Đồng nghĩa của bastard

Tính từ

Low in quality or below expectations
inferior poor unacceptable deficient substandard lousy bad wretched unsatisfactory subpar suboptimal dissatisfactory paltry lame wanting crummy wrong wack punk crumby off bush sour ill bush-league inadequate below par mediocre rotten faulty from hunger junky cheap terrible defective shoddy insufficient pathetic nasty weak crappy useless second-rate low-grade no good awful atrocious miserable deplorable imperfect dismal unworthy disappointing execrable dreadful duff trashy horrible unsuitable rubbishy shabby displeasing bum pants rubbish schlocky offensive distressing damaged not up to scratch not up to par a load of pants abysmal abject appalling disagreeable incompetent crude sleazy unspeakable dire lamentable piddling trifling frightful sucky pitiful sad negligible grotty common schlock unsatisfying ropy unimpressive low-rent cheesy gimcrack cheapjack coarse trumpery chickenshit trivial minimal crap worthless cut-rate bargain-basement insignificant second rate el cheapo for the birds below standard not much cop low-quality minor league tenth-rate small potatoes not satisfying jerry-built poor-quality minor-league base unsound junk lemon subnormal inexpert amateurish unskilful below average not up to snuff dilapidated dissatisfying abominable sorry yucky beastly lacking impermissible intolerable insufferable inadmissible inappropriate undesirable disastrous horrendous dirty flimsy shlocky calamitous woeful seedy hideous ghastly ratty shlock cruddy unsightly grubby scabby scummy scurvy repulsive gross gruesome sordid godforsaken mean thin disturbing disconcerting amiss disquieting regrettable slovenly God-awful run down down at heel poxy desperate shitty two-bit very bad no great shakes not good enough leaving a lot to be desired piss-poor hopeless dime-a-dozen careless tinhorn bodger stupid outrageous unwelcome harmful strictly for the birds of a sort tinny uncomfortable unpleasant hateful diabolical tatty poorly direful egregious contemptible tacky off-color sub-par weak sauce third-rate under par despicable pitiable vile odious tawdry sneaking loathsome disgraceful chronic detestable shocking second-class abhorrent obnoxious meagre low disgusting squalid reprehensible ordinary meager foul middling grungy shameful dingy revolting measly horrid distasteful sickening repugnant average scruffy good-for-nothing laughable stinking ignoble unfortunate objectionable poorer petty scandalous neglected indifferent hack ignominious dishonorable dishonourable godawful repellent inconsequential dodgy ramshackle rundown obscene tumbledown valueless déclassé noisome grievous not up to much run-down nauseous malicious ugly unimportant heinous wicked derisory cruel disreputable the pits footling pits unsavoury nauseating slummy flawed no-account unfair grim noxious piffling tattered unsavory scrubby bedraggled rancid feeble low-down fulsome repellant evil accursed no-good discreditable insalubrious beggarly downmarket threadbare low-end puny hellish dinky pedestrian unexceptional skanky filthy vulgar scuzzy minor broken-down heartbreaking leaving much to be desired cursed damnable ineffectual unkind beat-up mingy degenerate spiteful inconsiderable mangy twopenny-halfpenny icky shacky inexcusable grave stinky malevolent uncared-for vicious decayed uncharitable hurtful malignant rickety dumpy tatterdemalion decaying slipshod insubstantial monstrous horrifying timeworn unpalatable catastrophic scant scanty inglorious confounded mean-spirited naff cheapo infernal bitter uncongenial tragic less-than-stellar uninviting unmaintained worn-out moth-eaten ineffective slight down-at-the-heels bombed-out down-at-heel poor quality small loathly mournful disgustful ungodly cheap and nasty degrading alarming shambly picayune immoral nothing exiguous afflictive niggling chicken minute peanut nominal piddly pimping a dime a dozen decrepit poisonous poverty-stricken rough commonplace inappreciable nefarious little nickel-and-dime meretricious undistinguished ragged catty blithering unappetizing de minimis Mickey Mouse worse piteous flaming malodorous garbage god-awful villainous pointless futile Brummagem smelly unavailing meaningless dog-eared indefensible hellacious half-pie putrid fetid rank acrid polluted mephitic seamy unproductive nugatory cheapie pongy whiffy melancholy smudged befouled smutty miasmal sullied bemired dusty unclean uncleanly black draggled grimy funky unlovely unpleasing harsh muddy illegal stained mucky besmirched yukky blackened niffy unsportsmanlike