Đồng nghĩa của most salient

Tính từ

Superlative for most noticeable or important
noteworthiest weightiest grandest supremest greatest archest biggest seriousest heaviest uncommonest brightest gravest highest direst intensest powerfullest toughest earnestest augustest best-known largest severest acutest mightiest most conspicuous most important most major most noticeable most outstanding most primary most principal most prominent most pronounced most remarkable most striking most predominant most basic most critical most crucial most dominant most essential most key most marked most notable most obvious most pivotal most vital most arrestive most central most famous most impressive most intrusive most leading most moving most obtrusive most pertinent most relevant most significant most fundamental most cardinal most overbearing most overmastering most special most exceptional most uppermost most sovereign most influential most sovran most prevailing most extraordinary most memorable most particular most momentous most pressing most unforgettable most urgent most intrinsic most necessary most material most eminent most illustrious most renowned most prestigious most unusual most distinguished most supereminent most noble most rare most topmost most glaring most considerable most consequential most decisive most luminous most redoubtable most controlling most immediate most meaningful most substantial most ponderous most germane most operative most eventful most far-reaching most astral most exigent most heavy-duty most large-scale most telling most monumental most especial most emphatic most historic most indispensable most commanding most radical most axial most citable most stellar most strategic most quintessential most evident most observable most manifest most mentionable most dynamic most invaluable most imperative most extensive most requisite most prevalent most notorious most rudimentary most esteemed most celebrated most noted most acclaimed most elementary most famed most honoured most respected most elevated most legendary most brilliant most venerable most reputable most glorious most peerless most singular most honored most shining most aristocratic most major league most nonpareil most profound most appreciable most sweeping most integral most imposing most sizable most distinctive most worthwhile most burning most almighty most pointed most instrumental most impactful most top-priority most definite most importunate most big league most major-league most high-profile most big-league most grievous most dangerous most peculiar most eye-catching most solid most vigorous

