Đồng nghĩa của unknow

Tính từ

Not previously encountered
unfamiliar unprecedented new novel strange exotic fresh original unaccustomed unheard of unheard-of unusual unique different unconventional odd uncommon bizarre alien atypical peculiar newfangled extraordinary unorthodox outlandish untried out of the ordinary singular rare abnormal anomalous curious pioneering ground-breaking queer foreign remarkable revolutionary groundbreaking unexplored innovative obscure exceptional creative imaginative inventive weird innovatory freakish ingenious quaint innovational aberrant avant-garde fantastic out-of-the-way left-field unexampled trailblazing eccentric offbeat unexpected little known new-fashioned contemporary off-centre ultra-modern funny quirky special outrageous advanced modern distinctive visionary deviant disruptive idiosyncratic freak originative outré futuristic experimental inspired unwonted alternative surprising artistic neoteric oddball uncanny state-of-the-art cutting edge out-of-the-box unparalleled preposterous wacky seminal irregular refreshing dissimilar unmatched unequalled unrivalled funky kooky outstanding beyond your ken erratic freaky prodigious incomparable unrivaled uncharacteristic untested inspiring distinct kinky unrecognized unequaled matchless unexcelled striking record untypical amazing peerless radical unrecognised remote uninvestigated recondite phenomenal momentous marvellous recent whimsical off the wall clever outre marvelous signal miraculous preternatural modernistic latest intriguing uncustomary brand new awkward avant garde first-time way-out without equal without parallel far-out unhackneyed cutting-edge leading-edge far out beyond compare inexplicable sui generis breaking new ground one of a kind in a league of its own just out out of the way mysterious way out interesting surreal unnatural anomalistic fertile individual individualistic spooky out of the common up-to-date up to date this season's new-fangled fundamental progressive demiurgic resourceful Promethean productive drastic uncharted game-changing world-shattering up-and-coming forward-looking perplexing unordinary weird and wonderful incomprehensible out of place mystifying puzzling astounding inconceivable previously unencountered outside one's experience other particular specific offensive extreme shocking unacceptable undiscovered unbelievable unthinkable unremarked disgraceful unsung unregarded nonconforming fanciful something else off-key quizzical errant unconforming discordant isolated noteworthy perverted unrepresentative specialised specialized unharmonious trendy neat fashionable groovy happening hot modish stylish in with-it cool modernist hip pathbreaking nontraditional little-known unlikely unimaginable undreamed of undreamed-of unrenowned nameless never before encountered all-time far cry crazy screwy wild cranky whacky bizarro rum kookie weirdo queerish zany ridiculous ludicrous droll grotesque astonishing daggy wonderful extravagant barbarous off-the-wall off-kilter spaced-out out there in left field eye-popping wacko absurd nutty insane mad baffling incongruous flakey flaky eerie daft incredible crackpot unaccountable unco out in left field silly nonsensical nonconformist cuckoo capricious dotty off-center monstrous madcap stupid foolish comical dippy looney cockeyed characteristic suspicious dubious laughable unreal aberrated perverse lunatic fishy asinine loony creepy dilly daffy screwball divergent Bohemian nuts unpredictable senseless cracked farcical fantastical questionable bohemian irrational fatuous especial brainless unwise witless harebrained balmy cockamamie scarce featherheaded sappy jarring hare-brained half-baked half-witted batty esoteric comic demented unhinged idiotic infrequent amusing risible unbalanced humorous extraordinaire barmy supernatural inane heterodox potty simpleminded pathetic derisive lunkheaded contrary beat bubbleheaded bent off the air jerky exceeding inept tomfool fool cockamamy derisory weak-minded malformed off the beaten track distinguishing exclusive far-fetched clownish romantic waggish unrealistic psycho deranged mental glamourous glamorous maniacal goofy schizo suspect loopy brainsick crazed wud unsound bedlam scatty meshugge bughouse crackbrained psychotic haywire whacko certifiable sensational loco gaga meshuga gonzo arbitrary slang fruity maverick informal touched chimerical pointless moonstruck untraditional derisible old-fashioned unlike disparate newsworthy hippy sporadic out-there unceremonious befuddling unreasonable boho witty heteroclite conspicuous unforeseen flustering overwhelming dumfounding startling out of this world confounding nonstandard rummy unannounced unanticipated jolting few and far between thin on the ground oddish wigged out schizoid non-standard mischievous playful not tightly wrapped wayward chance eccentrical kookish alternate vagarious teratoid changeable fitful distinguished excentrical custom customized signature personalized burlesque doubtful shady gelastic loner marginal wondrous dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy arcane nondescript egregious few impossible problematical problematic excessive very unconventional crotchety off the beam off beam rad deep hippie ultramodern mod exorbitant illogical out of line off-base inscrutable inimitable vacuous mindless puerile foolhardy off-color enigmatic light-hearted seldom like nothing on earth disconcerting aberrational devious non-typical deviate dicey random chancy uncertain flighty limited moronic hilarious chucklesome diverting out of the question thick too much taking the cake unruly unrestrained distorted deformed altered imported not prepared variant ready occasional scatterbrained contemptible sick awesome chimeric spectacular stupendous breathtaking romanesque portentous confusing misshapen ugly heretical ornate elaborate intricate typical impractical imbecilic foolheaded diagnostic discriminating identifying one and only diagnostical classic symptomatic psychopathic berserk funny peculiar dissenting dissident nonorthodox heretic iconoclastic dissentient pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz paranormal made-up make-believe imitation staged funny strange personalised customised joshing dumb camp campy hideous unsightly representative off-beat rococo baroque Kafkaesque improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal paranoiac disordered schizophrenic paranoic paranoid sociopathic muddling discomfiting nonplussing shattering nonplusing dismaying upsetting deviating illusory personal off the rails notable essential violent bonkers beatnik anarchic sectarian schismatic impressive misproportioned twisted private memorable unstable disturbed nutsy bushed doolally squirrelly distracted delirious sectionable buggy exciting bugged out all your own mangled mutilated gnarled off the beaten path unzipped dingy unglued flipped crackers maniac bats feather-brained unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely not right upstairs not quite right in the head not all there freaked out flipped out off the chain not in your right mind raving mad not the full shilling not right in the head looney tunes loony tunes non compos mentis fugly huckery acting crazy hog-wild flamboyant antic grody ill-favoured surrealistic gross staggering one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic stupefying flabbergasting blindsiding bewildering devastating dumbfounding awful stunning unsettling unnerving dramatic eye-opening jaw-dropping mind-boggling mind-blowing hard to swallow awe-inspiring beyond belief

