Đồng nghĩa của most fastidious

Tính từ

Superlative for very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
fussiest pickiest finickiest choosiest nicest daintiest difficultest faddiest queasiest prissiest finest acutest primmest sharpest choiciest keenest astutest stuffiest stiffest rigidest fiddliest starchiest mimsiest toughest sternest severest best awkwardest trickiest roughest quickest shrewdest purest strictest sublimest honestest cleverest brightest narrowest squarest uptightest austerest wisest justest subtlest minutest truest trustworthiest trustiest judgiest harshest dapperest cleanliest straightest politest sprucest most particular most exacting most demanding most pernickety most finical most persnickety most discriminating most choosey most critical most delicate most scrupulous most punctilious most meticulous most fussbudgety most careful most pedantic most overnice most hypercritical most perfectionist most precise most captious most refined most squeamish most exact most painstaking most overdelicate most overcritical most assiduous most sedulous most thorough most old-maidish most nit-picky most pass-remarkable most selective most discerning most faddish most sensitive most overparticular most perceptive most cultured most prudish most carping most strait-laced most puritanical most cultivated most proper most inflexible most overscrupulous most tasteful most conscientious most Victorian most upright most discriminative most priggish most schoolmarmish most select most eclectic most sophisticated most educated most impeccable most rigorous most cautious most principled most literalistic most dogmatic most discriminatory most formalist most exquisite most moral most purist most judicious most scholastic most honourable most formal most high-minded most upstanding most detailed most ethical most sophistic most sophistical most honorable most righteous most right-minded most perspicacious most niminy-piminy most demure most faultfinding most anal most mincing most conscionable most straitlaced most bluenosed most governessy most schoolmistressy most nice-nelly most straightlaced most penetrating most moralistic most intelligent most opinionated most fretful most punctual most heedful most obsessive most overmodest most conventional most genteel most correct most prim and proper most enlightened most complex most complicated most overprecise most unfavorable most unfavourable most trivial most overfastidious most insightful most distinguished most puritan most alert most differential most polished most narrow-minded most brilliant most aesthetic most artistic most consummate most appreciative most civilized most stylish most uncompromising most methodical most offish most overexact most affected most illiberal most artificial most pretentious most bigoted most stilted most prudent most esthetic most stringent most mathematical most civilised most fixed most scientific most incorruptible most noble most virtuous most respectable most decent most fair-minded most dependable most reliable most judgemental most judgmental most rejective most contemptuous most disparaging most withering most derogatory most cynical most cavillous most satirical most sarcastic most trenchant most calumniatory most humbling most biting most choleric most diagnostic most censorious most lowering most reproachful most analytical most demeaning most cutting most nagging most po-faced most ceremonial most ceremonious most snobbish most wooden most decorous most dignified

Tính từ

Superlative for exact in correspondence or adherence to something
strictest rigidest perfectest fussiest nicest finickiest closest finest minutest lovingest pickiest subtlest starchiest stiffest toughest completest loyalest steadfastest fanciest seemliest politest best-made daintiest niftiest deepest best-grounded maturest fullest primmest chariest truest surest justest best trustworthiest securest safest uncanniest sharpest soundest clearest deadliest fairest deftest directest straightest wholest deadest realest flattest coldest most accurate most exact most precise most literal most meticulous most scrupulous most careful most conscientious most painstaking most particular most punctilious most unwavering most faultless most rigorous most stringent most thorough most defined most judicious most unmistakable most veridical most methodical most systematic most detailed most specific most unambiguous most certain most definitive most flawless most reliable most correct most explicit most infallible most formal most pinpoint most delicate most uncompromising most clear-cut most diligent most religious most attentive most studious most pedantic most persnickety most heedful most perfectionist most assiduous most sedulous most laborious most elaborate most finical most exacting most cautious most refined most pernickety most faithful most searching most punctual most mathematical most demanding most industrious most proper most exhaustive most deliberate most overnice most conscionable most circumspect most thoughtful most dedicated most observant most orderly most nuanced most exquisite most unswerving most microscopic most zealous most hard-working most intricate most persevering most unflagging most undeviating most unfailing most duteous most spot-on most involved most stiff-necked most ceremonious most decorous most stilted most upright most dependable most nit-picky most formalistic most courteous most overconscientious most conventional most overscrupulous most civil most white-glove most skilful most skillful most right on most incorrupted most finespun most winning most sagacious most vigilant most prudent most logical most levelheaded most pragmatic most reasoned most balanced most rational most reasonable most provident most intensive most solid most regardful most concerned most thoroughgoing most strenuous most discreet most in-depth most veracious most bang on most impeccable most irrefutable most definite most authentic most unimpeachable most unquestionable most dead-on most convincing most indubitable most valid most conclusive most genuine most distinct most sure-fire most assured most absolute most inch-perfect most realistic most incontrovertible most regular most truthful most factual most lifelike most verisimilar most indisputable most credible most undistorted most authoritative most word-perfect most unequivocal most unrefuted most undisputed most positive most effective most watertight most settled most airtight most downright most established most foolproof most undoubted most categorical most decided most veristic most discriminating most concrete most scientific most discriminative most matter-of-fact most believable most fixed most similar most kosher most canonical most set most pronounced most surefire most identical most textbook most official most final most express most classic most letter-perfect most picture-perfect most polished most efficacious most inerrable most unbreakable most tried most idiot-proof most goofproof most impregnable most tried and tested most tried and true most manifest most patent most unchallengeable most accomplished most unanswerable most evident most apparent most obvious most unarguable most irrefragable most well-founded most undisputable most proven most veritable most pat most standard most OK most appropriate most acceptable most equitable most okay most righteous most legitimate

