Đồng nghĩa của pissy

Tính từ

Having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
irritable angry cranky cross grumpy irascible sulky tense testy uptight critical fiery fractious fretful grouchy peevish petulant ratty surly temperamental touchy argumentative bristly cantankerous choleric crabby curt disgruntled feisty glum gruff huffish huffy impatient moody prickly querulous sensitive shirty snappy sullen unsociable volatile whingy bilious bitter brusque chippy contentious crabbed cynical difficult disagreeable discontented dyspeptic harsh hotheaded ireful misanthropic narky obstinate ornery oversensitive pertinacious perverse pettish pouty quarrelsome shrewish snappish sour splenetic truculent acrimonious captious churlish contrary crotchety crusty crybaby curmudgeonly displeased eggy exasperated grumbling hypercritical miserable peckish peppery resentful snarky snarling soreheaded stroppy tetchy uncooperative ungracious whining whiny annoyed bearish brooding disputatious edgy fussy gloomy iracund iracundulous liverish mean miffy morose pouting scratchy snaky snippety snippy stuffy tough waspish waxy acid acrid awkward blunt carping caviling cavilling childish chuffy complaining cussed dissatisfied dour filthy fretting griping grousing growling hasty malicious malignant mardy mumpish nasty obstreperous on edge out of humor passionate raspy saturnine sharp short sore sorehead spiteful tart trying venomous vindictive vinegary waspy whingeing bad-tempered ill-tempered out of humour ugly hot-tempered thin-skinned having got out of bed the wrong side hot-blooded foul-tempered ill-humoured ill-natured quick-tempered short-tempered ill-humored easily offended fault-finding hot under the collar in a mood nasty-tempered out of sorts short-fused cross-grained having got out of bed on the wrong side out-of-sorts out of temper in a bad mood on a short fuse as cross as two sticks like a bear with a sore head bloody-minded excitable piqued vexed irritated unfriendly irked peeved nervous scrappy hostile anxious jumpy unpleasant upset put out combative agitated riled confrontational aggressive narked uneasy belligerent twitchy bellicose hot-headed pugnacious restless restive miffed aggravated highly strung furious glowering wrathful tooshie nervy worried froward antagonistic fidgety frowning neurotic irate rude scowling militant fed up aggrieved teed off mopey indignant emotional hacked off incensed jittery ticked off infuriated nettled in a huff high-strung not best pleased hypersensitive unquiet embittered ticklish wired ill at ease easily upset vex abrupt snuffy unhelpful overwrought rancorous offended refractory arsey overstrung galled apprehensive defiant fierce cheesed off uncivil moping warlike threatening mad ruffled browned off peed off vicious disturbed impolite agonistic provoked bothered disobliging discordant insecure assaultive enraged skittish worked up troubled antsy vitriolic crook unresponsive uncommunicative stressed malevolent harassed recalcitrant unhappy violent keyed up in a temper wound up catty bent out of shape brassed off foaming at the mouth unsettled discourteous litigious unkind thrawn hysterical angered obstructive boorish faultfinding humourless humorless perturbed bolshie flustered unmannerly joyless mean-spirited unsmiling gladiatorial dithery queazy balky impulsive queasy grumbly wild disputative hoha het up sourpussed unstable unpredictable salty melodramatic brawly disapproving sarcastic sulking explosive crying mercurial wrath acerbic stressy inhospitable headstrong negative in high dudgeon uncomfortable hung up abusive sharp-tongued toey distressed pigheaded bad uncongenial snarly contumacious fearful malcontent factious contrarious affronted moaning mopish censorious inconsiderate uncharitable unruly hurt warring ropeable nagging tempestuous taciturn quibbling wrangling malign adrenalized battling fighting maddened overemotional stubborn impassioned unreasonable bickering inflammable ill-mannered excited grim atrabilious afraid dismal impetuous steamed up scunnered criticizing brittle shaky oafish strung out indomitable hinky goosey atwitter aflutter brawling strung up hard-nosed intractable unaccommodating troublesome overcritical wilful willful in a lather tiresome stiff criticising on the warpath fuming demanding ready for a fight hard to please cheerless shaken raving obdurate unmanageable a bundle of nerves like a cat on a hot tin roof in bad mood hard to handle prima donna-ish finicky destructive loudmouthed inimical adversarial whingey offensive stung mighty antipathetic responsive choked distraught objectionable brief scornful foul apt to fly off the handle bad-humored disrespectful unsympathetic stewed insulted quick uncontrollable plaintive murmuring grudging vinegarish tempersome envenomed livid apoplectic frustrated harried vehement wicked jaundiced wrought up hassled forceful indocile uncompliant steamed ignoble contemptible goaded timorous