begrimed soiled festy yucko olid unusable out of order despisable unlucky grody inutile poison unholy foetid bogus sterile unprofitable profitless barren unessential waste counterproductive abandoned two a penny unfavourable upsetting entry-level sick-making bottom-rung off-putting on the nose unscrupulous unfavorable unprincipled critical underhanded disdainable harrowing subsidiary lowly shameless blameworthy unethical deceitful unwarranted dislikable menial ungenerous mere in disrepair hostile worn unbearable opprobrious unkempt unfriendly crumbling fair rude exceptionable crying inconsiderate surly slumlike sneaky deceptive depraved indecent crass graceless downer bummer churlish deteriorated gaudy unseemly unpretentious abusive malign ruinous vindictive reduced senseless wanky plebeian makeshift cantankerous humble deteriorating limited ruined slimy desolate improper inept unforgivable cataclysmic brummagem hairy brutal insupportable venomous parlous low-ranking wounding serious degenerated empty foul-smelling evil-smelling ridiculous reject slum-like ruthless not up to standard humdrum uncalled for dirty rotten dud ill-humored silly cheap-jack scurrilous irremediable below the belt low-born low-minded kitsch scroungy bad-tempered low-life gone to rack and ruin unfit pinchbeck brassy gone to seed evil-minded drossy all the worse for wear ill-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured rinky-dink dime-store lower-class worse for wear forlorn overcrowded depressed ne'er-do-well stark outcast wet peripheral misbegotten off-colour crook off colour out of sorts sick unhappy scungy garbagy corny cheeseball well below par unpopular undesired showy dislikeable bungling sloppy dicey pettifogging skimpy of little account tasteless garish dishonest worst overwhelming dolorous inefficient ropey tremendous dishevelled disheveled untoward brackish throwaway preposterous end-of-the-pier impaired tinpot impotent unpardonable unconscionable sinful foolish twopenny ill-advised unstable impoverished destitute thoughtless iniquitous restricted sparing too bad second-best plastic pretentious tough depressing needy from hell poopy craptacular unjustifiable revulsive crooked shady underhand extremely bad rebarbative so-so blah criminal second class monumental belligerent aggressive antagonistic rueful affecting absurd ludicrous foolish-looking meanspirited disrespectful under-strength not good erroneous not the best raunchy diddly bad news fallacious unsought unwanted badly built penniless beggared indigent negligent thrown together run-of-the-mine passable medium run-of-the-mill run-of-mine inhospitable wrathful confrontational bellicose vitriolic combative pugnacious lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps beyond contempt penurious impecunious dubious unreasonable questionable simple outclassed uninspiring bog-standard uninspired rancorous joyless angry unsociable militant unsympathetic condemnable out frayed proletarian inacceptable unappealing needful broke down-and-out famished skint pauperized dirt-poor necessitous distressed viperous scrappy furious cringe-making modest faded baseborn underprivileged fair to middling horrific not cricket beyond the pale won't do half-baked of low quality not on of poor quality over the fence not quite the done thing hard up unrefined severe unremarkable unwashed lesser tired good-for-naught no-count meritless unbefitting lowborn obscure prole disfigured bare pot cure lumpen plebby uncouth untidy savage pressing crucial fearful of low birth working-class of low rank unbecoming secondary subordinate urgent extreme incongruous inconsistent unfitting incompatible inhuman gloomy drastic junior subservient unassuming second-string snide despiteful annoying currish virulent heartrending fruitless no use forbidding terrifying dread hair-raising spine-chilling scary fearsome crippling intimidating devastating frightening redoubtable formidable ominous irretrievable beneath undeserving hollow barbarous portentous bodeful exigent ancillary second-fiddle smaller demeaning bottom distressful ineligible sarcastic ornery sorrowful chaffy vain null banal satanic barbaric oppressing fierce terrific scowling of no benefit bootless unfructuous to no avail tragical unfitting to blamable out of place unmerited out of character with out of keeping unsuitable for out of character not deserving not worth recreant improper to out of place with unbecoming to not fit inappropriate to slighter servile lower lower-ranking heartless brutish devilish black-hearted lower in status undersized lower in rank small-fry small-time third-string subjacent bloodthirsty demonic pitiless murderous merciless ferocious not worth a hill of beans a dead loss hurting gut-wrenching unfeeling implacable brute sadistic wanton inhumane butcherly truculent toytown second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat less important below someone not so important demoniac Mephistophelian dastardly fiendish narrow unconsequential set

