Đồng nghĩa của it is important

Tính từ

Having value of crucial significance
crucial essential critical pivotal urgent vital paramount imperative invaluable best exigent of the essence key necessary significant pressing requisite indispensable compelling acute needed burning required consequential all-important integral necessitous decisive high-priority of great consequence fundamental of the utmost importance pre-eminent momentous mandatory life-and-death central must-have principal major serious vitally important dire deciding imperious needful determining chief importunate prime clamant compulsory obligatory emergent influential crying final prerequisite grave called for settling weighty heavy conclusive climacteric definitive instant fateful drastic primary cardinal desperate fatal very important quintessential current pertinent topical absolute prevalent relevant substantive active controversial profound contemporary all important dominant foremost preeminent strategic determinative live basic clamorous inescapable radical immediate terrible egregious big constitutive meaningful great certain nitty-gritty parlous leading capital meat-and-potatoes now or never earth-shattering life-or-death far-reaching much needed material king telling number one definite forceful everything authoritative trenchant incumbent decided incisive demanding defining emergency extreme intense sore impelling mission-critical business-critical intrinsic core focal driving constraining crisp settled peremptory testing foreordained inevitable predestined doomed destined demanded overruling primal premier overriding predominant of vital importance trying searching underlined popular widespread running litmus test climactic grand supreme top main ruling master a matter of life and death psychological bottom-line outstanding dangerous clamouring hurry-up exacting persuasive claiming clamoring distressing forcing requiring unyielding obliging heat-on irresistible shaping responsible causal evaluative prevailing earnest common circulating called-for life and death top-priority very great time-critical world-shaking name-of-the-game epoch-making historic severe perilous unlucky coal-and-ice alive debatable unsettled hazardous awful insistent showdown touchy climatic precarious clear effective dreadful touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice alarming of current interest bad sudden afflictive last life-threatening lively of interest most influential most important

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Representing an essential element
central fundamental indispensable key necessary requisite core focal intrinsic needed structural basic constitutive elementary meaningful prerequisite bread-and-butter staple essential vital crucial pivotal critical integral principal imperative constitutional mandatory inherent required primary obligatory cardinal compulsory needful necessitous called for rudimentary underlying innate chief main paramount significant must-have elemental foundational basal ingrained quintessential rudimental prime consequential all-important pre-eminent vitally important high-priority of the essence de rigueur root beginning natural demanded introductory capital salient incumbent recommended forced peremptory nonelective pressing urgent compelling substantive involuntary major burning profound organic bottom-line compulsatory meat-and-potatoes expedient all important of great consequence of the utmost importance life-and-death acute prescribed characteristic statutory constituent set unavoidable enforced first radical nucleus connected component everyday original at the heart of primordial primitive initial abecedarian inborn native inbred immanent deep-seated substratal substrative axiomatic grass-roots theoretical bottom ultimate underived deep supporting sustaining axiological groundlaying indigenous hardwired engrained ingrain built-in in your blood formational constructional organizational configurational tectonic appropriate systemic binding decisive momentous wanted specified desired preferred exigent proper incumbent on organisational constructural formalistic skeletal formative architectural anatomical anatomic name of game most important

Tính từ

Having influence or power
influential eminent powerful prominent extraordinary great outstanding worthy celebrated commanding controlling dominant eventful formidable head highest highly regarded notorious predominant pre-eminent premier prestigious prevailing prime prized renowned respected supreme top-level valued well-connected all-important alpha aristocratic authoritative big chief cogent deciding dignified distinctive distinguished elevated eloquent esteemed exalted fabled famed famous first-class foremost four-star glorious grand high-level high-powered high profile high-ranking high-up historical honorable honoured honored honourable illustrious imposing incomparable integral leading magnific magnificent majestic marvellous marvelous memorable mighty noble notable noted of influence of note oratorical phenomenal potent preeminent puissant recognised recognized reputable rich royal seminal senior signal successful superior top-ranking towering trusted upper upper-class VIP well-known good iconic resonant major noteworthy acclaimed top principal main significant paramount primary central key first venerable august greatest capital star arch well known essential crucial revered cardinal well thought of overriding of high standing high number one master fundamental big-time primal conspicuous overbearing admired major-league impressive sovereign vital of repute numero uno redoubtable overmastering lofty popular consequential big-name big-league ruling lionized considerable critical name estimable high-profile sovran pivotal lionised core lead legendary respectable astral remarkable highly rated basic bright serious topmost exceptional major league peerless reputed storied of distinction luminous visible prior top-notch big league momentous number-one uppermost salient material highest-ranking top-drawer supereminent brilliant excellent transcendent weighty well received heavy much touted indispensable well-regarded unsurpassed monumental lauded acknowledged necessary venerated vaunted feted top-tier finest ultimate world-class heroic large heavy-duty meaningful striking presiding applauded sublime infamous prevalent dominating stately matchless strong unequalled highly esteemed in the public eye much vaunted highly thought of surpassing best elite rudimentary high-minded public splendid unforgettable underlying established superstar celeb historic professional proud arch- unequaled far-reaching first-rate big-shot resplendent widely known unrivalled urgent governing of mark decisive much-publicized inflated talked about forceful intellectual front-page intrinsic regal immodest exaggerated excessive effective competent reigning imperious greater efficient arresting lordly effectual keynote substantial regnant efficacious marked ascendant focal fine overruling imperial special in control portly staid celebrious redoubted appreciated big-gun preponderant radical unreal immortal laureate unrivaled grave solemn superb official high-status superlative epic overpowering fantastic extolled well-thought-of ranking pompous blue-chip shining uplifting staple something else much-admired up there wonderful in the limelight far-famed champion big name having made a name for oneself highly praised much publicized skookum of the first rank telling defining executive number ideal requisite unmatched inimitable consummate prodigious responsible maximum must-have worthiest needed marquee of considerable importance decorated magnanimous operative strategic quintessential decision-making burning standard prizewinning high-grade indelible vivid catchy haunting elemental root triumphal idealistic learned familiar earnest high-priority eye-catching elementary underlined simple fearless tenacious utmost basal constitutive high-end glamorous self-important overblown not to be ignored immediate constitutional higher singular known big-wheel widely knowbn higher-level common richest top-rank high-power especial big time axial high-flying pronounced worthy of mention worthy of note stand-out kingly hot-dog everyday of consequence of importance chad crack apical peak crowning tiptop in demand maximal culminating five-star outside in spotlight in limelight landmark fateful gratifying higher-ranking nonpareil unparalleled gifted unexcelled first rate larger predominating extensive of great consequence praised grandiloquent trendsetting winning noticeable arrestive high priority beloved reliable hallowed upmarket conferring prestige expensive leonine lionlike page-oner valorous top-priority prepollent prepotent to be reckoned with worth mentioning front on the map groundbreaking triumphant fulfilling high up awe-inspiring heroical massive grandiose gallant baronial Homeric initial not to be forgotten never to be forgotten talked of strictly business playing hard ball higher up omnipotent of greatest importance predominate biggest supervisory directing all-powerful absolute largest almighty arbitrary inaugural A-number-1 headmost A-1 out of this world better upward above overhead at the cutting edge primo hotshot hotdog at the leading edge heavyweight heavy stuff hot stuff demonstrative assertive domineering formal well paid dynamite super-duper super something mondo fab fat doozie satisfying epochal red-letter heart-warming rewarding pleasing highfalutin' in the ascendancy ceremonial ceremonious capable able emphatic holding the reins cheering pleasurable a hard nut to crack courtly hard solid gold fearsome invincible to the max stellar high-octane portentous reverential conventional stupendous tremendous starchy mythical fabulous mythic mythological fairy-tale oustanding fictitious folkloric imaginary apocryphal traditional fictional hypothetical imagined proverbial allegorical parabolic symbolic fanciful storybook made up enchanted magic make-believe magical more important more powerful more elevated most important most prominent most influential most powerful most illustrious most obvious most noticeable most skilled

