Đồng nghĩa của authoritive

Tính từ

Recognized as being reliable
reliable sound accurate authentic valid dependable factual trustworthy attested learned true certified definitive faithful good scholarly truthful verifiable veritable authenticated circumstantiated confirmed convincing documented legit precise proper proven respected righteous solid supported validated verified well-founded straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth genuine legitimate exact correct veracious right actual unquestionable real certain irrefutable kosher bona fide credible honest straight certifiable absolute pure undeniable official sure-enough dead-on on the money for real faultless errorless unimpeachable infallible strict unerring veridical pukka echt dinkum natural conclusive final pucka unadulterated bang on spot-on spot on clear-cut true to life indubitable concrete without error on-target de facto effective honest-to-goodness real McCoy original existent legal sterling lawful unalloyed rightful fair and square on the level aboveboard card-carrying bonafide untainted unspoiled trusty true blue unvarnished complete full right on fit unequivocal on target on the ball so matter-of-fact on the nose just so bull's-eye dead on clear on the button thorough perfect very undoubted incontestable perceptible literal inescapable demonstrated established palpable indisputable express unqualified incontrovertible especial intrinsic unmistakable substantiated sheer tangible evident specific believable safe explicit meticulous unambiguous canonical minute detailed failsafe flawless undisputed unrefuted definite word for word error-free all right fail-safe characteristic ingenuous archetypal regular guileless archetypical representative typical reputable artless simple unaffected unpretentious unpretending appropriate average direct dinky-di standard normal undesigning fitting creditable fact-based based on facts straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy on the nail

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Commanding and self-confident
commanding imposing confident dominating imperious peremptory assertive domineering lordly self-assured authoritarian autocratic dictatorial dogmatic masterful assured bossy masterly overbearing self-confident arrogant autocratical decisive despotic imperative magisterial tyrannic tyrannical tyrannous doctrinaire firm officious sure of oneself high-handed arbitrary overweening oppressive harsh strict severe rigid imperial absolute repressive pushy inflexible totalitarian undemocratic autarchic draconian unyielding anti-democratic insistent powerful high and mighty haughty controlling iron-handed monocratic willful wilful coercive dominant pontifical illiberal czarist tsarist heavy-handed emphatic forceful bullish pushful opinionated intolerant uncompromising iron-fisted egotistic stern obstinate demanding unbending cocky dictative summary disciplinarian ruthless ironhanded subjugating absolutist bullying one-party definite fascistic insolent regnant fanatical adamant Neronian opinionative self-opinionated opinioned pompous proud cocksure dogmatical prejudiced pigheaded stiff-necked stubborn one-sided bigoted bullheaded impressive self-willed all-powerful ordering aggressive bidding strong uncontrolled unaccountable unconstitutional single-party in charge autarchical compulsatory exacting obligatory required mandatory compulsory absolutistic merciless overpowering not backward in coming forward superior unlimited cruel brusque dystopian inconsiderate overproud presumptuous throwing one's weight about clamorous crack-the-whip awe-inspiring diplomatic judicious monarchic dignified regal throwing one's weight around abrupt brisk brutal pushing driving czarlike tough lording it supercilious positive inhuman throwing weight around preponderant high-and-mighty ascendant prevalent cavalier disdainful mean unjust biased decided fixed compelling certain undeniable stringent finished rigorous unreasonable speculative impractical theoretical unpragmatic unrealistic swivel-eyed extreme hypothetical zealous ideological enforceable binding narrow limiting traditional classical customary conventional holding fixed views dogged mulish pertinacious legislating sanctioned didactic preceptive normative accepted prescribed presidential prescriptive entrenched downright unchallengeable narrow-minded unquestionable categorical obdurate small-minded egotistical unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal strong-willed crack the whip in driver's seat on your high horse pitiless hard callous austere relentless hardhanded rough grim unmerciful unfeeling unkind insensitive unsparing unforgiving punitive stiff unsympathetic hard-hearted supreme monarchical suppressive drastic murderous unrestrained savage excessive heartless overwhelming fascist crushing unrelenting unfair heavy fierce uncharitable onerous hardhearted unrestricted autonomous omnipotent swingeing sovereign full unconditional megalomaniac forbidding preeminent inhumane abusive total inexorable sadistic inclement ramrod power-hungry flinty barbarous unpitying dour flat-out straight out cold-hearted hard-boiled self-important power-crazy stony-hearted implacable compassionless desensitized cold-blooded stonyhearted stoney affectless take-no-prisoners ironhearted hard-nosed hardened no-nonsense remorseless browbeating desensitised intemperate trying excruciating burdensome grievous bitter rugged searing troubling depressing monolithic Stalinist exorbitant constraining prohibiting restrictive exploitive governing stifling communist totalistic tactless no joke exigent intense cold very severe thoughtless inordinate inept undiplomatic bungling no ifs ands or buts extortionate outrageous hostile gruff ironfisted overstrict OTT punishing over the top penal hardheaded solid single-minded intractable resolved hard-line hard-core steadfast dire resolute ascetical immovable by the book dyed-in-the-wool ossified formidable ascetic unflinching pressing astringent disciplinary grave sky-high violent tormenting maleficent brutish wolfish truculent torturous barbaric thick-skinned indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stony slash-and-burn uncompassionate marble-hearted ultimate bloody sanguinary sour with a heart of stone avaricious unregenerate greedy unrepenting indefatigable vindictive uncontrite hard-bitten complete critical categoric superlative utmost predominant unqualified outright unbounded unbound infinite peerless unmitigated pre-eminent unreserved wholesale boundless unsurpassed unconstrained matchless utter hard-shell out-and-out no holds barred all out without limit

