Đồng nghĩa của gutsy

Alternative for gutsy

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    • gan góc, dũng cảm

Tính từ

Having or showing courage, determination, and spirit
courageous bold brave heroic intrepid dauntless fearless lionhearted plucky valiant valorous daring determined doughty indomitable mettlesome spirited undaunted adventurous audacious gallant game have-a-go resolute daredevil gritty unafraid unflinching unshrinking ballsy death-or-glory feisty forceful greathearted gutty heroical manful rock-ribbed spunky stalwart staunch stout stouthearted stout-hearted undauntable venturesome venturous chin-up chivalrous confident defiant firm foolhardy fortitudinous forward herolike imprudent as game as Ned Kelly nervy lion-hearted hardy dashing strong tough tenacious unfearful unabashed noble unblenching manly fire-eating unalarmed spartan steely adventuresome powerful unfearing brassy vigorous dogged assured impavid frightless cocky resilient strong-willed unwavering macho aweless persevering sporting unswerving unfaltering unyielding steadfast assertive redoubtable temerarious puissant icy worthy go-ahead bravehearted unbending cool undismayed dynamic stubborn single-minded hard-nosed realistic orped honourable great-spirited male virile masculine full of determination eager unworried unapprehensive unconcerned strapping zealous keen enterprising brazen brash impervious undisturbed carefree unabashed by unshakable undaunted by sassy enduring purposeful muscular swashbuckling robust quixotic hairy urbane suave dignified honorable perseverant unscared sure cheeky unalarmed by unfrightened red-blooded well-built butch Ramboesque gung ho devil-may-care persistent superhuman unsentimental Herculean epic extravagant classic exaggerated grand not scared inflated elevated grandiose high-flown mythological champion having nerves of steel tough-minded stand tall bigger than life

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Having an excessive desire or appetite for food
gluttonous greedy insatiable piggish ravenous voracious rapacious edacious hoggish insatiate ravening swinish hungry esurient wolfish piggy gannet-like unquenchable unappeasable prodigious intemperate avid uncontrollable eager keen uncontrolled omnivorous compulsive enthusiastic desirous craving devouring starving empty gross gorging grasping starved dog-hungry sating covetous very hungry starved to death quenchless inappeasable inextinguishable unslakable wanting unsatisfied importunate exigent yearning desiring clamorous pressing crying limitless urgent unsatisfiable demanding insistent never satisfied unable to be satisfied gourmandizing gourmand gormandizing have eyes bigger than one's stomach self-indulgent avaricious predatory acquisitive grabby selfish excessive wolflike gobbling guzzling close close-fisted grudging carnivorous gulping fierce ferocious savage peckish lupine famished unfed hollow hungering half-starved sharp-set dying of hunger faint from lack of food ready to eat a horse starving to death flying light could eat a horse having the munchies vicious plant ventripotent dirty filthy mean squalid brutish sordid unclean with eyes bigger than one's stomach insatiat never full rude crude undernourished malnourished vulturous exploitative vulturine menacing boorish underfed deprived of food prehensile pennypinching itchy parsimonious miserly penurious stingy tight tight-fisted mercenary consuming powerful intense flaming overwhelming lascivious lecherous leering wolfy lustful usurious marauding plundering materialistic moneygrubbing coveting preying extortionate money-grubbing annihilatory corrosive passionate murderous furious famishing food-deprived dying from hunger craving food faint from hunger got the munchies in a fasted state able to eat a horse feeling faint from hunger on empty stomach dying from lack of food with one's stomach thinking one's throat's cut

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Energetic in nature
emotional fiery heartfelt impassioned intense passionate vigorous energetic forceful powerful active aggressive driving potent emphatic dynamic effective strong bold feisty vehement high-powered forcible full-blooded high-octane spirited vital lively peppy animated zestful effectual zippy pushing determined flamboyant enterprising assertive zealous go-ahead robust lusty spunky sparky tireless indefatigable storming punchy racy intensive ballsy resounding pushy red-blooded rugged muscular mettlesome strenuous have-a-go go-go vibrant full of get-up-and-go full of life hard-hitting full of beans all-out full of vim and vigour pulling no punches in-your-face sparkling flourishing exciting vivacious electrifying effervescent enthusiastic alive dazzling zesty bustling dashing animate bouncy perky humming happening airy stirring colourful virile kinetic sprightly buzzing brisk colorful vivid rousing snappy abuzz spry coruscating industrious hopping bubbly astir stimulating thriving busy fresh sturdy springy unflagging sensitive untiring frisky vibrating breezy bouncing pert radiant stalwart responsive hardy abubble spanking sound pizazzy aboil jazzy pizzazzy jaunty full of the joys of spring bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bright and breezy high-spirited full of pep full of spirit ball of fire gay alive and kicking magnetic electric go-getting positive gingery flush energizing charismatic self-motivated hyped-up influential activating highpowered energising go-getter compelling productive vitalizing play hard ball coming on strong play for keeps

