Đồng nghĩa của driven by

Tính từ

Passionately motivated to achieve one's goals
ambitious determined motivated ardent assertive committed earnest resolute zealous dedicated industrious intent keen persevering persistent spirited tenacious unwavering avid compelled consumed dogged enterprising enthusiastic hungry inspired obsessed obstinate steadfast unbending uncompromising undaunted untiring unyielding active bent bold desirous eager fanatical fierce firm fixed immovable indefatigable mettlesome obdurate obsessive pertinacious possessed purposeful resolved set stalwart staunch striving strong thirsty unbendable undeviating unfaltering unrelenting unshakable unshakeable unshaken adamant forceful galvanised galvanized gutsy impelled indomitable monomaniacal plucky pushy ruthless serious steely stubborn unflagging unflinching vigorous aspiring compulsive energetic fixated induced insistent militant obsessional unhesitating besetting guided impulsive pushed steered go-getting hard-driving self-starting single-minded strong-minded strong-willed dead set goal-oriented bent upon hell-bent self-assertive full of determination urged on self-driven diligent assiduous passionate tireless devoted conscientious aggressive wholehearted fervent steady relentless decided constant intense decisive studious go-ahead sedulous pioneering progressive hard-working dynamic unswerving eager beaver gung ho gritty bent on mad keen fervid hopeful feisty confident rigorous faithful vehement pushing focused bound high-reaching set on focussed impassioned excited devout keen as mustard self-asserting daring longing self-seeking raring enthused settled laborious courageous willing inflexible ebullient hardworking adventurous loyal athirst yearning lively sworn interested crazy high-powered voracious solicitous wild dyed-in-the-wool operose self-confident animated out do-or-die patient power-hungry power-loving domineering as keen as mustard strenuous on the make get up and go audacious bound and determined commanding forward valiant hell-bent on hell-bent upon unflappable bossy intransigent intrepid assured painstaking overbearing authoritative powerful attentive perseverant busy deliberate controlling hard-nosed positive resourceful brave stanch unremitting perfervid pumped true driving bullheaded exuberant pious itching anxious thrusting vivacious true-blue pigheaded agog exhilarated warmblooded dutiful tough stout-hearted bustling cutthroat sprightly persisting dominant stoked pledged zestful impatient bloodthirsty thrilled competitive highly motivated nuts antsy self-assured gladiatorial good self-willed pleased animate can-do titillated self-motivated scrappy appetent iron-willed self-possessed rigid bright-eyed and bushy-tailed warlike high-pressure in-your-face ready juiced geeked hepped up hopped-up high-spirited intent on keyed up deep-dyed single-minded about chomping at the bit firm about card-carrying true blue ready and willing raring to go two-fisted red-hot desiring success like a ball of fire obsessive about inflexible about having killer instinct fixated on dead set on fanatical about career-focused enduring restless solid hardboiled buckled down headstrong tried-and-true responsible tried inveterate unfailing unswervable radical never-tiring hanging tough resilient purposive involved career-minded implacable self-directed manful careful stout sure sagacious hellbent bulldog upwardly mobile telelogical calculated irrepressible hardy four-square meticulous warm unmovable indurate stiff inexorable optimistic intending aspirant wannabe would-be budding potential wishful hearty unchanging rock-ribbed grim thorough exacting punctilious particular meaning business spunky independent perceptive heroic take charge mean mean business be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone heedful ball of fire rabid possible prospective likely future absorbed engrossed through and through fast sustained ferocious brash firm in spirit tough-minded ironclad certain with one's shoulder to the wheel with one's nose to the grindstone engaged unabated stringent combative fiery defiant brutal pig-headed fascinated passional great employed emulous contentious extremely motivated very motivated obnoxious presumptuous officious bumptious loud obtrusive rhapsodic aflame nutty wacky concerned tantalized afire unqualified down-the-line sincere concentrated vying slogging swotty plugging working plodding out-and-out single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end hot to trot turnt gone on tantalised bugged zesty greedy champing at the bit gaga full of beans imaginative inventive ingenious wishing offensive expectant endeavoring endeavouring cut-throat competing bullish observant concentrating arrogant effective hang-tough full-blooded intensely competitive go for broke fiercely competitive stop at nothing dog-eat-dog demanding liberal disruptive advanced forward-looking entrepreneurial creative innovative modern original warring carnivorous opposing antagonistic