Đồng nghĩa của most unselfish

Tính từ

Superlative for willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one's own
kindest humanest freest fulsomest lovingest kindliest lavishest friendliest best tenderest biggest neighborliest warmest pleasantest princeliest gentlest politest benignest best-disposed nicest loftiest honestest justest mildest softest fairest loosest easiest patientest readiest sweetest excellentest worthiest lordliest greatest highest mellowest amplest knightliest plentifullest fullest wildest best-mannered heartiest richest holiest unkindest cruelest chastest usefullest sublimest eagerest happiest breeziest thoughtiest loveliest best-bred calmest wholesomest largest winsomest courtliest bravest best-intentioned mushiest trustworthiest handiest truest straightest laxest broadest purest lightest proudest pitifullest boldest loyalest blandest suavest stateliest classiest manliest seemliest praiseworthiest saintliest squarest chattiest widest talkiest gushiest most charitable most generous most liberal most altruistic most disinterested most humanitarian most magnanimous most noble most selfless most self-sacrificing most unsparing most philanthropic most public-spirited most self-denying most unstinting most benevolent most bighearted most bounteous most bountiful most caring most compassionate most considerate most devoted most freehanded most freehearted most munificent most open most openhanded most open-handed most ungrudging most chivalrous most decent most extroverted most giving most helpful most incorruptible most indulgent most self-effacing most thoughtful most beneficent most sympathetic most obliging most kind-hearted most kindhearted most gracious most hospitable most accommodating most understanding most good-natured most tolerant most prodigal most neighbourly most benignant most warm-hearted most great-hearted most amiable most greathearted most eleemosynary most philanthropical most genial most agreeable most affable most supportive most merciful most cordial most handsome most large-hearted most good-hearted most goodhearted most gallant most soft-hearted most cooperative most solicitous most civil most lenient most high-minded most complaisant most willing most honourable most tenderhearted most honorable most affectionate most amicable most attentive most courteous most upright most tactful most profuse most sensitive most good-humoured most good-humored most plenteous most moderate most softhearted most reasonable most feeling most abundant most sociable most comforting most congenial most clement most mindful most easygoing most forgiving most cheerful most forbearing most righteous most extravagant most unstinted most openhearted most respectful most diplomatic most concerned most companionable most elevated most empathetic most human most regardful most virtuous most respectable most ethical most empathic most commiserative most approachable most fatherly most motherly most maternal most moral most principled most upstanding most amenable most responsive most good-tempered most bleeding-heart most accommodative most heedful most social most compliant most equitable most wasteful most thriftless most profligate most moralistic most acceptable most immoderate most unrestrained most natural most civilized most heroic most brotherly most lovable most civilised most fatherlike most likeable most delightful most engaging most even-tempered most sweet-tempered most open-minded most likable most stand-up most harmonious most convivial most substantial most immaculate most patriotic most prosocial most esteemed most angelical most spotless most respected most creditable most approving most inoffensive most pharisaical most unreasonable most favourable most unprejudiced most circumspect most discreet most excessive most unrelenting most procrustean most inexorable most pietistical most unmarred most pietistic most pristine most graceful most valuable most beneficient most idealistic most favorable most nonthreatening most observant most accessible most acquiescent most valiant most conscientious most well-meaning most broad-minded most sentimental most personable most prayerful most unblamable most virginal most untouched most redeemable most encouraging most reputable most ruthful most doting most piteous most benefic most deferential most propitious most unoffensive most dutiful most angelic most pleasing most perceptive most sparing most redoubtable most cultivated most uncorrupted most illustrious most easy-going most adaptable most pliable most unpresumptuous most charming most unassuming most outstanding most refined most remarkable most extraordinary most meritorious most mild-mannered most taking most captivating most winning most simpatico most enchanting most barley-sugar most harmless most appealing most overgenerous most receptive most dependable most intemperate most overabundant most improvident most long-suffering most accepting most comradely most aware most intuitive most careful most mannerly most peaceable most free-and-easy most exuberant most casual most cognizant most discerning most conscious most user friendly most over the top most reactive most impressionable most sensitized most right-minded most clean-living most supersensitive most insightful most emotionable most knowing most welcoming most paternalistic most maternalistic most paternal most sisterly most permissive most catholic most unbiased most decorous most latitudinarian most advanced most progressive most radical most gentlemanly most proper most distinguished most exemplary most dignified most forthcoming most couth most scrupulous most guiltless most laudable most intelligent most general most rational most unconventional most enlightened most left most avant-garde most interested most reformist most unorthodox most flexible most libertarian most vulnerable most placable most right-thinking most temperate most emollient most yielding most understandable most admirable most ladylike most courageous most appreciative most reassuring most liberalistic most valorous most chivalric most intrepid most irreprehensible most sanctimonious most self-righteous most reverent most genteel most composed most venerable most daring most urbane most bonhomous most unctuous most constant most outgoing most communicative most spirited most gentlemanlike most quixotic most talkative most conscionable most blameless most truthful most sinless most innocent most effusive most loquacious most uninhibited most garrulous most spiritual most faultless most stoic most uncomplaining most stoical most demonstrative most commendable most kosher most conversational most voluble most sophisticated most discursive most free and easy most effervescent most expansive most gregarious

Tính từ

Superlative for not influenced by considerations of personal advantage
fairest justest candidest squarest honestest trustworthiest best straightest coolest calmest easiest truest cleanest levelest coldest nicest frankest steadiest saintliest humanest trustiest loyalest worthiest purest freest most disinterested most impartial most objective most unbiased most equitable most unprejudiced most detached most neutral most dispassionate most even-handed most impersonal most uninvolved most balanced most equal most evenhanded most indifferent most nonpartisan most open-minded most selfless most aloof most fair-minded most outside most rational most judicial most moderate most egalitarian most reasonable most honourable most honorable most even most upright most decent most virtuous most independent most moral most ethical most uncommitted most righteous most principled most scrupulous most conscientious most clinical most upstanding most respectable most proper most unconcerned most undecided most inactive most disengaged most unaligned most poker-faced most nonchalant most right-minded most incorruptible most inert most noble most pacifistic most relaxed most collected most sincere most unemotional most sensible most unconnected most blameless most conscionable most unslanted most dependable most reliable most uncorrupted most removed most legitimate most lawful most justifiable most uninterested most uninfluenced most non-aligned most kosher most disconnected most correct most stand-up most high-minded most unimpeachable most faithful most unrelated most distant most impassive most due most proportionate most unswayed most upfront most stable most legal most legit most equable most pukka most civil most unprepossessed most moralistic most fitting most right-thinking most elevated most unmoved most unruffled most logical most composed most level-headed most critical most precise most heedful most punctual most fastidious most exact most responsible most exemplary most veracious most estimable most self-righteous most honest-to-goodness most reputable most guileless most truthful most liberal most tolerant most acceptant most undogmatic most enlightened most observant most perceptive most catholic most acceptive most accepting most understanding most permissive most broad-minded

Trái nghĩa của most unselfish

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