Đồng nghĩa của austere

Alternative for austere

austerer, austerest

Đồng nghĩa: harsh, severe, stern, strict,

Tính từ

Severe or strict in manner or attitude
stern severe strict harsh cold hard formal grim flinty grave rigorous serious stiff unfeeling forbidding solemn dour reserved steely stony chilly frigid frosty icy stringent stuffy unemotional unfriendly unrelenting unsmiling aloof distant exacting inflexible unsympathetic authoritarian fierce gruff illiberal louring rigid tough unbending uncharitable unforgiving unyielding intimidating lowering ramrod remote rough rugged solid astringent earnest inexorable obdurate somber sombre ungentle hard-boiled hard-nosed heavy-handed mean-looking no-nonsense stark cruel callous bleak inhuman brutal merciless oppressive ruthless pitiless hard-hearted heartless savage unpleasant sober glum disagreeable insensitive bad unmerciful unsparing relentless sadistic ferocious hostile sullen uncaring sedate inhospitable menacing staid firm bitter threatening stony-hearted dire inhumane uncompromising draconian humourless humorless spartan remorseless onerous grievous unkind difficult hardhearted resolute excruciating hard-line dismal cold-blooded awful barbaric barbarous cold-hearted cheerless horrible morose comfortless unhumorous gloomy frightening sobersided unpitying hardhanded trying sinister burdensome disapproving frowning deadpan vicious adamant harrowing with a heart of stone dark frightful surly fearsome searing unfavorable unfavourable straitened glowering despotic dreary thick-skinned weighty terrible cutthroat uncomic compassionless desensitized indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted poker-faced heavy ominous truculent dangerous depressing hellish strait-laced uncomfortable disturbing downbeat foreboding formidable tyrannical distressing joyless hardened desensitised long-faced sad tortuous po-faced sour wretched fiery adverse violent desolate unrestrained intense fiendish crushing overbearing beastly indifferent intransigent crabbed bestial ghastly unfortunate brutish negative unmoved unendurable murderous brassbound venomous daunting disheartening funereal demanding sulky wild melancholic grim-faced fell churlish mean drastic discouraging unpermissive autocratic exigent hard-hitting immutable steadfast inclement cantankerous unwelcome worrying uncompassionate straight-faced critical dreadful domineering immovable gray grey resolved intractable parlous upsetting determined hopeless inauspicious discomforting stony-faced bullheaded troubled agonising troublesome hardheaded quiet single-minded cast-iron unpropitious woeful agonizing biting painful pressing detached wicked implacable unloving businesslike dispassionate tormenting maleficent wolfish torturous impenetrable uninviting challenging intemperate tight-lipped unremitting matter-of-fact premeditated imperturbable pokerfaced unapproachable intolerable tyrannous abusive intolerant dictatorial complicated uncommunicative expressionless impassive coldhearted satanic lacking compassion insensible hatchetjob coldblooded dog-eat-dog contemplative pensive scabrous disastrous calamitous suppressive grumpy cross unsentimental overwhelming Spartan bare-bones insufferable barren grinding scowling cool blank taxing splenetic crusty grouchy killer instinct awkward introspective composed ruminative thoughtful reflective subdued extreme desperate refractory headstrong pugnacious hard-shell bad-tempered hard-faced dejected saturnine ugly wearing unbearable tactless two-fisted hard-bitten boot-faced ill-tempered horrendous disadvantageous horrifying disciplinarian dogged hard-core imperious obstinate ascetical iron-fisted by the book absolute dyed-in-the-wool browbeating mulish ossified stiff-necked ascetic unflinching disciplinary hard-shelled high-handed unplayful bound and determined bookish deep in thought thoughtless inconsiderate terrifying unwelcoming disquieting jarring inept undiplomatic bungling aggressive furious untamed feral overstrict forceful coercive OTT excessive untoward disconcerting unruly bloodthirsty malevolent rabid brute malignant puritanical douce dispiriting disappointing impetuous raging convulsive baleful delirious over the top dull monstrous incessive raving uncontrollable enraged undomesticated fearful horrific troubling displeasing dismaying ironhanded angry frantic infuriated crazed mad butcherly rapacious perilous injurious animalistic primitive tigerish biffo aggers shocking unnerving unlucky testing unhappy alarming regrettable hair-raising miserable irritable bewildering poignant off-putting distressful perturbing depressive frustrating macabre irksome serious-minded discommodious objectionable black direful doleful set fixed mephitical repellant repellent loathsome vexing appalling annoying abhorrent galling perplexing distasteful unpalatable melancholy revulsive unamusing aggravating uncongenial irritating unpleasing distressed tragic repugnant ill-fated hard-pressed lurid shadowy tortured harmful undesirable full of hardship doubtful mournful strained ill-omened treacherous ill-boding chilling nightmarish precarious messy jeopardous morbid apocalyptic rocky very bad unswerving undeviating bound unwavering irreversible unchangeable exact unshakeable concrete unalterable profound significant consequential static unchanging unvarying incompliant invariable unadaptable unmoving changeless definite material urgent pivotal considerable substantial vital major important crucial portentous key monumental appreciable acute eventful momentous heavyweight writ in stone tough nut to crack cut-and-dried locked in decided upon hard and fast dead set hard-and-fast set in stone major league heavy-duty big underlined hefty cold sober of great importance high-priority all-important of consequence of great import no joke of moment life and death of great consequence life-and-death no laughing matter of significance matter of life and death big deal far-reaching apathetic crotchety unempathetic anesthetized feelingless unamiable sensationless emotionless anaesthetized deadened uncordial cold fish

