Đồng nghĩa của most cancerous

Tính từ

Superlative for harmful or likely to injure
harmfullest evillest adversest deadliest baddest unhealthiest wickedest direst painfullest diciest riskiest unluckiest vilest foulest spitefullest violentest hardest fiercest fellest unfriendliest nastiest cruelest poorest bitterest viciousest terriblest woefullest unkindest awfullest unseemliest unhappiest lowest unfittest gravest meanest seriousest severest harshest costliest cattiest gloomiest wretchedest deathliest thorniest latest tardiest toughest strongest hatefullest miserablest ugliest blackest sickliest rottenest unpleasantest sharpest awkwardest most deleterious most damaging most pernicious most noxious most cankerous most dangerous most destructive most injurious most detrimental most hurtful most baleful most ruinous most disastrous most baneful most calamitous most malignant most disadvantageous most unfortunate most maleficent most prejudicial most unfavourable most inimical most lethal most unfavorable most ill most unwholesome most nocuous most poisonous most malefic most negative most undesirable most counterproductive most toxic most nocent most mischievous most devastating most virulent most crippling most malign most venomous most catastrophic most hazardous most cataclysmic most sinister most pestilential most malicious most extirpative most annihilative most suicidal most subversive most perilous most parlous most threatening most critical most pestiferous most noisome most menacing most corrosive most mortal most incendiary most unsafe most unpropitious most malevolent most untoward most inopportune most inexpedient most wrackful most lethiferous most wreckful most corruptive most pestilent most uncontrollable most insidious most miasmatic most offensive most nefarious most miasmic most cantankerous most iniquitous most reprobate most killing most cataclysmal most invasive most infectious most fateful most damning most annihilatory most savage most brutal most devastative most precarious most life-threatening most cutthroat most consumptive most erosive most murderous most diseased most sinful most insalubrious most disturbing most hostile most inauspicious most unsympathetic most antagonistic most untimely most contrary most distressing most ominous most troublesome most regrettable most objectionable most unhealthful most unnutritious most infelicitous most inconvenient most grievous most unpromising most antipathetic most abusive most unconducive most uncomplimentary most lamentable most vitriolic most disparaging most unseasonable most improper most inhospitable most dreadful most unsuitable most unsuited most malapropos most discommodious most wrong most inappropriate most ill-disposed most inadvisable most ill-advised most derogatory most slighting most adversarial most crushing most rancorous most inconducive most vindictive most unflattering most afflictive most unsound most jaundiced most inapt most unadvantageous most deplorable most frightful most ill-suited most ill-fated most counteractive most aching most unbeneficial most mortifying most incriminating most uncongenial most alien most condemnatory most vengeful most intimidating most forbidding most frightening most defamatory most acrimonious most artful most withering most minatory most intimidatory most unwelcoming most unwelcome most tragic most alarming most bothersome most bodeful most jeopardous most troubling most unsatisfactory most cutting most disaffected most repugnant most inimic most oppugnant most inimicable most worrying most direful most wasteful most exhausting most draining most immoderate most extravagant most implicative most accusatorial most conclusive most heartrending most heartbreaking most distressful most tragical most stinging most scathing most unnourishing most ill-natured most catastrophal most insulting most barbed most insanitary most concerning most unhygienic most tainted most despiteful most ill-timed most septic most contaminated most spoiled most caustic most aspersive most rapacious most aggressive most morbid most spoilt most pathological most distasteful most impure most repulsive most decayed most disagreeable most acid most pointed most trenchant most acerbic most mordacious most pejorative most unprofitable most unhelpful most depreciative most dyslogistic most depreciatory most shattered most desperate most stricken most hopeless most hapless most pained most unsuccessful most forsaken most afflicted most doomed most inept most cursed most ill-starred most luckless most broken most ruined most troubled most unprosperous most star-crossed most unbecoming

Trái nghĩa của most cancerous

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