Đồng nghĩa của most punishing

Tính từ

Superlative for arduous, gruelling, demanding
cruelest hardest heaviest stiffest difficultest severest toughest harshest roughest ruggedest sweatiest tallest extremest grimmest weightiest painfullest fiercest seriousest strictest intensest bitterest direst thorniest hairiest awfullest austerest ambitiousest sharpest stickiest strongest steepest trickiest awkwardest weariest unpleasantest acutest mightiest gravest terriblest bleakest wickedest tensest heftiest tightest sternest rigidest prickliest violentest boringest knottiest immensest viciousest iffiest dodgiest darkest chanciest meanest unfriendliest harmfullest dourest slowest unfairest lengthiest wretchedest busiest firmest stormiest wildest ugliest baddest biggest hardest-won diciest drudgiest uncommonest grossest unseemliest lavishest fanciest sheerest robustest greatest scariest plaguiest nastiest peskiest unkindest rowdiest woefullest powerfullest hugest horridest ghastliest vilest rottenest horriblest foulest creepiest saddest grottiest boldest beastliest lousiest riskiest grandest rockiest liveliest loftiest sombrest gloomiest somberest unluckiest gnarliest shakiest fullest pitifullest messiest highest-risk bumpiest unruliest most taxing most gruelling most wearing most arduous most burdensome most demanding most exhausting most onerous most rigorous most strenuous most stressful most tiring most trying most debilitating most enervating most backbreaking most crippling most draining most relentless most unsparing most brutal most grueling most inexorable most killing most laborious most murderous most punitive most unremitting most exacting most challenging most toilsome most formidable most crushing most oppressive most testing most wearisome most effortful most exigent most excruciating most killer most hellacious most grievous most hellish most Herculean most troublesome most stringent most Augean most tedious most tiresome most harrowing most irksome most torturous most excessive most agonizing most bothersome most operose most persnickety most labored most intolerable most laboured most unbearable most toilful most drastic most draconian most vigorous most daunting most ponderous most distressing most worrying most forbidding most vexatious most immoderate most tortuous most swingeing most tormenting most galling most hardhanded most unyielding most exorbitant most unrelenting most colossal most painstaking most merciless most substantial most insufferable most unforgiving most radical most disturbing most critical most cumbersome most desperate most nerve-racking most unreasonable most hazardous most forceful most inordinate most dreadful most extravagant most worrisome most inhuman most titanic most savage most staggering most intimidating most unendurable most dangerous most uncomfortable most hectic most gargantuan most perilous most precarious most slavish most difficile most traumatic most unbending most inflexible most piercing most far-reaching most momentous most inconvenient most anxious most raging most undue most impossible most uncompromising most frustrating most fraught most delicate most outrageous most unmerciful most unconscionable most burning most overweening most towering most baroque most devilish most prohibitive most upsetting most plethoric most insane most overextravagant most overdue most exasperating most consuming most ticklish most problematical most concerning most disagreeable most thorough most pressing most worksome most pounding most consequential most gigantic most intemperate most jarring most major most distressful most solemn most ferocious most hostile most suspect most dubious most questionable most spartan most time-consuming most torturesome most troubling most physical most overwhelming most monumental most energetic most withering most domineering most despotic most thoroughgoing most mammoth most responsible most unrelaxing most dogged most sweeping most Spartan most superincumbent most protracted most hardworking most precise most hypercritical most careful most tyrannical most ruthless most overpowering most plodding most penetrating most repressive most biting most extortionate most authoritarian most tormentous most exquisite most stinging most caustic most cutting most blistering most tempestuous most turbulent most splitting most thumping most tumultuous most punitory most considerable most life-threatening most disastrous most significant most inclement most peracute most menacing most threatening most intensive most toe-curling most irritating most embarrassing most stultifying most infuriating most exceptional most zealous most unusual most exaggerated most unmitigated most controversial most sensitive most ominous most iron-handed most heavy-handed most iron-fisted most egregious most fanatical most problem most scabrous most almighty most absolute most downright most preposterous most remarkable most flagrant most unconventional most headstrong most intractable most hardheaded most pitiless most improper most irrational most imprudent most fabulous most nonsensical most over the top most unsettling most disquieting most alarming most annoying most maddening most nagging most pestilent most troublous most pestiferous most pestilential most lamentable most appalling most frightening most dismal most atrocious most infernal most discomposing most deplorable most abrasive most confounded most incommodious most nettlesome most disheartening most nerve-wracking most restless most impressive most tragic most heartbreaking most pesty most rebarbative most cussed most dispiriting most heart-rending most unfortunate most regrettable most heartrending most searching most straitened most massive most uncharitable most apprehensive most objectionable most displeasing most repugnant most strained most unwelcome most puzzling most nail-biting most disappointing most courageous most heroic most antipathetic most abominable most frightful most horrendous most unsatisfying most unattractive most nervous most uneasy most demoralizing most awesome most gut-wrenching most panicky most terrifying most dictatorial most disconcerting most autocratic most undemocratic most unjust most aggressive most tyrannous most hurtful most daring most grandiose most off-putting most heinous most shameful most industrious most coercive most anti-democratic most overbearing most treacherous most vulnerable most glaring most chaotic most frantic most fearsome most intrepid most elaborate most high-handed most peremptory most parlous most eventful most frenetic most frenzied most active most pretentious most visionary most ironhanded most depressive most depressing most demoralising most monstrous most nefarious most iniquitous most tragical most unsafe most unsound most unstable most magnificent most flagitious most insecure most unpredictable most large-scale most importunate most animated most furious most flustering most bustling most offensive most pathetic most villainous most infestive most undisciplined most ungovernable most damaging most disorderly most touch-and-go most spirited most raucous most action-packed most full on

Tính từ

Superlative for striking

Tính từ

Superlative for cruel or harsh
hardest cruelest harshest severest stoniest rigidest thickest-skinned sternest strictest bloodthirstiest unkindest fiercest grimmest stiffest meanest wantonest violentest dourest roughest austerest flintiest most unmerciful most ruthless most merciless most brutal most inhumane most pitiless most heartless most unsparing most callous most cold-blooded most unfeeling most inhuman most unpitying most brutish most uncharitable most unforgiving most unrelenting most unsympathetic most barbarous most draconian most relentless most rigorous most savage most affectless most hard-boiled most illiberal most implacable most indurate most inflexible most insensate most insensitive most intolerant most ironhearted most obdurate most pachydermatous most soulless most stoney most stonyhearted most uncaring most sadistic most bestial most coldhearted most constant most hurtful most monstrous most punitive most tyrannous most unremitting most vengeful most vindictive most uncompromising most unyielding most inexorable most unbending most ferocious most unmoved most unappeasable most stringent most cold-hearted most stony-hearted most hardhearted most cutthroat most iron-fisted most uncalled-for most tormenting most torturous most wolfish most barbaric most truculent most maleficent most oppressive most despotic most tyrannical most dictatorial most abusive most exacting most onerous most murderous most authoritarian most suppressive most critical most heavy-handed most hardhanded most hard-shell

Trái nghĩa của most punishing

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