Đồng nghĩa của most overbearing

Tính từ

Superlative for unpleasantly overpowering
lordliest proudest cockiest haughtiest pushiest high and mightiest sniffiest snottiest stuffiest uppitiest loftiest snootiest huffiest toploftiest vainest smuggest chestiest brashest harshest severest boldest snobbiest strictest cheekiest snippiest firmest rudest brassiest rigidest wilfullest nerviest cruelest stiffest loudest coolest ambitiousest sauciest showiest swankiest freshest sassiest brusquest sternest toughest hardest pertest smartest puffiest wisest flippest surest busiest powerfullest nosiest snoopiest impolitest curtest highest poshest meanest toniest fiercest archest roughest lippiest foolhardiest ritziest pottiest windiest augustest stateliest biggest feistiest airiest strongest briskest recklessest tersest glibbest rashest flintiest austerest noisiest breeziest grandest splendidest floweriest shrillest crassest heaviest vulgarest gaudiest flashiest jazziest tinniest bluntest fussiest highest-pitched arrantest unpleasantest bitterest unfairest ruggedest grimmest sombrest gloomiest somberest heftiest bleakest weightiest uncouthest crudest mouthiest gruffest sullenest surliest shortest coarsest ignorantest sharpest most domineering most autocratic most bossy most despotic most dictatorial most tyrannical most masterful most arrogant most oppressive most peremptory most authoritarian most high-handed most officious most heavy-handed most overweening most coercive most pompous most authoritative most autocratical most cocksure most dogmatic most magisterial most overproud most pontifical most presumptuous most tyrannic most tyrannous most iron-handed most opinionated most supercilious most ascendant most cavalier most demanding most disdainful most egotistic most imperative most imperial most insolent most preponderant most prevalent most conceited most bumptious most pretentious most uppish most self-important most self-assertive most patronizing most highfalutin most condescending most hifalutin most stuck-up most snobbish most patronising most important most toploftical most high-hat most stiff-necked most vainglorious most huffish most contemptuous most egotistical most commanding most assumptive most overconfident most swaggering most hoity-toity most arbitrary most puffed up most boastful most prideful most audacious most scornful most toffee-nosed most affected most repressive most full of oneself most assertive most aloof most draconian most impudent most undemocratic most absolute most forceful most narcissistic most confident most anti-democratic most bigheaded most immodest most pushful most self-satisfied most autarchic most grandiose most ostentatious most hubristic most egoistic most egoistical most blustering most stuck up most impertinent most brazen most swellheaded most biggity most self-confident most bloated most self-conceited most biggety most self-centred most assured most self-centered most bullish most elitist most fancy-pants most insistent most big-headed most selfish most totalitarian most willful most monocratic most illiberal most dominant most la-di-da most self-assured most imposing most brutal most sententious most iron-fisted most dismissive most egocentric most obtrusive most inflexible most smart-alecky most mocking most doctrinaire most contumelious most aggressive most pushing most self-righteous most ruthless most self-serving most self-congratulatory most orgulous most offensive most inconsiderate most controlling most unjust most malapert most intrusive most summary most unyielding most complacent most emphatic most obnoxious most decisive most ironhanded most discourteous most uncivil most disrespectful most self-aggrandizing most abrupt most merciless most insulting most unabashed most portentous most indifferent most strident most ungracious most flaunting most barefaced most meddlesome most loudmouthed most overwhelming most vaunting most positive most strong-willed most inhuman most Neronian most protrusive most nosy most abusive most rigorous most absolutist most unmannerly most unlimited most tactless most decided most compelling most highhanded most uncontrolled most consequential most offhand most exacting most certain most in-your-face most persnickety most brazen-faced most hardhanded most inflated most flatulent most overbold most insubordinate most thoughtless most remote most go-getting most enterprising most militant most high-minded most undiplomatic most disparaging most ill-mannered most aristocratic most careless most highfaluting most procacious most high-flown most mannerless most full of hot air most self-respecting most blusterous most disciplinarian most puffed most impressive most self-willed most masterly most overpowering most braggart most exclusive most dogmatical most unrestrained most standoffish most unconstitutional most unaccountable most big-mouthed most dystopian most clamorous most stifling most refined most derisive most poncey most regal most majestic most judicial most dignified most driving most czarlike most bombastic most mandatory most obligatory most compulsory most required most compulsatory most driven most honorable most honourable most gracious most casual most cliquish most downright most reserved most detached most distant most determined most fascistic most go-ahead most withering most slighting most insouciant most uninterested most unconcerned most carnivorous most unreasonable most boldfaced most unceremonious most daredevil most madcap most temerarious most abhorrent most cursory most off most perfunctory most in charge most intolerant most sharp-elbowed most absolutistic most self-opinioned most insensitive most heedless most overoptimistic most offish most pococurante most finished most stringent most obstinate most fixed most definite most uncompromising most antipathetic most averse most unsympathetic most bustling most bungling most inept most jarring most off-base most overzealous most overstated most magnificent most exaggerated most spectacular most raucous most piercing most overstrict most excessive most sadistic most overbusy most booming most thundering most deafening most dissonant most cacophonous most blatant most discordant most pragmatic most importunate most inquisitive most churlish most disagreeable most garish most burdensome most crushing most over the top most bureaucratic most graceless most metallic most shameless most flirtatious most excruciating most relentless most murderous most trying most pitiless most grievous most onerous most punitive most inexorable most derogatory most stressful most exigent most worrying most taxing most troublesome most dismal most troubling most backbreaking most distressing most depressive most superincumbent most dispiriting most depressing most disheartening most unchivalrous most uncharitable most boorish most unmannered most unrefined most uncomplimentary most bad-mannered most ill-bred most disgracious most unladylike most ungenteel most ungallant most indecorous most indelicate most ungentlemanly most oafish most bounderish most uncalled-for most crabbed most inaffable most underbred most yokelish most unhandsome most high falutin

