Đồng nghĩa của most gracious

Tính từ

Superlative for courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status
politest kindest friendliest kindliest benignest pleasantest best-bred courtliest best-mannered blandest easiest lovingest stateliest suavest tenderest gentlest best-behaved smoothest classiest finest seemliest coolest sveltest humblest proudest augustest loftiest oiliest glibbest slickest devoutest grandest worldliest mildest kingliest subtlest primmest lordliest poshest nicest sharpest shrewdest wiliest astutest princeliest bravest haughtiest meekest boldest womanliest humanest fulsomest softest knightliest smarmiest neighborliest silkiest staidest hollowest cleverest snootiest prissiest stuffiest worthiest portliest seriousest dapperest trimmest smartest sprucest niftiest starchiest somberest gravest sombrest greatest craftiest deftest archest sliest savviest brainiest cagiest spiffiest fliest swankiest snappiest swishest triggest happiest best-groomed sprightliest jauntiest wariest stiffest fittest comeliest best squarest straightest meetest aptest mimsiest uptightest rigidest smuggest narrowest strictest fussiest choosiest cleanliest timeliest sternest finickiest austerest severest honestest stodgiest soberest mustiest deadliest fustiest trustworthiest loveliest plushest chicest choicest puffiest smokiest hottest warmest smelliest tidiest neatest daintiest fanciest sublimest best-dressed most civil most courteous most accommodating most cordial most chivalrous most obliging most affable most amiable most hospitable most tactful most benevolent most civilised most civilized most considerate most decorous most diplomatic most gentlemanly most ladylike most beneficent most charitable most indulgent most kind-hearted most thoughtful most warm-hearted most genial most genteel most magnanimous most mannerly most pleasing most sociable most couth most decent most amicable most approachable most bonhomous most complaisant most congenial most forthcoming most gallant most giving most good-hearted most unctuous most understanding most urbane most refined most polished most cultivated most respectful most cultured most dignified most sophisticated most elegant most noble most debonair most respectable most proper most formal most honourable most charming most honorable most attentive most graceful most deferential most aristocratic most distinguished most stylish most discreet most politic most reverential most dutiful most regardful most majestic most well behaved most correct most solemn most admiring most obedient most obeisant most solicitous most appreciative most good-natured most accomplished most poised most ingratiating most sympathetic most upright most imposing most composed most venerable most regal most discerning most reverent most royal most worshipful most educated most enlightened most ceremonious most sensitive most submissive most advanced most valiant most worldly-wise most devoted most snobbish most imperial most punctilious most well-born most smooth-tongued most condescending most awed most tasteful most careful most becoming most handsome most magnificent most prudent most cosmopolitan most well-spoken most impressive most judicious most conciliatory most sedate most developed most respected most silver-tongued most delicate most impeccable most befitting most soft-spoken most artful most de rigueur most cautious most guileful most media-savvy most calculating most self-respecting most protective most courageous most heroic most unemotional most gentlemanlike most modest most adoring most reputable most fearless most intrepid most stout-hearted most dauntless most smooth-talking most blue-blooded most patrician most tolerant most agreeable most valorous most conscientious most discriminating most upper-crust most trained most caring most persuasive most lenient most benignant most compassionate most merciful most aloof most privileged most highbred most complimentary most adulatory most conventional most flattering most metropolitan most balanced most helpful most ceremonial most together most responsible most erudite most learned most principled most facile most collected most subservient most neighbourly most concerned most obsequious most amenable most responsive most unruffled most possessed most deferent most equable most coolheaded most duteous most affected most gracesome most great-hearted most virtuous most straitlaced most patronizing most artificial most intolerant most pompous most prudish most precious most pretentious most priggish most ostentatious most fashionable most la-di-da most patronising most reserved most high-minded most moral most independent most self-sufficient most scrupulous most dashing most skilful most skillful most confident most self-assured most self-effacing most eminent most adept most magisterial most dexterous most conniving most strategic most capable most dextrous most intriguing most opportunistic most cunning most scheming most attractive most nonchalant most cheerful most buoyant most detached most casual most on fleek most perceptive most heedful most foresighted most puritanical most comme il faut most suitable most strait-laced most conforming most Victorian most fitting most appropriate most demure most accepted most governessy most done most orthodox most old-maidish most niminy-piminy most stilted most prim and proper most schoolmarmish most presentable most bluenosed most straightlaced most schoolmistressy most overnice most conservative most nice-nelly most traditional most narrow-minded most apposite most standard most moralistic most acceptable most precise most fastidious most old-fashioned most pukka most overmodest most conformist most high-class most stiff-necked most po-faced most finished most cavalier most customary most usual most mannered most particular most restrained most seasonable most top-notch most OK most kosher most okay most well-respected most au fait most puritan most meticulous most wooden most squeamish most consistent most consonant most compatible most congruous most offish most overexact most rigorous most illiberal most mincing most bigoted most bourgeois most beautiful most artistic most suburban most parochial most admirable most impersonal most luxurious most fogeyish most classic most sumptuous most modish most exquisite most opulent most dogmatic most humourless most straight-laced most bien pensant most aesthetic most clean-living most select most self-important most important most fetid most arrogant most supercilious most humorless most bloated most estimable most rare most ornate most mediocre most redoubtable most moderate most ordinary most creditable most well-thought-of most esthetic most overdone most stylized most recherche most in line most namby-pamby most tight-laced