Tính từ

Boldly self-assured
dominant assertive commanding confident domineering assured bold bullish strong demanding determined feisty firm forceful imposing pushy controlling decisive forward insistent bossy imperious overbearing positive ambitious audacious driven fearless fierce collected committed composed daring emphatic intrepid poised powerful resolute resolved spirited staunch steadfast steely tenacious tough zealous self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-reliant strong-minded can-do cool-headed decided self-possessed strong-willed aggressive dynamic self-asserting vigorous energetic potent in-your-face enterprising vehement effective believing in oneself influential competitive militant robust violent strenuous driving go-ahead go-getting pushing dogmatic overconfident secure cocky sure not backward in coming forward sure of yourself sure of oneself uncompromising hardline muscular resounding full-blooded assaultive high-pressure convincing compelling carnivorous pushful persuasive stout absolute certain brassy self-respecting hard-hitting hotdog know-it-all hotshot undoubtful sanguine self-secure fast-track high-octane supreme go-go mighty weighty effectual authoritarian efficient ruling forcible successful high-powered in control full of get-up-and-go highly capable in the saddle cocksure brave unafraid dauntless believing expecting expectant courageous well-balanced puffed up full of oneself stubborn peremptory opinionated presumptuous active intense brash arrogant impertinent bumptious thrusting nervy presuming gutsy officious impudent imperturbable loud cheeky obtrusive brazen unperturbed offensive obnoxious insolent rude unruffled relaxed unfazed gung ho enthusiastic eager inconsiderate level-headed uppity vital intensive passionate fiery calm cool intrusive phlegmatic interfering nonchalant prying meddling nosy impassive pulling no punches serene busy intruding meddlesome tranquil unflappable protrusive nosey snoopy together sassy upbeat unhesitating saucy strident loudmouthed nonplussed equanimous filled with aplomb laid-back tireless at ease keen hubristic brazen-faced flip impetuous hotheaded bold-faced unrestrained impulsive impolitic fresh doubtless implicit clear rash persistent importunate wise uncontrolled unbridled mettlesome ardent indefatigable valid punchy conclusive coercive red-blooded lusty all-out unabashed immodest defiant dashing complacent dogged earnest Herculean rosy high unremitting pertinacious over-assertive storming impassioned racy pumped up rugged cool, calm and collected fervent projecting prognathous flagrant bald bulging blatant jutting sheer arch brassbound provocative shocking forthright outspoken direct hard arduous blunt taxing wild impressive cogent rigorous exhausting brisk bludgeoning effervescent trashy heedless precipitate headlong untactful brazenfaced incautious thoughtless bright hasty vivacious maladroit familiar overfamiliar disrespectful sharp-elbowed pressurizing complete telling as bold as brass full of yourself improper inappropriate stressful relentless difficult pressured pressurising plausible armed efficacious indulgent pompous overindulgent pretentious over-free full-on thoroughgoing thorough eloquent drastic credible unanswerable compulsory conceited smug impolite shameless not taking no for an answer convinced unwavering definite categorical lively wholehearted total sweeping full satisfied magnetic electric puissant tolerant free-and-easy free diligent all-embracing all out exhaustive industrious zippy peppy zestful contumelious supercilious out-and-out virile hardy unmixed sound hearty persuaded flamboyant hungry aspiring ballsy animated flush spunky gingery sparky holding the unwavering view having no doubt easy in one's mind in no doubt secure in one's belief undoubting having no questions about free from doubt undoubtable questionless unshaken in one's belief gumptious entrepreneurial hardworking hustling out and out have-a-go charismatic energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing vibrant self-motivated highpowered energising play for keeps play hard ball coming on strong full of vim and vigour full of life full of beans self-starting up-and-coming settled self-sufficient surefooted sure-footed