Tính từ

Superlative for superseding others in importance or status
supremest grandest archest greatest biggest highest elitest best-known loftiest weightiest perfectest augustest noteworthiest mightiest powerfullest excellentest simplest seriousest heaviest completest fullest kingliest sublimest best-connected stateliest poshest gentlest hugest gravest largest acutest earnestest severest somberest sombrest soberest staidest direst intensest realest toughest usefullest clearest truest best deepest difficultest hardest heftiest extremest sorest aptest terriblest unluckiest crispest choicest glummest sternest touchiest dourest gloomiest grimmest strongest soundest sturdiest firmest austerest handiest timeliest worthiest amplest healthiest saddest quietest steadiest vastest hottest scarcest most principal most leading most primary most predominant most dominant most central most key most cardinal most sovereign most overmastering most sovran most major most prominent most vital most essential most commanding most prevailing most important most outstanding most fundamental most crucial most uppermost most supereminent most basic most controlling most pivotal most prevalent most topmost most salient most preponderant most transcendent most ascendant most notable most peerless most matchless most incomparable most consummate most critical most eminent most unparalleled most rudimentary most intrinsic most indispensable most absolute most influential most unsurpassable most stellar most illustrious most top-notch most famous most renowned most regal most significant most authoritative most potent most major league most successful most decisive most top-priority most necessary most towering most compelling most total most unconditional most ranking most radical most effective most senior most distinguished most noble most dignified most elevated most nonpareil most esteemed most honoured most revered most celebrated most respected most noted most honored most accomplished most finished most expert most characteristic most favored most winning most chosen most favoured most unmatchable most integral most special most constitutional most crowning most final most axial most particular most opening most especial most telling most consequential most momentous most constitutive most basal most strategic most quintessential most material most operative most elementary most popular most hotshot most urgent most unlimited most domineering most utopian most select most exemplary most royal most top-class most record-breaking most infinite most boundless most unrestricted most unrestrained most unbounded most definitive most imperial most unmatched most overpowering most official most arbitrary most efficacious most almighty most supervisory most omnipotent most monarchal most monarchical most untouchable most majestic most monarchial most aristocratic most respectable most patrician most refined most venerable most big league most imposing most redoubtable most high-minded most prestigious most honourable most high profile most seminal most triumphal most fabled most learned most notorious most puissant most formidable most iconic most resonant most idealistic most legendary most recognised most glorious most extraordinary most honorable most recognized most magnanimous most high-powered most famed most gifted most prized most acclaimed most heroic most reputable most valued most genteel most upmarket most blue-blooded most upper-crust most highbred most imperative most requisite most far-reaching most considerable most exigent most needed most pressing most profound most substantial most burning most meaningful most portentous most historic most required most solemn most conclusive most mandatory most pertinent most necessitous most sedate most monumental most rudimental most natural most ingrained most humourless most humorless most heavy-duty most relevant most no-nonsense most eventful most compulsory most obligatory most needful most major-league most native most instrumental most inbred most substantive most fateful most immediate most high-ranking most valuable most determinative most germane most deep-seated most uncomic most appropriate most conspicuous most applicable most worthwhile most appreciable most ponderous most primitive most apposite most immanent most hardwired most connate most apropos most invaluable most large-scale most meat-and-potatoes most pronounced most big-league most striking most responsible most pointed most certain most original most climacteric most bread-and-butter most helpful most marked most causal most desperate most importunate most peremptory most sizable most expedient most abecedarian most categorical most high-profile most exceptional most emergent most clamant most world-shaking most serviceable most in demand most mainstream most emphatic most extensive most dynamic most earthshaking most high-up most remarkable most noticeable most evaluative most standard most comprehensive most applicative most appurtenant most executive most climactic most all-encompassing most obvious most organic most pointful most moving most intrusive most impressive most obtrusive most arrestive most incumbent most fitting most transcendental most forced most involuntary most priceless most drastic most unequivocal most storied most supporting most axiomatic most theoretical most forceful most definite most skookum most mammoth most ace most compulsatory most driving most parlous most feted most precious most business-critical most mission-critical most trenchant most connected most inseparable most genuine most binding most wanted most preferred most proper most specified most demanding most resultful most ominous most direful most doomful most inauspicious most ill-fated most indicative most indelible most permanent most decided most incisive most de rigueur most overarching most earthshattering most ineffaceable most prodigious most testing most energetic most hereditary most connatural most intimate most high-class most settled most public most distinctive most historical most trying most searching most inescapable most sweeping most rare most sizeable most obliging most distressing most persuasive most unyielding most irresistible most exacting most solid most clamorous most treasured most beneficial most constructive most favorable most favourable most advantageous most practical most impactful most insistent most profitable most grievous most dangerous most gainful most conducive most propitious most fruitful most behooveful most auspicious most commodious most productive most beneficent most appreciated most meritorious most opportune most massive most durable most touch and go most downbeat most abundant most loved most estimable most worthful

