Đồng nghĩa của funkiest

Alternative for funkiest

funky /'fʌɳki/
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Tính từ

Superlative for having a bad or unpleasant odor
rankest smelliest stinkiest foulest frowstiest frowsiest frowziest fustiest mustiest ripest stenchiest strongest whiffiest pongiest niffiest nastiest acridest disgustingest rottenest vilest lousiest sourest ickiest grossest horriblest awfullest horridest baddest grottiest yuckiest unpleasantest gruesomest highest beastliest skankiest terriblest dirtiest ghastliest stalest loathliest bitterest harshest filthiest squalidest grubbiest unloveliest wickedest cruddiest grimiest fulsomest obscenest ugliest muckiest mouldiest moldiest dankest uncleanest meanest scurviest evillest unfairest yukkiest pitifullest scummiest scabbiest muddiest sorriest lamest sordidest smuttiest blackest wretchedest dingiest paltriest grungiest dustiest cheapest rattiest bummest unholiest skunkiest grodiest crummiest messiest vulgarest creepiest scuzziest raunchiest sleaziest wormiest hatefullest grisliest direst miserablest basest poorest woefullest sickest peskiest blandest lowest cruelest saddest severest grimmest coarsest painfullest unhappiest orneriest sharpest dullest tartest roughest flattest seediest punkest stiffest shabbiest suckiest abjectest fiercest harmfullest difficultest intensest ignoblest fearfullest weakest snidest gnarliest yechiest sickliest shiftiest shadiest cattiest slimiest wooziest rockiest unhealthiest seriousest unluckiest deadliest adversest mightiest squickiest soberest sombrest somberest dolefulest trashiest acutest unfriendliest gloomiest hairiest gravest crumbiest junkiest bloodiest eeriest poxiest awkwardest shoddiest commonest duffest ropiest viciousest flimsiest schlockiest cheesiest wackest faultiest shlockiest darkest tangiest spiciest richest pepperiest zingiest acerbest zestiest hottest hardest toughest ruggedest heaviest sorest greatest most fetid most malodorous most noisome most reeky most stinking most putrid most rancid most mephitic most foul-smelling most offensive most olid most noxious most miasmal most nauseating most revolting most pungent most repulsive most loathsome most sickening most festy most miasmic most obnoxious most abominable most odious most repugnant most nauseous most hideous most off most repellent most dreadful most horrendous most frightful most disagreeable most appalling most objectionable most diabolical most unsavoury most unsavory most disgustful most God-awful most distasteful most unpalatable most unappetizing most polluted most gamy most atrocious most tainted most abhorrent most uninviting most uncongenial most unpleasing most displeasing most unwelcome most repellant most scandalous most off-putting most spoiled most stenchful most deplorable most blackened most uncleanly most despicable most illegal most draggled most unsportsmanlike most sullied most contemptible most soiled most stained most bedraggled most pitiable most decayed most ungodly most hellish most spoilt most detestable most bogging most hellacious most odoriferous most odiferous most stagnant most putrescent most graveolent most rotted most gamey most feculent most pestilential most poisonous most brackish most acidic most acid most odorous most unfresh most fermented most carious most corrupt most nidorous most contaminated most soured most overripe most curdled most maggoty most addled most putrefacient most flyblown most putrefactive most impure most worm-eaten most gangrenous most vomitous most stomach-turning most stomach-churning most execrable most reprehensible most heinous most distressing most monstrous most annoying most invidious most uneatable most upsetting most rebarbative most unappealing most unspeakable most intolerable most unacceptable most undesirable most tasteless most