oppositional Type A hot dying imposing cocksure pushful overconfident entire preoccupied all occupied enrapt exclusive whole undivided enlightened forward-thinking up-and-coming vital cocky engagé attached adherent imperious fast-track high-octane deep alert watchful immersed fearless strident sharp-elbowed loudmouthed nervy minding composed collected emphatic new rising on the warpath poised full of oneself spoiling for a fight ready for action influential weighty effectual mighty robust authoritarian ruling go-go successful potent supreme efficient forcible avant-garde intensive wrapped up out to determined to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to insistent on fixed on decisive about obsessed with resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on self-reliant gumptious cool-headed highly capable in control craving desiring full of get-up-and-go in the saddle hard willful mulish stiff-necked intractable perverse adamantine opinionated hardened wilful hardheaded ossified pat refractory inconvincible self-opinionated lionhearted doughty recalcitrant definite absolute strict game iron bloody-minded unmalleable gallant contumacious dauntless hard-line unpersuadable uncooperative contrary cussed unappeasable valorous balky hardline bull-headed reliable importunate unequivocal genuine conclusive harsh ballsy categorical resounding sturdy stable incompliant all-out violent set in stone sound severe unmanageable stern unreasonable remorseless muscular diehard cantankerous unambiguous uncompliant unassailable unafraid rugged gutty cast-iron in the bag unalterable trustworthy die-hard have-a-go undeniable set in one's ways hard and fast insubordinate froward unquestionable stubborn as a mule unsparing established never-failing locked in explicit definitive bolshie hard-hitting unvacillating known clear brassbound unswayable unmistakable real unwearied dour evident difficult indisputable immutable unchangeable abiding inexhaustible guaranteed irrefutable lusty final infallible predestined destined dogmatic incontrovertible unshrinking hard-core awkward rebellious weariless indubitable unstoppable incontestable merciless unadaptable flat stouthearted ornery heroical undauntable dependable punchy greathearted direct pitiless Herculean complete hard-and-fast undoubted plain no-nonsense demonstrable inarguable unfearful incessant total unerring confirmable verifiable provable establishable ascertained safe trusty undisputable brick-wall full hell bent on as game as Ned Kelly untoward thoroughgoing concerted peremptory draconian ungovernable wayward salted away on ice sure thing having down pat express pressing restive unrestrained unwearying inexpugnable cruel disobedient outright unconditional perky furious dashing determinate invariable unaccommodating unchallengeable extreme downright lion-hearted unforgiving brisk red-blooded iron-fisted unfluctuating in earnest venturous consistent regular heavy-handed not giving an inch clamorous persuasive obvious unvarying cross-grained convincing compelling pulling no punches entreating hard as nails standing one's ground exhaustive continuous exigent invincible tried and true committed to the idea of deaf to reason tried and tested urgent comprehensive unconquerable specified brassy unceasing defined precise unblinking stony unstinting oppressive burning obstreperous peppy jumping grind hyper determining blunt uncontrolled unbridled disciplinary unmitigated distinct undeterred unarguable close scrupulous minute clamant frozen unstinted irrefragable unanswerable unsurpassable invulnerable renitent unlimited ultimate utter searching elaborate formidable accomplished zippy bouncy manly snappy unalloyed unadulterated inescapable unmoved mule gingery profound dreadful unpermissive entrenched peppery thrawn whole-hearted heartfelt unquestioning truculent daredevil imperative honest confirmed watertight contrarious ineluctable well-founded secure hopping chivalrous inalterable proven necessary doctrinaire venturesome racy storming assaultive predetermined undismayed vicious exquisite terrible undefeatable decreed stroppy all out dire opinionative compulsory death-or-glory spartan prescribed hardhearted predictable exact standing pat unmodifiable beyond dispute irreversible even uniform narrow-minded flat-out herolike calculable frisky beyond doubt trustable austere beyond question full of life on the go invariant tough nut to crack full of spirit dug in stand pat tough nut wrong-headed not backward in coming forward on one's mettle serious-minded writ in stone sticking to one's guns tyrannical beyond a shadow of a doubt self-disciplined mature ended predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed repeated immoveable firmly-based professional realistic unintimidated not joking mullish resistant sporting uninfluenced stiffened cohesive unending unretiring unbeatable pleading noncompliant unbudgeable perseverative proactive coherent redoubtable iron-jawed unsentimental durable