Đồng nghĩa của longsuffering

Tính từ

Having the ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering
patient uncomplaining forbearing tolerant stoical forgiving resigned accommodating easy-going acquiescent charitable deferential indulgent meek stoic submissive compliant docile mild enduring lenient longanimous selfless with the patience of Job accepting calm understanding cool unflappable imperturbable impassive kind merciful unexcitable gentle restrained clement philosophical humane philosophic quiet passive composed sympathetic phlegmatic serene easy considerate soft unemotional easygoing magnanimous complaisant tranquil dispassionate fatalistic unruffled even-tempered self-possessed self-restrained self-controlled receptive lamblike subdued stolid longminded indifferent compassionate collected moderate persistent persevering equanimous untiring inexcitable mild-tempered detached sober placid good-natured fortitudinous modest unperturbed rational equable logical peaceful realistic pitying thoughtful soft-shell humanitarian humble gracious unassuming pardoning willing to forgive placable sparing soft-hearted nonplussed practical sedate peaceable moral enlightened ethical wise profound temperate deep deep-thinking learned demure unpretentious living with being big cool, calm and collected yielding obedient going easy on going easy with tractable pliant unassertive unresisting malleable down-to-earth unobtrusive unambitious self-effacing diffident pliable unresistant nonresistant tolerating resistless supine quiescent non-resistant broad-minded open-minded catholic unprejudiced lax permissive fair liberal unbigoted unbiased kind-hearted easy-oasy latitudinarian big advanced broad excusing condoning sophisticated benevolent kindhearted radical wide progressive free and easy easy with easy on kindly generous tender amiable benign obliging friendly beneficent benignant genial mellow affable caring agreeable helpful pleasant free altruistic unselfish good softhearted cordial amicable warm-hearted nice casual warm congenial giving tender-hearted warmhearted good-hearted big-hearted open bighearted responsive munificent sociable relaxed tenderhearted nonchalant philanthropic good-humored good-humoured reasonable amenable loose well-disposed hospitable carefree good-tempered large-hearted decent flexible empathetic approachable greathearted high-minded undemanding great-hearted just bountiful goodhearted bounteous polite insouciant nonjudgmental unstinting neighbourly all heart loving sweet neighborly happy-go-lucky feeling libertarian lavish chilled laid-back affectionate cheerful philanthropical empathic noble sensitive civil unconcerned unsparing informal favourable favorable willing well meaning overindulgent unhurried unorthodox unconventional openhanded freehanded likeable lovable mollycoddling mild-mannered lofty pampering likable honourable supportive open-handed delightful engaging allowing honest honorable light blithe permitting untroubled human accessible unworried uncritical bleeding-heart lovely happy civilized courteous ungrudging personable breezy eleemosynary uninhibited self-sacrificing commiserative cooperative excellent soft-touch reformist natural civilised respectful left well disposed spoiling motherly fatherly maternal freethinking chivalrous free-thinking public-spirited well intentioned well-mannered unrestricted non-discriminatory anti-discrimination unfazed poised impartial profuse unreserved unflustered approving unceremonious unconstrained urbane hands-off pacific humoring unaffected undogmatic liberated sensible leisurely fond prodigal outgoing together compromising nonconventional nontraditional unprescriptive equitable conciliatory nonorthodox humouring gregarious doting offhand level-headed manageable charming freehearted fulsome moralistic openhearted do-good balanced non-restrictive jovial laissez-faire free-handed non-judgemental familiar solicitous measured sympathizing devil-may-care concerned ruthful low-pressure perceptive sympathising comforting live-and-let-live righteous unpresumptuous prepossessing winsome liberal-minded easy-peasy angelic benefic condoling careful sweet-natured commiserating fatherlike dutiful sweet-tempered bleeding heart at ease regardful princely gallant heart in right place harmless avant-garde intelligent interested humanistic receiving general unjudgemental acceptable vulnerable almsgiving liberalistic generous to a fault hearty understandable unrestrained appreciative comradely accommodative cosseting gratifying wonderful untaxing pitiful confidential cheery close immaculate intimate Christian emollient assuaging assuasive favoring letting sentimental expansive favouring soft-shelled overpermissive swell ingratiating softie marshmallow wholesome diplomatic chirpy consoling abundant ample amical simple bonhomous encouraging social-minded holy pharisaical goody-goody angelical esteemed creditable respected inoffensive spotless unerring over-tolerant appealing live with outgiving indolent complacent lazy hang-loose soft touch propitious unoffensive brotherly tactful attentive pleasing unfussy piteous harmonious taking captivating winning enchanting unofficial having heart in right place ready comprehending reassuring non-hostile going along with versatile perky elevated virtuous high principled heroic lordly respectable upstanding conscientious upright valiant goodish great understated mushy companionable as nice as pie simpatico barley-sugar orderly downbeat open-hearted loving and giving old softie well-intentioned pietistical pristine unflawed unmarred chaste graceful pietistic laid back hassle-free convivial social able to live with plentiful full favourably disposed willing to please cosmopolitan unshockable proper mannerly low-key chilled out plenteous willingly given handsome unstinted progressivist forward-thinking balmy assured virginal untouched unblamable redeemable redeeming prayerful revolutionary halcyon confident coolheaded idyllic levelheaded lackadaisical well-meaning restful reposeful free thinking seemly revisionist biddable persuadable unbothered unagitated reforming undisturbed convincible adaptable well behaved mindful well mannered decorous well brought up well-brought-up unmoved unshaken unshakable obsequious assenting assentive controlled cool-headed self-composed self-assured stress-free objective steady cool as a cucumber neutral weak spineless boneless left of center left-wing disinterested easily persuaded even willing to compromise regular open to change judicious abstinent disciplined reserved considered conservative cautious rolling with punches observant acceptant acceptive even-handed non-partisan not excessive not given to excesses fair-minded non-aligned prejudice-free