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Having too high an opinion of one's own worth
arrogant assured authoritarian bigheaded blusterous blustery boastful bombastic bossy braggart bragging braggy brash bumptious cavalier chesty cocky complacent conceited condescending confident disdainful dominating domineering egocentric egoistic egoistical egotistic egotistical extraverted extroverted forward haughty hifalutin high-and-mighty highfalutin high-handed high-hat holier-than-thou huffish huffy immodest imperious impertinent impudent lofty lordly magisterial masterful narcissistic overconfident overweening patronising patronizing peremptory pompous pontifical pontificating presuming presumptuous pretentious prideful proud saucy self-adulatory self-affected self-applauding self-asserting self-assertive self-assured self-centred self-centered self-complacent self-conceited self-confident self-congratulatory self-contented self-dramatizing self-engrossed self-flattering self-glorifying self-gratulatory self-important selfish self-loving self-opinionated self-pleased self-promoting self-satisfied smug sniffy snobbish snobby snooty stuck-up supercilious swaggering swellheaded toploftical toplofty uninhibited unreserved uppish uppity vain vainglorious superior assumptive stiff-necked biggety biggity consequential overbearing puffed up high and mighty snotty swollen-headed affected insolent hoity-toity toffee-nosed opinionated inflated pushy scornful contemptuous aloof cocksure ostentatious too big for your boots grandiose full of oneself full of yourself audacious big-headed assuming self-admiring self-righteous stuck up strutting bold swanky pleased with oneself boasting snippy puffed-up la-di-da bloated blustering fancy-pants hubristic persnickety pleased with yourself sententious brazen dictatorial showy rude wisenheimer cheeky sassy portentous officious dismissive contumelious puffy self-regarding flaunting know-it-all above oneself elitist self-approving cool proud of oneself too big for your breeches vaunting indifferent unconcerned nervy pleased content individualistic swollen stiff brassy uncivil smart autocratic egomaniac peacockish posh stuffy malapert inner-directed pert fresh self-absorbed flatulent inconsiderate la-de-da high-minded putting on airs highfaluting in love with oneself goody-goody stuck on oneself sure think too highly of oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself self-serving full of hot air well pleased too big for your britches smart-alecky orgulous think a lot of oneself aristocratic offhand crowing self-opinioned poncey windy elitist tyrannical priggish loud obnoxious self-obsessed hotshot highhanded despotic refined blowing one's own horn high falutin egomaniacal curt casual high reserved distant detached swollen with pride honourable gracious honorable wrapped up in oneself bullish insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive flushed ingrained obsessive personal intimate inborn inherent idiosyncratic intrinsic isolated introverted subjective free familiar overbold unceremonious discourteous think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift nose in the air sneering mocking overfamiliar rash impolite scoffing abrupt brusque glib terse cursory perfunctory off ungracious remote flip wise pushful unabashed tony splendid exaggerated grand spectacular flowery magnificent overstated impetuous previous premature overhasty hasty foolhardy precipitate on your high horse unblushing boldfaced barefaced procacious self-aggrandizing presumptive take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish I'm all right, Jack well-pleased flushed with success proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream happy disrespectful improper inappropriate shameless high-flown throwing one's weight about gratified careless jumped up satisfied contented serene gloating triumphant obsequious loudmouth windbag brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney easy-going like the cat that got the cream self-possessed resting on your laurels snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet big talking brazen-faced bold-faced brassbound arch lippy irreverent blatant unmannerly insubordinate brass-necked ill-mannered bold as brass mouthy insulting mannerless bad-mannered offensive flippant intrusive unashamed arrant assertive defiant aggressive obtrusive crude abusive ill-bred unembarrassed forceful outrageous out of line thoughtless thrusting disparaging meddlesome smart-arsed coarse flagrant unmannered smart-assed uncalled-for unhandsome out-of-line pushing smarty off-base churlish wise guy boorish crass meddling interfering prying nosy uncouth tactless indelicate in-your-face aweless ignorant oafish unrefined undiplomatic hardened abandoned crusty depraved profligate bald-faced dissolute incorrigible unprincipled brazenfaced reprobate as bold as brass cold-shoulder unchaste lewd immoral ambitious disagreeable graceless blunt shocking on an ego trip derisive smarty-pants cute smart-aleck facetious over-free loutish nosey unchivalrous ungentlemanly derogatory indecorous unladylike intruding ungallant iconoclastic snoopy busy uncomplimentary daring bantam breezy disgracious protrusive sharp short ungenteel underbred inaffable sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous rough forthright smart alecky hotheaded over-assertive strident loudmouthed insistent impulsive impolitic imperative unshrinking wanton snippety irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy heedless unrepentant bright undisguised indecent loud-mouthed gritty coming on strong untactful vivacious self-respecting boldface obvious heavy puffed indulgent overindulgent relaxed temeritous amoral indiscreet driven uncourteous throwing one's weight around combative volatile weisenheiming tolerant free-and-easy rustic inurbane high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant unsubtle mischievous feisty ballsy corrupt temerarious daredevil reckless madcap naughty inquisitive incongruous unsuitable spirited ill-behaved overassertive direct sharp-elbowed chirpy dapper dashing keen overfree standoffish overt overfriendly riding for a fall overoptimistic go-ahead oppressive effervescent trashy headlong incautious maladroit unduly familiar off base unconcealed transparent impenitent remorseless badly behaved meretricious tawdry flashy spunky gutsy airy commanding wiseguy uncivilized bare-faced not backwards in coming forwards heavy-handed raunchy raw roughneck tacky cheap vulgar common gross making passes at making advances towards without shame undismayed undaunted coercive bullying heading for a fall uncivilised chatting up tyrannous autocratical overproud authoritative tyrannic dogmatic lording it iron-handed fearless unawed unflinching lacking civility bad mannered preponderant imperial demanding regnant ascendant prevalent put down flamboyant big self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop unpleasant poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained positive certain jaunty uncharitable smart aleck smart guy smarty pants surly sullen gruff ungraceful crabbed yokelish bounderish untimely soon overearly early oversoon too early ahead of oneself too soon