ungenerous perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe like a bear zowerswopped terse rotten hurtful hateful spunky acute snitty cruel spooked timid wroth wreck rattled sombre somber perversely irritable aerated unlikable unamused wailing deploring lamenting bemoaning whimpering grizzly naysaying chafed viperous lugubrious agitable broody dejected Eeyorish wired up panicky weak eristic unindulgent blue wounded mopy kittle febrile snide scolding bundle of nerves pessimistic sober aloof dark concerned taut scared got up on wrong side of bed hopping mad hesitant backbiting cattish with a long face defensive up in arms withdrawn depressed sharp-tempered strained frightened intense stormy reactive prim stilted in a paddy paranoid vixenish loutish in a bate fit to be tied having short fuse hot under collar evil-minded dramatic conservative angerful ranting psyched up frenzied cold convulsed ferocious huffy irascible rebellious rough in a funk in the sulks in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks frantic steamed-up hottempered inflamed discomposed easily agitated easily frightened on tenterhooks vulgar uncouth pushy biffo aggers alarmed over-emotional have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight all shook up self-conscious fraught unrestful embarrassed discomfited on pins and needles umbrageous hyper-sensitive ungallant ungentlemanly ill-bred easily hurt easily affected dismayed tormented anguished perplexed wrung disquieted suspicious in turmoil palpitant all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive annoying exasperating like a cat on hot bricks wriggly squirmy uncompromising classless unchivalrous cloddish clownish controversial polemical polemic dissentious wiggly overbearing unrelenting unamenable ructious arguesome ignorant hardheaded strong-minded hard-line bull-headed steadfast choosy resolute immovable picky opinionated delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive unflinching wrong-headed particular fastidious over-particular dictatorial importunate pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways rigid inflexible finical invidious fiendish uppity tyrannical stiff-necked hard to satisfy irritating inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist turbulent war pesky vexing clodhopping crude polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic lowbred uncivilised uncultured crass uncivilized base unneighborly coarse vexatious renitent pervicacious all wound up cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disparaging deprecating disappointed difficult to handle pedantic niggling pettifogging nit-picking have chip on shoulder discontent disaffected hair-splitting nitpicking judgemental judgmental rejective ungratified malcontented pernickety pass-remarkable kvetching bellyaching crabbing uncontent kicking severe nitpicky thorny exceptive exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky out of joint bad tempered outraged rabid rankled ballistic ticked roiled steaming foaming riley enflamed seething hot infuriate raging hopping boiling horn-mad beside oneself incandescent in a frenzy going crook beside yourself blue in the face in a fume in a pet very angry pained seeing red poisonous off the air spare injured menacing obnoxious distant afflicted unapproachable heated burned up needled boiling mad raging mad with all guns blazing slighted grieved cool unattractive chilly hard louring frosty stern black scathing unneighbourly frigid discouraged savage berserk chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid frozen icy arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered intimidating bugged fretted roused hate-filled antagonized hacked insane storming antagonised ill-disposed up the wall bummed out in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper burning with excitement unsavoury reproachful virulent good and mad mad as hell unlikeable grieving distressing weighty confused disrespected blazing crazy pernicious ready to be tied no-nonsense laconic bluff adverse disheartened offhand snubbed crackers flaming rousted out of countenance unceremonious dogged scandalized buffaloed ill offish off shocked scandalised unfulfilled defeated unsavory blazing mad flaming mad as black as thunder disgusted at daggers drawn dirty cray-cray unglued raving mad boisterous unsatisfied unsated unlovable out of control very upset rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope carrying a chip on your shoulder in a wax in a towering rage desperate demented energetic corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking manic breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful evil maleficent baleful unloveable extremely angry malefic long-faced forbidding evil-intentioned despondent chagrined steely uninviting flinty p.o.'d disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned serious formidable melancholic forlorn low down saddened stony sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable itching bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising vengeful opposed low-spirited not on speaking terms

