Đồng nghĩa của a stir

Động từ

To rouse or goad into feeling or remembering something
stimulate arouse excite animate inspire activate provoke rouse instigate kindle move pique spark fire galvanise galvanize whet enkindle foment actuate awaken electrify encourage energise energize fan impassion inflame prod quicken raise rile thrill trigger vitalize waken bestir rally touch wake abet psych revive spook fire up rev up kick-start bring back call forth feed the fire stir up whip up work up call to mind make waves stir embers switch on add fuel to fire incite prompt enliven goad evoke inspirit motivate spur drive engender promote induce urge spark off set off spur on vivify agitate touch off egg on generate cause impel enthuse awake intensify bring out draw forth pep up get going produce bring about wake up start give rise to invigorate precipitate fuel foster envigorate juice up liven up jazz up key up lead to turn on strengthen occasion elicit titillate increase wind up initiate exhilarate push invoke work fillip brace spike bring into being light a fire under trigger off call into being jump-start ginger up amp up zip up set going result in bring on influence irritate tempt needle sharpen create intoxicate heighten exalt pump up prime inform make run revitalize recall propel beget begin refresh call fire the enthusiasm of buoy innervate mobilize innerve commove build a fire under work into lather fire the imagination of mobilise shake up call up revitalise knock up crank up set in motion be the cause of give someone a shout put in motion intrigue enhance roil incense irk augment challenge reignite rekindle charge grill vex educe jumpstart make wild incentivize heat up compel get to activize fluster upset ruffle taunt charge up jolt spawn sway operate resuscitate madden shake hook reanimate reactivate rout trip effect grab nudge revivify reinvigorate drum up effectuate set on whomp up yield incentivise elate grow dispatch spring vivificate liven initialize catalyze breed disturb roust accelerate bring be the inspiration for bring around bring to rejuvenate breathe life into put life into brew exercise ferment put into action put up to uplift speed actify enable startle do crank suscitate buoy up fire with enthusiasm spirit up support fortify initialise dynamize start off make active take out of mothballs start up conceive sting hatch develop get up propagate muster act as a spur to act as a stimulus to give a new lease of life to perk up get one started act as a impetus to set up steam up act as a incentive to put new life in buck up gee up act as a fillip to speed up catalyse instill instil build up contribute to make for draw on bring forth give birth to translate into whet one's appetite get smoking burn up echo recreate suggest bring to mind summon up allude to conjure put one in mind of conjure up

Động từ

To urge, incite or goad into doing something
spur drive prompt incite induce inspire instigate motivate prod urge goad impel lead move persuade provoke push rouse spark stimulate sway activate bring cause encourage incline pique press trigger work actuate challenge excite inflame inspirit nudge prick propel sting touch bring around light a fire under fire up set going egg on coerce pressure sic arouse spur on goose influence put up to dragoon exhort pressurize pressurise stir up hound badger make rally harass galvanize bully whip force needle sound galvanise key up remind refresh egg impassion entice hassle convince tempt incentivize animate convert get rowel incentivise inveigle root on prevail upon turn on talk into win over work up act as a stimulus to prevail on root chivvy shake ask agitate roust titillate lash crowd gain satisfy jog put a bomb under quicken act as an incentive to compel coax dispose constrain impress elicit cajole occasion dig procure energize steel evoke invigorate countenance awaken favour favor hearten exhilarate uplift impact empower vitalize advise embolden rev up drive on envigorate energise strike help necessitate incentify give the incentive to act as a incentive to pep up cheer on hint to whip up boost up pump up suggest to foment oblige put the heat on put the screws on beg implore admonish beseech promote adjure solicit entreat nag hustle insist browbeat steamroll try to persuade fire railroad into predispose mobilize draw wheedle push for insist on bulldoze into set off start sell one on appeal to lean on mobilise exert influence on use pressure on twist someone's arm put pressure on trigger off touch off twist one's arm precipitate plead enjoin bring pressure upon enthuse direct condition determine spirit up appeal request maneuver sanction manoeuvre predetermine act upon propose orient impose on advance charge rationalize commend rationalise conjure ride herd on set afoot give incentive to give incentive set astir bring about train call on psych up pound put to work move forwards boost set in motion put in motion push forwards get moving herd suck in wheedle into squeeze soft-soap prod into bulldoze sweet-talk draw in cajole into coax into argue into put someone up to something shepherd flick trip flip operate switch engage pull hit run round-up switch on click start off throw spark off click on get going round up bother advocate expedite pester inspan recommend intimidate obligate harry railroad speed up push around strong-arm put the screws to press-gang pour it on dragoon into steamroller into go to town on browbeat into bear down on use strong-arm tactics on