immalleable unthinking quick hasty snap undiscouraged beseeching begging possessive unforgetful mutinous non-compliant unsinkable indelible ingrained irremovable arduous taxing forbidding illiberal sticky frightless ultra-careful uptight picky pounding mortal hard-headed pervicacious macho mettled hidebound unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable unpacifiable impassive exhausting resolute about temerarious blinkered obstructive unhelpful unruly unimpressible fit impregnable adventuresome manifest patent stony-hearted unimpressionable heady unbreakable believing in oneself tied-up careerist impertinent bullhead unrepentant uncompassionate unemotional puritanical orped unfearing sedate straight going all the way convinced swashbuckling in place in position airtight self-evident clinching cynical impavid undefeated permanent quiescent continuing fireball continued as stubborn as a mule unflexible crisp imprudent chin-up foolhardy fortitudinous Ramboesque in for long haul nose to grindstone clear-sighted straight out set in your ways hard-shell locked-in desperate immobile cold fish proof against persuasion untameable insurmountable bulletproof insuperable undebatable clear-cut steamroller self-respecting powerhouse pedantic religious fussy stuffy concrete meaning what one says fire-eating cool hard-bitten never give up intent upon with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way tall in the saddle incontrollable rebel uncontrollable disobliging trying exasperating recusant riveted static ramrod crying reiterative monotonous agreed like bad penny do or die hold the fort hold your ground hold the line impassable thick-skinned toughened not discouraged unmoving changeless deep-rooted long-standing deep-seated bred-in-the-bone rooted intrenched arranged preset constructive formative developmental foundational seminal not put off insistent about decided upon cut-and-dried strait-laced set in concrete unquenchable bitter granite allotted prearranged not in doubt apodictic with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in enthralled tough as old boots disciplinarian callous drastic ascetical by the book astringent uncharitable hard-hearted browbeating rough ascetic unsympathetic autocratic grave no going back quantified as tough as old boots obscene pornographic X-rated planned incommutable detailed in-depth like death and taxes dictatorial pontifical shoo-in unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on carefree determinant limited stipulated still stated all-absorbing all-inclusive all-encompassing triumphant resisting ringing glaring significant stressed important solemn trenchant impressive pointed sober cogent accented unnatural mannered high-handed intolerant arbitrary unwaivering prevailing seasoned one hundred per cent unreserved all-embracing methodical going sensible opinioned not subject to change unrestricted no mistake magisterial small-minded malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful malign fractious crucial explosive ghastly sweeping blistering acute almighty heavy-duty excruciating fearsome heavy widespread frightful extensive hellacious fearful for a face sparkling despotic fascistic high and mighty bigoted formal prejudiced one-sided egotistical dictative unbowed unfeigned undiluted exciting flourishing electrifying through-and-through accelerated speeded-up effervescent flamboyant alive dazzling authentic fullhearted happening airy stirring virile humming colourful kinetic colorful buzzing vivid rousing decent upright spry coruscating bubbly stimulating astir sparky fresh thriving abuzz posed hang tough honorable unimpeachable honourable truthful reputable impeccable respectable righteous high-principled bouncing springy vibrating pert radiant sensitive breezy responsive determinative quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious abubble jazzy pizzazzy pizazzy vibrant jaunty spanking aboil veracious incorrupt categoric full-scale gay belligerent chippy confrontational discordant brawly argumentative agonistic disputatious alive and kicking full of the joys of spring full of vim and vigour bright and breezy full of pep true-hearted plumb clean maximum consummate hundred percent whole-souled bona fide stark simple sheer arrant rank pure stone chirpy without reservations crashing deadly optimum dead very perfect unavoidable flip hot-tempered hostile have a bone to pick on the outs at loggerheads have chip on shoulder battling fighting have it in for bodacious blank fair blooming unpreventable fated imminent preordained foreseeable impending expected ineludible ordained obligatory full-blown full-on fateful impreventable required unescapable cotton-picking straight-out mandatory foreordained doomed irrevocable natural ineliminable to be expected bound to happen in the cards irresistible without recourse sure to happen for sure for certain no ifs ands or buts inevasible inevitable all locked up to be anticipated certain to happen binding open and shut