Tính từ

Having become morally corrupt or impure
degenerate depraved corrupt immoral wicked dissolute debauched perverted sinful base debased reprobate unprincipled dishonorable dishonourable dissipated decadent licentious impure despicable sordid lewd degraded wanton vicious warped disreputable libertine lascivious villainous lecherous rakish perverse nefarious unwholesome profligate loose mean low libidinous sick ignoble promiscuous unclean demoralised demoralized ungodly jackleg unsavory unsavoury rotten amoral rakehell intemperate corrupted rakehelly fallen infamous pervy vitiated miscreant demeaned flatitious vice-ridden vile evil bad abandoned dirty iniquitous unchaste lustful indecent contemptible unscrupulous shameful dishonest heinous unethical foul shameless abominable wrong execrable detestable nasty criminal crooked disgraceful reprehensible prurient monstrous odious unrighteous low-down wretched ignominious obscene salacious dark fast shady abhorrent lubricious concupiscent flagitious wrongful diabolical coarse carnal fiendish profane vulgar shocking discreditable disgusting abject unlawful dastardly atrocious improper unholy unhealthy horny goatish deplorable impious black randy gross louche offensive sensual defiled tainted immodest diabolic loathsome deviant morally wrong scandalous sleazy raunchy bent crude underhand hot egregious barbarous outrageous twisted hateful unrestrained beastly filthy low-minded blasphemous irreligious wild unconscionable roguish rascally horrible lickerish sullied passionate satyric lubricous hypersexual scurvy itchy underhanded cheap scoundrelly snide abnormal currish unnatural mercenary devious sacrilegious sicko appalling peccable deceitful smutty kinky sinister fast-living malevolent godless ribald murderous venal cruel paltry shabby unworthy lawless self-indulgent stinking lousy devilish voluptuary malicious unpleasant aberrant sybaritic bestial worthless pornographic bawdy scungy sadistic squalid repugnant shoddy unfair wayward erring unspeakable profaned unvirtuous infernal dishonoured petty desecrated gone bad X-rated malfeasant sorry dishonored seedy not cricket brutal dodgy seamy irreverent knavish revolting illegal swinging distasteful terrible naughty tawdry notorious miserable inhuman lame damnable servile scummy blue indelicate gone to the dogs ruthless uncleanly black-hearted disagreeable boorish poor trashy dreadful of easy virtue crass fraudulent conscienceless untrustworthy erotic maleficent voluptuous deleterious baneful rude despisable demonic suggestive indulgent degrading Machiavellian fleshly objectionable disdainable unrefined cutthroat easy incorrigible unconstrained treacherous good-for-nothing incontinent sly pleasure-seeking undesirable illicit callous savage grubby graceless spiteful illegitimate whorish sneaky felonious cruddy contaminated ratty scabby menial fast and loose distorted porny unprintable in the fast lane questionable high living stag gutter heartless not pure rough two-faced no-good scurrilous abased opprobrious pernicious self-seeking low-life atheistic locker-room hedonistic obnoxious hedonic sexual blackguardly dubious unseemly riotous faithless wolfish meanspirited churlish unregenerate useless raffish lax freethinking shifty perfidious titillating crafty praetorian deviative shadowy cheating malignant desirous lost slippery disturbing violated deteriorated scheming ruttish satanic drunken open inferior violent bribable unprofessional scabrous orgiastic immoderate dangerous light hellish pitiable indictable uncharitable undignified unbecoming sneaking indecorous pitiful sleazoid lowlife no-account avaricious deceptive merciless barbaric rancorous wrathful blameworthy in the gutter cowardly guilty lacking restraint pathetic culpable brutish double-dealing unconscientious exploitative slimy measly cold-blooded harsh bloodthirsty inhumane hideous flagrant putrid injurious harmful night owl beyond contempt hard-hearted excessive caitiff errant beyond the pale hardened retrograde erroneous thoughtless prodigal deviate retrogressive epicurean overindulgent luxurious repellent repulsive