Động từ

To affect or influence, especially emotionally
affect influence impact sway touch impress move reach strike bias faze hit inspire overwhelm overcome impact on impress on hit hard make an impression on strike at exert influence on have an effect on have an impact on prevail over shake up emotionally move tell on upset disturb excite stimulate arouse impassion hurt grab agitate pain involve shake grieve distress trouble sadden perturb mark infect get get to take hold of make an impression tug at your heartstrings leave a mark on melt soften disquiet animate stick in someone's mind cut a figure cross wound occur to quicken carry spring to mind come to the mind of come to mind dawn on enter one's head make an impact make an impact on register with come to present itself emerge to cross your mind come into one's consciousness change alter transform modify sting cut harrow act on concern shape damage attack condition devastate afflict sear mortify govern manipulate determine control form touch a chord strike a chord torment rouse torture thrill make miserable vex make wretched gall decide guide throw work on affront pierce relate induce prevail impinge bowl over regard interest knock back leave an impression on get through to knock for six bear upon impinge upon gnaw at cause anguish to cut to the quick turn someone's head go to your head contaminate vitiate corrupt spoil mar ruin pollute impair taint poison blight defile debase spread to shock traumatize traumatise injure destroy cripple annihilate ravage demolish dirty compromise harm foul break sabotage occur crush weaken wear away radioactivate strike down do damage to play havoc with wreak havoc on deprave run through spread among make impure pervert debauch disease dismay affect badly deeply upset inflict trauma offend dump on stress bother do in outrage put down hurt somebody's feelings disadvantage make someone suffer knock sideways impinge on leave a mark

Động từ

To begin to move after a period of being inactive

Động từ

To leave or go out of (a place)
leave move vacate depart evacuate exit go split scoot abscond sally scram part budge from depart from go away go out of move out pull out shift from withdraw from abscond from be gone from clear out set out take off exit from go away from go from make a move from move from quit flee abandon flit escape desert embark vamoose forsake defect emigrate retire elope disappear decamp issue cut relinquish fly vanish migrate disengage from run away from make oneself scarce run off take a hike go forth say your goodbyes pack your bags go AWOL make tracks do a disappearing act take your leave of walk away take French leave clear off take leave bog off cut and run walk out cut out break away head out move out of up sticks make off sling your hook disappear from fly from slope off from do a bunk from pull out of hook it do a bunk retire from bolt from say one's farewells remove oneself check out take oneself off from set out from push off decamp from say goodbye absent oneself from ride off shove off flee from slip out give the slip step down beat it come away start escape from run along skedaddle withdraw scarper bolt run away begone retreat bail out bug out buzz off bug off get get out bail take a powder go off set off sally forth take flight step along run hightail it head off hit the road get going get off light out be off book pack up push on pack off pike off pike out absent yourself get away beat a hasty retreat peel off dig out do a runner run for it hightail make a run for it make a break for it fly the coop beat a retreat get lost scat skip back out start out hit the trail break head for the hills voetsak rack off hamba be on your way blow leg it hop it show a clean pair of heels peel out slip away steal away set forth make a getaway remove shoo turn tail make an exit move off duck out abstract oneself sod off resign avaunt chuck skip off drop out scamper back off pack in resign from nick off walk off give up clear walk out on go jump in the lake take to your heels repair do a moonlight flit go and jump in the lake betake oneself naff off get along disengage haul off slope off move away go out make a quick exit proceed step down from travel take it on the lam relocate be off with you sneak away step out set sail on your bike skidoo lam head move along opt out abdicate go on the lam pull back fall back hotfoot it break out separate adjourn wriggle out pull stakes recoil sneak off set forward make make a move pop off break camp bow out resettle step on it cut loose make your escape break free take wing jack in break out of draw away back away take yourself off strike out sail renounce renege dash scurry recede avoid shun pass transfer race dart rush hurry shrink move on evade elude hustle get out of be gone make a start get under way draw back levant step aside from run out on get moving go through shoot through fade away push along get stuffed do a Skase make quick exit bow out of hop the twig hop the stick make a break run out do a vanishing act break loose take a long walk on a short pier call it a day burst out drop back get free move back fade empty zip apostatize ditch revolt rebel finish journey scuttle hasten speed hie trek bag uproot shoot git jump move house tergiversate sprint career regress retreat from repudiate range detach abandon ship turn your back spur expedite whiz begin one's journey tear away turn reject change residence clear out from head out from slip leave flat give notice hit the bricks emerge double immigrate advance pull up stakes get out of my sight skip out throw up run off from take off from move out from beeline transmigrate stop work break off part with part company contract out shift one's ground go over change sides secede walk out of break away from sell out leave for go your way chuck in stand down from haul away pull the plug shake a leg seclude oneself back out of hurry up walk away from throw in the towel stop participating in pull away down tools go missing opt out of go like lightning play hooky get away with do a fade make time give ground make one's departure go back on knock off make a escape make a sharp exit make haste be lost go over the fence take on the lam fall away from turn one's coat get a move on work out of move fast drag away rat on take a walk go scot-free take to flight slink off slink creep sneak skulk leave in a hurry void have it away make away cruise wend mosey maroon skidaddle displace sign out strand absquatulate start off beat off hurry away make one's way skiddoo tear off say adieu make for creep off bust depart suddenly segregate free absent troop exeunt break up say farewell walk go to hell hide hotfoot alight conk out dedomicile make like a tree and get out of here make like a tree and leave get on your bike bail out from clear from pull out from pull go and chase yourself get out of someone's clutches make good one's escape slip through your fingers distance oneself back down fold give way go back go secretly hasten away run from set about get on the road leave port run for the hills take one's farewells duck dodge circumvent blast off put forth step aside commence go absent without leave go west march out spring eschew step on the gas ease out ship out resile go offstage flake off do vanishing act bid farewell abstract make vacant make empty eject from rat dump defect from change place storm off leave suddenly go off in a huff make a sudden departure get up and go storm out flounce out drop shrink back kite bound aim scramble steer bear veer move abroad flit from leave hastily leave abruptly split up quit the scene go their separate ways go separate ways disassociate dissociate shy away step back turn away spurn shrink away demit recede from detach yourself stop participating scratch from go to one's room shut oneself away in go one's ways make one's farewells delink cop out kiss goodbye leave high and dry change allegiances turn traitor revolt against secede from go over to the enemy change loyalties break faith be apostate exclude oneself make a dash for it leave in the lurch pop out step outside nip out draw change house change address change jobs passage become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate leave holding the bag kick rocks go forward throw away move overseas take the count throw in the sponge give something a miss make one's exit run like scared rabbit scram from run along from vamoose from hare hurtle sunder out burst out of break loose from leave your country bust out split off start a new life come out make one's escape from egress take leave from head off from remove oneself from cut and run from set off from clear off from check out from weasel out forgo zoom jump ship shut oneself away take oneself make oneself scarce from take a hike from say goodbye to give the slip to slip out from trot belt pelt tear stop discontinue cease drift wander head for cancel halt end terminate charge skirr whizz skitter rove roam voyage retreat to resort process go south make scarce make a quick getaway dog it depart secretly ram hurl drive blast careen rip highball whirl bundle rustle breeze beetle rocket nip motor chase bomb jet whisk step buzz hump blaze course barrel bustle bowl scutter cannonball retire to go to adjourn to cry off dispense with finish with have done with post accelerate depart for set off for withdraw to remove to leave work take a break call it a night close shop clock off finish work finish working shut down finish the working day shift retract divert crack on betake oneself to wend one's way to take off for tergiverse hike globetrot itinerate move quickly be quick nomadize move around travel around move about dissolve change your mind evaporate evanesce dematerialize melt disperse sink dissipate die melt away be invisible be lost to view be wiped out become invisible disappear from sight be lost to sight recede from view vanish into thin air be exterminated

