Đồng nghĩa của Shift

Alternative for Shift

shifts, shifted, shifting

Đồng nghĩa: alter, change, substitute, vary,

Danh từ

A slight change in position, direction, or tendency
change adjustment deviation swing transition adaptation fluctuation swap switch alteration modification realignment recasting redirection renewal reshaping revision transformation turn turnaround vacillation amendment conversion flux modulation readjustment reformation reversal variance variation veering about-turn changeover correction mutation oscillation permutation rearrangement refashioning reordering retraction revolution rowback stirring substitution upheaval wavering bend deflection stir yaw sea change flip-flop about-face U-turn metamorphosis development move remodelling movement transmutation remodeling transfiguration transmogrification change of heart reconstruction turnabout volte-face reorganization motion vicissitude progression reorganisation innovation evolution makeover reworking change of mind revamping difference advance backtracking translation drift turnround shifting course refinement restyling diversification turnover addition transposition trend transubstantiation alternation remoulding redoing rebuilding remaking variability reshuffling novelty tendency tempering diversity variety remolding break climb-down inconstancy passage renovation concession restructuring retreat doubleback reverse changing progress see-sawing yo-yoing rejigging compression contraction surrogate distortion direction current renewing instability tide bias rotation radical change flow unsteadiness change of direction shake-up wind curve overhaul backpedaling turning swerve backpedalling ebb and flow regeneration revolutionizing 180 degree turn shakedown revolutionising rise and fall paradigm shift one-eighty change of plan gradation rising and falling reversal of policy change in direction growth leaning repositioning mid-course correction run transfer relocation passing arc repeal inclination crossover redesign redevelopment arch twist orientation cancelation interchange redistribution regrouping changeability bearing undulation mutability departure metanoia tenor hook changeabout advancement rethink cancellation angle tack unrest modernization aim rise morph improvement revolutionary change change of tack complete change volte face jump metastasis leap shuffle rationalization manipulation u-turn turning point crossing transit swaying backdown vagary repetition right about turn seesawing path procession operation process replacement cross specialisation climbdown downturn switchover divergence nuance fluidity waving revise review rationalisation tergiversation converting gravitation heading diversion dynamics activity fitfulness irregularity changeableness unpredictability quantum jump sudden change major change quantum leap marked transformation total change reversion rollback backtrack digression evolving exchange fixing switch-over accommodation newfangledness innovativeness specialization eating one's words mobility motility agitation drive slant tilt fickleness unreliability continuous change tailoring customizing refitting originality break with the past kinesis sway kinetics breakaway U-ey revamp reshuffle inclining repeated rotation go over adoption customising reorientation upset disruption change of fortune overturning double freshness unconventionality modernism newness roaming wandering cataclysm convulsions reform drastic shakeout origination presentation sorting order grouping disposition organization arrangement combination uniqueness coming and going toing and froing to and fro fall break with tradition new measures new devices shake up new methods shift of emphasis bent full swing drastic alteration complete shift radical alteration dramatic change version perm alternative policy change metasis altering evolvement 180 organisation rebirth annulment spin transfigurement inversion zigzag rescinding swivel winding cycle whirl twirl gyration circle wheel lean turning around second thoughts change of opinion change of attitude curvature pivot circumvolution spiral pirouette circulation crook roll gyre curving inflection twisting inflexion circuit bow round enhancement restoration maturation upgrading redecoration rehabilitation betterment emergence coming-of-age embellishment beautification maturing amelioration growing rectification refurbishment expansion blossoming promotion furtherance titivation sprucing up rendering repair rejuvenation unfolding breakthrough qualification gentrification augmentation fruition overhauling flourishing headway prettification revitalization flowering rehab buildup enrichment step forward escalation resolution resolving reclamation reconditioning maturity mending ripening customization extension boost melioration blooming advancing unraveling burgeoning upgrade elevation customisation unravelling elaboration momentum steps forward relaunch reinvention cosmetic treatment transcription refurnishing refurbishing urban renewal perestroika transspecific evolution rebrand reassembling revival restriction redesigning resurgence born again resurrection reorganizing remake reorienting inroads natural process resuscitation revivification see the light rejuvenescence reanimation renaissance adaption seeing the light transliteration updating facelift being born again reorganising augmenting boosting ground gained refurb face-lift gain alterations doing up macroevolution fixing up switches revisions shifts reformations amendments transitions leap forward inroad discovery find invention finding step advances permutations metamorphoses succession sequence success technological advancement scientific advancement modifying makeovers remodelings refinements rearrangements corrections march continuity regulating regulation paradigm change fundamental change rejiggings reorganizations turns remoldings changes remakings reorganisations nurse nourish incubate step in the right direction proceeding spread form unrolling enlargement spreading expedition change for the better transubstantiations sea changes setting refining correcting journey upgrowth forwarding chain improvements working out amending tuning rectifying scheme consecution onrush string capability ability tweaking jiggering twiddling redress readjustments realignments onward motion movement forward forward motion forward movement onward movement organising shaping organizing repairing balancing fitting adulthood ontogenesis ontogeny mutant aberration fine-tuning different form alternative form other form deviant rogue patching up exception branch result alternate spinoff derived form variant revised version option

Danh từ

The group of people who work during a particular allocation of time
crew team gang group staff unit force workers employees mob outfit party set squad troop army brigade bunch crowd lot patrol troupe line-up working party company posse corps platoon band detachment dream team body pack cluster flock assemblage bevy gathering gaggle bevvy throng swarm array horde herd organization covey knot circle collection batch congregation organisation coterie host contingent huddle grouping clique block drove association consort assembly boodle league battery crop club division legion sodality faction muster section ring partnership alliance fellowship guild fraternity multitude tribe mass passel squadron constellation clutch society union battalion brotherhood order institution federation consortium sect clan load regiment aggregation community cohort coalition stream press lodge parcel affiliation council sorority board institute congress ensemble delegation cadre camp detail scrum crush syndicate myriad sea cram rout number cooperative sisterhood house confraternity network formation college chamber gild combination lineup selection pile garrison amalgamation galaxy confederation side wolf pack clump retinue bike flight score complement establishment string stable entirety totality total wing bloc combine corporation concourse turnout subdivision social organization brood vocation aircrew nye service firm business enterprise denomination sector operation agency clubhouse group of men men deputation rabble cell confederacy fold convention mountain profusion abundance small group shoal composite bundle mission phalanx cloud scores jam school blowout push camaraderie world frat coven concern commando interest system federacy entente meeting cast trio panel partners foursome players agglomeration aggregate large crowd klatch klatsch one thing building block delegacy setup shower ruck Bund column servicemen troopers forces troops combatants ballet sum whole lot suite integrality co-partnership axis quota crowd of people vast number fighting men pool syndication alignment consociation family copartnership set-up stockpile the whole kit and caboodle the whole enchilada crème de la crème rat pack social club kinship private club theater company theater group touring company commission committee legation disciples actors performers concert party mandem caboodle subculture subgroup folks class moiety following culture faith stock company acting company repertory company menagerie