Tính từ

Secretive in nature
quiet secret top secret confidential strictly confidential classified unrevealed undisclosed unpublished untold uncommunicated under wraps unofficial clandestine concealed surreptitious hidden shrouded sub rosa covert hidden away hush-hush private veiled clouded covered discreet mom mum disguised furtive restricted not for circulation not for publication not to be disclosed not to be made public off the record with a lid on underground undivulged buried inside intimate nonpublic closet obscured undercover esoteric hushed incognito privy dissembled backdoor behind-the-scenes underhand undeclared unprofessed kept concealed kept secret buttoned up unidentified underlying secondary mysterious unexpressed unapparent under cover ulterior obscure unsaid protected unrelated unrecounted closed stealthy secretive unacknowledged dissimulated sub-rosa under-the-table stealth sneaky privileged backstage backstairs underhanded offstage sneak inconspicuous unreported not open hugger-mugger behind the scenes close to one's chest behind someone's back cloak-and-dagger under one's hat dark tête-à-tête non-public unseen in camera one-on-one sneaking top-secret censored hole-and-corner not in the public domain unspoken unstated unmentioned unnarrated suppressed sly black on the QT conspiratorial exclusive wily cunning cloaked back-alley personal skulking slinking shifty backstair under the table crafty masked slippery devious indirect close hole-in-the-corner camouflaged artful secreted foxy shady sensitive tucked away under-the-counter limited screened reserved between ourselves not visible unauthorized guileful unnoticeable tricky scheming fraudulent arcane incog invisible silent feline catlike enigmatic catty noiseless evasive surprise out of sight unauthorised on the quiet cautious on the sly in secret restricted access unobtrusive internal intelligence unsuspected restrictive discriminative spy inner bosom QT illicit illegitimate illegal creep underneath unbowed strict tight soft low subversive dirty unfair shorthanded unethical unscrupulous dern mean quick need to know murky impenetrable backroom carefully guarded closely guarded contemptible slinky two-faced regulated sealed nameless unannounced unnamed anonymous sideways sidelong oblique in holes and corners insidious cloak and dagger calculating elusive creepy circumspect low-down hole and corner hidden from sight hidden from view out of view lost to view off limits closed off ambiguous mystic occult strange unenlightened deep enigmatical unintelligible out-of-the-way mystical in private special in ambush out of bounds allowed granted controlled exceptional in strict confidence eyes-only in confidence not to be quoted to be kept under wraps not to be mentioned not for public consumption not public within these four walls for eyes only between you and me interred between you and me and the gatepost between you and me and the doorpost between you and me and the wall between you and me and the bedpost entombed duplicitous designing inhumed clever subtle cloistered sequestered dug in coffined unconfirmed shonky snide fly slim unsubstantiated uncorroborated carny cowardly yellow undocumented consigned to the grave laid to rest unauthenticated unsanctioned unratified perdu enshrouded uncertified planted stashed cached recondite guarded off-the-record unendorsed covered up hushed up holed up put in the hole