Tính từ

Having an arrogant, self-important or pompous manner
uppish arrogant presumptuous overweening haughty lofty overconfident pushy supercilious affected brash bullish cavalier cocky conceited imperious lordly peremptory pompous cocksure disdainful patronising patronizing smug snobbish bold bumptious chesty dictatorial domineering forward insolent overbearing self-important assuming assumptive blustering boastful brassy hifalutin highfalutin huffish huffy important masterful officious opinionated presuming pretentious smart sniffy superior toploftical toplofty uppity aloof audacious brazen condescending contumelious egotistic elitist flip hubristic immodest impertinent ostentatious persnickety pushful remote rude sassy saucy snippy snobby snooty snotty swanky tony unabashed wise barefaced boldfaced cheeky cool fresh malapert pert procacious unblushing hoity-toity stuck-up high-and-mighty high-flown smart-alecky high-handed high-hat self-assertive toffee-nosed high and mighty self-asserting stiff-necked putting on airs throwing one's weight about proud vain egotistical vainglorious prideful contemptuous swaggering swollen-headed scornful impudent self-opinionated puffed up self-satisfied bigheaded pontifical egoistic egoistical narcissistic swellheaded self-conceited self-centered full of oneself magisterial bossy self-centred grandiose big-headed self-assured self-confident la-di-da egocentric biggity confident biggety selfish fancy-pants self-congratulatory assured full of yourself stuck up above oneself bragging self-affected self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed know-it-all too big for your boots bloated complacent sententious posh nervy sneering mocking self-righteous self-serving orgulous dismissive on your high horse holier-than-thou blusterous stiff strutting scoffing indifferent pontificating showy consequential smarty autocratic aristocratic authoritarian jumped up self-loving wise guy sure foolhardy overbold exclusive stuffy rash uncivil ritzy potty cold-shoulder careless brassbound portentous arch disrespectful puffy inconsiderate flaunting la-de-da high-minded brazen-faced bold-faced on an ego trip too big for your breeches full of hot air braggart bombastic braggy self-complacent self-pleased unreserved self-flattering self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery self-applauding dominating extroverted extraverted uninhibited vaunting giddy silliness thoughtless dizzy flighty offhand loud obnoxious highhanded poncey inflated windy tyrannical puffed-up puffed selective boasting cliquish despotic refined complaisant high falutin curt casual free familiar offensively self-assertive high reserved distant detached honourable gracious honorable la-dee-da overfamiliar impolite unconcerned insouciant uninterested throwing one's weight around nose in the air too big for your britches impetuous previous premature overhasty hasty precipitate pleased with yourself highbrow discriminatory commanding airy wiseguy standoffish unceremonious discourteous splendid exaggerated grand spectacular flatulent flowery highfaluting magnificent overstated presumptive derisive temerarious madcap daredevil reckless abrupt brusque glib terse cursory perfunctory off ungracious improper inappropriate shameless self-aggrandizing take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish riding for a fall overoptimistic heedless positive disparaging slighting withering hotshot certain jaunty jeering abhorrent insulting full of contempt smart aleck smart guy smarty pants rejecting antipathetic contemning averse unsympathetic scouting despising repudiating heading for a fall turning up your nose at looking down your nose at egomaniac peacockish loudmouth windbag brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney self-regarding snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet think too highly of oneself pleased with oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself self-admiring in love with oneself big talking think a lot of oneself authoritative assertive tyrannous autocratical tyrannic dogmatic arbitrary forceful oppressive imperative doctrinaire inflexible offensive rigid harsh imperial wilful aggressive unmannerly uncompromising draconian repressive obstinate unyielding willful severe insistent ill-mannered mannerless lippy adamant imposing prejudiced opinionative opinioned derogatory bigoted thrusting controlling obdurate intolerant dogmatical undemocratic uncomplimentary pigheaded belittling autarchic abusive scathing obtrusive pushing strict stubborn heavy-handed iron-handed tactless insubordinate strident anti-democratic crude intrusive defiant bad-mannered in-your-face undiplomatic firm loudmouthed brass-necked biased ambitious denigratory absolute deprecatory