Danh từ

(archaic) An ingenious or devious device or stratagem
expedient device dodge move ruse scheme subterfuge trick artifice stratagem wile craft resource evasion means measure step strategy contrivance deception equivocation gambit maneuver manoeuvre plan ploy expediency hoax makeshift recourse refuge resort stopgap game tactic machination gimmick wheeze method feint fetch flimflam plot stunt con scam sleight play jig deceit imposture lurk knack juggle shenanigan fake fraud action blind sham pretence cheat course of action angle grift set-up pretense intrigue pretext racket swindle program programme bunco rort twist schlenter flanker tack con trick procedure way bluff line of action course design tactics sting trap gyp approach cunning plan substitute rig confidence trick setup fastie game plan initiative act policy smokescreen wrinkle scenario duplicity system operation project chicanery conspiracy canard brainchild snare catch concern instrument jest secret counterfeit fun fixture sport idea motion deed proposition purpose misrepresentation pattern recipe methodology improvisation movement caper arrangement shifting line cabal proceeding leg-pull path agency loophole Trojan horse craftiness trickery effort wangle machinations plan of action master plan lie switch decoy invention whitewash hustle cover stall last resort pis aller red herring booby trap snow job put-up job sleight of hand secret plan gizmo gadget widget practicality make-do expedience control road cunning scheming prank joke plans wiles creation innovation coinage concoction guile set of tactics artfulness slyness curveball shenanigans hoodwinking pretension bait frame-up covin savvy imposition fakery legal action sellout sell humbug spoof loss-leader shtick distraction slant fabrication formation kicker venture manoeuvring blueprint masquerade gamesmanship sharp practice treachery ambush enterprise maneuvering scene bit duck falsehood delusion distortion apparatus publicity device eye-catching novelty promotion aid deviousness crafty designs road map grand design ground plan dirty trick sweet talk soft soap dirty work crocodile tears smoke and mirrors double-dealing rip-off mock attack put-on make-believe one-upmanship bait and switch little game replacement stand-in temporary solution oldest trick in the book excuse direction band-aid progress attempt temporary measure temporary expedient activity fashion technique route tenor form variation style manner process finesse cunningness how set line of attack gesture clever move gesticulation stir locomotion exercise hokum porky signal sign hogwash jive bilk mare's-nest fallacy story ride pork pie chicane cover-up shuck malarkey illusion crock fib fast shuffle con game confidence game fast one intention deal suggestion proposal disposition thought undertaking formula submission animus treatment projection big picture fiddle cheating facade façade charade front shell game diddle allurement frame imitation dissimulation hocus-pocus bunko temptation kite enticement show disguise boondoggle shakedown lure fix camouflage simulation double-cross come-on seducement dirty pool inveiglement entrapment pitfall swizzle collusion mask codology guise kidology cloak attraction swizz graft semblance dishonesty ramp legerdemain mousetrap pose extortion airs hypocrisy inducement playacting draw fraudulent scheme hook practice carrot smoke screen shady deal medium sitting duck fit-up swindling manipulation practical joke planning demarche shuffle magic crime insincerity screen tool posturing mockery skullduggery falseness forgery phoney pull appeal phony falsity jugglery hanky-panky plotting conjuring dupe bit of sharp practice incentive seduction faking feigning magnet veil plant blackmail perfidy disloyalty exploitation invitation gold brick mummery monkey business stealing bill of goods call crooked deal bribe siren song sweetener tout play-acting false front drawing card jape winning move land mine option escapade feat hosing funny business jiggery-pokery skulduggery quiz dido possibility alternative mine hidden danger baited trap trip wire deadfall fraudulence campaigning manoeuvres generalship toils roguery knavery sucker game beguilement monkeyshines horseplay sanctimoniousness cant attention-grabber deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption interest fascination turn-on subversion posing veneer acting falsification misstatement shuffling routine ostentation gag display appearance schtick embezzlement duping ensnarement quackery deceptiveness devices diplomacy defence maneuvers defense channels campaign contraption mode appliance charlatanry draft draught secret scheme flim-flam trumped-up charge false charge allure gin double cross bluster phoneyness empty talk hypocritical talk hypocritical behaviour Tartufferie dragnet snag connivance complicity impersonation reproduction copy corruption song and dance curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue phoniness dissembling lies propaganda costume personation color colour revel masking farce pantomime parody burlesque fiction smoke booster stoolie blow off stick beard nark stool pigeon shill bragging bravado bombast mock-up dummy complot confederacy optical illusion magic trick squeeze lay theft illegality lawlessness false pretense dumb act overcharging push false show idle boast league lookalike likeness red tape conjuring trick rip sedition hookup countermine counterplot treacherousness snow boast braggadocio jiving travesty pinchbeck knock-off pirate secret understanding instrumentality spell illegal scheme golden circle mere show do have illegal enterprise criminal activity solution pseudo four-flusher junque replica pretentiousness simulacrum pageant mimicry knowledge agreement involvement consent approval skunk guiltiness guilt collaboration cahoots flam diddling prestidigitation plan of attack illicit scheme jazz wrong baloney false colors robbery bad buy mare's nest daylight robbery larceny thieving lift thievery purloining bad deal steal cozening hoaxing bamboozlement -gate backstabbing business betrayal infidelity unfaithfulness faithlessness two-timing treason charm fraudulent artifice fradulent artifice false display occultism cover up run around mystification stab in the back

Danh từ

The action of departing from an established course or accepted standard
deviation divergence difference variation disparity discrepancy departure variance aberration anomaly digression irregularity diversion abnormality divagation divergency inconsistency nonconformity eccentricity change straying fluctuation oddness alteration deviance unorthodoxy modification unconventionality veering deviancy freakishness breach transgression variableness hereticism turning aside dissimilarity dissimilitude nonconformance inequality deflection unconformity diversity disagreement nonagreement wandering drift drifting moving away detour novelty innovation turning rambling declination distraction branching off latest thing in thing new wrinkle last word branching out distinction displacement tolerance break diversification sidetrack exception mutation curve turn side topic side issue swerve unrelated issue alternate train of thought unrelated topic departure from the norm break in routine excursus tangent excursion aside parenthesis episode discursion alternative footnote apostrophe note obiter dictum incident irrelevancy development form variety adaptation veer revision variant different form alternative form other form derived form revised version addition afterthought interpolation comment malfunction decay lapse dysfunction red herring error mistake aberrancy unusualness distortion transfiguration permutation metamorphosis version mutant transformation deviant rogue whole new ball game refraction bend swerving bending slew branch result alternate spinoff option rebound glance drawing away divarication swing twist ricochet turning away fork right-about left-about change of course reversal change of direction about-face turn-off meandering foray maundering going off at a tangent straying from the topic straying from the point incidental remark deviation from the subject losing one's thread getting sidetracked