Tính từ

Having a plain and unadorned appearance
plain simple stark basic bleak subdued bald bare functional modest spartan clinical muted restrained unornamented barren spare unadorned uncluttered undecorated unembellished unfurnished clean sparse Spartan unfussy unostentatious no frills without frills bare-bones no-frills severe unvarnished plain vanilla ascetic chaste unpretentious naked understated unpatterned homely straightforward unsophisticated unelaborate monastic homespun honest penny plain uncomplicated stripped down no-nonsense discreet classic characterless unaffected harsh everyday workaday patternless raw without ornamentation ultra-plain rustic economical puritanical impersonal unembroidered au naturel colourless soulless antiseptic frugal dry colorless bare bones moderate conservative minimum essential unadulterated minimal meager measly meagre cut down economy utilitarian generic minimalist homestyle without ornament peasant inelegant unpolished homey artless indistinctive featureless neutral nondescript beige faceless noncommittal rough and ready direct straight blunt downright frank forthright outright undisguised brutal unveiled your basic ordinary folksy normophilic humble inelaborate boring vanilla elementary unexciting pure and simple insipid bland dull plain-spoken candid truthful unequivocal explicit rude unambiguous realistic outspoken unexaggerated upfront unqualified worn patchy threadbare true to life warts and all straight from the shoulder natural pure complete unassuming regular flat-out matter-of-fact elegant crisp practical unextravagant barefaced unmitigated transparent unstinting open unsparing blatant total definite utter fair real upright unreserved brazen small unconcealed plainspoken unguarded unfeigned unexcessive unobtrusive wholesome out-and-out clean-cut down-to-earth standard grim bog-standard fundamental hard undissembled serviceable useful trim unimposing rudimentary adequate common minimalistic graceful cold undeveloped unpresumptuous unmixed streamlined simplistic symmetrical smooth meek poor demure lowly unrefined acceptable without airs fresh uncomplex hearty conventional sheer exquisite tasteful utility institutional token entire mere shapely hard-wearing well defined guileless flagrant clear uninhibited precise palpable heartless forthcoming patent bluff neat brusque free-spoken up-front bare-faced abrupt curt unceremonious short indelicate terse gruff undiplomatic sharp point-blank caustic snippy hard-hitting to the point brusk short-spoken tactless trenchant impolite crusty uncivil discourteous average unradical reasonable middling unexceptional unstudied cheap inexpensive unextreme uncompromising snappy brief pulling no punches sincere not beating about the bush straight-talking not mincing one's words calling a spade a spade straight-shooting speaking one's mind absolute undeniable cotton-picking consummate rank bodacious dead categoric thorough unconditional crashing deadly profound blank stone very plumb dreadful flat thoroughgoing categorical perfect arrant blooming uncorrupted all-out straight-out

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Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
cheerless dismal bleak miserable dark dreary depressing desolate dull gloomy grim sombre comfortless drab funereal solemn somber forlorn unhappy woeful drearisome joyless morose uninviting dejected depressive doleful glum sorrowful spiritless sullen unwelcoming woebegone wretched abject bare cold depressed despondent dim dingy dire disconsolate disheartening dispiriting dolorous dour drear godforsaken gray inhospitable melancholic melancholy morbid mournful sad stark black bland chill clinical crestfallen darkening distressed grey lugubrious murky oppressive plutonian rueful saturnine sepulchral tenebrific tenebrous blue cloudy dejecting draggy dreich elegiac elegiacal impersonal lonely lonesome mopey pathetic sorry sunless uncomfortable afflicted Cimmerian heartbreaking heartrending institutional jarring mourning piteous saddening tearful teary wintery wintry in the dumps cast down down-and-out forbidding severe harsh spartan darkened dimmed lightless obscured caliginous darkish obscure stygian dusky unlit pitchy rayless dusk unilluminated darksome shady leaden shadowy nubilous darkling nebulous clouded overclouded hostile grave pitch-black pitch-dark foreboding bitter anguished sterile uninhabitable despairing formal pained stony empty barren routine colourless uniform dreadful pessimistic regimented off-putting awful mirthless downbeat cynical inimical monotonous negative unfavorable unfavourable downcast gloom-ridden colorless bereft hopeless broken-hearted fatalistic defeatist devastated dispirited heavy-hearted grief-stricken downhearted inconsolable grieving down crushed lorn upset discouraging worrying demoralized troubled companionless in low spirits down in the dumps in a blue funk cut up hurting acheronian tragic horrid distrustful doubting suspicious unfortunate alarmist unenthusiastic chilly demoralised Eeyorish bedimmed badly lit poorly lit distressing terrible unpromising lamentable unpleasant sober humourless humorless poor upsetting pitiable pitiful bad horrific appalling harrowing sedate stern grievous overcast macabre squalid ominous horrible traumatic sordid horrendous distressful shameful shocking painful execrable inferior deplorable lousy disagreeable foul frightful indigent scungy impoverished displeasing detestable scurvy horrifying earnest rotten gut-wrenching lacklustre lackluster deep weighty boring lifeless unsmiling serious staid God-awful heart-rending sourpuss stony-faced muted no-nonsense subdued poker-faced unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring humdrum unpropitious adverse disadvantageous inauspicious portentous hard beclouded foggy tragical disconcerting unnerving disquieting discomforting intolerable lowering gaunt clouded over gruesome poignant regrettable heart-breaking ghastly moody brooding down in the mouth in the doldrums hideous grisly demoralising demoralizing difficult disappointing frightening unearthly lurid excruciating troublesome crushing dolesome blackened ebon eerie moving agonising vexatious agonizing discomposing grotesque ghostly terrifying gory nightmarish monstrous fearsome revolting plangent lachrymose derisible mortifying pensive heart-wrenching tear-jerking pitiless grewsome loathsome terrific repulsive repugnant nightmare despicable contemptible disgraceful vile spookish offensive weird scary chilling atrocious sickening spooky trashy shoddy filthy sick unhealthy destitute derisory low death-obsessed poverty-stricken crepuscular Tartarean subfusc frowzy Stygian ill-lit

