Đồng nghĩa của pissiest

Tính từ

Superlative for having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
angriest crankiest crossest grumpiest sulkiest tensest testiest uptightest grouchiest rattiest surliest touchiest bristliest crabbiest curtest feistiest glummest gruffest huffiest moodiest prickliest shirtiest snappiest sullenest bitterest brusquest chippiest difficultest harshest narkiest orneriest perversest poutiest sourest crotchetiest crustiest curmudgeonliest eggiest miserablest pepperiest snarkiest stroppiest tetchiest whiniest edgiest fussiest gloomiest meanest morosest scratchiest snakiest snippiest stuffiest toughest acridest awkwardest bluntest dourest filthiest hastiest mardiest nastiest raspiest sharpest shortest sorest spitefullest tartest worst-tempered ugliest hottest under the collar scrappiest bolshiest unfriendliest fiercest hottest flippest iratest wildest lividest maddest jumpiest coldest viciousest hatefullest cattiest unkindest most irritable most irascible most critical most fiery most fractious most fretful most peevish most petulant most temperamental most argumentative most cantankerous most choleric most disgruntled most huffish most impatient most querulous most sensitive most unsociable most volatile most whingy most bilious most contentious most crabbed most cynical most disagreeable most discontented most dyspeptic most hotheaded most ireful most misanthropic most obstinate most oversensitive most pertinacious most pettish most quarrelsome most shrewish most snappish most splenetic most truculent most acrimonious most captious most churlish most contrary most displeased most exasperated most hypercritical most peckish most resentful most soreheaded most uncooperative most ungracious most annoyed most bearish most brooding most disputatious most iracund most liverish most miffy most snippety most waspish most waxy most acid most carping most childish most chuffy most cussed most dissatisfied most malicious most malignant most obstreperous most passionate most saturnine most trying most venomous most vindictive most vinegary most waspy most ill-tempered most ill-natured most quick-tempered most short-tempered most ill-humored most out of sorts most aggressive most bellicose most pugnacious most hostile most combative most confrontational most antagonistic most militant most threatening most agonistic most warlike most gladiatorial most discordant most oppugnant most litigious most belligerent most loudmouthed most ardent most ferocious most wrathful most vexed most put out most irritated most piqued most upset most irked most steamed most ropeable most crook most steamed up most wroth most faultfinding most aerated most teed off most fuming most angerful most frenzied most raving most cheerless most psyched up most rancorous most vitriolic most virulent most malevolent most poisonous most savage most scathing most censorious most malign most pernicious most hurtful most indignant

Trái nghĩa của pissiest

pissiest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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