Danh từ

A movement of animals or people from one region to another
migration emigration relocation exodus departure flight movement journey expatriation moving travel voyage transfer passage hegira wandering immigration defection posting trek resettling resettlement roving run transhumance move moving abroad Völkerwanderung crossing peregrination march transmigration removal displacement colonization leaving exile settling transplanting diaspora reestablishment uprooting homesteading traveling colonisation travelling shifting drifting withdrawal evacuation settlement entry arrival moving overseas adventure expedition trip campaign venture pilgrimage course quest odyssey journeying progress scramble exploration excursion jaunt wayfaring globetrotting travels approach procession commutation route walkabout drive spin errand retreat sortie commute outing slog ride visit walk hike lift constitutional itinerary vagabondage promenade circuit roaming tour junket beat traverse patrol round caravan vagrancy tramp safari range sally ramble stroll transit saunter grand tour period of travelling cruise crusade hurl awayday swing mission survey voyaging tootle hop long journey overnight day out weekend day trip sail sailing transition itineration traversal sea change recce reconnaissance sweep hajj navigation transport holiday turn foray footslog discovery joyride airing yatra undertaking enterprise spree period of traveling minibreak joy ride short journey sashay trudge religious journey holy expedition trog yomp commission exploit operation project assignment frolic wander long haul trail break term hitch stint tenure mini holiday away day mystery tour short break pleasure trip day away picnic cavalcade entrada whistle-stop stump round trip getaway go time road circle tour bout trick roundabout

Danh từ

An item of clothing
tog dress apparel attire clothes clothing costume covering drape frock garb garment gear gown habit outfit raiment robe skirt smock suit threads uniform accouterment attirement civvies dry goods duds ensemble evening clothes guise habiliment muumuu Sunday best things toga toggery trappings vestment wardrobe togs get-up drag wear clobber vestments garms rags rigout schmutter rig weeds getup rig-out garments apron regalia finery costumery habiliments kit vesture rigging wearables vestiary pinafore turnout glad rags nightgown nightshirt nightdress robes array wedding dress ball gown evening dress cocktail dress cover feathers coat drapes item of clothing article of clothing item of dress articles of clothing livery strip regimentals articles of dress accoutrements disguise frippery fashion accouterments equipment habits sportswear equipage set of clothes tunic camouflage cassock alb accoutrement colours orale tatters baggage drapery colors caparison rig out stole personal attire hood cincture dud trapping outfits apparatus implements raiments casual bedclothes work formal effects amice style mode chasuble surplice national dress bib and tucker stripes khaki OD whistle riding clothes riding dress gymslip tuxedo panoply feather best olive drab monkey suit coordinated outfit overclothes underclothes mufti tailleur trousseau gaiety gayety dress suit bravery trouser suit gray flannel whistle and flute hand-me-downs full feather veil cloak fine clothes full dress housecoat shroud peignoir bathrobe negligee kimono negligée kanzu dishdasha djellaba dolman wrapper dressing gown robe de chambre

Danh từ

An instance of segueing, a transition

Danh từ

A loose shirtlike undergarment, especially for women

Danh từ

Critical juncture
turning point climacteric watershed landmark climax corner crisis crossroads milepost milestone axis change contingency critical moment crossing crunch crux culmination cusp decisive moment development emergency exigency hinge juncture nexus pass peak peripeteia pinch pivot strait transition twist critical mass critical period critical point crucial moment crucial occurrence crucial period defining moment high noon kairotic moment moment of truth pivotal moment rising action zero hour race against time point of no return turn of the tide when push comes to shove breaking point crunch time head extremity clutch Dunkirk decisive point conjuncture boiling point flash point tinderbox knife-edge critical stage tipping point crucial point pivotal point critical juncture stage crisis point predicament crossroad Rubicon do or die time hour of decision kairos impasse state condition event plight sink or swim time watershed moment circumstance occasion flashpoint loaded moment crossway traffic circle decision junction intersection roundabout connection combination conclusion end acme concurrence the Rubicon irreversible momentum height seminal moment stalemate when it came to it terminus threshold match point rubicon deadlock confrontation coming to a head hot spot standstill time moment point divide waypost pregnant moment fateful moment charged moment fated moment major achievement historic event phase period moment in time quandary interval status instant posture choice point in time position situation signpost marker indicator sign mark achievement fix jam state of affairs state of things straits breakthrough record goal major event discovery high point highlight D-day deadline vital moment appointed time countdown A-day H-hour appointed hour target start time point of decision target day jumping-off point moment of decision the time

Danh từ

A fresh set of people or animals relieving others

Động từ

To move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance
move transfer reposition relocate rearrange dislocate cart displace transpose bear convey lug remove transport bring carry haul reallocate ship shuffle disturb fetch replace take move around move over ferry budge tote transplant send pack truck conduct transmit deliver schlepp change lift drag dispatch hump emigrate forward dislodge alter migrate freight resettle schlep pull heave uproot pack off relay funnel switch immigrate traject consign channel shoulder hoist import route position reorganize reshuffle adjust push reorder misplace redistribute convoy tug rejig break redispose readjust run tow quit reorganise revamp reset flit heft shoot remit trawl piggyback pass address move house buck sweep go away send off hold take over translate manhandle drive airlift recondition readapt reorient shuttle pipe support get going set going humph yank draw interchange exchange fly reschedule vellicate snap syphon ride change the position of disarticulate separate interrupt rummage perturb disunite divide unhinge gather locate metamorphose traffic siphon post taxi onpass port depart decamp jigger issue vacate leave put out of place disestablish carry over redeploy carry on pick up come carrying take along carry away do over order change round rework reconstruct smuggle direct go aboard distribute ship out put on board export drop embark advance shove impel express strain cart off take away carry off transport by air knock out of place knock out of position move out of place up sticks pull up stakes move away change residence jerk hand-carry send out undergo a change change place lever put somewhere else pack your bags chauffeur mail guide trail hale give a lift give a lift to get shlep airdrop winch bus blow puff transport in bulk move across draggle waft streel unload deposit propel pull along wash float drop-ship redirect impart airmail circulate commission refer assign disseminate put off allow to alight bear away sweep away wash away put in the post drop off put in the mail send on take round put out put on fork over dish out come across with lead pilot escort accompany show usher chaperon steer shepherd see attend herd assist help marshal marshall trailblaze show someone the way companion belead

Động từ

To change one's position, either physically or in terms of one's opinion

Động từ

To change one's physical position
move stir budge squirm shuffle wriggle writhe locomote twist twitch wiggle move about move around play agitate hasten fidget exert surface be active jiggle shake a leg get a move on exert yourself get going mill about get moving turn thresh agonize flounder jerk jig thrash slither squiggle toss slide fiddle worry flail agonise struggle worm skew wind feel uncomfortable toss and turn convulse quiver shake shudder wobble joggle recoil wince stumble move restlessly twist and turn thrash about change position jump stagger wag waggle fumble flutter jounce quake cringe jolt roll zigzag blench contort start shiver tremble quail labor fret lurch suffer fuss labour flinch squinch pain swerve duck cower splash blunder shimmy wave bobble heave wabble judder vibrate rattle plunge distort bend flail about grope pitch tumble flap cast about shrink grimace spasm quaver blink waver jib dodge gasp scowl shy blanch move spasmodically nip contract clutch seize grasp grip kick twinge grab tic beat move convulsively clasp vellicate palpitate lug snap pull a face draw back shrink away make a face back off excruciate distress baulk balk toy twiddle trifle anguish bustle chafe disturb jitter be jittery beset be agitated fool about fool around be anxious hitch mess about mess around strain be wired play around be spooked be nervous be antsy be hyper plague torment persecute harrow crucify afflict torture besiege bedevil muse rack be on pins and needles curse try be like a cat on hot bricks have ants in one's pants martyr

