Đồng nghĩa của primmest

Alternative for primmest

primmer, primmest, prims, primmed, primming

Đồng nghĩa: formal, neat, precise, proper, prudish, puritanical, stiff, stuffy,

Tính từ

Superlative for affectedly proper, or formal, and rather prudish
prissiest starchiest stuffiest fussiest mimsiest stiffest choosiest cleanliest dapperest best nicest politest rigidest sprucest straightest squarest strictest narrowest uptightest finickiest austerest smuggest severest staidest sternest soberest pickiest timidest stodgiest vainest toughest iciest frigidest deadliest mustiest daintiest fustiest finest puffiest smokiest hottest warmest smelliest keenest purest sharpest faddiest acutest churchiest augustest stateliest preachiest falsest portliest boringest most prudish most formal most proper most puritanical most demure most strait-laced most priggish most Victorian most fastidious most niminy-piminy most old-maidish most particular most precise most schoolmarmish most bluenosed most governessy most nice-nelly most po-faced most schoolmistressy most straightlaced most straitlaced most ceremonial most ceremonious most conventional most correct most decorous most dignified most genteel most meticulous most moralistic most overmodest most prim and proper most snobbish most upright most wooden most narrow-minded most conservative most overnice most punctilious most puritan most tight-laced most old-fashioned most pompous most Pecksniffian most stilted most scrupulous most pernickety most self-righteous most sententious most bigoted most sanctimonious most censorious most shockable most overparticular most artificial most fogeyish most squeamish most precious most moral most pedantic most reserved most sedate most rigorous most mannered most self-satisfied most discriminating most careful most inflexible most exacting most persnickety most stiff-necked most choosey most nit-picky most overscrupulous most ascetic most pietistic most forbidding most fanatical most niggly most timorous most spartan most solemn most starched most respectable most abstinent most conforming most abstemious most complacent most hypocritical most offish most pretentious most mincing most overexact most affected most illiberal most overcautious most god-fearing most PC most straight-laced most unctuous most virtuous most namby-pamby most uncompromising most methodical most exact most politically correct most conscientious most stringent most mathematical most forced most fixed most scientific most laboured most unnatural most strained most unrelaxed most labored most impersonal most conformist most demanding most humourless most critical most discerning most sensitive most fetid most arrogant most self-important most important most supercilious most magisterial most humorless most bloated most refined most selective most finical most perfectionist most faddish most perceptive most fussbudgety most hypercritical most delicate most overdelicate most traditional most bourgeois most orthodox most buttoned-down most unadventurous most mainstream most distinguished most suburban most parochial most imposing most insincere most pharisaical most mealy-mouthed most dogmatic most bien pensant most comme il faut most religiose most diehard most dated most out-of-date

Tính từ

Superlative for being in a clean and tidy state
neatest tidiest trimmest crispest triggest smuggest snuggest best-groomed sprucest smartest cleanest nattiest dapperest chicest straightest nicest daintiest best-kept sharpest snappiest spiffiest tricksiest slickest best-dressed snazziest classiest finickiest sleekest niftiest jauntiest fliest sassiest kickiest swankiest swankest tautest cleanliest trendiest coolest cleverest grooviest toniest showiest ritziest swellest spriest sportiest doggiest briskest nobbiest poshest nimblest best-looking cutest hippest dressiest swishest gayest modernest flashiest suavest freshest jazziest best-tailored newest fanciest perkiest currentest breeziest liveliest funkiest smoothest pizzazziest pizazziest sauciest pertest sprightliest peppiest finest loveliest sexiest faddiest youngest hottest splashiest brightest loudest excellentest best steeziest biggest airiest friskiest raciest springiest zippiest sparkiest spivviest dandiest boldest courtliest sveltest gentlest best-bred pleasantest happiest pluckiest fastest wildest tawdriest gutsiest hardiest nerviest keenest most orderly most shipshape most uncluttered most groomed most antiseptic most immaculate most elegant most in order most spick-and-span most spick and span most neat and tidy most spotless most well-ordered most stylish most organized most systematic most proper most organised most methodical most fastidious most regular most exact most correct most finical most ordered most dashing most businesslike most clean-cut most debonair most chipper most modish most rakish most chichi most impeccable most compact most symmetrical most presentable most fashionable most crucial most ingenious most on fleek most attractive most appealing most inviting most alluring most adorable most gorgeous most beautiful most suitable most welcoming most stunning most decent most hospitable most methodic most voguish most in most happening most sophisticated most polished most contemporary most supercool most exclusive most raffish most upscale most au courant most tasteful most devil-may-care most casual most urbane most confident most flash most up to date most in fashion most understated most flattering most spirited most trendsetting most up-to-the-minute most genteel most glamorous most daring most flamboyant most gallant most charming most animated most energetic most colorful most ostentatious most colourful most buoyant most vivacious most up-to-date most high-class most efficient most becoming most meticulous most swinging most formal most youthful most favored most styleworthy most popular most prevailing most usual most distinctive most culty most favoured most fancy-pants most faddish most with-it most pretentious most modernistic most kinetic most mettlesome most vital most animate most active most spiffing most bohemian most unconventional most careless most disreputable most courteous most refined most cultured most louche most civil most self-assured most gracious most gentlemanly most chivalrous most dignified most dazzling most exuberant most adventurous most dissolute most debauched most decadent most affable most mannerly most venturesome most nonchalant most cheerful most cultivated most detached most dynamic most romantic most swashbuckling most unusual most individual most intrepid most venturous most nerved most enterprising most audacious most emboldened most adventuresome most fearless most rousing most striking most alert