uncontrollable ardent unblushing disrespectful vulgarized vulgarised uncontrolled grotesque impaired vitiate contorted disappointing shiftless transgressing decaying moribund declining hellbent uncurbed lusty unsuitable inappropriate slipshod slavish humble ruffianly shrewish incorrect crabbed ill-tempered ill-natured surly unaccommodating bad-tempered narrow-minded blithering suspicious suspect morally bereft inequitable glaring misguided tricky thievish gone to seed incompetent feckless sceptical unbelieving agnostic unruly animal unmoral relaxed disorderly roundheeled careless skanky lamentable inelegant uncouth unbefitting lowly common plebeian ugly dirty-dealing stop-at-nothing double-crossing two-timing cursed flaming imprudent heedless peccant corruptible purchasable calculated covetous shy unrespectable unforgivable non-believing heathen heretical non-theistic hot and heavy out of place ferocious noisome funny iffy flagitous demeritorious blameful amiss blamable sinning censurable accursed confounded irresponsible inconstant craven good-for-naught meritless no-count degenerated masochistic grafting rapacious exceptionable ill-famed pagan infidel barbarian unchivalrous off-color reproachful out of keeping steamy damaging strange macabre morbid hurtful prejudicial nocuous adverse noxious mischievous baleful footling ill-reputed heathenish idolatrous detrimental ill sexy racy scatological in poor taste no good voyeuristic unfeeling unkind delinquent forbidding tyrannical inexorable porno scatologic off colour dirty-minded hankering longing stupid prostituted saucy adult porn Fescennine fruity cunning itching bad news pitiless disparaging mean-spirited scrofulous evil-minded vengeful contemptuous grisly scornful despiteful virulent vindictive gruesome disdainful ithyphallic Cyprian guileful no better than one should be out of control fierce remorseless shamed religionless iconoclastic nonreligious rank raw barnyard explicit buyable grasping bloody near the knuckle nullifidian undevout ruined awful butcherly fell brute truculent homicidal grim simoniac simoniacal padded skeptical free-thinking unspiritual sanguinary disgraced collapsed flat open to bribery furtive faulty untamed insubordinate horrendous sad unjust unreasonable horrid decayed sunken ruinous hateworthy on the take nauseating ghastly unbearable horrifying steep sickening beggarly swinish outcast exorbitant insupportable unendurable intolerable insufferable recreant shaken bad-hearted venereal unwarranted extravagant maddening exasperating impossible OTT distressing preposterous wrongdoing O.T.T. godawful extortionate hellacious hircine casuistic selfish arrant hot to trot uncivilised depraving debasing contumelious too great shaming disgracing extreme uncivilized debauching over the top very bad saturnalian on the ground wily designing uninhibited risqué tarty duplicitous trampy artful Janus-faced calculating unsporting trollopy unsportsmanlike unacceptable shrewd conniving indefensible unrestricted slatternly unhallowed clandestine inexcusable below the belt hard-core corrupting brazen unbridled slick deceiving fishy insidious inglorious untoward audacious false lying cheeky unashamed impolite ungoverned unembarrassed insincere unfitting unabashed bold rogue sharp against the rules shonky facinorous unlicensed blatant snidey lawbreaking forward barefaced slim brash undue under-the-table against the law earthy impudent insolent traitorous disobedient unjustified spicy high-handed overbold presumptuous brassy invidious malefic soft-core skin frightful uncalled for recusant unnecessary adulterous unjustifiable free unconfined unhindered misleading tasteless unimpeded surreptitious negligent swindling toxic ungentlemanly defrauding indiscreet flirtatious untrammeled hoodwinking subtle foxy cacodemonic prohibited incongruous unfit unsanctified uncivil unfaithful oblique inapt inapposite taboo off-colour arousing infelicitous malapropos contrary forbidden out of order bald-faced brazenfaced inept unhappy unapt rebellious unctuous undecorous irreverential fickle contraband uncultivated unrepentant gay banned outlawed unauthorized untrammelled mature proscribed grievous ill-bred actionable nudge-nudge interdicted bootleg in bad taste unsanctioned rancid nauseous gamy black-market unofficial unpardonable salty ornery malodorous Rabelaisian untrue disbelieving ridiculous contumacious under the table verboten undisciplined uncalled-for backbiting repellant fulsome unauthorised heavy down and dirty not permitted not allowed God-awful false-hearted off limits