Động từ

To suffuse with vigor, life, energy, or spirit
inspirit inspire rouse encourage excite hearten motivate animate galvanise galvanize enliven incite energise energize spur embolden exhilarate rally steel instigate buoy strengthen boost fortify lift refresh brighten revitalise revitalize restore uplift enhearten revivify elate elevate cheer gladden buoy up cheer up buck up chirk up bear up psych up give shot in arm stimulate invigorate envigorate vitalize arouse move stir up fire pep up fire up spur on provoke activate goad quicken drive spark fillip pique ginger up electrify pump up whip up reassure sway perk up brace enthuse incentivize urge liven up gee up push trigger incentivise light a fire under impassion kindle inflame fire the imagination of impel build up prod jazz up give a shot in the arm to work up empower assure thrill revive console cheer on rev up vivify spike dynamize jump-start pick up zap amp up zip up juice up raise spirits get someone going fire with enthusiasm comfort build rejuvenate ignite nerve influence prick persuade renew boost up cause stiffen the resolve of bolster give a boost to impress raise your spirits instil sustain reinforce incline awaken foment prompt intoxicate charge liven fuel instill kick-start exalt commove spark off turn on goose prime innervate give a buzz put zip into give someone a kick give a lift to egg on fire the enthusiasm of get going brighten up give courage make brave agitate boost moral delight make braver hound give confidence support compel actify arm activize enable make confident give courage to reinvigorate lift the morale of tickle enrapture grip incentify move to action whip imbue infuse touch applaud psyche up spur to action make enthusiastic strike disinhibit enforce give pep talk affect occasion get endue infect beghast give someone a charge evoke tickle pink dispose egg jumpstart edify waken ferment carry shock startle jolt make more cheerful make happier reenforce raise start off set up give impetus improve nudge stoke up generate enkindle be responsible for motive whet wake praise lighten refine better light up give life to give one an idea agitate for bring about fan the flames of agitate against inform give new life to breathe new life into stimulate spiritually lift the spirits of give confidence to raise the morale of spirit up give hope to boost morale bield prop up titillate cultivate civilize ameliorate make alive stun astonish frighten advance civilise enrich put a bomb under give a shot in the arm freshen harden wake up put new heart into put new life in snap up put new heart in put new strength in give a new lease of life to gratify please give a lift satisfy warm rejoice entertain amuse look up divert content pleasure suit glad agree with make happy charm enchant make someone feel good take a turn for the better help humour humor fulfil solace indulge regale transport give strength to see someone through send delectate enhance convulse make laugh go over big brace up bring joy to knock dead hit the spot come to life wow snap out of it do someone's heart good feast gas fulfill raise the spirits give someone pleasure make lighter be a tower of strength to spice give pleasure to make content appeal to be a source of strength to make brighter get your act together smarten up lift up soothe lift your spirits make more lively put pep into waken up vivificate let sunshine in make more exciting make lively take a load off loosen up relax lighten up clear up become cheerful take heart take off get better let the sun shine in upraise put on top of the world put on cloud nine leaven catalyse add zing to add zest to catalyze keep someone going fascinate bewitch enthrall entrance enamor captivate bowl over arride attract ravish tickle to death be the ticket enthral allure warm the cockles of the heart make a hit with please greatly groove get one's kicks grow buoyant be heartened become optimistic become hopeful rise soar oblige overjoy nurture succour juice make someone's spirits soar turn someone on make very happy pep give someone a thrill give someone great pleasure make somebody's day be agreeable to make someone glad make someone pleased assist aid beguile foster succor keep one going keep you going crack someone up be a hit with make smile make roll in the aisles slay grab crack up crease up kill disport warm the cockles of someone's heart

