Đồng nghĩa của pain in the arse

Danh từ

Someone or something that is annoying or frustrating
bother annoyance hassle nuisance pain aggravation drag grief headache inconvenience irritant irritation peeve pest problem strain trouble difficulty distress exasperation frustration irk ruffle tribulation vexation worriment worry botheration bugbear palaver rigmarole thorn pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the ass pain in the backside pain in the butt pain in the rear trial bore nudnik rub fair cow nark hair shirt plague aggro source of irritation thorn in the flesh bind tease source of annoyance skelf bane gall menace nyaff nudnick burden blister teaser annoyer gadfly persecutor gnawer provocation thorn in one's side torment pill nag pet peeve hang-up infliction burr under someone's saddle source of vexation scourge curse discomfort creep goad concern affliction bane of one's life stress pesterer cross to bear thorn in your side burr in someone's saddle embarrassment source of difficulty pinprick blight bastard source of aggravation pressure drip infuriation tormentor grievance upset uphill nudge irksomeness besetment hindrance pip snag blighter schmo nightmare cause of distress unhappiness chip on your shoulder cause of annoyance troublemaker source of disruption disruption inopportuneness uphill battle bug anxiety crashing bore cuss badgerer quagmire dilemma thorny problem perplexity molestation issue bellyache flurry predicament job lesion wound trials and tribulations struggle fuss teasing aversion dislike pet hate bete noire hate bête noire ghost botherment bum pester poor excuse louse offense offence obstacle frump insect terror bad news cause for concern care cross tall order hard work test handful source of trouble snooze yawn snoozer boring situation tedious thing yawner dullsville tedious person tiresome thing bad situation droner tiresome person rodent sorrow anguish soreness hurt misery excruciation torture woe harassment calamity rack ordeal agony misfortune travail nagging persecution straits irritator stirrer motivator excitant stimulator mover meddler prod spur busybody energizer displeasure agitation bummer chagrin gripe sore point pain in the behind liberty demand restraint presumption charge imposure intrusion onus encroachment encumbrance load obtrusion cheek constraint imposition obligation command danger risk hazard peril threat source of fear imminence caution scare thunder source of dread source of terror source of apprehension jeopardy source of fright pitfall boring person snore yawnfest waste of time snoozefest boring event snorefest dullard boring thing mind-numbing experience nonevent

Danh từ

A person who lacks intelligence
idiot fool arse ass dimwit nincompoop nitwit dork airhead blockhead chump jerk halfwit prat cretin dunce ignoramus twit berk charlie dipstick dolt dunderhead imbecile moron ninny numbskull plonker simpleton wally bonehead dope dullard lamebrain fathead goon jackass loon pillock pinhead chucklehead clod divvy knucklehead thickhead birdbrain donkey dumb-bell dumbo muttonhead nerd nit noodle numpty schmuck clot mug putz zombie chowderhead dumbhead git oaf plank turkey wazzock dummy goof muppet nerk nyaff prick sumph twerp twonk boob bozo cluck clunk dickhead dip gobdaw gonzo gowk lamer schlepper coot doofus galoot goofball goofus klutz lummox sap schlemiel yo-yo dill dingbat dweeb eejit galah gink mooncalf noddy simp spud thicko weeny wiener alec bogan clodpole dingleberry drongo fuckwit gobshite loggerhead palooka poop squarehead tomfool asshat booby boofhead bubblehead clodpoll cuddie cuddy deadhead dickwit dodo dumbbell dummkopf gander golem hammerhead hardhead knobhead lump lunkhead meathead mome mompara mutt natural nimrod ninnyhammer nong numskull poon ratbag saphead schlub schnook shlub stock stupe stupid woodenhead yahoo dorba mampara spoony wing nut butthead kook dum-dum pea-brain pudding-head wooden-head ding-dong half-wit dumb-ass know-nothing dim bulb pain in the ass pain in the backside pain in the bum pain in the butt pain in the neck pain in the rear tosspot geek balloon buffoon meatball goose weenie featherhead cuckoo charley lunatic clown ding-a-ling nutcase nut goat goop dumb cluck tosser dildo arsehole dick bungler muggins fuckhead tit loser clodpate blunderer witling silly billy dumb ox stupid person shit for brains duffer bimbo silly retardate moke illiterate daftie burro jennet dotard dumdum asshole juggins prig bastard Neanderthal numptie screwball harebrain beefhead bust loony retard addlepate yokel bird-brain slow learner stooge schlep foolish person brute mental defective baboon boor bumpkin lout lightweight cloth-head hick yobbo ape Simple Simon clodhopper stumblebum barbarian yob gawk bear gorilla lug hobbledehoy lubber bosthoon churl hulk beast scozza chav bruiser skate oik cougan ox lame-brain clumsy idiot