derisory pejorative degrading demeaning coercive hotheaded depreciatory impulsive impolitic depreciative powerful derogative emphatic denigrative crass decrying totalitarian detractive crowing dominant snide illiberal summary sardonic regnant opprobrious untactful vivacious hard wisenheimer single-minded out-of-line definite self-absorbed bull-headed demanding coarse prying interfering meddling meddlesome nosy iron-fisted dictative loud-mouthed of fixed views unmannered blatant ill-bred mouthy uncalled-for unhandsome disgracious smart alecky sarcastic self-approving goody-goody well pleased proud of oneself bold as brass out of line elitist bullying self-willed masterly overproud disciplinarian lording it self-obsessed decisive preponderant ascendant prevalent stooping insufferable ranting priggish blowing one's own horn partisan driven wrapped up in oneself sure of oneself compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed effervescent trashy headlong brazenfaced incautious bright maladroit brisk fustian irreverent high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant self-respecting swollen with pride on a high horse self-opinioned shocking outrageous personal unsubtle Neronian cynical hypercritical of preconceived ideas stuck on oneself smart-arsed denigrating blowhard as bold as brass sure of yourself swanking sharp-elbowed clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around big exultant tolerant free-and-easy despicable malicious inquisitive off base incongruous unsuitable compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished feisty think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending pleased temeritous smart-assed bantam unshrinking unembarrassed unashamed content monocratic small-minded protrusive nosey busy intruding snoopy over-assertive flushed ruthless spirited tsarist czarist noisy blaring fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded absolutist gritty subjugating big-mouthed grating jarring breezy merciless coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards uncontrolled hot stuff unaccountable go-ahead on ego trip unconstitutional piercing raucous lacking civility bad mannered off-base put down cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill one-party single-party churlish strong-willed I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream disagreeable in driver's seat crack the whip gaudy ear-splitting vulgar flashy discordant blunt devastating graceless jazzy tinny garish unpleasant disapproving humiliating high-pitched metallic flirtatious arrant solemn taunting stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing temperamental upstage ironhanded unchivalrous uncharitable boorish ponderous uncouth hard-nosed snubbing blighting hurtful high hat dog it unrefined unladylike ungenteel loutish ungallant surly sullen oafish indecorous indelicate rough gruff ungentlemanly apostolic ungraceful underbred inaffable sharp ignorant short crabbed sonorous grandiloquent declamatory yokelish bounderish crushing headstrong rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe serious grave pig-headed

Tính từ

Hostile and aggressive
belligerent aggressive contentious argumentative bellicose hostile pugnacious combative quarrelsome antagonistic confrontational militant truculent disputatious scrappy threatening hot-tempered stroppy agonistic assaultive bad-tempered bolshie brawly captious chippy discordant feisty gladiatorial ill-tempered irascible quick-tempered unfriendly warlike aggers biffo litigious oppugnant ardent cantankerous fierce flip hot loudmouthed mean nasty ornery spoiling for a fight at loggerheads looking for trouble on the outs have chip on shoulder have it in for have a bone to pick warmongering hawkish on the warpath inimical violent martial contrary militaristic warring fighting offensive angry malevolent inhospitable rancorous defiant spiteful military malicious vitriolic fiery unkind adversarial hateful unsympathetic controversial antipathetic cross surly petulant difficult touchy bitter wrathful irritable catty fractious grouchy choleric jingoistic destructive battling testy factious sabre-rattling vindictive vicious uncongenial crabby rebellious adverse unsociable venomous malignant unpleasant sullen virulent bloodthirsty rude polemical disputative disagreeable bickering hurtful querulous negative gung-ho sour soldierly ill-natured viperous peevish abusive attacking arsey snappy perverse huffy splenetic cavilling harsh contending polemic wrangling contumacious cranky poisonous churlish courageous uncooperative ferocious foul acrimonious intimidating caviling ready for a fight disapproving malign spirited tetchy jaundiced unreceptive salty ill-humored narky forceful grumpy ill-disposed miffy ill-humoured pettish snappish militarist having a chip on one's shoulder active prickly soreheaded snarly provocative dissenting recalcitrant army uncharitable ructious inconsiderate war