Đồng nghĩa của most trivial

Tính từ

Smallest in amount, extent, or significance
least minimum minimal smallest lowest slightest fewest littlest meanest minutest tiniest bottom feeblest poorest pettiest paltriest measliest piddliest meagrest meagerest foolishest miserablest lightest emptiest scantiest uselessest pitifullest shallowest puniest dinkiest vainest mingiest scantest hollowest poxiest wretchedest silliest skimpiest flimsiest barrenest basest beggarliest stingiest cheapest sparsest weakest shabbiest slenderest lousiest tritest lamest frothiest merest ignoblest trashiest leanest sorriest shortest lowliest junkiest tackiest commonest simplest crummiest fussiest glibbest scarcest mildest punkest crumbiest wackest baddest chaffiest flightiest wankiest shoddiest sourest sketchiest obscurest drossiest abjectest pottiest humblest thinnest barest subtlest sparest pickiest forlornest blandest finickiest frailest slimmest absurdest justest bittiest saddest woefullest wimpiest weest veriest lostest deadest sleaziest narrowest crudest flattest nastiest rottenest faultiest unworthiest duffest ropiest slowest laziest roughest severest dizziest giddiest ditsiest goofiest yeastiest ditziest vulgarest scrubbiest unfittest sordidest uncouthest frilliest ignorantest wishy-washiest falsest weakliest most insignificant most trifling most inconsequential most unimportant most negligible most inconsiderable most minor most nugatory most piffling most picayune most frivolous most footling most worthless most incidental most no-account most pimping most irrelevant most pointless most meaningless most inadequate most immaterial most insubstantial most insufficient most chicken most superficial most nickel-and-dime most minimal most pathetic most derisory most secondary most casual most lightweight most futile most marginal most exiguous most unsubstantial most ineffectual most unproductive most minuscule most peripheral most ineffective most profitless most contemptible most unavailing most unprofitable most fruitless most idle most non-essential most subordinate most deficient most penny-ante most bootless most unsatisfactory most limited most infinitesimal most senseless most modest most unsuccessful most ignorable most unnecessary most abortive most bush-league most miserly most small-bore most subsidiary most token most otiose most ungenerous most second-rate most inefficacious most unessential most pitiable most imperceptible most junior most sterile most tangential most impotent most in vain most inapposite most inconsequent most mediocre most inane most purportless most inappropriate most dependent most accessory most reduced most irrelative most purposeless most aimless most unremarkable most impertinent most neglectable most ordinary most tenuous most nondescript most hopeless most lamentable most subnormal most null most puerile most banal most impractical most facile most vapid most diminutive most inutile most under most waste most bogus most counterproductive most one-dimensional most insipid most abandoned most forgettable most unconvincing most restricted most unsound most unmemorable most disappointing most implausible most ancillary most unacceptable most dissatisfactory most illogical most unconnected most unrelated most commonplace most simplistic most unreasonable most substandard most artificial most basic most unimpressive most frugal most sparing most fractional most defective most groundless most wanting most fallacious most featherbrained most unreal most ill most wrong most off most bush most rubbish most exhausted most cursory most foreign most microscopic most half-baked most subaltern most despicable most unconsiderable most delusive most perfunctory most small-scale most basal most sophisticated most irrational most subservient most local most undemanding most invalid most symbolic most rubbishy most insulting most uneventful most unreasoning most unintellectual most niggly most skimp most pants most diminished most powerless most outrageous most preposterous most ludicrous most laughable most ridiculous most risible most uncelebrated most smallish most indifferent most unconsidered most doomed most subject most unhelpful most frustrated most extrinsic most inapt most external most illegitimate most delusory most wasted most unneeded most unnotable most misleading most impracticable most captious most sophistical most imponderous most dispensable most expendable most unrewarding most depressed most negative most unconsequential most feckless most set most unremunerative most imperfect most related most supplementary most contributory most plebeian most slapdash most lemon most unsatisfying most offensive most unsuitable most undistinguished most proletarian most disconnected most detached most outward most unpurposed most vacant most passing most displeasing most wasteful most uncreative most inefficient most blocked most unyieldly most remote most disparate most outside most unapt most independent most inconsiderate most damaged most tenth-rate most minor league most below average most distressing most low-grade most underprivileged most cosmetic most unimposing most simple-minded most generic most unrefined most apparent most scatterbrained most harebrained most light-minded most lightheaded most birdbrained most unpretentious most inglorious most humdrum most plebby most lower-class most low-born most working-class most schematic most oversimplified most uncritical most disregardable most lighthearted most unscholarly most unintelligent most farcical most unthinking most empty-headed most transparent most narrow-minded most incredible most unbelievable most controvertible most wishful most inconceivable most ungrounded most unpersuasive most inept most assailable most evanescent most momentary

