Đồng nghĩa của neanderthal

Alternative for neanderthal

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Tính từ

Not socially, culturally, or morally advanced
uncivilised uncivilized barbaric savage barbarous wild barbarian uncultivated heathen rude uncivil heathenish natural primitive Neandertal rough brutish uncultured uncouth coarse unsophisticated boorish vulgar crude philistine loutish thuggish unpolished gross uneducated unmannered unrefined oafish benighted yobbish ill-bred ill-mannered vicious illiterate ungodly lowbrow churlish unholy slobbish unenlightened inhuman crass untamed brutal ignorant rugged graceless nonliterate non-literate in a state of nature provincial tasteless nescient unschooled pagan infidel undeveloped uninhabited idolatrous unrestrained godless irreligious unconscionable impertinent disrespectful impolite uncontrolled discourteous mannerless outrageous wicked aboriginal atheistic agnostic beyond the pale fierce beastly feral fell undomesticated ferine bestial truculent non-believing unbelieving heretical faithless ferocious jungli harsh nullifidian nonbeliever profane skeptic sceptic merciless cruel aggressive violent dangerous murderous animalistic swinish brute animal predatory rapacious menacing threatening grim fiendish monstrous wolfish terrible bloodthirsty ravening bearish immoral subhuman rabid intimidating malevolent frightening malignant virgin heartless uncontrollable gruff sadistic tigerish ruthless rowdy callous venomous remorseless vile animalian inhumane depraved villainous butcherly austere rustic abhorrent abandoned wilding unbroken creophagous carnivorous treacherous man-eating hostile bungling unmannerly beastlike unexplored uncharted unsafe sinister gawky clodhopping stolid theriomorphic theroid intimidatory dodgy ill-boding foreboding ominous nasty spiteful mean classless lumpen common cloddish lumpish bullying clownish doltish atrocious inhospitable unmapped desperate rancorous minatory deadly viperous hurtful minacious nefarious serpentine malicious dark vindictive evil bad-mannered dense hoonish lubberly ornery loud cantankerous clumsy zoomorphic zoic naive simple uninhabitable diabolical arid heinous cold-blooded zoological zoologic native bad bloody corrupt foul childlike awful degraded dreadful homicidal degenerate wanton infamous worthless debased sanguinary profligate unprincipled sinful innocent goatish beast-like untilled licentious lewd miscreant contaminated reprobate putrid flagitious perverse impious base faulty insubordinate impure indecent demoralized reprehensible demoralised libidinous wild-looking untutored untrained dewy-eyed naif artless uncritical untaught unsuspicious unaffected green unknowing simpleminded unpretentious dewy wide-eyed unworldly unwary ingenuous unsuspecting aw-shucks unploughed unplowed unplanted fallow unfarmed unlearned raw atavistic vestigial underdeveloped furious fiery unruly severe forbidding fearsome steely ungentle unmerciful stern flinty convulsive impetuous dour raging baleful louring frightful delirious pitiless incessive raving stark hard lowering cutthroat enraged fearful horrible hellish angry frantic infuriated crazed mad biffo aggers