Tính từ

Superlative for shy and fond of being on one's own
coyest shiest meekest mildest prissiest quietest timidest seemliest soberest staidest chastest purest humblest lowliest starchiest straightest squarest uptightest closest earnestest nicest seriousest silentest simplest plainest mousiest fearfullest softest subtlest unsurest faintest scariest smallest unfussiest palest kindest politest dumbest poorest homeliest yellowest sissiest wariest darkest calmest steadiest cowardliest chariest loosest vaguest gentlest slightest mellowest feeblest most demure most modest most bashful most diffident most reserved most unassuming most reticent most decorous most proper most prudish most decent most ladylike most respectable most sedate most strait-laced most timorous most innocent most maidenly most priggish most virginal most virtuous most backward most coquettish most introverted most old-maidish most puritanical most recessive most self-effacing most sheepish most unpretentious most withdrawn most affected most niminy-piminy most retired most blushing most skittish most solemn most unassertive most unassured most prim and proper most unobtrusive most unostentatious most restrained most genuine most unaffected most unconfident most natural most insecure most ingenuous most artless most inconspicuous most ordinary most unambitious most unpretending most discreet most unpresuming most low-key most unforthcoming most subdued most hesitant most unboastful most temperate most understated most nervous most secretive most undemonstrative most low-profile most inhibited most minimalist most conservative most repressed most courteous most apprehensive most unimposing most self-conscious most uncommunicative most unnoticeable most taciturn most moderate most fainthearted most fearsome most tremulous most embarrassed most introvert most unresponsive most reclusive most private most unsociable most rabbity most unflashy most self-deprecating most unemotional most unaffable most unexpansive most distant most guarded most downbeat most soft-spoken most softened most muffled most laid-back most passive most submissive most respectful most considerate most unaggressive most deferential most small-scale most ineffectual most weak-kneed most tasteful most reluctant most doubtful most inelaborate most closemouthed most laconic most constrained most trepidatious most faint-hearted most chicken most wimpish most yellow-bellied most controlled most uncertain most self-controlled most eremitic most secret most seclusive most unadorned most standoffish most ashamed most shamefaced most abashed most colourless most colorless most indeterminate most hermitic most eremitical most afraid most recreant most scared most tentative most frightened most dubious most unpoised most suspicious most distrustful most unglamorous most unspeaking most token most economical most unspectacular most unwilling most circumspect most relaxed most reasonable most tight-lipped most prudent most easygoing most ill at ease most dried up most phlegmatic most thoughtful most delicate most easy-going most chilled most unextreme most inobtrusive most imperceptible most indistinct most indefinite most unsubstantial most stifled most in charge most negligible most indirect most enervated most washed out most suggestive most neutral

Tính từ

Superlative for bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced
pettiest smallest-minded narrowest rigidest starchiest stuffiest least prissiest smallest unfairest extremest blindest meanest spitefullest hatefullest shallowest stubbornest deafest shortest-term rabidest ignoblest basest vulgarest nastiest rudest simplest shabbiest cheapest stingiest iratest snappiest bitterest jealousest yellowest most narrow-minded most illiberal most intolerant most provincial most insular most parochial most conservative most reactionary most prejudiced most biased most bigoted most short-sighted most conventional most hidebound most blinkered most close-minded most localist most diehard most dyed-in-the-wool most myopic most sectarian most strait-laced most dogmatic most inflexible most limited most partisan most restricted most discriminatory most moralistic most priggish most prudish most puritanical most blimpish most chauvinist most chauvinistic most Lilliputian most nationalistic most opinionated most picayune most racist most sexist most shockable most claustral most jerkwater most pigheaded most puritan most obdurate most inexorable most partial most one-sided most xenophobic most fanatical most jaundiced most warped most uncompromising most set most unjust most doctrinaire most coloured most uncharitable most colored most grudging most sectional most anti-Semitic most obstinate most homophobic most unsophisticated most factional most unimaginative most twisted most unadventurous most jingoistic most prepossessed most local most cliquish most resentful most zealous most disdainful most sceptical most lopsided most contemptuous most exclusive most fanatic most slanted most anti-gay most ungenerous most skeptical most individualistic most weighted most selfish most preferential most tendentious most inclined most predisposed most introverted most resistant most unpersuadable most improvident most shortsighted most secluded most sequestered most separated most contracted most maniacal most radical most militant most clannish most suburban most single-minded most uninformed most nationalist most corn-fed most swivel-eyed most unfashionable most pastoral most unpolished most outmoded most bucolic most superpatriotic most traditional most interested most loaded most unobjective most jingoist most nonconformist most dissident most religious most nonconforming most orthodox most unprogressive most ultraconservative most ageist most disablist most paleoconservative most traditionalistic most fattist most intransigent most classist most mossbacked most unbalanced most unsympathetic most unreasoning most conspiratorial most accessory most devoted most overzealous most sympathetic most dictatorial most unforgiving most unrepresentative most misleading most intractable most old-school most buttoned-down most old-fashioned most antipathetic most irritable most averse most indignant most fractious most unindulgent most unwilling most upset most waspish most malicious most mean-spirited most vindictive most contemptible most cynical most envious most suspicious most district most hostile most disillusioned most soured most pessimistic most disappointed most misanthropic most invidious most covetous most distrustful most civic most trivial most legendary most vernacular most bounded most territorial most geographical most unenthusiastic most jaded most tainted most opprobrious