Tính từ

Conforming or adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted
orthodox conventional traditional standard accepted customary regular common established normal usual prevailing popular prevalent ordinary routine formal familiar mainstream proper recognised recognized sanctioned authorised authorized approved official acknowledged ceremonial correct ceremonious received legitimate right canonical square doctrinal kosher straight rightful derivative unheretical unoriginal well established well-established bien pensant by the numbers in line straight arrow according to the book legal lawful certified documented prescribed valid methodical explicit bona fide stock undoubted unquestioned sound natural statutory undisputed canonic uncontested endorsed validated accredited confirmed licensed verified strict authenticated ratified authentic express orderly set regimented pro forma licenced fixed systematic ritualistic formulaic ritual formalistic ceremonialistic typical general accustomed habitual everyday wonted commonplace average expected time-honoured run-of-the-mill time-honored long-established universal settled classical current classic frequent prosaic decorous bog-standard unexceptional public characteristic unremarkable quotidian plain workaday vanilla regulation widespread garden-variety standard-issue household long-standing going ubiquitous old daily well-known dignified acceptable prescriptive fashionable garden variety staple respectable stately cut-and-dried cut-and-dry enduring proverbial lasting day-to-day stereotypical well worn common or garden representative standardized appropriate long-lived age-old archetypal ancient predictable basic decent archetypical deep-rooted old-fashioned chronic standardised abiding conforming courtly predominant de rigueur comme il faut durable seemly punctilious nice stable overall admitted suitable fitting proven befitting simple permanent true fit hackneyed starchy stereotyped rooted understood solemn conservative apt long-lasting constant traditionalist steady OK genteel entrenched stuffy typic agreed upon matter-of-course tried and true tried and tested old hat long-term agreed historic generic shared ruling majority known rife liturgical mediocre indifferent stilted stiff renowned perennial firm persistent passed reliable stiff-necked so-so repeated becoming imposing august refined mundane sacramental celebratory polite folk undistinguished conformist civilized allowed overused recognizable consistent preferred stipulated respected bourgeois humdrum hacky good done native surviving recognisable staid civilised okay widely held white-bread ongoing chosen in vogue well known favourite par for the course fuddy-duddy dull strait-laced favorite favoured long-living collective extensive pervasive boilerplate touted acquired honored unopposed legit okayed old-world ancestral old-time wide tralatitious protocol in order straightforward favored distinguished great informal domestic one-size-fits-all derived rehearsed broad stated discreet garden inconspicuous believed honoured vulgar couth moral mannerly well-mannered state declared identified perceived in established usage unspontaneous comfortable done thing acquainted lowly venerable OB realized remembered ornate elaborate strong long-existing serious highbrow unsophisticated net diplomatic unadventurous continuing uneventful arrived at stale artificial realised professed handed down recurring mutual given used habituated careful eternal socially acceptable obligatory buttoned-down homespun common variety humble matter-of-fact inherent symptomatic portly right stuff widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted tried and trusted anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic of choice in the habit of in circulation in force past heavy symphonic concert heavyweight congruous adopted intermutual embraced united existing across the board commutual like resilient distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing grand mannered lofty stylized studied timeworn fast immortal individualistic clichéd cliched unprogressive persisting standard operating procedure playing it safe sop in a rut same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle steadfast legendary famous famed notorious in keeping in character remaining true to form to be expected regulated vernacular unofficial regularized dyed-in-the-wool inveterate lifelong long-running only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type banal trite antique procedural backward-looking old school old line earlier generation platitudinous overworked tired vintage periodical periodic self-evident axiomatic corny antiquated supported readily available widely available ready-made worn out worn-out affirmed medium backed apposite repetitious practised practiced mechanical reiterative iterated automatic addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic seasoned passable fair reputed infamous permitted legalized certain OK'd moderate legalised made official vouched for tasteful widely used ingrained tolerable staunch time-hallowed mature plastic adequate comely pukka presentable traditionalistic old-style officially recognized grind institutionalized regularised institutionalised in-between middle-of-the-road prudent secure unshakable vested second-rate lacklustre uninspired unexciting forgettable lackluster pedestrian half-pie run-of-the-mine amateurish run-of-mine amateur inferior second-class fair-to-middling serviceable modest O.K. not so hot middling no great shakes fairish not up to much all right satisfactory nothing to write home about plain vanilla narrow-minded suburban parochial stodgy puritanical Pooterish Biedermeier straight-laced stick-in-the-mud small-town button-down dogmatic of the old school most common