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Not known or definite
uncertain unconfirmed undetermined unsettled debatable pending unpredictable unresolved unsure chancy dicey hairy incalculable indeterminate risky speculative undefined undependable unforeseeable unreliable untrustworthy dodgy iffy conjectural indistinct precarious questionable sketchy in doubt in limbo in the balance open to question up in the air touch and go on thin ice up for grabs hanging by a thread doubtful vague dubious unclear ambiguous undecided indefinite equivocal imprecise confused inexact hazy unestablished ill-defined inconclusive obscure inexplicit moot open clouded unascertained unspecified open to debate borderline arguable yet to be decided disputable indistinguishable shadowy puzzling perplexing opaque unfixed loose on the back burner tentative general fuzzy controversial nebulous mysterious indecisive woolly murky dubitable muzzy cryptic enigmatic abstruse arcane blear wooly intangible doubtable open to doubt problematic touch-and-go on ice hesitant irresolute wavering vacillating in question in no man's land unfinished enigmatical worried anxious apprehensive concerned disquieted troubled suspect uncounted unstipulated contingent generalized rough confusing muffled open to argument indiscernible equivocating weak not definite incomplete unstated unclassified borderless uncategorized indeterminant elusive to be won or lost not fixed approximate superficial insecure not settled at risk imperfect cursory ambivalent inadequate obfuscatory perfunctory contentious generalised muddy hidden delicate tricky undisclosed problematical controvertible amphibological bewildering unintelligible hazardous sticky tight dangerous riddling subject to debate negotiable issuable concealed unsafe treacherous cliffhanging suspenseful critical unlimited evasive blurred apocryphal mootable contestable unidentified faltering hesitating unheard of sitting on the fence abeyant unproven undiscovered unfamiliar not yet established a live issue a moot point a controversial subject bleary gauzy dim faint pale misty blurry foggy non-specific a matter of opinion in dispute oracular betwixt and between bone of contention the jury's out up for discussion open-ended innumerable inexhaustible wide noncommittal broad unspecific indeterminable in danger in jeopardy sensitive parlous touchy perilous shaky between sixes and sevens between rock and hard place outstanding unconcluded disputed vexed open to discussion fishy unsound suspicious paradoxical flimsy occult contested contended unsupported spurious shady queer inscrutable mixed at issue unfounded tenuous mystic hot-button unsubstantiated misleading gray grey suppositious double-edged unanswered Delphic open for discussion marginal debated unverified disputatious polemical groundless unreasonable polemic difficult assumed ongoing awkward provocative gnomic suppositive presumed unsolved hypothetical clear as mud torn on the fence neither fish nor fowl clear as dishwater waffling to be decided neither one thing nor the other blowing hot and cold exceptionable a debatable point hinky argumentative unclassifiable scrappy quarrelsome up to the individual unlikely deep elliptical unsubstantial ungrounded peripheral frontier bordering dual dark elliptic sub judice in contention thorny ticklish knotty taxing fuliginous far from certain baseless unwarranted twofold polysemous polysemic polysemantic untested ill-founded multivocal not yet settled not reliable not dependable troublesome fractious unjustifiable unjustified unattested uncorroborated yet to be settled pendent double not validated much debated open to suspicion in a state of limbo not decided in a state of uncertainty foundationless without basis invalid nonvalid without foundation ignored neglected two-edged unquestioned unnoticed unrefuted unchallenged divisive fluctuating contradictory conflicting not backed up by evidence emotive tendentious unconvincing unproved debateable unprovable clashing warring opposing conflicted muddled opposed unsatisfying unsatisfactory resolving nothing lacking unfateful deficient uneventful proving nothing hot notorious heated wishy-washy neutral uncommitted impartial hemming and hawing divided of two minds running hot and cold hedging your bets in the middle not sure hard to believe in two minds leaving matters open in a quandary in a dilemma theoretical under discussion left hanging not obvious academic under examination suppositional supposed on the horns of a dilemma still open to question still open to doubt under advisement putative imagined academical conjectured theoretic notional unreal imaginary concocted conditional conjecturable refutable presupposed provisory guessed made up presumptive casual assumptive stochastic proposed pretending postulated