Tính từ

Superlative for suitable for a royal court
courtliest stateliest politest suavest classiest finest augustest gentlest loftiest seemliest best-mannered fittest nicest best-behaved prissiest comeliest meetest straightest staidest best best-bred poshest snootiest hollowest stuffiest grandest swankiest plushest smartest starchiest coolest smoothest chicest proudest snazziest sveltest pleasantest fanciest ritziest lordliest kingliest glibbest portliest sharpest stiffest slickest spiffiest princeliest worldliest daintiest snappiest richest loveliest swishest kindest blandest swankest oiliest lavishest flashiest haughtiest splendidest showiest costliest superbest womanliest fulsomest softest aptest prettiest plushiest trendiest dictiest toniest quietest purest chastest smarmiest silkiest seriousest niftiest somberest gravest sombrest greatest dapperest trimmest sprucest humblest fliest choicest airiest highest latest closest triggest sublimest happiest best-groomed sprightliest jauntiest best-dressed rigidest most elegant most refined most aristocratic most ceremonious most chivalrous most civil most cultivated most decorous most dignified most formal most gallant most sophisticated most stylish most urbane most debonair most affable most civilised most civilized most courteous most cultured most genteel most gentlemanly most graceful most gracious most handsome most honorable most honourable most ladylike most majestic most obliging most polished most tasteful most adulatory most complimentary most conventional most couth most flattering most highbred most imposing most proper most respectable most decent most befitting most mannerly most de rigueur most correct most becoming most fitting most suitable most sedate most modest most demure most priggish most prudish most conforming most done most moral most comme il faut most virtuous most orthodox most puritanical most strait-laced most in line most appropriate most tactful most reserved most well behaved most restrained most ceremonial most seasonable most accomplished most affected most au fait most punctilious most precious most pretentious most discreet most artificial most intolerant most ostentatious most snobbish most straitlaced most patronizing most condescending most pompous most fashionable most patronising most la-di-da most respectful most distinguished most noble most charming most considerate most solemn most regal most thoughtful most exquisite most diplomatic most attentive most opulent most sumptuous most deferential most magnificent most discerning most impressive most dashing most official most royal most genial most luxurious most imperial most beautiful most precise most poised most traditional most modish most reverential most attractive most stilted most aesthetic most cordial most composed most esthetic most stiff-necked most politic most ritual most ritualistic most dutiful most discriminating most artistic most fastidious most worldly-wise most sensitive most ornate most expensive most grandiose most upright most accommodating most well-born most venerable most delicate most reverent most splendiferous most pleasing most developed most smooth-tongued most select most stylized most unctuous most ingratiating most complaisant most silver-tongued most media-savvy most obeisant most soft-spoken most impeccable most high-class most on fleek most protective most elaborate most appealing most educated most gentlemanlike most flash most quality most smooth-talking most reputable most servile most finished most harmonious most agreeable most cavalier most aloof most privileged most glorious most gorgeous most resplendent most standard most sociable most blue-blooded most patrician most cosmopolitan most amicable most accepted most magnanimous most public most portentous most customary most usual most upmarket most exclusive most upscale most important most momentous most state most upper-crust most trained most OK most kosher most in most persuasive most okay most acceptable most careful most set most unobtrusive most unaffected most classical most subdued most metropolitan most balanced most together most eloquent most sacramental most celebratory most facile most collected most unruffled most possessed most high-toned most confident most self-assured most mannered most equable most coolheaded most well-spoken most regardful most eminent most elevated most classic most respected most magisterial most articulate most solicitous most towering most spot-on most rigorous most pinpoint most progressive most evolved most improved most advanced most accurate most mathematical most subservient most rare most self-respecting most deferent most admiring most submissive most obedient most overdone most recherche most nonchalant most cheerful most buoyant most detached most casual most exact most duteous most high-minded most experienced most deliberate most measured most high-flown most appreciative most scrupulous most self-effacing most slow-moving

Trái nghĩa của primmest

primmest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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