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Of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
solid conclusive compelling factual reliable definitive irrefutable undeniable categorical clear sound demonstrative forceful indisputable strong credible unconditional valid cogent faithful hard sober unequivocal dependable incontrovertible unarguable convincing definite trusty incontestable irrefragable plausible weighty absolute emphatic persuasive unassailable unmistakable authentic certain decisive resounding logical real serious unambiguous unquestionable beyond dispute beyond doubt beyond question well-founded well grounded one hundred per cent telling powerful effective efficacious reasonable rational satisfying influential lucid firm pertinent reasoned coherent substantial good sensible potent prudent analytical consequent analytic just accurate true commonsensical levelheaded intellectual sharp coercive well reasoned indubitable incisive relevant well-grounded well-advised clear-cut effectual urgent impressive intelligent assured trenchant holding water well-defined irresistible well-established unanswerable salient decided insightful undisputed great obvious crystalline infallible formidable forcible ingenious distinct intuitive material evident compulsive insistent thoughtful satisfactory recognized flawless faultless exact impeccable advisable precise together established watertight correct orthodox accepted profound recognised responsible cool right-thinking right-minded all there holding up standing up holding up in wash got it together believable sustainable right justifiable grounded congruent realistic legit viable bona fide defensible supportable maintainable probable proven balanced confirmed perceptive informed arguable acceptable sane defendable perspicuous deductive workable astute legitimate determinative discerning justified pragmatic practical germane commonsense vindicable commonsensible consistent stable tested uncorrupted trustworthy kosher attested well thought out well advised well-reasoned down-to-earth clear-headed able to hold water matter-of-fact

Tính từ

Superseding others in importance or status
greatest best apex supreme top dominant head lead peerless prime unequalled unequaled utmost biggest finest matchless optimal peak predominant preeminent premium reigning ultimate unparalleled unsurpassed ascendant chief consummate foremost highest incomparable leading record regnant superior transcendent unrivaled unrivalled complete core inimitable key major optimum perfect predominate premier prevailing principal ruling unassailable unprecedented big central commanding controlling dominating domineering governing maximum overriding presiding prevalent primary prominent supereminent unexampled unexcelled unsurpassable utopian arch capital cardinal exemplary grand main master nonpareil paramount primal select sovereign unbeatable unbeaten undefeated furthermost largest overbearing overmastering sovran best possible second to none without equal beyond compare industry leading number one pre-eminent top-class top of the line top of the range top-tier first class first-class record-breaking top-drawer a cut above the rest number-one numero uno par excellence top-of-the-range number 1 sans pareil top drawer topflight prize-winning influential uppermost surpassing powerful on the throne preponderant important prior top-priority great first notable predominating ascendent overpowering potent official efficacious mighty imperious almighty effective omnipotent of greatest importance supervisory superlative arbitrary absolute directing all-powerful holding the reins towering high unmatchable topmost exalted max uttermost ideal famous renowned extreme unmatched total nth illustrious distinguished well-known excellent unconditional big-time stellar quintessential outstanding definitive decisive untouchable unique first-rate unequalable terrific last significant apogean best ever without parallel ace primo noted champion most maxi crown exceptional choicest boss choice A-1 Grade A super highest ranking mother of all crack out-of-sight top-notch of the highest quality star world class one-in-a-million high-class blue-ribbon vintage estimable superfine tops august elevated noble dignified respectable honoured venerable eminent patrician refined esteemed aristocratic respected revered celebrated regal genteel elite focal posh highbred gentle highborn huge upmarket large lofty honored grave wellborn highly regarded blue-blooded upper-class major league widely praised well born upper-crust silk-stocking well thought of of distinction high-born utter profound categorical outright sheer downright categoric thorough pure thoroughgoing unqualified definite unadulterated stark fair plumb unalloyed unmitigated arrant rank solid bodacious dead deadly dreadful flat conspicuous clean blooming out-and-out cotton-picking flawless flat-out impeccable all-out errant blank straight-out whole deep-dyed positive perfected chronic finished most excellent most important most influential most outstanding most prominent most noticeable most obvious most significant