enthusiastic cruel cussed short-tempered excitable opposing invasive turbulent dissentious dissident conflicting opposed spunky hot-blooded scathing joyless expansionist furious pushy unwelcoming challenging thin-skinned filthy insolent alien adversary resistant bad lively brawling unruly unpropitious maleficent biting malefic opposite tempestuous spiky opinionated impassioned passionate insubordinate mean-spirited dour cold acrid trigger-happy at odds disruptive eristic rough up in arms evil-minded fire-eating ready to fight battleful intrusive rapacious sanguinary macho sulky naysaying pro-war troublesome awkward dissentient ratty shirty inharmonious war-mongering war-loving plucky determined exasperated peckish liverish crotchety grumbling curmudgeonly waxy strident wrestling tilting skirmishing disputable litiginous litigatious noncivil combatant chauvinistic flag-waving armed fretful mighty peppery hot-button invading self-assertive itching to fight colonialistic imperialistic obnoxious rotten on a short fuse bilious savage ireful under arms eristical hotheaded carnivorous wretched vile arguesome assertive incursive short-fused envenomed pernicious censorious heated vigorous wounding anti striking averse against resentful radical gung ho obstreperous crabbed indignant irate waspish hate-filled assaulting assailing ultra-active two-fisted extremist extreme combating divided split brave oppositional fanatical zealous embattled ill bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless ugly uneasy discourteous warrish revolutionary assertory service down on quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing itching dead set against dissenting from acting in opposition in disagreement with at variance with on the attack at odds with set against soldier-like heroic naval deadly vituperous terrifying cowing terrorising trenchant sharp mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant unwilling adversative accusatorial reluctant oppugning tough disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic mutinous sensitive valiant valorous in arms allergic gutsy mettlesome alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty disobedient divisive malcontent insurgent refractory estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival full-blooded go-getting high-strung full of pep quarreling at variance dysfunctional delinquent naughty badly behaved undisciplined wayward ill-disciplined mischievous impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic socially impaired trying willful self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted bold exasperating unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly critical shrewish crusty eggy snaky cross-grained like a bear with a sore head dyspeptic obstinate scratchy stuffy snippety bearish vinegary bloody-minded acid snarky brusque curt snippy gruff raspy as cross as two sticks cutting pigheaded thrawn acerbic froward contrarious obstructive balky moody short vexed tart sarcastic iracund iracundulous morose fussy uptight snarling temperamental discontented waspy out of humor saturnine pertinacious hypercritical ungracious dissatisfied irritating pitiless out of sorts in a mood out of temper in a bad mood unhelpful behavioural tooshie vinegarish brief scornful behavioral sardonic severe hard corrosive tense grating stern stinging pungent astringent keen huffish disgruntled bristly glum impatient volatile whingy misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive unfeeling annoying brutal displeased whining miserable crybaby devastating piercing acidulous incisive gloomy annoyed brooding edgy pouting callous galling insensitive mortal grousing mardy mumpish growling sorehead sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining fretting whingeing childish hasty chuffy acerb comfortless out of humour abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take uncompromising having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar fault-finding foul-tempered out-of-sorts easily offended overbearing intractable unrelenting hard to please unreasonable unamenable unaccommodating grim disputed debatable hardheaded boorish rigid inflexible hard-nosed obdurate tyrannical picky fastidious finicky contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure strict hard-line resolute immovable oafish stiff inexorable unbending undecided borderline controvertible unsettled grumbly disobliging importunate strong-minded single-minded set in one's ways finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uppity headstrong stiff-necked delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy indomitable unflinching overcritical wrong-headed impolite unyielding opinionative perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial open to question open to debate

Trái nghĩa của pissy

pissy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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