most insignificant most pathetic most pitiable most contemptible most despicable most inadequate most derisory most dismal most insufficient most negligible most trifling most piffling most trivial most exiguous most inconsequential most inconsiderable most unimportant most minor most insubstantial most limited most miserly most modest most deficient most picayune most minimal most nickel-and-dime most footling most pimping most chicken most no-account most worthless most token most ungenerous most restricted most nugatory most sparing most reduced most infinitesimal most lamentable most ordinary most minuscule most fractional most marginal most subnormal most skimp most frivolous most incidental most ridiculous most laughable most insulting most ludicrous most preposterous most outrageous most risible most subsidiary most superficial most imperceptible most undistinguished most secondary most subordinate most unpretentious most diminutive most junior most plebeian most inglorious most humdrum most small-bore most insipid most unconsiderable most low-born most lower-class most perfunctory most peripheral most disappointing most symbolic most tenuous most ignorable most neglectable most idle most set most unconsequential most ineffectual most irrelevant most penny-ante most casual most inconsequent most commonplace most proletarian most derisive most cockamamy most farcical most cockamamie most comical most mediocre most menial most banal most vapid most inane most underprivileged most unrefined most unremarkable most subservient most unassuming most middling most demeaning most degrading most low-grade most second-rate most ancillary most working-class most plebby most servile most ignominious most undersized most subjacent most bush-league most pointless most meaningless most immaterial most futile most lightweight most microscopic most unsubstantial most unproductive most profitless most non-essential most unnecessary most unprofitable most senseless most ineffective most miniature most unavailing most teeny most fruitless most unsatisfactory most petite most Lilliputian most pygmy most pint-sized most puerile most bootless most minikin most otiose most unsuccessful most abortive most purposeless most featherbrained most purportless most unessential most sterile most aimless most inefficacious most scatterbrained most harebrained most microscopical most birdbrained most inutile most wanting most rubbishy most lightheaded most in vain most substandard most light-minded most cursory most null most tangential most desultory most illogical most unreasonable most waste most bogus most counterproductive most abandoned most lacking most impractical most inappropriate most dependent most accessory most impalpable most impotent most unhelpful most hopeless most flippant most thoughtless most inapposite most unconvincing most evanescent most momentary most impertinent most unacceptable most dissatisfactory most implausible most frugal most nondescript most unimpressive most defective most unsound most irrational most feckless most passing most slapdash most rare most unconsidered most groundless most irrelative most rubbish most scattered most unpurposed most ill most wrong most off most bush most under most sporadic most subaltern most smallish most foreign most infrequent most fallacious most imperfect most uncritical most fatuous most unreal most rattlebrained most exhausted most nuanced most basal most delusive most elusive most distinct most half-baked most finespun most recondite most unfrequent most cryptic most enigmatic most esoteric most empty-headed most sophisticated most undemanding most niggly most unintellectual most absolute most indifferent most basic most imponderous most captious most sophistical most diminished most extrinsic most invalid most bantam most vacant most unsaleable most fragmentary most unreasoning most dispensable most expendable most unimposing most indistinguishable most insensible most powerless most unconnected most unrelated most dwindling most asinine most related most supplementary most contributory most toylike most undersize most dwarfish most pint-size most doomed most pintsize most pintsized most uncelebrated most cut most frustrated most inapt most meretricious most illegitimate most delusory most unnotable most misleading most incy wincy most gradual most inconspicuous most ephemeral most undetectable most indiscernible most imponderable most unnoticeable most intangible most indistinct most wasted most unneeded most impracticable most inconsiderate most pants most needless most tasteless most cheapjack most execrable most garish most vacuous most lemon most unsatisfying most offensive most unsuitable most displeasing most lighthearted most indiscriminate most witless most nonsensical most mindless most disconnected most detached most damaged most distressing most transparent most hurried most brainless most random most remote most disparate most outside most unapt most independent most simplistic most unusual most undirected most schematic most tenth-rate most minor league most below average most uncalled-for most slipshod most rushed most rapid most offhand most facile most oversimplified most incredible most unbelievable most controvertible most wishful most inconceivable most ungrounded most unpersuasive most inept most assailable most fleeting most inattentive most uncalled for most unscholarly most unintelligent most unthinking most insincere most flash most summary most partial most one-dimensional