Tính từ

Superlative for showing good aesthetic judgement or appropriate behaviour
smartest chicest fittest classiest courtliest finest prettiest stateliest chastest nicest plushest poshest purest quietest richest snazziest spiffiest swankest politest daintiest airiest highest latest closest sublimest best-bred best-mannered swankiest suavest ritziest grandest loveliest comeliest comfortablest best-off neatest cutest pleasantest simplest choicest fanciest augustest best-dressed most tasteful most refined most elegant most cultured most discriminating most graceful most handsome most stylish most beautiful most charming most cultivated most harmonious most artistic most exquisite most pleasing most restrained most attractive most becoming most delicate most fitting most polished most sensitive most majestic most aesthetic most urbane most classical most discerning most esthetic most precise most sophisticated most splendiferous most subdued most unaffected most unobtrusive most civilized most genteel most civil most gracious most gentlemanly most couth most progressive most advanced most evolved most spot-on most accurate most accomplished most improved most ladylike most developed most rigorous most mathematical most pinpoint most punctilious most high-minded most courteous most civilised most experienced most distinguished most fashionable most luxurious most opulent most sumptuous most modish most high-class most classic most flattering most fetching most presentable most agreeable most uncluttered most understated most on fleek most dignified most dashing most decorous most noble most select most rare most debonair most ornate most ostentatious most affected most aristocratic most overdone most stylized most recherche

Tính từ

Superlative for using, exercising or showing caution
wariest chariest safest timidest daintiest leeriest loathest shiest cagiest meanest stingiest iffiest thriftiest canniest shrewdest sliest wisest sagest vaguest readiest hippest craftiest slipperiest wiliest foxiest sharpest slickest slimmest subtlest most gingerly most careful most cautious most circumspect most reluctant most alert most conservative most considerate most delicate most guarded most heedful most hesitant most suspicious most squeamish most calculating most discreet most uneasy most watchful most mindful most dubious most mistrustful most doubtful most distrustful most sceptical most apprehensive most frugal most nervous most averse most scrupulous most afraid most prudent most parsimonious most restrained most skeptical most inhibited most particular most constrained most miserly most sparing most economical most attentive most vigilant most observant most politic most thoughtful most on guard most on the lookout most aware most judicious most discriminating most reserved most intelligent most diplomatic most sagacious most tactful most reticent most moderate most measured most controlled most deliberate most precautious most awake most perceptive most noncommittal most provident most unadventurous most unrevealing most unhurried most protective most punctilious most unwasteful most saving most unenterprising most overcareful most overcautious most regardful most conscientious most tentative most forethoughtful most prepared most wired most psyched up most open-eyed most manipulative most cunning most scheming most devious most designing most Machiavellian most conniving most unscrupulous most guileful most disingenuous most artful most sensible most discerning most reasonable most strategic most judgmatical most civil most temperate most worldly-wise

Tính từ

Superlative for not easy to please or satisfy
difficultest stubbornest fussiest grimmest toughest finickiest pickiest rigidest perversest stiffest strictest choosiest grumbliest impolitest snappiest testiest uptightest rudest sourest steadfastest prickliest touchiest balkiest bolshiest stroppiest chippiest crabbiest crotchetiest feistiest huffiest orneriest uppitiest most demanding most uncompromising most intractable most obstinate most overbearing most recalcitrant most unaccommodating most unamenable most unreasonable most unrelenting most argumentative most boorish most hardheaded most inflexible most obdurate most pigheaded most tyrannical most bearish most discontented most dissatisfied most fractious most immovable most inexorable most irascible most oafish most obstreperous most opinionated most pitiless most resolute most troublesome most trying most unbending most unmanageable most cantankerous most critical most irritable most irritating most negative most quarrelsome most querulous most refractory most temperamental most tiresome most unyielding most bloody-minded most dogmatic most headstrong most indomitable most intransigent most opinionative most pertinacious most single-minded most stiff-necked most strong-minded most wrong-headed most dictatorial most oppressive most overcritical most delicate most ill-natured most importunate most sensitive most contrarious most contrary most cussed most finical most froward most hypercritical most particular most perfectionist most captious most disputatious most disputative most fiendish most invidious most obstructive most ungracious most unpredictable most vexed

Trái nghĩa của most fastidious

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