Danh từ

A difficult or unpleasant situation
adversity hardship distress misfortune trouble disaster suffering misery mishap sorrow difficulty affliction catastrophe misadventure reverse trial woe calamity wretchedness heartache heartbreak tragedy tribulation accident pain shock torment torture trauma upset crisis cross reversal setback asperity blow buffet burden hardness hell ill rigour rigor vicissitude contretemps crunch danger dolour drag hassle jam mischance stress travails bummer clutch downer hurting issue jinx knock nakba poison skids ill-fortune hard times bad break bad luck dire straits hard knocks ill fortune ill luck ill-luck tough luck harsh conditions trials and tribulations deep water stroke of bad luck stroke of ill luck hell on earth reversal of fortune tough situation pain in the backside pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the rear the worst can of worms evil eye kiss of death problem cataclysm failure ordeal debacle grief worry travail anxiety disappointment agony bad news anguish casualty inconvenience discomfort curse visitation scourge plight harm hard luck disadvantage rotten luck loss emergency dilemma annoyance predicament blight hurt pickle exigency mess complication bother hot water infelicity bane ruin nuisance headache load strain quandary car crash vexation unpleasantness privation upheaval reverse of fortune whammy hard time apocalypse albatross hitch fiasco ruination grievance struggle unluckiness austerity cross to bear collapse dole straits destitution need unhappiness defeat deprivation injury crash sadness hazard devastation evil quagmire snag extremity havoc depression muddle unluck poverty labor labour penury meltdown indigence want haplessness persecution downfall infliction sticky situation lapse wreck spot of bother strait tight spot scrape impasse pinch blunder bind mire conundrum nightmare imbroglio perplexity plague drama slip encumbrance drain toil drudgery excruciation oppression rack tight corner millstone damage crucible exertion test check bale waterloo weight sad state critical situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation doom unfortunateness destruction tension tough break discouragement holocaust lack mischief stew dolor untowardness hole turmoil uphill battle fix pressure disturbance hindrance entanglement disorder shambles horror harshness grind error severity miscalculation worst-case scenario hang-up battle big trouble sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation unfortunate situation no-win situation difficulties mishappening detriment challenge impoverishment curtains neediness commotion gauntlet disease fire frustration rout beggary bad thing mishanter demands wrong pest gantlet mistake impecuniousness impecuniosity desolation abyss knot non-success crux painfulness difficult task jolt evil fortune evil chance obstacle tinderbox tall order drawback disservice urgency holy mess unholy mess uphill struggle tough grind tough assignment aggravation cancer hold-up contamination hiccup impediment barrier embarrassment smash chaos disarray rainy day pollution body blow botheration farce pestilence hurdle canker humiliation unfortunate incident obstruction handicap corruption bad experience severe test trying time to-do trammel confusion undoing kick in the teeth one in the eye sad event heavy blow thorn in the flesh debasement annihilation bitter pill catch-22 faux pas stumbling block spanner in the works hot potato double trouble thorn in one's side fly in the ointment dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing endeavor effort rotten break devil's own luck hard cheese raw deal slog hardshi squalor heat necessity case ills malice long haul hard work endeavour irritation disquiet cumber angst sordidness tumult condition failing cruelty martyrdom throe mischanter agitation letdown comedown jar punishment breakdown boo-boo offense prejudice offence ill-treatment passion worriment matter calvary down dud Dunkirk spot juncture head crossroads conjuncture crucifixion devastating blow ticklish spot spectacle disbenefit lot blue ruin botched situation inclemency intolerance obduracy roughness bath stormy seas derangement outburst traumatization total pileup smashup incident fuss ill chance retribution repulse breaking point flash point zero hour boiling point crunch time collision worst case business circumstance occasion adventure row scene melodrama affair turnabout vanquishment conquering unpredictable outcome lack of success thrill fracas sensation excitement troubles pressure cooker extreme suffering worst outcome stroke vengeance penalty difficult time flood fall worst possible outcome worst that could happen worst comes to worst bad fortune stack-up crack-up fender-bender wrack-up difficult going hard going strife rear-ender trials pitfall grievous blow peril serious accident duress conflict fatigue rough going dispute act of God blast irritant Cancer hydra exasperation