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Difficult or challenging in nature, especially physically
rugged hard tough difficult arduous demanding exacting strenuous rough challenging gruelling laborious heavy rigorous formidable grueling testing toilsome taxing harsh onerous trying uphill backbreaking murderous herculean fierce moiling hellacious tall effortful killer sweaty Augean operose hairy spartan murder mean knotty pick-and-shovel no picnic heavy sledding large order crushing burdensome exhausting oppressive weighty troublesome inconvenient back-breaking awkward severe Herculean exigent tiring responsible grave wearing punishing fatiguing killing persnickety wearisome stiff stressful irksome overpowering galling vexatious tedious tiresome serious merciless excessive ponderous grinding embittering pressing time-consuming painful overtaxing distressing cumbersome plodding headache intolerable brutal knackering excruciating grievous wearying grim hellish labored laboured draining stringent bothersome sapping harrowing cruel torturous vigorous toilful sticky tricky ambitious energy-consuming enervating bruising relentless tortuous daunting agonizing thorny unpleasant unbearable uncomfortable agonising traumatic worrying frustrating pressured fraught vexing exasperating bitter hardhanded inhuman searing colossal unremitting debilitating painstaking extreme forbidding unsparing nerve-racking tough going tense anxious agitating hectic mighty intense boring steep problematic impossible wicked unforgiving crippling imperious staggering upstream intimidating gargantuan unyielding jarring solemn distressful worksome slavish difficile shattering backbreaker prohibitive titanic depleting discomforting anxiety-ridden really hard very hard prodigious stretching searching unreasonable Sisyphean upsetting overwhelming exorbitant energetic monumental dour aggravating unrelaxing bad withering mammoth immoderate unfair dogged worrisome strained unrelenting hefty slow drastic pestilent tight wretched protracted lengthy hardworking hypercritical thorough precise critical careful nit-picking despotic domineering unjust exerting a stinker of a a nuisance very difficult by the book an imposition racking chastening carking disturbing superincumbent dicey awful hazardous easier said than done high-impact torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy immense vicious marathon troubling unnerving high-pressure problem ominous insufferable tormenting not easy like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty gigantic savage scabrous uphill battle delicate embarrassing ticklish nasty sensitive prickly tricksy problematical dodgy spiny touchy catchy touch-and-go barro

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Not friendly or sociable
aloof cold distant cool reserved remote detached unfriendly indifferent frosty withdrawn unsociable uncommunicative frigid unresponsive antisocial standoffish unsympathetic unforthcoming chilly unapproachable impersonal offish unconcerned unbending stiff unclubbable formal asocial haughty standoff uninterested dry forbidding disdainful supercilious stuffy incurious uppity proud snooty lofty stand-offish cold-eyed buttoned-up hard-hearted hard-boiled thick-skinned laid back on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs unemotional unfeeling icy cold-blooded undemonstrative passionless unwelcoming glacial wooden dispassionate gelid hard-eyed brittle uncordial clammy antiseptic hostile cold-hearted restrained stony lukewarm emotionless conventional unenthusiastic apathetic unloving strait-laced affectless phlegmatic arctic wintery frozen wintry chill coldish rigid passive reticent taciturn repellent cold-shoulder keeping people at arm's length cold as ice inhospitable uptight spiritless unkind hardhearted callous stony-hearted uncompanionable ceremonious insociable arrogant impassive stuck-up mean-looking put on airs neutral uncaring stoic stolid stoical calm numb impassible retiring misanthropic uninvolved impartial insensitive ardorless impervious impotent inhibited unromantic loveless reclusive alienated introverted disagreeable eremetic solitary cynical shy hermitlike ascetic prim exact precise staid correct proper flinty steely unwilling to mix with other people inflexible unsmiling stilted starched affected starchy lifeless unsocial seemly official serious polite straight arrow by the numbers stiff-necked unmoved disinterested uncongenial quiet listless dull flat expressionless hard antagonistic heartless blank secretive deadpan unneighbourly vacant collected poker-faced silent self-contained close-mouthed inimical laid-back close diffident negative guarded stern self-controlled serene offhand sober controlled unexpressive unaffable clinical objective dead lethargic composed antipathetic placid unsentimental insensible unpleasant nasty Olympian businesslike torpid bland inert matter-of-fact constrained unruffled demure bashful adversary adversarial cautious jaundiced unexcitable tight-lipped blah nonchalant laconic unflappable sluggish glazed introvert unreceptive hollow languid unneighborly dour unaffected uncivil unperturbed harsh eremitic cool, calm and collected dumb casual inexpressive rational half-hearted inhuman modest aggressive ill-disposed just backward soft-spoken self-restrained equal candid soulless sedate empty imperturbable pococurante hateful level-headed unamicable contrary straightforward fixed unimpassioned brooding plain offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent insouciant untouched severe ungracious mortal off equitable private subdued toneless unprejudiced fair insensate equable malevolent rude discourteous abstract media-shy snobbish closemouthed glassy hard-headed unaffectionate blasé sententious peaceful gentle mild noncommittal mute unbiased inanimate timid surly mom logical heedless heavy motionless draggy sour mean unhappy tranquil lackadaisical malicious spiteful combative straight nonpartisan hesitant speechless unexcited unamiable nonplussed square evenhanded warlike sparing uncolored nondiscriminatory realistic malignant lazy naked inactive prosaic obnoxious couldn't care less curt abstracted introspective idle preoccupied dried-up unimpressed supine mum ill-natured removed clammed up untroubled fierce tough off-putting cross insipid inapproachable repressed unpassioned self-conscious faraway unworried inaccessible tepid heedless of colourless perfunctory superior uncharitable opposed oblivious to outside uncurious uneasy embarrassed against unaroused self-effacing tongue-tied limp oblivious inscrutable retired slow nowhere immovable nonemotional negligent numbed inorganic colorless careless bellicose wimpy moony unenthused carefree anaesthetized bare timorous ungregarious coldhearted incommunicable coy dazed honest practical anesthetized rancorous vicious pugnacious militant unfavorable unfavourable open-minded factual insentient defunct extinct uncompassionate unembellished unfazed tightlipped fundamental mineral Laodicean inattentive wishy-washy bald wrathful confrontational bitter truculent pragmatic could care less what the hell non-emotional pure indolent sensible out of it exanimate independent straight-faced even-handed don't give a damn incommunicative slothful desensitized unimpressible stupefied thoughtful uncommunicable comatose truthful belligerent venomous alien angry disapproving adverse virulent non-committal non-partisan literal unvarnished strictly business quiescent unadorned prosy commonsensical fair-minded self-centred no-nonsense nonvegetable stupid nonanimal inoperative azoic maleficent unpropitious intimidating vitriolic biting malefic unrevealing stony-eyed self-centered out desensitised along for the ride hardened viperous dead to the world ornery catty argumentative scrappy out cold contained conservative cruel ruthless avoidant unsavoury objectionable unattractive ungenial unlikeable analytic unfocused iced grim sexually unresponsive depressing contemptuous withering seclusive malign grave bad-tempered discouraging nonresponsive cool-headed ungenerous reptilian abhorrent muted selfish unagitated unreadable ill-tempered unsavory unnatural forced mopey mopish unimpressionable xenophobic bovine catatonic unanimated feeble distrustful nongregarious scowling obdurate marble stone-faced contrived laboured mannered artificial unstirred discreet devoid disimpassioned suspicious spacey bored brusque short vapid insusceptible unambitious unmotivated groggy lymphatic isolated dry-eyed undismayed averse anti strained awkward temperate benumbed asleep bureaucratic indurated inexcitable insular pompous spaced-out droopy dispirited nonpassionate close-lipped inarticulate bloodless anaesthetic anesthetic judicial hermit-like hermitic hermitical unflustered unpassionate ungainly not caring featureless gray grey measured depersonalised faceless careful depersonalized anonymous monolithic senseless unprepossessed uncoloured non-discriminatory down on uncooperative analytical moderate scientific untalkative inward-looking going with the flow rolling with the punches unconscious immune stony-faced blithe opposing disobliging iceberg paralysed paralyzed still relaxed resolute unmindful sullen meek indrawn non-communicative all alone self-sufficient immune to impervious to stubborn unyielding cold turkey labored devil-may-care happy-go-lucky contemplative sheepish self-interested pensive recessive self-absorbed knocked out pokerfaced simple unanxious easy vacuous proof against deaf to unmindful of cold-fish cool cat self-possessed unswayed frustrated ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair somnolent lacking physical sensation blacked out passed out spark out out for the count balanced unbigoted insecure wary uncomfortable nervous reluctant apprehensive at odds solid reasoned valid justified firm levelheaded reasonable informed sound basic stark fishy unmoving lacklustre unconfident unassertive drowsy sleepy shrinking unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless blind deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss undisturbed undaunted good static shiftless on the level with no axe to grind languorous sitting on the fence on the fence without fear or favour commonsense commonsensible quarrelsome tedious drab unexciting drugged sleeping hibernating dormant frank unconcerned about well-founded lucid well considered hung up stuporous hebetudinous slumberous dopey vegged out inconscious out to lunch menacing impolite unmannerly dreary boring wearisome monotonous down-to-earth uneager uninvolved with apathetic towards apathetic about nonchalant about offhand about casual about regardless uncaring about uninvolved in uninterested in pointless lacking vitality mechanical uninspired non-organic bottled up conflicting opposite estranged disaffected competitive unpromising vengeful acrimonious censorious grouchy grudging gruff bored by dismissive of mindless of careless of frivolous about reckless about unimpressed by regardless of cavalier about uninspiring two-dimensional characterless halfhearted abiotic weary of unenthusiastic about unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned foul mundane laodicean obvious manifest unexaggerated unequivocal explicit direct sheer transparent unambiguous patent evident brutal indecisive uncertain irresolute undecided uncommitted unresolved nothing lusterless lackluster pabulum uninteresting zero spent highbrow scornful unimaginative without life deceased nonliving not on speaking terms upfront undisguised unqualified hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative pedestrian humdrum faithful straight-thinking accurate with both feet on the ground unembroidered undistorted feasible unidealistic not alive blunt true to life warts and all not giving a monkey's

