Đồng nghĩa của most prejudiced

Tính từ

Superlative for narrow-minded
unfairest narrowest smallest-minded blindest extremest falsest rabidest bitterest jealousest spitefullest yellowest most biased most one-sided most bigoted most partisan most intolerant most partial most discriminatory most jaundiced most unjust most blinkered most racist most colored most coloured most loaded most sexist most unobjective most warped most weighted most ageist most anti-gay most anti-Semitic most chauvinist most chauvinistic most disablist most homophobic most illiberal most classist most fattist most myopic most opinionated most parochial most prepossessed most doctrinaire most dogmatic most hidebound most inclined most intransigent most predisposed most xenophobic most narrow-minded most slanted most tendentious most preferential most sectarian most subjective most unbalanced most twisted most jingoistic most unequal most prejudicial most nationalist most lopsided most interested most uneven most nationalistic most misleading most perverted most falsified most factional most zealous most uncompromising most inflexible most invidious most diehard most fanatical most swayed most discriminating most superpatriotic most isolationist most ethnocentric most jingoist most disposed most discriminative most imbalanced most ill-matched most obstinate most uncharitable most ill-disposed most radical most militant most maniacal most nonobjective most provocative most argumentative most questionable most doubtful most minded most insular most random most unethical most arbitrary most undemocratic most single-minded most misogynist most unrepresentative most swivel-eyed most disproportionate most inaccurate most garbled most differential most discriminate most doctored most resentful most cynical most exclusive most unreasoning most accessory most cliquish most limited most devoted most overzealous most conspiratorial most fanatic most sympathetic most envious most suspicious most sceptical most hostile most pessimistic most disillusioned most soured most disappointed most misanthropic most covetous most distrustful most grudging most tainted most unenthusiastic most jaded most skeptical most opprobrious

Tính từ

Superlative for characterized by a pompous air of infallibility
rigidest stubbornest wilfullest puffiest smallest-minded extremest strictest sternest high and mightiest severest lordliest harshest firmest haughtiest cockiest pushiest surest proudest stuffiest narrowest loftiest brusquest briskest snottiest uppitiest sniffiest feistiest boldest fiercest ambitiousest augustest stateliest clearest most pontifical most dogmatic most doctrinaire most opinionated most arrogant most inflexible most adamant most opinionative most dictatorial most domineering most dogmatical most pompous most uncompromising most biased most overbearing most bigoted most cocksure most obdurate most authoritarian most obstinate most intolerant most pigheaded most unyielding most magisterial most bloated most condescending most headstrong most pretentious most portentous most grandiose most swaggering most self-important most single-minded most assertive most insistent most fanatical most authoritative most unbending most one-sided most stiff-necked most bullheaded most partisan most self-assertive most emphatic most peremptory most imperative most high-handed most arbitrary most unchallengeable most categorical most unquestionable most narrow-minded most downright most speculative most impractical most theoretical most confident most formal most despotic most fascistic most unequivocal most tyrannical most tenacious most definite most determined most egotistical most wrong-headed most swivel-eyed most hypothetical most ideological most unpragmatic most zealous most unrealistic most mulish most pertinacious most dogged most autocratic most bossy most tyrannous most tyrannic most absolute most oppressive most masterful most overweening most autocratical most repressive most commanding most draconian most positive most totalitarian most autarchic most illiberal most undemocratic most anti-democratic most assured most certain most self-confident most decided most willful most officious most demanding most accepted most coercive most self-assured most summary most disciplinarian most imposing most decisive most overconfident most monocratic most imperial most unlimited most iron-handed most heavy-handed most supercilious most egotistic most uncontrolled most unrestrained most masterly most iron-fisted most traditional most classical most customary most enforceable most conventional most binding most dystopian most Neronian most pushing most driving most czarlike most clamorous most preceptive most normative most didactic most overproud most presumptuous most prescriptive most abrupt most preponderant most ascendant most cavalier most insolent most disdainful most prevalent most forceful most strong-willed most aggressive most patronizing most in-your-face most compelling most stringent most finished most rigorous most fixed most unchallenged most uncontested most undoubted most irrefutable most acknowledged most recognized most unquestioned most incontrovertible most dominant most go-getting most bullish most enterprising most militant most regal most majestic most judicial most highhanded most dignified most patronising most pushful most carnivorous most unmistakable most indisputable most manifest most clear-cut most indubitable most conclusive most self-respecting most undisputable most final most recognised most undisputed

Tính từ

Superlative for unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention
narrowest rigidest smallest-minded pettiest smallest least hatefullest stuffiest starchiest primmest prissiest meanest shallowest extremest nastiest basest ignoblest vulgarest rudest simplest unfairest snappiest iratest most hidebound most conservative most traditional most reactionary most orthodox most unprogressive most ultraconservative most paleoconservative most traditionalistic most conventional most illiberal most mossbacked most intolerant most inflexible most biased most diehard most dogmatic most blimpish most set most uncompromising most fanatical most puritan most jaundiced most intractable most individualistic most parochial most narrow-minded most old-school most old-fashioned most buttoned-down most dyed-in-the-wool most close-minded most strait-laced most bigoted most insular most provincial most sectarian most limited most blinkered most restricted most localist most Lilliputian most discriminatory most partisan most picayune most myopic most jerkwater most short-sighted most claustral most uncharitable most disdainful most contemptuous most unsympathetic most unforgiving most chauvinistic most unindulgent most indignant most xenophobic most one-sided most priggish most puritanical most moralistic most prudish most partial most impatient most chauvinist most shockable most unsophisticated most opinionated most racist most sectional most local most obdurate most selfish most lopsided most nationalistic most sexist most unimaginative most introverted most pigheaded most factional most cliquish most clannish most ungenerous most doctrinaire most secluded most contracted most sequestered most separated most exclusive most fanatic most grudging most nonconformist most skeptical most religious most dissident most nonconforming most sceptical most suburban most uninformed most unchanging most corn-fed most unfashionable most pastoral most unpolished most bucolic most outmoded most dictatorial most unjust most antipathetic most fractious most irritable most averse most unwilling most upset most waspish most knee-jerk most inexorable

Tính từ

(of an idea or opinion) Superlative for formed prior to having the evidence for its truth or usefulness

Trái nghĩa của most prejudiced

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