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(of a job or position) Involving responsibility or a degree of personal accountability
responsible important key powerful executive head high-level high-ranking central consequential dominant prestigious prominent senior considerable elevated eminent high influential serious top-level top-ranking fundamental decision-making illustrious renowned grand leading distinguished celebrated notable superior great famous preeminent commanding foremost noble dignified top glorious pre-eminent noteworthy respected honourable honorable supreme premier predominant prime chief imposing famed exalted lofty noted well-known magnificent majestic regal august major stately worthy principal acclaimed magnific upper outstanding extraordinary primary main seminal esteemed revered marvellous heroic prevailing highest highly regarded formidable notorious prized well-connected valued fabled recognized reputable high profile puissant incomparable marvelous signal first-class alpha potent mighty trusted all-important royal honored high-powered iconic major league honoured resonant recognised first significant substantial storied high-profile feted weighty forceful capital paramount sublime magnanimous overbearing unparalleled unequaled superlative unequalled gifted matchless arch high-minded well known redoubtable prior first rate primal legendary highly rated unexcelled learned arch- admired number one of the first rank unsurpassed triumphal peerless big league idealistic greatest imperial grandiose fine splendid epic baronial resplendent excellent wonderful terrific gallant impressive heroical superb extravagant tremendous fantastic first-rate monumental massive proud Homeric ranking eventful controlling high-grade top-notch lead presiding ruling of influence high-up eloquent distinctive integral towering historical cogent four-star successful rich big memorable phenomenal oratorical of note deciding aristocratic upper-class VIP big-time skookum supereminent good far-reaching critical crucial vital pivotal core material essential top-drawer heavy-duty high-priority urgent intrinsic meaningful grave cardinal major-league heavy earnest historic life-and-death focal highest-ranking pertinent ponderous pressing appreciable tough sizable telling large-scale decisive exceptional momentous dire intense exigent requisite conspicuous heavyweight overriding salient necessary of great consequence of consequence big-league front-page prodigious of mark well thought of public in the public eye extensive uppermost dynamic germane special imperative invaluable emphatic finest intellectual elite venerable difficult uplifting self-important astral pompous exaggerated overblown immodest excessive worthiest needed indispensable of high standing big time fateful landmark solemn super high-end glamorous strategic of great import no joke of moment sober sombre earth-shattering hefty tectonic super colossal hard valuable no laughing matter of significance mammoth somber earthshaking upmarket conferring prestige expensive sweeping profound large crack topmost culminating apical sovereign peak crowning tiptop five-star outside maximal severe pronounced well paid pointed especial impactful immediate striking instrumental top-priority acute almighty burning determining worthwhile overshadowing of concern life and death life-changing dangerous grievous most important