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Contemptuously ridiculing or mocking someone or something
scoffing mocking sardonic scornful cynical sneering satirical derisive caustic contemptuous jeering disparaging taunting sharp ironical biting cutting mordant acerbic satiric disrespectful trenchant offensive mean contumelious scorching corrosive arrogant bitter salty carping acid acerb irascible backhanded acrimonious brusque needling saucy scurrilous chaffing twitting captious ornery disillusioned cussed evil severe weisenheiming hostile snarling smart-alecky acrid pungent tart acidulous acidic sarcastic snarky scathing barbed scalding smart-mouthed smart-aleck stinging vitriolic ironic sarky snide ridiculing mordacious nasty strong tangy sour piquant overpowering stinking vinegary sharp-tasting hot burning acetic acidy nippy acetous suffocating strong-smelling odorous active astringent disdainful derisory wry insulting dry slighting denigratory sceptical dismissive doubtful skeptical unbelieving suspicious mistrustful derogatory deprecatory uncomplimentary quizzical jibing malicious doubting disbelieving teasing detracting pessimistic distrustful unconvinced incredulous dubious withering demeaning belittling degrading derogative decrying pejorative depreciative depreciatory detractive denigrative sniffy pillorying full of contempt questioning critical condescending lampooning tongue-in-cheek double-edged snidey unsure misanthropic irreverent ridiculous hesitant twisted misanthropical defiant supercilious droll uncertain rude witty unkind deprecating wise insolent hard disapproving undecided cheeky haughty abhorrent hesitating snotty keen snooty opprobrious harsh agnostic contemptible cynic hurtful spiteful uncivil shrewish vituperative insinuating ill-natured hinky trustless unsettled unpleasant hateful cavalier non-believing contorted vain imperious proud nullifidian faithless rationalist irreligious distorted crooked uneven deformed warped pathetic silly cockamamy absurd ludicrous laughable risible cockamamie comical farcical preposterous snippy hard-nosed bold audacious temperamental snobbish uppity cool upstage cold-shoulder sly subtle deadpan humorous pawky awry aslant askew skewwhiff gally out-of-line flip cocky fresh smart sassy nervy crusty high hat dog it high and mighty laconic on your high horse on high horse dissenting leery freethinking aporetic defeatist iffy misbelieving waggish apathetic having reservations Pyrrhonist minimifidian sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced for the birds negative disenchanted hardened jaundiced world-weary hard-bitten clever implausible contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert poignant burlesque atypical incisive curious spicy quick-witted black hard-boiled bleak taking something with a pinch of salt nonbelieving superior hypercritical overbearing egotistic despicable abusive

