Đồng nghĩa của being responsible

Tính từ

Capable of being trusted
trustworthy dependable conscientious reliable trusty sound stable faithful devoted impeccable principled adult dutiful rational unfailing capable of being trusted high-principled able capable competent effective efficient firm loyal qualified self-reliant steadfast upright steady true calculable good trustable solid sure tried secure honest safe tried-and-true staunch constant honorable honourable unwavering reputable unswerving tried and true tried and tested sensible true-blue established certain resolute strong tested committed proven mature dedicated settled trusted ethical righteous never-failing level-headed sturdy just enduring straightforward fixed balanced predictable moral attested proved recognized approved certified equable scrupulous infallible decent unimpeachable truthful consistent incorruptible sincere true-hearted well balanced virtuous always there right pious fast recognised determined straight tried and trusted safe as houses up front stand-up standup credible conscionable sterling creditworthy strict go-to high-minded unmistakable rocklike copper-bottomed unshakable uncompromising upstanding respectable decisive incorrupt unequivocal positive careful veracious carrying the load durable immutable unchangeable sane to be counted on good as one's word classic demonstrated failsafe rigid reasonable used assured stout fail-safe lasting unshakeable tried out put to the test time-honoured discreet pure stalwart permanent nice devout stanch definite confident supportive right-minded perdurable unfaltering bulletproof ardent worthy truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line undistorted liege confirmed estimable creditable square wholehearted all right long-lived long-standing long-lasting conclusive easy unanxious nailed down locked on absolute undoubtful sanguine in the bag carefree hopeful well-founded shoo-in foolproof guaranteed well-built well-balanced no lie on the up and up saintly deep-rooted straight-up rock solid sure-fire true blue fly right to be trusted worthy of trust above suspicion boy scout down home on the level full of integrity as good as one's word sober calm imperturbable levelheaded serene poised sedate stolid staid serious unruffled reserved collected composed cool unexcitable full of common sense down-to-earth having both feet on the ground self-possessed serious-minded self-restrained