Tính từ

Denoting worthy or momentous moments or occasions
eventful significant momentous consequential major historic material substantial weighty monumental meaningful big memorable critical crucial notable noteworthy earthshaking much remarkable decisive tectonic outstanding fateful signal exciting active busy full lively dramatic strenuous hectic earth-shattering event-filled action-packed considerable serious far-reaching pivotal key vital grave urgent of consequence all-important high-priority heavy heavyweight life-and-death profound prominent portentous of moment of significance influential striking essential extraordinary great acute conspicuous of great consequence of great import exigent severe earnest marked heavy-duty exceptional appreciable solemn pressing fundamental paramount epoch-making powerful pronounced noticeable life and death of great importance no joke no laughing matter principal telling impressive headline somber sombre sober no-nonsense big deal unforgettable central extensive sedate staid hefty rare life-changing large-scale salient intense relevant humourless humorless major-league famous pertinent primary main deep determining obvious huge interesting sizable unusual ponderous earth-shaking special leading uncommon cardinal front-page big-time underlined out of the ordinary sweeping worthwhile distinguished potent strong ample mighty prime landmark red-letter prodigious apocalyptic sensational determinative tremendous arresting large indicative grand healthy epochal tough eye-catching seminal imperative impactful massive of importance high-profile emphatic super world-shaking world-shattering high-level of note big league uncomic chief sizeable groundbreaking broad celebrated creative original comprehensive abundant generous focal imaginative ground-breaking renowned wholesale substantive devastating pointed formative stunning core respectable puissant wide solid expansive intrinsic useful singular famed wide-ranging integral distinctive germane dominant citable earthshattering real observable dire capital imposing mentionable namable nameable arrestive voluminous particular well-known terrific copious difficult vast eminent especial burning instrumental overriding almighty good valuable evident glaring sententious preeminent fat manifest big-league indispensable major league hard notorious resonant super colossal across-the-board mammoth worthy of attention quantum conclusive attention-grabbing dynamic newsworthy glorious worthy meaty applicable worrying valid purposeful predominant overwhelming apposite topical strategic apropos staple basic distingué glum lasting pithy buzzworthy enduring stern trenchant immortal gloomy dour grim tidy reasonable fair abiding preponderant forceful keynote carrying a lot of weight milestone extreme unordinary ponderable climacteric austere of substance moving intrusive projecting protruding jutting obtrusive deciding measurable detectable perceptible visible quiet downbeat sad requisite necessary uppermost invaluable cold sober operative matter of life and death of vital importance life-saving vitally important now or never extremely important life-or-death life or death of great moment goodly ill-fated doomful unlucky direful inauspicious ominous resultful esteemed acclaimed illustrious revered respected prestigious kenspeckle surprising unexpected controlling top noble highly regarded venerable storied reminiscent evocative eloquent suggestive expressive forcible senior noted energetic high-powered reputable admired stately feted innovative shaping firm sturdy sound loaded gross handsome wonderful durable excessive phenomenal charged meaning global superabundant steady astonishing amazing miraculous moulding guiding incredible immeasurable widespread lavish revealing marvellous astounding pre-eminent unbelievable plentiful plenteous blanket pioneering productive princely extended big-deal wide-reaching exhaustive mass brilliant revelatory pervasive developmental forming overarching stupendous fantastic commanding wondrous rangy universal nationwide profuse uncanny awesome splashy bold showy bountiful inventive liberal radical flamboyant unreal catchy spacious bulky roomy strapping enormous packed husky walloping capacious bull oversize international whopper commodious chock-full burly whopping thundering jumbo hulking stuffed monster intercontinental a whale of a immense mondo detailed awash all-encompassing colossal humongous worldwide gigantic brimming crowded exorbitant extravagant smashing primo unco never to be forgotten wicked out of this world amazeballs marvelous world class zero cool gilt-edged rich fecund pregnant redolent molding cogent ambitious germinal inspiring inspirational generative immediate top-priority foremost far-ranging far-flung in-depth all-embracing across the board top-level overshadowing dangerous grievous of concern unique different worthy of note of particular interest worth mentioning worthy of mention hot mind-blowing utmost murder splash stand-out patent worth taking a look at something else boss cool the end most important

