Đồng nghĩa của most defunct

Tính từ

Superlative for no longer existing or functioning
ancientest oldest deadest mossiest antiquest squarest mouldiest mustiest moldiest frumpiest quaintest fustiest latest creakiest clunkiest stalest lostest earliest dowdiest obscurest dustiest bentest hackiest oddest tackiest cheesiest trashiest crustiest emptiest most obsolete most unused most antiquated most archaic most past most outmoded most dated most outdated most old-fashioned most superannuated most prehistoric most out-of-date most outworn most medieval most antediluvian most obsolescent most old-time most mediaeval most unfashionable most moth-eaten most anachronistic most forgotten most prehistorical most neolithic most done most previous most rusty most vieux jeu most oldfangled most unhip most frumpish most finished most completed most démodé most behindhand most abandoned most foregone most tired most conservative most worn-out most unstylish most primitive most vintage most old-hat most old-school most exhausted most hackneyed most passe most neglected most deprecated most timeworn most historical most aged most corny most geriatric most redundant most belated most overused most threadbare most unremembered most lapsed most broken-down most old-timey most retrograde most retro most venerable most decrepit most other most recent most primeval most overfamiliar most dateless most clapped out most tasteless most accomplished most atavistic most stagnant most old fashioned most antwacky most primaeval most ago most inelegant most unpopular most deserted most left most removed most derelict most dried up most dissolved most forsaken most unoccupied most idle most desolate most evacuated most vacant most parachronistic most backward most anachronous most backwards

Tính từ

Superlative for no longer present or existing

Tính từ

Superlative for so often used that it has become repetitive and tiresome
oldest tritest stalest commonest hoariest aridest boringest drabbest dreariest driest dullest dustiest flattest heaviest slowest stodgiest stuffiest stupidest tamest weariest hackiest cobwebbiest mustiest bentest deadest hokiest mundanest blandest normalest orneriest silliest ancientest feeblest cheesiest kitschiest currentest shabbiest dumbest squarest barrenest laziest widestspread steadiest likeliest lowliest plainest best-known humblest most banal most hackneyed most overused most overworked most tired most platitudinous most unoriginal most derivative most unimaginative most commonplace most pedestrian most prosaic most conventional most outdated most old-fashioned most outmoded most archaic most obsolete most antiquated most antediluvian most superannuated most cliché-ridden most colourless most colorless most ho-hum most humdrum most insipid most leaden most monotonous most ponderous most repetitious most tedious most timeworn most tiresome most tiring most uninteresting most wearisome most corny most antwacky most played out most run-of-the-mill most worn out most threadbare most uninspired most well-worn most warmed-up most shopworn most obligatory most bromidic most familiar most old-hat most worn-out most moth-eaten most vapid most past most out-of-date most effete most zestless most fetid most mawkish most ordinary most routine most stereotypical most predictable most set most worn most bathetic most cliched most ready-made most exhausted most drained most stereotypic most platitudinal most overdone most standard most unexceptional most vanilla most quotidian most indifferent most unremarkable most average most unexciting most usual most customary most uninventive most undistinguished most imitative most lackluster most lacklustre most workaday most uninspiring most plagiaristic most plagiarized most uncreative most traditional most prevalent most mainstream most regular most typical most unmemorable most forgettable most mediocre most established most uneventful most bush-league most orthodox most unadventurous most frequent most unmoved most accustomed most matter-of-fact most natural most habitual most unsophisticated most characterless most recognized most expected most proverbial most wonted most recognised most native most standardized most mass-produced most inane most vieux jeu most ineffective most sentimental most dated most lined most aged most decrepit most formalistic most second-rate most basic most popular most prevailing most weathered most ragged most broken-down most secondary most uninterested most unvaried most spiritless most formal most dog-eared most wrinkled most outworn most trivial most facile most blah most cornfed most passionless most anaemic most used most frayed most battered most ho hum most lifeless most sterile most echoic most unenthusiastic most shiftless most heavy-handed most unimpressed most featureless most characteristic most unambitious most copycat most anemic most run of the mill most hereditary most evolved most connate most inferential most subordinate most consistent most symptomatic most representative most accepted most prescriptive most emblematic most foreseeable most indicative most chronic most anticipated most reliable most unmotivated most apathetic most distinctive most idiosyncratic most proper most distinguishing most unnoteworthy most middling most plebeian most obvious most time-honoured most individualistic most acknowledged most par for the course most domestic most repeated most general most acquainted most settled most recognizable most time-honored most recognisable most day-to-day

Tính từ

Superlative for no longer operating as a business

Trái nghĩa của most defunct

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