Đồng nghĩa của sickliest

Alternative for sickliest

sicklier, sickliest

Đồng nghĩa: ailing, indisposed, peaked(p), poorly(p), sallow, seedy, under the weather, unwell,

Tính từ

Superlative for weak and unhealthy
unhealthiest weakest feeblest frailest weakliest infirmest puniest crankiest faintest lowest meanest rockiest seediest sickest peakiest baddest shakiest queasiest crummiest lousiest queerest ropiest funniest rottenest roughest punkest wimpiest grottiest fragilest tenderest slightest unsteadiest weariest terriblest dizziest awfullest softest limpest wooziest ricketiest sluggishest palest wannest iffiest lamest pallidest groggiest thinnest unfittest wobbliest trembliest giddiest pastiest flimsiest sallowest poorest slowest spindliest laziest heaviest meagerest meagrest weediest snooziest mooniest easiest queaziest neshest ashiest greyest grayest slenderest ugliest gauntest deathliest dodgiest miserablest wretchedest daintiest brittlest fishiest wispiest strangest achiest trickiest gentlest flabbiest flattest oddest fidgetiest dreamiest sleepiest stillest grimmest cowardliest primmest meekest lightest wishy-washiest wettest airiest finest oldest wonkiest uselessest scrawniest filmiest paltriest gauziest sheerest blandest floatiest featheriest smallest greenest intensest ancientest wussiest nerdiest silkiest cobwebbiest waviest unsurest loosest dullest blankest shackiest sorest stiffest timidest tamest mildest shallowest gamest laxest slackest subtlest loveliest fluffiest shadowiest widest open ghostliest eeriest unworldliest most delicate most ailing most invalid most indisposed most diseased most ill most lackluster most lacklustre most off-color most peaked most sickish most unwell most unsound most crook most sickened most out of sorts most bedridden most enervated most nauseous most weakened most wabbit most liverish most languid most peculiar most nauseated most wasted most off most valetudinarian most asthenic most incapacitated most anaemic most effete most decrepit most anemic most tired most wimpish most afflicted most unsubstantial most laid up most exhausted most washed out most infected most softened most fatigued most drained most peakish most unstable most languorous most disabled most listless most dreadful most lackadaisical most tottering most apathetic most haggard most etiolated most uninterested most squeamish most helpless most strengthless most unenthusiastic most doddery most tottery most dopey most emaciated most drawn most handicapped most insecure most wavering most queerish most bummed most unwholesome most spiritless most lethargic most inactive most indifferent most inert most irresolute most impassive most torpid most anile most sensitive most ill-looking most supine most vacillating most blah most pathetic most sapless most phlegmatic most bilious most unconcerned most tenuous most leaden most halting most comatose most laid-back most unhurried most lymphatic most leisurely most worn out most feverish most upset most unsettled most doubtful most drooping most damaged most vulnerable most hurt most stricken most susceptible most hipped most splenetic most hippish most valetudinary most reduced most colourless most ashen-faced most ashen most bloodless most beat most pooped most unreliable most indecisive most cadaverous most worn-out most broken-down most unsightly most lightheaded most fluttery most tuckered out most shattery most powerless most septic most contaminated most tainted most blighted most flawed most deficient most hypochondriacal most disordered most abnormal most peccant most impotent most inadequate most infectious most colorless most seasick most ticklish most inconstant most staggering most imperfect most substandard most unsatisfactory most airsick most trainsick most carsick most insufficient most aged most half-hearted most uncomfortable most insubstantial most uncertain most pukish most concerned most troubling most dubious most restless most unsettling most relaxed most sick to one's stomach most hysterical most puritanical most vertiginous most annoyed most mincing most captious most hypercritical most uncompromising most disgusted most exacting most knackered most passionless most unexcited most unwilling most blasé most untrained most spineless most nerveless most weak-kneed most characterless most precarious most limp-wristed most namby-pamby most milk-and-water most diaphanous most unsafe most ineffective most defenceless most defenseless most ethereal most ineffectual most gossamer most ramshackle most senile most impuissant most defective most insipid most inept most lightweight most gossamery most unable most dilapidated most incapable most faded most debile most unbalanced most resistless most vapid most perilous most transparent most encumbered most hampered most hazardous most broken most see-through most unconvincing most unprotected most hamstrung most endangered most translucent most waiflike most fluctuant most unguarded most rumpty most vaporous most rarefied most papery most dangerous most dependent most intangible most oppressive most exotic most stifling most breakable most uneven most diminished most shielded most yielding most superannuated most paperlike most senescent most deteriorating most degenerative most wilted most withered most papyraceous most derelict most lifeless most innocuous most rusty most chartaceous most allergic most gauzelike most anodyne most lusterless most played out most subject most tied most ruinous most tumbledown most nebulous most wisplike most disenfranchised most chiffony most flavorless most mediocre most watered-down most flavourless most chicken most passive most shambly most rachitic most geriatric most timorous most unproductive most translucid most transpicuous most insignificant most implausible most inconsequential most imaginary most fibrous most deformed most battered most moderate most trivial most trifling most illusory most visionary most immaterial most lily-livered most faint-hearted most low-key most loosened most undefended most unresistant most inexpert most weightless most fanciful most exquisite most open most unqualified most unfitted most rootless most immature most physically challenged most beautiful most elegant most graceful most rare most volatile most incorporeal most frivolous most naked most aerial most unproficient most unskilful most refined most indefensible most finespun most inefficacious most impalpable most frangible most inapt most hopeless most cack-handed most unskilled most ham-fisted most unskillful most wraithlike most on the line most gaseous most vapory most otherworldly most uncool most unsuited most unequipped most naive most inexperienced most ineligible