Tính từ

(of a choice or decision) Exercising prudence
sensible reasonable mature prudent astute judicious levelheaded level-headed practical rational calculating informed pragmatic realistic sound enlightened sane thoughtful wise cautious considerate considered discerning expedient sage well-advised circumspect sagacious shrewd sober well-judged commonsensical balanced logical grounded discriminating matter-of-fact no-nonsense down-to-earth commonsense analytic analytical well-founded full of common sense reliable hard-headed businesslike reasoned advisable canny valid serious-minded solid good hard coherent consequent well-grounded just together cool all there moderate politic adult dependable intelligent hardheaded pragmatical mundane common-sense earthy unidealistic perceptive learned plain-spoken unsentimental unromantic discreet farsighted hard-nosed easy earth-bound plainspoken unfantastic common hardboiled firm commonsensible sharp justified aware clever well-informed attentive well-thought-out knowing conversant well-reasoned have one's feet on the ground refined sophisticated cultured cultivated worldly grown-up polished au courant in right mind having all one's marbles steady-going worldly-wise with both feet on the ground with one's feet on the ground convincing weighty authoritative cogent credible telling plausible satisfactory satisfying accurate recognized flawless faultless exact impeccable well grounded holding water precise established intellectual watertight right-thinking correct orthodox accepted profound true holding up recognised unassailable standing up holding up in wash got it together right-minded justifiable legitimate effective proper lucid acceptable defensible supportable tenable legit strong compelling clear suitable sustainable trustworthy objective right fit powerful well reasoned legal defendable appropriate genuine fair maintainable fitting understandable kosher viable official persuasive admissible workable authentic efficacious consistent apt relevant lawful forceful worthwhile warranted effectual potent vindicable warrantable pertinent desirable useful influential advantageous beneficial sanctioned rightful conclusive bona fide seemly systematic permissible normal well advised stable licit allowable able to hold water regular well thought out methodical honest congruent proven helpful decent tactical deductive arguable acknowledged believable recommended authorized well organized perspicacious excusable suggested faithful orderly approved confirmed impressive gainful articulate definitive valuable meaningful organized insightful decisive upright forcible profitable organised straight authorised factual attested well feasible real veritable allowed probable traditional possible recommendable ratiocinative condonable substantiated well-established best joined-up binding verified certified practicable usual validated productive sincere applicable truthful thinking cerebral significant customary sapient perspicuous rigorous cognitive respectable germane familiar standard secure righteous contractual serviceable popular efficient fruitful well-thought-of determinative successful trenchant above board necessary reputable highly regarded capable well-organized of good standing within the law of use operative clear-cut unquestionable graceful bonafide estimable passable creditable preferable trusted dinkum attainable achievable tolerable actual permitted manageable indubitable pardonable doable commendable strict received likely respected corroborated veridical veracious usable authenticated documented of good repute certain reasoning verifiable supported legalized worthy reflective constitutional striking irresistible sure impregnable philosophic controlled eloquent statutory licensed favorable ordinary definite copper-bottomed unanswerable urgent undisputed stock dispassionate pukka conservative meticulous ordered unemotional clear-sighted clear-eyed conventional prevailing straightforward mathematical strategic favourable important opportune puissant mainstream regulated canonical thorough plain licenced legalised legally acceptable constructive routine virtuous rock-solid convenient traditionalistic old-fashioned scientific from the horse's mouth legally binding signed and sealed of help in effect in force of assistance adequate extensional juridicious deducible subtle obvious inferential holding together provident educated knowledgeable steady savvy indisputable unadulterated uncounterfeited unfaked sterling up front original undistorted proportional symmetrical well-proportioned well-adjusted conceivable imaginable operational realizable a good idea preferred well informed operable trusty synthetic infallible trustable collected deliberate harmonious mentally stable cognizant comprehensible intelligible accomplishable errorless colorable inerrant healthy compulsive based on hard data based on hard facts prosaic driveable safe experimental equitable loyal conforming careful empirical open calculable explicit stringent empiric within reach within reason accredited formal cast-iron propitious beneficent unmistakable coercive salient timely well-balanced unimpassioned cold confidential ratified well-expressed well-presented apposite momentous inducing suasive consequential convictive considerable revealing marked incisive behooveful with both one's feet on the ground okay tolerated impartial certifiable effecting qualified accomplishing achieving fulfilling showing great knowledge with great knowledge well presented well-structured thought through well expressed categorical assured percipient restrained temperate unprejudiced auspicious identified bearable endurable OK unexcessive making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme realisable unequivocal crucial straight-thinking street-legal thought-out well judged of service to one's advantage in one's interest thinking twice playing safe for the best of benefit hedging one's bets leery vigilant endorsed unexpired substantial best suited presentable affordable sufferable brookable concedable explainable forgivable well-defined well considered evenhanded fair-minded devastating conspicuous dead-on on-target letter-perfect spot-on within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility within possibility open to reason remissible venial based on good sense in one's right mind undoubted uncontested unquestioned natural canonic irrefutable active functional not unlikely not impossible true-blue uncorrupted tested competent requisite enough by the book conformist roadworthy moving impactful able scholarly clear-headed sufficient doctrinal traditionalist prevalent prestigious ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down unoriginal buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative on the ball aggressive exciting vehement punchy grand material charming mighty energetic histrionical imposing high-powered enthusiastic hard-hitting vivid dramatic direct theatric expressive acute emphatic performant powerhouse circumstantiated honourable well established derivative counselable straight arrow pious by the numbers bien pensant in line religious according to the book admitted punctilious square excellent esteemed well balanced settled dyed-in-the-wool honoured principled inveterate time-honored of repute reputed well thought of irreproachable conscientious name well respected anti-corruption enforceable statutable set entrenched habitual fixed general straight from horse's mouth notable well known favored famous constant well-known renowned distinguished honorable prominent famed eminent high-ranking redoubted high-principled celebrated acclaimed honored illustrious accustomed ex cathedra wonted condign innocent protected precedented chartered de jure enjoined passed enforcible aboveboard due granted decreed card-carrying ordained judged prescribed enforced favoured with a good reputation tried and trusted expected universal classical typical long-established sure enough of good report in high favor salt of the earth historic classic on the level on the up and up deep-rooted widely used widespread ingrained old time-honoured old-style officially recognized rooted unshakable vested permanent most likely most correct