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Powerful, mighty, having authority
puissant powerful forceful strong mighty vigorous potent influential heavy significant forcible energetic sturdy stark hardy robust strapping stalwart stout able active athletic big capable durable enduring firm fixed hale hearty muscular reinforced rugged secure sinewy solid sound stable staunch steady substantial tenacious tough unyielding heavy-duty able-bodied well-built well-founded well-made hard as nails in fine feather dominant authoritative almighty powerhouse commanding dynamic redoubtable formidable overpowering efficacious overwhelming go-getter useful spanking punchy gutsy great trenchant leading doughty controlling lusty indomitable predominant prestigious manful ball of fire steamroller strengthy boss wieldy omnipotent strong as ox lively spirited animated sprightly peppy zippy brisk vital vivacious perky bouncing snappy jaunty spry driving animate airy sparkling sparky frisky pert springy pizazzy jazzy gay pizzazzy kinetic zestful racy indefatigable tireless red-blooded mettlesome flourishing exciting effervescent stimulating thriving intense moving high-spirited buoyant virile bouncy feisty dashing zesty playful fiery vehement spunky vibrant fresh gingery unflagging untiring breezy emphatic full of life dynamical alive and kicking enterprising bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans high-powered aggressive locomotive demoniac motive mobile motile industrious kinematic strenuous dramatic entertaining sexy fluid invigorated exhilarating heady clever sportive tasty distinctive piquant tangy rich poignant pungent bright tart witty sharp keen peppery electrifying enthusiastic flamboyant alive dazzling bustling humming happening stirring impassioned colourful buzzing vivid rousing zealous colorful passionate hopping astir abuzz determined coruscating bubbly busy resounding ballsy vibrating radiant have-a-go full of the joys of spring go-go hard-hitting bright and breezy full of pep full-blooded all-out high-octane full of get-up-and-go abubble aboil full of spirit full of vim and vigour healthy fit fine blooming in good health strong as an ox strong as an lion strong as an horse in good trim in good kilter in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition go-getting hale and hearty flush upbeat wick chipper fit as a fiddle persuasive take-over fighting fit raring to go full of energy exuberant efficient full of vim take-charge hard-driving in the pink effective

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Characterized by something exceptional or beyond ordinary
special exceptional extraordinary festive especial historic momentous smashing superior amazing awesome beautiful exquisite fabulous fantastic glorious grand great happy magical major marvellous marvelous phenomenal splendid unforgettable whimsical wonderful notable noteworthy outstanding remarkable spesh celebratory magic main primary red-carpet spectacular unreal signal best out of the ordinary red-letter of moment excellent superb fine good stellar formidable first-class skillful masterly skilful first-rate admirable crack ace world-class impressive mean amazeballs cool wizard stirring inspiring accomplished affecting consummate skilled exciting expert consequential influential profound crash-hot cracking gee-whizz intense forcible vital thrilling nifty rousing impassioned crackerjack well-done effective superlative brilliant champion magnificent noted terrific celebrated well-known distinguished super meritorious masterful prominent virtuoso tremendous fab sensational eminent exemplary tiptop estimable dominant top-notch capital standout principal wicked pre-eminent neat eventful dazzling swell stupendous keen predominant far-out beaut rad ripping hundred-proof belting schmick brill bonzer primo greatest chief A1 exo phat spiffing boss topping A-number-1 tops top-hole bosting A-1 mostest barrie pearler on fleek out-of-sight out-of-this-world out of this world supercalifragilisticexpialidocious number one unusual singular unique uncommon rare prodigious abnormal strange striking unprecedented odd anomalous unheard-of miraculous atypical unaccustomed freak unfamiliar bizarre preternatural aberrant out-of-the-way unparalleled novel new unrivalled unmatched unequalled original unknown incomparable unrivaled freakish unequaled matchless unexampled unexcelled groundbreaking record untypical revolutionary peerless fresh pioneering outré beyond compare one of a kind in a league of its own outre without equal first-time newfangled idiosyncratic ground-breaking outlandish sui generis eccentric unheard of exotic without parallel all-time astonishing peculiar curious surprising astounding incredible stunning unbelievable improbable fanciful weird eye-catching arresting unrealistic ridiculous absurd conspicuous dubious unwonted preposterous uncustomary wild exceeding offbeat nonsensical fantastical implausible unlikely uncanny queer aberrated extraordinaire extravagant funny irrational grandiose serious eye-popping wondrous doubtful unco ludicrous zany unthinkable foolish unimaginable crazy mad insane cockamamie comical oddball inconceivable wacky gnarly heavy forby flash hare-brained unexpected off-the-wall off the wall far-fetched make-believe never to be forgotten off beaten path