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Sharp or severe in manner or style
astringent severe harsh acerbic caustic stern mordant sharp cutting rough exacting incisive penetrating piercing sarcastic sardonic scathing searing stinging strict trenchant acerb cruel grim hard hurtful poisonous rigid rigorous spiteful unkind vicious waspish wounding acidulous catty mordacious sarky snarky stringent acetic acrid biting bitter tonic acid tart pungent acidic vitriolic acrimonious venomous corrosive virulent keen barbed nasty critical satirical devastating satiric scalding sour pointed malicious smart-mouthed savage smart-aleck smart-alecky withering razor-edged vinegary hostile acetous rancorous unpleasant acidulated mean vindictive tangy blistering unfriendly fierce polemic unsweetened scornful hateful piquant rapier-like strong malignant acute malign unsparing maleficent malefic rude distasteful burning evil-intentioned ferocious malevolent slashing zingy scorching sourish tartish antagonistic brutal pernicious derisive zesty aggressive truculent splenetic salty abrasive dry polemical churlish resentful telling baleful mocking forceful abusive poignant snappy belittling vinegarish envenomed ill-natured amaroidal acetose pithy peppery acidy vituperative extremely critical brusque squint-eyed ironic controversial corroding cynical contentious sound unblunted contemptuous disparaging despiteful heartless merciless disrespectful smart offensive bad callous absinthian absinthal argumentative disputatious violent vitriolous stabbing unrelenting edged pitiless irascible provocative salt exciting racy witty stimulating sadistic menacing grudging hate-filled evil crabbed ruthless wanton snide cold-blooded smarting dripping with malice stinking overpowering sharp-tasting vengeful bilious hot with a kick briny soured green dirty viperous ornery destructive viperish toxicant cussed nippy taunting dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose snappish snippy testy short disapproving active strong-smelling suffocating odorous vigorous emphatic forthright driving clear crisp explicit powerful distinct effective blunt potent unequivocal edgy crushing razor-sharp sneering scoffing ridiculing ironical jeering derisory derogatory insulting slighting denigratory jibing curt irreverent lampooning chaffing contumelious laconic disdainful double-edged teasing dismissive detracting pillorying wry deprecatory backhanded tongue-in-cheek uncomplimentary backbiting tough inconsiderate irritating ridiculous burlesque grievous arrogant spicy farcical snidey vehement deprecating angry galling insinuating terse drilling clear-cut impertinent coarse shrewish overwhelming distressing ill-tempered bad-tempered erosive wicked harmful demeaning degrading derogative depreciative detractive decrying pejorative depreciatory denigrative savoury pert savory sharp-worded thoughtless ungracious injurious damaging nauseating grating highly effective slanderous defamatory cold parodying humorous paradoxical spoof bantering spoofing unfeeling annoying contradictory alert atypical clever implausible defiant exaggerated twisted curious quick-witted twitting saucy scurrilous captious needling carping insensitive unsympathetic comfortless weisenheiming spiky gruff Hudibrastic Rabelaisian scathy lousy horrid sly subtle deadpan negative droll hard to take rubbing the wrong way accurate venomed waggish pertinent apathetic discouraging absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic silly cockamamy laughable risible comical preposterous matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous sharp-tongued poker-faced meaty meaningful right-on short-and-sweet legit pregnant insightful unhelpful excruciating out-of-line flip cocky fresh cheeky crusty gally sassy nervy laid on the line right to it in a nutshell on the nose boiled down calling a spade a spade on the button agonizing intense undermining disobliging invalidating contrary adverse obstructive awful harrowing terrible intolerable dreadful oppressive torturous discrediting vexatious grueling tormenting unbearable punishing extreme insufferable repressive grave for the birds wrenching painful consuming troublesome racking pounding agonising afflicting gruelling embittered very bad sullen begrudging sore aggrieved hurt disgruntled offended indignant morose discontented wounded dissatisfied choked jaundiced miffed peeved piqued peevish petulant with chip on shoulder put out hard done by grudge-bearing irreconcilable with a chip on one's shoulder crabby ill-disposed sulky