Tính từ

Requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
onerous arduous demanding taxing burdensome crushing hard heavy laborious difficult exacting exhausting oppressive troublesome weighty formidable awkward back-breaking gruelling inconvenient severe strenuous toilsome trying exigent grave Herculean tiring uphill wearing challenging fatiguing grueling killing persnickety punishing stiff stressful wearisome backbreaking irksome austere cumbersome distressing embittering excessive galling grinding headache intolerable merciless overpowering overtaxing painful plodding ponderous pressing rigorous serious tedious time-consuming tiresome vexatious tough rough murderous harsh testing rugged draining wearying grievous sapping herculean effortful moiling brutal killer excruciating hellacious sweaty tall grim knackering hellish cruel debilitating enervating Augean stringent crippling pick-and-shovel relentless labored laboured harrowing torturous fierce unsparing operose bothersome bitter worrying inhuman strict searing ambitious agonizing hardhanded hairy enervative depleting tricky disturbing worrisome agonising vigorous bruising thorny unpleasant unbearable unremitting forbidding traumatic sticky toilful daunting tortuous upsetting energy-consuming colossal intense really hard shattering savage superincumbent knotty painstaking no picnic very hard draconian hectic mighty hefty unforgiving heavy-handed solemn nerve-racking distressful extreme unrelenting gargantuan critical despotic spartan uncomfortable tormenting imperious awful tyrannical domineering tough going weary problematic monumental inexorable frustrating pressured tight stern fraught impressive dire vexing rigid bleak pitiless exasperating disagreeable ruthless mean gigantic authoritarian staggering upstream intimidating hazardous prostrating slow impossible unyielding titanic flinty slavish difficile tense forceful Sisyphean bold anxious unreasonable abusive grandiose boring overwhelming drudging steep prickly delicate daring punitive immoderate aggressive dictatorial unfair racking murder dour repressive extravagant agitating dangerous wicked lofty insufferable tyrannous worksome unjust almighty energetic problematical ticklish perilous chancy concerning dodgy iffy dark precarious bad nasty backbreaker uncompromising very difficult wretched immense jarring busy unfriendly dubious hostile suspect questionable prohibitive unendurable ironhanded ramrod large-scale ferocious high-pressure troubling hard-hearted hard-nosed anxiety-ridden huge stretching exorbitant a nuisance physical fiendishly difficult tremendously difficult very challenging massive dreadful an imposition overburdening carking protracted lengthy hardworking withering searching mammoth prodigious thoroughgoing strained dogged timewasting inefficient long nagging drastic aggravating major Spartan shocking heroic courageous careful hypercritical thorough precise nit-picking pestilent exerting large order heavy sledding complex complicated profound confused concentrated intensive abstruse stormy te recondite sensitive controversial chronophagous inflexible a stinker of a firm by the book intransigent brassbound audacious ominous unpermissive dicey easier said than done high-impact torturesome drudgy vicious unnerving scabrous uphill battle hard-won marathon problem not easy like getting blood out of a stone discomforting violent maleficent brutish wolfish truculent sadistic barbaric cast-iron hard-line heightened barbarous unfeeling unkind callous autocratic unrealistic industrious chastening inhumane intolerant heartless unsympathetic undemocratic grand elaborate intrepid suppressive insensitive unmerciful improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible implacable pretentious visionary unpitying illiberal fanciful unreal iron-fisted humourless sedate humorless staid sober sobersided poignant heartbreaking unlikely overbearing coercive anti-democratic magnificent disquieting heart-rending unsmiling obdurate no-nonsense uncomic astringent far-fetched difficult to achieve high-handed overweening peremptory yukky hurtful unwelcome unhappy sour miserable rotten distasteful unpalatable yucky afflicting heartrending chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory tragic sad hard-boiled hard-shell disheartening gloomy discouraging sombre dispiriting dismal depressive somber depressing confining icky sore remorseless mortifying great po-faced unsavoury intemperate provoking annoying inclement offensive calamitous afflictive frantic chaotic rough going active eventful frenzied frenetic lively gut-wrenching turbulent restless flustering animated madhouse tireless full tumultuous riotous furious bustling wild full on unruly spirited rowdy action-packed bumpy raucous maddening terrible pesky irritating infuriating niggling plaguy pestiferous pestilential troublous perturbing harassing unsettling rankling intractable ungovernable objectionable infernal irking abrasive riling ugly unmanageable chafing nettling nettlesome peeving incommodious confounded undisciplined disorderly recalcitrant wayward puzzling rebarbative cussed pesty plaguey powerful unrelaxing uncharitable high grating no piece of cake repugnant swingeing sky-high inflated extortionate enraging lamentable deplorable antagonizing harrying disappointing ghastly foul horrible horrid vile iniquitous inordinate outrageous teasing festering antipathetic appalling atrocious frightful horrendous abominable unsatisfying unattractive antagonising enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall grotty insupportable perverse lousy beastly improper discomposing mystifying from hell unacceptable egregious importunate infestive alarming damaging messy bewildering intricate incomprehensible convoluted perplexing baffling confounding beyond bearing not to be borne a bummer of a disobedient rebellious dysfunctional defiant delinquent socially impaired belligerent willful self-willed naughty badly behaved uncooperative impudent erratic errant hot-tempered disturbed disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish sullen cantankerous undisciplinable loudmouthed contumacious ill-behaved bellicose incorrigible insolent maladjusted rude confrontational combative argumentative malicious ill-disciplined mischievous pugnacious unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn scrappy uncompliant rascally insubordinate uncontainable peevish devilish petulant indocile