Động từ

To hold or engage the attention of
fascinate captivate charm enchant enthral enthrall beguile bewitch absorb allure engross grip mesmerise mesmerize attract spellbind entrance engage enrapture interest rivet intrigue hypnotise hypnotize occupy delight entice please involve draw lure tempt magnetise magnetize excite entertain arrest divert amuse seduce immerse bedazzle tantalise tantalize ravish thrill titillate transfix wile busy bemuse enwrap overwhelm win arouse enamor invite gladden transport witch ensnare stimulate kill enamour intoxicate pique provoke overpower infatuate enslave attach subdue appeal compel kindle animate fire catch up hold spellbound put under a spell interest greatly hold dazzle grab preoccupy wow turn on rapture hook appeal to pull bowl over distract tickle pink sweep off feet impress win over carry away gratify catch amaze tickle capture knock out astound awe knock dead slay send affect move persuade touch inveigle stupefy strike stagger lead on woo tickle your fancy astonish overawe satisfy overcome blow away bait induce stun floor dumbfound take your breath away cheer take monopolize hold your attention hold the attention of delectate exhilarate solace decoy rap monopolise coax betray solicit make a hit with regale elate inspire hold in awe daze tickle to death influence vamp suck in float someone's boat catch the eye of engulf rouse electrify inflame cajole overjoy employ disport razzle-dazzle bewilder rope in court make happy humour humor be of interest to sweep someone off their feet beckon steer take up bring in pull in give pleasure to whet the appetite of come on light someone's fire obsess fix fixate fill take aback content leave speechless seize gain subjugate capture your imagination bedevil ensorcell mislead scintillate tease snare pleasure trance delude trick concern catch hold of entrap strike dumb recreate elevate quicken consume soak rejoice indulge send into raptures enliven relax arouse curiosity catch your eye groove arride draw attention make your mouth water fracture be attractive to be a hit with go over big turn someone on hit the spot be the ticket give someone a kick keep busy give a buzz please greatly tie up maintain keep sweep sombeody off his/her feet be unable to take one's eyes off blind bind subject petrify be interesting to perk up own gorgonize wrap up paralyze root paralyse tickle the fancy of matter to envelop forspeak control voodoo rivet the attention of endear spark prompt agitate bury root to the spot get under your skin call keep alive keep up secure get obtain have an impact on keep amused grab the attention of fill with delight elicit send into transports turn one's head charge galvanize incline score jubilate glory exult hog corner assimilate apply waken whet pick up attend comfort inspirit ecstasize cast a spell on put horns on engage one's attention sit up whet one's appetite panic give someone a charge give great pleasure to do one's heart good give joy to lead surprise grapple palpate freak out glitz crack up make merry stir up put the whammy on put under magic spell arouse the curiosity of train rope drag hit on draw in be concerned with be active with take someone's fancy whet someone's appetite become lost sew up up on be hung bring forth call forth argue into bring around deceive trap galvanise pump up give the come-on to put 'em away get one's jollies break one up knock 'em dead be a source of fascination to engage someone's attention exert a pull on exert influence on throw yourself into get lost in lose oneself in absorb yourself in get going get someone going give someone a thrill do it for someone turn someone's head switch on indicate bid sign summon demand ask command befool besot lead up garden path toll con mousetrap tout lead astray shill wheedle party refresh nurture flirt with dangle a carrot in front of have a get-together laugh it up treat to toss a party give a party keep hanging make a fool of keep someone hanging on sweep you off your feet hearten uplift mollify appease fulfill warm fulfil suit glad placate convert cheer up brighten up conciliate pacify propitiate sweeten do someone's heart good give someone pleasure buck up make someone feel good buoy up bring joy to give a lift agree with warm the cockles of the heart make content get one's kicks assuage gentle set at ease urge win the affection of put off guard convince unarm disarm undermine someone's resistance invigorate sweet-talk soft-soap enthuse envigorate fire with enthusiasm feast fire someone's imagination gas take somebody or something by storm make an impression on soothe come on to hold on to stroke energize satiate blarney blandish sate silence quieten still quench motivate frenzy jolt flatter into smooth-talk commove dynamize jar energise suffice reconcile serve slake light a fire under meet feed oblige work up initiate get started show introduce provide for cloy accommodate fill the bill do the trick surfeit pander to satisfice sell flatter cater to treasure prize cherish value make your head spin go to your head attract attention fool dupe hoodwink take in bamboozle gull double-cross string along cheat sucker snooker misguide shaft have humbug spoof juggle snow misinform burn buffalo gammon hornswoggle bluff cozen gaff hoax diddle butter up exploit flimflam rook manipulate gyp stick have on scam take advantage of jockey shave play fake out finesse chisel impose on put one over on lead up the garden path pull a swifty on pull a fast one on play for a sucker take for a ride

