Đồng nghĩa của most unexpected

Tính từ

(the last) Being the least likely (to happen)
last unlikeliest least likely iffiest flimsiest weakest absurdest thinnest feeblest poorest fishiest shakiest faultiest lamest falsest slightest shallowest strangest tallest flakiest phoniest slimmest craziest faintest hollowest paltriest obscurest bizarrest nuttiest wackiest frailest meagrest meagerest vainest shadiest foolishest silliest vaguest queerest smallest slenderest sketchiest stupidest maddest shonkiest barmiest daftest fragilest tiniest flattest uncommonest kookiest screwiest weakliest puniest hokiest tamest unwisest minutest diciest flabbiest unsurest wildest likeliest oddest dodgiest looniest freakiest baddest uselessest shiftiest funniest perversest bentest murkiest darkest airiest least scarcest farthest most unlikely most improbable most fanciful most far-fetched most inconceivable most implausible most unimaginable most unthinkable most doubtful most dubious most unapt most questionable most unconvincing most incredible most unbelievable most fantastic most preposterous most illogical most ridiculous most unreasonable most impossible most untenable most unrealistic most fantastical most incredulous most uncompelling most unconceivable most unsubstantial most suspect most groundless most unsound most inadequate most specious most unpersuasive most invalid most unsatisfactory most remote most fallacious most senseless most unjustifiable most tenuous most nonsensical most flawed most rare most irrational most full of it most pathetic most ludicrous most mind-boggling most debatable most inconsequential most farfetched most extraordinary most laboured most incogitable most indefensible most labored most insufficient most insupportable most outlandish most staggering most dubitable most strained most incongruous most incoherent most unsustainable most suspicious most unjustified most unimpressive most contradictory most unreasoning most astonishing most elaborate most transparent most exaggerated most wrong most defective most trifling most superficial most unheard-of most off most uncertain most sophistic most puzzling most illegitimate most inconsequent most unacceptable most doubtable most equivocal most inane most mind-blowing most forced most out of the question most far out most unwarrantable most unsuccessful most extravagant most unforgivable most inexcusable most unreal most unpardonable most erroneous most inconclusive most spurious most unsubstantiated most unsupported most trivial most frivolous most unwarranted most marginal most unscientific most idiotic most astounding most negligible most overdone most incomprehensible most fabulous most ineffectual most controvertible most insubstantial most insignificant most unknowable most inexpiable most outside most ineffective most amazing most irreconcilable most arbitrary most laughable most reasonless most disputable most outrageous most dishonest most insane most contrived most inept most distant most breathtaking most fatuous most ungrounded most half-baked most wishful most exceptional most singular most unordinary most unique most unnatural most cockamamie most insupposable most inconsiderable most cockeyed most off the wall most assailable most contemptible most unarguable most undefendable most uncorroborated most inadmissible most unbacked most unusual most erratic most capricious most untoward most contrary most isolated most threadbare most impracticable most unthinking most vapid most incorrect most meaningless most inconsistent most imperceptible most fractional most diminished most excessive most vaporous most injudicious most counterintuitive most unpleasing most inefficient most unsuitable most touch-and-go most speculative most unsettled most undecided most weak-kneed most overblown most misleading most unutterable most unspeakable most harebrained most infeasible most sophistical most untrue most sensational most untruthful most embellished most disjointed most aberrant most demented most disconnected most unstable most raving most delirious most distraught most brainless most mindless most phenomenal most uncalled-for most high-flown most overdramatic most lamebrained most jaw-dropping most eye-popping most scatterbrained most indescribable most caricatural most artificial most uncredible most imbecilic most unproved most nebulous most futile most profitless most fruitless most mysterious most underhand most peculiar most spectacular most farcical most hyperbolic most unconnected most irrelevant most ponderous most overwhelming most undreamed-of most crooked most disreputable most problematical most histrionic most untrustworthy most arguable most undependable most unreliable most unsupportable most overstated most inflated most puerile most complicated most ambiguous most devious most irregular most extortionate most barbarous most uncivilized most uncivilised most inordinate most unconscionable most minimal most outlying most recondite most eccentric most unplausible