Tính từ

Not stated clearly or exactly
unspecified unidentified undefined unstated indefinite indeterminate undesignated undetermined unfixed unmentioned unquantified unstipulated uncertain undecided arbitrary mystery obscure vague any certain general given nth one some this not specified such-and-such a … unsettled unnamed unexplained unresolved imprecise anonymous inexact inconclusive secret unrevealed unascertained untold undiscovered unrecognized unnoted unperceived pending unheard of unfamiliar unrecognised unsure unbeknownst uncounted unpredictable borderless uncategorized indeterminant unclassified nameless undistinguished strange undeclared understood woolly non-specific unclear unlimited limitless unbeknown unspecific infinite immeasurable endless measureless unfathomable illimitable horizonless boundless bottomless unrestricted unbounded immensurable fathomless open open-ended approximate wooly sitting on the fence hesitant abeyant faltering hesitating equivocal irresolute wavering incalculable vacillating unproven doubtful dark undisclosed hidden concealed undivulged mysterious unestablished unapprehended noteless in limbo in the balance up in the air ambiguous confused moot unanswered ongoing disputed arguable debatable vexed unsolved unconfirmed problematic iffy in a state of uncertainty up for grabs in a state of limbo clouded open to debate betwixt and between not decided dubitable waffling to be decided pendent borderline in doubt ill-defined loose indistinct hazy fuzzy nebulous blurred evasive pale misty shadowy blear bleary gauzy dim blurry murky dubious faint muzzy indistinguishable inexplicit foggy opaque oracular intangible broad innumerable indeterminable inexhaustible wide noncommittal undependable