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To a total, utter or complete degree
unmitigated categorical absolute complete outright total unqualified definite thorough utter consummate pure thoroughgoing unconditional unequivocal categoric downright positive profound rank relentless unadulterated unambiguous veritable real regular rigid sheer simple stark unabated unalloyed undiminished arrant fair gross intense perfect plumb severe unabridged unbending unmoderated unmollified untempered dead flat oppressive blank blooming bodacious clean crashing deadly dreadful grim harsh persistent stone unalleviated unbroken undiluted unmixed unmodified unrelieved unsoftened very all-out clear-cut flat-out out-and-out straight-out cotton-picking deep-dyed in every way entire unreserved full whole unlimited unrestricted right plain extreme proper ultimate undivided infernal dyed-in-the-wool utmost genuine explicit right-down blasted comprehensive blatant wholesale clear in every respect surpassing supreme through and through wholehearted exhaustive unrestrained solid blessed confounded certain direct plenary unremitting unquestionable straight out unbounded indubitable full-bore emphatic glaring true all out naked sure final overt unmistakable undeniable full-scale unconstrained patent constant no catch flagrant conclusive undisguised all-fired inveterate without reservations steadfast prize sincere unstinting no ifs ands or buts full-on no holds barred limitless maximum firm mere infinite express obvious palpable serious steady uttermost authentic decisive brazen assured unquestioning barefaced open determinate wide matchless full-blown point-blank out and out apodictic no kicker no strings no fine print chronic overarching unblemished huge straight honest everlasting double-dyed enormous committed determined resounding unfaltering unvarnished bald unmistaken enduring overall unswerving dedicated concentrated abiding resolute blunt transparent all max pronounced unadorned sweeping paramount strict uncompromising egregious conspicuous top nth fixed last never-failing very great shameless peremptory unsurpassed peerless terminal atrocious actual monstrous bona fide capital extraordinary true-blue endless abundant uncontrolled preeminent perpetual without limit eternal unbearable inexorable true blue royal candid staring unfailing frank incessant bloody continuous grand unrelenting quite single altogether most customary adamant assertive insistent definitive forthright overwhelming faultless unstinted common decided usual quintessential optimum unregenerate crass specific infamous notorious vile uncorrupted wholesome intensive bare horrible systematic unimpaired maximal stone-cold nothing other than point blank through-and-through unembellished undisputed without qualification long-range long-term rightly so called totalitarian uninterrupted inclusive no strings attached one hundred per cent sovereign untarnished untouched unaltered habitual undying confirmed no joke superlative predominant excellent unsurpassable errant perfected ideal inimitable transcendent flawless impeccable finished without reservation pure and simple unbound tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful boundless unconditioned omnipotent in-depth unshakeable farthest staunch fervent earnest zealous enthusiastic unflinching hearty farthermost unwavering devoted outermost furthermost open-ended with no strings heartfelt stalwart unfeigned ardent warm furthest accurate exact precise shocking manifest outrageous great massive remotest loyal impassioned passionate fullhearted audacious evident heinous exclusive outmost unconcealed terrific tremendous spot-on inordinate shameful scandalous striking terrible grievous reprehensible disgraceful endmost aftermost whole-hearted focused undistracted collective iniquitous apparent exorbitant villainous wicked significant excessive major valid dinkum engrossed unshared consistent immoderate hundred percent whole-souled fantastic dead-on certified good faithful pukka on-target echt so satisfactory pucka sure-enough unerring certifiable united absorbed unflagging focussed brass-necked last straw ultra out of bounds chief too much farthest away too-too worst case furthest away unanimous scrupulous attentive continued concerted admissible sound factual fast deliberate circumspect minute diligent detailed vigilant intent rip-roaring thumping whopping undoubted watertight veridical immaculate rigorous amen inerrant bang on undistorted solemn lock stock and barrel right on roaring diametrical flaming bold archetypal straightforward convincing model irrefutable reliable best idyllic exemplary copybook prototypical uninhibited brutal even bleeding blithering flipping uncontested classic round visible blinking effing muscular indisputable incontestable incontrovertible chuffing strong robust bally forceful classical polar noticeable plurry optimal representative ruddy legit unsparing utopian upfront upright transcendental paradigmatic idealized idealised plainspoken unguarded untainted deep literal bare-faced best possible matter-of-fact no-nonsense plain-spoken stupid plenipotentiary outstanding signal singular marked drastic perceptible full-frontal unfettered all-encompassing effusive gushing without reserve basic arrogant distinct convinced confident awful right royal eminent flaunting sublime ostentatious immodest satisfied doubtless persuaded to the exclusion of everything else implicit concrete flagitious crying diametric highest typical flagitous unashamed hellacious guileless outspoken biggest topmost grody pie-in-the-sky best-example dream come true fairy-tale self-assured self-conceited self-confident unhesitating greatest acute almighty prime essential bald-faced heartless forthcoming natural correct vigorous affirmative cold free from doubt unhidden dead on verbatim particular radical preposterous hard cocksure inarguable forcible irrefragable dependable undisputable strenuous hanging out stick out like sore thumb unsullied undoubting unquestioned observable recognizable deciding clinching free-spoken up-front thundering uber unchallengeable guaranteed pointed pinpoint greatest amount of greatest possible legitimate veracious aggressive violent vehement energetic dynamic recognized plain to see unchallenged writ large accepted close completing nailed down concluding state-of-the-art finishing settling closing limiting terminating ending determining uncontradicted unarguable persuasive accomplished tangible unanswerable official trusty kosher bonafide credible unspoiled for real authoritative original recognisable as clear as day recognised surgical defined individual all-embracing hard-hitting unbridled secure well-defined on the money error-free inch-perfect on the nose on the button as plain as a pikestaff wakeless heavy unencumbered unmortgaged virile full-blooded hardy powerful vital hands-down freaking doggone standing out a mile full-bodied rich lusty potent beyond question beyond a doubt as sure as eggs is eggs sticking out a mile plush big heady standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb pulling no punches fitting blimming seamless irreproachable indefectible unmingled stuffed boiled down telescoped crashed undiffused picture-book without fault picture-perfect letter-perfect have-it-all most distant most extreme

Tính từ

(of a tax or other charge) Extremely high, harsh or severe
punitive harsh severe stiff stringent burdensome draconian drastic high cruel demanding savage crippling crushing excessive exorbitant extortionate inflated sky-high swingeing immoderate iniquitous inordinate outrageous prohibitive unreasonable strict tough extreme heavy punishing hard brutal stern oppressive rigorous hardhanded radical rough ruthless tyrannical unbending inflexible strong authoritarian relentless dire desperate grim forceful serious pitiless undue unyielding uncompromising unrelenting rigid sharp steep unconscionable unmerciful extravagant overweening intolerable towering baroque devilish heavy-handed iron-fisted overextravagant overdue insane overmuch plethoric despotic summary suppressive repressive arbitrary Draconian very severe firm punitory momentous far-reaching exceptional substantial consequential remorseless zealous unusual exaggerated unmitigated merciless egregious fanatical unconventional downright thorough absolute flagrant overkill gross remarkable unseemly ferocious uncommon preposterous intemperate fancy nonsensical imprudent irrational fabulous utter improper sheer lavish out-and-out O.T.T. too much over the top out of proportion penal iron-handed onerous grievous rugged bitter murderous trying excruciating searing hardheaded inhuman intractable inexorable headstrong robust great intense taxing stressful expensive ruinous criminal OTT excessively high backbreaking overpriced exacting over the odds grinding wearing gruelling uphill arduous exhausting strenuous tiring prostrating wearying enervating fatiguing debilitating difficult dictatorial autocratic domineering back-breaking unsparing sapping draining undemocratic unjust tyrannous overwhelming killing grueling unremitting laborious overbearing anti-democratic unfair imperious coercive high-handed peremptory disheartening gloomy discouraging weighty sombre hefty dismal depressive troubling dispiriting superincumbent ironhanded bleak worrying distressing troublesome exigent somber depressing confining mean headache rough going unwarranted ridiculous monstrous huge disproportionate enormous extremely high dear overboard absonant wasteful pricey a bit much daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off costing the earth up to here out of sight over one's head costing an arm and a leg more than one can afford