besetment tear-jerker bad trot fell stroke burdens exertions care shit show rough situation wronging mix-up monkey wrench in the works vexed question question mark gremlin rub source of difficulty hornets' nest source of trouble catch menace double whammy hard knock mildew contagion fungus pass infestation glitch nervous tension pressure of work brutality barricade sweat deadlock shipwreck messiness bust puzzle monstrosity situation bomb disorderliness financial distress Herculean task overthrow ruthlessness eyesore withering dump sight delay holdup holdback rough seas inhumanity harassment crimp inefficacy savagery block cramp bafflement blot on the landscape vicious circle rabbit hole a stew a jam a scrape a spot a hole a fix dead end a pickle unseating deposition ousting vanquishing conquest toppling overturn end elimination shame disgrace death relentlessness nemesis Waterloo labefaction knock-back impairment piece of bad luck bit of trouble monkey wrench exactingness trip destroyer omission last straw loss of power stumble misstep bad omen flaw fumble final straw fault subversion mutilation toughness disfigurement vandalism defacement wreckage scarring vandalization defilement desecration acerbity vitiation erosion deterioration wrecking friction shattering battering attrition crushing severeness ruining abuse abrasion adulteration spoilage knockout detrition wear and tear illness outrage degeneration bruise waste wound cave-in depreciation marring blemish corrosion breakage ravage pauperism poorness pennilessness penuriousness insolvency destituteness bankruptcy scarcity deficiency dearth shortage insufficiency debt paucity meagerness depletion starvation deficit barrenness famine inadequacy necessitousness underdevelopment abjection pauperdom exiguity emptiness aridity straitened circumstances vacancy reduction reduced circumstances despair pangs pains responsibility hand-to-mouth existence work despondency dejection vagrancy gloom mendicancy melancholy concern force blues onus obligation duty task charge awkwardness disquietude crossroad turning point coercion compulsion nervousness mendicity melancholia doldrums exigence throes gloominess pang dumps fear apprehensiveness dire poverty extreme poverty low spirits mournfulness control drudge moil desperate straits pauperization dolefulness striving industry graft primary poverty rue accountability intensity climacteric uphill indigency paroxysm sparseness scantiness act of cruelty narrow circumstances indebtedness administration liquidation baptism of fire painful experience absence evildoing spasms unpleasant experience begging receivership slavery bête noire hock demand unavailability lack of comfort utter poverty bête noir disability dependency dependence financial ruin tears donkeywork drought fit stabs convulsions regret constraint requirement life on the breadline remorse mourning bereavement decline enervation scantness enfeeblement debilitation demandingness acuteness denial fatal attraction needfulness requisite essential imperativeness wont criticalness pressingness tenseness heartbrokenness mortification lamentation broken-heartedness desperation problems unease hopelessness Gehenna murder moroseness contingency lament sorriness liability strenuousness arduousness struggling laboriousness dispossession pining panic stations disheartenment ado ache stitch twinge calling undertaking function chore exercise job assignment mission resignation dispiritedness forlornness repining malaise deploring heaviness of heart lamenting purgatory bewailing bemoaning ferment dread restlessness trepidation ball and chain deadweight chain dead weight mental weight blame shackle unwanted responsibility hangup despondence dismay mental suffering anvil chorus disconsolateness dreariness demoralization resignedness miserableness flutter fearfulness overextension misgiving distention mistrust alarm glumness cheerlessness defeatism joylessness pessimism despond expectancy impatience downheartedness demoralisation mopes sorrowfulness heartsickness anxiousness nervosity apprehension concernment uneasiness agita dashed hopes blue devils perturbation deprival intimidation mental burden enforcement pressurization threats incumbency office violence suppression imperative devoir commitment energy persistence sweat of one's brow assiduity manual labor blood, sweat and tears salt mines tenacity muscle vigour application gruntwork elbow grease strength donkey work grit hard labor diligence yakka slogging conscientiousness spadework determination vigor attempts push power assiduousness exaction threat subjugation tyranny repression tax authoritarianism maltreatment subjection despotism injustice tyrrany abusiveness excess baggage enslavement exploitation domination pressurisation autocracy subduing forcibleness dictatorship fascism arm-twisting ill treatment martial law iron hand

Trái nghĩa của pain in the arse

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