Tính từ

Done or performed with a conscious purpose or intent
conscious deliberate knowing intentional calculated intended purposeful studied wilful premeditated purposive voluntary willed willful considered witting planned preconceived rational reasoning reflective set strategic aforethought determined prepense volitional on purpose pre-planned self-conscious done on purpose designed prearranged measured advised thought-out thought out in advance thoughtful unforced wanton willing purposed predetermined weighed reasoned designful contrived autonomous free-willed mannered artificial deliberately planned contemplated studious meant cold-blooded uncompelled express aimed prepared schemed gratuitous unbidden thought out with forethought meditated predestined preconcerted proposed contracted anticipated accidentally on purpose careful cognizant laid-out rigged fixed sewn-up set-up mindful wary meditative aware feigned strained well-considered forced affected laboured guarded framed up stacked deck investigated thought-through thought-about examined overworked reviewed plotted overdone tactical cut-and-dried politic labored predesigned organized organised judicious unprompted free predeterminate gone into diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected prudent optional freewill discretionary cunning computed outlined prospective estimated open volunteered unsolicited well-planned well thought out ungrudging volunteer elective discretional uncoerced unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory readily given permissive spontaneous independent unprescribed self-imposed controlled freely wished unasked not required chosen elected opted self-induced gladly given willingly given self-inflicted of your own free will with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice well-thought-out thought through destined programmed expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan circumspect scrupulous contemplative pondered provident well thought-out informed sober cogent lucid methodical planful cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing justified commonsense sensible intelligent carefully chosen deliberative selected with care well advised well-founded well chosen directed steered marked settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated

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Causing something to occur or be done in a particular way
determining conclusive critical crucial deciding decisive definitive settling final essential important key pivotal significant causal certain chief defining evaluative influential major paramount prime principal shaping momentous consequential weighty absolute far-reaching determinative vital historic acute serious fateful life-and-death ultimate of great consequence grave central urgent big imperative cardinal overriding capital all-important high-priority necessary clear settled last primary definite fundamental decided main focal portentous categorical pressing epoch-making meaningful dire heavy grand earth-shattering controlling burning developmental formative leading unlucky authoritative determined dominant predominant core supreme intrinsic apocalyptic fatal integral top uppermost large foremost clinching overruling preeminent primal premier forceful outstanding determinate closing great ruling master top-priority substantial considerable worthwhile compelling eventful material ponderous earth-shaking world-shaking concluding world-shattering indispensable pre-eminent positive monumental especial heavy-duty large-scale exceptional precise telling now or never life-or-death of great moment vitally important foundational constructive seminal creative foreordained inevitable predestined doomed destined determinant imperious trenchant of vital importance extremely important life-saving life or death remarkable official irrevocable moulding guiding incisive crisp peremptory sovereign first emphatic forming highest sensational prodigious extensive earnest unmissable special page-one unforgettable tremendous conspicuous litmus test testing climacteric prevailing preponderant trying searching unequivocal prevalent of great import of moment front-page newsworthy of import impressive psychological ill-fated direful doomful of great importance inauspicious ominous resultful molding overbearing arch prior sovran number one overmastering greatest fixed of prime importance intervening of greatest importance of supreme importance first and foremost superseding of greatest significance number-one desperate clamorous pertinent numero uno insistent showdown touchy climatic sweeping profound appreciable established express specified