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Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered
relevant pertinent applicable appropriate related apposite fitting proper apt germane material admissible apropos relative suitable significant appurtenant fit suited connected pointed linked requisite accordant allowable applicatory becoming befitting cognate compatible concerning conformant conforming congruent congruous consistent consonant correct correlated correspondent harmonious pat pointful referring right salient valid weighty ad rem to the point in point pertaining to on the button on the nose to the purpose having direct bearing on having to do with legit opportune felicitous pertaining useful kosher relatable fitted right on on target good meet happy seemly timely convenient just expedient propitious acceptable belonging relating auspicious qualified ideal pretty well-chosen rightful seasonable worthy well-timed favourable helpful deserved perfect favorable well-suited choice in keeping due adequate tailor-made appertaining spot on comme il faut allied condign applicative able associated providential capable neat dependent functional prepared feasible carefully selected fortuitous adapted deserving ready reasonable satisfactory decorous decent employable that's the ticket okay timeous just right useable available serviceable usable conformable made to order equal equitable good enough justified fairy-tale supplemental accessory supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial associable unique peculiar contingent judicious rehearsed akin of use apropos of inspired about associated with analogous connected with advantageous on-topic kindred with respect in regard well chosen well judged telling well put well expressed convincing joyous of interest fortunate lucky just what was ordered welcome usual key essential intrinsic vital golden predictable expected prosperous towardly seasonal fundamental meaningful indispensable central benign exact ripe commodious cardinal primary substantive heaven-sent handy advisable merited presentable sufficient optimal best normal for the time of year appropriate to the time of year well timed righteous politic swell copacetic nice precise cut out for right up your street user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in keeping with well suited in character up to snuff of consequence consummate absolute prototypical very quintessential model archetypal ultimate on the money supreme just the job exploitable equipped operable practicable preferable allowed permitted passable tolerable -worthy permissible affiliated justifiable legitimate interconnected supportable tenable licit legal defensible lawful tolerated sensible sound recognized sanctioned OK concomitant coupled accompanying corresponding probable rational possible logical pukka warranted fair likely concedable well-founded recognised above board by the book within the law not unlikely not impossible intertwined incidental interdependent knit together interrelated joint mutual reciprocal in touch with complementary tied up enmeshed interwoven incident

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Significant in importance or esteem
valuable helpful useful expedient significant advantageous beneficial constructive crucial essential favorable favourable invaluable pivotal practical vital worthwhile appropriate critical effective good imperative indispensable instrumental paramount profitable admired appreciated auspicious behooveful beneficent commodious conducive exigent fruitful fundamental gainful handy in demand key meritorious necessary needed opportune productive propitious relevant requisite respected rewarding serviceable strategic timely worthy best central esteemed estimable held dear hot loved of assistance of benefit of help of service of the essence of use of value worth it worth its weight in gold hot property scarce worthful priceless precious treasured meaningful justifiable usable purposeful positive excellent substantial efficacious effectual exemplary money-making paying remunerative advisable sensible worth the effort lucrative inestimable consequential irreplaceable integral rare choice cherished all-important extremely helpful beyond price extremely useful of the utmost importance of great consequence dear valued vitally important hallowed beloved venerated revered special efficient convenient suitable operative benignant benefic potent powerful kindly win-win encouraging fit sound salutary functional successful capable friendly desirable applicable nifty gratifying practicable facilitative workable informative wise prudent recommended fitting preferable suggested promising adequate valid exploitable contributive employable to one's advantage satisfying enriching subservient formative utile fulfilling illuminating seemly apt judicious politic contributory commonsensical economic proper supportive recommendable working fortuitous tactical competent prosperous accessory strong telling virtuous forcible accessible available utilizable decisive determinative operational functioning current running operable applicative applied actionable ultrapractical well spent viable in one's interests expendable unused wieldy consumable open exhaustible adaptable ready utilisable for the best at one's disposal to advantage at hand in working order in order reliable unfailing outstanding desired wholesome sure-fire plus industrious generative agreeable benevolent good for one instructive toward nice required good for you sovereign in one's interest well-spent uplifting inspiring benign indicated furthersome lucky useable conclusive accomplishing achieving effecting qualified edifying pleasing in one's best interests durable forceful hard-wearing utilitarian dependable called-for called for aiding assistive sturdy stout subordinate comforting cheering gladdening heartening heartwarming providential disposable enough ancillary moneymaking felicitous well secondary feasible operating in running order ready for use up and running available for use fit for use at your disposal welcome subsidiary favoured favored happy golden bright active jammy rosy seasonable paid fat juicy money-spinning fortunate going well-paying sweet rich fructuous lush generous auxiliary logical sagacious commendable counselable energetic born with a silver spoon in your mouth heaven-sent well-off financially rewarding well paid influential puissant productive of good for aid helpful to facilitate favour favor supplemental bush-league appurtenant collateral adjuvant minor flunky going concern paid off very productive leading benefit tending assist promotive encourage help useful for instrumental in in the black calculated to produce lead to contribute to make for tend to promote contributing to