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Resolute and steadfast in one's will or ambition
steely resolute determined steadfast firm dogged unyielding unbending tenacious obstinate unflinching staunch inflexible strong unwavering persevering unrelenting bold undaunted unswerving fixed unfaltering unshakable purposeful rigid vigorous hard assertive hardened forceful gritty unshaken ruthless fierce untiring zealous hearty sturdy fanatical emphatic steady aggressive iron lusty fiery grim bitter burning ferocious furious granite stony unquenchable single-minded resolved persistent dedicated strong-willed stubborn strong-minded indomitable earnest committed stalwart unshakeable unhesitating spirited uncompromising plucky intent purposive indefatigable pertinacious adamant set obdurate insistent immovable mettlesome brave courageous perseverant indurate spunky rock-ribbed stout-hearted decided deliberate relentless intransigent manful implacable driven bulldog constant stout strenuous full of determination stiff unbendable unflagging serious four-square unswervable valiant ardent inexorable true undeviating unchanging enthusiastic keen compulsive sure avid active eager meaning business faithful iron-willed loyal decisive pushy independent bent upon self-assertive solid unflappable firmly-based wholehearted unmovable self-disciplined resilient passionate feisty high-powered hard-nosed intense vehement sagacious self-confident irrepressible firm in spirit perceptive tough-minded two-fisted ironclad keen as mustard hardy tough animated resourceful confident certain heroic take charge mean intrepid bound definite immutable persisting settled out intent on do-or-die hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on set on determined to hell-bent upon bent on committed to the idea of hell bent on tall in the saddle dead set on intent upon ambitious motivated industrious inspired hungry compelled enterprising obsessed consumed obsessive striving bent possessed thirsty desirous galvanized monomaniacal impelled fixated aspiring militant obsessional energetic induced impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised go-getting self-starting hard-driving self-driven urged on hell-bent dead set goal-oriented diligent tireless assiduous sedulous conscientious hard-working rigorous eager beaver studious laborious meticulous painstaking punctilious thorough unremitting progressive pioneering dynamic attentive careful busy unwearied go-ahead bustling plugging power-hungry self-seeking on the make scrupulous unfailing close weariless inexhaustible particular engaged employed working pedantic strict fussy religious operose power-loving self-asserting get up and go high-reaching Herculean ultra-careful hopeful incessant tied-up unceasing hopping exacting searching elaborate occupied minute heedful hardworking adventurous swotty cutthroat unwearying pushing grind perky hyper jumping bloodthirsty competitive gladiatorial plodding scrappy gung ho like a ball of fire having killer instinct warlike ball of fire desiring success robust restless unending unretiring dutiful dependable unstinting self-motivated daring radical upwardly mobile demanding thrusting on the go watchful accurate correct grinding whiz regardful nice concentrating listening combative sustained unabated stringent assured emulous contentious hang-tough self-willed bound and determined defiant full-blooded intensely competitive stop at nothing brutal high-pressure go for broke self-possessed in-your-face cut-throat self-assured dog-eat-dog can-do bullheaded fiercely competitive vying optimistic intending aspirant wannabe would-be budding potential wishful competing driving exact possible prospective likely future warring spoiling for a fight carnivorous on the warpath opposing antagonistic ready for action oppositional longing slogging fastidious involved impassioned endeavoring expectant endeavouring devoted patient go-go unstinted continuing undeterred fireball continued with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone finical nitpicking unerring finicky reliable

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(attributive) Feeling or exuding self-assurance
confident assured positive assertive poised collected cool calm phlegmatic composed nonchalant unperturbed imperturbable unruffled impassive serene tranquil audacious certain gung ho relaxed sanguine settled unhesitating upbeat brave courageous dauntless fearless intrepid self-sufficient unflappable secure self-asserting together unfazed bold can-do sure of yourself nonplussed surefooted sure-footed equanimous at ease believing in oneself cool-headed filled with aplomb laid-back level-headed self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-possessed self-reliant sure of oneself self-respecting cool, calm and collected complacent cocksure sure implicit doubtless brazen clear pushy overconfident high rosy puffed up pumped up controlled daring unshakable plucky unafraid unemotional nerveless patient equable unworried placid coolheaded steady unmoved stable even-tempered sensible dependable sedate reliable sound undisturbed untroubled grounded commonsensical self-controlled limpid peaceful equal unshaken recollected level possessed smooth self-composed easy reasonable realistic sane firm unerring pragmatic sober mature rational circumspect strong practical judicious balanced prudent businesslike wise well-balanced unflustered unbothered unagitated dispassionate levelheaded easygoing solid at peace well balanced full of common sense commanding authoritative safe steadfast dignified urbane suave undoubtful elegant moderate chilled calmed temperate clearheaded keeping your cool as cool as a cucumber well adjusted well-adjusted hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure competent infallible capable unabashed graceful cocky believing expecting expectant straight debonair aggressive defiant forward dashing militant with one's feet on the ground with both feet on the ground unperturbable quiet stolid unexcitable serious quieted soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed still strong-willed full of oneself keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on fast unfaltering good-tempered unswerving staunch unwavering reserved no-nonsense cool as a cucumber hard-headed discreet deliberative farsighted all there good definite fixed calculable established conclusive unanxious absolute responsible trustable trusty carefree able trustworthy hopeful resolute tried determined well-founded true shoo-in tried and true nailed down tried and tested locked on tried-and-true in the bag