Động từ

To greatly impress, charm or beguile someone
dazzle amaze astonish overwhelm astound impress awe floor overcome stupefy stagger dumbfound strike overawe touch excite bedazzle spellbind move fascinate affect hypnotise hypnotize surprise glitz bowl over blow away take aback leave speechless strike dumb knock out razzle-dazzle sweep someone off their feet take your breath away stun daze overpower shake knock sideways knock for six prostrate devastate whelm overmaster crush disturb swamp oppress snow under kill get to hit for six captivate enchant blind flabbergast sweep off feet blow your mind make emotional subordinate steamroller downgrade wreck demoralise shock destroy shatter confound upset demoralize confuse bewilder grind puzzle render speechless run circles around do in sweep over grind down startle nonplus rock thunderstrike disconcert shake up throw dumfound surprize perplex leave open-mouthed knock the stuffing out of take by surprise discompose stop someone in their tracks leave aghast flummox unnerve bemuse boggle catch off balance baffle traumatize befuddle distress befog faze addle stump traumatise jolt buffalo unsettle electrify carry away numb knock over knock for a loop hit like a ton of bricks throw a curve mystify bamboozle discombobulate vex greatly upset disorient muddle fuddle fox horrify beat appal benumb get fog abash gravel paralyse maze petrify paralyze distract jar dismay pose appall alarm knock over with feather take the wind out of your sails boggle the mind knock your socks off spring on sweep away break psych break someone's heart muddy gobsmack chagrin disorientate dizzy throw into a tizzy besot hit psych out fill with wonder fill with amazement make speechless put away throw off balance give a shock discomfit consternate rattle throw for a loop bring around strike with awe cause wonder knock senseless put out of action outrage offend revolt disgust put one away sicken scandalize nauseate cow terrify frighten grip disquiet agitate repel delight choke seize bedevil perturb displease provoke daunt intimidate antagonize anger confusticate antagonise insult scandalise hotdog grandstand showboat scare enthrall enthral raise someone's eyebrows give offence to set someone back on their heels completely surprise give a turn gross out shake out of your complacency make someone's blood run cold hit like ton of bricks throw off set thinking confuscate grab move to tears cause to be at a stand make someone scratch their head render unable to continue wilder mess with one's head be all Greek to reduce to tears enthuse galvanize thrill rouse arouse stimulate galvanise slay make splash be a hit cut a figure be conspicuous score with register with