notable severe pronounced sizable noteworthy intense exigent imposing touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice defined quantified pointed prominent impactful immediate heavyweight striking instrumental mighty powerful almighty salient explicit known limited top-level overshadowing high-level big-time of concern life and death life-changing major-league high-profile of note dangerous grievous of consequence big-league big league firm frozen set hard flat inexpugnable hard-and-fast distinct stable unconditional convincing unqualified intent irrefutable completing downright flat-out nailed down actual state-of-the-art reliable limiting finishing terminating complete perfect plain real ending straight out terminal quintessential requisite climactic prerequisite needed required mandatory radical much needed very important of the utmost importance of the essence must-have basic necessitous staple needful compulsory elemental solemn obligatory elementary underlying rudimentary somber sedate staid sombre sober humourless humorless constitutive famous distinguished inherent called for celebrated illustrious no-nonsense no joke no laughing matter of significance big deal underlined eminent innate noted root reputable substantive constitutional topmost noble relevant bottom-line uncomic highly regarded all important glorious meat-and-potatoes strategic respected acclaimed renowned esteemed head lead commanding well known utmost basal rudimental popular well-known famed current regnant honoured high profile ingrained presiding honored honourable honorable major league deep high-powered recognized noticeable signal importunate original iconic clamant characteristic demanded emergent crying operative invaluable incumbent recommended obvious marked nonelective forced appropriate germane instant ascendant involuntary keynote structural groundbreaking prestigious memorable compulsatory natural beginning widespread superior public introductory primitive landmark admired tough top-ranking feted particular recognised dynamic venerable nitty-gritty star stellar resonant arch- de rigueur sublime top-notch top-drawer deep-seated prepotent distinctive potent hefty puissant exalted rife extraordinary rampant high-up high-ranking earthshattering nucleus king arresting applicable standard causative contributory contributing connecting axial best initiative trusted high drastic everything general egregious champion effective apposite fitting constituent component connected strongest No. 1 name-of-the-game expedient wanted desired preferred proper binding supereminent apropos apt revered moving intrusive projecting protruding arrestive jutting obtrusive maximum business-critical big time mission-critical skookum of high standing coal-and-ice in demand acknowledged majority dominating vulgar received overall common storied prescribed at the heart of respectable indicative primordial organic initial incumbent on senior notorious name of game demanding second-to-none familiar governing transcendental abecedarian accomplished recognizable much strong headline rare worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous milestone glaring unusual extreme unordinary ponderable earthshaking constraining statutory energetic stately empyrean empyreal sustaining axiomatic axiological supporting substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying inescapable reputed in the limelight extolled unavoidable enforced elevated lionised recognisable big-shot high-flying lauded clamouring hurry-up persuasive clamoring requiring obliging heat-on irresistible exacting claiming distressing forcing unyielding reigning upper innovative legendary much-publicized lionized prepollent imaginative glum beacon-like in charge in the ascendancy hegemonic stern pioneering productive ground-breaking gloomy dour grim stirring gripping exciting riveting peak culminating hair-raising dramatic apocalyptical action-packed thrilling gratifying austere quiet difficult downbeat sad active controversial dignified cold sober topical true crowning climatical climactical contemporary triumphant august fulfilling lively deep-rooted matter of life and death live built-in hard-wired deep-down historical formidable germinal good brilliant polar heroic uplifting inspiring inspirational bright proud generative inborn native indigenous hardwired inbred connate immanent engrained of interest congenital resplendent cheering magnificent marvellous shining satisfying splendid wonderful epochal marvelous red-letter pleasurable heart-warming rewarding pleasing well thought of of influence of mark in the public eye most influential most important most prominent most powerful