Tính từ

Not wearied, not tired
unwearied persistent tireless unceasing uncomplaining active ball of fire eager energetic enthusiastic grind hard-working hyper incessant indefatigable industrious inexhaustible jumping on the go perky persevering resolute steadfast strenuous unfailing unflagging untiring unwearying vigorous weariless dogged unremitting determined tenacious unfaltering unswerving unrelenting dynamic pertinacious unshakeable zealous unwavering assiduous diligent staunch spirited keen constant steady forceful Herculean intense stout unflinching strong indomitable patient single-minded undeviating fixed loyal unretiring unending dedicated devoted undaunted plugging firm go-go unstinted continuing undeterred fireball continued plodding enduring eager beaver relentless sedulous inexorable painstaking remorseless ironclad unsinkable unstinting bound and determined hell-bent dead set on never-tiring nose to grindstone stop at nothing stubborn unyielding obstinate unbending obdurate strong-willed stalwart purposeful insistent committed resolved earnest immovable uncompromising unshakable intransigent set driven intent unhesitating strong-minded inflexible bold steely adamant mettlesome valiant willful decided unshaken implacable perseverant plucky full of determination assertive importunate bound stiff-necked ambitious aggressive gritty lionhearted doughty enterprising avid sure dead set ardent unflappable gutsy stiff unbendable stout-hearted pigheaded rock-ribbed pushy hard-nosed unchanging solid purposive bullheaded ruthless militant bulldog manful brave courageous motivated headstrong high-spirited go-getting indurate true spunky bent upon mulish serious inspired hungry obsessed unvacillating desirous aspiring fanatical fierce thirsty sustained meaning business hard self-willed rigid deliberate pat wholehearted focused hard-driving self-starting goal-oriented self-assertive self-driven grim bent unswervable four-square rigorous compulsive unfluctuating unqualified wilful striving obsessive abiding monomaniacal persisting tough focussed decisive cast-iron hanging tough bent on never-failing brick-wall conscientious consumed compelled perverse possessed iron laborious high-pressure galvanized impelled unstoppable unmovable hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened self-opinionated ossified opinionated fixated obsessional induced full-blooded rugged progressive pioneering impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided unappeasable out even uniform consistent unvarying sturdy regular unabated invariant do-or-die self-asserting urged on iron-willed self-seeking hell-bent on power-loving get up and go high-reaching hell-bent upon power-hungry set in stone restless passionate firmly-based direct unassailable dour formidable daring radical hardline cohesive hellbent straight trusty reliable undiscouraged coherent adventurous well-founded absolute secure certain sticky merciless diehard game perseverative possessive unforgetful resounding violent vehement muscular emphatic undismayed cruel thrusting indelible ingrained deep-dyed irremovable faithful intrepid dutiful dependable pitiless stern unsparing unquestioning definite immutable hardy like a ball of fire on the make pig-headed career-minded desiring success die-hard settled in for long haul strict unforgiving red-blooded lusty vital harsh like bad penny not put off not discouraged iron-fisted pounding mortal hard-headed intractable intent on never give up tough nut set on determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on hell bent on intent upon bull-headed urgent clamant pressing exigent contrary refractory thick-skinned hard as nails toughened bloody-minded stubborn as a mule clamorous compelling imperious instant dire imperative entreating demanding burning necessitous exacting crying emergent nagging acute critical disturbing annoying troublesome suppliant overeager solicitous harassing competitive confident cutthroat feisty ferocious bloodthirsty stringent assured warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy overly solicitous self-assured can-do self-confident cut-throat hang-tough intensely competitive go for broke in-your-face fiercely competitive gung ho having killer instinct self-possessed dog-eat-dog

