Đồng nghĩa của out moded

Tính từ

Out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated
out-of-date antiquated archaic dated out outdated outworn antique fossilised fossilized obsolete old-time square superannuated anachronistic bygone obsolescent olden old-fashioned superseded unfashionable ancient antediluvian dead behind the times disused oldfangled tired unhip abandoned defunct demoded exhausted hackneyed kaput kaputt mediaeval medieval moribund mossy moth-eaten neolithic Noachian prehistoric prehistorical rusty stale démodé out of date out of style passé bent dinosaur extinct has-been mouldy moldy musty not with it old-hat out of fashion out-of-style Stone Age unstylish unusable vintage worn-out old hat out of the ark horse and buggy out of commission out of use old quaint old-fangled past primitive old-world creaky former clunky aged fusty old-school olde worlde retro traditional vieux jeu frumpy horse-and-buggy old-fogeyish feudal past it timeworn old-timey backward-looking frumpish retrograde crusted of yore dowdy passe of old venerable historic immemorial rinky-dink square-toed antwacky conservative past its sell-by date hoary parachronistic primeval primordial behindhand corny late age-old old-style expired primaeval old as the hills as old as the hills not current unpopular gone demode backward of the old school relic elderly crusty cobwebby early dateless erstwhile done unprogressive lost last year's vanished historical passé odd tacky overused on its last legs done for tasteless anachronous cheesy discarded discontinued dead and gone styleless trashy neglected rococo disapproved not modern grown old inelegant of olden days out of it dusty antiquarian belated forgotten previous fallen into disuse fogyish deprecated decrepit fossil remote hoar one-time past its prime departed backwards sometime quondam very old finished senescent classical long-gone heritage foregone established fogeyish ticky-tack ticky-tacky bypast nonextant had it veteran dull folk ancestral back-number past your sell-by date done to death faded anachronistical yesterday geriatric threadbare out-of-fashion obscure no longer in use gothic barbaric worn out broken-down hacky drab inflexible long-standing well-established having seen better days archaistic clapped out overfamiliar decayed old as Methuselah unoriginal once aboriginal pristine time-worn onetime original cast-off crumbling antediluvial old fashioned no longer used picturesque nostalgic classic redundant enduring timeless boring stuck in time ageless retrogressive period not in waning declining unremembered unrecalled ex- time-honoured old as Adam old school no longer fashionable gentlemanly courteous yesterday's dying out way back way back when latter-day lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion old style chivalrous ceremonious courtly gallant craft no longer in fashion disappearing becoming obsolete ageing back number at an end primal on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline atavistic not fashionable aging earliest senior doddering growing old going out of use going out of fashion doddery earlier of long ago completed long-ago ingrained fixed deep-seated hard-and-fast gone by not as young as one used to be over the hill not as young as one was not long for this world long in the tooth no spring chicken past your prime forepassed past recall ossified in oblivion sunk in oblivion water over the dam water under the bridge down memory lane button-down from the past traditionalistic buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked familial prior ultraconservative old-line family long-established standpat reactionary lineal die-hard oral orthodox brassbound unwritten paleoconservative archconservative handed-down destroyed extinguished inactive exterminated doused wiped out abolished quenched died out void terminated deceased passed on snuffed out no longer known nonexistent vanquished cold fallen asleep no longer extant no longer existing unknown ended disappeared lifeless exanimate inexistent dry as dust of yesteryear in period style old world evocative withdrawn written off dropped unobtainable decommissioned grizzled silver-haired grey-haired white-haired silvery-haired grizzly getting on longevous demised of an advanced age advanced in years worn older lot of mileage oldie breathless low deemed obsolete gone-by back delayed preceding elapsed overdue invalid down the drain inanimate bourgeois conventional straight stick-in-the-mud unadventurous Pooterish traditionalist fuddy-duddy conformist strait-laced diehard stuffy mumsy dreary shabby dingy daggy scruffy badly dressed blowsy homely stodgy poorly dressed badly-dressed baggy plain poky unkempt sloppy