under the counter out of line desperate contrary to law in violation of law carefree sleazo unsatisfactory smart off condemnable revealing rudderless out of turn not on fly diseased straying canny clever grotty embarrassing humiliating a bit much demoniac Mephistophelian demoniacal unladylike scathel perverting stinky flimflam scam cut-throat bodily a bit thick over the fence groundless unsportsmanly hostile snaky intolerant unrightful broad demoralizing subversive secular unblessed unconsecrated fresh racket overt slack slaggy fly-by-night cynical astute fleshy purple non licet of bad reputation riggish untruthful demonian demonical Luciferian impenitent unconcealed transparent undisguised sooty opportunist intriguing unmerciful ill-gotten demoralising unsparing terrific grewsome horrific lurid nightmarish nightmare near the bone foulmouthed unrelenting undeserved philandering secret secretive mendacious opportunistic uncaring tragic unsympathetic frenetic maniacal crazed mad possessed derogatory cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner covert back-alley hugger-mugger shrouded indirect stony-hearted apostate extramarital plotting contriving expedient senseless unfortunate cold-hearted cagy beguiling cagey murky backstairs evasive conspiratorial cute bloodless ominous red hot crying highly improper maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting without shame unemotional foolish doubting canting hypocritical defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful desecrating sanctimonious in bad severe truthless stern abysmal dire disastrous inclement elusive in low esteem in the doghouse obliquitous gimmicky flinty bluffing draconian calamitous regrettable fetid off-putting displeasing disloyal uncompassionate slaughterous roughshod not religious double-faced uninviting hollow-hearted woeful heartbreaking mournful crummy playing politics put on playing games ill-mannered discourteous extracurricular adulterine flighty adulterate unreliable unpalatable mephitic irregular faking one out not straightforward unmannerly yucky poisonous smelly fornicating speedy moonlighting nonmoral non-moral unchecked sick-making bogging reeking inapplicable inopportune ill-timed unseasonable unsuited festy pestilential yucko disgustful pestiferous niffy loathly olid inaccurate unlimited unbounded confident unconcerned without standards without morals deadly insalutary foetid on the nose untimely discordant out-of-place ill-advised inharmonious out-of-season ludicrous odd inexpedient discrepant inadequate awkward off-base uncomely inadvisable inadmissible unhampered out of the way undismayed undaunted rampant without scruples runaway inordinate unshackled unfettered wilful not suitable at odds bad form uncultured foul-mouthed unsuppressed natural boundless anarchic terrorist colourful unmanageable intractable impermissible punishable grimy mucky unstoppable uncontainable irrepressible unbound unquenchable reckless footloose refractory headstrong stubborn ungovernable fearless unawed unflinching unshrinking colorful low-down-and-dirty insurrectionary anarchical seditious disruptive insurgent mutinying mutinous roughneck incult unpolished lowbrow lowbred illiberal insensible rugged obdurate erratic obstinate unpredictable anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist unrepressed violating turbulent nihilistic infringing wildcat piratical warlike criminogenic unregulated unpeaceful disordered racketeering defiant recalcitrant haram tapu cocky poised forthright abashless brass-necked composed unaffected unshamed spontaneous flamboyant impertinent indiscriminate blunt out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated frank candid bizarre limitless under-the-counter off base not acceptable smoking gun ruled out without law and order uncooperative froward willful fractious bold as brass incontrollable rebel incompliant difficult restive undependable balky obstreperous mulish strong-willed self-willed badly behaved cross-grained uncompliant arbitrary

Danh từ

An unpleasant or despicable person