unattractive most insufferable most lamentable most godawful most dislikeable most vexatious most irritating most horrifying most galling most abysmal most pestiferous most gut-wrenching most insipid most unsightly most flavourless most dislikable most unwholesome most emetic most unsatisfactory most dismal most regrettable most horrific most grievous most troublesome most irksome most damnable most indigestible most forbidding most flavorless most agonizing most exceptionable most macabre most savorless most uncomfortable most rubbish most harrowing most biting most hurtful most unbearable most uncool most hateable most godforsaken most uninteresting most shameful most depraved most rubbishy most poignant most ignominious most egregious most disconcerting most disquieting most pants most inadequate most unfortunate most inhuman most brutal most degraded most wrong most disturbing most traumatic most torturous most pathetic most injurious most outrageous most heartbreaking most immoral most dishonourable most distressful most mortifying most trying most tormenting most bothersome most tremendous most low-down most hostile most currish most dishonorable most tragic most lurid most nightmarish most excruciating most heartrending most cutting most embarrassing most heart-rending most afflictive most depressing most off-color most calamitous most alarming most accursed most hated most unsympathetic most discordant most inhospitable most chunderous most diseased most shameless most scabrous most insupportable most pernicious most deleterious most mischievous most opprobrious most unpopular most censurable most inexcusable most unpardonable most troubling most despised most baneful most unforgivable most worrisome most terrifying most discourteous most abusive most impertinent most insolent most eye-watering most abhorred most substandard most mediocre most confounded most resentful most shuddersome most infamous most cursed most cussed most unlikable most disappointing most undesired most insalutary most dangerous most vapid most stressful most unsettling most daunting most contradictory most incompatible most inconsistent most cloying most solemn most humorless most discomposing most humourless most unwanted most dilapidated most antagonistic most antipathetic most averse most inimical most ferine most brutish most carnal most gluttonous most piggish most boorish most barbarous most bestial most sadistic most irrational most swinish most brute most feral most prurient most unenticing most grewsome most terrific most unconformable most extrinsic most alien most foreign most different most revulsive most unfitted most sedate most unendurable most worrying most troublous most fraught most frightening most destructive most wanting most deficient most dissatisfactory most bush most sanguine most saddening most affecting most tragical most spine-chilling most blood-stained most inadmissible most ill-favoured most chronic most disgraceful most concerning most sorrowful most anguished most perverted most unwished-for most sinful most direful most nerve-wracking most nerve-racking most nail-biting most cheapjack most disastrous most degenerate most ill-advised most ill-favored most iniquitous most low-grade most bush-league most second-rate most piquant most dissolute most humiliating most diabolic most debauched most reprobate most stinging most fiendish most degrading most worthless most devilish most nefarious most unrighteous most unethical most villainous most unlawful most flagitious most aromatic most overpowering most fiery most vinegary most spiced most abandoned most ruthless most savage most hardhanded most relentless most murderous most onerous most burdensome most oppressive most merciless most unrelenting most chilling most ferocious most rigorous most intemperate most inclement