Tính từ

Having or showing a reasonable or high level of intellect
intelligent clever bright smart quick sharp brilliant acute alert astute penetrating keen apt brainy discerning intellectual knowledgeable perspicacious quick-witted canny genius perceptive thinking wise able gifted ingenious inventive knowing rational resourceful enlightened exceptional fast logical sage sharp-witted talented well-informed precocious profound sagacious scholarly supersmart whip-smart alive calculating capable cerebral comprehending creative deep highbrow hyperintelligent imaginative instructed nimble original quick on the uptake ready sensible together ultrasmart understanding witty whiz all there very smart know how many beans make five having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on shrewd insightful savvy erudite learned discriminating percipient on the ball sapient sensitive educated judicious intuitive subtle observant thoughtful incisive accomplished adroit sophisticated skilful piercing cultured skillful skilled expert studious experienced cultivated aware deft prudent dexterous clear-sighted cunning adept dextrous well read academic well-read lettered informed argute proficient bookish fine masterly competent quick off the mark well informed heads-up well educated nimble-witted literary critical razor-sharp crafty philosophical long-headed artful virtuoso suss with it clear-eyed polished analytical widely read foxy versed streetwise rapier-like heady crack qualified cagey agile civilized awake active refined literate pawky wily well-educated responsive quick-thinking civilised donnish farsighted careful open-eyed consummate attentive slick reflective recondite clear watchful penetrative schooled sharp-sighted first-rate gnostic serious conscious sentient effective delicate trenchant eggheaded elite masterful good tasty smooth practised scholastic practiced vigilant eager master sharp as a tack ace quick on the trigger trained politic bluestocking tasteful receptive acquainted excellent highbrowed intellective hardheaded handy hard-boiled pedantic clerkly superior urbane esoteric sly great wide awake conversant extraordinary amenable docile egghead lively tentie tenty razor-edged knife-like quick on the draw finely honed with great knowledge cognizant stellar worldly-wise crackerjack artistic well versed hot first-class wide-awake scientific au courant elegant au fait Argus-eyed spirited not born yesterday hotshot far-seeing in the know contemplative keen-witted on guard top-notch downy on the lookout on one's toes philosophic pithy astucious weighty earnest sharpened exquisite intellectualistic intellectualist intriguing familiar swotty ratiocinative cute self-aware insighted innovative solemn grave studied geeky teachable powerful nerdish blue nerdy circumspect apperceptive animate prompt effectual sophic choice whip sussed questioning media-savvy abstruse veteran worldly efficient wired fastidious cool heedful hip discreet wary illuminated well-grounded very intelligent mindful razor-like up-to-date showing great knowledge searching fitted tutored Einstein brisk nobody's fool phenomenal genial endowed stylish finished not missing a trick well-bred well-versed clued-up apprehensive mature prepared whiz kid remarkable full of insight wizard intellectually aware clued up well-taught nifty professional good hands on your toes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears on the job class act heads up on the qui vive top-drawer shining at superintelligent foresighted meaty selective trainable einstein concise cluey precise book smart simple razor sharp enquiring inquiring crisp succinct punchy obscure cagy swift PDQ beady hawklike neat cogitative introspective musing deliberate considered museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive quick to learn switched-on star longhair complex analytic exacting detailed sprightly mentally keen impractical pedagogical ivory-towerish into distinguished probing cautious up abreast fly minute acuminous no dummy inspired enterprising to the point labored formal wise up vigorous mercurial curt sensatory discriminative sublime accurate exact unprovincial seasoned tuned in wise to superlative superb supreme innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory fertile originative Promethean with your wits about you on top of on the stick clued-in vital long-haired knows what's what laboured world-class complete workmanlike bravura compleat professed appropriate pioneering having smarts specialist sensorial sensory taught coached provocative gripping stimulating thought-provoking deep-thinking class at home ear to the ground particular arcane deviceful nurtured outstanding slippery frugal hep absorbed engrossed smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five smart as a whip fit facile magnificent formed developed corrected initiated shaped enriched hermetic hermetical sensuous having been around with-it tuned-in wicked with all one's wits about one sharp-eyed in the loop acroamatic occult orphic secret highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified out of this world cut out for having a knack for extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained big league street-smart street smart genteel impressive dynamic ultraefficient cosmopolitan as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork advanced thinking outside the box dynamite eagle-eyed sensile suitable solid posted polymath professorial grounded well-rounded omniscient sound pansophic feasible keen-eyed suave well versed hawk-eyed concentrating forward debonair riveting heavy captivating interesting heavyweight absorbing classical fascinating suited equal adequate killer useable serviceable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable regardful focused beady-eyed svelte easy effortless equipped couth artistically aware genned up chic jet-set classy citified blasé strong worthy liberal tolerant high-class savant blue-stocking distingue traveled appreciative polite chivalrous arty mannerly gallant esthetic courteous practical reliable mondaine surveying deducing correct considering intentive interested advertent discovering detecting contemplating focussed observative with eyes like a hawk top-shelf have the goods top-hole ahead of one's peers out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age aesthetic travelled worldly wise been around world-weary highly endowed with good taste wakeful live living feeling up to it up to snuff know the ropes up to speed know one's onions know backwards and forwards psychologic reactive witting ware jazzed sentimental emotional perceiving breathing sensate flesh-and-blood observing seeing recognizing noticing psyched up on tiptoe on the alert switched on fast on the draw recognising able to recognize in the right mind capable of feeling sensitive to in on