Tính từ

Having lost hope
despairing desperate hopeless despondent depressed grief-stricken melancholy suicidal broken-hearted dejected miserable disconsolate downcast forlorn inconsolable wretched anguished distressed heartbroken anxious desolate dismal frantic gloomy sorrowing demoralised demoralized devastated discouraged disheartened pessimistic resigned defeatist dolorous in despair bleak blue brokenhearted cynical melancholic no-win oppressed pained sad strabilious sunk upset weary can't win in pain shot down weighed down down in the dumps in the dumps in the pits in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope at the end of your tether downhearted morose helpless woebegone abject bearish downbeat tragic negative discouraging doomed unmitigable unfortunate without hope up the creek sorrowful mournful doleful unhappy crestfallen woeful down glum sorry heartsick low-spirited joyless heavyhearted low saddened down in the mouth heartsore cast down grieving dispirited hangdog droopy cheerless bad disappointed heavy-hearted troubled crushed lugubrious tearful agonized rueful afflicted hurting agonised regretful tormented distraught sullen weeping sombre somber long-faced cut up dolesome mourning wailing bewailing bitter lamentable bemoaning aching chap-fallen funeral broken plangent in low spirits dismayed deploring suffering grieved choked comfortless tortured plaintive solemn painful dreary depressing teary piteous lachrymose fed up unnerved bereaved overwhelmed hurt angst-ridden gutted funereal lonesome lonely distressing weepy downtrodden sick at heart destroyed out of sorts bummed out all torn up sick as a parrot as sick as a parrot pitiful depressive sapped harrowed traumatized pitiable devitalized deflated wounded chapfallen grim traumatised heart-rending ruthful dolent heartrending doomy racked with suffering in a blue funk lost pathetic worried overcome browbeaten humbled perturbed bothered daunted shaken emotional harassed tristful dire concerned bereft gray grey heartbreaking unconsolable spiritless drear down-hearted discombobulated uptight elegiacal dispiriting wistful saddening bugged shook beaten black regrettable calamitous antsy heavy with grief dull overcome with sorrow down-in-the-mouth mirthless dragged brassed off cheesed off racked with pain bummed-out bowed down in tears in grief in doldrums shook up mentally defeated tear-jerking down and out singing the blues displeased full of despair fraught shattered aggrieved prostrated disturbed sorry for yourself doubtful heart-sick lovesick at wits' end harrowing grievous prostrate with grief sore burned contused very sad dirgeful grumpy unable to be comforted unable to be consoled deplorable dolorific afflictive defeated poor worthless bleeding beside oneself with grief unsatisfied ripped torn-up discontent in the doldrums brooding moody mopey listless troubling affecting forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned luckless discontented strained friendless destitute uncared-for dark doom-laden undermined in sorrow in mourning let-down not happy racked ailing sinister oppressive full of sorrow dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone subdued vexed agitated discomposed disconcerted ruffled disquieted morbid Eeyorish godforsaken horrible foreboding ominous griefstricken damp irked wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued on a downer bummed sour hapless powerless murky darkening down-and-out haunted spooked vain sincere careworn drained thrown cowed cast-down atrocious tenebrous tenebrific jumpy persecuted unglued chill dreich sunless plutonian saturnine Cimmerian elegiac cold sepulchral cloudy strung out ground down anxiety-ridden in a stew in a tizzy weakened unlikely unrealistic disheartening traumatic poignant lorn companionless worn down hag-ridden moving distressful upsetting hurtful agonizing terrible discomposing agonising dejecting heart-wrenching touching disappointing worn out pious unduly optimistic lamenting mortified pining