Tính từ

Superlative for having a curious, strange or eccentric nature
strangest oddest weirdest bizarrest queerest curiousest quirkiest funniest quaintest craziest wackiest wildest whackiest kookiest screwiest crankiest rummest kinkiest uncommonest freakiest zaniest flakiest drollest daggiest absurdest nuttiest uncanniest grotesquest maddest bentest dottiest eeriest fishiest spookiest creepiest daftest freshest battiest dippiest rummiest unhealthiest hippiest foolishest scarcest perviest perversest sickest shadiest shakiest dodgiest twistiest crinkliest wonderfullest awkwardest newest modernest looniest goofiest barmiest silliest loopiest pottiest fruitiest scattiest daffiest balmiest noteworthiest unlikeliest extremest flimsiest tallest weakest thinnest obscurest hippest neatest unearthliest shadowiest ghostliest cleverest coolest grooviest trendiest hottest falsest iffiest rabidest ghastliest fearfullest awfullest stupidest uncouthest dreamiest unwisest jerkiest fanciest astutest keenest flightiest vividest thickest most peculiar most eccentric most outlandish most offbeat most remarkable most erratic most bizarro most kookie most queerish most far-out most off-kilter most spaced-out most unusual most unconventional most freakish most singular most idiosyncratic most abnormal most extraordinary most off the wall most unorthodox most irregular most off-centre most wacko most outré most aberrant most anomalous most fantastic most far out most out there most whimsical most unnatural most unfamiliar most unique most rare most uncustomary most deviant most mystifying most perplexing most atypical most different most unaccustomed most ridiculous most mysterious most puzzling most baffling most unaccountable most unco most off-center most ludicrous most exceptional most unexpected most avant-garde most capricious most incongruous most insane most surreal most suspicious most dubious most questionable most quizzical most dilly most untypical most original most inexplicable most madcap most fanciful most exotic most beat most characteristic most surprising most cockeyed most unwonted most astonishing most extravagant most nuts most crackpot most cuckoo most unknown most cracked most innovative most advanced most suspect most nonsensical most preposterous most novel most foreign most unpredictable most irrational most experimental most distinctive most nonconformist most uncharacteristic most unbalanced most unhinged most demented most special most especial most exceeding most aberrated most bohemian most preternatural most phenomenal most unheard-of most oddish most radical most perverted most kookish most old-fashioned most warped most comical most progressive most depraved most eccentrical most individual most laughable most unparalleled most twisted most untraditional most esoteric most unreal most cockamamie most fantastical most unordinary most anomalistic most inconceivable most corrupt most degenerate most unsavoury most masochistic most sadistic most inscrutable most nonstandard most off-base most off-color most immoral most licentious most doubtful most doubtable most disputable most debatable most disquieting most equivocal most dubitable most problematical most unsavory most touched most outrageous most barbarous most alien most eye-popping most innovational most imaginative most creative most inventive most innovatory most revolutionary most trailblazing most futuristic most groundbreaking most new-fashioned most visionary most originative most comic most clownish most amusing most inspired most inspiring most ingenious most refreshing most moonstruck most meshugge most psychotic most wud most bughouse most haywire most bats most lunatic most gaga most maniacal most crackbrained most loco most crazed most unsound most psycho most whacko most crackers most certifiable most deranged most meshuga most screwball most mental most brainsick most cutting-edge most recent most disruptive most seminal most cutting edge most contemporary most state-of-the-art most modernistic most artistic most gonzo most looney tunes most loony tunes most incredible most unbelievable most far-fetched most impossible most amazing most awe-inspiring most improbable most implausible most unconvincing most romantic most unthinkable most unimaginable most unreasonable most outstanding most farfetched most significant most eminent most awesome most distinguished most prodigious most memorable most prominent most fabulous most imaginary most striking most informal most maverick most incredulous most uncompelling most mythical most sensational most monstrous most unceremonious most illogical most farcical most conspicuous most unrealistic most chimerical most illusory most unsubstantial most atypic most unconceivable most phantasmic most chimeric most phantasmal most poetic most nonconforming most particular most excessive most mind-boggling most interesting most full of it most dreamlike most individualistic most skittish most chance most wigged out most schizoid most notable most arbitrary most humorous most wayward most anarchistic most teratoid most changeable most fitful most vagarious most marked most ideal most glamorous most colourful most heretical most made-up most mind-blowing most fascinating most dissident most heretic most dissentient most divergent most unplausible most legendary most eye-catching most illegal most heteroclite most inappropriate most improper most unsuitable most exaggerated most infrequent most fantasied most invented most notional most fictional most mythic most fictitious most sectarian most anarchic most errant most unharmonious most other most unrepresentative most specific most off-key most specialized most discordant most specialised most isolated most glamourous most marvellous most attractive most marvelous most overblown most misleading most suppositious most aerial most fictive most supernatural most happening most stylish most unexplored most with-it most fashionable most modish most in most external most extrinsic most enticing most colorful most outside most peregrine most alluring most dishonest most untruthful most embellished most untrue most fanatical most incoherent most spectacular most hyperbolic most eldritch most histrionic most untrustworthy most arguable most undependable most unreliable most spookish most haunting most complicated most expressive most horrific most ominous most dreadful most fanatic most senseless most asinine most numinous most secret most occult most mystic most magical most supernal most immoderate most forward-looking most risible most drastic most ultra most trendsetting most inane most pointless most go-ahead most half-baked most fatuous most simpleminded most tomfool most featherheaded most exorbitant most bubbleheaded most brainless most sappy most harebrained most derisive most pathetic most witless most cockamamy most inept most derisory most brilliant most fertile most artful most quixotic most Promethean most out of the question most underground most liberal most new wave

