Đồng nghĩa của most fateful

Tính từ

Superlative for having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications
weightiest acutest unluckiest seriousest gravest biggest heaviest noteworthiest greatest earnestest heftiest difficultest toughest fullest liveliest busiest powerfullest soberest somberest hardest sombrest deepest newsworthiest extremest strongest mightiest largest uncommonest severest intensest crispest most crucial most important most critical most decisive most momentous most significant most portentous most historic most key most pivotal most consequential most far-reaching most world-shaking most conclusive most determinative most direful most doomful most eventful most ill-fated most inauspicious most ominous most resultful most major most vital most meaningful most substantial most urgent most material most monumental most earthshaking most notable most memorable most outstanding most final most pressing most considerable most principal most remarkable most influential most imperative most forceful most appreciable most sizable most fundamental most heavy-duty most exceptional most doomed most necessary most profound most epochal most indispensable most essential most drastic most egregious most active most prominent most solemn most leading most exciting most absolute most definite most definitive most big league most major league most eminent most authoritative most trenchant most dramatic most strategic most mammoth most valuable most rare most conspicuous most preponderant most noticeable most resonant most imposing most burning most special most impressive most especial most glorious most marked most distinctive most extraordinary most generous most emphatic most unordinary most potent most particular most pronounced most obvious most climacteric most ponderable most impactful most sensational most striking most glaring most unforgettable most extensive most unusual most large-scale most cardinal most strenuous most decided most certain most incisive most action-packed most hectic most settled most peremptory

Tính từ

Superlative for leading to misfortune or ruin
deadliest awfullest harmfullest terriblest direst unluckiest woefullest adversest miserablest blackest unhappiest wretchedest baddest horriblest costliest gloomiest pitifullest gravest toughest poorest messiest hardest strongest darkest ghastliest fearfullest mournfullest abjectest saddest painfullest dolefulest gruesomest dreadest scariest forlornest grimmest deathliest horridest violentest fiercest evillest fellest sorriest beastliest rottenest lousiest disgustingest meanest nastiest paltriest crummiest seriousest vilest grisliest cruelest bitterest severest wickedest harshest shabbiest dirtiest unpleasantest heaviest sombrest bleakest cruddiest somberest acutest extremest morosest sordidest grossest basest lamest glummest feeblest cheapest suckiest shoddiest scurviest grubbiest scummiest scabbiest rattiest greatest droopiest yuckiest awkwardest lowest faultiest ickiest sourest riskiest hatefullest duffest foolishest ignoblest foulest lewdest silliest absurdest uselessest sleaziest sullenest sharpest spookiest gnarliest grodiest creepiest poxiest trashiest punkest difficultest drearest loneliest dreariest crumbiest junkiest commonest grottiest flimsiest schlockiest coarsest seediest cheesiest wackest bummest shlockiest weakest unloveliest yukkiest stiffest roughest ruggedest sorest intensest soberest sternest austerest meagrest meagerest teariest ugliest weepiest most disastrous most destructive most ruinous most calamitous most cataclysmic most cataclysmal most catastrophic most damning most devastating most tragic most unfortunate most lethal most ominous most mortal most dreadful most grievous most ill-fated most direful most hapless most unpropitious most ill-starred most detrimental most baneful most annihilatory most devastative most injurious most crippling most lamentable most appalling most untoward most damaging most luckless most inauspicious most baleful most unfavourable most star-crossed most unfavorable most doomed most blighted most pernicious most catastrophal most crushing most snakebit most regrettable most deplorable most frightful most heartbreaking most ill-omened most noxious most hurtful most deleterious most disadvantageous most distressing most unsuccessful most untimely most unpromising most wrackful most annihilative most suicidal most horrendous most infelicitous most heartrending most distressful most portentous most apocalyptical most inopportune most climacteric most climactic most unwelcome most unadvantageous most incriminating most hostile most condemnatory most inimical most tragical most withering most murderous most accident-prone most afflictive most predictive most revealing most afflicted most derogatory most immoderate most wasteful most exhausting most draining most extravagant most implicative most accusatorial most conclusive most cursed most abortive most misfortunate most ruined most sinister most ill-boding most pathetic most sorrowful most anguished most galling most dismal most moving most agonizing most piteous most melancholy most dejected most disturbing most pitiable most vexatious most despondent most spine-chilling most redoubtable most hair-raising most alarming most terrifying most intimidating most horrifying most fearsome most formidable most frightening most forbidding most harrowing most desolate most heart-rending most godawful most terrific most dangerous most savage most brutal most maleficent most pestiferous most cancerous most noisome most cutthroat most extirpative most venomous most consumptive most lethiferous most toxic most erosive most pestilential most wreckful most atrocious most abominable most hopeless most monstrous most execrable most offensive most hideous most outrageous most heinous most insufferable most odious most repulsive most abysmal most detestable most shameful most loathsome most repugnant most unspeakable most revolting most unutterable most inhuman most repellent most egregious most disappointing most obnoxious most indescribable most traumatic most horrific most disgraceful most intolerable most desperate most upsetting most unsatisfactory most chronic most disconsolate most blue most inadequate most critical most rueful most excruciating most cheerless most plaintive most contemptible most dolorous most God-awful most abhorrent most nightmarish most depressed most heartbroken most substandard most downcast most unacceptable most woebegone most diabolical most crestfallen most wrong most grief-stricken most despicable most gut-wrenching most sickening most heartsick most joyless most heartsore most unbearable most down in the dumps most down in the mouth most parlous most inexcusable most irretrievable most reprehensible most ignominious most mediocre most disagreeable most undesirable most poignant most unsightly most melancholic most bodeful most rubbish most tormenting most torturous most regretful most lugubrious most heavy-hearted most laughable most scandalous most inconsolable most inexpressible most overwhelming most pants most god-awful most saddening most plangent most lurid most grewsome most macabre most brokenhearted most stricken most annoying most ridiculous most troubled most dishonourable most dishonorable most inept most dolent most unprosperous most forsaken most affecting most hellacious most opprobrious most solemn most comfortless most mirthless most low-spirited most unrelenting most rigorous most second-rate most convulsionary most ill-advised most hazardous most perilous most precarious most disadvantaged most undescribable most depressing most unbelievable most inconceivable most unforgivable most unimaginable most preposterous most senseless most inglorious most sinful most objectionable most unpardonable most indefensible most unconscionable most irritating most distressed most heart-wrenching most touching most sinistrous most immoral most disreputable most insupportable most iniquitous most preternatural most undefinable most disheartening most unjustifiable most ludicrous most derisory most worthless most funereal most criminal most peracute most shuddersome most frozen most devastated most dilapidated most elegiac most inappropriate most shattered most pained most broken most unsuitable most unbecoming most spiritless most choked most lonesome most depressive most elegiacal most significant most wanting most deficient most dissatisfactory most rubbishy most bush most gutted most dispirited most bummed most helpless most powerless most cut up most stinking most ruthless most disquieting most cheapjack most godforsaken most off most low-grade most bush-league most pressing most crucial most hardhanded most relentless most unpleasing most trying most distasteful most unpalatable most onerous most burdensome most uncongenial most oppressive most displeasing most merciless most unsavory most chilling most ferocious most urgent most mortifying most drastic most unsavoury most intemperate most inclement most straitened most biting most unendurable most scabrous most tortuous most stringent most uncomfortable most inhospitable most inexorable most exacting most spartan most exigent most dolesome most tearful most aching most lachrymose most ruthful most dolorific

