Đồng nghĩa của so used

Tính từ

Put into practical use

Tính từ

Very experienced in a particular job or activity and therefore not easily upset by its more unpleasant aspects
hardened inured accustomed habituated toughened cast-iron deadened desensitised desensitized experienced hard hard-bitten hardy rugged seasoned stout strong sturdy tough vigorous acclimatised acclimatized coarsened indurate benumbed callous case-hardened coldhearted contemptuous cruel cynical disdainful hard-as-nails hard-boiled hard-edged hardhearted heartless impenetrable impious inaccessible indurated irreverent obtuse prepared resistant steeled unashamed uncaring uncompassionate unemotional unfeeling unrepenting unsentimental unsubmissive robust solid resilient sound durable firm stalwart substantial familiarized well-built familiarised trained hard-wearing strengthened adapted indestructible stable tempered long-lasting strongly made heavy-duty hard as nails tenacious lusty fit resolute conditioned iron enduring unbreakable stubborn staunch imperishable hard-nosed bombproof annealed well-made built to last disciplined indefatigable capable hearty adjusted healthy unflagging gritty rigid stiff inflexible used to impervious uncompromising strapping reinforced mighty fortified fast feisty brawny familiar secure safe given wont heavy acquainted unyielding reliable broken in invincible cohesive dependable addicted made to last as tough as old boots settled in in the habit schooled stark bulletproof learned modified perdurable muscular athletic inexpugnable made ready leathery hulking forceful husky beefy able-bodied thick thickset dense molded tight moulded well-constructed galvanized galvanised withstanding accustomed to indomitable dogged determined liable practised practiced inclined hooked prone tough as nails irrepressible aggressive serviceable spirited valiant plucky intrepid headstrong stouthearted obdurate obstinate powerful steady hard-headed doughty hale shrewd practical realistic impregnable invulnerable unassailable difficult to keep down red-blooded two-fisted self-assertive down-to-earth matter-of-fact inviolable everlasting rock-solid storm-resistant stormproof well defended tried-and-true well-protected fixed lasting steely impassible knockabout well protected flourishing armoured established unattackable well fortified well-founded well-armed concrete immovable airtight armored quick to recover quick to bounce back rolling with punches world-weary tough as old boots self-confident high-powered consolidated adamantine set compressed compacted hard-handed packed stony compact concentrated rocky lacking sentiment toughened by experience as hard as nails exercised familiar with grooved acquainted with at home with experienced in versed in no stranger to conversant with habituated in in the habit of given to influential potent important significant puissant steadfast active persistent unwavering unbending single-minded dour formidable abiding perduring diuturnal long-continued forcible energetic thick-skinned unshakable relentless bullheaded long-lived sinewy big able leading dominant in fine feather manful authoritative prestigious controlling predominant wieldy omnipotent steamroller boss strengthy almighty powerhouse strong as ox water-resistant unaffected waterproof insusceptible fanatical protected unsusceptible to imperviable to repellent unaffected by repellent of impervious to proof against invulnerable to immune immune to passionate enthusiastic ardent dedicated iron-willed fierce driven zealous earnest unflinching intense keen sure loyal avid strong-willed eager vehement sagacious gutsy firm in spirit strong-minded independent perceptive resolved tough-minded faithful ironclad keen as mustard courageous pushy decisive brave untiring animated resourceful confident unhesitating unfaltering certain assertive heroic purposeful take charge mean stout-hearted