Tính từ

Superlative for offbeat
coolest earthiest fabbest grooviest hippest trendiest smartest chicest snappiest sharpest freshest swishest modernest swellest fliest kickiest snazziest toniest spiffiest sassiest nattiest classiest biggest hottest swankest currentest newest deffest niftiest faddiest dapperest dressiest gnarliest swankiest wickedest poshest fanciest finest flashiest ritziest steeziest sleekest jazziest showiest slickest grandest sprucest plushest triggest trimmest loveliest neatest best-dressed nicest suavest richest courtliest plushiest lavishest comeliest best-groomed jauntiest stateliest largest highest best-off glitziest pleasantest splashiest smoothest prettiest seemliest cutest sexiest cleanest gayest daintiest sportiest dictiest best excellentest best-bred primmest foxiest dandiest splendidest sightliest best-looking fittest fairest crispest youngest swishiest highest-quality comfortablest shiniest pizzazziest pizazziest cleverest dopest artiest savviest brightest loudest best-known glossiest leafiest widestspread best-tailored spivviest breeziest snobbiest elitest vainest sauciest sublimest winsomest willowiest wonderfullest shapeliest superbest politest dishiest spraunciest plummiest choicest hunkiest likeliest spunkiest augustest robustest strongest tastiest best-mannered hollowest prissiest stuffiest snootiest best-behaved most far-out most fashionable most happening most modish most offbeat most unconventional most up-to-date most stylish most voguish most in most exclusive most supercool most au courant most in fashion most contemporary most trendsetting most popular most on fleek most swinging most with-it most up-to-the-minute most up to date most culty most chichi most hep most elegant most sophisticated most dashing most polished most downtown most flash most glamorous most massive most cosmopolitan most upscale most rakish most high-class most high-toned most de rigueur most favored most favoured most prevailing most usual most faddish most impressive most appealing most attractive most customary most genteel most exciting most styleworthy most red-hot most plugged-in most debonair most fancy-pants most pretentious most ostentatious most modernistic most beautiful most urbane most tasteful most avant-garde most luxurious most expensive most upmarket most graceful most deluxe most sumptuous most opulent most formal most handsome most desirable most sought-after most select most refined most in demand most wanted most ornate most charming most exquisite most favorite most coveted most majestic most presentable most flattering most stunning most fetching most cultivated most dressed up most cultured most dignified most gorgeous most distinguished most agreeable most preferred most understated most foppish most artistic most discerning most clean-cut most flamboyant most elaborate most respectable most dandified most groomed most decorous most alluring most enviable most bewitching most fascinating most aesthetic most seductive most delicate most affected most celebrated most gracious most captivating most beguiling most noble most magnetic most dazzling most irresistible most engaging most tantalizing most esthetic most la-di-da most personable most tantalising most well-heeled most striking most fanciable most pleasing most beauteous most ravishing most taking most nice-looking most pulchritudinous most swankish most peacocky most poised most youthful most quality most on trend most flippant most fashion-conscious most swaggy most distinctive most cutting-edge most passing most executive most streamlined most ingenious most crucial most prevalent most aware most versed most apprehensive most awake most familiar most knowing most conscious most alive most perceptive most informed most knowledgeable most observant most colorful most glorious most legendary most plugged in most up on most flowing most aerodynamic most marketable most colourful most successful most spick and span most required most becoming most spiffing most dandyish most raffish most salubrious most valuable most covetable most merchandisable most vendible most merchantable most salable most famous most confident most welcome most eligible most wantable most casual most devil-may-care most self-obsessed most entrancing most glamourous most smashing most beddable most curvaceous most telegenic most adorable most tempting most radiant most enticing most statuesque most physically attractive most easy on the eye most ideal most symmetrical most delightful most dollish most sheen most eye-catching most voluptuous most sensual most showstopping most angelic most divine most photogenic most resplendent most charismatic most enchanting most classic most luxury most coxcombical most courteous most proper most mannerly most intriguing most rare most virile most lovesome most correct most elfin most aristocratic most overdone most stylized most recherche most well-proportioned most athletic most bonnie most bonny most gentlemanly most civil most civilized most ladylike most prestigious most righteous most accomplished most couth most befitting most decent most punctilious most prudish most discreet most condescending most straitlaced most patronizing most civilised most artificial most intolerant most pompous most precious most priggish most snobbish most chivalrous most patronising