Tính từ

Operated by the means specified

Động từ

To have caused a response after a particular event
influenced motivated encouraged sparked spurred stimulated provoked activated drove excited gave incentive given incentive inclined instigated kindled stirred up summoned up fomented fostered whetted called forth inflamed whipped up energized galvanized inspired energised stirred roused invigorated spurred on inspirited aroused galvanised animated incited envigorated emboldened moved vitalized steeled fired up impassioned buoyed piqued goaded boosted buoyed up enthused fired empowered pushed triggered swayed incentivized impelled filliped pumped up pepped up enlivened prompted heartened quickened strengthened uplifted urged fortified rallied revved up cheered on built up cheered incentified exhilarated built electrified impressed prodded bolstered assured boosted up given a boost to nudged revitalized livened up intensified braced vivified heightened spiked instilled psyched up jump-started given a shot in the arm to spirited up bucked up worked up zipped up juiced up set off gingered up put zip into fired with enthusiasm jazzed up reinforced revitalised amped up put life into actuated sparked off persuaded awakened disposed induced thrilled evoked engendered irritated hooked gotten going fired the imagination of egged on grabbed exalted intoxicated elated brought out breathed life into informed drawn forth dynamized perked up primed armed innervated enabled activized moved to action sustained zapped emphasized promoted supported underlined stressed cemented deepened enhanced championed upheld upholden helped underpinned improved corroborated assisted aided holpen buttressed maintained rewarded highlighted bolstered up backed up backed broadened enriched emphasised defended shored up substantiated reassured applauded disinhibited enforced enheartened jumpstarted egged comforted brightened revivified ignited restored reenforced raised borne up gladdened refreshed chirked up praised pricked consoled raised your spirits stiffened the resolve of lifted the spirits of raised the morale of propped up given confidence to bielded given shot in arm geed up boosted morale stimulated spiritually lit a fire under cheered up given hope to

Động từ

Past participle for to move or urge on mentally or emotionally
compelled pressed prest coerced obliged prompted spurred inspired made prodded propelled actuated encouraged goaded instigated motivated impressed incentivized induced pushed roused animated aroused stimulated pricked egged on leaned on spirited up acted upon put up to ridden herd on incited impelled provoked urged moved excited stirred triggered activated set off caused stirred up forced fired up sparked galvanized inspirited influenced galvanised brought spurred on led leaded exhorted persuaded inflamed worked up worked wrought set going agitated run whipped up fomented rallied mobilized pressured nudged steered mobilised set in motion put in motion gotten got sent keyed up precipitated inclined touched off turned on started generated piqued sicced occasioned set on swayed fired awakened invigorated quickened egged energized envigorated talked into lit a fire under energised sparked off triggered off brought about caused to be cranked up caused to become touched convinced electrified converted predisposed brought around challenged hounded left kindled enthused set afoot set astir prevailed upon catalyzed upset raised engendered rendered promoted wakened emboldened abetted evoked coaxed enkindled gotten going impassioned put into action psyched taunted won over titillated turned whipped pressurized elicited pumped up rooted on initiated got to gotten to set prevailed on exhilarated pressurised produced catalysed acted as a stimulus to struck stricken begun drummed up put a bomb under given rise to put to work catapulted had reduced wound up rooted gained satisfied directed conditioned determined chivvied aimed summoned juiced up enlivened livened up spooked ruffled jazzed up flustered activized sounded reminded crowded badgered fanned the flames of drawn predetermined imposed on disposed harassed acted as an incentive to fired the imagination of fired the enthusiasm of cajoled moved toward dragooned needled bullied steeled got someone going given incentive given incentive to trained impacted empowered advised inveigled tempted vitalized uplifted heartened rousted lashed oriented jumpstarted created necessitated helped incentified refreshed holpen browbeaten hustled pounded whetted buoyed worked into lather brewed fermented picked boosted up hinted to cheered on pepped up suggested to woken waked procured driven on waked up kick-started revved up brought on woken up furthered juiced bred crazed forwarded solicited brought out brought into being called into being called forth whomped up drawn forth equipt equipped agitated for dug fanned the fire countenanced favoured favored marshalled circulated marshaled assembled readied gathered organized mustered prepared landed given the incentive to acted as a incentive to militarised militarized organised caused to be in caused to arrive in caused to land in got ready made ready called up