Động từ

To intermingle or blend
intermix blend combine mix merge fuse amalgamate integrate mingle meld incorporate commingle intermingle homogenise homogenize interfuse unite commix coalesce compound immix composite comingle conflate immingle concrete link synthesise synthesize alloy interweave admix lump associate jumble embody interbreed conjoin weave cross hybridise hybridize suffuse braid tangle infuse knead transfuse adulterate infiltrate instil instill saturate put together mix up work in make up marry join unify emulsify blunge fold in whisk interpenetrate mesh premix interflow bring together bleed fold interblend weld cement interlace shuffle intersperse absorb assimilate include consolidate knit stir together cross-breed subsume harmonize accommodate shift around pool imbibe harmonise form slot in fit in add in tie in add to gang up slip in hook in link up conjugate affiliate connect couple wed join together interface network come together converge bind bond add band agglutinate yoke glue stick concatenate introduce tie bracket become one lump together symphonize cohere adhere mass concentrate compact conglomerate melt throw in together bunch up tie up knit together insert embed arrange inmix shake dissolve produce create make onboard intertwine blend in feather in run together match interact splice envelop join up dilute make uniform coadunate ally appropriate throw together team cleave cling center concenter centralize amass condense relate dub make similar treat whip beat smooth throw in with physically join stir in stick together spoon melt into one another run into one another fade into one another centralise concentre centre orchestrate manufacture coordinate desegregate join to get together co-opt stir gently match up melt into take in run into swallow up attach fasten hitch fix secure clamp interlink interconnect affix chain solder catenate hook plug into tie in with hitch on tack on tag on meld with hook up slap on

Động từ

To annoy or irritate
ruffle annoy irritate nettle vex disturb agitate harass irk upset confuse disconcert fluster rattle trouble unsettle worry anger bother exasperate unnerve disquiet flurry needle peeve perturb discomfit aggravate bug discompose discountenance faze rile affect hassle nark put off throw chafe discombobulate eat frost gall get get to grate gripe itch make nervous miff niggle persecute pique rasp shake up spite put out throw off balance abrade bluster browbeat bully burn up cow disrupt distress excite floor flummox fret frill fuddle furbelow intimidate provoke stump torment wear get across hack off put someone off their stroke wind up cause someone to lose their composure put into a flap throw into a tizz rattle one's cage throw into tizzy foul muddy roil make turbid confound nonplus bewilder perplex distract shake dismay take aback alarm abash baffle puzzle unhinge surprise frighten shock embarrass addle stun mystify frustrate psych out throw off startle scare mortify spook discomfort daunt undo muddle dumbfound jolt disorient psych gravel make someone scratch their head concern cause to be at a stand panic ail fuss frazzle distemper befuddle alarum derail appal bamboozle hagride astonish demoralize exercise buffalo fox freak out weird out catch off balance stagger demoralise put someone off their stride appall knock for six discourage sadden stupefy overwhelm sicken offend afflict bemuse astound flabbergast stir up horrify make waves beat chagrin pother put out of countenance maze fog wilder bowl over pose befog stop someone in their tracks set someone back on their heels mix up be all Greek to knock sideways grieve deter displease deject flip craze dishearten hurt plague pester wound dispirit unbalance amaze discommode make uneasy disappoint make anxious indispose terrify terrorize balk get at pick on daze work up baulk depress tick off consternate unman put the wind up take by surprise chill terrorise pull the rug from under thwart pull the rug out from under foul up obfuscate give a hard time make your head spin disorientate set someone thinking bring up short go to your head blow your mind stymie heat hurry bustle uncalm dement put on edge dizzy hinder disarrange awe overawe send into a spin subdue catch unawares upset the applecart inconvenience destabilize sap pain blind destabilise benumb rock snow boggle pour cold water on throw cold water on turn incapacitate cramp debilitate leave open-mouthed intoxicate take your breath away inebriate mess with one's head make punchy ball up give a shock strike dumb move flip out fire up egg on turn on get someone lay up bum out key up galvanize jar traumatize oppress torture rack stress rock the boat make a scene give someone grief put off one's stroke involve beset thicken tangle complicate galvanise throw a curveball knock over electrify spring on anguish curse harry hound try agonize mess with someone's head traumatise do someone's head in unstring knock props out throw a curve encumber jumble entangle injure nag strain hurt somebody's feelings stumble muck muddy the waters mix you up ravel snarl up nit-pick agonise strap tantalise aggrieve prick push dog break tantalize desolate harrow martyr get on your wick cause anguish to cause suffering to eat at cut up make wretched push buttons arouse anxiety in make it tough for weigh on make miserable do a number on be on one's case disgust outrage repel scandalize revolt nauseate humiliate shame dash expose trap gross out outsmart scandalise outwit trick disillusion paralyse put down outfox play disenchant affright disgruntle snafu let down paralyze screw up give a turn throw into a tizzy mess up fill with consternation louse up muck up trip wrong-foot catch on the hop catch out