Tính từ

Nonstandard form of indisputable
undisputable undeniable indisputable incontrovertible indubitable irrefutable incontestable positive unquestionable definite conclusive unambiguous absolute clear undoubted unmistakable sure unequivocal evident plain true reliable inarguable unassailable demonstrable guaranteed fixed sound genuine real unerring ascertained confirmable destined determined establishable firm hard infallible known predestined provable set supreme trustworthy verifiable safe on ice salted away sure thing having down pat in the bag certain beyond question manifest final obvious beyond doubt patent accepted recognized unarguable irrefragable unanswerable categorical unchallengeable accomplished clear-cut confirmed proven undisputed watertight not in doubt recognised unquestioned unchallenged acknowledged uncontested unfailing decided assured self-evident undebatable definitive compelling foolproof decisive irrevocable convincing accurate palpable settled beyond dispute surefire sure-fire not in question established can't-miss fail-safe determinate apodictic transparent unqualified beyond a shadow of a doubt solid as sure as eggs is eggs inerrant noncontroversial airtight clinching emphatic frozen flat inexpugnable hard-and-fast sealed stable nailed-on without question there are no two ways about it all sewn up ultimate dogmatic tyrannous admitted arbitrary uncontentious uncontended valid open and shut freely admitted not disputed uncontroversial independent dependable rigid unalterable absolutist inevitable concrete efficacious unbeatable effective resolute doubtless secure unchangeable in black and white unmovable non-relative non-variable precise questionless failsafe tried and true handy agreeable undeceivable exact always effective unimpeachable tried and tested effectual efficient right acceptable correct omniscient satisfactory helpful useful never failing steady inerrable satisfying impeccable faultless flawless spot on deadly inch-perfect never-failing perfect ensured insured certified on target on the mark bang on tested direct unshakable convinced satisfied for a fact unbreakable meticulous dead lethal spot-on concluded affirmed cinched cast-iron bound excellent good sovereign warranted stated stipulated strong invulnerable enduring telling unchanging steadfast unshaken uncompromising abiding free from doubt unwavering confident unfaltering constant unvarying changeless unquestioning persuaded without loopholes unswerving error-free uncanny scrupulous errorless just unmistaken invariable broad secured attested clinched open-and-shut a sure thing a dead cert iron-clad undoubting resolved unsubtle pronounced racked copper-bottomed nailed on pinpoint tried nailed down made certain absolutely certain sewed up close precision fine rigorous hairline refined delicate mathematical well aimed painstaking careful goofproof a lock for sure sure enough idiot-proof