Động từ

Past participle for to propel or carry along by force in a specified direction
powered moved propelled pushed thrust thrusted thrown impelled shoved shoven caused to move set in motion put in motion forced rammed prest pressed sticked stuck prodded sent plunged poked shot shotten run bulldozed carried jabbed nudged swept jammed stabbed jostled dug elbowed bundled sunken sunk struck stricken heaved hove flung hit let fly hustled bumped shouldered crashed butted jolted punched tost tossed squeezed taken hurled pitched lobbed projected crowded launched cast muscled knocked rushed manhandled railroaded bored steamrolled whisked boosted crammed put into orbit sent off packed fired slung chucked bulled bunged gouged shoehorned dispatched thumped ejected hitten dragged drug marched pulled whacked steered barged spurred casted off sent into orbit goaded jogged pounded shifted hurried transported conveyed bucked wedged pushed forward compressed pushed hard humped hurtled lunged catapulted rocketed tamped charged crushed sandwiched lofted delivered discharged lanced beat drummed lift hoist jam-packed sent forth let loose steamrollered inserted pitchforked shunted tapped parked drilled expelled pumped bustled attacked advanced punted poled started actuated released banged dabbed rapped pegged pelted dashed barreled accompanied barrelled squashed sprung beaten tipped borne down compacted frogmarched moved forwards driven forwards lugged hauled hefted strangled scrunched squished choked gotten going gotten moving kicked hammered pushed roughly trucked lifted hoisted schlepped skyed skied buffeted buffetted whirled wafted borne beared driven into deposited conducted filled scurried blown scuttled floated washed loaded loaden heaped shipped brimmed chocked overcrowded overfilled thronged piled overloaded carried away swept away washed away sardined filled to the brim filled to overflowing forced into filled up packed like sardines freighted budged transported in bulk crushed against moved forward launched into pressed on pushed aside rested on strong-armed borne down on exerted pressure on

Động từ

Past participle for to transport or be transported in a vehicle

Động từ

Past participle for to impel or force someone towards work or exertion
worked wrought exerted pushed overburdened overworked overwrought taxed overtaxed flogged sweat striven strived strained struggled laboured endeavored labored endeavoured sweated toiled exerted oneself drudged slogged hustled moiled pegged away beavered away slaved grinded ground plugged away gone all out banged away travailed plowed worked hard made every effort slaved away gone for it put yourself out dug away worked like a dog put one's back into something applied oneself killed oneself done all one can tried busted a gut knocked oneself out pulled out all the stops given it your best shot plodded away slogged away kept at it exerted yourself worked like a Trojan gone for broke worked your fingers to the bone given it your all fought foughten grubbed plodded plugged tugged humped grafted tried hard trudged knuckled down made an effort ground away grubbed away pushed oneself broken one's back sweated blood broken your neck borne down kept your head down scrambled lumbered bullocked leaned over backwards worked day and night made an all-out effort done your damnedest done your utmost poured it on done your best worked oneself to the bone done one's best fallen over backwards ruptured yourself leant over backwards attempted undertaken sought aspired aimed oppressed assayed essayed ventured battled staggered grappled left no stone unturned pushed yourself had a crack at spared no effort taken on tried one's hardest made a great effort put one's back into it put upon burnt the candle at both ends hammered away sweated away pegged along dragged oneself burned the candle at both ends worked like a slave put up a fight against plugged along grafted away endured applied cultivated tended campaigned withstood buckled down carried on gone to war stood up to made a run at had a shot at had a swing at had one's nose to grindstone ground out pitched in kept your nose to the grindstone plodded along worked one's socks off worked your guts out dug in burdened exploited punished overexerted competed contended worn out jockeyed driven too hard driven into the ground imposed on tackled offered had a go at shot for given it a whirl done all you can tried for had a stab at gone the limit jumped through hoops gone for the jugular gone for the doctor tried as hard as one can moved heaven and earth given your all wheeled rolled rolled along rattled trundled

