Đồng nghĩa của most imposing

Tính từ

Superlative for grand and impressive in appearance
grandest stateliest splendidest augustest proudest loftiest biggest powerfullest superbest greatest sublimest finest lavishest lordliest kingliest princeliest excellentest richest wonderfullest portliest staidest supremest plushest fabbest ritziest noteworthiest poshest showiest courtliest swankiest best-known ambitiousest highest worthiest largest boldest splashiest queenliest costliest vastest starchiest noisiest coolest heavenliest intensest seriousest sightliest plushiest swankest swishest haughtiest catchiest grabbiest stiffest perfectest brightest uncommonest gravest best-connected archest mightiest choicest classiest flashiest best-looking fanciest amplest bravest longest trimmest shapeliest stuffiest lushest hugest wickedest gaudiest extremest sagest holiest wisest dreamiest tensest wildest ballsiest uppermost deepest dandiest grooviest swellest craziest baddest sombrest niftiest somberest best liveliest vividest highest-octane headiest rigidest nicest seemliest most magnificent most impressive most majestic most monumental most glorious most noble most regal most massive most grandiose most striking most dignified most epic most imperial most heroic most awesome most spectacular most royal most distinguished most remarkable most heroical most magnific most stunning most resplendent most baronial most gallant most towering most staggering most Homeric most commanding most dramatic most solemn most exciting most formidable most overwhelming most moving most effective most ominous most pretentious most overblown most forcible most awe-inspiring most mind-blowing most eye-catching most breathtaking most extraordinary most eminent most marvellous most elevated most outstanding most marvelous most illustrious most gorgeous most sumptuous most opulent most luxurious most amazing most prominent most splendiferous most dazzling most beautiful most notable most elegant most brilliant most renowned most celebrated most incredible most honoured most sensational most influential most astonishing most esteemed most honored most respected most phenomenal most important most fabulous most famed most astounding most acclaimed most famous most tremendous most honourable most wondrous most honorable most fantastic most leading most terrific most venerable most prestigious most extravagant most reputable most noted most pompous most statuesque most divine most recognized most prodigious most high-ranking most aristocratic most deluxe most conspicuous most smashing most amazeballs most splendorous most respectable most recognised most jaw-dropping most magnolious most legendary most stupendous most formal most mind-boggling most ostentatious most memorable most thrilling most startling most exaggerated most admirable most unreal most distinctive most handsome most iconic most major most expensive most peerless most authoritative most unbelievable most notorious most elaborate most seminal most attractive most high profile most dominant most decorous most classic most eye-popping most exceptional most flamboyant most ceremonious most proper most transcendent most surprising most high-powered most bodacious most emphatic most immodest most fascinating most excessive most high-minded most revered most portentous most estimable most reputed most miraculous most magisterial most principal most inspiring most exquisite most noticeable most valued most considerable most resonant most hallowed most glittering most engaging most ideal most sovereign most stellar most luxuriant most outrageous most pronounced most unusual most kenspeckle most marked most electrifying most ritual most radiant most rare most theatrical most acknowledged most attention-grabbing most matchless most gracious most intellectual most sacred most traditional most sedate most public most profound most astral most uplifting most insane most significant most primary most pivotal most humbling most integral most colossal most popular most predominant most absorbing most feted most prized most prevailing most visible most infamous most fabled most historical most fantastical most eye-opening most top-notch most big-league most potent most senior most incomparable most puissant most high-up most major-league most far-out most big league most major league most picturesque most large-scale most splendent most glamorous most ornate most well-proportioned most Junoesque most leonine most upmarket most flash most conventional most nice-looking most personable most inflated most triumphant most splendrous most salient most poised most graceful most luxury most bombastic most egotistic most unfathomable most classical most magical most shining most penetrating most pointed most observable most extended most enthralling most high-flown most baroque most superhuman most effulgent most unforgettable most colorful most exhilarating most Olympian most resounding most Herculean most arduous most familiar most ace most time-honored most rapturous most blissful most delightful most accomplished most recognizable most colourful most immoderate most audacious most key most spiffing most bonzer most brill most topping most arrestive most Lucullan most talked about most self-important most luscious most central most consequential most cardinal most magnanimous most exorbitant most unmitigated most special most heart-stopping most unco most fundamental most material most redoubtable most unparalleled most idealistic most gifted most triumphal most learned most overbearing most decent most established most recognisable most transcendental most spiritual most inspirational most abstract most essential most disproportionate most captivating most obvious most manifest most prodigal most exemplary most reserved most ultra most profuse most dear most official most far-reaching most eventful most controlling most upright most experienced most philosophical most worshipful most patriarchal most matriarchal most fanciful most unreasonable most adventurous most zealous most suspenseful most top-hole most composed most successful most eloquent most cogent most rousing most momentous most delicious most daring most ridiculous most far out most affecting most ritualistic most couth most refined most riveting most gripping most graphic most climactic most state most civil most courteous most self-respecting most set most precise most deferential most sudden most meteoric most vaunted most punctilious most exact most sacramental most celebratory most measured most correct most deliberate most affected most stilted most action-packed most storied most scrupulous most mannered most ceremonial most stylized most hair-raising most world-class most slow-moving most stiff-necked most high-profile most well-thought-of most well-regarded