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Tenacious, energetic, spunky
feisty combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery ornery touchy tough difficult sensitive active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty hearty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep antagonistic hostile cantankerous irascible stroppy threatening captious ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered defiant fractious irritable contrary petulant quick-tempered violent choleric fierce warring aggers cross fighting testy litigious snappy crabby huffy prickly mean spoiling for a fight querulous perverse battling disputative angry surly bolshie grouchy pettish offensive uncooperative cavilling controversial militaristic obstreperous rebellious oppugnant bickering caviling adversarial grumpy cussed destructive cranky sullen inimical narky ill-natured ready for a fight unfriendly provocative polemical snappish peppery factious arsey peevish challenging nasty polemic hawkish uptight sabre-rattling warmongering wrangling obstinate martial biffo short-tempered crotchety passionate bearish have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick splenetic exasperated inhospitable loudmouthed miffy fretful malevolent jingoistic soreheaded ratty snarly bristly crabbed bilious dyspeptic ireful recalcitrant dissentious bloodthirsty snarky crusty tetchy curmudgeonly insolent hotheaded pushy contending ructious military snippy snippety iracund iracundulous edgy waspish stuffy war harsh refractory salty unruly brawling awkward churlish disagreeable out of humor raspy hasty intransigent rude temperamental critical sharp hot flip ardent sour discontented pertinacious troublesome intractable froward balky ill-humored hypercritical ungracious ferocious opinionated fussy trying dissatisfied at loggerheads ill-humoured out of sorts up in arms hot under the collar have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder on the outs ready to fight battleful disruptive adverse naysaying rough looking for trouble dissentient soldierly gung-ho plucky determined spiky wrestling tilting skirmishing under arms sanguinary attacking assertive vigorous tempestuous arguesome self-assertive itching to fight impassioned turbulent radical unpleasant discourteous ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating itching fanatical zealous embattled scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant warrish revolutionary assertory in arms disobedient insubordinate contumacious non-compliant daring resisting audacious bold resistant mutinous dissenting willful restive subversive untoward ungovernable wilful wayward rebel recusant incompliant disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive abusive grumbly disobliging hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical bloody-minded hard-nosed obdurate tiresome vexed unpredictable pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity unreasonable headstrong unamenable resolute immovable oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff stiff-necked negative delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy irritating indomitable stubborn unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim impolite unyielding opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic tense sulky huffish disgruntled glum curt moody unsociable impatient gruff volatile shirty whingy shrewish brusque misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive bitter displeased snarling peckish resentful eggy whiny acrimonious whining miserable grumbling crybaby gloomy annoyed liverish brooding morose pouting waxy snaky scratchy waspy grousing acrid dour mardy acid mumpish growling tart sorehead saturnine sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary short whingeing childish malignant vindictive filthy spiteful chuffy out of humour ugly having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered as cross as two sticks in a mood fault-finding out of temper cross-grained like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts short-fused easily offended in a bad mood vitriolic unsympathetic virulent hot-button biting jaundiced fire-eating eristic opposing adversary accusatorial vicious wrathful disapproving uncongenial unreceptive disputable cutting dissident conflicting acerbic opposed at odds sarcastic unwelcoming oppositional alien uncontrollable self-willed unwilling unpropitious maleficent malefic adversative undisciplined viperous catty undisciplinable cold inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful allergic opposite reluctant ill-disposed oppugning heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient renitent pervicacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild foul sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard corrosive grating cruel stern stinging pungent astringent keen dysfunctional divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal devastating piercing acidulous incisive wounding callous hurtful galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal acerb inconsiderate comfortless quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired bad impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic disputed debatable contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure divisive malcontent insurgent estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival undecided borderline controvertible unsettled quarreling at variance open to question open to debate

