Đồng nghĩa của absentest

Tính từ

Superlative for deficient in something needed or usual
blankest vaguest emptiest dreamiest barest hollowest in shortest supply lostest ditziest mooniest scattiest spaciest deepest laxest slackest sloppiest doziest dizziest silliest giddiest slaphappiest dippiest goofiest ditsiest flightiest muzziest dopiest punchiest ignorantest craziest frothiest yeastiest stupidest screwiest softest in the head fuzziest most abstracted most distracted most preoccupied most absent-minded most vacant most absorbed most musing most oblivious most inattentive most unconscious most unaware most unheeding most bemused most careless most distrait most negligent most absentminded most heedless most neglectful most thoughtless most unthinking most vacuous most unmindful most unobservant most deficient most lost in thought most engrossed most distant most forgetful most scatterbrained most removed most pensive most brooding most remote most thoughtful most rapt most airheaded most withdrawn most agitated most detached most intent most immersed most distraught most worried most disregardful most unfocused most insensible most indifferent most unconcerned most insensitive most frantic most frenzied most hysteric most hysterical most delirious most idle most asleep most anxious most bugged most spellbound most confused most puzzled most bewildered most slipshod most slapdash most flustered most troubled most perplexed most disconcerted most discomposed most nonplussed most befuddled most nirvanic most unwitting most regardless most confounded most undiscerning most inobservant most unwatchful most unobserving most listless most apathetic most bored most off-guard most disorganized most birdbrained most empty-headed most erratic most unreliable most baffled most disorganised most muddled most disoriented most dazed most discombobulated most unsystematic most muddleheaded most featherbrained most distractible most irrational most harebrained most stumped most addled most woolly-headed most senile most shell-shocked most spaced-out most zonked most dopey most addlepated most pixillated most mixed-up most pixilated most unalert most spaced out most muddle-headed most undependable most confusional most mesmerized most unbalanced most unhinged most entranced most hooked most involved most frivolous most unglued most demented most enthralled most occupied most unsound most psychotic most unstable most unsettled most deranged most irresponsible most futile most light-minded most puerile most lightheaded most madcap most whacko most illogical most glassy-eyed most addle-brained most stunned most dumbfounded most clueless most gaga most imbecile most flummoxed most befogged most astounded most raddled most astonished most addle most taken aback most beaten

Tính từ

Superlative for cold and not feeling or showing any emotion
emptiest blankest stoniest numbest stolidest dumbest flattest glassiest vaguest dreamiest ditziest foolishest silliest dullest coldest deadest stupidest hollowest blandest frigidest calmest fishiest coolest iciest seriousest stiffest rigidest stillest placidest heaviest deepest uncanniest driest most deadpan most expressionless most vacant most impassive most stoic most vacuous most straight-faced most undemonstrative most unemotional most unexpressive most unimpassioned most catatonic most fixed most inanimate most inexpressive most wooden most emotionless most inscrutable most lifeless most unresponsive most unintelligent most uninterested most absent-minded most poker-faced most idle most abstracted most inane most thoughtless most uncomprehending most indifferent most incurious most unthinking most vapid most witless most dispassionate most apathetic most distant most unreadable most inert most unfeeling most lacklustre most lackluster most remote most phlegmatic most passionless most spiritless most stoical most affectless most impassible most matter-of-fact most toneless most cold-blooded most dazed most insensitive most soulless most detached most glacial most torpid most restrained most controlled most aloof most lusterless most reserved most inactive most impersonal most imperturbable most heartless most immovable most unaffected most chill most lethargic most pokerfaced most self-controlled most unfocused most bemused most perplexed most glassy-eyed most colourless most po-faced most unmoving most colorless most unsympathetic most masklike most uncommunicative most noncommittal most meaningless most withdrawn most introspective most insentient most defunct most insensate most callous most asleep most inhuman most benumbed most insipid most anesthetized most senseless most exanimate most enigmatic most quiescent most mysterious most unexcitable most listless most cryptic most laid back most arcane most occult most mystic most enigmatical most passive most supine most sphinxlike most hidden most indecipherable

Tính từ

Superlative for absent or not at a place where one is expected to be

Tính từ

Superlative for excluded

Tính từ

Superlative for absent without leave (permission)

Tính từ

Superlative for difficult or impossible to be obtained, acquired or reached

Trái nghĩa của absentest

absentest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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