Tính từ

Superlative for excessively sentimental or mawkish
mushiest sloppiest slushiest sugariest weepiest cheesiest schmaltziest syrupiest cutesiest ickiest tritest drippiest gooiest sloshiest soppiest soupiest treacliest gushiest hokiest spooniest stickiest fruitiest wettest tenderest sweetest soapiest cutest dreamiest tackiest hackiest teariest feeblest schlockiest campiest kitschiest kitschest disgustingest lovingest softest silliest pleasantest saddest prettiest fulsomest lavishest pitifullest oiliest gentlest stalest dullest quaintest daintiest bitterest painfullest hammiest glibbest miserablest intensest mournfullest wretchedest touchiest powerfullest awkwardest difficultest most sentimental most cloying most mawkish most nauseating most sickening most corny most lachrymose most maudlin most overemotional most banal most lovey-dovey most romantic most twee most toe-curling most sappy most novelettish most sugarcoated most chocolate-box most emotional most gushing most touching most tearful most nostalgic most honeyed most oversweet most dewy-eyed most sickly sweet most pathetic most sugar-coated most bathetic most effusive most oversentimental most inane most candied most soft-hearted most impressionable most softhearted most idealistic most affected most passionate most vapid most demonstrative most sugared most sweetened most fatuous most moonstruck most insipid most visionary most sobby most sacchariferous most ingratiating most bromidic most melodramatic most poetic most corn-fed most self-pitying most excessive most affectionate most over the top most unctuous most misty-eyed most glacé most iced most nectarous most toothsome most flattering most moving most poignant most affecting most emotive most heart-rending most tragic most disturbing most heart-warming most evocative most heartbreaking most unrestrained most impressive most romanticized most impactful most plaintive most heartrending most precious most thrilling most exciting most wistful most sensitive most enthusiastic most affective most impassioned most melting most harrowing most extravagant most oleaginous most ebullient most adulatory most lyrical most hagiographic most exuberant most expansive most piteous most upsetting most saddening most pitiable most expressive most histrionic most attractive most picturesque most shopworn most hackneyed most commonplace most old-fashioned most bijou most melancholy most depressing most namby-pamby most controversial most tragicomic most distressing most overdone most dismal most overenthusiastic most inflammatory most delicate most contentious most sorrowful most blubbery most voluble most perceptual most visceral most intuitive most feeling most gut-wrenching most agonizing most haunting most dramatic most uplifting most bittersweet most lovelorn most affectional most heartwarming most uninhibited most sweet-and-sour most stunning most mind-blowing most compassionate most responsive most sympathetic most tactual most tactile most touchy-feely most infatuated most frustrated most obsessed most twitterpated most lovesick

Tính từ

(of a flavour, smell, colour, etc.) Superlative for unpleasant in a way that induces discomfort or nausea
unhealthiest loudest violentest disgustingest morosest sickest rottenest harmfullest nastiest foulest unpleasantest evillest uncleanest filthiest dirtiest germiest skankiest grimiest squalidest rankest muddiest grubbiest muckiest shabbiest scummiest scungiest grottiest sordidest dustiest scuzziest miriest vilest stalest cruddiest sleaziest seediest messiest sloppiest smuttiest gungiest blackest dingiest mankiest grungiest smelliest ickiest yuckiest mouldiest scurviest moldiest mustiest most bilious most distasteful most insalubrious most lurid most nauseating most noisome most noxious most unattractive most unhealthful most unwholesome most garish most revolting most morbid most overpowering most toxic most poisonous most unhygienic most insanitary most venomous most unsanitary most virulent most deleterious most contaminated most spoiled most septic most injurious most spoilt most detrimental most unsalutary most mephitic most dangerous most lethal most unnutritious most polluting most nocuous most unsafe most pestiferous most pestilent most toxicant most putrid most miasmal most miasmic most pestilential most olid most contaminative most insalutary most scathel most unnourishing most destructive most ruinous most tainted most damaging most malign most baleful most unsound most offensive most malignant most repulsive most baneful most inimical most pathological most decayed most pernicious most disagreeable most objectionable most impure most festy most polluted most infected most feculent most fetid most disease-ridden most soiled most corrupt most diseased most unfiltered most stained most sullied most rancid most stinking most poisoned most putrescent most defiled most tarnished most draggled most muddied most blackened most uncleanly most bedraggled most odorous