Động từ

To move quickly or busily
buzz bustle rush hurry scurry tear dash hasten scuttle flutter fuss race scramble career chase run scamper scoot shoot beetle hare zip zoom barrel belt blast blaze blow bolt bomb bowl breeze bundle cannonball careen charge course drive fly hie highball hump hurl hurtle hustle jet jump motor nip pelt ram rip rocket rustle scutter speed sprint step travel trot whirl whisk whizz make haste crack on hotfoot it bestir dust flit rush around dart gallop streak boogie post whip bucket flash hightail go like a bat out of hell scud clip go like lightning go hell for leather sweep burn rubber leg it get a move on stampede barrel along zap wing shift fleet bound wheech go like the clappers get the lead out whoosh scorch step on it whiz cut along swoop hotfoot hightail it spank along get cracking haste go like the wind lay rubber spring bowl along move skip go fast shake a leg make tracks quicken rattle along jog pound flee accelerate skedaddle speed up put on some speed dive beat it burn plunge canter amble steam fling expedite fast-track roll hurry up dispatch put your foot down go yeet trip boil sail make time rage tear along spurt move quickly push lose no time really move whip along get your skates on clear out lope leap jogtrot skirr double skim tool surge dogtrot cannon lunge lash ride proceed skitter bullet go like a bullet be quick vroom break beeline spur press on pace press get moving smoke belt along bomb along go quickly go like a bomb move along cover ground step on gas escape abscond decamp depart patter dog it get out cut and run run like the wind skite waltz swoosh catapult plough plow kite move briskly festinate roll along roar go briskly step lively hop along step along run fast pass push on retreat flow stream gush leave scat vamoose split cascade go rapidly drive fast run off bug out run away rush headlong run like mad plunge ahead slip away progress hop it express pour be off like a shot whish burst sally put foot make a run for it rush at make it snappy get on it tear up the miles go like greased lightning go at breakneck speed pass by tear out move forward move rapidly go by stir one's stumps turn on steam make short work of dig in get a wiggle on go away move fast gather momentum flood sloosh tumble gear up bowl over go all out waste no time whip around not lose a minute take wing make oneself scarce pump move apace outstrip tear around buzz around run round in circles flap float flitter drift undulate wave swirl glide hover heave ruffle

Động từ

Burn, simmer
smolder be angry boil bristle burn erupt explode fester glow glower seethe simmer bubble churn consume ferment fulminate fume smoke steam rage foam storm smoulder be livid be beside oneself foam at the mouth rankle sizzle chafe spit be furious be enraged be incensed see red be boiling over froth at the mouth be hot under the collar breathe fire stew rant rave get hot under the collar be agitated jump up and down be infuriated be steamed up rant and rave be in a rage be wild blaze be passionate be aroused be stirred up be inflamed be excited smart be tense do one's head in fret have a fit be uptight rumble have steam coming out of one's ears do one's nut in poach froth coddle fizz effervesce roil cook bluster decoct be turbulent agitate lose control go berserk flare up crack up blow up chomp at the bit be all steamed up champ at the bit be at boiling point wig out go off the deep end anger go up the wall get steamed up be up in arms raise the roof hit the roof get steamed up about lose one's temper blow a fuse fly off the handle spit feathers get worked up get hot go ballistic steep parboil be mad be on the warpath boil with rage be incandescent be hopping mad foam at mouth hit the ceiling be in a state lose your temper go mad go ape get angry become enraged blow your top lose your rag roar get mad lose it go crazy go bananas go wild blow a gasket shout become angry bellow scold flip one's wig go into a rage go through the roof go spare carry on throw a fit go crackers flip your lid splutter fuss spout declaim flare yell lose the plot be irritated take offense huff bridle flip thunder take offence harangue rail hold forth sound off go non-linear deliver a tirade lose your cool go psycho do one's nut become annoyed boil over flip out gnash your teeth blow one's stack blow be resentful sputter become very angry blow one's lid go into a fury become furious pop one's cork fly into a rage complain burn up steam up throw a tantrum be indignant be irate heat grow passionate become excited become impassioned get excited grow vehement become animated heat up get annoyed throw a wobbly have a cow have a conniption fit go postal go into orbit burst a blood vessel get all steamed up vociferate trumpet pontificate cry feel hurt feel wounded feel resentful feel upset feel annoyed feel offended be troubled feel aggrieved be upset feel put out feel indignant scream soapbox clamour mouth off stump perorate mouth go on and on orate go on objurgate bloviate spiel take on clamor excoriate irritate abrade gall babble be annoyed brood have a tantrum make a scene snap at let off steam overflow with anger work oneself into sweat look daggers tear into worry oneself resent object recoil swell ruffle be offended be impatient be frustrated be exasperated be fit to be tied talk endlessly come unglued explode in anger go into a frenzy deliver a harangue rattle on freak out run amuck talk wildly be very angry be delirious make a to-do upset oneself be ruffled be narked be vexed be defensive draw oneself up become indignant be maddened rear up have one's hackles up become upset get your dander up become infuriated take umbrage feel one's hackles rise get your hackles up