Tính từ

Superlative for so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it
sorriest wretchedest awfullest lousiest terriblest baddest feeblest poorest woefullest cheapest cruddiest dirtiest grubbiest lamest meanest nastiest paltriest rattiest rottenest scabbiest scummiest scurviest uselessest direst crummiest miserablest shoddiest saddest duffest trashiest grottiest shabbiest ropiest poxiest basest vilest bummest junkiest abjectest horriblest faultiest commonest schlockiest coarsest crudest tawdriest lowest disgustingest sordidest horridest unpleasantest grossest beastliest tattiest dodgiest foulest wickedest punkest tinniest ignoblest hatefullest unworthiest sleaziest ugliest tackiest ghastliest meagrest squalidest meagerest evillest cheesiest stinkiest filthiest suckiest yuckiest obscenest fulsomest crumbiest sourest ickiest wackest gruesomest loathliest grungiest pettiest unluckiest unseemliest snidest naffest smelliest skankiest acridest rankest weakest whiffiest pongiest unfittest unloveliest bitterest yukkiest muddiest blackest dingiest dustiest uncleanest unfairest grimiest smuttiest muckiest niffiest harshest funkiest grimmest unholiest roughest harmfullest measliest unhappiest gravest beggarliest scroungiest kitschest brassiest mournfullest sickest viciousest trickiest wettest cowardliest least foolishest crassest vulgarest neediest wankiest grodiest raunchiest flimsiest seediest shlockiest humblest absurdest hairiest diciest lowliest silliest skintest weightiest shiest shadiest scungiest slimiest most contemptible most pitiable most deplorable most despicable most dreadful most hopeless most lamentable most inadequate most abysmal most appalling most laughable most pathetic most worthless most chronic most pants most atrocious most substandard most unsatisfactory most execrable most mediocre most rubbish most diabolical most second-rate most unacceptable most disgraceful most frightful most deficient most dismal most rubbishy most low-grade most abominable most shameful most imperfect most disagreeable most offensive most direful most dissatisfactory most loathsome most egregious most odious most God-awful most disastrous most wanting most disappointing most horrendous most distasteful most insufficient most detestable most reprehensible most defective most below average most revolting most dishonourable most dishonorable most cheapjack most abhorrent most average most scandalous most repugnant most repulsive most lemon most objectionable most unfortunate most wrong most hideous most indifferent most repellent most ignominious most middling most distressing most obnoxious most disreputable most regrettable most flawed most sickening most bush-league most godawful most calamitous most subnormal most unsound most displeasing most grievous most stinking most downmarket most ordinary most nauseating most low-end most unexceptional most pedestrian most unwelcome most unsavoury most intolerable most rancid most repellant most tenth-rate most unsavory most amateurish most undesirable most heinous most inept most nauseous most unpalatable most off most noxious most noisome most tragic most heartbreaking most unspeakable most low-down most damnable most tinhorn most uninviting most disgustful most hellish most outrageous most improper most currish most degrading most cheapo most unappetizing most infamous most villainous most horrifying most malodorous most hellacious most iniquitous most bush most opprobrious most mephitic most putrid most polluted most fetid most unbearable most indefensible most blackened most uncleanly most unpleasing most miasmal most illegal most draggled most soiled most bedraggled most uncongenial most unsportsmanlike most sullied most stained most insufferable most olid most festy most ungodly most off-putting most catastrophic most negligent most careless most ill-advised most bungling most unprincipled most insubstantial most unscrupulous most undeserving most unfavorable most unfavourable most inglorious most meretricious most inappropriate most unsuitable most ineffectual most degenerate most inexcusable most sinful most immoral most distressful most heartrending most tragical most lacking most unforgivable most insupportable most ineffective most derisory most afflictive most upsetting most monstrous most ridiculous most foul-smelling most pinchbeck most scurrilous most god-awful most out of sorts most crook most commonplace most ropey most piss-poor most undesired most unpopular most uncomfortable most disdainable most despisable most dilapidated most inefficient most limited most reduced most melancholy most excruciating most critical most ill most impotent most preposterous most senseless most dislikable most impoverished most untoward most negligible most hateworthy most inopportune most regretful most underwhelming most unpardonable most unconscionable most outcast most swinish most alarming most poverty-stricken most inexpert most broken most rebarbative most sparing most inconsiderable most restricted most unbefitting most overwhelming most dolorous most corrupt most depraved most cataclysmic most erroneous most fallacious most blah most glaring most humiliating most unsightly most godforsaken most unjustifiable most dissolute most dishonest most reprobate most desperate most anticlimactic most impermissible most inadmissible most exceptionable most criminal most indigent most servile most menial most slavish most unimpressive most unbecoming most ludicrous most rueful most affecting most unfulfilling most unsatisfying most undignified most off-color most unreasonable most dubious most questionable most flagrant most nefarious most penurious most unwanted most condemnable most bathetic most uninteresting most incongruous most unfitting most incompatible most inconsistent most indelicate most plebeian most mortifying most flagitious most unappealing most inacceptable most threadbare most necessitous most distressed most famished most broke most needful most embarrassing most heart-rending most taxing most troublesome most disturbing most disquieting most parlous most unstable most half-baked most hard up most unrespectable most louche most notorious most ineligible most indecorous most unmerited most recreant most blamable most out of character most no-account most discomfiting most caitiff most craptacular