Động từ

(idiomatic, shift for oneself) To assume responsibility
cope fare manage fend do get along get by get on make out survive muddle through muddle along make do succeed scrape by progress scrape along prosper fare all right be all right make ends meet do well enough proceed endure go do all right flourish thrive stagger carry on shift for oneself cut it make shift weather the storm deal with the situation keep the wolf from the door advance improvise rub on rub along depart develop live make the best of a bad job exist subsist deal with it handle it scrimp scrape through contrive happen scrape a living hie journey pass handle prove perform scarcely have enough to live on barely have enough to live on pan out turn out make headway get through muddle crack it hack it score achieve bear up do with make it eke out a living stay alive support oneself keep one's head above water remain alive scratch a living be breathe last hack grapple move weather keep going keep one's end up support yourself keep your head above water keep body and soul together eke out an existence deal with stand on one's own two feet break even pay your bills scratch out a living manage to live with difficulty scarcely manage to live barely manage to live consist continue living scrimp and save dwell struggle along go on manage without help make it on one's own manage without assistance cope on one's own take care of oneself manage by oneself bear it tolerate it stand it thole it abide it put up with it endure it make a go of it contend with be doing with it stick it stand tall maintain one's position stand firm stand one's ground hold one's own keep one's position pace come maintain yourself keep alive earn one's living acquire a livelihood sustain oneself feed yourself earn money make a living maintain oneself earn a living profit march come along go along forge deal contend go off face get a handle on suffer struggle struggle through come through tussle make it out alive battle look after oneself dispatch confront tangle wrestle paddle one's own canoe remain be animate prevail have life be in this world be extant walk the earth persist be in the land of the living have being be alive draw breath depend continue feed hang on sustain living stick with it sustain yourself make the grade just make it rely for nourishment barely exist hang tough hang in ride out stick it out make both ends meet

Động từ

To eat food, especially enthusiastically or greedily
nosh eat devour gobble gulp wolf consume scoff scarf swallow gollop ingurgitate inhale ingest snarf munch chomp champ dine hoover taste take breakfast lunch bevy bevvy bib nibble gulp down wolf down scoff down tuck into partake of gobble down scarf down scarf up snarf down snarf up tuck in get stuck into feed on eat up feast on munch on breakfast on dine on have breakfast have dinner have lunch have tea lunch on have supper tuck on pick at eat between meals bolt put away guzzle polish off demolish pack away shovel down gorge gormandize pig oneself on cram stuff gormandise stuff down gorb sink pig out on gobble up slop raven glut get outside of down eat greedily eat hungrily gorge on stuff oneself with gorge oneself on finish off dispose of tuck away murder cram down make short work of bolt down pig out chow down cram in gourmandize finish chew put down get one's laughing gear round stuff one's face with swallow hurriedly gluttonize binge-eat dispatch sup swill neck feed pack Hoover partake manducate englut make a pig of oneself stuff your face graze on stuff yourself with stuff one's face eat like a horse slosh snack on drink gorge oneself overeat devour greedily pig oneself imbibe swallow whole chow gorge oneself with hork sip digest have ruminate masticate engorge bite jam cloy binge jade congest absorb attack eat quickly eat heartily mow down lap up meal on snack toss down drink up feast upon suck up guzzle down dig in feed one's face take in eat voraciously blimp out peck at pork out on banquet delight in drink in regale indulge overindulge junket stuff yourself eat one's fill of indulge in binge on fare sumptuously eat sumptuously eat to your heart's content feast make a pig of oneself on wine and dine overindulge in eat your fill lap kill cram oneself with gourmandize on swig quaff belt satiate drop chugalug dispose fill gnaw fare victual grind refresh sate choke crunch get down surfeit chumble choke down chaw graze toss off chomp on eat to excess wash up clean out put pig beat assimilate chow on stuff oneself to the gills toss destroy engulf scarf out dive in stuff oneself pork out load up on slug down slurp knock back hoist chew noisily gasp chug take over swallow up pound down swill down slug pour belt down shovel it in wash down drain one's glass consume food supper take nourishment drink milk partake of food have a meal devour food break bread fall to eat out do lunch subsist fare on subsist on exist on prey on rely on for nourishment take as nourishment live on sustain oneself of triturate tear gnaw on crunch on crush rip rend scrunch gum chavel squash bite on chew up

Động từ

To exert force or pressure on
push shove drive force thrust bump press propel bulldoze impel jostle heave move plunge shoot budge bundle hustle bore prod steamroll strike knock manhandle rush boost elbow poke squeeze butt crash nudge railroad bull jam jolt hit ram send muscle shoulder stick sweep crush against launch into move forward press on push aside push forward push hard rest on strong-arm bear down on exert pressure on set in motion put in motion stir give way change position shunt go roll remove locomote transfer dislodge slide inch crowd jab dig pack cram stuff punch jog stab wedge crush tap compress throw bang sink sandwich pile squash charge shoehorn tamp fill barge thump run spur hurry goad jam-pack pull carry throng fling load pound heap tug power haul brim whack bustle surge buck barrel flock hammer frogmarch yank mob lob drum hurl shake bung gouge touch jar jerk hump drag frog march joggle blow march take lug cause to move buffet cluster plonk slam smack insert steamroller lunge stream gather launch pitch jostle one's way shove one's way bludgeon one's way swamp stow justle squish prick belt swarm whisk rough and tumble project beat catapult advance toss huddle congregate bunch fire steer wad pack like sardines precipitate sling chuck push roughly compact overfill chock force one's way let fly sardine fill to overflowing wedge oneself pack 'em in top off stroke park expel pump drill flood pitchfork prompt shoulder one's way barge one's way accompany hitch motivate tumble hook bend attack rap dab putt block strain lodge tip drive into bunt fix hold climb screw punt pole maneuver manoeuvre lift bear down clog confine move suddenly push violently push suddenly mass bear stive goose lash overcrowd deluge muster congest troop actuate blaze pack tightly fill up bung up ram in thrust in put drive in cram full place pack in pack it in thrust forward scuttle tup headbutt smite jackhammer batter dash sock move quickly move forwards get going drive forwards get moving start cast bluster collide bash smash blast discharge release eject pelt pop wham twack bang into shy bump into cannon into knock into bump against collide with knock against plough into draw horn barrel into pad line use elbow grease trail hurry off pack off send off rush off send forth bump heads push around overstuff upholster push one's way elbow one's way hasten speed accelerate hale trawl clog up load with choke up make short work of pass rapidly send rapidly hoist transport mill seethe converge herd fill to the brim ferry tow pull along