Tính từ

Not diagnosed

Tính từ

No longer present or existing
extinct dead defunct vanished gone lost bygone bypast departed destroyed done expired exterminated extinguished inactive nonextant obsolete abolished died out doused out passé quenched terminated void wiped out archaic asleep cold deceased disappeared ended exanimate fallen inexistent late lifeless nonexistent outmoded superseded vanquished no longer existing no longer extant done for passed on dead and gone no longer known snuffed out antiquated ancient dated out-of-date past outdated old-fashioned out of date finished antique olden superannuated outworn fossilized no more forgotten perished lapsed old fossilised demised prehistoric obsolescent demoded medieval breathless mediaeval kaput old hat unfashionable disused of yore former old-time discontinued antediluvian inanimate prehistorical neolithic behind the times oldfangled moth-eaten invalid low mossy of old démodé passed away Stone Age out of the ark anachronistic Noachian moribund rusty kaputt musty primitive elapsed lamented old-hat moldy stale over mouldy discarded had it completed dead as a doornail as dead as a doornail gone by foregone old-fangled worn-out out of fashion no longer in use has-been out of style dinosaur vintage unhip out of it unstylish out-of-style not with it dead and buried concluded at peace with God faded ruined missing over and done with six feet under pushing up daisies out cold out of commission previous run out wrecked earlier one-time aged corny odd abandoned inert long-ago belated long-gone erstwhile fallen into disuse unconscious comatose vieux jeu fusty deprecated timeworn fossil murdered slain killed slaughtered square old-school of olden days neglected rococo dowdy not modern not current grown old disapproved of the old school stiff unusable very old redundant past it insentient not living at an end olde worlde past its sell-by date horse and buggy under the sod out for the count dead to the world out of business down the drain irrelevant no longer current no longer topical yesterday demolished effaced eradicated obliterated annihilated extirpated tired null and void spent hackneyed exhausted buried devastated crushed frittered done to death insensate accomplished unrenewed past its prime not breathing bent out of use ago old-world having seen better days historical frumpish bought the farm in the grave laid to rest quaint frumpy old fashioned venerable conservative old-fogeyish passed voided unremembered unrecalled ex- backward-looking crusted feudal run dear departed much lamented late lamented no longer living at rest bankrupt retrograde horse-and-buggy creaky clunky retro old-timey rinky-dink primeval primal inoperative over and done kicked the bucket gave up the ghost bit the dust square-toed left removed primordial dateless early immemorial atavistic way back way back when latter-day lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion earliest relic antwacky primaeval unused non-functioning passe ancient history mineral past your sell-by date of long ago in the past disintegrated retired dissolved dissipated dried up burned up moved on unemployed stagnant man-made closed a thing of the past having breathed one's last turned to dust not functioning no longer in existence chemical manmade artificial numb stupefied geriatric numbed anaesthetized inorganic not natural broken wasted out-of-fashion obscure dusty desensitized doomed smashed sunk motionless not organic cooked toast dull idle totaled floored anesthetized desensitised sometime quondam forepassed on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up washed up down and out down the tubes in flames down for the count all washed up passed out lacking physical sensation knocked out spark out blacked out past recall in oblivion sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge traditional historic hoary parachronistic behindhand age-old old-style old as the hills as old as the hills unpopular demode backward elderly crusty cobwebby unprogressive last year's passé tacky overused on its last legs tasteless anachronous cheesy styleless trashy inelegant antiquarian fogyish decrepit remote hoar backwards senescent classical heritage established fogeyish ticky-tack ticky-tacky veteran folk ancestral back-number anachronistical threadbare gothic barbaric worn out broken-down hacky drab inflexible long-standing well-established archaistic clapped out overfamiliar decayed old as Methuselah unoriginal once aboriginal pristine time-worn onetime original cast-off crumbling antediluvial no longer used picturesque nostalgic classic enduring timeless boring stuck in time ageless retrogressive period not in waning declining time-honoured old as Adam old school no longer fashionable gentlemanly courteous yesterday's dying out old style chivalrous ceremonious courtly gallant craft no longer in fashion disappearing becoming obsolete ageing back number on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline not fashionable aging senior doddering growing old going out of use going out of fashion doddery ingrained fixed deep-seated hard-and-fast not as young as one used to be over the hill not as young as one was not long for this world long in the tooth no spring chicken past your prime ossified button-down from the past traditionalistic buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked familial prior ultraconservative old-line family long-established standpat reactionary lineal die-hard oral orthodox brassbound unwritten paleoconservative archconservative handed-down

Tính từ

Having too many to count
untold countless innumerable numberless myriad uncountable uncounted unnumbered innumerous endless limitless manifold many multiple multitudinous unlimited incalculable indescribable legion numerous unimaginable unnumberable unthinkable inexpressible measureless unspeakable unsummed unutterable gigantic hidden huge indefinable ineffable mammoth mighty monstrous private prodigious staggering titanic unexpressed without number an incalculable number of an infinite number of beyond measure too many to be counted undreamed of infinite immeasurable umpteen no end of very many multifarious zillion inestimable divers jillion enormous beyond number vast immense loads of oodles of masses of heaps of stacks of bags of boundless indeterminable several a multitude of a great number of a multiplicity of no end to bazillions of zillions of gazillions of incomputable scads of unreckonable unforeseen capricious uncertain whimsical fluctuant iffy chancy erratic unpredictable unfixed lank great abundant beaucoup lots of sundry various voluminous populous a slew of infinite numbers of considerable copious profuse multiplex multifold endless numbers of incalculable numbers of heaps piles of plentiful tons of quite a few millions of hundreds of thousands of a bunch of all kinds of a thousand and one thick on the ground unmeasured wide millions umteen stupendous frequent uncalculable bottomless fathomless a raft of cosmic teeming ever so many interminable alive with without end prolific haphazard unforeseeable hit-or-miss abounding multitudinal a whole bunch of not to be reckoned diverse countless numbers of thousand-and-one ample large extensive plenteous rife thick inexhaustible a lot of plenty of quantities of a great deal of an abundance of a profusion of a quantity of a swag of scores of a great many billions of dozens of a shedload of lousy with mucho stack pile raft gobs peck mint loads oodles mess wad heap scads slew immeasurable numbers of tidy sum whole slew passel of generous superabundant bountiful lavish bumper substantial full galore overflowing handsome bounteous tidy liberal outsize rich hefty comprehensive big sizeable high excessive luxuriant Himalayan sizable whacking aplenty massive plenty hulking large-scale exuberant bulky oversized oversize replete goodly husky largish biggish whopping outsized crawling with many different respective large number of multiplicity of prodigal varied assorted prevalent princely comfortable cornucopian proliferous multiplied some a dime a dozen stink with miscellaneous disparate well-provided rampant unremitting well-supplied motley mixed unbounded significant grand opulent sweeping global good deep wholesale sufficient substantive a few a couple of commodious booming immoderate exorbitant exhaustive unwieldy extravagant marked mega cumbersome epic major Brobdingnagian boxcar certain wide-reaching wide-ranging far-reaching generously proportioned upwards of strong extreme appreciable tremendous terrible colossal thumping giant protracted extended towering pronounced humungous ginormous humongous spacious decided Bunyanesque massy jumbo long king size leviathan expansive mondo mountainous heavyweight astronomic vasty walloping mastodonic broad fat king-size elephantine galactic bull supersized gargantuan astronomical herculean brobdingnagian cavernous prolonged king-sized cosmical monolithic lengthy heavy lush riotous fulsome gushing wordy prolix verbose a gogo in abundance no end thick with a mess of coming out of ears more than one can count more … than one can shake a stick at