Động từ

Past participle for to move past at a great speed, usually in a vehicle
bolted blasted rushed sped speeded barrelled barreled blown breezed careened flown hurried hurtled jetted raced run scurried shot shotten zoomed blazed bowled bundled careered dashed hurled hustled motored rocketed scuttled teared torn whisked zipped belted bustled buzzed coursed hastened nipped ripped rustled scooted travelled traveled trotted whirled bombed cannonballed chased hared highballed hotfooted it jumped stepped stept cracked on pelted hied rammed humped whizzed darted charged sprinted sprunt streaked galloped boogied posted whipped scrambled bucketed gone like a bat out of hell flashed cut along scampered gone hell for leather scudded scuttered clipt clipped swept stampeded burnt rubber legged it hightailed gone like lightning winged zapped shifted fleeted wheeched barrelled along gotten a move on gone like the clappers whooshed gotten the lead out scorched swooped bounded bound made haste stepped on it put your foot down spanked along put on some speed laid rubber bowled along sprung hightailed it rattled along beetled gotten cracking hasted moved plunged skipped gone like the wind gone fast made tracks dived flitted rolled beat it jogged shaken a leg pounded accelerated steamed speeded up sped up gone quickened burnt burned pushed flung expedited burst cannoned hurried up fast-tracked moved quickly fluttered tripped raged proceeded skedaddled leaped leapt boiled cantered ridden surged lunged torn along spurted lost no time dispatched whipped along really moved gotten your skates on fussed lurched thrust loped doubled jogtrotted dogtrotted tooled split skittered skirred progressed plowed bulleted ambled stirred lashed beelined spurred skimmed vroomed pressed on dusted fled bursten broken paced run off run away bestirred sailed prest pressed smoked gotten moving put foot run fast made time bombed along belted along moved along gone quickly covered ground launched oneself set upon run like mad put to flight stepped on gas gone like a bullet gone like a bomb pattered smashed crashed bulldozed skited catapulted roared swooshed rolled along hunted hounded gone briskly flowed streamed gushed stepped lively stormed pushed on cracked kited waltzed cascaded retreated outstripped left scatted vamoosed poured passed driven fast gone rapidly marched hopped it plunged ahead bugged out slipped away rushed headlong chucked it down booked it yeeted sallied whished bucked railroaded steamrollered blitzed slooshed tumbled flooded moved rapidly moved forward torn out gone by passed by rushed around hopped along stepped along gone at breakneck speed gone like greased lightning teared up the miles made a run for it rushed at made it snappy gotten on it made short work of dug in got a wiggle on turned on steam gone away moved fast cleared out pounced pumped gone all out bowled over gathered momentum geared up expressed moved apace made oneself scarce wasted no time whipped around not lost a minute taken wing thrown oneself gone headlong thrusted swung attacked swungen struck stricken pitched made for fallen upon suddenly moved sitten jockeyed journeyed sat cycled cruised toured hitched a ride thumbed a ride ran flew sprant tore blew drove drave druv went away shook a leg got a move on went like lightning went like a bat out of hell went hell for leather burned rubber went like the clappers got the lead out sprang pranced frisked went like the wind got cracking capered danced gamboled gambolled dove cavorted hopped went fast bobbed flickered flittered flicked bounced romped hovered flirted whistled floated broke brake started made off tore along grazed tiptoed hippety-hopped went put on a burst of speed went quickly got your skates on went like a bomb played run like the wind frolicked curveted curvetted lolloped festinated rid rode dipped sped away lit out rushed off got moving heaved hove launched wound gusted winded moved like greased lightning flourished ricochetted glanced ricocheted caromed racked hurdled strode brandished run very fast went like a bullet startled passed quickly ran like the wind ploughed went briskly brast went headlong threw oneself ran fast got on it ran away ran off tore out went at top speed gone at top speed gone like lighting went like lighting stridden went by drove fast went rapidly ran very fast went all out ran like mad took wing shown quickly showed quickly went at breakneck speed tore up the miles went like greased lightning