Động từ

To drink or consume a liquid
quaff drink guzzle gulp swill swig imbibe sup sip slurp consume neck chug scarf drain slug sink snarf lap ingurgitate down ingest bevy bevvy glug tipple booze indulge swallow attack tope bib empty hoist take carouse have partake toss overdrink overindulge hit kill sot murder knock back gulp down drink up slug down belt down toss off pound down drink down scarf down finish off polish off put away partake of get down toss down dispose of snarf down get outside get outside of force down take alcohol crack a bottle hit the bottle take a drop drink like a fish get tanked up take to the bottle swallow down throw back bend one's elbow wash something down with take a drink ram down get one's laughing gear round suck swill down scarf up slosh belt snarf up inhale nip finish devour bolt gobble gargle dissipate thirst irrigate sop absorb gorge hoover eat wash down wet whistle wolf down wolf bend the elbow sponge toast put back englut soak up liquor up chugalug dispatch dispose drop scoff skol nurse choke down tank up take in lap up pull on toss something off knock something back draw knock off siphon toss back raise a few gormandize engorge slop draft swash draught sway pour down your gullet taste sample spoon glut cram stuff choke gasp raven gormandise syphon suction suckle pour wet one's whistle savor savour extract drink slowly munch lush up drink in chomp drain one's glass demolish tuck into chow down clean out feast on tuck in stuff one's face feed on tuck away cram in wash up gorge oneself on snack on scoff down gobble up stuff down

Động từ

To move rapidly and smoothly in a specified direction
bowl rush race dash hurry speed run shoot career hurtle fly bolt scurry tear zoom hasten zip hare scuttle scoot belt barrel blast pelt bustle buzz bundle whisk careen bomb drive whirl trot blaze breeze rocket hustle blow motor course chase jet hurl rustle hie cannonball rip nip jump highball step travel ram hump streak bucket boogie post sweep clip wing hightail move go proceed tool hotfoot it crack on bowl along go like the clappers roll along flash whizz charge whip dart gallop whoosh scutter sprint scud zap stampede scramble go like a bat out of hell go hell for leather burn rubber fleet go like lightning scorch wheech swoop leg it barrel along lay rubber get the lead out spank along get a move on rattle along hurry up go fast step on it get cracking cut along whiz make haste bound speed up scamper spring go like the wind put one's foot down get your skates on vroom dive shake a leg get moving leap beetle skip burn make tracks cannon sail skite plunge spurt go quickly kite lunge push move quickly put foot flit press on lose no time accelerate roll haste dispatch really move go like a bullet move along cover ground buck up get a wiggle on whip along swoosh skim skedaddle waltz make it snappy move faster run fast rush headlong pace crack press outstrip surge slip away be off like a shot book it chuck it down boil pass fling lash skirr hotfoot express flee ride tear along waste no time whip around not lose a minute take wing be quick step on the gas wind gust gear up bowl over gather momentum go like a bomb belt along bomb along go all out push on quicken fast-track expedite get going yeet whish burst bullet bestir beeline sally spur jog smoke turn on steam make short work of dig in step on gas make time look lively sidestep duck swerve body-swerve zigzag jink slalom juke weave veer turn aside dodge shirk hightail it trip pound put on some speed beat it steam canter flutter amble break lope escape decamp make off drive fast jogtrot double dogtrot cut and run run away clear out split hop it vamoose rage rush around be busy leave make a run for it float floor it be on the go take flight fuss depart hit the gas stir one's stumps put your foot down stir skitter storm dust busy yourself plough gambol run off tumble prance flow stream frisk retreat scram scat bug out hook it scarper head go faster throw oneself go headlong launch oneself plow light out do a runner make a break for it move fast take off show a clean pair of heels fang it go flat-out put pedal to the metal put the pedal to the metal abscond patter get out dog it pile run like the wind festinate catapult romp go briskly step lively hop along step along progress busily hum whir gush tear out roar go rapidly cascade go at top speed frolic pour rush at pass by move forward move rapidly go by get on it snap to it hop to it look alive get it on whistle go away start run very fast tear up the miles go like greased lightning whirr bumble burr drone march flicker flick sloosh flood run like mad go at breakneck speed stride hurdle go like lighting rack dance caper steamroller blitz railroad buck make yourself scarce hop pump pitch heave launch thrust put on a burst of speed plunge ahead flourish rush off speed away surge through flitter brandish bounce nail it open the throttle rattle scatter move apace beat a retreat turn tail pass quickly show quickly flirt skidoo run for it clear off play cavort bob skip off levant cruise peel out head for the hills make a quick exit cut out beat a hasty retreat hover glide have it away go through shoot through fly the coop make oneself scarce do a fade do a bunk kick rocks take a powder get lost dip advance set out set forth aim make cut head off set off make a break steer bear stroll drift rattle one's dags slip brush saunter coast slide ghost move briskly look smart move it snap it up hurry it up be quick about it rattle your dags walk casually

Động từ

Conduct a discussion or argument in an evasive way
fence hedge prevaricate quibble equivocate evade flannel stall tergiversate vacillate dodge parry stonewall be ambiguous be evasive be non-committal be vague cavil palter shilly-shally waffle avoid baffle contest duck feint foil maneuver manoeuvre outwit parry questions pussyfoot around shirk sidestep dodge the issue duck the issue duck the question fudge the issue sidestep the issue fight off beat about the bush mince one's words lie shuffle deceive pussyfoot temporize fabricate fib con dither misstate exaggerate jive invent dissemble distort fudge garble misspeak falsify belie misrepresent temporise put off beg the question phony up put on stretch the truth stall for time hum and haw beat around the bush give a false colour to hesitate weasel evade the issue sit on the fence procrastinate waver delay blow hot and cold avoid the issue tarry be indecisive tergiverse hang back gain time flip-flop use delaying tactics play for time cop out hem and haw hold back hang fire shuck filibuster mince words defer balk shuffle about baulk pass the buck cop a plea be noncommittal kick the can down the road skirt ramble fake fluctuate swither falter haver shift ground about gloss over eschew escape elude adumbrate double-talk dilly-dally skirt the issue play it close to the vest change yo-yo run around cover up straddle the fence tell white lie give run around cloud the issue give nothing away play a waiting game avoid committing oneself play one's cards close to one's chest dodge the question straddle an issue blather blandish blarney beguile use Fabian tactics avoid making a decision take your time change one's mind circumvent bypass use flattery talk blarney butter up fast-talk not pay not give a straight answer to fend off cop out of skirt round beat around bush get out of find a way round be equivocal about beat about the bush about be evasive about quibble about avoid answering hedge one's bets shuffle around give the run around postpone divert distract take one's time hold over drag one's feet buy time

Động từ

To rid oneself of (something) by selling or passing it on to someone else

Động từ

To place or transport in one's mind, usually in reference to one's feelings, emotions or insecurities