Tính từ

Lacking elegance or grace, akin to an oaf
oafish loutish boorish brutish awkward clumsy coarse graceless lumbering uncouth unmannerly blundering bumbling crass gross inelegant rough uncultured unrefined unsophisticated bearish blockish blunderous bungling churlish dorky gawkish gawky inept klutzy lumpen lumpish stolid stumbling uncoordinated undexterous ungainly yobbish butterfingered clodhopping dozy lubberly swinish ill-bred ape-like heavy-handed all thumbs badly behaved rough-hewn uncultivated uncivilized vulgar common unpolished tasteless philistine cloddish slobbish uncivilised crude rude barbaric thuggish unsavoury rustic incult discourteous ungentlemanly clownish ignorant hick unladylike provincial impolite classless lowbred barbarous ocker plebby unsavory loud bad-mannered ill-mannered insensitive unfeeling callous undiscriminating imperceptive loudmouthed uneducated gruff ungracious countrified ornery cantankerous inurbane unpoised base out-of-line low plebeian hooligan uncivil primitive savage impertinent ungenteel ungallant disrespectful indecorous unseemly disgracious insensible raffish backwoods offensive rugged hillbilly roughneck indelicate lowbrow barbarian illiberal improper raunchy raw foul-mouthed loud-mouthed uncalled-for brusque curt blunt inconsiderate rowdy bullying doltish wild dense hoonish surly insulting impudent unchivalrous tart sullen sharp offhand short unhandsome off thoughtless unmannered tough flip offish fresh obscene foul lewd dour profane severe indecent ribald hard brutal bluff abrupt unfriendly mannerless fierce bawdy dirty stiff roughcast grim forbidding vulgarian austere filthy stern untutored intimidating inhuman harsh cruel louring steely grievous stark mean flinty hardhanded oppressive artless ungentle heavy onerous unceremonious bitter murderous lowering

Danh từ

A person who is clumsy, stupid or a simpleton
oaf clod lout clodhopper lump lubber lug palooka gawk hulk dolt lummox ignoramus boor galoot dunderhead clodpole idiot imbecile dullard moron dunce dimwit simpleton dope dummy nincompoop klutz nitwit jackass numbskull dork blockhead goon bonehead ninny yahoo loon cretin lamebrain churl fathead gorilla knucklehead airhead birdbrain clot nit donkey pinhead dumbhead thickhead chucklehead goof mug noodle turkey dum-dum prat bogan chowderhead dumbbell clunk noddy dip cluck loggerhead yo-yo fool halfwit buffoon twit chump pillock dumbo schmuck numpty dipstick nerd bozo muttonhead git muppet doofus putz sap jerk bumpkin wally lamer ape zombie plonker berk boob charlie dumb-bell goofball pudding-head spud wazzock twerp divvy wiener pea-brain yobbo wooden-head yob bear nerk nyaff balloon meathead gobdaw gowk simp dingbat schlemiel goofus sumph schlepper dill weeny poop dingleberry drongo numskull nimrod gink meatball chav bruiser squarehead dodo mompara galah boofhead coot ding-dong poon nong scozza cougan alec knobhead stupid tomfool clown lunkhead mutt bubblehead schlub mooncalf spoony woodenhead deadhead hammerhead schnook clodpoll ninnyhammer stupe mome dummkopf shlub saphead cuddie hardhead ratbag cuddy gander golem lame-brain clumsy idiot wing nut half-wit know-nothing dim bulb goat thug hooligan hoon hoodlum ruffian ned rowdy roughneck hoodie tough ocker bully boy yokel brute baboon dweeb hick geek thicko eejit booby stumblebum goose barbarian cuckoo tosser tit dildo natural featherhead loser blunderer plank hobbledehoy charley prick lunatic bosthoon stock gonzo witling dorba beast nutcase nut twonk skate oik ox stupid person ding-a-ling dumb cluck dumb ox silly illiterate lightweight softhead stooge duffer bore bungler weenie simple mampara incompetent sucker innocent fumbler silly billy butterfingers foolish person clumsy oaf scatterbrain schlep rascal bumbler goop kook blunderbuss clodpate butthead laughingstock looby dub muffer muggins featherbrain monkey pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum bull in a china shop easy mark victim fair game milksop weakling tosspot bird-brain bimbo retardate ignorant lowbrow dotard prig juggins dumdum schmo rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz numptie loony retard addlepate knothead screwball harebrain beefhead bust jughead slow learner mental defective hayseed pea brain born fool cloth-head Simple Simon dupe butt figure of fun botcher bodger screwup butcher muddler clunker lurdan mismanager addlebrain amateur jackleg foozle spoiler goof off screw up hopeless case foul-up