Động từ

Past participle for to cause to give in to pressure or harassment
pressured coerced impelled impressed made compelled forced harassed obligated obliged pressed prest constrained dragooned hounded muscled provoked railroaded sandbagged steamrolled worried blackjacked bulldozed kicked nagged dogged worked on put the screws on pressurized pressurised strong-armed put pressure on pushed browbeaten bullied urged prevailed on put the squeeze on intimidated steamrollered required hustled bludgeoned badgered goaded put under an obligation necessitated influenced leaned on put the heat on squeezed press-ganged used pressure on prodded harried pestered twisted someone's arm demanded twisted one's arm bounden bound threatened bounced used strong-arm tactics on brainwashed induced enforced beset fast-talked commanded brought pressure to bear on put up to imposed insisted on put the arm on persuaded come at tyrannized spurred concussed insisted caused ramrodded menaced shotgunned tyrannised pushed around tightened the screws on turned on the heat had someone do something promoted overcome advocated propelled bothered recommended hassled terrorized restrained restricted incited dragooned into put the screws to cowed terrorised asked ordered cajoled hectored put the bite on set instilled exacted charged browbeaten into blackmailed put screws to put squeeze on made necessary put the chill on cracked down dictated breathed down someone's neck turned the screws on put the frighteners on committed domineered astricted indebted hindered repressed suppressed compressed politicked sold constricted squashed condensed high pressured leaned leant coerced into pressurized into assailed wheedled importuned worked over bludgeoned into bullied into left someone no option argued intimidated into terrorized into had effected imposed on made indebted oppressed besieged talked swayed plagued made an offer they can't refuse turned the screw on prevailed upon tightened the screw on vexed tormented troubled vext brought force to bear on thrown your weight around left someone no option but to commandeered extorted occasioned foisted expected exerted whipped invoked forced upon made compulsory wrested contracted used duress on urged by force moved enjoined applied conscripted obtruded choked burdened used force on exerted force on pinned down borne down encouraged advised implored instilled in fixed fixt emphasized to established stressed stressed to inculcated in inculcated drummed into admonished begged warranted crusaded campaigned expedited involved besought beseeched inspanned solicited motivated brought pressure to bear upon clamoured called spoken brought home to dinned something into driven into knocked into ingrained in entailed called for inspired prompted adjured nudged entreated exhorted speeded up keyed up tried to persuade sped up championed left in no doubt brought home gotten into head driven home wanted taken meaned needed claimed meant borne beared challenged railroaded into poured it on behooved postulated craved lobbied clamored drummed up support pushed for steamrollered into turned on bulldozed into fired up sold one on behoved exerted influence on egged on gone to town on left no choice but to borne down on pleaded in favour of spoken in favour of argued in favour of drove drave druv browbeat appealed to went to town on bore down on browbeat into requested bullyragged pleaded pled bogarted mau-maued blustered called on appealed petitioned bid quested conjured supplicated sued requisitioned frightened despotized pleaded with bossed around put through the wringer put heat on directed instructed told ordained decreed bayed pursued persecuted sanctioned instigated maneuvered manoeuvred subjugated overawed stipulated prayed stimulated proposed prescribed chivvied ruled overborne overbore buffaloed countenanced advanced rationalised tempted commended rationalized desired warned castigated inquired drummed bugged enquired appointed acted on cautioned obsecrated impetrated picked on rode roughshod over ridden roughshod over called to obtested heckled psyched up stipulated for pressed for dominated walked heavy swaggered clamored for baited held a gun to one's head asked brusquely pleaded to asked authoritatively made a claim abjured canvassed prayed to asked forcefully wooed lorded it over called upon teased bossed about irritated bade came at applied to ridden roughshod rode roughshod gone on bended knee to went on bended knee to rid rode ridden gave the order to given the order to given the command to gave the command to