Động từ

To omit a sound or a letter from a word
syncopate shorten curtail abbreviate dock truncate abridge elide accent modify play stress swing cut back reduce cut decrease trim contract clip crop cut down cut short lessen diminish prune shrink slash pare down condense compress retrench lop synopsize downsize precis restrict telescope chop edit boil down put in a nutshell abstract summarize digest curb restrain limit epitomize pare rein in snip hold back summarise epitomise cut off blue pencil put in nutshell constrict précis abort top shear make shorter encapsulate dwindle stop short get shorter minimise take up minimize bob excerpt get to the meat take out cut out round down tighten up cramp inhibit halt minify slim down control make a long story short turn up cut to the bone break off rein back roll back put a restriction on put the brakes on put a limit on get to meat lower economize check economise mark off mark down concentrate outline sketch narrow sum up give a summary of give an abstract of give a precis of give an outline of give a digest of give a synopsis of abate ease moderate drop de-escalate downscale lighten weaken quell taper attenuate depreciate depress temper scale down deplete ebb decrement mitigate wind down dent alleviate tone down make cutbacks in knock down tail off wane soften bring down decline remove devaluate shave blunt sink erode subside cut back on dilute impair peter out whittle down axe detach drop off ax make less dial down take the edge off lop off ease off step down deaden terminate stop salami-slice degrade dampen allay end dull slacken relax assuage wear away wear down tighten shrivel pollard eliminate let up fall off capsulize capsule mow taper off chop off hack off take off whittle away phase down make reductions in slump fade settle waste dry up slow down sever cheapen wither palliate evaporate discount discontinue summate make smaller leave unfinished run low die down narrow down suspend damp finish sum downgrade nip poll inventory couch cushion stifle mollify devalue mute undervalue detruncate subdue hew excise take down trim back trim down amputate recede skive run down deflate deduct freeze take the bite out take the sting out turn down write down constringe damp down scrimp write off ratchet down cut shorter become smaller stop dead call a halt phase out grow smaller fall away bring to an end put a stop to grow less drain quiet decay droop degenerate rebate ration minimalize muffle tame hack scale something down undermine sap soothe calm down deteriorate crumble lose edge slack off tail away consolidate conflate slice disempower shelve adjust remit fall saw relent recap expurgate bowdlerize commute plummet plunge cut down on make fewer recapitulate break retrench on reprise brief do away with get rid of bowdlerise decapitate skim cut something short put down reduce greatly shape neaten demote make weaker peter die out become less die away slacken off keep down keep to a minimum keep at a minimum tidy up even up ream reduce punishment cut in price lower in price delete confine omit cream cause to fall ease up on bring to a premature end undersell lower the price of make cheaper put on sale make a résumé of wrap up make a outline of rationalize offer at a giveaway price reduce the price of subtract render worthless shave off file off scrape off bring to an untimely end rationalise disgrade demerit drive down separate budget cut tune down roll down scale back trim away collapse compact squeeze smother suppress cleave relieve still take in lose ground get smaller tranquilize barber calm cool abscise dissever dismember remove surgically disconnect part placate fleece tranquillize tonsure disengage shear off hew off saw off slice off put the lid on make less intense put a damper on put damper on soft-pedal interrupt cut away quit cut into a bob postpone stop cold break short stop in full flow extenuate amortise cast down qualify amortize

Động từ

To walk while shuffling or dragging the feet
shamble shuffle stumble lumber stroll trudge amble creep plod slough totter traipse dodder loaf loll mope mosey ramble saunter tramp waddle wander barge clump crawl drift flounder galumph limp lump scuff scuffle skulk slog stamp stomp stump tromp change drag flog lurch pound straggle loiter walk drag your feet shilly-shally go slowly scuff one's feet stagger sprauchle reel teeter hobble clomp blunder bumble wobble struggle walk heavily sway falter toddle hike thunder trek thump traik weave thud march footslog trail bang trample tread careen pad trog yomp hirple drag oneself walk haltingly walk with difficulty trundle toil step schlepp doddle halt waver hop tread heavily wallow walk unevenly walk lamely walk with a limp walk clumsily pitch muddle slouch crush clunk schlep champ gimp clatter gallop walk noisily plod along shake blunder about run heavily patter tread clumsily tremble move clumsily quiver drag one's feet shiver quake roll rock shudder quaver move falteringly trip zigzag topple hesitate walk unsteadily slide seesaw slip shimmy wheel wade duckwalk waggle wiggle plough grind plow drag yourself move unsteadily hitch walk slowly plug along dally delay dawdle stride linger walk like a duck lag advance go promenade move idle tarry dilly-dally lallygag dillydally lollygag diddle poke patrol troop mooch prowl pace roam perambulate put off hang out pass time fritter away hover slacken hang about flag dabble pause lurk procrastinate get no place fast ambulate proceed step out pootle knock about strut stretch one's legs canter tour take a turn plod on parade race take the air hit the road make your way wend one's way stalk file locomote rove traverse prance meander wait hang around waste time stay putter remain fall behind kill time stall lag behind goof around potter mark time stay put stick around horse around stop dither tootle temporize trail behind take one's time temporise drop behind move slowly fool around potter around hang fire bide rest inch swan tail hang back while away time bimble ooze maunder vacillate not keep pace take your time retard trifle hang round fanny about kick around wait around lounge about hang on hum and haw bum around do nothing much play a waiting game pass the time abide tool lose time nose filibuster snail lodge lounge fribble hold back dwell doodle goof off stray defer postpone stravaig be slow bring up the rear creak along drop back warm a chair fool about potter about haver putter around fiddle around beat the meat monkey around potter round swither adjourn play for time sit tight ankle put off doing something use delaying tactics take a stroll let the grass grow under one's feet mess around spin one's wheels fart around go for a walk sashay hold off stay behind take a walk be indecisive percolate creep around twiddle your thumbs idle away the hours fill in time fritter burn daylight fiddle about piddle fritter away time take one's own sweet time while away the time slack streel shirk schlepp along coast float trill go for a stroll kick about diddle-daddle stonewall fluctuate boondoggle fritter time away lie in wait for take it easy stroll along pussyfoot around drag your heels hem and haw blow hot and cold shlep along sit around scrounge around fall back decrease drop fail diminish loiter along sit on one's butt fool with while away trifle with wane drag behind ebb go aimlessly buy time slow jelly play games with twiddle fall off inch along be behind slow up lose strength stay close wait about wait nearby range move at a snail's pace prolong protract play stay nearby goldbrick cool dangle droop sag futz around kick the can down the road postpone action defer action take a raincheck be undecided suspend action let slide drag one's heels be dilatory remit shelve straddle hang down err scramble spread stop over peregrinate be late string out be strung out poke around hold the phone hold up put over lay over hold over draggle hoof it get some exercise boogie get some air walk casually gander stand stick settle put on hold put back hold off on put on ice leave to another time suspend prorogue reschedule put on the back burner hang reside await limp along creep along perch endure nest continue outstay squat bunk roost hang heavy wear on advance slowly appear to pass slowly slow down go on too long go on and on relax go at a snail's pace become tedious hold on sweat it out hold the fort keep on remain behind put down roots establish yourself be left stay out establish oneself play the fool prat about have a laugh muck around loll around have a lark act the fool lounge around chill out laze around rest up lark around play around mooch around faff about fiddle amuse oneself muck about clown around clown