Tính từ

Superlative for requiring or involving very little or no effort
softest easiest simplest cushiest merest laxest plainest least safest paltriest wieldiest comfortablest breeziest quickest smoothest cheapest lightest readiest clearest user-friendliest slightest directest unfussiest fastest blandest tenderest mellowest balmiest benignest laziest coolest most easeful most easygoing most facile most straightforward most unchallenging most mindless most uninvolved most undemanding most unexacting most untroubled most unburdensome most relaxed most uninhibited most uncomplicated most unproblematic most painless most easy-going most laid-back most manageable most easy-peasy most basic most elementary most idiotproof most inconsiderable most obvious most fluid most apparent most idiot-proof most easy-breezy most royal most leisurely most rudimental most attainable most perspicuous most workable most palpable most evident most unmistakable most weightless most unambiguous most accessible most unequivocal most transparent most user friendly most clear-cut most distinct most patent most open-and-shut most manifest most yielding most fluent most natural most flowing most graceful most self-explanatory most rudimentary most elegant most free-flowing most uninterrupted most rhythmic most regular most unsophisticated most simplistic most routine most sinuous most feline most efficient most parsimonious most intuitive most spontaneous most instinctive most well-ordered most cursive most unforced most offhand most articulate most liquid most uneventful most untaxing most moderate most casual most endurable most tolerable most superficial most minimal most fundamental most essential most soothing most cavalier most primary most basal most abecedarian most primitive most original most uncomplex most simplified most prefatory most meat-and-potatoes most meat and potatoes

Tính từ

Superlative for that cannot be observed
minutest slightest smallest tiniest finest subtlest shadowiest vaguest faintest paltriest pettiest teeny-weeniest unclearest obscurest lightest meagrest gentlest meagerest quietest dimmest lowest scantest softest sparsest scantiest thinnest weakest slenderest scarcest feeblest slimmest dullest flattest shortest lowest-pitched skimpiest stingiest easiest measliest ghostliest mutest uncommonest poorest fewest and farthest between leanest thinnest on the ground plainest shiest sheerest darkest barrenest sparest meekest hoarsest fuzziest haziest mildest reediest least airiest absurdest frailest unlikeliest fragilest flimsiest iffiest diciest unearthliest in shortest supply abstrusest unsurest most impalpable most indistinguishable most infinitesimal most undetectable most microscopic most indiscernible most gradual most intangible most insensible most ephemeral most insignificant most indistinct most imponderable most inconsiderable most evanescent most inconspicuous most momentary most unnoticeable most imperceptible most inconsequential most minuscule most negligible most immaterial most unimportant most trifling most minor most piffling most exiguous most unapparent most unobtrusive most imperceivable most indefinite most undistinguishable most hidden most low-key most camouflaged most minimal most marginal most rare most low-profile most unintelligible most muffled most masked most ethereal most insubstantial most tenuous most stifled most insufficient most hushed most inarticulate most modest most subdued most unobserved most untraceable most unnoticed most shrouded most deficient most covert most undetected most unrevealed most elusive most imaginary most scattered most sporadic most softened most limited most infrequent most token most lacking most silenced most unhearable most diminished most middling most unfrequent most fractional most distant most indetectable most undiscernible most unfathomable most moderate most cryptic most cabalistic most incomprehensible most secretive most unremarkable most unostentatious most unemphatic most ordinary most unassuming most unconspicuous most unperceived most illusive most implied most occult most nugatory most attenuate most attenuated most basal most inadequate most superficial most half-hearted most indifferent most unseeable most faded most sparing most wanting most skimp most fragmentary most surreptitious most clouded most discreet most unexposed most unstressed most bated most ill-defined most unaccented most secret most undercover most vaporous most gaseous most abstract most outside most incorporeal most off most untouchable most implausible most remote most improbable most dubious most far-fetched most questionable most isolated most doubtful most inconceivable most aerial most disembodied most wraithlike most spectral most unreal most transcendental most supernatural most spiritual most phantasmic most unsubstantial most phantasmal most unusual most evasive most hypothetical most uncertain most indeterminate