Tính từ

Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind
classic best excellent fine finest classical consummate definitive grand ideal masterly superior exemplary fab famous fantastic master prime top-notch wonderful fabulous frontline great marvellous marvelous noble outstanding prize stellar sterling superb superlative top quality unsurpassed first-rate first-class world-class of the highest quality awesome terrific splendid sensational choice divine cool fantabulous neat swell dandy heavenly nifty cracking peachy radical mean topflight groovy dynamite hot lovely immense beautiful corking crackerjack dope phat supernal slick righteous topping prizewinning banner primo tip-top high-class capital bumper keen gilt-edged bang-up top-of-the-line jim-dandy out-of-sight gangbusters top-shelf gangbuster A-OK boss blue-chip bully wizard blue-ribbon first-string bonny gilt-edge five-star boffo brag par excellence down bonnie brave peachy keen hype numero uno number one four-star gone out of this world super magnificent brilliant exceptional supreme wicked exquisite smashing too much ace perfect glorious tremendous champion brill supercalifragilisticexpialidocious very good sublime rad select schmick admirable beaut peerless impressive top-hole bosting magic matchless good remarkable amazing ripping mega spiffing sik bodacious tiptop on fleek extraordinary striking delightful sovereign incomparable topnotch premier A-1 pre-eminent exo bonzer belting worthy phenomenal chillin' incredible unparalleled rare stunning mind-blowing premium unrivaled unreal elite preeminent class transcendent of the first water top-drawer applaudable greatest accomplished unrivalled dazzling magisterial highest of high quality spectacular crack pearler barrie amazeballs top-class special def elegant eminent A1 stupendous enjoyable notable approved flawless unique unexcelled accepted dreamy official formidable of the highest standard sound gorgeous winning fly splendiferous recognized awesomesauce top-level high-grade crucial bosker exclusive breathtaking top-grade chic too good to be true fancy unequalled of the first order recognised desirable standout deluxe attractive dominant vintage quintessential outrageous unmatched singular model bad nice lofty unequaled leading high-quality far-out optimum spanking without equal second to none beyond compare optimal established way-out beezer top-quality reliable top-tier hunky-dory far out highest quality top of the line very best top of the range of the highest order exhaustive masterful ultimate valuable illustrious canonical plush standard entrancing invaluable enchanting certified skilful skillful praiseworthy laudable pleasurable noted high distinguished meritorious priceless estimable commendable radiant prodigious mint fantastical legit memorable pleasing delectable surpassing cream star top-of-the-range scrumptious lead renowned flagship faultless unbeatable solid inspired pleasant uppermost tops marvy untouchable fabby effusive goodly extreme excessive noteworthy inflated lank exaggerated kif worthiest exalted the dog's bollocks solid gold award-winning in a class all by itself the best grade A above and beyond of highest order of a high standard superfine majestic key sharp quick bestselling bewitching captivating charming agile deft clever smart refined unforgettable arresting celebrated agreeable satisfying rewarding colossal enviable virtuoso fashionable unorthodox deep wild blissful sophisticated polished top quality high quality posh ritzy handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce mighty idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring advanced crowning foxy juicy rocking canonic creditable distinctive choicest first peak paragon hand-picked elect selected really nice gnarly really good ka pai sup rior all very well well and good dainty high-test not too shabby elevated august splendorous best ever like wow out of sight cat's meow high-end A-grade proud moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable prize-winning favored 10 popular preferred preferential grade-A the very best state-of-the-art a standout with it pretty cool ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly super-duper virtuous top drawer top-flight baller crash hot nang No. 1 handpicked plum favorite precious exciting congenial above average slap-up thrilling diverting not bad zero cool favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual 24-karat carefully chosen first-line sanctioned authorized unprecedented novel essential prototypical typical one-off inimitable irreplaceable extraordinaire unsurpassable signal unparagoned sui generis one of a kind unexampled legitimate accredited commanding unimaginable archetypal paramount one and only in a class by itself imperial legal executive lawful mandatory bureaucratic ruling authorised departmental administrative utmost unrepeated something else nonpareil unrepeatable unheard-of unconventional purpose-built once-in-a-lifetime new one-of-a-kind separate without precedent unordinary newfangled fresh ex cathedra ex officio mother of all pick fat expert skilled imposing adept resplendent delicate wondrous awe-inspiring dexterous proficient astonishing practised experienced practiced dextrous able talented competent fascinating impeccable astounding stately versed massive workmanlike veteran educated appealing sightly gifted artful beauteous fair bravura complete staggering professed compleat heroic venerable statuesque immaculate out-of-this-world royal monumental classy unblemished pretty eye-catching cute luxurious pure regal grandiose prominent capable good-looking taking epic baronial coruscating heroical Homeric intense magnific fetching extravagant joyous professional honorable honourable spotless tasty exhilarating stainless mind-boggling comely indefectible well-known genius engaging finished unmarred upmarket bright absolute pulchritudinous dignified shining paradisiacal paradisiac well-favored stirring esteemed big sumptuous honored well versed copacetic powerful irreproachable enthralling cheery honoured refreshing to die for miraculous delightsome favorable seductive profound important dramatic handsome intoxicating fun gallant famed untainted jaw-dropping culminating favourable triumphant inspiring photogenic glamorous efficient immortal blameless trained graceful drop-dead glamourous effulgent irresistible beguiling utopian upscale magnetic extremely good time-honored influential angelic shapely delicious enticing exceptionally good likable considerable symmetrical well-formed big league positive opulent palatial recherche amiable unspoilt splendacious ecstatic sunny hypnotic lordly entertaining aesthetic acceptable rich shipshape comforting lovesome comfortable tempting euphoric presentable profitable virtuosic amusing knockout magical sweet eye-popping dollish showstopping welcome blessed prettyish esthetic affecting likeable crazy qualified telegenic A-list demon darling dulcet blest recreative relishable happy rockin promising portentous ridiculous jolly knowledgeable momentous irie banging likely major rousing splendrous eye-opening costly foremost central dear pricey expensive fine and dandy schooled effective uplifting ostentatious nice-looking aesthetically appealing aesthetically pleasing fine-looking large savvy spendy ultraexpensive pricy easy on the eyes fit first class up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par big-ticket palatine celestial towering prepossessing lavish princely tantalizing solemn kingly swanky pompous seemly tantalising queenly easy on the eye fanciable ominous top-end high-ticket ten aces untarnished foolproof excelling defectless picturesque piked scintillating vivid frabjous splendent unimpeachable conspicuous blinding unflawed marked principal tophole eventful magnolious particular proper convivial balmy awing predominant significant weird outlandish bizarre crashing cordial chief hundred-proof intelligent hotshot what insane thoroughbred first rate better than expected very fine exacting high-ranking jovial A-number-1 mostest theatrical unutterable worthwhile especial very agreeable very pleasant very nice luxury meritable dream good quality high-caliber a cut above strong deserving respectable chur overwhelming prestigious better improved enhanced creative eclectic transcendental sacred inspirational holy abstract the heartwarming well executed a million dollars awful good-quality high-calibre imaginative well trained daring absorbing awe-striking heart-stopping eximious five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality strange absurd mad far-fetched like a million dollars the most couthy cheerful mooi lekker felicitous hunky dory what great better than usual of the best quality better than average titantic unusually good consequential innovational innovative surpassing belief intellectual ambitious haughty pretentious innovatory one in a million in a league of their own portly satisfactory acclaimed gee-whizz forcible vital crash-hot herculean enterprising original inventive well-versed cordon bleu worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas resourceful flashy affable hunky clear mild tasteful impassioned tutored multitalented fitted well-rounded multiskilled sure-handed effectual taught practical all-round all-around a hand at seasoned sexy physically attractive astral self-important overblown immodest top-ranking highest-ranking enormous pronounced maximum gigantic glossy snazzy flamboyant OK splashy showy in order dishy relief glad cunning reputable zingy soothing hospitable spellbinding prized primary titanic humungous humongous uttermost monstrous giant extensive gargantuan dapper voluptuous curvaceous winsome sheen beddable willowy personable sensual camera-friendly drop-dead gorgeous debonair propitious auspicious adored genial passable elating copasetic savory super-eminent grateful super-excellent paradisaical calming intact specialist opportune intriguing well-done indispensable valued inestimable respected treasured unbroken undamaged whole optimistic advantageous hopeful inviting mesmeric heady mesmerizing severe astronomic acute leviathan max thumping vast mountainous ginormous astronomical savoury facile leet unimpaired enchanted entranced charmed bewitched rosy heartening encouraging providential au fait unmarked of genius fairylike roseate upbeat hot property without blemish pristine charismatic dreamlike mesmerising fiendish conjuring fortunate immensely skilled highly qualified very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled extraordinarily skilled highly trained picture-book correct picture-perfect letter-perfect accurate seamless error-free unerring fairy-tale golden unsullied copybook entire unspoiled without fault as good as new as sound as a bell just so full of promise rose-colored most reliable most scholarly most complete most perfect most significant most valuable most precious