Tính từ

Superlative for boldly self-assured
boldest strongest feistiest firmest pushiest ambitiousest fiercest powerfullest staunchest steadfastest steeliest toughest lordliest rigidest wilfullest violentest robustest highest-octane intensest surest stoutest brassiest mightiest supremest weightiest punchiest raciest gutsiest ruggedest difficultest keenest bloodthirstiest thirstiest scrappiest hungriest most dominant most assertive most commanding most confident most domineering most assured most bullish most demanding most determined most authoritative most forceful most controlling most decisive most insistent most bossy most overbearing most positive most audacious most driven most fearless most collected most committed most composed most daring most emphatic most intrepid most poised most resolute most spirited most tenacious most zealous most self-assertive most self-assured most self-confident most self-reliant most strong-minded most cool-headed most decided most strong-willed most dictatorial most peremptory most autocratic most magisterial most masterful most tyrannical most despotic most authoritarian most arrogant most tyrannous most autocratical most tyrannic most high-handed most overweening most imperative most impressive most self-willed most in charge most oppressive most arbitrary most repressive most undemocratic most willful most inflexible most pushful most inconsiderate most ironhanded most anti-democratic most heavy-handed most dogmatic most masterly most doctrinaire most officious most aggressive most in-your-face most enterprising most dynamic most vigorous most go-getting most pushing most energetic most militant most potent most driving most strenuous most go-ahead most vehement most effective most competitive most high-powered most compelling most persuasive most influential most hard-hitting most resounding most intensive most muscular most effectual most forcible most carnivorous most uncompromising most convincing most immodest most passionate most persistent most successful most efficient most impassioned most fiery most active most coercive most importunate most absolute most certain most mettlesome most self-respecting most relentless most stressful most combative most cutthroat most contentious most emulous most motivated most gladiatorial most competing most ruthless most desirous most warlike most oppositional most gung ho most antagonistic

Tính từ

Superlative for large and heavy or solid
hugest vastest immensest greatest mightiest heftiest largest weightiest biggest bulkiest grossest heaviest grandest vastiest unwieldiest widest broadest highest tallest goodliest tidiest augustest intensest amplest princeliest kingliest widestspread lavishest seriousest extremest massiest huskiest longest loftiest awfullest roomiest powerfullest brawniest hulkiest beefiest burliest awkwardest richest healthiest unhandiest ungainliest finest best terriblest severest plentifullest fiercest harshest deepest girthiest fearfullest lankest wantonest steepest silliest most massive most enormous most gigantic most colossal most mammoth most monumental most titanic most gargantuan most monstrous most humongous most substantial most tremendous most extensive most mountainous most prodigious most towering most astronomical most elephantine most solid most stupendous most humungous most ponderous most astronomic most epic most cosmic most cosmical most cumbersome most cyclopean most galactic most gigantesque most ginormous most heroical most thumping most considerable most cumbrous most oceanic most pharaonic most stellar most brobdingnagian most Herculean most heroic most super-duper most mahoosive most sizable most sizeable most voluminous most almighty most oversize most expansive most handsome most grandiose most overgrown most statuesque most immeasurable most infinite most limitless most boundless most excessive most magnificent most extravagant most inordinate most generous most monolithic most incalculable most biggish most impressive most dynamic most renowned most extraordinary most irresistible most moving most eminent most majestic most illustrious most notable most unlimited most marked most spectacular most mastodonic most comprehensive most mesomorphic most capacious most Homeric most significant most behemothic most illimitable most terrific most mondo most major most exorbitant most overwhelming most awesome most formidable most interminable most detailed most prolific most spacious most unbounded most plenteous most abundant most sweeping most commodious most good-sized most far-flung most far-reaching most Bunyanesque most staggering most pythonic most fantastic most profuse most daunting most strapping most liberal most astounding most superhuman most phenomenal most appreciable most ominous most elephantic most fathomless most unfathomable most large-scale most bountiful most unusual most copious most unmanageable most unmanoeuvrable most horrific most dreadful most magnific most family-sized most thundering most incommodious most profitable most bounteous most thunderous most innumerable most immoderate most undue most intemperate most unwarranted most superfluous most exaggerated most unrestricted most unbridled most unrestrained most innumerous most gratuitous most extortionate most unreasonable most needless most disproportionate most unconscionable most manifold most multitudinous most plethoric most uncontrolled most prodigal most improvident most profligate most unimaginable most indescribable most unthinkable most numerous most outrageous most indulgent most wasteful most insane most overabundant most overweening most uncurbed most unmeasurable most intolerable most dizzying most redundant most imprudent most overdue most over the top most preposterous most ludicrous most devilish most supernatural most unnecessary most uninhibited most unhampered most overindulgent most stratospheric most overgenerous most uncalled for most overextravagant most self-indulgent most ridiculous most recrementitious most unfettered most unutterable most inexpressible most unspeakable most unknown most hidden most private most unexpressed