Tính từ

Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness
enterprising original resourceful bold daring spirited imaginative ingenious adventurous audacious enthusiastic energetic inventive vigorous creative able active alert ambitious bright capable clever eager gifted intrepid keen quick-witted sharp talented venturesome adventuresome courageous dashing dynamic emboldened entrepreneurial free-swinging go-ahead hardy nerved nervy up-and-coming venturous zealous advancing aspiring busy craving diligent driving go-go gumptious hardworking hungry hustling industrious innovative itching lively lusting peppy progressive pushing ready self-starting snappy spanking stirring take-over yearning zippy hard ball spark plug coming on strong brave fearless daredevil plucky rash reckless dauntless foolhardy spunky valiant temerarious heroic unafraid valorous undaunted ballsy confident gallant game modern have-a-go unflinching enlightened go-getting positive risky forward-thinking forward-looking brash swashbuckling stalwart determined avant-garde gritty gutty resolute pushy liberal pioneering proactive advanced disruptive devil-may-care doughty rising new madcap overbold mettlesome forward heroical decisive lionhearted assured stout dangerous unshrinking lion-hearted aweless feisty headstrong hazardous aggressive heedless exciting exploratory carefree risk-taking thrill-seeking dareful smart on the go as game as Ned Kelly sturdy death-or-glory wild purposeful overconfident death-defying vital driven ungoverned uncurbed restless presumptuous seeking high-powered inspired practical perceptive forceful reforming nifty deviceful stylish impulsive strong-willed jaunty sporty dazzling debonair action-oriented forehanded visionary foreseeing prescient farseeing progressivist provident foresighted forethoughtful farsighted salty cocky impudent smart-alecky cheeky brassy obtrusive crusty flamboyant exuberant avant modernistic breezy fire eating hot shot open-minded revolutionary radical go for broke attractive romantic raffish animated buoyant out on a limb cutting-edge up-to-date state-of-the-art swish elegant urbane dapper showy exclusive swank gay rousing striking vivacious promising manful stouthearted greathearted undauntable budding coming assuming bantam apt emerging high-reaching striving succeeding soaring climbing go-getter with potential get up and go in the making on the up and up likely to succeed trailblazing leading-edge newfangled innovatory latest contemporary trendsetting new-fashioned brand-new hot ultra-modern futuristic current high-tech red-hot groundbreaking unconventional designer ultramodern up to the minute fashionable space-age neoteric up-to-the-minute modish mod ground-breaking cutting edge present-day trendy new age fresh leading edge front-line in au courant voguish way-out in vogue hip in fashion recent ahead of its time novel a la mode updated modern-day nouvelle hi-tech latter-day highly developed experimental chic newest up to date all the rage vanguard unorthodox unfamiliar now off-centre left-field popular happening with it faddish modernised modernized leading newly discovered recently developed in-thing never-before-seen innovational topical complex sophisticated just out high-end bleeding edge present sexy popularized popularised extant today immediate nontraditional forefront offbeat bohemian eccentric 21st-century landmark breakthrough future ongoing culty far-out twenty-first century du jour ahead of the times underground lead beat head present-time SOTA hot off press à la mode twenty-first-century bang up to date different mistakenly trendy new wave unusual unique singular unprecedented uncommon untested fundamental rare surprising strange untried unknown exotic unhackneyed drastic elaborate out of the ordinary game-changing world-shattering germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted formative well-designed involved well-planned intricate well-built originative Promethean in style cool flash swinging snazzy natty kicking kicky tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' contemporaneous plugged-in most recent

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With force
heavy explosive forceful almighty hard ferocious strong fierce violent blistering powerful vigorous brutal crushing mighty hefty aggressive tremendous forcible sharp devastating smart severe great grievous overpowering overwhelming potent powerhouse acute intense puissant punchy savage telling thunderous vicious titanic weighty energetic knockout heavy-duty extreme drastic driving stark turbulent commanding dynamic dominant elemental deep terrible profound furious vehement dreadful intensive excruciating keen frightful hellacious ghastly exquisite fearsome fearful serious concentrated agonizing burning strenuous searing agonising excessive harsh consuming piercing unbearable insufferable raging passionate all-out fervent heightened flaming really hard ardent tough determined resolute painful resounding fiery unendurable rigorous very great desperate concerted zealous destructive eager major damaging uncontrollable thorough extraordinary earnest exceptional hellish very hard full assiduous harrowing urgent total hard-hitting wild torturous penetrating racking close tormenting all-consuming frenzied cutting deep-seated all-powerful hot shrill stinging uncontrolled unrestrained poignant heated unbridled emphatic marked biting durable industrial-strength real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting sound diabolical grave deadly pronounced intolerable lethal fatal unstoppable awful inexcusable dire unforgivable reprehensible indefensible relentless rough compelling mortal cyclonic fervid disgraceful shameful parlous very bad impassioned heartfelt death-dealing transcending fanatical sincere emotional wholehearted significant enormous supreme feverish abject high boiling baking scorching perfervid heartrending critical protracted intensified unqualified cut-throat warm-blooded active deepest hearty undue diligent exaggerated bitter sizzling roasting ungovernable inordinate strained vivid pungent mettlesome spirited deep-rooted deeply felt rabid rampaging rampant intemperate riotous mightful mother of all torrid sweltering blazing storming uncurbed immoderate inflamed unchecked unmanageable unfettered enthusiastic calamitous annihilating desolating strengthful strengthy convulsive enraged blustery ruinous peppery rugged tropical parching withering full-blooded arduous muscular assertive taxing blunt exhaustive paroxysmal stormy volcanic outrageous tumultuous aroused tempestuous coercive robust out of control full of force gale force in-your-face exhausting brisk scalding complete in-depth detailed comprehensive blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling red-hot all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing thoroughgoing painstaking demanding pulling no punches boiling hot very hot conscientious all-embracing meticulous scrupulous methodical minute like a furnace sedulous sweeping extensive searching high-pressure elaborate widespread careful out-and-out persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up radical shooting stabbing distressing peracute sudden finely tuned more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