Tính từ

Superlative for happening by chance or without planning
flukiest luckiest oddest chanciest possiblest likeliest timeliest happiest aptest jammiest messiest recklessest loosest most fortuitous most chance most serendipitous most adventitious most accidental most random most casual most unplanned most unintentional most unanticipated most coincidental most incidental most unwitting most unthinking most involuntary most spontaneous most flukey most unmeant most unconscious most extemporaneous most erratic most unforeseeable most aimless most purposeless most contingent most arbitrary most unpredictable most unpredicted most offhand most uncertain most ad hoc most fortunate most subconscious most undreamed-of most unconsidered most unhoped-for most sudden most capricious most variable most unknowing most incalculable most improvisational most unrehearsed most extempore most extemporary most unprepared most offhanded most scattered most desultory most helter-skelter most sporadic most circumstantial most unknowable most changeable most unlooked for most ad lib most providential most subject most probable most liable most reliant most expedient most propitious most auspicious most opportune most felicitous most convenient most isolated most scattershot most misguided most mistaken most unstudied most unsystematic most indiscriminate most disorganized most slapdash most disorderly most careless most irregular most slipshod most chaotic most hit-and-miss most undirected most impulsive most unscheduled most higgledy-piggledy most disorganised most devil-may-care most all over the place most jumbled most unorganized most unconcerned most uncoordinated most surprising most abrupt most startling most unprompted most unsolicited most astonishing most unthought-of