Danh từ

The endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint
stoicism fortitude forbearance endurance resignation patience calmness imperturbability longanimity phlegm passivity acceptance unflappability philosophicalness impassivity coolness fatalism dispassion indifference impassiveness stolidity stolidness sobriety lack of complaint lack of protest Dunkirk spirit acceptance of the inevitable restraint tolerance sufferance toleration apathy composure bearing serenity equanimity submission passiveness indulgence moderation nonresistance patientness self-control self-restraint emotionlessness numbness insensibility affectlessness reticence philosophy self-possession undemonstrativeness compliance acquiescence leniency lenity temperance non-resistance docility long-sufferingness mildness clemency forbearing avoidance refraining abstinence resisting submissiveness humility resignedness humbleness deference lowliness acknowledgement modesty meekness conformity acknowledgment going easy on living with understanding tranquillity tranquility unexcitability cool persistence equilibrium kindness consideration lenience poise perseverance grit constancy inexcitability placidity capacity backbone gutsiness heart guts even-temperedness intestinal fortitude even temper obedience yielding subservience malleability biddability servility obsequiousness assent dutifulness tractability duteousness tractableness tameness manageability compliancy surrender self-abasement accordance giving in biddableness timidity agreement willingness bootlicking subordination conformability diffidence reverence observance unassertiveness respect amenability subjection consent bowing amenableness demureness concession complaisance abidance self-effacement adherence reluctant agreement conformance pliability concurrence lack of resistance duty orderliness sycophancy weakness fearfulness quietness unresponsiveness inaction inactiveness nonparticipation inactivity unconcern disinterest conforming conceding concord relenting reserve impressionability cave in caving in shyness resolution stamina bashfulness unpretentiousness determination tenacity timorousness sheepishness pertinacity unobtrusiveness staying power strength doggedness modestness abasement egolessness humilitude mortification fawning resoluteness stickability tirelessness indefatigability spunk inferiority complex down-to-earthness lack of pride self-abnegation lack of vanity bottle undergoing enduring allowance mettle standing pluck moxie suffering vitality starch forebearance resistance continuing courage ability withstanding survival will holding up capitulation obeisance defeatism appeasement pliabilty capitulating passivism recreancy submitting cringing prostration acceptance of one's fate backing down

Danh từ

The fact or condition of being submissive
meekness submission compliance docility acquiescence deference diffidence submissiveness demureness obedience forbearance patience resignation lack of resistance tameness subservience conformity tractability servility manageability dutifulness compliancy duteousness amenability tractableness agreement biddability reverence observance passivity conformability accordance respect duty yielding malleability orderliness willingness quietness amenableness biddableness obsequiousness humility acceptance assent subordination passiveness humbleness bootlicking surrender self-abasement consent conformance complaisance peacefulness gentleness nonresistance pliability non-resistance giving in controllability manipulability ductility sycophancy timidity weakness fearfulness pliancy concession docileness abidance concurrence adherence discipline respectfulness reluctant agreement abjection observance of the rules observance of the law fortitude endurance sufferance stoicism tolerance longanimity fatalism phlegm forbearing acceptance of the inevitable resignedness lack of protest lowliness acknowledgement modesty patientness lack of complaint acknowledgment subjection bowing unassertiveness capitulation obeisance passivism recreancy submitting defeatism appeasement pliabilty capitulating cringing prostration self-effacement acceptance of one's fate backing down impressionability receptiveness openness susceptibility suggestibility vulnerability accommodativeness receptivity agreeableness ingenuousness responsiveness amiability good-naturedness obligingness sensitivity cooperation impressionableness readiness cooperativeness disposition inclination conforming piety gameness open-mindedness volition vulnerableness susceptibleness accession accessibility courtesy kindness friendliness politeness persuadability perviousness suggestibleness faithfulness loyalty credulity credulousness devotion flexibility consensualness conceding allegiance concord relenting reactivity reactiveness mindfulness fealty veneration devoutness gullibility flattery fear preparedness cave in caving in perceptivity perceptiveness enthusiasm desire will servitude unctuousness alacrity eagerness inferiority smarminess goodwill wish motivation keenness sweet talk favour favor relegation demotion inferior dependence reduction zeal inferior status secondary status secondary position inferior position