Tính từ

(of a person) Lacking sophistication or refinement
rough unrefined coarse rude uncouth crude loutish uncultured churlish ungracious blunt brusque curt impolite vulgar boorish crass discourteous ill-bred tough uncivil bluff brutal brutish dour foul hard ill-mannered indecent indecorous indelicate lewd oafish obscene offensive profane ribald severe uncultivated unmannerly unpolished bawdy bearish dirty fierce filthy forbidding grim gross inconsiderate inelegant roughcast rugged stern stiff vulgarian bad-mannered cruel grievous gruff harsh inhuman intimidating louring mean stark steely untutored artless bitter common flinty foul-mouthed hardhanded heavy improper insensible loud lowbred lowbrow onerous oppressive tasteless unceremonious ungentle incult lowering murderous raffish roughneck ungentlemanly unladylike simple basic primitive plain spartan roughhewn rustic clumsy rough-hewn jerry-built rough and ready rough-and-ready jury-rigged rough-and-tumble jerry-rigged graceless unkind thoughtless sharp nasty insensitive tactless unmannered ungraceful uncomfortable wooden uneasy abrasive rustical stilted cutting biting caustic vitriolic acerbic unfeeling callous hurtful acerb unsympathetic wounding abusive bad-tempered ill-tempered unpleasant uneducated unworldly barbaric shameless barbarous raw barbarian cloddish corrupt outlandish savage ignorant socially unsure socially awkward lacking in social graces socially inept low sketchy mannerless illiberal gauche immature backward awkward loud-mouthed low-bred unsubtle undiplomatic grating impolitic injudicious ill-judged irritating annoying galling pitiless comfortless aggressive unfriendly spiky argumentative hateful scathing crabbed barbed hard to take morose sarcastic sardonic acrimonious rubbing the wrong way derogatory derisory tart mordant surly sullen acid trenchant ungallant uncharitable classless mean-spirited unchivalrous clownish vicious malicious venomous acidulous spiteful firm strict uncompromising acrid corrosive snarky smart-aleck smart-alecky smart-mouthed scalding pungent satiric acidic satirical mordacious ill-humoured catty unfair unjust forceful excessive ruthless unyielding unbending uncivilised irritable snippy cross-grained polite grumpy miserly unsociable grouchy uncivilized truculent base clodhopping ill-natured ill-humored ornery unneighborly touchy cantankerous ugly cussed crusty sharp-worded angry virulent peppery double-edged unrelenting heartless rigorous extreme merciless rowdy

Tính từ

Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
chaste pure virginal decent innocent modest virgin celibate immaculate moral uncontaminated unsullied virtuous incorrupt intact maidenly undefiled unwed vestal wholesome abstinent decorous maiden nunlike self-denying self-restrained uncorrupted unmarried guiltless proper sinless clean continent demure elegant good G-rated quiet refined simple upright restrained unaffected controlled faithful free of sin impotent inexperienced intemerate monogamous neat prudish squeaky clean subdued unblemished pure as the driven snow unstained platonic stainless nice spotless flawless untarnished impeccable unspoilt unpolluted squeaky-clean pristine perfect fresh righteous seemly untainted clear honest blameless irreproachable angelic exemplary unspotted holy unmoved white unscathed inculpable undamaged unmarred unchanged unharmed uninfluenced unaltered untouched untried unmarked unimpressed unstirred uninjured unbroken in perfect condition sound secure in good condition reserved gentle girlish unagitated single retiring undisturbed whole respectable polite unsoiled clean-living husbandless spouseless wifeless free from sin unwemmed chase nunnish monklike monkish ascetic impeccant faultless in good taste monastic uncorrupt cleanhanded unoffending sackless lily-white free of not guilty whiter than white as pure as the driven snow ethical saintly reputable honourable upstanding true pious honorable noble worthy guileless unblighted inviolate unprofaned wide-eyed lily white above reproach anti-corruption first wet behind ears natural babe in woods pure as driven snow initial inaugural indifferent unconcerned dry-eyed unhurt entire out of danger sanitary safe and sound shipshape without a scratch initiatory introductory pioneer premier leadoff original foremost headmost earliest proving prime untapped unused primary new beginning unbroached

Tính từ

Not excessively bright, flashy or showy
sober subdued dark restrained somber sombre plain quiet severe conservative conventional drab muted repressed staid traditional unadventurous understated unflashy unpretentious dark-coloured dark-colored low-key toned down toned-down low-keyed discreet unobtrusive unostentatious subtle inconspicuous modest simple reserved relaxed soft minimalist easy-going unassuming unfussy dull laid-back downbeat played down square demure straight tasteful pale casual informal insouciant nonchalant easy equable light bland at ease together cool unflappable mild neutral lifeless flat tame unglamorous lacklustre lackluster ordinary nondescript withdrawn inactive spiritless serious pensive tempered grave passive unspectacular unnoticeable unremarkable downhome free and easy chastened softened muffled circumspect unresponsive controlled easygoing modulated inobtrusive loose low-profile played-down soft-sell self-effacing faint dim indistinct imperceptible hidden lowered invisible concealed retiring secretive obscure shy tenuous gentle stifled insignificant camouflaged soft-pedalled unemphatic in the background weak mellow faded low hushed inaudible suppressed indiscernible deadened out of sight having unconspicuous behind the scenes feeble mumbled out of the spotlight out of the limelight unclear out of the public eye shaded low-pitched dreary lusterless pastel lustreless unlustrous unseen backstage humble meek unimposing mute whispered timorous timid unpresuming silenced vague inarticulate unintelligible delicate unsubstantial unhearable silent unapparent soft-hued dusty smothered thudding unshowy disguised soft-pedaled murmuring slight faltering diminished muttering not obvious washed out negligible insinuated indefinite delicately complex moderated hardly noticeable hardly detectable indirect suggestive enervated keeping one's light under a bushel free from vanity unboastful self-deprecating hoarse strangled hazy fuzzy out of earshot reedy bated distant unstressed unaccented scarcely audible ill-defined bashful diffident unconfident shrinking reticent insecure introverted unaggressive introvert unforthcoming mousy unassertive keeping a low profile unconvincing moderate wishy-washy pathetic unenthusiastic flimsy lily-livered half-hearted faint-hearted frail meager fragile meagre lame unexceptional undistinguished forgettable characterless run-of-the-mill unmemorable unnoticed