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Showing defiance
defiant recalcitrant aggressive challenging disobedient insubordinate obstinate rebellious contumacious non-compliant truculent uncooperative antagonistic audacious bold daring hostile mutinous obstreperous provocative refractory resistant resisting belligerent confrontational insolent intransigent argumentative bellicose combative dissenting pugnacious balky contentious contrary feisty froward incompliant intractable quarrelsome rebel recusant restive stroppy subversive ungovernable unruly untoward wayward wilful willful bolshie scrappy cheeky dareful disregardful insubmissive reckless resistive sassy ready for a fight spoiling for a fight unmanageable uncontrollable difficult stubborn headstrong perverse disorderly fractious undisciplined unyielding obdurate self-willed insurgent wild turbulent noncompliant disaffected cantankerous militant delinquent seditious riotous disruptive ornery awkward incorrigible factious dissident naughty threatening pigheaded discordant mulish out of control insurrectionary badly behaved unbiddable incontrollable inflexible mischievous errant warlike bloody-minded disputatious revolutionary petulant agonistic assaultive chippy uncompliant ill-tempered renitent bad-tempered rowdy bull-headed hot-tempered irascible troublesome determined violent gladiatorial rascally cussed roguish brawly warring stiff-necked insurrectionist dissentient cross nonconformist pervicacious opposing rough unreasonable fiery impish iconoclastic unbending irritable undisciplinable choleric mean radical arsey uncompromising lawless persistent quick-tempered nonconforming immovable opinionated indomitable rude unrestrained contrarious destructive unwilling relentless out of hand negative dissentious fierce sullen resolved anarchic disloyal cross-grained unaccommodating captious impudent touchy boisterous dogged adamant unmalleable anarchistic treasonable thrawn bad uncontrolled aggers pertinacious misbehaving peevish bullheaded irrepressible strong-willed malcontent tenacious attention-seeking up in arms exasperating pat stubborn as a mule unrestrainable badly-behaved ill-disciplined alienated indocile surly obstinately disobedient malevolent offensive treacherous pig-headed unpredictable traitorous troublemaking testy loudmouthed inimical grouchy pettish litigious snappy nasty prickly cavilling crabby huffy disputative erratic unpersuadable chaotic antipathetic loud implacable steadfast firm noisy wrangling battling fighting rigid bickering adverse querulous unrelenting ill-natured annoying tempestuous malicious rumbustious inexorable hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened hard ossified problematic caviling playful impetuous tiresome brawling capricious unbridled tough tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish fiendish gallus wanton wrong ill-behaved on the warpath devilish strong-minded single-minded hard-nosed full of mischief locked in self-opinionated deaf to reason dead set on irreconcilable estranged haughty renegade nonobservant undefeated heretical maverick unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic irregular unfavorable unfavourable rioting withstanding malign maleficent spiteful triumphant fickle declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining disobliging naysaying disagreeable hot-blooded restless individualistic armed sabotaging attacking treasonous militaristic hawkish obstructive unhelpful unresponsive incurable jingoistic oppugnant sabre-rattling warmongering battleful vexatious dysfunctional impotent rampant as stubborn as a mule unadaptable unbowed untrained unbearable undependable intolerable impossible civil disobedience rock-ribbed with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unsteady unschooled paradoxical contrariant disagreeing salty uncomplying immoral aberrant arbitrary without law and order wrongheaded converse whiny pushy biffo insoluble hard-line thorny unpliable locked resolute knotty trying excited strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked abandoned overpowering vociferous uproarious raucous inconsistent ungoverned lacking self-control clamorous rampaging socially impaired disturbed maladjusted loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant have a bone to pick tough nut having a chip on one's shoulder hang tough self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight rambunctious self-indulgent angry inhospitable adversarial hotheaded controversial polemical polemic anti roisterous rackety tumultuous like a loose cannon beside oneself misbehaved pesky demanding uncontainable wearisome raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful ructious arguesome splenetic unfriendly abusive narky miffy exasperated rip-roaring excitable impassioned passionate churlish war rampageous roistering against opposed troublous irksome snarly grumpy piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous wicked impolite lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless lawbreaking thin-skinned sinful rancorous snappish cranky unkind fretful mighty peppery soreheaded raising the roof raising Cain teasing worthless impulsive impervious rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy evil short-tempered have chip on shoulder hostile to inimical to opposed to averse to stiff out of line bad-mannered unbendable unshakable