scumbag creep jerk swine schmuck scum bugger lout cretin louse rat sleaze slimeball beast skunk cad clown sod joker snake dog vermin slime sleazeball sleazebag scuzzball varmint stinkard slob heel dirtbag fink hound toad rotter boor stinker buzzard crud chuff bounder scoundrel churl wretch bleeder blighter cur rogue reptile villain pill crumb reprobate rascal knave miscreant brute dastard pig blackguard varlet monster shit weasel rapscallion scrote devil spalpeen swindler fraudster vagabond evildoer scamp sleeveen dingo whoreson caitiff motherfucker idiot wrongdoer mother ogre mofo animal butthole arse ass ratbag libertine picaro toerag asshole malefactor fucker git wanker grifter arsehole skelm rorter tosser fuck rat fink so-and-so good-for-nothing son of a bitch evil-doer bad egg bad lot ne'er-do-well nasty piece of work low life wrong 'un lowlife snake in the grass son of a gun no-good savage fiend baddy scalawag baddie meany meanie cheat nazi unprincipled person scapegrace scallywag heavy charlatan trickster prick wastrel jackass barbarian worm stinkpot degenerate son-of-a-bitch ruffian rake sadist demon bum vulgarian oaf profligate skank crook maggot thug SOB cocksucker liar imp kuri black sheep ratfink shyster criminal fraud asswipe hooligan incorrigible asshat despicable person jagoff bully monstrosity serpent viper bad news twit enfant terrible rass backstabber sinner slimebag scuzzbag slimebucket philistine outcast pervert dirtball bumpkin rube troublemaker horror turd thief delinquent deviant sneak transgressor yahoo pariah tyrant scally prig bitch mischiefmaker outlaw hellion problem antagonist shark unpleasant person misfeasor malfeasant mischief-maker pilgarlic terror cheater hood reprehensible person ghoul dastardly person sly person bogeyman radge dirty dog pond scum bad guy dumb fuck traitor betrayer turncoat arseUK assUS cootie dipstick son of a whore double-dealer double-crosser Judas quisling weirdo riffraff back-stabber informer numskull two-timer riff-raff refuse rabble garbage trash muthafucka peasant hind recreant apostate trog dirt undesirable debauchee sharper dip vaurien sleveen dork buffoon goon lummox boob dolt bear deceiver slicker mountebank clodhopper yokel swain rats despicable people fucktard rounder roué scofflaw rakehell scozza rowdy con man picaroon stupid mucker jake hayseed hick gawk rustic bucolic defrauder dickhead wild man dregs of society smegger daemon cannibal bad person douchebag shithead shitbag grotesque grotesquerie grotesquery con artist bully boy knob archfiend poltroon derelict ronion bezonian pauper scullion looser beggar cullion renegade ingrate lowest of the low offender lawbreaker felon convict supervillain peckerhead douchefag langer robber brigand gangster psychopath bandit mugger low-life racketeer sociopath pirate terrorist spectre specter hoodlum con crim desperado infractor monkey piece of shit little shit douche bag antihero nointer urchin gunman jailbird nasty gaolbird mischief evil person nasty person bad character black hat mean person cruel person limb of Satan pissbutt puppy cunt pigfucker atua adversary bad boy bete noire common enemy nightmare bummer difficulty impediment predicament plight poser cow shocker affliction clunker hatchet job fine how-do-you-do

Danh từ

A person who lacks intelligence
jackass idiot fool imbecile dolt dullard simpleton twit doofus dork moron oaf dunce halfwit lump pillock dimwit dummy schmuck yahoo dope dumbbell dumbhead lamebrain meathead nincompoop clot nitwit numbskull buffoon dweeb goon ignoramus putz bonehead dodo noddy numpty chump knucklehead nimrod donkey fathead goof loon nit birdbrain dipstick geek git ninny numskull schlub turkey airhead blockhead bogan clod clunk cretin dingbat eejit mug mutt nerd pinhead simp thicko booby bubblehead chowderhead chucklehead clodpole clodpoll goose ninnyhammer prat stupe stupid wally charlie cuckoo deadhead dummkopf dunderhead featherhead jerk loggerhead lunkhead mome natural noodle saphead shlub thickhead woodenhead berk charley coot cuddie cuddy divvy gander golem gonzo hammerhead hardhead lunatic plank plonker prick prig ratbag schnook stock cluck dip dorba mooncalf nut nutcase ding-dong foolish person dum-dum half-wit know-nothing dim bulb yo-yo ding-a-ling boob twerp dumbo sap bozo dumb cluck schlemiel muppet lummox lamer goofball wazzock pea-brain knobhead tomfool drongo galah galoot muttonhead goofus nyaff dumb-bell wooden-head dill spud poop palooka gowk sumph klutz pudding-head nong dingleberry alec schlepper wiener gobdaw boofhead mompara poon weeny balloon nerk spoony squarehead gink zombie wing nut meatball goat clown twonk lightweight stupid person silly illiterate softhead dumb ox silly billy stooge bore lout weenie simple scatterbrain duffer clodhopper mampara lame-brain innocent bungler blunderer brute Neanderthal lug tosser loser dildo kook hulk gawk lubber sucker goop yobbo boor featherbrain rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz ape milksop zany rascal baboon muggins loony clodpate yob bear gorilla tit churl lowbrow