Tính từ

Superlative for kind and warmly courteous
benignest humanest kindest kindliest mildest lovingest patientest tenderest gentlest warmest best softest friendliest best-disposed neighborliest nicest mellowest easiest sweetest laxest pleasantest freest lightest politest fondest lavishest biggest best-mannered pitifullest thoughtiest best-intentioned holiest best-bred chastest wholesomest weakest princeliest calmest most compassionate most lenient most merciful most forgiving most indulgent most benevolent most clement most forbearing most soft-hearted most beneficent most benignant most charitable most easy-going most generous most humanitarian most liberal most magnanimous most permissive most sympathetic most tolerant most considerate most caring most kindhearted most understanding most thoughtful most helpful most kind-hearted most altruistic most good-hearted most softhearted most good-natured most tenderhearted most unselfish most giving most warm-hearted most obliging most philanthropic most selfless most goodhearted most amiable most accommodating most munificent most neighbourly most responsive most affectionate most feeling most philanthropical most great-hearted most affable most bountiful most unstinting most bounteous most solicitous most amicable most genial most maternal most fatherly most motherly most large-hearted most bleeding-heart most empathetic most concerned most open-handed most sensitive most attentive most comforting most decent most empathic most supportive most eleemosynary most ungrudging most congenial most agreeable most bighearted most cordial most sparing most easygoing most favourable most favorable most public-spirited most greathearted most openhanded most openhearted most chivalrous most fatherlike most moderate most encouraging most complaisant most noble most hospitable most approachable most good-humoured most good-humored most broad-minded most courteous most compliant most ruthful most doting most accepting most freehanded most gallant most propitious most regardful most commiserative most tactful most benefic most angelic most cooperative most human most good-tempered most open-minded most long-suffering most reassuring most patriotic most prosocial most placable most uplifting most receptive most mindful most civilized most inspiriting most protective most inspiring most self-sacrificing most immaculate most piteous most civil most observant most heedful most righteous most accessible most civilised most sentimental most touchy-feely most diplomatic most social most paternal most stimulating most nonthreatening most esteemed most angelical most spotless most respected most unsparing most creditable most approving most inoffensive most moralistic most pharisaical most overindulgent most fulfilling most soothing most pietistical most unmarred most pietistic most pristine most graceful most prayerful most unblamable most virginal most untouched most redeemable most undemanding most yielding most respectful most likeable most deferential most spineless most boneless most lovable most likable most dutiful most brotherly most sweet-tempered most delightful most unoffensive most cheerful most sociable most engaging most pleasing most well-meaning