Tính từ

wonted accustomed customary familiar usual common conventional habitual normal regular frequent traditional daily given habituated routine chosen preferred typical in the habit of of choice standard everyday ordinary established general stock commonplace expected set prevailing popular accepted fixed natural quotidian settled average prevalent run-of-the-mill ubiquitous universal garden-variety household orthodox workaday mainstream time-honoured unexceptional prosaic unremarkable cut-and-dried cut-and-dry widespread day-to-day recognized plain common or garden standard-issue recognised rife constant current acknowledged time-honored going rampant bog-standard classic confirmed ritual long-established predictable classical mundane received chronic public prescriptive pervasive garden variety repeated ritualistic historic proven characteristic old vanilla sanctioned rooted predominant fashionable methodical typic well-known enduring lasting tried and true tried and tested endemic stereotyped garden inveterate persistent folk periodic approved ancestral undistinguished old-world long-lived age-old long-standing old-time acceptable mechanical domestic majority recurring overall steady permanent extensive consistent formulaic ongoing humdrum widely used prescribed true ruling representative regulation favorite favourite proverbial canonical native matter-of-course monotonous well worn old hat in vogue middle-of-the-road par for the course adopted obvious stereotypical respected scheduled generic default gut mediocre comfortable discreet indifferent inconspicuous ancient venerable seasonal congruous orderly well established uneventful agreed OB numerous staple basic diurnal recurrent in established usage tralatitious traditionary in use known archetypal archetypical authorized boilerplate obligatory endorsed understood admitted staid perpetual acquainted one-size-fits-all dull ceremonial terrestrial family casual unimaginative banal informal unsophisticated touted unadventurous conformist profuse reiterated de rigueur incessant continual whitebread recognizable nitty-gritty a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen doctrinal immemorial unopposed passed legit okayed authorised homespun humble recognisable inherent symptomatic well known official perennial agreed upon arrived at indicative foreseen reliable anticipated foreseeable emblematic dyed-in-the-wool common variety matter-of-fact periodical taken for granted distinctive unsurprising idiosyncratic proper likely distinguishing true to form in keeping to be expected on the cards only to be expected individualistic in character clichéd cliched … all over true to type entrenched addicting repetitious practised practiced iterative disciplined reiterative perfunctory iterated systematic cyclic seasoned automatic long-term well-established mass wide shared broad global national joint blanket collective communal overarching outright stable ingrained deep-rooted comprehensive old-fashioned traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized institutionalised institutionalized sweeping epidemic nationwide societal wholesale total vulgar secure unshakable vested widely held in force broad-brush all-round broad-spectrum all-around across-the-board in circulation across the board simple plastic grind so-so white-bread pedestrian boring characterless uninteresting plain vanilla unmemorable uninspired unexciting colourless nothing to write home about colorless nondescript fair middling no great shakes uninspiring ornery hackneyed trite OK lackluster lacklustre dreary tedious unoriginal stale bland modest unnoteworthy continuing second-rate tame inbred standardized tolerable passable not up to much deep-seated drab standardised medium ineradicable unmitigated abiding inborn incurable nothing special derivative obstinate stubborn lifelong unpretentious tired unvaried repetitive hacky forgettable unabating lowly correct jejune ceaseless inferior mean appropriate run-of-the-mine run-of-mine half-pie overused persisting tenacious continuous ever-present unyielding bog standard certain right insipid wearisome not much cop vintage protracted platitudinous unimpressive quintessential tiresome model adequate compulsory ho-hum insignificant unvarying blah mandatory dominant moderate prototypical decent corny by the numbers homely slow signature nowhere long-lasting ideal banausic determined existing fair-to-middling heavy second-class authoritative intermediate okay ten a penny fairish not so hot formal present straightforward definite nothing to get excited about defined required square unquestioned perfect stipulated absolute overworked median consummate necessary exemplary central paradigmatic textbook definitive nothing undoubted in style prolonged preponderant regnant essential serious practical in fashion fundamental undisputed plebeian prosy ponderous stodgy suburban worn out catholic all-embracing worldwide ecumenical stuffy numbing worn-out innate inconsequential arid leaden jading flat amateurish amateur satisfactory lingering dragging prototypal dusty monochromatic stupid dry mind-numbing run of the mill two a penny bush-league not bad O.K. fair to middling sustained middle of the road all right explicit precise fitting lamestream pervading diagnostic contemporary latest extant modern express exact long-drawn-out core unspectacular valid acquired honored what one would expect familial in-between usual thing long-winded dead ho hum big yawn time-worn overdone well-worn derived annoying irritating decided next presentational sop wont trivial domiciliary famous notorious legendary famed uncontested statutory legal lawful canonic timeworn honoured samey reigning arranged specified immortal ageless primary cornball dime-store local vexatious boresome predetermined remaining serviceable mutual played out starch same old homey home lacking variety lacking variation timeless appointed no-frills anonymous workday good unimportant prearranged playing it safe standard operating procedure in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle superabundant inevitable familiar tune boiler plate severe jake drawn-out spun-out haunting axiomatic renowned self-evident useless united embraced like ready-made highbrow circulating irrelevant paltry inconsiderable ultimate unmistakable symbolic hard-core deep bred-in-the-bone deep-set intrenched unavoidable inescapable unforgettable memorable undying deathless unending acute dangerous anaemic pointless immaterial piddling worthless random cyclical continued individual planned supreme whatever meaningless reputed infamous symphonic concert heavyweight not very good empty gray grey commutual intermutual traditionalist congenital irredeemable anemic recommended assigned cheap and commonplace superior assured commonest reoccurring dire alarming extreme grave peculiar out-and-out complete utter afoot businesslike predominating wearying drudging tiring weary readily available widely available at his best at its best at her best sworn radicated adamant non-specific indurated of little importance of no consequence of no importance of little consequence not worth mentioning of no great concern of no account rolling repeating successive blending into the background unpreventable ineluctable principal influential operative main preponderating special respective particular personal own distinct about never-ending thoroughgoing royal real arrant positive thorough bromidic toneless lifeless treadmill dim monotone plodding considerable in the air bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use on everyone's lips going around talked of prime imitable copybook oft repeated midway middle lusterless actual practicable yawn clean pabulum diddly zero irksome prose full specific generous tidy abundant significant appreciable marked noticeable goodly sizable worthwhile substantial sizeable biggish medial mid dinki-di halfway intermediary certified respectable reasonable unmistaken allowed neutral midsized midmost midsize mediate supported identifying robot-like affirmed ratified par unlimited pandemic celestial all all-over unrestricted stellar cosmic multinational planetary cosmopolitan diffuse all-inclusive empyrean worldly omnipresent whole astronomical backed validated unnoticeable matter-of- fact permitted legalized OK'd medium-sized middle-sized ceremonious legalised legitimate discriminating identifiable made official vouched for ample sufficient goodish intensive straight kosher done no big deal rightful unheretical bien pensant up to standard good enough pretty good comme il faut in line straight arrow according to the book socially obligatory a must conforming to accepted standards called for au fait most common most typical most usual most frequent