Tính từ

Isolated, especially from civilization or society
remote faraway isolated secluded distant far outlying deep godforsaken away lonely removed backwoods jerkwater obscure back Barcoo beyond boondocks foreign frontier lone lonesome undiscovered unsettled wild far-flung cut-off far-off out of the way out-of-the-way hard to find middle of nowhere off-lying off the beaten path off the beaten track off the map unget-at-able god-knows-where in the middle of nowhere in the hinterlands in the sticks in the backblocks in the back of beyond in the backveld in the backwoods in the booay in the platteland in the tall timbers beyond the black stump in a backwater inaccessible unreachable unapproachable outlandish private alien unfrequented sequestered desolate hidden solitary deserted uninhabited barren vacant empty unoccupied unvisited vacated unpeopled untenanted forgotten disused bare cut off retired outer outermost abandoned peripheral forsaken unused unpopulated neglected waste derelict evacuated void rejected concealed quiet apart disconnected incommunicado far-out difficult to get to hard-to-reach in the depths of … far off off beaten track far-removed far removed depopulated ruined destroyed undisturbed tucked away in the boondocks hard to get to marooned in the distance in the boonies abroad impassable unattainable afar beyond reach out of reach external provincial lost cloistered well away quite a ways far flung beyond the horizon secret sheltered covert forlorn tenantless unfriended bereft virgin left discarded uncouth lorn cast off uncultivated left in the lurch left stranded unmanaged unfarmed rugged desert rough inhospitable trackless untouched uncivilized uncivilised free buried veiled out of sight shrouded obscured undercover unseen cloaked clouded underground unexposed entombed beneath below sunk out of view imperceivable unrevealed

Danh từ

A mere possibility or unknown quantity

Danh từ

A young actress with a promising career ahead of her

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Something uncertain, ambiguous or doubtful

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Regions, districts and small settlements outside large urban areas
frontier backcountry backwater backwoods bush hinterland outback backlands outlands up-country boondocks boonies outskirts sticks unexplored back of beyond wilds wilderness hinterlands platteland backblocks backveld booay remote areas backland back country Woop Woop tall timbers beyond the black stump the back of beyond scrubland brush woodland middle of nowhere a backwater the middle of nowhere farm isolation rural area timberland interior rough country terra incognita woods borderland wasteland the wilds the backwoods Podunk bush country isolated place jerkwater town secluded spot remote place sleepy town one-horse town country desert badlands rural remote shrubs boscage briar savanna vine chaparral scrub plant jungle creeper forest bramble the wild countryside the sticks provinces nowhere rural districts outdoors hicksville farmland rural areas great outdoors green belt agricultural land wide open spaces nature wastes open barrens out-of-doors wild open air farms woodlands a rural area a rural district boondock back o' beyond godforsaken place the boonies Timbuktu emptiness one-blink town wide place in the road one-gas-station town whistlestop one stoplight town bump in the road tank town hick town jumping-off place retirement farming land green area rural district solitude waste bundu province middle America non-metropolitan areas middle England non-metropolitan counties uninhabited region badland uncultivated region no-man's land inhospitable region primeval forest undisturbed area unspoilt area unspoiled area grazeland grazing forests pastures rest of the country up country cow country wide open space

Trái nghĩa của unknow

unknow Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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