Tính từ

So often used that it has become repetitive and tiresome
old banal hackneyed hack trite overused overworked tired stale stereotyped clichéd platitudinous unoriginal derivative unimaginative commonplace common pedestrian prosaic stock conventional out of date outdated old-fashioned archaic obsolete defunct extinct antiquated antediluvian superannuated hoary passé arid boring cliché-ridden colourless colorless drab dreary drudging dry dull dusty flat heavy ho-hum humdrum insipid jading jejune leaden mind-numbing monochromatic monotonous numbing ponderous repetitious slow stodgy stuffy stupid tame tedious timeworn tiresome tiring uninteresting wearisome weary wearying corny antwacky hacky cut and dried fuddy-duddy old hat out of the ark played out run-of-the-mill time-worn worn out threadbare worn-out uninspired vapid moth-eaten cliche obligatory musty cobwebby hackney shopworn well-worn out-of-date overdone ordinary predictable cornball routine hokey quotidian dime-store played-out old-hat old-chestnut everyday old-saw bromidic tripe truistic familiar tune warmed-up warmed-over cliché foetid zestless past gone off effete past their sell-by date like a dinosaur fetid dead yesterday's out mawkish bent stereotypical set worn bathetic ready-made cliched exhausted chain drained mildewed used-up stereotypic platitudinal well worn formulaic mundane unexceptional vanilla standard familiar indifferent bog-standard bland unremarkable average unexciting usual customary plain vanilla undistinguished normal uninventive lacklustre lackluster imitative uninspiring workaday uncreative traditional prevalent garden-variety typical regular orthodox established middle-of-the-road copied mainstream plagiaristic second-hand plagiarized forgettable unmemorable mediocre non-innovative so-so rehashed unadventurous uneventful unmoved derived cribbed bush-league ornery matter-of-fact half-pie characterless no great shakes unsophisticated frequent plagiarised not so hot accustomed not much cop natural cut-and-dry cut-and-dried garden variety standard-issue habitual recognized not up to much nothing to get excited about a dime a dozen nothing to write home about expected ubiquitous wonted proverbial recognised native standardized conventionalized inane mass-produced typecast ineffective silly vieux jeu staple standardised common or garden formalistic second-rate worn thin cheesy sentimental kitschy feeble spiritless ancient prevailing going current popular basic passionless anaemic formal lined aged dated decrepit uninterested sterile lifeless ragged weathered broken-down rundown unimpressed featureless barren heavy-handed yawn dog-eared shabby wrinkled outworn unvaried battered tattered frayed used facile cornfed pabulum zero trivial nowhere nothing noplace square dumb blah anemic run of the mill readily available widely available unenthusiastic shiftless ho hum phoned in unambitious dull as dishwater the worse for wear lazy apathetic unmotivated characteristic inherent symptomatic consistent representative accepted indicative foreseen reliable anticipated foreseeable emblematic prescriptive chronic secondary distinctive unsurprising idiosyncratic proper steady likely distinguishing true to form in keeping to be expected on the cards time-honoured only to be expected individualistic in character par for the course acknowledged … all over true to type widespread household dime-a-dozen domestic echoic obvious unnoteworthy middling matter-of-course starch plebeian garden lowly repeated known secondhand ten a penny plain boiler plate acquainted well-known general copycat settled evolved obtained procured borrowed acquired ancestral inferential subordinate cognate connate caused inferred hereditary recognizable recurring homespun common variety day-to-day humble well known recognisable time-honored coming from not original