Tính từ

Superlative for feeling, deserving of, or characterized by, severe unhappiness or sadness
wretchedest unhappiest gloomiest forlornest sorriest saddest woefullest dolefulest glummest abjectest poorest morosest mournfullest sullenest somberest sombrest bleakest drearest dreariest droopiest loneliest lowest sourest miserablest baddest grimmest drabbest direst terriblest darkest unpleasantest weepiest painfullest teariest squalidest sordidest lousiest bitterest scurviest scungiest rottenest moistest wettest wateriest awfullest heaviest difficultest lostest coldest dingiest grumpiest crabbiest crankiest foulest vilest shoddiest trashiest filthiest blackest most depressed most disconsolate most dejected most downcast most distressed most melancholy most pathetic most heartbroken most pitiable most sorrowful most crestfallen most cheerless most inconsolable most woebegone most worthless most anguished most melancholic most blue most devastated most hopeless most piteous most rueful most brokenhearted most comfortless most solemn most spiritless most choked most depressive most despondent most dolorous most elegiacal most heartsick most heartsore most joyless most lonesome most gutted most heartbreaking most heartrending most afflicted most bummed most calamitous most dispirited most hapless most helpless most mirthless most powerless most tragic most grief-stricken most cut up most down in the mouth most low-spirited most down in the dumps most dismal most lamentable most desolate most depressing most grievous most lugubrious most distressing most lachrymose most tearful most funereal most deplorable most disheartening most uncomfortable most saddening most regretful most harrowing most heavy-hearted most heart-rending most plangent most elegiac most plaintive most unfortunate most dreadful most distressful most godforsaken most upsetting most uninviting most shameful most appalling most execrable most disagreeable most displeasing most sepulchral most impoverished most detestable most indigent most dolesome most poignant most dolent most out of sorts most blubbery most tragical most intolerable most gut-wrenching most regrettable most dispiriting most dirgeful most demoralizing most disappointing most demoralising most traumatic most excruciating most crushing most oppressive most troublesome most forsaken most abandoned most forgotten most uncared-for most moving most vexatious most agonizing most discomposing most cynical most defenceless most alone most fruitless most pessimistic most defenseless most oppressed most fed up most emotional most upset most wistful most horrific most frightful most mortifying most horrifying most heart-wrenching most pensive most derisible most remorseful most repentant most contrite most penitent most apologetic most aching most nostalgic most cantankerous most despicable most contemptible most unpromising most disgraceful most compunctious most sheepish most shamefaced most morbid most saturnine most dreich most derisory most tenebrous most tenebrific most sunless most ashamed most poverty-stricken

Tính từ

Superlative for dilapidated, distressed, worn-out, torn
tattiest shabbiest seediest scruffiest rattiest mangiest meanest grungiest dumpiest miserablest tackiest scrubbiest sleaziest squalidest shoddiest dingiest ricketiest crummiest wretchedest poorest barest meagrest meagerest raggediest oldest dirtiest dowdiest grubbiest untidiest messiest sloppiest slovenliest grottiest holiest frowziest shaggiest sorriest daggiest scuzziest scraggiest filthiest roughest yuckiest blowsiest blowziest crudest ruggedest slobbiest frowsiest shackiest shakiest cheapest scraggliest knottiest vulgarest tritest stalest scabbiest ancientest trashiest creakiest slummiest flimsiest raunchiest tangliest scaliest skankiest gaudiest tawdriest scroungiest straggliest gungiest unpleasantest gunkiest stickiest muckiest rankest sickest kitschest nastiest showiest schlumpiest wildest crumbliest infirmest commonest loudest best-read uncouthest fragilest mustiest cobwebbiest rottenest naffest flashiest uselessest hoariest coarsest frumpiest stodgiest pokiest lowest neediest clumsiest rudest most dilapidated most threadbare most tumbledown most tatterdemalion most neglected most ragged most timeworn most worn most decrepit most frayed most ramshackle most bedraggled most faded most ruined most decayed most deteriorating most ruinous most tired most desolate most slipshod most disreputable most moth-eaten most beat-up most dog-eared most broken-down most worn-out most bombed-out most poverty-stricken most battered most worn out most unkempt most disheveled most dishevelled most ripped most ragtag most derelict most slatternly most damaged most frazzled most used most draggletailed most uncombed most rumpty most weather-beaten most ill-groomed most shredded most tousled most matted most beat up most broken most rumpled most slobbish most distressed most disordered most draggle-tailed most well-worn most untended most unsound most antiquated most windblown most shopworn most wrinkled most hackneyed most second-rate most uncared-for most outmoded most old-fashioned most overused most clapped out most unmaintained most outworn most shambly most effete most lined most impoverished most wrecked most superannuated most overworked most tottering most mussy most insubstantial most knotted most diseased most perishing most abandoned most desultory most contemptible most downscale most withering most tasteless most forsaken most indigent most yellowed most shattered most peaked most wizened most busted most lacerated most cut most garish most windswept most marred most flash most démodé most well-thumbed most banal most separated most cracked most unkept most messed up most haggard most anile most cliché-ridden most dated most aged most obligatory most commonplace most beat most unimproved most deprived most disadvantaged most unpolished most weathered most shot most sere most passe most etiolated most messed-up most waxy most out-of-date most ostentatious most unsuitable most unbecoming most unoriginal most corny most cleaved most mangled most fractured most underprivileged most unrefined most artless most makeshift most shanty most depressed most ghetto most unstable most rough-and-tumble most jury-rigged most rough-and-ready

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