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Damaged and shabby as a result of much use
worn shabby frayed ragged tattered threadbare faded holey moth-eaten patched broken-down crumbling decrepit dilapidated in ribbons in tatters scruffy seedy shoddy sorry tatty tumbledown well worn worn out deteriorated grotty in holes in rags raggedy ratty time-worn worn to shreds falling to pieces old overused overworked raggedy-ass rent run down warby busted clapped out damaged destroyed dinged lined ruined totaled wizened falling apart at the seams worse for wear having seen better days on its last legs the worse for wear dog-eared well-worn worn-down pegged out wrung out worn-out battered tacky tired run-down shopworn bedraggled timeworn hackneyed beat-up stale trite passé rundown impaired antiquated effete mangy down-at-heel scrubby miserable tatterdemalion unkempt down-at-the-heels neglected dumpy sleazy grungy mean bombed-out ancient banal injured frowzy dingy used-up down-at-the-heel in shreds hack cobwebby cliché-ridden stereotyped hackney aged cliche stock obligatory musty commonplace dated distressed weathered beat up out at elbows down at heel outworn wrinkled clichéd hoary passe sere depleted etiolated useless shot unoriginal corny out of date rickety ramshackle old hat decaying derelict creaky creaking decayed superannuated falling apart deteriorating rumpty in ruins in disrepair weather-beaten gone to rack and ruin quavering shaking in a state of disrepair tumble-down ill-maintained crippled unsound flimsy insubstantial fragile anile haggard ruinous disintegrating shaky shacky gone to seed shambly uncared-for squalid poor tottering crummy unmaintained precarious rotten unsteady weak unsafe unstable wobbly insecure slummy frail untidy untended broken rocky infirm insalubrious collapsing wretched dangerous crumbly torn depressed pitiful desolate scuzzy slipshod in poor condition degenerated messy broken down unhealthy breaking up in bad condition badly maintained poorly maintained seen better days in a bad way jerry-built tottery hazardous perilous wavering rotting decomposing withering unreliable grubby marred abandoned dirty wonky teetery bad disfigured bare meager wrecked meagre eroding dodgy ripped out of condition poverty-stricken scraggy frazzled shaggy ragtag caving in falling in on your last legs all the worse for wear used up coming apart at the seams poorly made badly dressed badly worn full of holes beaten-up treacherous dishevelled disheveled uncouth unkept sordid dowdy underprivileged deprived old-fashioned clapped-out peaked shattered uncared downgone contaminated infected septic unwholesome blighted defective split dismal decrepit. in ruins knocked around subsiding moldering putrefying peeling unusable unfit flabby raunchy unimproved beat under par below par manky scungy slovenly in bad repair desultory unpressed unfinished crude contemptible shredded delicate mouldering droopy overgrown wilted sickly wilting drooping ailing sagging flagging falling down filthy condemned down at the heel imperfect feeble uncared for beaten up loose coming undone not solid not safe not robust mediocre yucky skanky scabby fallen-in rinky-dink fallen in rugged substandard ordinary tawdry base lousy paltry in poor shape debilitated out of shape rachitic unbalanced rattletrap geriatric middling low-grade menial second-rate two-bit sad dying declining rank mucky indigent sick unpleasant impoverished sticky gunky gungy low-rent waning torn to pieces unsecured degenerating failing perishing unsubstantial languishing forsaken loosened slack slackened lax spindly relaxed oxidizing in decline rusting oxidising corroded on the decline fluctuant defenseless vacillating endangered immature defenceless rootless disintegrated breaking crumbled on the way out wearing away breaking down on the rocks fordone undone irreparable blasted undid munted irremediable hurt robbed plundered pillaged spoiled defaced botched mutilated uninhabited harried harmed at risk spoilt disreputable cure pot