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Designed for customers with a high income
upmarket esteemed exclusive high-end high-quality notable prestigious prominent upscale chic classy eminent expensive glamorous high-class posh prestige renowned reputable smart swanky ritzy swish fancy luxurious swank plush lavish elegant deluxe plushy stylish grand opulent sumptuous rich luxury fashionable lush palatial glitzy trendy ostentatious luxuriant ornate select grandiose palatian lavishly appointed luxe costly Lucullan extravagant splendid tony magnificent gorgeous high-toned exquisite snazzy fancy-pants pretentious luscious elaborate upper-class silken de luxe Babylonian dicty Lucullian majestic aristocratic lux elite choice splashy well appointed sophisticated flashy modish fit for a queen fit for a king swankish sharp fine tasteful superior palace indulgent stately up-market showy well-appointed impressive schmick swell chichi snobby snobbish imposing princely snappy special genteel refined handsome regal voguish top-drawer in cool pompous immoderate yuppie formal voluptuous upper-crust a la mode agreeable five-star nice pleasant glittering cosmopolitan respectable elitist snotty high-hat persnickety toffee-nosed snooty potty artistic attractive coffee-table resplendent leafy famous distinguished flamboyant happening fresh supercool hip superb cultivated ornamented dignified overdone stuffy peacocky self-indulgent arty premier beautiful classic abundant exuberant affluent salubrious courtly graceful spiffy embellished valuable precious limited glossy well produced exalted influential high-ranking powerful dashing mod uptown comfortable designer private sensuous beyond price comfy cliquish swishy au courant with-it conferring prestige cliquey on fleek in vogue clannish in the lap of luxury high class upper crust well paid A-grade splendiferous quality delicate pricey rare dainty loaded recherche super first-class flash sprauncy plummy larney swagger la-di-da chi-chi polished cultured civilized well-bred discerning civilised urbane gracious charming suave noble gallant discriminating polite civil courteous becoming decorous aesthetic esthetic high well-mannered highbrow mannerly lovely fastidious comely sensitive precise proper restrained august respectful royal debonair aesthete chivalrous seemly experienced in good taste developed frilly highbrowed gentle deep esthete well-designed par excellence poised appealing high fashion heavenly champagne ceremonial with good taste well-off harmonious upholstered riotous profusive prodigal velvet haute pleasing impeccable correct de rigueur well-behaved befitting fit fitting pretty quiet pure chaste unaffected gratifying classical unobtrusive subdued tasty monumental aesthetically pleasing affected clever gentlemanly stylized intricate glorious worldly well-dressed awe-inspiring striking decorative worldly-wise couth decorated smooth handy ingenious imperial heroical magnific large epic massive proud baronial heroic Homeric ornamental accurate evolved pinpoint airy spot-on close accomplished late higher ladylike progressive advanced improved forward mathematical rigorous enlightened baroque adorned rococo gaudy knowledgeable svelte lofty fussy busy sublime punctilious citified jet-set intelligent blasé unfathomable bombastic vast theatrical overwhelming egotistic high-falutin' high-flying lordly mondaine erudite knowing mature well bred high-brow high-minded well mannered towering extreme devilish worldly wise well-made been around media-savvy world-weary prime fanciful jazzy froufrou florid fancible unusual cushy custom beautifying highfalutin over the top OTT

