Đồng nghĩa của belatedly

Alternative for belatedly

  • phó từ
    • chậm, muộn

Phó từ

After a long time, typically when there has been difficulty or delay
finally eventually ultimately subsequently tardily at last someday sometime lastly after some time by and by sooner or later at long last despite delay after a while at the end at the last in the end in spite of all in the eleventh hour after a long time when all is said and done when all was said and done at the last moment in the fullness of time at the end of the day yet in time one day some day at length in due course at a future time in time to come at a later date after a bit in the future in the long run at a future date at some point in the future at a later time latterly one of these days at some time in the future one fine day next in the final analysis afterwards in a while hereafter after that afterward later then thereafter ensuingly following this following that thereupon in due time at some time or other next off one of these fine days after a period of time before long one time or another in a time to come sometime or other soon after when the time is ripe followed by anytime somewhen beyond this slowly but surely at some time at some point at some future time in the course of time one time with time on a day periodically former quondam erstwhile occasional late once previous intermittently formerly as time goes on as time goes by at some stage climactically conclusively in conclusion in consummation at the close as a conclusion in the sequel towards the end when push comes to shove consequently after infra thenceforth behind thence duly from then on later on the next day after this and then next day after the event after while at a subsequent time from there on down the line in the aftermath down the road thenceforwards next time on the next day thenceforward

Trái nghĩa của belatedly

belatedly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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