Động từ

To cause disarray or disorganization in the order of
riffle change confuse disarrange disarray discompose dislocate disorder disorganize disrupt disturb intermix jumble mix randomise randomize recombine scramble shuffle jumble up mess up mix up break the deck change the order rearrange reorganize upset disjoint tousle tumble derange rumple mingle dishevel muss hash muddle reorder reorganise shift about muddle up transpose unsettle ruffle throw into disorder clutter rummage make a mess of spoil make untidy throw into confusion muss up confound scatter mess tangle turn upside-down throw into disarray entangle convulse foul up make a shambles of get into a tangle displace untidy agitate shake ravel misplace snarl discombobulate interfere bring into disorder embroil discreate turn topsy-turvy perturb complicate break up interfere with toss put out of place get out of order psych out put out of order louse up mistake distemper make disorderly snarl up derail wrinkle crumple strew bring into disarray wreck overturn destroy make hay of tamper distort meddle replace throw into a state of disorganization put in disarray throw into chaos muddy misarrange turn upside down unbalance foul bungle muck snafu muff fumble blunder botch mislay demobilize disband litter disperse turn reverse tilt slosh slop subvert demobilise throw off stir up turn inside-out break down rattle throw stop bollix put off cause turmoil in cause confusion in play havoc with intrude on cut short screw up muck up upset the apple cart throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of rattle one's cage muddy the waters

Động từ

To pledge, give or set aside (resources) to another or for future use
commit deliver give consign entrust trust allot assign invest allocate apportion commission confide delegate deposit engage grant hand intrust leave pass relegate submit transfer transmit vest authorise authorize charge confer convey dispatch move offer ordain place relinquish repose destine employ promise hand over turn over give over give up leave to commend recommend cede yield surrender pass on refer task appoint designate bestow hand on render make over sign over bequeath devolve hand down abandon cast abdicate direct remit send turn in cough up lay down appropriate send on let go of nominate put will waive endow present resign elect lay dispense empower lend depute command enroll burden saddle enrol bestow on confer on give to invest in alienate deputize part with deputise deliver up get rid of put into someone's hands renounce give away proffer tender confine fork out fork up divert lodge issue give custody of leave with give custody deposit with forgo redirect decree install forfeit forswear channel give free rein shunt set put in charge of concede sacrifice instal grant to furnish settle pertain belong entrust to deed alien change reassign forsake encumber load pin toss throw send on errand send on mission parcel out hold responsible for patronise advance let store loan patronize aid chuck yield up devote apply level exchange reach bung render up license allow to look after let out make trustee point warrant circulate forward accredit put in the hands of guide qualify offload dump let someone have let have put into the hands of certify instate target aim ascribe enable foist put into hands of decentralise decentralize licence charter route pass down show steer pass to hand to fob off be handed down palm off banish usher marshal marshall impart donate accord instruct bid condemn devise demise confide to send to direct to consign to deliver to vouchsafe afford contribute legate turn over to put in touch with pass on to sentence name post put away dispose of adopt promote vote leave in one's will leave to by will detail attach co-opt constitute create make dub select for draft detail for install in induct in downlink disperse hire ordain in select hang on institute in stipulate for draught hold responsible decide on for choice reference download tab tag choose for dole out slot give in provide supply indulge capitulate shell out pay up fold come across with hand in give way dish out hand out back down throw in the towel throw in the sponge pony up ante up set down come up with make with feed bow succumb quit fork over lay aside relent yield to lose budge knuckle under cave in concede defeat give way to drop climb down defer give oneself up to admit defeat lose oneself in let go produce unload come across sign something over make something over to someone find let off drop off put aside put down finish with let fall hand round give back register send out wallow in enter blink pay pay out lease acquiesce send in put forward give rein to abandon oneself to settle up lay out stop leave off cry uncle buckle under pull out give free rein to despair bail out desist cut out cease chicken out bow out comply collapse ship step down from step aside from abnegate stump up foot the bill transport give the title of give the right of mail communicate allow abalienate remise address shoot defray the cost of forbear desert ditch withdraw discard repudiate shed send off sign away pack off cut loose take the pledge drop out kiss good-bye opt out cast off take the oath let pass stand down turn down quit cold turkey let go by swear off drop like hot potato break buckle indulge in give oneself over fall victim lay down arms fold up be conquered suffer defeat be beaten accept defeat be overwhelmed cry quits lay down your arms give up the struggle show the white flag come to terms be overcome raise the white flag resign yourself call it quits lose oneself to

Động từ

To leave or withdraw from
evacuate clear remove expel evict withdraw move out take away turn out clear from remove from send away send to a safe place move out of dismiss discharge displace oust eject fire purge unseat depose dislodge sack topple dethrone eliminate move supplant relegate transfer retire release reposition abolish expunge pull relocate defenestrate detach bounce ship axe budge ax out can cashier abstract dislocate throw out on your ear give the bum's rush muster out kick out throw out pink-slip take down boot out turf out see the back of give someone the boot give someone their marching orders show the door banish terminate drum out send packing get rid of force out drive out turn off give the heave-ho give someone the push let go lay off chuck out cast out transpose exclude exile overturn disturb bring down boot overthrow put out run off give someone the bullet deport give the old heave-ho make redundant reject defrock rout remove from office give someone their cards chase give someone the sack give the elbow throw someone out on their ear expulse shut out uncrown discard thrust out unthrone suspend push out deprive unmake bump slang impeach drop turf heave out give someone their notice give the boot bin off give notice to give someone the big E give someone the air upset break dispossess usurp unfrock shelve debar ostracize discrown fling out transplant give someone notice give one notice ostracise dispel push put an end to give walking papers remove from power dissipate misplace ban subvert eradicate uproot bring low disqualify defeat knock over degrade pension deselect disfrock recall disemploy furlough depone overwhelm bust replace eighty-six chuck freeze out knock out of place knock out of position disestablish transport give the sack to force to leave bring about the downfall of do away with sling out show the door one let one go run out of town pay off give someone his chase out let out wash out turn away give warning throw out on ear ride out on rail give the ax give the gate give one the gate give the sack show the door to throw out on the streets give a pink slip give somebody their cards toss out give marching orders rusticate throw someone out disbar keep out bar consign demote throw triumph downgrade blackball move on heave expatriate blacklist prohibit from entering unhorse black put out of place excuse yeet strip of rank put out in the street sever connections court martial nix supersede hand someone his hat chase off give the boot to give the bullet to expropriate unsettle give heave-ho fordrive get going set going give the push to extrude give somebody the boot give somebody notice move out of place give someone the gate put away give someone his or her walking papers give someone the ax give someone the pink slip dehire unhire shed ask to leave disthrone disenthrone separate rummage perturb disunite divide unhinge disarticulate interrupt declare redundant drive away change the position of give the hook show you the door deprive of office extricate disentangle hand walking papers give one's cards give somebody the sack give pink slip give somebody the pink slip pink slip give somebody the push give bum's rush take over show out heave-ho toss out on ear pack off give the 1-2-3 bundle off remove by force relieve of duty free lock out quell rearrange step into shoes of dig out get out shuffle position disregard disperse tomahawk cut downsize reduce hatchet poll decimate cleaver allay knock loose change scatter explain reshuffle reorganize redistribute alter resolve adjust redeploy reorder scale down cut back slim down redispose rejig readjust overcome beat master roll stir toss ditch unloose shake off lay aside irrupt dump lick conquer crush destroy level put out of your mind throw overboard kiss goodbye send off squeeze out drive off clear up ruin trounce undo subdue overpower demolish give someone their P45 give the chop show the gate to subjugate upend dissolve raze vanquish reorganise slide locomote tip liquidate exterminate tumble overrun propel knock down put paid to shove inch nudge bring to ruin give way change position give notice kiss off