steely unflinching unenthusiastic about persevering unshakeable unalterable dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept unmoved indurate unbreakable fixed dogmatic heady opinionative convinced remorseless unpleasant discourteous with one's feet dug in iron-willed with one's toes dug in wrong-headed itching scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant sharp hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing harsh bullying ferocious mordant uninhibited robustious immoderate knockabout frenzied unchecked hell-raising disordered exuberant unconstrained disorganized unbounded unhindered debauched furious confused disorganised uncurbed in turmoil frenetic hysterical runaway termagant frisky crazy unhampered raw vicious orgiastic depraved spirited rugged saturnalian animated frantic high-spirited unrestricted full-on mad raging energetic licentious rabid explosive deranged hectic enthusiastic messy raving jumbled helter-skelter cluttered untidy disarrayed extreme muddled dishevelled disheveled mussy tousled disarranged messed mussed tumbled vehement littered sloppy rumpled bacchanalian unkempt active in disorder ugly Dionysian ebullient brutal dissipated bouncy pell-mell Bacchic higgledy-piggledy upside-down topsy-turvy hugger-mugger in a mess dissolute clangorous disturbing sportive agitated criminal stormy excessive bacchic unfettered unstoppable forceful unquenchable vigorous effervescent roughhouse madcap berserk profligate out-of-line swashbuckling nihilistic crazed in high spirits out-of-order untamed nuts outrageous fervid barbarous savage wild and woolly jaunty feverish merry incontinent burdensome haywire shambolic perfervid passional orderless disrupted joyful cheerful purposeless in disarray in pandemonium in uproar in chaos at sixes and sevens out of joint harum-scarum full of beans in a muddle every which way utterly confused in a shambles unsubduable hard to handle loutish existentialist pessimistic limit robust dangerous unsettling upsetting side-splitting thuggish swaggering cavalier antisocial distracting overexcited clattering clattery resounding two-fisted unlawful turbid uncontained hedonistic divisive vibrant brusque untameable gruff gleeful insurmountable callous radge indisciplined unrepressed corrupt rootin'-tootin disrupting off-base unconcealed complex unconventional reprobate unprincipled misruled misgoverned drunk flyaway boozy revelling carousing blind tricky out-of-control extrovert rowdydowdy shameless causing trouble bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous corybantic incautious irrational strident vociferant over-the-top outlandish problem thrilled on-a-tear impossible to cope with unstable untrammelled untimely unfortunate wassailing dilapidated neglected crude in a state messed up worse for wear irresistible flighty giddy roller-coaster unsettled offending inconvenient inopportune unlimited unconfined sinning unimpeded unsuppressed reveling unexpected unanticipated ill-timed erring deviant shaking perturbed strenuous storming demonstrative stern bitter unsubmissive volatile revolting terrorist cruel untrammeled running wild culpable guilty transgressing maniacal manic full of confusion full of conflict full of upheavals surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed tyrannous despotic uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised heterodox unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized joyous carefree hearty hasty widespread straying sprightly cavorting jovial hyper deliberate needless unjustified senseless epidemic not controlled full of ups and downs unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious irritating rife devil-may-care hot-headed short-fused easily provoked on a short fuse unprovoked exacting tiring carried away pandemic dominant rank rollicksome fun-loving happy glad lighthearted thumping ripping heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating miscreant devious fallible unreliable fay sportful antic elfish larky prevalent flagrant pervasive gratuitous groundless motiveless malapropos badly timed unseasonable eventful arduous fervent obsessive hog-wild beside yourself luxuriant profuse laborious exhausting unjustifiable spreading blustering exceeding bounds fecund extravagant spreading like wildfire flourishing rambling proliferating predominant extensive multiplying on the rampage growing Saturnalian Dionysiac off straight and narrow like one possessed misfortunate hapless luckless unpropitious ill-starred star-crossed ludic skittish keen severe testing unsparing taxing buoyant willed unmotivated eager infatuated devoted ardent fixated dedicated obsessed full bustling flustering madhouse tireless brute sadistic inhumane aimless atrocious heartless butcherly inhuman barbaric burning compulsive over-enthusiastic vivacious sunny busy bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious coltish action-packed unjust unfair double-crossing merciless breezy dotty potty visionary hooked zealous gung-ho bubbly cheery zestful bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo chirpy upbeat peart peppy gladsome sparky chipper sparkling zingy gay blithesome blithe biased nuts for monomaniacal fanatical partial bugged domineering high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted bubbling rhapsodical of good cheer full of life light-hearted as merry as a grig bubbling over