Tính từ

Superlative for unusual or out of the ordinary
strangest oddest curiousest bizarrest weirdest uncanniest funniest queerest uncommonest quaintest quirkiest eeriest scarcest wackiest spookiest creepiest fishiest freakiest kookiest wildest funkiest screwiest zaniest craziest kinkiest whackiest rummest noteworthiest perversest newest crankiest grotesquest daggiest drollest wonderfullest unlikeliest flakiest absurdest maddest foolishest obscurest fewest and farthest between thinnest on the ground coolest freshest readiest awkwardest extremest bentest shadiest shakiest dodgiest sickest seriousest unhealthiest perviest gnarliest heaviest sparsest awfullest scantest scantiest flukiest nuttiest iffiest murkiest darkest unearthliest unclearest ghostliest shonkiest dottiest chanciest unsurest shiftiest goofiest silliest phoniest scariest fearfullest rummiest hippiest newsworthiest weakest daftest flimsiest playfullest trickiest battiest abstrusest thinnest thickest twistiest crinkliest crotchetiest ghastliest uncouthest wittiest flightiest diciest ambitiousest crawliest looniest barmiest pottiest foolhardiest balmiest ugliest deepest stealthiest richest difficultest cagiest unloveliest vilest uncomeliest homeliest fugliest grodiest grossest most unusual most peculiar most abnormal most atypical most anomalous most unfamiliar most extraordinary most remarkable most puzzling most mystifying most mysterious most perplexing most baffling most inexplicable most irregular most surreal most deviant most different most aberrant most freakish most uncharacteristic most suspicious most unparalleled most dubious most questionable most unnatural most anomalistic most unconventional most rare most ridiculous most unorthodox most untypical most inconceivable most ludicrous most offbeat most outlandish most far-out most incongruous most outré most unaccountable most eccentric most exceptional most inscrutable most nonstandard most off-base most off the wall most singular most bizarro most idiosyncratic most off-centre most off-color most uncustomary most wacko most erratic most kookie most off-kilter most queerish most spaced-out most unco most surprising most unique most unwonted most unaccustomed most novel most aberrated most preternatural most phenomenal most incredible most especial most special most exceeding most fantastic most unimaginable most amazing most infrequent most astonishing most unordinary most unanticipated most exotic most alien most foreign most unthinkable most conspicuous most isolated most unheard-of most unpredictable most unbelievable most prodigious most fanciful most astounding most whimsical most original most preposterous most unrepresentative most out there most irrational most wayward most memorable most sporadic most outstanding most notable most divergent most unknown most incomprehensible most seldom most startling most atypic most awe-inspiring most unexplored most striking most off-key most miraculous most intriguing most doubtful most sensational most comical most monstrous most bewildering most confusing most twisted most perverted most nonsensical most fantastical most dilly most capricious most prominent most distinguished most eminent most awesome most significant most refreshing most unreal most insane most cockamamie most warped most devious most stunning most chance most aberrational most distinct most variant most undreamed-of most far-fetched most heteroclite most rogue most eye-popping most overwhelming most flustering most recondite most remote most unhoped-for most jarring most illogical most offhand most exciting most avant-garde most unfathomable most inconsistent most arbitrary most humorous most impressive most teratoid most changeable most fitful most vagarious most unseasonable most ironic most disconsonant most disparate most incoherent most incongruent most irrelevant most dissimilar most nondescript most egregious most arcane most incomparable most doubtable most disputable most debatable most disquieting most suspect most equivocal most dubitable most nonconformist most digressive most interesting most momentous most problematical most unbalanced most unhinged most demented most touched most improbable most eye-catching most unforgettable most random most unintelligible most spectacular most stupendous most unrealistic most staggering most wondrous most implausible most grandiose most extravagant most tremendous most amazeballs most corrupt most heretical most unnormal most heteromorphic most flash most forby most disconcerting most devastating most out of character most intermittent most scattered most dramatic most unsettling most limited most portentous most unpredicted most eye-opening most jaw-dropping most aperiodic most episodical most episodic most casual most upsetting most discomfiting most sudden most mind-blowing most mind-boggling most rarefied most periodical most spasmodic most unthought-of most undreamt-of most unfrequent most fortuitous most unforeseeable most far out most uncertain most supernatural most off-center most outrageous most quizzical most individual most characteristic most laughable most distinctive most nonconforming most untrustworthy most ambiguous most cockeyed most risible most farcical most eldritch most madcap most arguable most spookish most haunting most secret most particular most contrary most bohemian most esoteric most unreasonable most indecisive most beat most disreputable most distinguishing most individualistic most unreliable most unexplainable most exclusive most informal most unsavoury most imaginative most old-fashioned most unceremonious most derisory most radical most enigmatic most insoluble most cryptic most paranormal most specialized most amusing most unsettled most unconvincing most magical most specific most open most borderline most controversial most contentious most farfetched most inexplainable most unsavory most moot most tenuous most unlike most unsupported most unsound most undependable most unknowable most labored most laboured most romantic most unsubstantiated most mystic most specialised most suppositious most oddish most typical most maverick most representative most essential most private most depraved most dishonest most underhand most eccentrical most personalized most signature most mischievous most innovative most personal most crooked most kookish most unsolvable most waggish most haywire most birdy most defective most made-up most ersatz most degenerate most masochistic most sadistic most off most wigged out most nuts most schizoid most derisive most pathetic most cockamamy most advanced most progressive most criminal most sinister most frightening most controvertible most disorderly most experimental most psycho most mental most immoral most licentious most derisible most clouded most inconclusive most indeterminate most spectral most untraditional most conjectural most challenging most precarious most chimerical most uneasy most errant most unharmonious most other most discordant most horrific most ominous most dreadful most barbarous most classic most discriminating most diagnostic most symptomatic most imaginary most personalised most customised most inconsequential most unestablished most spine-chilling most hair-raising most terrifying most chilling most numinous most whacko most occult most supernal most creative most illusory most incredulous most unsubstantial most nebulous most ungrounded most forced most strained most mercurial most senseless most impracticable most inane most misleading most unconceivable most uncompelling most visionary most artificial most superstitious most ghostlike most enigmatical most mystical most intricate most ornate most elaborate most crazy-ass most wackadoo most idiotic most infantile most imbecilic most pointless most wackadoodle most hilarious most illusive most hallucinatory most in question most speculative most suppositive most negotiable most spurious most fatuous most puerile most imprudent most harebrained most dreamlike most unworkable most quixotic most transcendent most transcendental most superhuman most supernormal most baroque most Kafkaesque most hidden most irritating most deformed most irresponsible most glamourous most glamorous most marvellous most marvelous most misshapen most annoying most priceless most entertaining most supranormal most inspired most ghoulish most devilish most half-baked most ill-conceived most inappropriate most short-sighted most unsightly most hideous most elliptical most subjective most over the top most side-splitting most double-edged most misproportioned most mangled most gnarled most unpleasing most unappealing most unbeautiful most ill-favored most unpretty most unhandsome most unattractive most antic most ill-favoured most flamboyant

Trái nghĩa của most unexpected

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