Tính từ

Having considerable skill, proficiency, or intelligence
able capable clever expert fit masterly qualified skilled accomplished gifted talented competent effective efficient brilliant experienced intelligent proficient skilful adept adroit fitted good powerful suitable apt practised virtuoso adequate equal masterful savvy skillful suited tasty alert bright cunning easy effectual effortless endowed equipped genius ingenious keen knowing practiced learned prepared ready sharp smart strong trained worthy agile artful deft dextrous dexterous highly endowed au fait with it know one's onions know the ropes up to it up to snuff up to speed know backwards and forwards crack ace handy polished crackerjack master great consummate versed mean quick nifty veteran wizard excellent educated nimble professional exceptional knowledgeable compleat seasoned slick complete fine first-rate professed workmanlike habile wicked first-class astute well versed outstanding brainy stellar delicate on the ball impressive bravura top-notch facile magnificent quick-witted sharp-witted elite whiz whip-smart perceptive neat marvellous superb proper nimble-fingered smooth resourceful canny useful deadly discerning perspicacious marvelous fast formidable supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent all-round schooled shrewd pro all-around acute superior creative precise multitalented penetrating scholarly a dab hand at splendid big league prompt hot multiskilled functional precocious accurate serviceable hotshot conversant nippy versatile out of this world supreme demon superlative intellectual active quick on the uptake dazzling magic wise appropriate inventive class practical ambidextrous cerebral cool remarkable right fitting well-versed nimble-witted eligible ingenuous refined decent top-drawer sure-handed taught tutored well-rounded topflight employable wonderful terrific flexible adaptable adapted specialist extraordinary old finely judged balanced multifaceted peerless observant vet dynamite awesome quick-thinking erudite choice phenomenal smashing there fab profound rational satisfactory many-sided sly plastic varied mobile pliable elastic all-purpose protean puttylike various crafty quick off the mark exact tip-top wised up highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained A1 a hand at sharp as a tack meet graceful businesslike seemly tremendous becoming deep crisp productive correct apposite befitting complex complicated feasible certified disciplined acceptable deserving pertinent relevant due mighty innovative preferable versant apropos decorous expedient rightful lively best fleet original useable correspondent applicable available usable conformable well trained highbrow ultimate just convenient equitable instructed perfect fantastic fabulous variable imaginative alive swift good enough clean sagacious teachable having know-how admirable hep wide awake sapient brisk comme il faut sensible subtle eggheaded whip exceptionally good brill calculating artistic witty all there on the beam very intelligent no slouch quick on the draw quick on the trigger no dummy very good top-hole Einstein whiz kid class act tuned in shining at reliable very well kosher methodic methodical pitch-perfect happy prodigious systematic right on errorless dead-on well sporting on-target trustworthy spot-on thorough sure-fire stringent prolific straight decisive well-endowed finished fluent organized handpicked capital deluxe magisterial quintessential ideal desirable hardy redoubtable drilled phenom rangé cute leading invincible indomitable exemplary organised strict express categorical long-term champion licensed chartered first class sensational sik exo star faultless virtuosic certificated painstaking dominant well suited well qualified specialized sufficient PDQ credentialed universal having good hands inch-perfect leet penetrative quick to learn forward mature puissant amazing cultured studious academic bookish bluestocking up to scratch having the know-how rad phat schmick exercised supremely skilled specialised sharp-sighted astounding adept physically malleable world-class hip cut out for having a knack for nobody's fool authorized clever with one's hands good with one's hands swotty multilayered polygonal manifold multidimensional not born yesterday all around licenced proved tried authorised tested accepted adjustable multiform polymorphic polymorphous out of the ordinary noteworthy have the goods ahead of one's peers have smarts old beyond one's years got it advanced for one's age exquisite super sublime glorious old hand well read receptive heavenly inspired enterprising intuitive insightful very able know stuff mega banging cracking crucial having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer knowing the score know one's business know the score know one's stuff know the answers amenable eager docile know ins and outs divine bosting of the first water pretty supercalifragilisticexpialidocious having the right stuff has what it takes like a one-man band able to perform innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory sophisticated fertile razor-sharp originative Promethean sensitive book smart like a pistol equal to the task up there pioneering thinking vigorous mercurial curt wired thinking outside the box deviceful hot tamale careful enlightened logical well-informed sage judicious cautious prudent lithe limber circumspect understanding together comprehending lissom discriminating wily supple smart as a whip very smart having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on hardheaded clear-sighted suss hard-boiled heads-up clear-eyed sussed pawky heady argute worldly-wise long-headed street-smart slippery as sharp as a tack discreet frugal foxy having fancy footwork street smart watchful wary streetwise cagey spry acrobatic sprightly top lissome zippy quick-moving light-footed fleet-footed lithesome athletic big time springy sylphlike twinkle-toed light lightsome tripping featly light-foot gracile feline major league of use robust stupendous big-league of value major-league major important earth-shattering energetic number-one epoch-making splendorous big-time dynamic skookum efficacious earthshaking exploitable operable practicable -worthy flawless impeccable hardened familiar long-serving battle-scarred immaculate pure established nimble-footed unrivaled time-served well-executed unrivalled weathered long-time worldly been around confident impeccably credentialed well credentialed classic voluble notable sure-footed preeminent transcendent advanced switched-on acquainted elegant topnotch distinguished habituated perfected ultraefficient toughened matured well executed cultivated select beautiful perfectly-executed wide-awake vigilant rounded sport accustomed well up urbane arty untainted ten paradisiacal matchless aces utopian untarnished foolproof crowning beyond compare unmarred unequaled absolute culminating paradisiac A-OK out-of-this-world stainless excelling classical defectless blameless spotless sound indefectible unblemished killer working realizable realisable hyperefficient golden up on the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in well up in worldly wise been there in the know versed in steady old-time inured of long standing past your prime patriarchal full of years knows one's stuff from way back wise to ways of the old school artsy-craftsy unflawed unequalled meticulous fastidious ground-breaking causative teeming constructive avant-garde demiurgic forgetive formative fruitful poetical breaking new ground ultra-fine dainty close finical fine-drawn dead on finicking hairsplitting orderly incorrupted finespun minute hairline definite persnickety winning detailed nice nuanced unerring particular finicky light on one's feet