Tính từ

Superlative for so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
stalest tritest boringest dullest commonest dreariest mundanest hoariest cobwebbiest hackiest mustiest blandest dumbest hokiest squarest stupidest drabbest slowest aridest weariest stodgiest flattest driest oldest tamest heaviest stuffiest dustiest normalest wishy-washiest orneriest deadliest weakest deadest barrenest wateriest plainest feeblest prosiest dimmest draggiest lowliest lamest stiffest meanest thinnest fairest humblest emptiest cheesiest kitschiest silliest difficultest palest seriousest wannest faintest simplest bentest homeliest grayest greyest ancientest clearest meagerest meagrest crudest currentest pokiest staidest pallidest limpest rawest wintriest winteriest windiest dampest weightiest ignoblest shabbiest wimpiest nerdiest blindest lowest widestspread vulgarest unpleasantest ugliest most banal most commonplace most ordinary most tired most hackneyed most unoriginal most pedestrian most threadbare most vapid most platitudinous most routine most unimaginative most humdrum most conventional most predictable most stereotypical most monotonous most overdone most overused most overworked most prosaic most tedious most tiresome most vanilla most corny most derivative most uneventful most uninspired most uninteresting most bromidic most ho-hum most moth-eaten most obligatory most repetitious most run-of-the-mill most shopworn most timeworn most well-worn most worn out most cliché-ridden most unvaried most wearisome most blah most cornfed most facile most played out most ho hum most ponderous most colorless most puerile most colourless most tiring most unexciting most insipid most worn-out most workaday most unremarkable most lifeless most lacklustre most lackluster most uninspiring most quotidian most worn most leaden most set most unexceptional most usual most characterless most undistinguished most bathetic most ready-made most average most spiritless most sterile most mediocre most exhausted most drained most stereotypic most platitudinal most cliched most standard most indifferent most antiquated most mainstream most unvarying most customary most plodding most obsolete most unstimulating most typical most featureless most repetitive most uninventive most familiar most matter-of-fact most regular most warmed-up most milk-and-water most second-rate most unmemorable most uncreative most forgettable most nondescript most imitative most anaemic most middling most old-fashioned most inane most soporific most outdated most day-to-day most anemic most outmoded most banausic most namby-pamby most unadventurous most dreich most defunct most plagiarized most OK most passionless most passable most unchanging most run of the mill most turgid most bush-league most mawkish most flavourless most unenjoyable most unentertaining most plagiaristic most depressing most wooden most yawnsome most plebeian most weariful most archaic most flavorless most out-of-date most old-hat most tasteless most frayed most vacuous most tolerable most unpalatable most uniform most soul-destroying most zestless most toneless most soulless most mechanical most prevalent most unrelieved most traditional most bloodless most amateur most amateurish most insignificant most unsophisticated most unspirited most irksome most unappealing most formal most laborious most prolix most dismal most unnoteworthy most white-bread most monotone most innocuous most popular most whitebread most plastic most laboured most sapless most labored most standardized most sentimental most orthodox most mass-produced most vieux jeu most unmoved most heavy-handed most unimpressed most modest most ineffective most menial most workday most unspecial most unpretentious most formalistic most mindless most mimetic most past most effete most fetid most unartistic most uninterested most faded most tarnished most desolate most apish most slavish most suburban most moderate most factual most unemotional most literal most unembellished most unpoetic most unadorned most unsentimental most unromantic most simplistic most adequate most basic most prevailing most lustreless most enervating most exhausting most mortal most interminable most deadpan most pedantic most dated most lined most decrepit most aged most generic most emulative most oppressive most sorrowful most dispiriting most downcast most secondary most low-grade most boilerplate most torpid most verbose most established most antediluvian most vacant most pointless most superannuated most general most accustomed most meh most weathered most ragged most broken-down most antiseptic most unexpressive most unfeeling most lusterless most expressionless most unexcited most lower-class most proletarian most stilted most habitual most informal most domestic most frequent most casual most intermediate most decent most jake most undistinctive most inoffensive most working-class most wrinkled most dog-eared most outworn most wonted most antwacky most washed out most waterish most long-drawn-out most echoic most used most battered most unappetizing most watered-down most low-class most copycat most savourless most unsavoury most distasteful most uneatable most uninviting most natural most obvious most low-born most inferential most hereditary most evolved most connate most subordinate most off-putting most disagreeable most unattractive most regimented most corporate most functional most governmental most institutional most unsavory most utilitarian most elementary most rudimentary

Trái nghĩa của most trivial

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