Tính từ

Superlative for inspiring fear or awe through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable
fearfullest horriblest scariest direst dreadest ghastliest spookiest terriblest creepiest awfullest hairiest grimmest powerfullest gruesomest horridest grisliest eeriest gloomiest unearthliest baddest grotesquest ghostliest bleakest ugliest darkest vilest wretchedest disgustingest severest seriousest gravest weirdest foulest unpleasantest obscenest evillest grossest nastiest miserablest blackest coldest fiercest goriest beastliest shadowiest extremest lousiest shadiest wickedest mightiest strongest doughtiest sublimest strangest unluckiest bravest hatefullest harshest toughest roughest viciousest rottenest meanest gnarliest grodiest ickiest shiveriest unfriendliest adversest austerest punkest ruggedest hardest dourest doomiest woefullest starkest cruelest somberest sombrest unloveliest uncomeliest homeliest glummest dreariest morosest sullenest saddest drabbest drearest greyest grayest mournfullest murkiest dingiest unhealthiest sickest fulsomest most formidable most intimidating most terrifying most dreadful most alarming most forbidding most redoubtable most dangerous most daunting most frightening most threatening most fearsome most horrifying most menacing most awesome most brooding most chilling most direful most disquieting most disturbing most frightful most appalling most foreboding most horrendous most ominous most sinister most baleful most bodeful most overpowering most hair-raising most spine-chilling most awe-inspiring most startling most distressing most monstrous most tremendous most harrowing most impressive most hellacious most solemn most worrying most massive most afraid most striking most hideous most horrific most macabre most nightmarish most bloodcurdling most unspeakable most lurid most atrocious most terrific most grievous most grewsome most overwhelming most repulsive most revolting most dismal most godawful most unsettling most morbid most depressing most upsetting most calamitous most offensive most spine-tingling most sickening most abysmal most disconcerting most eldritch most traumatic most abominable most ghoulish most loathsome most shuddersome most lamentable most minatory most hostile most disheartening most unwelcoming most inauspicious most inhospitable most nerve-racking most odious most repellent most outrageous most off-putting most tragic most desperate most ferocious most abhorrent most hellish most dreaded most disastrous most repugnant most sepulchral most funereal most portentous most parlous most heinous most deplorable most spookish most unfortunate most perplexing most feared most unapproachable most aggressive most admonitory most Kafkaesque most resolute most commanding most indomitable most thrilling most minatorial most cautionary most comminatory most unreal most nightmarey most phantasmagorical most astounding most valiant most demoralizing most breathtaking most exciting most baneful most fateful most unpropitious most courageous most imminent most insufferable most egregious most execrable most unfavorable most unfavourable most suspenseful most hair-curling most extraordinary most shameful most frozen most shuddery most dispiriting most disadvantageous most disagreeable most inconvenient most excessive most unwelcome most uninviting most ruinous most catastrophic most uncomfortable most ill most thunderous most intimidatory most ill-boding most challenging most taxing most exacting most cataclysmic most crucial most pressing most critical most unpromising most jarring most negative most urgent most abnormal most unnatural most drastic most demoralising most untoward most lowering most hopeless most irretrievable most devastating most crippling most perilous most life-threatening most exigent most chronic most freakish most misshapen most regrettable most heartbreaking most afflictive most teratoid most unpleasing most unpretty most unsightly most unhandsome most unappealing most unbeautiful most unattractive most miscreated most deformed most ill-favored most melancholic most dispirited most depressive most melancholy most desolate most cheerless most fiendish most tenebrous most lugubrious most mirthless most pitiless most ill-favoured most scandalous most disgraceful most nauseating most God-awful most heartstopping most bewildering most noisome most amazing most stunning most repellant most obnoxious most noxious most distasteful most nauseous most rancid most staggering most astonishing most surprising most glaring most detestable