Tính từ

Superlative for having a friendly and sociable nature
nicest pleasantest sweetest mellowest best-disposed friendliest warmest kindest neighborliest kindliest easiest gentlest politest chummiest benignest mildest palsy-walsiest tenderest happiest clubbiest heartiest best softest honestest cheeriest justest peacefullest palliest lovingest winsomest humblest coziest cosiest loveliest closest chirpiest calmest humanest perkiest highest fairest worthiest placidest earnestest fondest meekest eagerest breeziest tightest lordliest greatest patientest loftiest swellest liveliest wonderfullest bluffest jolliest fittest quietest nearest thickest merriest biggest blandest shiest coolest sunniest uppermost blithest gladdest mushiest deepest commonest freshest snuggest tamest princeliest freest trustworthiest truest straightest courtliest bravest cleanest sportiest best-mannered most amiable most affable most genial most agreeable most good-natured most good-tempered most sociable most cordial most amicable most congenial most neighbourly most hospitable most sympathetic most good-humoured most benevolent most good-humored most companionable most obliging most convivial most comradely most warm-hearted most cheerful most likeable most gregarious most likable most approachable most considerate most helpful most matey most decent most tolerant most civil most generous most easygoing most social most jovial most outgoing most bonhomous most courteous most personable most engaging most welcoming most kind-hearted most easy-going most complaisant most charming most palsy most accommodating most amenable most caring most unselfish most compassionate most conversable most lovable most affectionate most open most familiar most clubbable most thoughtful most collegial most charitable most kindhearted most understanding most upright most softhearted most pleasing most mild-mannered most honourable most ethical most honorable most principled most liberal most natural most delightful most noble most intimate most cooperative most moral most bighearted most peaceable most lenient most unassuming most harmonious most casual most goodhearted most large-hearted most relaxed most accessible most urbane most harmless most communicative most uninhibited most altruistic most mannerly most virtuous most respectable most magnanimous most gallant most chivalrous most extroverted most righteous most upstanding most couthy most pacific most temperate most great-hearted most regular most modest most moderate most good-hearted most even-tempered most soft-hearted most tenderhearted most merciful most sweet-tempered most informal most indulgent most sensible most carefree most appealing most communal most confidential most supportive most heartfelt most wholehearted most sincere most enthusiastic most winning most extraverted most clubable most greathearted most responsive most unpresumptuous most elevated most high-minded most sensitive most amical most fatherly most brotherly most nonchalant most maternal most simpatico most favourable most paternal most motherly most demure most reverent most favorable most angelic most unoffensive most stand-up most free and easy most self-sacrificing most respectful most happy-go-lucky most compatible most bountiful most accommodative most willing most approving most unflappable most open-handed most like-minded most civilized most acquiescent most compliant most guestfriendly most facile most unceremonious most colonial most public most selfless most copacetic most dear most unaffected most diplomatic most undemanding most expansive most civilised most fraternal most ingratiating most self-effacing most personal most suitable most adapted most measured most taking most captivating most enchanting most conciliatory most genuine most philanthropic most philanthropical most conscientious most moralistic most dovelike most soft-spoken most forgiving most forbearing most laid back most sisterly most solicitous most comforting most inviting most jocund most upbeat most joyous most chipper most reasonable most receptive most consistent most consonant most congruous most empathetic most amorous most serene most giving most heroic most informative most general most polished most pleasurable most organized most entertaining most popular most amusing most barley-sugar most docile most inseparable most officious most glowing most impartial most evenhanded most deferential most subdued most free-and-easy most valiant most munificent most affectious most humanitarian most public-spirited most unbiased most unprejudiced most equitable most organised most societal most nonpartisan most sporting most proper most forthright most sportsmanlike most dependable most lawful most beneficent most reputable most regardful most redoubtable most cultivated most uncorrupted most illustrious most sportsmanly most gentlemanlike most legal most bounteous most outstanding most refined most remarkable most extraordinary most meritorious most right-minded most clean-living