Tính từ

Having no power or energy left
spent exhausted drained wearied weary bushed debilitated dog-tired tired all in limp fatigued knackered whacked worn out beat bone-tired enervated wiped out bone-weary pooped prostrate shattered weakened frazzled tired out aweary beaten bleary burned-out burnt-out bushwhacked dead done fried jaded jiggered loggy logy stonkered tuckered out wabbit washed-out whipped worn worn-out burnt out done in fagged out fordone knocked out played out ready to drop rooted toilworn zonked zonked out blown clapped out dead beat done-in effete fagged far-gone shot tapped out wasted worn to a frazzle had it shagged out sapped dead tired weak done for run-down depleted kaput prostrated sleepy out on one's feet rundown burned out drowsy jet-lagged consumed used up worn-down outta gas crippled on your last legs finished disabled haggard puffing puffed panting breathless washed out gasping overtired careworn weariful listless flat flagging asleep on one's feet languid fit to drop out of breath puffed out done up gasping for breath puffing and blowing whacked out running on empty drawn gaunt dead on one's feet drooping tuckered droopy creamcrackered empty enfeebled wan strained without energy pinched gone lethargic low out of gas asleep hollow-cheeked collapsing sluggish overworked languorous bare emptied destitute pale peaky ashen blanched hollow-eyed unproductive impoverished vacant run down expended pasty-faced out torpid dog-weary lacklustre lackluster somnolent dragging hacked extremely tired lackadaisical heavy inactive inert dead-tired dead-beat wiped-out wiped etiolated bored sick all-in taxed faint peaked languishing unwell groggy narcoleptic overtaxed overused old done with through low-energy raddled sallow like death warmed up bedraggled dog tired broken-down worn down petered out infirm feeble run ragged wrinkled grim fretted on last leg very tired dropping lassitudinous blasé bleary-eyed over-tired tired-out stressed out in poor health apathetic dissipated sleep deprived lacking in energy squandered exasperated dry lumbering devoid bankrupt void played-out indolent wooden barren unfertile all gone poor infertile stark bony hardscrabble reduced desolate waste boney diminished unenergetic slow slow-moving slothful lymphatic slumberous slow-going slow-paced lazy sedentary somnific dilatory snoozy spiritless lifeless passive dull at an end denuded uncultivatable arid sterile sucked dry comatose passed out down for the count out for the count