Tính từ

Of or denoting a simple, naive style of art that deliberately rejects sophisticated artistic techniques
primitive naive simple unsophisticated childlike undeveloped innocent natural untrained untutored artless aw-shucks dewy dewy-eyed green ingenuous naif savage simpleminded unaffected uncivilised uncivilized uncritical unknowing unpretentious unsuspecting unsuspicious untaught unwary unworldly wide-eyed barbarian barbaric uncultivated animal atavistic barbarous brutish fierce ignorant nonliterate raw uncultured underdeveloped undomesticated unlearned untamed vestigial wild rude rough crude uncivil Neanderthal unrefined coarse heathen uncouth unpolished heathenish Neandertal vulgar boorish uneducated loutish philistine inexperienced backward unschooled gross crass oafish benighted lowbrow immature ill-bred credulous unenlightened insensible uninformed thuggish tasteless rugged developing trusting backwards ill-mannered gullible impressionable rough-hewn vicious illiterate provincial nescient unmannered naïf unstudied rudimentary brutal yobbish born yesterday wet behind the ears as green as grass guileless rustic third world plain feral unacquainted unfamiliar unread common low churlish graceless roughneck lowbred raffish incult illiberal callow slobbish uncomplicated native inelegant trustful unguarded unsceptical naïve confiding over-trusting youthful untouched incomplete rough and ready ferocious easily deceived easily taken in embryonic inhuman basic beastly non-functional ferine ungodly non-literate bestial unlettered obsolete abortive clumsy unholy uninhabited impolite discourteous impertinent disrespectful indelicate awkward rookie uninitiated new bearish unwitting fresh unskilled parochial unmindful unaware oblivious folksy unartificial clean unpractised easy clueless jejune unseasoned incognizant unpretending unconscious in a state of nature like a babe in the woods unqualified easily led bourgeois unfinished elementary fell truculent commercial materialist remote unrestrained ungraceful aboriginal masterful autocratic godforsaken domineering analphabetic unscholarly anti-intellectual inartistic jungli harsh pagan infidel idealistic uninstructed unfledged undeceitful idolatrous unadvanced earthy troglodytic accepting godless irreligious young country uncool corn-fed agnostic atheistic damp wet moist caveman uncontrolled mannerless outrageous unconscionable wicked amateur unquestioning non-believing unbelieving heretical faithless babe in woods beyond the pale fond exploitable gullable susceptible dew-covered heavy with dew unprogressive unwise archaic unbroken straightforward silly virginal bungling incompetent green as grass countrified uncorrupted virgin cute starry-eyed shallow unjaded Panglossian quaint simple-minded medieval antiquated nullifidian inept maladroit down-to-earth gauche modest unassuming wilding mediaeval dark feudal profane nonbeliever skeptic sceptic homespun uninvolved make-do unspecialized plebeian hooligan animalistic jerry-rigged jerry-built jury-rigged rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready bush-league corny homey unadulterated kid pure without airs cornball genuine authentic uncomplex ungenteel indecorous ungentlemanly ungainly ungallant unseemly clownish unmannerly disgracious free backwoods unladylike offensive classless gawky cloddish hick hillbilly unversed inexpert untried beastlike overgrown rampant overrun clodhopping improper unconversant maturing unpracticed unskillful budding cobbled together agrarian cruel merciless raunchy loud desert dense escaped neglected luxuriant desolate indigenous waste lush deserted theriomorphic theroid bad-mannered imperfect foul-mouthed zoomorphic animalian brute zoic uncalled-for loud-mouthed heavy-handed goatish beast-like subhuman swinish zoological zoologic in the dark open tenderfoot juvenile adolescent heedless honest unknowledgeable dupable frank spontaneous childish believing unaccustomed blind to deceivable mindless candid verdant witless over-trustful thick blind unripe unfamiliar with unintellectual misinformed foolish unskeptical fleeceable undisciplined sophomoric obtuse sincere biting imbecilic moronic cretinous puerile birdbrained boyish deaf unripened unformed true fledgling uninhibited deaf to babyish childly prentice inattentive unused apprenticed forgetful spring chicken wet behind ears careless coincidental amateurish inconversant negligent unproven girlish lacking experience infant untested caught napping oblivious to unaffected by impervious to fresh-faced vulnerable in the dark about accidental unintentional direct unreserved real unpremeditated forthright uninitiate unobservant unintended plain-spoken frivolous chance tender casual inadvertent straight undesigned unheeding unplanned unbriefed stupid unintelligent daydreaming unresponsive involuntary insensitive transparent unconcerned dim dumb impervious unbaked jellybean sophomore upfront dopey unmeant easy mark dozy not told not informed unaware of out of it out to lunch indifferent to ignorant of unconscious of ill-informed a stranger to unenlightened about slow on the uptake unconversant with not dry behind ears uninformed about inexperienced in strange to unschooled in just starting out unrehearsed optimistic inexperience junior baby-faced lamblike unapprised vernal undoubting overcredulous exploitative exploitatory exploitive blank overtrusting newly arrived tenderfooted slow fictile defenceless infantile teenage teenaged imprudent regardless first-time malleable undiscerning unnoticing unrecognizing not knowing disregardful disregarding impractical dull bread-and-butter boylike unprofessional nonprofessional readily swallowing whole readily taken in readily falling for neglectful relaxed inerudite catachrestic solecistic unselfconscious jackleg half-witted sucker mark defenseless strange out of the loop aimless numb senseless comatose haphazard insensible to unable to read and write unused to new to nescient of untutored in unaccustomed to fresh to swallowing whole tumbling for taken in kidding oneself taking no notice unconcerned by removed from detached from thoughtless taking the bait being a sucker dinkum unthinking lost to in ignorance unforced superficial falling hook line and sinker uncontrived airheaded unstudious uncomprehending daft fortuitous incidental uncalculated flukey fluky unperceptive unstilted accountable unconstrained chowderheaded dof glaikit dotish divvy hebete uncaring reckless feckless irreflective undevised unthought mooning doped spacey empty-headed humble homely a brick short of a load dead from the neck up as thick as two short planks thick as two short planks not the full shilling pig-ignorant two sandwiches short of a picnic indifferent free-spoken outspoken not cognizant out cold unimposing unobtrusive honest-to-goodness unspoiled unostentatious forthcoming well-intentioned not on purpose not all there not in the loop in a daze unfeeling apathetic downright up-front blunt inelaborate down easy-going unpresumptuous unbeautified discreet prosaic unembellished unambitious free-spirited laid-back self-effacing plainspoken truthful communicative not aware unmoved unimpressible impassive imperceptive freehearted openhearted unacquainted with uninformed of obdurate impercipient unperceiving lay it on the line out-front open-and-shut talking turkey on the level above board fair not afraid to call a spade a spade undissembled straight from the shoulder round not knowing the first thing about uninitiated about innocent about clueless about uninitiated in unknowing of unwitting of not having the faintest about without knowledge green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of innocent of up front down home mindless of unmindful of unresponsive to negligent of untouched by insensitive of unmoved by without knowledge of careless of unsusceptible

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