Tính từ

Superlative for characterized by a pompous air of infallibility
rigidest stubbornest wilfullest puffiest smallest-minded high and mightiest strictest extremest sternest narrowest most pontifical most dogmatic most doctrinaire most opinionated most arrogant most inflexible most adamant most opinionative most dictatorial most domineering most prejudiced most dogmatical most pompous most uncompromising most biased most bigoted most cocksure most obdurate most authoritarian most obstinate most intolerant most pigheaded most unyielding most magisterial most bloated most condescending most headstrong most pretentious most portentous most grandiose most swaggering most self-important most single-minded most assertive most partisan most self-assertive most emphatic most peremptory most imperative most insistent most authoritative most high-handed most arbitrary most unchallengeable most categorical most unquestionable most narrow-minded most downright most unbending most one-sided most confident most formal most despotic most fanatical most fascistic most unequivocal most tyrannical most tenacious most stiff-necked most bullheaded most definite most determined most egotistical most wrong-headed most speculative most impractical most theoretical most swivel-eyed most hypothetical most ideological most unpragmatic most zealous most unrealistic most mulish most pertinacious most dogged most traditional most repressive most customary most binding most classical most coercive most enforceable most oppressive most conventional most bossy most preceptive most accepted most normative most didactic most prescriptive

Tính từ

Superlative for not easy to please or satisfy
difficultest stubbornest fussiest grimmest toughest finickiest pickiest rigidest perversest stiffest strictest choosiest grumbliest impolitest snappiest testiest uptightest rudest sourest steadfastest prickliest touchiest balkiest bolshiest stroppiest chippiest crabbiest crotchetiest feistiest huffiest orneriest uppitiest hardest harshest neediest firmest seriousest most demanding most uncompromising most intractable most obstinate most recalcitrant most unaccommodating most unamenable most unreasonable most unrelenting most argumentative most boorish most fastidious most hardheaded most inflexible most obdurate most pigheaded most tyrannical most bearish most discontented most dissatisfied most fractious most immovable most inexorable most irascible most oafish most obstreperous most opinionated most pitiless most resolute most troublesome most trying most unbending most unmanageable most cantankerous most critical most irritable most irritating most negative most quarrelsome most querulous most refractory most temperamental most tiresome most unyielding most bloody-minded most dogmatic most headstrong most indomitable most intransigent most opinionative most pertinacious most single-minded most stiff-necked most strong-minded most wrong-headed most dictatorial most oppressive most overcritical most delicate most ill-natured most importunate most sensitive most contrarious most contrary most cussed most finical most froward most hypercritical most particular most perfectionist most captious most disputatious most disputative most fiendish most invidious most obstructive most ungracious most unpredictable most vexed most clamorous most judgmental most rigorous most exigent most stringent most nagging most insistent most possessive most disparaging most overscrupulous most faultfinding most unsparing most cavillous most demeaning most censorious most carping most cynical most high-maintenance

Tính từ

Superlative for not asked for, especially of something undesired or not appreciated

Trái nghĩa của most overbearing

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