Tính từ

(of clothes) Has been worn or used many times over a long period of time

Tính từ

Showing poor taste and quality
tacky crude gaudy tasteless tawdry vulgar cheap garish kitsch nasty showy tatty beat-up bombed-out Brummagem common dilapidated dog-eared down-at-heel down-at-the-heels dumpy flash grungy loud mangy mean miserable moth-eaten neglected ratty run-down scrubby scruffy second-rate seedy shabby sleazy tatterdemalion threadbare timeworn trashy tumbledown flashy naff broken-down dingy faded frumpy low messy ostentatious out-of-date poky shoddy sloppy slovenly stodgy unbecoming unkempt unsuitable untidy waxy cheap and nasty in bad taste inferior poor tattered rundown bedraggled grotty crummy mediocre decrepit ragged worn wretched squalid rubbishy low-grade ramshackle gimcrack meretricious run down grubby gone to seed raggedy lousy worn-out down at heel glaring cheesy bad cheapjack brash scuzzy paltry junky worthless worse for wear execrable glitzy sorry flamboyant substandard chintzy battered rickety low-rent rotten pitiful trumpery tinny duff rubbish decaying schlocky ropy old third-rate brassy poor-quality slummy frayed terrible coarse bum insalubrious base worn out decayed tinsel brummagem rough frowzy two-bit pretentious el cheapo dismal disheveled derelict sordid dirty ruined jerry-built sad dishevelled flimsy lurid crumbling flaunting tired swanky glittering uncared-for flaring bush-league inadequate schlock dreadful filthy falling to pieces tinselly dodgy deteriorated dowdy ruinous slipshod jazzy cut-rate deteriorating bargain-basement below par yucky raffish shacky below standard kitschy low quality bodger disreputable obtrusive blatant brazen awful atrocious abysmal splashy appalling unsatisfactory unpleasant swank razzle-dazzle ornate lowbrow deficient gone to rack and ruin beat up frightful shambly pants cruddy downmarket dire twopenny-halfpenny over-bright torn useless ragtag well worn rumpty dime-a-dozen low-quality crass rinky-dink scraggy low-class in disrepair poor quality raunchy harsh bright gross down-at-the-heel in ruins bling-bling a load of pants screaming bilious noisy weather-beaten inelegant cheapo abject cheap-jack extravagant insufficient lamentable deplorable skanky sickly valueless unacceptable scungy insubstantial scroungy tinhorn diabolical unmaintained lame holey makeshift desolate subpar punk degenerated direful egregious damaged tenth-rate used unfashionable poverty-stricken frazzled in tatters in poor taste brilliant not up to much plastic uncultured badly dressed tumble-down seen better days badly maintained the worse for wear in a bad way having seen better days poorly maintained snazzy corny violent bold seamy unprepossessing overdone nauseating distasteful unattractive average styleless florid imperfect defective pitiable ritzy faulty skeezy dud slimy unrefined catchpenny junk over the top limp lemon cheapie colorful daggy rugged slobbish depressed pinchbeck low-down disfigured bare meager disintegrating meagre ripped colourful slobby half-pie ungroomed sloven frowsy raggedy-ass warby entry-level low-end impaired injured shaggy low cost blowsy no great shakes slatternly down and dirty untended below average dime-store shaky off-color artificial wild not much cop all the worse for wear bottom-rung unsound blowzy tousled a dime a dozen not up to snuff in shreds falling apart used-up tangled contemptible schlumpy second-class poorly made out at elbows ill-maintained in rags two a penny badly worn full of holes under par draggle-tailed uncombed falling apart at the seams on its last legs thin unsophisticated cheap-looking sporty offensive down scale shopworn overwrought bad quality trifling underprivileged deprived down-market garbagy sucky indifferent conspicuous inglorious expensive dishonest crooked smirched withering ropey poxy chronic throwaway outworn pizazzy fancy glittery pizzazzy fancy-pants nifty slumlike twopenny fakey ancient old-fashioned bling rent ordinary distressed bombastic outrageous tottering middling menial sparkling elaborate scabby dumbed down of a sort well-read well-thumbed downscale peaked shattered broken split patched wrecked uncared rank mucky indigent sick impoverished sticky gunky gungy uncomfortable disagreeable slum-like in bad repair out of condition in bad condition destroyed marred crumbly hateful horrible creaky antiquated unstylish ticky-tack ticky-tacky in holes wack wanting off bush sour suboptimal dissatisfactory wrong ill commonplace creaking superannuated noddy desultory unpressed unfinished down at the heel worn to shreds shredded poorly pathetic end-of-the-pier unimproved beat straggly mussy ruffled from hunger piss-poor fallen-in uncared for beaten up fallen in scraggly mussed tumbled snarled torn to pieces weak sauce sub-par quavering shaking in a state of disrepair haggard effete anile crippled fragile second-best messed