Tính từ

Superlative for apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority
haughtiest snootiest high and mightiest loftiest uppitiest lordliest proudest huffiest toploftiest sniffiest chestiest pushiest snobbiest cockiest smuggest vainest snottiest brashest boldest cheekiest snippiest brassiest sauciest sassiest firmest nerviest coolest freshest wilfullest poshest rudest wisest showiest surest brusquest rigidest powerfullest smartest harshest stuffiest pertest stiffest archest sternest severest swankiest highest puffiest braggiest ambitiousest giddiest flightiest dizziest curtest loudest windiest strictest flippest toniest freest glibbest tersest strongest impolitest rashest hastiest foolhardiest splendidest grandest floweriest airiest briskest jauntiest most condescending most patronising most patronizing most supercilious most snobbish most disdainful most contemptuous most toffee-nosed most arrogant most cavalier most pompous most scornful most stuck-up most magisterial most pretentious most high-handed most dictatorial most overbearing most overweening most swaggering most self-important most tyrannical most peremptory most stooping most overconfident most aloof most bossy most domineering most hifalutin most highfalutin most assumptive most self-assertive most masterful most despotic most important most uppish most high-hat most hoity-toity most stiff-necked most autocratic most bumptious most huffish most prideful most refined most toploftical most authoritarian most presumptuous most honourable most grandiose most honorable most fancy-pants most conceited most egotistic most insolent most egotistical most vainglorious most boastful most audacious most authoritative most opinionated most puffed up most commanding most impudent most immodest most narcissistic most cocksure most confident most bigheaded most hubristic most self-satisfied most blustering most pontifical most affected most egoistic most egoistical most self-confident most brazen most swellheaded most officious most self-conceited most self-centered most impertinent most self-assured most self-centred most selfish most assured most ostentatious most egocentric most tyrannous most tyrannic most autocratical most stuck up most imperative most biggity most bloated most big-headed most self-congratulatory most la-di-da most full of oneself most biggety most assertive most imperial most elitist most dismissive most mocking most oppressive most arbitrary most dogmatic most willful most self-serving most self-righteous most orgulous most pushful most contumelious most imposing most indifferent most heavy-handed most blusterous most bullish most insistent most inconsiderate most complacent most abrupt most uncivil most repressive most iron-handed most inflexible most dominant most decisive most forceful most disrespectful most malapert most sententious most doctrinaire most emphatic most positive most portentous most compelling most certain most brazen-faced most self-aggrandizing most flaunting most high-minded most smart-alecky most bombastic most extroverted most braggart most uninhibited most blustery most extraverted most self-complacent most complaisant most offhand most undemocratic most impressive most masterly most highhanded most controlling most vaunting most anti-democratic most consequential most derisive most thoughtless most self-willed most draconian most casual most obnoxious most disparaging most withering most slighting most reserved most distant most detached most iron-fisted most ironhanded most uninterested most insouciant most unconcerned most poncey most inflated most unceremonious most discourteous most persnickety most remote most unabashed most insulting most abhorrent most overbold most familiar most aggressive most unyielding most dogmatical most Neronian most procacious most barefaced most boldfaced most off most perfunctory most cursory most ungracious most overfamiliar most self-respecting most clamorous most coercive most antipathetic most averse most unsympathetic most impetuous most premature most previous most precipitate most offish most pococurante most spectacular most overstated most magnificent most exaggerated most flatulent most highfaluting most compulsory most mandatory most required most obligatory most exacting most compulsatory most aristocratic most standoffish most summary most overproud most high falutin most presumptive most careless most in charge most high-flown most improper most shameless most inappropriate most preponderant most ascendant most demanding most prevalent most intolerant most classic most classical most definitive most stringent most finished most rigorous most obstinate most fixed most definite most uncompromising most decided most judgelike most hotshot

Trái nghĩa của most gracious

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