Động từ

To physically move (oneself or a thing) slowly and smoothly into a particular place

Động từ

To transfer temporarily to alternative employment

Động từ

Travel across

Động từ

Make or become lighter in weight, pressure, or severity
lighten decrease lessen reduce allay alleviate assuage diminish ease mitigate relieve make lighter moderate palliate soften temper calm soothe subdue ameliorate attenuate change comfort dilute disburden disencumber empty eradicate extenuate facilitate free jettison levitate mollify remove take thin unburden unload uplight upraise cut down make less pour out put off reduce weight throw out take a load off abate lower quell take the edge off dull weaken tone down blunt quiet deaden relax curb still taper check cushion curtail de-escalate drop pacify modify restrain contract shrink cut cool ebb slacken dwindle tranquilize lull tranquillize appease help tail off minimize depreciate decrement quieten dampen decline wane take the sting out let up settle slash damp minimise ease off wind down placate drop off stifle downscale peter out slow down sweeten cut back taper off sink subside lenify compose remit smother take the bite out devaluate pour oil on erode qualify suppress depress smooth scale down downsize impair calm down roll back soft-pedal fade damp down slump ratchet down phase down let up on limit die down dry up degrade trim wear away wear down minify relent clip quench muffle dial down mute anaesthetize salve step down anesthetize make cutbacks in drain pare down make nice waste decay droop degenerate loosen deplete evaporate deteriorate crumble wither shrivel fall fall off shorten recede slake run low lose edge narrow down slack off pare numb narrow commute plummet grow less prune pall dent couch make smaller cripple grow smaller adjust gentle blur bring down dispel abridge improve fall away take down trim back trim down mark down becalm lullaby dissipate buffer drain away kill cure satisfy become smaller untrouble balm mellow aid assist die out die away whittle down put an end to play up to smooth down cool out cool off dulcify square patch things up take the sting out of rebate tail away ration control peter address shave paralyse tame discount silence mask truncate restrict benumb knock down excuse paralyze phase out fix up take sting out round down take it easy dock fill surfeit plunge gruntle obtund modulate get rid of hush reduce the force of ease up ease up on sate put a stop to dismiss banish reduce punishment admix heal ally repress eliminate destroy make less strict make less formal transmogrify switch revamp conciliate rachet down go easy break cut back on become less contain reduce something drive away chase away put to rest drive off sap release make less intense put damper on put the lid on put a damper on propitiate make reductions in slim down retrench on salami-slice take pressure off slack enfeeble make peace with quieten down butter up lessen the impact of stroke soften the impact of reduce the impact of settle down win over make up chill out fine tune monkey around with take the bite out of make reasonable stabilize overcome lay off loose extinguish constrict adulterate deflate rarefy disable undermine vitiate offset debilitate enervate resolve pad demilitarise save neutralise rescue recover stabilise neutralize defuse demilitarize get less drop away flag desist die off run interference for clear the way cheer nurse forward disengage speed up doctor simplify meliorate promote make easier speed untighten expedite attend to lift open the door further brighten nosedive waste away come down go down water down counteract amputate close crop punctuate succor succour console vary solace smooth out clear the air take the heat stop liss interrupt slack up prevent break up bring respite to bring an end to bring aid to make bearable make something bearable bring aid take load off axe ax amortise downgrade cast down amortize tighten run down devalue retrench cheapen dip play down crash slow trivialize undervalue trivialise underrate hold back dive belittle tumble misprize descend make light of slacken off underestimate gloss over brush aside go downhill consume understate de-emphasize rationalize collapse slide take a nosedive write off write down regress sell short scale back dim fail downplay rationalise abbreviate nose-dive exhaust condense underemphasize use up rein in inhibit detract whittle away detract from shrug off halt rate too low get smaller get lower compress disempower debase do an injustice to bleed hit the floor not do justice to hold cheap go into a tailspin lace deprecate retard regulate eat into extend discredit slip constringe sophisticate stay hinder suck dry take away from thin out sag skid rein back crater put down milk eat up retrogress turn down disparage wear off alter corrode become lower set little store by economize on thin down take a dive go through the floor deprive deduct underplay squeeze elide syncopate devalorize minimalize lop cramp dam derogate stem worsen block defame cut down on compact confine staunch revise straiten stanch disappear draw in take in make weaker impoverish scrimp withdraw tighten up vilipend choke retire economize decimate lapse economise keep down fall steeply downturn trail off talk down trail disesteem fall sharply put the brakes on be reduced pooh-pooh be wrong about disintegrate relapse make narrower take off retrograde return make little of backslide come to an end drop rapidly become narrower get narrower think too little of fizzle out go away cut off cave in set no store by take a header fade away humble gather eat away at fleece grow weaker scale something down take the edge off sth subtract slenderize diffuse whittle restraint demote make fewer demean make less active minish wilt reduce greatly halve grow misjudge vanish rescind shape trail away elongate bate shade cloud sober darken deepen nose dive slim wrinkle satiate languish disregard lower in price miniaturise miniaturize cause to fall despise make inroads into gobble up guzzle mark off telescope disperse underprice underprize become weaker go downwards invalidate gutter gratify cauterize withstand arrest resist oppose look down on muddy up become less intense give way drop down objectify dissolve lower in value do away with fall short keep at a minimum keep to a minimum fail to appreciate set too little store by cauterise hebetate desensitise desensitize miscalculate wear out become quieter become softer take the heat off retreat give out decry totter lose bring to a standstill balance attune slope drag buckle miscarry slight denigrate become weak get quieter get softer cut short chop abase flop refresh relaxed grow dim soften up make economies in make cuts in reduce wastage in bow out not do justice harmonize fold up tip over break down be precipitated decrease in value decline in price hit the dirt lose value retrocede omit delete rot denature taint capsule capsulize knock fall back pull out tone back away set drop back tune break off strangle move away go back delay boil down focus circumscribe pinch tauten strangulate inflect clench tense move further off retract flow back back back off draw away alloy draw back depart move back expend detain devolve tuck astringe blister get to meat put in nutshell put a restriction on put a limit on backbite amend fine-tune adapt tweak harmonise atrophy spend handicap grow worse get worse evacuate stunt decelerate impede fade out lose ground go down the toilet revert go to the pack disimprove go to the dogs go down the tubes come apart at seams take a turn for the worse hit the skids deprave die on vine go to rack and ruin go to pot corrupt go to pieces obstruct hold up stall set back trim away budget cut tune down roll down decrease in importance pale lose significance lose lustre pale into insignificance grow dull laugh at keep back hamper lag retardate mire subtract from cut rate draw together get thinner burn absorb devour loiter procrastinate reef postpone embog bankrupt interfere with back-water hit the brakes lose speed keep waiting lose steam let down flaps get in the way of bog down anchor it finish play out draw down draw squander bounce cashier discharge fire pink-slip sack terminate can wash up dig into hatchet cleaver tomahawk give the sack muster out turn off let go poll whitewash deemphasize make light brush off

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