Tính từ

(of an act) Subject to a judicial punishment
punishable criminal blameworthy actionable felonious illegal illegitimate indictable unlawful banned culpable dishonest fraudulent outlawed penal prosecutable unauthorised unauthorized unsanctioned barred chargeable convictable forbidden interdicted prohibited proscribed condemned guilty liable answerable illicit unlicensed wrong unwarranted accountable sinful blamable to blame dirty out of line smoking gun off base unaccredited uncertified unapproved serious imputable amenable subject censurable at fault reprehensible compelled constrained obligated obliged subject to blame bound found wanting reproachable in the wrong blameable reprovable caught unholy impeachable amiss demeritorious blameful hung up caught in flagrante caught in the act caught red-handed lawless unethical corrupt villainous nefarious crooked wicked disorderly clandestine iniquitous unsavory contraband furtive anarchic wrongful delinquent lawbreaking terrorist impermissible immoral dark bent black unruly shady bad insurrectionary vile insubordinate dodgy seditious improper against the law anarchical mutinous rebellious disruptive unofficial unacceptable mutinying insurgent noncompliant peccant nonconformist verboten sly adulterous malfeasant vicious taboo revolting evil savage anarchistic unrighteous barbarous bootleg ungoverned uncivilised racketeering disobedient heavy miscreant excessive rotten recusant uncultivated violating unsavoury turbulent warlike infringing violent unregulated flagitious unpeaceful wildcat contumacious piratical criminogenic uncivilized transgressing nihilistic disordered traitorous tapu haram off limits under-the-counter in violation of law black-market under the table not permitted without law and order ruled out against the rules not allowed under the counter not acceptable under-the-table contrary to law unprincipled base depraved reprobate degenerate dishonourable dishonorable unscrupulous shameful dissolute heinous foul erring atrocious perverted disreputable infamous scandalous abominable monstrous ungodly despicable outrageous shocking odious detestable warped scoundrelly unjust perverse egregious morally wrong dissipated diabolical fiendish profane dastardly unfair rascally sacrilegious execrable blasphemous debauched hateful discreditable underhand mean impure unconscionable amoral offending devious contemptible sordid errant irreligious disgraceful indecent low impious low-down malicious horrible unconstitutional fallen godless ignoble deceitful debased obscene peccable shameless abandoned beastly sinning aberrant deviant knavish condemnable diabolic murderous treacherous sullied tainted roguish profligate cruel wanton sinister underhanded decadent stinking wayward non licet licentious corrupted not cricket two-timing devilish indefensible maleficent unmanageable appalling dreadful untrustworthy abhorrent irreverent straying degraded unspeakable naughty malevolent racket deviating ignominious tabu loathsome polygamous bigamous unhealthy not legal disgusting offensive incorrigible brutal libertine vitiated not approved pernicious injurious black-hearted blackguardly misbehaving terrible transgressive wild vetoed dangerous ruffianly unregenerate rowdy opprobrious infernal notorious hot smuggled unwarrantable irregular extralegal undesirable swindling inhuman deplorable inexcusable undue intemperate disallowed lewd inequitable mischievous lascivious raffish venal fallible wretched cheating unworthy repugnant uncontrollable callous double-dealing sick lecherous loose unwholesome rakish demoralized bribable unpleasant prurient refused no-no louche damnable mercenary lowlife unclean rakehell jackleg prejudicial sub rosa filthy perfidious faithless outside the law rakehelly objectionable caitiff scurvy snide demoralised defiled open nasty no go heartless harmful unvirtuous questionable in error two-faced out of bounds low-life self-indulgent gone to the dogs fast and loose on the side secret undemocratic mistaken deceiving malign rough intolerable vice-ridden atheistic antisocial inappropriate accursed facinorous groundless cutthroat Machiavellian scungy buccaneering scurrilous satanic malignant embargoed faulty blundering unjustified flagrant glaring putrid gross restricted triable litigable tortious shy unrespectable shoddy unforgivable bogus unreasonable unnecessary undeserved beyond contempt pillaging plundering thieving exceptionable ill-famed hideous hellish no good convicted uncharitable undignified abject unbecoming sorry ill-reputed cowardly hardened debarred uncalled for closed down good-for-nothing incriminated lamentable servile currish shabby inelegant menial paltry worthless rapacious wolfish impeached deleterious damaging baneful hurtful nocuous adverse noxious baleful detrimental ill tough threatening censured biased prejudiced off-color low-minded accusable doomed bad news discriminatory closed-up closed closed-down out on one's head ruthless merciless deserving blame partisan inhumane risqué contrary troublesome difficult froward unfeeling unkind forbidding slippery bloodthirsty tyrannical shifty brutish bestial unconscientious sadistic scheming inexorable spiteful discriminating partial unequal bigoted thievish smutty salacious not on corruptible pitiless rancorous disparaging exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly conscienceless cold-blooded squalid scornful despiteful harsh virulent vindictive gruesome disdainful grafting buyable gangland underworld weighted distorted intolerant coloured slanted preferential profiteering tricky obnoxious unorthodox badly behaved shifting erratic stray heretic unreliable meandering errable unfaithful extortionate suborned loaded unbalanced uneven arbitrary out of control hollow-hearted on the take unchaste false one-sided petty grievous unrightful non-objective uncalled-for colored off straight and narrow hedonic pervy sleazy libidinous fast lustful concupiscent promiscuous riotous unrestrained indulgent flagitous twisted unconstrained sicko sybaritic kinky unnatural swinging voluptuary violated easy drunken deteriorated dirty-minded fast-living in the fast lane gone bad pleasure-seeking night owl lacking restraint in the gutter high living

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