Tính từ

Superlative for very showy or ornamented, now especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner
gaudiest flashiest loudest tackiest vulgarest showiest brightest jazziest brashest gayest tawdriest harshest violentest brassiest glitziest noisiest splashiest swankest swankiest cheapest chintziest coarsest crudest grossest kitschiest ritziest snazziest naffest boldest trashiest vividest richest kitschest fanciest shoddiest intensest commonest sleaziest shabbiest schlockiest strongest junkiest poorest glitteriest sportiest tattiest classiest dictiest fussiest lousiest miserablest cheesiest rottenest crassest toniest shiniest paltriest busiest terriblest bummest wretchedest baddest clearest glossiest pizzazziest pizazziest nastiest liveliest plushest jauntiest flakiest splendidest floweriest smartest niftiest splurgiest catchiest grabbiest deepest sheeniest warmest lowest campest tinniest spiffiest ropiest lucidest grandest duffest grottiest basest meanest scruffiest dingiest frowziest lavishest freshest bravest sauciest fullest flimsiest ricketiest dirtiest wildest stateliest merriest trendiest superbest gassiest goldest nattiest uselessest bloodiest seediest plainest sharpest suckiest lividest snappiest sassiest finest wordiest cruddiest sheerest baldest posiest arrantest rankest swishest flauntiest poshest snippiest extremest hollowest artiest fakest cushiest frilliest highest-quality most garish most glaring most ostentatious most tasteless most brilliant most flash most florid most raffish most glittering most bilious most distasteful most flamboyant most lurid most nauseating most unattractive most blatant most brazen most chichi most colourful most colorful most extravagant most flaunting most frou-frou most meretricious most obtrusive most pretentious most screaming most splendiferous most tinsel most overdone most ornate most overwrought most striking most resplendent most dazzling most eye-catching most vibrant most conspicuous most tinselly most elaborate most over-elaborate most glowing most fancy-pants most over the top most rubbishy most affected most theatrical most luxurious most baroque most sumptuous most flaming most cheapjack most specious most glamorous most pompous most decorated most grandiose most pronounced most prominent most second-rate most dashing most outrageous most noticeable most bombastic most low-grade most radiant most mediocre most opulent most psychedelic most luxuriant most kaleidoscopic most lustrous most gleaming most dramatic most exciting most worthless most exaggerated most shining most plastic most obvious most multicoloured most swashbuckling most peacocky most execrable most multicolored most embellished most adorned most elegant most variegated most spectacular most inflated most luscious most overelaborate most puffed up most shameless most audacious most stylish most aureate most histrionic most sensational most motley most unmistakable most overstated most graphic most superficial most prismatic most bodacious most remarkable most kenspeckle most marked most emphatic most commanding most polychromatic most decorative most irradiant most exhibitionistic most magnificent most incandescent most luminescent most ornamental most peacockish most luminous most candescent most beautiful most makeshift most evident most manifest most lambent most glistering most rubbish most beaming most refulgent most slipshod most ablaze most colored most wedding-cake most coloured most broken-down most jarring most clashing most blinding most unrefined most sham most pinchbeck most expensive most startling most interesting most effective most stimulating most imaginative most fakey most whimsical most daring most unspeakable most adventurous most insubstantial most animated most informal most casual most offensive most visual most impressive most overblown most attention-grabbing most excessive most ramshackle most convivial most defiant most daredevil most cheapo most imposing most detailed most outstanding most distinct most intrusive most protuberant most inescapable most titillating most golden most complex most complicated most salient most fun most actorly most fiery most fluorescent most substandard most dilapidated most inglorious most low-down most multihued most gingerbready most gingerbreaded most forceful most definite most iridescent most gorgeous most scintillating most alloyed most trifling most prosperous most observable most perceptible most garbagy most bedecked most multichromatic most sanguine most rakish most metaphorical most verbose most dreadful most patent most high-flown most varied most flagrant most open most particolored most particoloured most phantasmagoric most picturesque most transparent most multi-coloured most palpable most intricate most unconcealed most mannered most naked most undisguised most overambitious most gilt most unabashed most straightforward most impudent most barefaced most artificial most indisputable most brass-necked most la-di-da most unmitigated most egregious most unembarrassed most insolent most deluxe most conceited most snobbish most heroic most unsubtle most hifalutin most vainglorious most sophomoric most protrusive most deliberate most overbold most select most quality most devilish most sophisticated most towering most toffee-nosed most poncey most flatulent most fanciful most special most high-minded most highfaluting most stilted most unusual most fancible most highfalutin most high-class

Trái nghĩa của sickliest

sickliest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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