Danh từ

A large, strong, and rather dimwitted person

Danh từ

A rough, bad-mannered, or generally reprehensible person
boor brute creep dork hooligan jerk rascal ruffian schmuck weasel barbarian buffoon clown cretin goon hick joker lout rapscallion rogue scoundrel scum scumbag sleaze slimeball thug cad chav clod dastard degenerate louse miscreant oaf rake reprobate scuzzball skunk sleazebag sleazeball slime slob stinkard swine vagabond varmint vermin weirdo wretch yahoo beast brawler bumpkin buzzard chuff clodhopper clodpole crud dirtbag dog fink hoon knave loudmouth peasant philistine pig rat roughneck rowdy savage scalawag scuzzbag slimebag slimebucket snake toad yob yobbo ape blackguard bleeder bogan boob bosthoon bruiser charlatan churl cougan dirtball fraudster gorilla heel hound lubber lummox lump pervert redneck reptile rotter rough rube skank stinker toughie trickster varlet villain vulgarian worm bear blighter bounder butthole cheat crumb cur deviant dingo dip hayseed liar mofo monster mother oik pill primitive rounder scozza scrote sleeveen spalpeen stinkpot swindler tough wastrel bully boy lager lout rat fink hard man so-and-so son of a gun bad egg nasty piece of work snake in the grass good-for-nothing bad lot reprehensible person dastardly person sly person unprincipled person yokel rustic hillbilly countryman provincial lowlife cornball chawbacon ignoramus backwoodsman backwoodswoman animal country cousin country boy country girl no-good SOB sadist ogre bum lowbrow wrong 'un farmer vandal hind countrywoman hoodlum devil fiend rural idiot jake cornfed heathen local yokel jackass radge dolt evildoer scamp ratfink scallywag meanie baddie baddy caitiff meany prick nazi scapegrace heavy demon cannibal kuri country bumpkin swain stupid mucker gawk bucolic plebeian cootie maggot Philistine bourgeois materialist caveman traitor serpent betrayer turncoat pleb peckerwood white trash cracker trailer trash good old boy twit dipstick Judas quisling double-dealer double-crosser anti-intellectual unpleasant person back-stabber viper informer riff-raff refuse rabble garbage trash shyster numskull Goth two-timer trog dirt undesirable rass recreant apostate backstabber despicable people rats despicable person troglodyte black sheep ne'er-do-well illiterate bigot ned dirty dog dregs of society bovver boy pond scum lowest of the low wild woman wild man hun crude upstart plowman boot shoe ploughman low-life boot boy ghoul savage person bully parvenu arriviste nouveau riche sloven layabout sluggard slummock slug slacker laggard ragamuffin lurdan tatterdemalion draggletail schlump lardass hog couch potato slattern messy person renegade defector deserter deceiver collaborator tergiversator renegado fifth columnist Benedict Arnold snitch evil-doer criminal sneak double agent conspirator crook backslider incorrigible treasonist bad guy fraternizer colluder rebel whistle-blower profligate wrongdoer squealer tattletale tyrant traditor spy psychopath sociopath imp stool pigeon mischief-maker evil person nasty person bad character fraud hypocrite thief delinquent heretic scab mischiefmaker fizgig outlaw snitcher libertine schismatic antagonist shark misfeasor malfeasant false friend hood bad news enfant terrible seceder oathbreaker riffraff skelm sympathizer renegate sleveen dissembler ratbag troublemaker sympathiser cozener rorter grifter git scally monstrosity bogeyman nonconformist dissenter con man stoolie nark mole recusant grass telltale supergrass tattler talebearer canary informant nose deep throat narc renouncer deconvert withersake mutineer malefactor outcast dissident runaway offender lawbreaker felon turd convict supervillain sinner robber brigand gangster transgressor bandit mugger racketeer pirate terrorist escapee insurgent iconoclast refugee turnabout forsaker abandoner exile fugitive poltroon derelict ronion bezonian pauper scullion horror pariah looser beggar jagoff cullion pilgarlic ingrate con crim hellion desperado cheater infractor monkey antihero nointer urchin gunman jailbird nasty gaolbird mischief traducer intriguer frenemy wolf impostor mean person cruel person limb of Satan black hat

Trái nghĩa của neanderthal

neanderthal Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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