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Of great or ominous significance
portentous ominous sinister threatening menacing foreboding fateful inauspicious alarming foreshadowing minatory momentous premonitory significant warning baleful crucial dire direful doomy forbidding ill ill-boding ill-omened predictive prognosticatory bodeful gloomy unfavorable unfavourable unpromising unpropitious apocalyptic augural destined doomed exciting exhilarating extraordinary fated haunting ill-fated impending inspiring intriguing phenomenal prophetic remarkable suggestive thrilling black unlucky minacious dark baneful grim ugly evil lowering dangerous adverse unfortunate dismal looming sinistrous infelicitous frightening disastrous prescient intimidating intimidatory scary overhanging scowling discouraging bad heavy wintry dreadful creepy malign disturbing disheartening disadvantageous louring pessimistic doomful malefic apocalyptical hostile fearful worrying bleak imminent wintery grave minatorial brooding glowering hopeless thunderous catastrophic ruinous comminatory calamitous cataclysmic bullying terrorizing nasty woeful portending near aggressive close impendent upcoming lowery loury forthcoming terrorising fearsome terrifying at hand brewing revelational prognosticative oracular revelatory uninviting untoward cautionary admonitory doom and gloom troubling unhealthy jinxed doubtful unsafe unwholesome mean-looking unhappy dubious off-putting unhopeful cursed untimely inopportune ill-starred approaching in the wind unchancy clouded precursive unfriendly malificent inhospitable presaging perilous disquieting eerie evil-looking malignant spooky eldritch injurious malevolent suggestive of evil hurtful dishonest perverse deleterious poisonous mischievous obnoxious harmful pernicious blackhearted mortal terrible fire-and-brimstone lethal fatal destructive awful horrible appalling frightful hellfire desperate shocking crying pressing critical unspeakable extreme cruel atrocious urgent distressing grievous harrowing serious outrageous drastic miserable horrendous dread spine-chilling redoubtable wretched formidable hair-raising ghastly crippling horrifying godawful horrid irretrievable devastating lousy abysmal parlous chronic exigent oppressing lamentable deplorable fierce terrific heartbreaking regrettable afflictive severe unpleasant harsh rough ferocious disagreeable violent troublesome damaging wild painful detrimental inconvenient hard negative dour venomous prejudicial vicious savage hazardous deadly depressing unsettling malicious wicked brutal angry upsetting bitter difficult noxious furious tough inexpedient dismaying maleficent chilling nocuous harassing austere raging rugged startling worrisome troublous toilsome consequential stern life-threatening daunting turbulent murderous sour distressful antagonistic glum trying unseasonable bothersome virulent stormy agitating irksome vexing toxic provoking annoying morose disconcerting unsuited irritating wearisome aggravating burdensome fiery stark discommoding tiresome undesirable inimical onerous perplexing laborious callous intrusive impeding disruptive objectionable discomforting treacherous discomposing discommodious vindictive tumultuous tempestuous precarious nagging dirty moody flinty barbaric monstrous perturbing unsuitable feral barbarous gruff risky ungentle improper subversive fiendish foul unseemly nightmarish bloodthirsty inapt inappropriate sulky steely prejudicious squally petrifying abhorrent fell blustery repulsive offensive odious pitiless unfit malapropos uncontrollable cancerous counterproductive uncertain embarrassing dicey wounding nocent unapproachable opposed wrong choppy corrupting corrosive bestial corroding incendiary inadvisable enraged ill-suited undermining annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal ill-advised tense sombre somber very bad solemn horrific inconducive messy counter macabre spiteful acrimonious vitriolic cross pugnacious sullen nerve-racking evil-intentioned untamed hate-filled rowdy unwelcoming unnerving forceful gruesome brutish eery howling thuggish indignant aggrieved ghostly windy disparaging rabid unruly inclement ruthless crabby contrary intense thundery unrestrained oppressive hairy ghoulish merciless surly tigerish storm-tossed roaring troubled sadistic poor impetuous heartless delirious forcible stormful cutthroat beastly mad inhuman imposing grumpy truculent frenzied awesome boisterous hellish restless strong-arm frantic cantankerous blustering bad-tempered agitated acute storming ill-tempered gray grey cheerless jeopardous murky morbid unsettled sobering exacting repellent corruptive ferine unhospitable confronting frowning grotesque displeasing uncomfortable grisly bone-chilling nail-biting fraught nervous anxious nerve-wracking uneasy disappointing jarring jeopardizing bloodcurdling hideous volatile tragic overpowering unsound coercive temperamental aggravated gross deathly wolfish predatory anxiety provoking thorny jeopardising grewsome tremulous stirred up bumpy unsatisfactory tardy unadvantageous late low sickening monitory bullyboy incurable awe-inspiring all-powerful considerable gusty physical straitened hard-pressed lurid joyless unwelcome shadowy tortured full of hardship mournful strained doleful comfortless desolate rocky sad rainy blowy distant aloof admonishing exemplary cautioning major brute unmerciful lawless dodgy vile mean strict crabbed churlish stony convulsive capital raw bully-boy weighty arduous big intensive strenuous peracute punishing excessive grinding taxing incessive inhumane remorseless raving undomesticated unsmiling stiff depraved uncivilised rancorous viperous nefarious villainous serpentine uncivilized abandoned resentful infuriated crazed butcherly rapacious very dangerous touch and go spookish criminal disorderly resolute storm-wracked torrid vehement raining cats and dogs frigid riproaring cold damp coming down animalistic primitive biffo aggers uncanny weird freaky annoyed vexed displeased irate irked piqued exasperated irritated splenetic crusty grouchy tormenting berserk galled testy tetchy provoked waspish irascible lethiferous pestiferous wrackful noisome insalubrious pestilential internecine wreckful sinful slaughterous intemperate hardened ruffianly lawbreaking scaring unearthly maniacal belligerent outraged monitorial exhortatory environmentally unfriendly strange disgusting homicidal boot-faced narky unmanageable shuddersome explosive maddened hotheaded frenetic assertive ratty impassioned demoniac fuming crazy headstrong radge hysterical feverish potent eggy stroppy shirty blood-curdling filthy hot-tempered hot-headed boiling knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts knock-down hammer and tongs out of control drag-out cut-throat charged quarrelsome full-blooded bang-bang disturbed vexatious bellicose rough-and-tumble

Tính từ

Relating to the art or practice of public speaking
oratorical grandiloquent rhetorical bombastic high-flown high-sounding orotund magniloquent declamatory fustian lofty pompous Ciceronian eloquent grandiose linguistic overblown overripe pretentious sonorous turgid verbal aureate epideictic euphuistic extravagant flatulent florid flowery gaseous gassy highfalutin rhetoric stylistic verbose windy Demosthenean Demosthenic silver-tongued dramatic elaborate elocutionary expressive fervid forceful gesticulative gesturing histrionic impassioned imposing inflated intoning long-winded loud noble noisy ostentatious persuasive senatorial stagy stentorian theatrical tumid vivid ornate purple overwrought overdone magnific affected Ossianic wordy flamboyant pleonastic convoluted articulate hyperbolic showy laboured strained hifalutin hyperventilated stilted labored over-elaborate big complicated arty-farty mouthy effusive formal swollen fancy pedantic baroque fulsome erudite scholarly prolix ornamented bombast periphrastic exaggerated rotund exalted fluent haughty fussy boastful ranting la-di-da ponderous puffed braggart bragging self-important Falstaffian embellished sesquipedalian tumescent figurative grand-sounding portentous rococo redundant glib ornamental big-talking windbag puffed-up self-righteous majestic impressive mannered actorly tedious bold curlicued wedding-cake busy gingerbread tiresome boasting overinflated discursive very elaborate elegant high oratorial high-falutin elevated heroic solemn sententious booming melodramatic arresting Miltonian epic Homeric stodgy high-minded snobbish decorative garnished rich luscious flashy diffuse euphemistic pontifical blathering blustering arty overelaborate high-wrought shallow superficial breezy stuffy tall lexiphanic overwritten euphistic tall-talking linguistical lexical vocabular rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash contrived vocal grand voluble effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly loquacious highly decorated stuffed shirt palaverous repetitious full of hot air serious arrogant grave over-the-top tautological complex involved detailed decorated excessive flattering well-spoken smooth-talking rhapsodical overestimated reiterating padded rambling garrulous lengthy gabby circuitous circumlocutory chatty talkative logorrheic tortuous long ambagious egotistic protracted meandering talky expansive monumental vast gushing babbling long-drawn-out digressive wandering prattling indirect multiloquent prating large multiloquous jabbering wittering yacking gobby logorrhoeic big-mouthed with the gift of the gab learned superfluous roundabout iterative fine prim prolonged ambitious maundering overlong sublime circumlocutionary waffly boring wearisome overambitious interminable full of verbiage OTT crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen vaunting garish over the top gossiping chattering gossipy conversational chattery communicative forthcoming motormouthed blabby tonguey able to talk the hind legs off a donkey flap jaw loose-tongued blabbermouth having kissed the Blarney Stone loose-lipped motormouth yakkity running on at the mouth prosy wind-bag yakky magnificent splendid stately glorious resplendent awe-inspiring superb lavish striking palatial august opulent plush imperial heroical classy massive royal gallant proud baronial regal luxurious flash swanky repetitive yakking unfathomable splashy overwhelming high-falutin' high-flying lordly tautologous repeating full of air having kissed the Blarney stone