Tính từ

Superlative for clearly perceptible or self-explanatory
clearest plainest boldest frankest baldest broadest lucidest writ largest showiest splashiest catchiest grabbiest noisiest strongest noteworthiest brightest wonderfullest greatest flashiest vividest uncommonest grossest starkest thickest surest glitteriest liveliest loudest gaudiest uncanniest weightiest powerfullest jazziest loftiest bizarrest wickedest newsworthiest yellowest vulgarest coarsest sultriest lividest roughest completest arrantest rankest sheerest directest simplest purest realest sharpest truest bluntest fairest candidest honestest perfectest user-friendliest fullest terriblest straightest deadest flattest cleanest deadliest blankest hardest veriest best-known largest tidiest goodliest merest seriousest crispest healthiest extremest brashest heaviest awfullest brassiest firmest severest grodiest best-grounded most obvious most evident most apparent most manifest most patent most conspicuous most pronounced most transparent most palpable most prominent most marked most decided most striking most distinct most noticeable most perceptible most perceivable most visible most discernible most detectable most observable most tangible most recognisable most recognizable most unmistakable most indisputable most incontrovertible most axiomatic most demonstrable most blinding most inescapable most open most undisguised most unconcealed most glaring most blatant most flagrant most explicit most self-explanatory most unquestionable most unsubtle most barefaced most luculent most luminous most pellucid most perspicuous most ringing most straightforward most unambiguous most unambivalent most unequivocal most conclusive most distinguishable most precise most public most understandable most bald-faced most clear-cut most open-and-shut most outstanding most remarkable most dramatic most eye-catching most notable most brilliant most emphatic most flamboyant most commanding most bodacious most kenspeckle most pointed most sensible most seeable most significant most revealed most appreciable most visual most definite most obtrusive most discoverable most amazing most astonishing most viewable most spectacular most sensational most astounding most extraordinary most ocular most impressive most staggering most stunning most arrestive most phenomenal most rare most incredible most certain most identifiable most considerable most startling most surprising most dazzling most memorable most electrifying most distinctive most singular most distinguished most eye-popping most fascinating most colourful most lurid most forceful most jaw-dropping most wondrous most unusual most breathtaking most important most momentous most awesome most colorful most amazeballs most undoubted most indubitable most apprehensible most discernable most dominant most predominant most substantial most noted most notorious most believable most ostensible most seeming most positive most colorable most plausible most credible most assured most clear cut most forestanding most cognizable most ostentatious most engaging most imposing most awe-inspiring most exhibitionistic most garish most exceptional most miraculous most attention-grabbing most attractive most measurable most unbelievable most prodigious most marvellous most terrific most unforgettable most famous most tremendous most fantastic most stupendous most forcible most unreal most solid most compelling most telling most cogent most charming most smashing most unco most marvelous most scandalous most horrifying most thrilling most exciting most sensationalistic most revealing most appalling most screaming most interesting most sensationalist most melodramatic most hair-raising most historic most buzzworthy most emotional most pungent most excessive most piquant most colored most coloured most extravagant most stimulating most comprehensible most brazen most naked most categorical most intelligible most absolute most downright most shameless most irrefutable most unqualified most unmitigated most audacious most genuine most egregious most thoroughgoing most verifiable most dreadful most definitive most outrageous most limpid most express most concrete most authentic most factual most audible most material most total most unfeigned most perspicacious most well-defined most veritable most proven most brass-necked most corporeal most unrestrained most lucent most legitimate most certifiable most wholehearted most thorough most consummate most reasonable most ponderable most flaunting most heinous most enormous most atrocious most user friendly most graspable most fathomable most graphic most categoric most ascertainable most unalloyed most profound most unconditional most specific most undisputed most disgraceful most reprehensible most monstrous most plumb most regular most crystalline most unique most shameful most villainous most iniquitous most blooming most particular most valid most infernal most matter-of-fact most objective most literal most straight-out most established most realistic most effective most real-life most traceable most trenchant most translucent most percipient most observant most sensitive most cognitive most knowing most understood most sizeable most unproblematic most accessible most comprehendible most knowable most attestable most evincible most unrestricted most moderate most dinkum most sizable most unexaggerated most coherent most articulate most decisive most unchallenged most uncontested most recognized most accepted most unbounded most transpicuous most runaway most telltale most clean-cut most recognised most divergent most discrete most special most individual most confirmable most checkable most supportable most sustainable most unquestioned most unalterable most inordinate most grievous most undisputable most uncontestable most major most exorbitant most artless most unabashed most confounded most blessed most especial most intrinsic most authoritative most deducible most immoderate most estimable most hard and fast most tacit most insolent most massive most good-sized most practical most physical most implied most impudent most unembarrassed most unacknowledged most essential most infamous most immodest most unembellished most forthright most unsparing most unstinting most legit most veridical most flagitious most protrusive most substantive most upright most upfront most guileless most uninhibited most unadorned most outspoken most flagitous most attested most final most proper most natural most forthcoming most unguarded most heartless most plainspoken most flaming most deliberate most quantifiable most honest-to-goodness most brutal most no-nonsense most plain-spoken most free-spoken

Tính từ

Superlative for fundamental, inherent or central in nature
truest archest grandest biggest supremest greatest basest normalest most essential most basic most fundamental most quintessential most intrinsic most principal most characteristic most primary most rudimentary most central most cardinal most elementary most critical most key most dominant most integral most pivotal most predominant most natural most vital most indispensable most necessary most ingrained most constitutive most deep-seated most radical most connate most constitutional most hardwired most immanent most inbred most material most native most primitive most crucial most important most requisite most needed most rudimental most basal most significant most major most consequential most imperative most mandatory most required most substantive most compulsory most profound most necessitous most burning most obligatory most needful most connected most meat-and-potatoes most instinctive most hereditary most organic most inbuilt most intuitive most connatural most instinctual most distinctive most internal most intimate most gut most in-built most ineffaceable most inseparable most inexpungible most indelible most permanent most integrated most fixed most original most inward most unalienable most individual most subjective most resident most natal most embedded most genuine most rooted most sovereign most leading most overmastering most sovran most overbearing most unlearned most untaught most ingrown most spontaneous most dyed-in-the-wool most standard most typical most regular

Trái nghĩa của most salient

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