screwball dumdum chav oik ox witling pea brain butthead harebrain victim pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum easy mark fair game botcher bumbler amateur incompetent bimbo bodger retardate bird-brain schlep schmo dotard juggins drip numptie retard addlepate wag droll dag buffo beefhead bust jughead slow learner yokel tosspot goof ball mental defective born fool joculator antic bumpkin cloth-head hick Simple Simon stumblebum barbarian monkey hobbledehoy bosthoon beast scozza bruiser skate cougan joker joke clumsy idiot Merry Andrew clownlike person merry-andrew weakling nutter eccentric fruitcake maniac crank crackpot head case crazy oddball wacko madman weirdo madwoman crackbrain headbanger nutjob schizo oddity character crack quiz sicko bug sickie nutso psychopath flake meshuggener whacko psycho radge original codger weirdie wackadoodle wack basket case wackadoo bedlamite zealot dement odd bod bigot non compos mentis rube hayseed peasant hoon savage hillbilly provincial thug rustic ruffian vulgarian philistine rowdy countryman cornball chawbacon bogman culchie bucolic hooligan country bumpkin roughneck ocker bully boy country cousin tough dupe hoodlum ned countrywoman laughingstock monster primitive village idiot bushy pig hind carl sadist kern country dweller ogre heathen swine lager lout son of the soil daughter of the soil cannibal hoodie cad patsy pigeon tool gull pushover knothead chuff bourgeois materialist dirt farmer or know-nothing or hick homesteader or lout country plebeian Philistine anti-intellectual wimp pleb butt Goth wuss vandal unsophisticated person butterfingers dub looby mucker figure of fun goober freak soft touch countryman/woman troglodyte weed brawler toughie honyock redneck weasel dull person booner bevan loudmouth wild man wild woman skank rough hun crude labourer laborer farmer country-dweller cropper crofter sharecropper peon planter farmworker villager hard man boot boy savage person clumsy farm hand hired hand devil paysan campesino fiend paisano fellah kulak ryot muzhik contadino contadina animal bushie joskin nazi scallywag meanie scoundrel knave caitiff scalawag heavy evildoer miscreant no-good rapscallion reprobate baddie baddy scapegrace wretch demon hound meany varlet villain rogue scamp backwoods person country person ghoul bully degenerate

Danh từ

A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities
fraud fake impostor pretender sham charlatan mountebank quack cheat double-dealer fraudster hoodwinker masquerader phoney racketeer swindler trickster cheater faker fakir hoaxer humbug imposter phony quacksalver ringer conman bluffer crook deceiver forger four-flusher mechanic shark con artist confidence man confidence trickster horse trader play actor dissembler con man rogue hustler hypocrite grifter sharper flimflammer actor scoundrel chiseller rorter scammer defrauder bilker sharpie deluder cozener shicer dissimulator smoothie liar rogue trader counterfeit sharp illywhacker flimflam man twister magsman bunco artist double-crosser poser dodger bilk sharpy chiseler finagler skinner tricker scamster shyster villain conniver hoser knave defalcator tregetour whited sepulchre pharisee playactor decoy confidence woman huckster impersonator inveigler pseud hoax fleecer con wolf in sheep's clothing imitator rascal bunco schlenter exploiter pseudo scam artist plant clip artist backslider casuist sophist two-timer gold brick rip-off artist canter betrayer attitudinizer two-face pietist lip server shammer Tartuffe forgery fabricator sneak medicaster pettifogger empiric jockey falsifier plaster saint bluff enticer scorner beguiler mimic duper mocker counterfeiter slicker con-artist con woman confidence operator snake in the grass malingerer hook bigot informer feigner joker tartuffe practical joker smooth operator barricuda goldbrick prankster hypocritical person simulator rook embezzler victimizer slippery customer absconder operator thief clip gouger cowboy traitor unscrupulous operator know-it-all show-off know-all pseudointellectual poseur confidence artist Judas quisling serpent recreant apostate turncoat backstabber snake rat pretentious person storyteller fibber prevaricator fabulist perjurer fibster Pecksniff Pharisee bluenose equivocator fabler maligner misleader sanctimonious person Holy Willie flip-flopper creeping Jesus romancer whited sepulcher false witness spinner of yarns teller of lies teller of untruths

Trái nghĩa của bastard

bastard Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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