Tính từ

Most rhythmic

Tính từ

Superlative for feeling fear or frightened
fearfullest shakiest jumpiest jitteriest windiest scariest antsiest timidest cowardliest edgiest tensest nerviest uptightest fidgetiest twitchiest queaziest queasiest unquietest spookiest yellowest weakest toeiest mousiest squirrelliest wettest softest sissiest shiest hinkiest hairiest tautest creepiest numbest wimpiest feeblest shiveriest unmanliest meekest abjectest dastardliest stiffest cringiest basest gentlest fussiest difficultest rigidest weariest highest craziest touchiest flightiest liveliest giddiest peppiest wariest zippiest dizziest most scared most frightened most afraid most nervous most panicky most agitated most worried most intimidated most terrified most petrified most horrified most panic-stricken most horror-stricken most horror-struck most frantic most hysterical most anxious most frozen most startled most timorous most spooked most aghast most apprehensive most spineless most tremulous most frit most affrighted most shocked most frenzied most perturbed most dismayed most worked up most overwrought most awed most hysteric most distressed most abashed most stunned most discouraged most cowed most upset most blanched most fearsome most disheartened most faint-hearted most suspicious most perplexed most disturbed most uneasy most restless most stressed most wired most lily-livered most stressy most skittish most dithery most strained most concerned most strung out most overstrung most troubled most weak-kneed most chicken most pusillanimous most excitable most hesitant most insecure most excited most keyed up most aflutter most het up most hyper most spiritless most fraught most fainthearted most yellow-bellied most febrile most high-strung most ill at ease most disquieting most distracted most unsettling most distraught most nerveless most flustered most disturbing most bothered most irresolute most worrisome most distressful most stressful most desperate most distressing most unrelaxed most nail-biting most craven most chicken-hearted most bullied most browbeaten most recreant most rabbity most pigeon-hearted most fretful most sensitive most appalled most unheroic most wimpish most diffident most unsettled most chickenhearted most restive most nerve-racking most hyperactive most fevered most fluttery most phobic most discomposed most dumbfounded most dazed most stressed out most overanxious most ascared most emotive most pathetic most impotent most squeamish most characterless most mouselike most frazzled most solicitous most quivery most sheepish most mistrustful most trepidatious most foreboding most doubtful most boneless most uncertain most annoyed most shot most moving most choked most moved most white-livered most poltroon most transfixed most benumbed most candy-assed most caitiff most chicken-livered most sissified most milk-livered most capricious most wavering most tentative most unassured most submissive most vacillating most exciting most paranoid most obsessed most irrational most fixated most angst-ridden most irritable most worthless most cowhearted most backward most uncomfortable most trying most daunting most worrying most frightening most overexcited most concerning most nerve-wracking most heated most hectic most wrought-up most feverish most overactive most maddening most harrowing most alarming most terrifying most gut-wrenching most intimidating most irritating most upsetting most menacing most exasperating most irksome most taxing most annoying most swivel-eyed most emotional most affected most wound-up most worn most strung-out most tired most skittery most steamed up most spasmodic most skitterish most irresponsible most harebrained most spookish most alarmable most spirited most combustible most whimsical most scatterbrained most animated most lightheaded most undependable most unreliable most agitable most flappable most frivolous

Trái nghĩa của funkiest

funkiest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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