Tính từ

Superlative for wordy or grandiloquent
loftiest rotundest floweriest windiest gassiest stagiest vividest fervidest loudest noisiest showiest flashiest purplest grandest mouthiest glibbest biggest wordiest fanciest haughtiest primmest richest gravest seriousest most sonorous most grandiloquent most high-flown most extravagant most impressive most magniloquent most majestic most orotund most bombastic most grandiose most overblown most overripe most pompous most pretentious most Ciceronian most declamatory most epideictic most florid most highfalutin most tumid most turgid most aureate most Demosthenean most Demosthenic most verbose most gaseous most flatulent most eloquent most silver-tongued most theatrical most ostentatious most inflated most stylistic most impassioned most histrionic most expressive most important most stentorian most forceful most long-winded most elaborate most persuasive most dramatic most noble most senatorial most elocutionary most flamboyant most ornate most hyperbolic most magnific most hifalutin most exaggerated most effusive most overdone most vocal most fluent most swollen most tumescent most overwrought most embellished most voluble most contrived most articulate most stilted most pedantic most bombast most complicated most formal most scholarly most erudite most pleonastic most strained most laboured most convoluted most boastful most labored most braggart most baroque most portentous most affected most over-elaborate most figurative most Ossianic most ornamental most heroic most elevated most lexiphanic most egotistic most Homeric most epic most Miltonian most blustering most decorative most luscious most loudmouthed most full of hot air most solemn most self-important most pontifical most ponderous most diffuse most prolix most redundant most euphemistic most arrogant

Tính từ

(of an object or situation) Superlative for significant in degree of importance or urgency
seriousest biggest gravest weightiest largest direst heaviest intensest noteworthiest severest acutest mightiest powerfullest grandest heftiest extremest greatest deepest newsworthiest uncommonest earnestest strongest supremest archest highest toughest most major most important most significant most crucial most urgent most critical most fundamental most key most consequential most considerable most intrinsic most meaningful most pertinent most pivotal most pressing most substantial most vital most appreciable most central most integral most material most ponderous most primary most principal most profound most sweeping most essential most exceptional most exigent most far-reaching most heavy-duty most large-scale most notable most pronounced most sizable most almighty most burning most cardinal most especial most eventful most historic most immediate most impactful most influential most instrumental most monumental most pointed most prominent most salient most striking most telling most top-priority most worthwhile most big league most big-league most dangerous most grievous most high-profile most major-league most momentous most extraordinary most decisive most forceful most extensive most conspicuous most noticeable most special most ponderable most impressive most marked most memorable most remarkable most rare most portentous most outstanding most sensational most glaring most distinctive most earthshaking most unusual most conclusive most preponderant most resonant most particular most obvious most climacteric most fateful most glorious most unforgettable most generous most emphatic most unordinary most potent most leading most indispensable most basic most dominant most necessary most requisite most predominant most needed most rudimentary most imperative most elementary most sovereign most overbearing most overmastering most sovran most required most mandatory most quintessential most constitutive most substantive most commanding most characteristic most compulsory most radical most obligatory most needful most germane most necessitous most compelling most senior most supereminent most original most topmost most basal most prevailing most controlling most stellar most applicable most bread-and-butter most dynamic most invaluable most uppermost most relevant most apropos most apposite most incumbent most distinguished most seminal most forced most involuntary most peremptory most celebrated most noted most illustrious most reputable most rudimental most natural most appropriate most compulsatory most determinative most climactic most constitutional most expedient most specified most wanted most binding most preferred most de rigueur most proper most connected most noble most eminent most honoured most applicative most appurtenant most honorable most high-powered most honourable most major league most high profile most high-ranking most honored most top-notch most meat-and-potatoes most skookum most high-up most puissant most pointful

Trái nghĩa của most imposing

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