Danh từ

Mental or emotional strength that enables courage in the face of adversity
fortitude courage grit guts mettle bravery pluck backbone nerve spirit determination fearlessness intrepidity courageousness boldness resolution heart dauntlessness hardihood resolve spunk doughtiness valor pluckiness moxie braveness tenacity endurance strength valour gutsiness firmness spine stamina resoluteness perseverance resilience constancy steadfastness stoicism patience forbearance grittiness valiancy fibre fiber stoutheartedness starch pertinacity stomach valorousness pith strength of character stout-heartedness intestinal fortitude staying power strong-mindedness firmness of purpose Dunkirk spirit toughness of spirit stick-to-itiveness inner strength moral strength strength of mind true grit what it takes daring gallantry heroism bottle intrepidness audacity prowess gameness balls toughness dash virtue valiance daringness stoutness greatheartedness pecker enterprise ballsiness adventurousness lion-heartedness bravura adventuresomeness sand cojones doggedness power vigour valiantness élan moral fibre vigor moral fiber venturesomeness temerity hardiness pugnacity gumption undauntedness energy vitality drive rashness recklessness indomitability will willpower force persistence conviction life steel spiritedness indefatigability confidence ardor ardour forcefulness intensity zest zeal character manliness staunchness zip vim robustness assurance animation fire zing gusto punch passion manfulness verve pep might resistance purpose poise dedication go liveliness coolness enthusiasm vivacity juice nobility will power pizzazz get-up-and-go tirelessness virility oomph aplomb certainty potency strength of will lionheartedness birr ruggedness fight self-assurance dynamism pzazz derring-do brio self-confidence bounce esprit single-mindedness exuberance snap gas sap ginger beans audaciousness mettlesomeness activity vehemence impudence faith self-discipline welly self-trust face muscle exertion steam initiative sturdiness effrontery chivalry self-possession integrity tenaciousness cool-headedness chutzpah sufferance durability vinegar vibrancy keenness fervor motivation tolerance fervour cool eagerness devotion vigorousness fervency brashness survival skills buoyancy morale ardency zealousness sprightliness push spontaneity application fire in the belly effectiveness self-belief har spunkiness gut intentness purposefulness perseveration pertinaciousness obstinacy determinedness relentlessness legs bravehood iron belief willingness mind quality makeup caliber calibre alacrity manhood earnestness wind fitness stick-to-it-iveness stalwartness person's resolution amenability goodwill obligingness insolence stuff bouncebackability bravado honour honor brass balls resignation submission indomitableness defiance invincibility right stuff power of endurance steadiness hardness stickability toleration substance spark effervescence sparkle ability to bounce back potence powerfulness civility deference urbanity gentility address reverence duty elegance tact savoir-faire perkiness fizz spring feistiness undergoing enduring allowance restraint standing suffering forebearance continuing capacity ability withstanding survival fierceness feeling ambition fervidness commitment vim and vigour tuck momentum efficiency resources efficacy operativeness impact vividness avidity avidness fanaticism self-reliance assuredness certitude holding up zap stress full head of steam mental power cocksureness positiveness assertiveness surety composure doubtlessness incorruptibility scruples honesty morality moral excellence good conscience moral virtue moral rectitude moral courage strongmindedness self-assuredness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-esteem vibrance briskness lustiness faith in oneself jazziness presumption belief in oneself positivity elan satisfaction peppiness presence of mind quickness self-efficacy can-do attitude puissance full of life

Trái nghĩa của longsuffering

longsuffering Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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