Tính từ

Having a persuasive effect
effective persuasive compelling efficient capable convincing influential powerful able cogent coherent impactful moving striking strong eloquent pertinent rational reasoned successful sufficient telling articulate authoritative clear credible definitive emphatic energetic expressive irresistible logical lucid material meaningful plausible reasonable relevant sound well-founded well reasoned enthusiastic exciting imposing on the ball powerhouse punchy satisfying significant trenchant weighty direct graceful grand hard-hitting high-powered mighty theatric unanswerable acute aggressive charming puissant vehement vivid dramatic histrionical performant forceful impressive efficacious conclusive potent valid decisive effectual forcible dynamic solid incisive vigorous stimulating consequential affecting coercive inducing suasive silver-tongued touching urgent graphic pithy competent swaying smooth-tongued incontestable stirring useful unequivocal assertive formidable dominant fluent inspiring believable incontrovertible glib commanding impelling controlling convictive alluring stringent passionate pointed enticing seductive great assuasive unmistakable sharp momentous unassailable satisfactory compulsive firm indubitable reliable well-spoken categorical intelligent assured clear-cut vocal constraining elemental gutsy electric intelligible critical magniloquent grandiloquent well-defined comprehensible realistic smooth-spoken well expressed coming on strong ball of fire distinct robust impactive productive eventful high-performing responsive irrefutable animated vivacious zestful active armed violent undeniable drastic compulsory militant intense substantial zappy in-your-face insistent virile take-over steamroller titanic punch take-charge salient well-established succinct terse justified crystalline evident likely revealing pregnant consistent probable systematic slick suggestive silky inspirational pivotal crucial methodical undisputed obvious unambiguous smooth verisimilar orderly meaning revelatory motivating instrumental winning decided infallible uncompromising tough ingenious insightful intuitive apt apposite fitting colourable rousing indicative well-expressed well-grounded inveigling suasory actuating luring wheedling provocative swayful guiding masterful motivational well organized honest frank forthright unsparing blunt true-to-life possible believeable acceptable faithful carrying conviction trusty trustworthy hopeful presumable dependable authentic rhetorical ardent fervid fervent impassioned well spoken outspoken poignant sententious facund voluble smooth-talking formative contributory operative far-reaching not taking no for an answer straight-talking condemnatory central communicative upfront dynamical strongly worded bullish leading prominent surpassing reigning superior supreme imperious demonstrative domineering regnant transcendent fateful encouraging understandable no holds barred pulling no punches all out monumental responsible considerable animating towering purposeful not beating about the bush straight from the shoulder hard detailed explicit fearsome invincible illuminating high-level heavy-duty redoubtable high-octane eminent illustrative lively pictorial picturesque descriptive uninhibited startling colourful shocking lurid rich in control visual delineated well-drawn photographic highly coloured well drawn definite perspicuous full well delineated figurative well defined precise lifelike colorful concrete leaving nothing to the imagination top talented epoch-making major league splendid excellent splendorous of value big-time earth-shattering ultimate of use major-league skookum top-drawer top-notch number-one stupendous major big time big-league big league earthshaking

Tính từ

Overly formal, pompous or conventional
stuffy staid conventional old-fashioned formal pompous prim priggish strait-laced impersonal reserved sedate sober stiff conformist conservative fogeyish stilted fuddy-duddy fusty humourless square starchy straight niminy-piminy old-fogeyish stick-in-the-mud uptight arrogant genteel humorless magisterial narrow-minded prissy prudish puffy puritanical self-important smug straitlaced strict supercilious Victorian of the old school as dry as dust prim and proper proper goody-goody old-maidish Grundyish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy moralistic governessy rigid narrow bluenosed straightlaced mimsy nice-nelly traditional decorous severe austere demure tight-laced censorious bigoted Pecksniffian overnice correct bourgeois puritan respectable ceremonious self-righteous sententious orthodox holier-than-thou pietistic hypocritical sanctimonious stern old-maid dignified Pharisaic precise fastidious self-satisfied overmodest artificial precious conforming traditionalist po-faced nice unadventurous square-toed ceremonial goody-two-shoes Pooterish buttoned-down button-down shockable overscrupulous ascetic forbidding disapproving fanatical pedantic spartan hair-shirt complacent vain mainstream moral abstemious abstinent squeamish distinguished socially acceptable fussy particular overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish affected rigorous finicky pretentious illiberal august stately imposing suburban parochial stodgy dogmatic doctrinal Biedermeier punctilious blue-nose spic-and-span polite snobbish spruce meticulous wooden cleanly good dapper upright stickling nit-picking choosy forced small-town comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant portly unnatural mannered laboured strained solemn frigid unrelaxed icy pi labored unctuous pious epicene moralizing Tartuffian churchy diehard boring stiff-necked pharisaical mealy-mouthed canting insincere superior dated namby-pamby deceiving preachy religiose Pharisaical false moralising out of date out of the ark out-of-date behind the times too good to be true to keep up appearances

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