Tính từ

Superlative for of great or ominous significance
direst doomiest gloomiest unluckiest blackest ugliest grimmest darkest wintriest winteriest evillest nearest closest heaviest nastiest baddest unhappiest adversest bleakest fearfullest unfriendliest scariest harmfullest deadliest wickedest woefullest spitefullest unhealthiest creepiest eeriest bitterest spookiest perversest wildest viciousest violentest harshest meanest dodgiest vilest fiercest terriblest cruelest rowdiest most portentous most ominous most sinister most threatening most menacing most foreboding most inauspicious most alarming most minatory most momentous most significant most baleful most crucial most direful most forbidding most ill most ill-boding most ill-omened most important most predictive most prognosticatory most bodeful most unfavorable most unfavourable most unpromising most unpropitious most augural most doomed most exciting most exhilarating most extraordinary most haunting most ill-fated most inspiring most intriguing most phenomenal most remarkable most suggestive most thrilling most baneful most dangerous most lowering most unfortunate most hostile most sinistrous most ill-starred most comminatory most intimidatory most impendent most loury most aggressive most lowery most forthcoming most brooding most thunderous most pessimistic most untoward most hapless most infelicitous most inopportune most disadvantageous most untimely most disheartening most minatorial most doomful most malefic most dismal most worrying most malign most inhospitable most clouded most prescient most perilous most unchancy most intimidating most admonitory most cautionary most imminent most unsafe most frightening most malignant most malevolent most hurtful most terrifying most fearsome most disturbing most pernicious most injurious most deleterious most mischievous most poisonous most vindictive most venomous most malicious most dreadful most unwholesome most troubling most disquieting most noxious most antagonistic most acrimonious most eldritch most ruinous most nocuous most maleficent most damaging most detrimental most prejudicial most vitriolic most virulent most disastrous most blackhearted most dishonest most obnoxious most calamitous most treacherous most savage most brutal most feral most murderous most barbarous most brutish most untamed most barbaric most abhorrent most villainous most nefarious most desperate most monstrous most rancorous most fiendish most ferocious most uncivilized most serpentine most abandoned most uncontrollable most depraved most uncivilised most viperous

Trái nghĩa của most fateful

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