up mussed up matted rumpled windblown unneat manky strictly for the birds bogus empty garbage no-good despicable good-for-nothing abandoned barren badly built thrown together second class droopy overgrown wilted wilting drooping ailing sagging flagging grody pigpen Mickey Mouse used up rude ill-groomed uncouth Daliesque clinquant affected twee camp mod posturing gimmicky improper gay low in quality rough-hewn roughneck incult insensible indiscreet unpolished tactless lowbred uncultivated unseemly ill-bred illiberal cure pot indecorous indelicate graceless impolite stupid hideous foolish unsightly outlandish barbarous unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial unlovely barbaric splendiferous pizzazz frou-frou chichi pzazz OTT gussied up over-elaborate putting on the ritz hopeless flawed not up to scratch disappointing weak laughable woeful subnormal disgraceful abominable leaving much to be desired not up to par lacking hack crumby incomplete poorer amiss God-awful unexceptional pedestrian inept déclassé slight out of order amateurish the pits incompetent frail vile grim piddling unstable malfunctioning warped very bad scant limited blemished sketchy no good displeasing scanty derisory horrendous disastrous breakable light careless of low quality of poor quality pits tottery wobbly destitute jerrybuilt cracked scratched deformed inoperative unworthy shameful scarce insignificant ineffectual not working short not functioning shy distressing not up to standard odious puny slapdash second rate knocked together negligent in ribbons bungling foul feeble unspeakable unsaleable regrettable unfortunate time-worn buckled non-functioning patchy reduced little negligible small beggarly of little value measly unsatisfying clapped out stinking godawful knackered dubious questionable unfit delicate nickel-and-dime damnable unimpressive inconsiderable restricted minimal skimpy for the birds of no value needing less-than-stellar inappreciable reject godforsaken gone wrong unreliable uninviting calamitous fallible exiguous nominal tragic rueful of no financial value not good enough scurvy beastly half-baked ghastly on the blink god-awful cheeseball shocking distorted inexpert doubtful superficial inefficient tricky desperate chipped impotent of negligible value excruciating hellacious unsubstantial inconsistent tinpot ill-constructed sparing ineffective depleted unwelcome harmful shlock gruesome shlocky scummy repulsive not cutting it worse meritless iffy small-time poopy catastrophic cataclysmic sparse overused overworked would fetch nothing craptacular without value diminished lined dinged totaled wizened busted tainted botched incorrect buggy under-strength ridiculous affecting absurd ludicrous of no worth of little worth impermissible objectionable inappropriate insupportable obnoxious undesirable exceptionable intolerable inadmissible unhealthy abnormal seconds few insufferable reprehensible needy silly foolish-looking unreasonable repugnant clumsy dwindling minor-league minor league small potatoes not satisfying loathsome condemnable scurrilous indefensible stinky horrid irremediable out worn-down wrung out pegged out well-worn of little financial value inacceptable unappealing artless cut at a low level in short supply petty on the bum penniless beggared not cricket beyond the pale won't do not on over the fence not quite the done thing decrepit. in ruins absent missing penurious impecunious piffling not acceptable picayune minor unimportant unsellable scrappy ten a penny gone unfulfilled less bereft away failing omitted devoid cooked needed bankrupt needful broke down-and-out famished skint pauperized dirt-poor necessitous partial toytown niggling mingy ungenerous chicken minute footling peanut inconsequential mere piddly pimping no-account falling down broken down immature unassembled undersupplied rare infrequent unequal underprovided cut off not up to expectations too little too late out of gas burned out in default jury-rigged jerry-rigged rough-and-ready dinky carelessly built rough-and-tumble hard up undeveloped rudimentary inexact narrow de minimis unconsequential set dreary vicious bottom-of-barrel faultful minus outta gas found wanting not enough third string second string second fiddle bleak depressing not make it not cut out for gloomy sombre cheerless drab dark few bugs joyless piteous solemn somber disheartening discouraging unpromising sullen morose drear unhappy heartbreaking grievous heartrending funereal morbid forlorn depressive sepulchral detestable dreich lugubrious saturnine glum comfortless wonky vulnerable sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome black elegiacal tenebrific elegiac ill-mannered frangible teetery Cimmerian boorish uncivilized unsavoury unmannered clodhopping oafish unladylike cloddish churlish ungentlemanly uncivilised brutish mannerless unsavory unmannerly