Tính từ

Bold and without shame
brazen bold brash forward insolent saucy shameless defiant impudent unabashed unashamed audacious brassy brazen-faced cheeky immodest impertinent pert barefaced unblushing blatant presumptuous pushy unembarrassed arch bold-faced brassbound cocksure cocky flagrant fresh nervy sassy undisguised wise bald-faced contumelious flashy flip gritty hotshot indecent loud meretricious overbold smart-alecky spunky tawdry as bold as brass rude arrogant malapert disrespectful smart overconfident bumptious presuming self-assertive familiar assuming lippy bold as brass arrant discourteous brass-necked pompous overweening assumptive mouthy uppity disdainful flippant high-handed haughty irreverent impolite supercilious outrageous hubristic lordly lofty inconsiderate boldfaced smug uppish procacious unmannerly self-asserting overbearing improper cool conceited insubordinate confident ill-mannered self-confident abandoned overfamiliar pretentious boastful indecorous hardened cavalier rash incorrigible daring hifalutin highfalutin insulting crude egotistical brazenfaced snippy imperious bad-mannered opinionated mannerless patronizing vain blustering offensive superior self-important free adventurous huffy chesty sniffy huffish toplofty toploftical fearless unrepentant out of line peremptory brave self-assured patronising vainglorious ballsy proud high and mighty contemptuous indelicate high-and-mighty egotistic stiff-necked high-hat uncivil shocking forceful immoral smart-arsed swollen-headed reckless smart-assed affected unapologetic remorseless snobbish intrusive abusive off-base wanton showy undaunted depraved profligate foolhardy impenitent dissolute unprincipled venturous adventuresome venturesome reprobate aggressive impulsive crass daredevil unchaste lewd scornful impetuous tactless swaggering indiscreet ostentatious ungracious facetious mischievous undiplomatic full of oneself thoughtless smarty-pants cute smart-aleck coarse smarty bigheaded ill-bred important snobby elitist know-it-all masterful full of yourself obtrusive snotty snooty condescending unconcealed toffee-nosed hoity-toity stuck-up gaudy unseemly wise guy assertive puffed up unconcerned courageous hotheaded too big for your boots headstrong obdurate impolitic pontifical egoistic egoistical narcissistic prideful egocentric dauntless unshrinking naughty uncontrite unafraid unremorseful unrepenting in-your-face loud-mouthed vulgar forthright thrusting heedless plucky game unflinching untactful vivacious self-affected bloated selfish self-promoting self-serving self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-opinionated self-centered self-righteous self-contented self-adulatory swellheaded biggity self-glorifying mocking self-conceited self-centred meddlesome snippety bantam precipitate hasty feisty unmannered presumptive scoffing orgulous sneering spirited bright uncalled-for conscienceless unhandsome breezy self-satisfied unladylike fancy-pants big-headed bragging biggety cold-shoulder bossy autocratic disgracious ungentlemanly dictatorial bare-faced hardy devil-may-care stuck up dashing out-of-line smart alecky coming on strong jumped up sharp on an ego trip boldface obvious heavy open macho undismayed sheer amoral flamboyant striking eye-catching startling unawed vituperatory scurrile scurrilous scurril invective vitriolic vituperative truculent opprobrious temeritous impish madcap poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained unspeakable dazzling unreserved combative volatile weisenheiming throwing one's weight around overhasty previous premature lacking civility bad mannered uninhibited smart-mouthed overassertive direct bullish risk-taking imperative magisterial inappropriate overfriendly effervescent trashy pushing headlong incautious maladroit swashbuckling domineering derisive humiliating chirpy dapper keen relentless officious corrupt unfitting unbecoming strident noisy blaring harsh put down remote swanky tony pushful persnickety aloof overt grating jarring personal unsubtle high-flown throwing one's weight about putting on airs not backwards in coming forwards unreformed hardhearted recidivistic piercing raucous transparent over-assertive undignified suggestive grandiose prying inquisitive incongruous interfering meddling unsuitable nosy cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill over-free without regret without remorse curt churlish disagreeable risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful ear-splitting discordant overfree brusque without shame blunt off base callous unregenerate nerveless jazzy tinny garish graceless unduly familiar chatting up making passes at making advances towards off-colour unpleasant highfaluting inflated temerarious hard loudmouthed high-pitched metallic flirtatious derogatory out of keeping disparaging high-minded la-di-da la-de-da unchivalrous uncharitable boorish uncouth offhand irredeemable unreformable inveterate incurable confirmed unrefined uncomplimentary ungenteel loutish ungallant surly sullen oafish rough gruff abrupt underbred inaffable ignorant short crabbed yokelish bounderish intrepid valiant dogged tenacious witty tough heroical valorous mettlesome lionhearted gallant not contrite unblenching heroic frightless unfearing unfearful manful sporting stout-hearted as game as Ned Kelly gung ho lion-hearted clever pointed ingenious sure positive certain sarcastic incisive adept smooth jaunty agile highbrowed humorous whimsical highbrow bantering apt tongue-in-cheek droll quick nimble jocular jesting ready nifty quick-witted smart aleck smart guy smarty pants assured complacent consequential dismissive strutting authoritarian above oneself tyrannical despotic authoritative self-loving oppressive puffed-up dominating sententious self-admiring crusty vaunting blusterous holier-than-thou boasting dogmatic pontificating obnoxious loudmouth peacockish self-aggrandizing doughty stout braggart heavy-handed self-regarding self-applauding bombastic iron-handed tyrannous autocratical tyrannic stouthearted aweless commanding playful stiff gutty in love with oneself pleased with oneself glib jokey too big for one's boots full of hot air frivolous funny ambitious ridiculous silly crowing sardonic satirical arbitrary comical iconoclastic egomaniac high carefree sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous windbag stalwart self-absorbed repressive undemocratic draconian enterprising aristocratic posh pleased with yourself willful rigid inflexible wilful stuffy irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy strict severe greathearted anti-democratic dominant have-a-go insistent on high horse undauntable think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself go-ahead too big for one's breeches have an excessively high opinion of oneself too big for your breeches too big for one's britches icy self-respecting self-complacent self-flattering extraverted braggy self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted puffed perky highhanded self-obsessed standoffish indulgent overindulgent relaxed offensively self-assertive insufferable wrapped up in oneself airy autarchic blowhard driven tolerant free-and-easy casual inane riding for a fall overoptimistic careless subjugating controlling individualistic swollen egomaniacal protrusive nosey busy intruding snoopy swanking big-mouthed reserved distant detached indifferent nose in the air potty wiseguy high-pressure fierce go-getting militant wisecracking big exultant ritzy on one's high horse on your high horse blowing one's own horn overpowering emphatic think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas steely unworried unapprehensive ironhanded coercive bullying indomitable sharp-elbowed iron-fisted wry roguish joking waggish jocose lighthearted precious cutesy highfalutin' inner-directed impervious fire-eating resolute undisturbed unalarmed overproud stuck on oneself heading for a fall hot stuff self-reliant lording it Neronian dogmatical unyielding mincingly clever blithe stubborn clamorous crack-the-whip doctrinaire stern firm dictative preponderant imperial demanding regnant ascendant prevalent on ego trip high falutin can-do secure self-possessed throwing weight around free-swinging nerved peppy emboldened believing expectant expecting well-balanced ridiculing jeering amusing salty fire eating go for broke hot shot dareful out on a limb taunting jibing superficial sure of yourself believing in oneself sure of oneself teasing snide denigratory slighting detracting derisory pillorying shallow irresponsible insouciant scathing absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic lampooning cockamamy caustic laughable risible farcical preposterous puckish unabashed by unshakable undaunted by cynical snidey gally sarky light-hearted unscared unalarmed by unfrightened for the birds having nerves of steel not scared brag boast conceity ham phony gall phoney snot-nosed big talking blowing one's own trumpet