Tính từ

(tried and true/tested) Tested, hence, proven to be firm or reliable
tried reliable dependable sure true trustworthy certain trusted unfailing attested calculable established good proved proven responsible safe secure solid sound steady tested trustable trusty approved certified classic consistent constant demonstrated failsafe faithful recognised recognized reputable staunch steadfast fail-safe tried and tested tried and true tried-and-true time-honoured tried out true-blue put to the test safe as houses loyal unwavering honourable honorable firm honest unswerving upright resolute devoted stable ardent conscientious devout stanch pious dyed-in-the-wool fast foolproof fixed strong dutiful committed straight truthful settled incorruptible allegiant dedicated unfaltering confirmed enduring sensible demonstrable never-failing well-built down-the-line sincere scrupulous hard-core behind one on the level well-founded patriotic genuine sturdy stalwart determined definite guaranteed competent mature conclusive true-hearted credible virtuous ethical righteous sure-fire attached always there obedient level-headed hopeful liege tried and trusted confiding unchanging well-engineered well-grounded loving affectionate time-tested high-quality string along with circumspect well-tried up front well engineered tested and proved creditworthy straightforward predictable card-carrying orthodox veracious sterling rational sane uncompromising deep-dyed reasonable in good faith die-hard discreet durable adult immutable unchangeable capable rigid assured unimpeachable principled immovable stout verified true to life correct believable saintly lasting unshakeable fly right to be trusted straight-up worthy of trust above suspicion true blue boy scout down home full of integrity rock solid as good as one's word balanced permanent confident checked authentic capable of being trusted equable easy unanxious nailed down locked on absolute undoubtful sanguine in the bag carefree able shoo-in undoubted upheld supported verifiable valid establishable accepted rocklike favorite main important principal perdurable bulletproof copper-bottomed sustained long-lived long-standing long-lasting go-to well balanced well-balanced carrying the load honored to be counted on good as one's word deep-rooted infallible honoured close intimate right-hand favourite efficacious effective unerring watertight flawless perfect unassailable unbreakable faultless goofproof airtight pure enthusiastic fervent passionate right just moral nice decent supportive right-minded decided strong-minded persistent single-minded set on resolved gritty set strong-willed dogged earnest bent on hardboiled tenacious driven untiring indomitable stubborn unflinching unhesitating obstinate buckled down bent purposeful persevering worthy truehearted veridical undistorted estimable high-principled creditable square wholehearted all right never failing idiot-proof no lie on the up and up gung ho avid fervid impassioned sworn serious inveterate intent upstanding noble respectable high-minded fair proper law-abiding zealous blameless stand-up fanatical equitable unshakable laudable exemplary conscionable obdurate admirable unyielding inexorable irreproachable immaculate unrelenting undeviating inflexible kosher anti-corruption keen deep impartial hardened unbending vigorous sinless guiltless adamant moralistic intransigent praiseworthy meritorious complete angelic commendable unflagging strict thorough brave vehement entrenched intense squeaky clean clean courageous unqualified indefatigable elevated bold innocent thoroughgoing chivalrous abiding spirited respected bona fide insistent aboveboard relentless emphatic stiff bound implacable morally correct deep-seated right-thinking squeaky-clean out-and-out rock-ribbed through and through unfeigned bred-in-the-bone undaunted knightly rooted pertinacious unquestioning lofty even venerable valiant unstained impeccable bulldog plucky chaste lawful courteous hard-working mettlesome strenuous diehard assiduous diligent fair-minded uncorrupted fitting habitual invariable ingrained incorrigible unshaken incurable long-established noble-minded stout-hearted same profound equal above board spunky incorrupt clean-living unadulterated pure as the driven snow through-and-through meaning business well-established reverent unalloyed heartfelt natural adherent undiluted unlimited torrid intrenched great intrepid warm untarnished unvarying fiery utter bosom regular unflappable gallant magnanimous pledged positive supreme boon seasoned steely forthright chronic legit