Tính từ

Not open to the views or opinions of others
provincial insular parochial narrow-minded narrow small-minded small-town unsophisticated inward-looking limited petty illiberal parish-pump bigoted restricted suburban blinkered conservative inflexible Lilliputian little localist picayune prejudiced sectarian small uninformed corn-fed intolerant jerkwater upcountry bucolic hidebound homegrown homespun pastoral rude simple unfashionable unpolished conventional biased short-sighted myopic dogmatic rigid partisan close-minded petty-minded diehard discriminatory dyed-in-the-wool entrenched blimpish claustral sectional set confined regional reactionary local unadventurous stuffy chauvinistic xenophobic mean district middle-class town unimaginative civic parish selfish closed-minded one-sided geographical divisional bounded territorial strait-laced ordinary vernacular neighborhood commonplace racist partial moralistic prim puritanical prudish priggish starchy fanatical racialist prissy chauvinist opinionated shockable bourgeois neighbourhood ungenerous grudging uncharitable obdurate contemptuous hateful disdainful contained introverted shallow hick short-term improvident constricted lopsided one-eyed closed circumscribed contracted secluded sequestered separated puritan localised localized borné inexorable factional clannish cliquish lacking foresight set in one's ways doctrinaire schismatic shabby spiteful base nasty vulgar ignoble exclusive extremist fanatic denominational self-centred self-centered traditional cheap ultra-conservative extreme property-owning conformist mean-minded stingy materialistic shopkeeping propertied religious sceptical nonconforming skeptical parti pris dissident nonconformist splinter contemptible malicious mean-spirited resentful vindictive sexist nationalistic Pooterish unsympathetic pigheaded unenlarged unfair uncompromising unforgiving dictatorial boring dull predictable Victorian old-line common staid philistine unjust uninteresting irritable unwilling outraged short-fuse antipathetic indignant jaundiced unindulgent individualistic snappy irate averse upset worked-up waspish unforbearing fractious tilted average unremarkable unexceptional undistinguished pedestrian bog-standard legendary country rural no great shakes common or garden nothing to write home about not up to much strict stiff old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy proper goody-goody warped old-fashioned formal Grundyish distorted square obstinate severe niminy-piminy coloured blind colored uptight fuddy-duddy anti-Semitic straitlaced prim and proper stick-in-the-mud homophobic of the old school tight-laced inequitable governessy mimsy sententious genteel Pecksniffian stubborn censorious prepossessed twisted austere jingoistic zealous authoritarian smug nice-nelly straightlaced bluenosed fundamentalist disapproving pompous despotic slanted stern anti-gay heterosexist tyrannical conforming stilted arrogant orthodox weighted influenced preferential straight preconceived tendentious magisterial inclined predisposed button-down buttoned-down deaf shortsighted unpersuadable resistant self-righteous maniacal radical rabid militant overscrupulous holier-than-thou sanctimonious single-minded activist pedantic Pharisaic nationalist swivel-eyed hypocritical vain self-satisfied complacent superpatriotic squeamish old-maid overnice demure overmodest interested jingoist unobjective non-objective loaded overexact simpering pretentious scrupulous affected rigorous mincing artificial precise offish fastidious finicky racially discriminatory racially prejudiced racially bigoted ageist disablist conditioned unprogressive ultraconservative unbalanced brassbound paleoconservative classist leaning fattist presupposing intransigent standpat reserved sedate sober impersonal traditionalistic archconservative fogeyish unreasoning conspiratorial devoted overzealous accessory sympathetic adhering mossbacked humourless fusty old-fogeyish self-important supercilious humorless as dry as dust puffy important misleading favorably favourably unrepresentative intractable ascetic set in your ways hard-line set in one's opinions old-school die-hard fixed in one's views cynical bitter jealous forbidding pietistic envious niggling trivial suspicious unenlightened sordid tight undemocratic parsimonious alt-right tightfisted totalitarian miserly anti-democratic oppressive repressive hair-shirt spartan correct disenchanted disillusioned hostile soured pessimistic traditionalist decorous close-fisted draconian fascist stodgy misanthropic invidious green-eyed distrustful disappointed covetous abstemious moral abstinent assertive respectable doctrinal Biedermeier ceremonial ceremonious antiliberal proscriptive greedy penny-pinching emphatic overbearing imperious peremptory comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant pontifical yellow unenthusiastic tainted jaded unindifferent opprobrious imperative domineering insistent adamant high-handed authoritative arbitrary downright unchallengeable self-opinionated unquestionable categorical unyielding opinionative unbending opinioned fascistic cocksure confident definite stiff-necked egotistical unequivocal tenacious determined dictative wrong-headed bullheaded high and mighty

Tính từ

No longer needed or useful
redundant unnecessary useless inessential dispensable disposable expendable needless unessential unneeded unwanted diffuse disused not required uncalled-for uncalled for needed like a hole in the head superfluous nonessential gratuitous extraneous irrelevant unrequired non-essential optional unimportant worthless avoidable causeless extrinsic futile unwarranted peripheral casual pointless beside the point supererogatory uncritical accidental noncompulsory excessive incidental purposeless undesirable cosmetic wanton fortuitous haphazard chance prodigal random additional surplus minor excess exorbitant not needed senseless unmerited trivial extra de trop inconsequential profuse lavish to no purpose not necessary not essential undesired groundless immaterial meaningless secondary ornamental inappropriate replaceable fruitless supplementary unproductive aimless wasted valueless hollow not pertinent insignificant surplus to requirements without rhyme or reason too much subsidiary skippable subordinate accessory removable no need to no avail of little account sacrificable consumable collateral able to be sacrificed inconsiderable usable unjustified inane unavailing unprovoked nonsensical ineffectual absurd unprofitable hopeless inapposite inapplicable unconnected unrelated unfounded indefensible in vain idle impertinent unjustifiable undue insane fatuous empty footling baseless ungrounded goalless irrelative inadmissible immoderate brutish inordinate unreasoning indiscriminate careless without reason disproportionate purportless nongermane impotent ineffective adventitious inapt tangential not germane without cause intrusive objectless assumed unreasonable bottomless unsupportable reasonless neither here nor there not to the point nothing to do with it wide of the mark off the subject out of place not to the purpose frivolous wandering drifting adrift

Trái nghĩa của out moded

Music ♫

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