Tính từ

Able to persuade
forceful compelling convincing strong cogent effective persuasive powerful telling weighty potent conclusive influential valid authoritative efficacious impressive plausible sound credible decisive eloquent irresistible logical reasonable reasoned satisfying unanswerable coherent lucid pithy rational well founded constraining electric elemental forcible mighty powerhouse puissant punch punchy steamroller stringent take-charge take-over titanic virile ball of fire coming on strong commanding dynamic dominant vigorous redoubtable formidable significant heavy important heavy-duty overpowering overwhelming sturdy almighty spanking great trenchant go-getter useful effectual striking meaningful moving solid energetic efficient pertinent satisfactory suasive incisive crucial clear vivid inducing believable consequential incontestable reliable urgent well reasoned coercive relevant affecting touching swaying stimulating operative good articulate emphatic expressive firm revealing incontrovertible silver-tongued aggressive well-founded zappy compulsive graphic convictive unassailable passionate productive considerable irrefutable assuasive glib smooth-tongued pointed justified consistent probable fluent momentous well-grounded active substantial inspiring realistic impelling acceptable stirring enticing alluring seductive unmistakable sharp trustworthy hard-hitting indubitable categorical intelligent assured clear-cut practical impactful capable workable determinative unequivocal well-defined material competent successful undeniable eye-catching lively armed violent insistent orderly systematic methodical drastic compulsory apt apposite fitting marked impactive vehement militant assertive intense noticeable enthusiastic animated vivacious zestful likely well organized dramatic eventful salient conspicuous devastating verisimilar in-your-face well-established colourable speaking crystalline definitive evident winning true-to-life possible believeable faithful carrying conviction trusty hopeful presumable dependable authentic succinct terse decided undisputed obvious infallible ingenious insightful unambiguous distinct intuitive inspirational pivotal silky slick smooth-talking motivating instrumental rousing inveigling suasory unctuous actuating luring smooth wheedling graceful pregnant fateful provocative swayful formative guiding monumental central responsible contributory controlling encouraging masterful motivational robust able critical purposeful imposing far-reaching animating suggestive helpful valuable meaning well-spoken revelatory beneficial indicative well-expressed functional magniloquent grandiloquent rhetorical ardent fervid fervent impassioned smooth-spoken well spoken outspoken vocal well expressed poignant sententious facund voluble of help requisite serviceable advantageous constructive of use suitable of assistance fruitful adequate enough worthwhile not taking no for an answer sustainable right justifiable sensible grounded prudent just bona fide defensible congruent legit viable accurate supportable maintainable proven balanced perceptive sane defendable perspicuous deductive confirmed informed arguable true commonsensical astute levelheaded discerning pragmatic analytical germane commonsense legitimate sober consequent analytic vindicable commonsensible stable uncorrupted attested tested intellectual kosher able to hold water down-to-earth holding water matter-of-fact well-reasoned well-advised clear-headed well grounded well thought out well advised

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gutsy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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