objective continuous unprejudiced unbiased unbribable indelible direct big purposive unfluctuating inculpable ineradicable whole-hearted humane godly saintlike deliberate punctilious uniform deserving unapologetic unashamed unmovable eager decisive homogeneous wholesome of principle benevolent explicit tough perseverant holy spiritual of good repute manful red-hot all-consuming compulsive indifferent evenhanded nonpartisan disinterested on the up-and-up orderly well-mannered candid indurate gutsy dispassionate hard-line distinguished persisting unbendable unalterable instilled self-righteous infixed whiter than white mad keen four-square well established hell-bent on fair and square bent upon out and out dead set on deeply ingrained deep-down do-or-die deep-set full-fledged salt of the earth hell-bent upon unswervable humble uncontrived unpretentious fundamentalist religious traditional conservative impervious attentive concerned redoubtable prayerful admiring consecrated immobile changeless inseparable definitive powerful abject burning acute God-fearing unmistakable patient quality active perfervid on one's side Christian heightened severe extraordinary extreme exceptional consuming seemly upfront revering full of determination grim godlike philanthropic matchless peerless charitable philanthropical rightful morally right morally acceptable full-bore unrepentant tireless venerating as thick as thieves arrant right-down sedulous decorous stirring excessive inflamed rousing grave endless boundless dinkum cohesive importunate stiff-necked to the core keen as mustard congenital embedded studious heroic valorous chivalric inexhaustible coherent impersonal deeply felt adoring doting rabid fond exuberant refined purified fortified irremovable excellent valuable worthwhile possessive mulish unforgetful pristine veritable ceaseless on-the-level right and proper on the square fair-and-square fine daring greathearted gentlemanly high lordly sublime applaudable model thinking twice fastidious critical extremely careful heedful punctual exact precise neutral even-handed non-partisan open-minded legitimate surefire can't-miss unfading undying continual dapper alright goody-goody unmarred unobjectionable clean-cut esteemed lily-white highly regarded inoffensive precious justifiable justified invaluable dug in set firm single-hearted old faithful of good report A-1 first-class anti-discrimination non-discriminatory courtly intemerate bottomless true to the end well grounded from the horse's mouth as keen as mustard given over to unmixed real unstinting full unambiguous total unreserved categorical delivering there eternal come-through continuing virginal gentlemanlike manly great-hearted quixotic uncolored nondiscriminatory maidenly unmitigated unrestricted unequivocal unconditional undivided hearty assertive sheer hard virgin modest out determinate dominant in earnest unmalleable expected raw unsullied prevailing inexpugnable domineering going counted on undefiled outright true to type stainless spotless unblemished tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon intent on determined to committed to the idea of hell bent on entire fullhearted perennial lifelong hard-and-fast guileless unspoilt unaffected hang tough stand pat quickest shortest linear 24-carat celibate continent vestal white unprofaned inviolate unspotted unblighted impenitent irredeemable unreformable obsessive longtime kind obliging similar static helpful neighbourly accustomed inured habituated staid accommodating lily white wide-eyed identical unvaried matching equivalent invariant sicker generous thoughtful gracious friendly amiable considerate hospitable hundred percent whole-souled above reproach agreeable indulgent kindly unselfish amicable civil comradely altruistic benign sympathetic monotonous pure as driven snow babe in woods G-rated wet behind ears sociable polite pleasant without reservations ordered fated irreversible unmodifiable fateful well-proportioned ossified plumb symmetrical unbroken systematic consonant level undiversified of a piece normal compatible methodical smooth monolithic genial regardful peaceable companionable mannerly well-disposed neighborly well mannered well-brought-up beeline straight line straight ahead bee-line not crooked horizontal hard-shell firmly established irreprehensible without reproach in the clear of excellent character

Động từ

To have consumed, especially an illicit substance

Động từ

(dated) To have behaved toward in a stated way

Trái nghĩa của so used

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