Tính từ

Having great influence on the result of something
decisive crucial significant critical final influential conclusive important momentous deciding key major pivotal absolute definite definitive determining forceful chief fateful imperative imperious paramount prime principal trenchant vital certain decided incisive settling crisp fatal peremptory settled litmus test ultimate categorical official irrevocable clear determinate closing concluding emphatic clinching determinative last unequivocal serious consequential large considerable urgent remarkable substantial monumental far-reaching especial high-priority exceptional heavy weighty large-scale material sensational portentous unforgettable extensive heavy-duty earnest conspicuous historic grave special newsworthy front-page capital cardinal impressive burning worthwhile dire uppermost overriding page-one life-and-death telling ponderous prodigious tremendous of great consequence acute unmissable of great import of moment of import of great moment big sizable fundamental notable noteworthy meaningful landmark appreciable hefty extraordinary potent memorable striking eventful climacteric glaring mighty much strong pressing distinctive glorious headline outstanding noticeable great high-level preponderant severe obvious all-important rare earth-shattering signal unusual extreme intense marked keynote resonant pronounced particular impactful worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight unordinary deep quantum uncommon generous imposing earthshaking milestone ponderable most important

Tính từ

Having or showing knowledge, learning, or devotion to academic pursuits

Trái nghĩa của authoritive

authoritive Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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