Động từ

Past participle for to hasten the progress of or make easier
facilitated eased accelerated advanced expedited forwarded furthered hastened hurried impelled precipitated promoted quickened rushed simplified smoothed sped speeded spurred stimulated aided assisted enabled encouraged helped holpen inspired motivated pushed made easier made easy made smooth made smoother opened doors opened the door for smoothed the path of smoothed the way for assisted the progress of fast-tracked speeded up sped up cleared the way for helped along made possible paved the way for run interference for hand-carried oiled the wheels of loosened up walked through greased the wheels boosted hurried up fired up given a boost to escalated stepped up spurred on made faster cranked up prest pressed stoked dispatched fast tracked pushed through given a push to oiled the wheels for greased wheels cleared a path for revved up cracked on sent forward whisked gotten moving gathered momentum drove drave druv holp ran interference for gave a boost to supported abetted backed fostered succoured served plugged contributed to succored spread backed up worked for bailed out lent a hand to lent a hand put on the map gave a push to developt developed championed favoured propelled favored progressed relieved obliged cooperated cultivated nurtured worked with benefited benefitted accommodated seconded backstopped greased urged incubated nursed nourished collaborated with waited on attended attended to cooperated with lubricated unclogged oiled patronized propped up reinforced puffed sustained hyped stumped thumped extended ballyhooed generated contributed patronised expanded engendered broadened propagated pitched in with hiked up jacked up bailed someone out rooted for helped out mucked in with opened doors for made peace gone with went with assisted in helped with lent support to stood up for got stuck in with taken care of took care of made a pitch for ironed out the difficulties of lent a helping hand to got someone out of a tight spot urged on dashed off paved the way accomplished quickly made short work of finished quickly achieved quickly shot through gave assistance to given assistance to done someone a favour did someone a service did someone a favour done someone a service was a factor in rode shotgun done for did for ridden shotgun been a factor in were a factor in took the edge off took the sting out taken the sting out taken the edge off given a boost gave a boost gave a hand given a hand gave a lift given a lift gone to bat for went to bat for given a leg up gave a leg up gave a leg up to given a leg up to went down the line for gone down the line for

Động từ

(lead to) Past participle for to culminate or result in a particular event or consequence
leaded led caused brought on brought about given rise to produced effected created engendered generated triggered promoted advanced precipitated prompted contributed to furthered initiated provoked occasioned pushed forward induced stirred up sparked off stimulated helped holpen set off called forth spurred instigated begotten set in motion put in motion touched off triggered off necessitated invited contributed fomented made to happen risked aroused elicited brought to pass catalysed catalyzed entailed had a hand in effectuated ended in had a part in roused conduced to cultivated excited fostered incited involved conduced cost costed enkindled affected inspired evoked instilled culminated in sparked spawned activated invoked yielded yolden whipped up bred translated into added up to launched begun introduced played a part in established started brought achieved played a role in kindled finished in realised realized spelled worked up brought out made possible brought forth actualized caused to happen put in place contrived caused to occur set in borne beared drawn out brought off made for encouraged been a factor in accomplished impelled opened the door for organized attained organised engineered influenced had the effect of forwarded been responsible for oiled the wheels of procured carried off pulled off been partly responsible for carried through instituted rendered compelled terminated in redounded to hatched opened enacted inaugurated resulted drawn made developt mustered developed originated worked started off cooked up fired up motivated started the ball rolling done drawn on gotten things rolling wrought brought up druv come out with expedited moved accelerated secured compassed managed succeeded inflicted wreaked forced swayed disposed innovated brainstormed attracted courted thought up dreamt up tempted solicited enticed allured wooed countenanced issued entreated urged lured flirted with commanded left the door open to asked for brought on oneself called for

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Past participle for to drive out from hiding or cover

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(of an automobile) Past participle for to have in one's possession for use

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Past participle for to drive a motor vehicle in order to evaluate it, especially before potential purchase

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Past participle for to direct one's attention or focus on a particular object or activity

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Past participle for to drive away, or cause to go in a specified direction

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Past participle for keep control over

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Past participle for move through the water in a boat using a paddle or paddles

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Past participle for to affix or impress a pattern or mark on a surface, object, document, or figuratively in one's mind

Trái nghĩa của driven by

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