Động từ

To poke, pierce, thrust
stoke fuel tend accelerate aggrandize amplify augment boost compound enlarge escalate expand extend hype increase multiply raise supersize swell up add fuel to feed keep burning mend poke rekindle add to build up pump up stoke up put fuel on kindle charge make up heighten intensify magnify grow inflate enhance mount snowball climb develop strengthen proliferate rise burgeon spread accumulate appreciate step up mushroom bourgeon boom beef up gain jack up wax roll up balloon hike up improve supplement aggravate hike make larger make greater widen elevate build reinforce pad deepen worsen make bigger make worse top up bump up broaden exaggerate dilate exacerbate consolidate redouble upgrade accentuate pyramid add become larger fortify lift increase in size increase in scope amp up become more numerous turn up crank up push up make better put up mount up diversify become bigger gather open parlay fill distend branch out scale up outspread uplift bolster upsurge deteriorate ascend scale diffuse double upsize manifold aggregate blow up puff up puff out revitalize advertize advertise encourage grow in extend operations stock up pick up broaden one's horizons get stronger become greater slap on advance increase exponentially buttress complicate go from bad to worse rally jump revitalise confound confuse better buck up shore up boost up add fuel to the flames add fuel to the fire rub salt in the wound shoot up goose up make intricate run up make complex mark up add insult to injury fetch up jump up send through the roof stir up increment surge skyrocket uprise progress ameliorate inflame sweeten piggyback grow greater grow larger turbocharge tag on stretch elaborate lengthen expatiate make louder soup up

Động từ

Interfere in something that is not one's concern
meddle interfere intrude pry interlope intervene intermeddle interpose obtrude poke snoop butt in nose busybody kibitz mess tamper thrust horn in advance encroach encumber gossip hinder impede impose infringe enquire inquire invade molest muscle in sidewalk-superintend trespass mess with abuse rights barge in chime in come uninvited dabble in fool with mess around mix in muck about muck around push in worm in break in on crash the gates put your two cents in put your oar in stick your nose in poke your nose in interrupt meddle in stick your oar in cut in interfere in nose into intrude on be a busybody be nosy about intercede interject bother pester stickybeak nosy mouse peek disturb overstep enquire impertinently poke around be inquisitive poke about be curious gatecrash be nosy chisel in interfere with encroach on poke one's nose into get involved stick one's nose into involve oneself muscle in on inquire impertinently mind someone else's business entrench on horn in on step in put in one's oar bug poke into interpolate insinuate intercalate spy peep peer be inquisitive about watch meddle with sneak snook stare throw a monkey wrench in the works of throw a spanner in the works thrust oneself in hold up go beyond do some detective work interpose oneself put in two cents insinuate oneself come between examine inspect break in burst in charge in poke one's face in get into the act impinge infiltrate creep intermediate nose around worm inch disrupt entrench trench violate usurp crash appropriate arrogate elbow in impose oneself work in tread on someone's toes make inroads into step on someone's toes eat into squeeze in make inroads invade someone's space butt into impose oneself on pry into intercede in kibitz on barge into get involved in impinge on intervene in intrude into tamper with chip in move in cut off be drawn in join in act arbitrate enter come become involved arrive heckle put in cut in on have one's say break train of thought put one's oar in chip in on butt in on edge in chime in on bust in crowd in inject oneself barge in on take action be invited take measures lend a hand take a hand

Động từ

To remember or bring back to mind
recollect recall remember mind think of reminisce about reproduce hark back to place reminisce arouse awaken bethink cite flash look back on recognise recognize remind retain retrospect revive rouse summon waken flash back to harken back to hearken back to summon up think back to bethink oneself of call to mind flash on bring to mind come to one revive the memory of evoke call up think back look back relive allude to put a name to conjure up stir up echo rekindle identify suggest retrieve bring back put one in mind of bear in mind call back hark back dredge up know have memories think put one's finger on pinpoint finger reflect pick out take a trip down memory lane recreate be reminded of review reawaken live in the past remind of have in mind think back on reminisce on remind one of ring a bell cause one to remember remind oneself of wax nostalgic cast your mind back to dwell upon reminisce of muse on be thinking of reestablish elicit extract devise deliberate invoke dig into the past refresh memory to remember to recollect stir up memories of educe recapture get a fix on pin down ponder ruminate take back establish locate determine distinguish peg espy spot notice associate set in context remember with pleasure diagnosticate nail agnize be nostalgic about ken exchange memories verify indulge in reminiscence diagnose dwell on the past tab talk about tag determinate reflect on muse over descry go over in the memory make out rake up mention button down know by sight be familiar bring up know again speak out about dig up remind people of drag up restore reinstate reintroduce put back renew reinstall return raise redeem reinstitute re-establish think about brood on ponder on resume reimpose conjure replace recover begin again return to re-enforce win back welcome back provoke kindle spark excite spark off call forth

Động từ

Set on fire
ignite light fire kindle inflame burn torch enflame enkindle set alight awaken catch fire detonate set burning burst into flames set fire to set on fire touch off blow up catch light fire up go off start up flare up put match to set a match to take fire fan the flames of go up in flames put a match to blaze flame incinerate set light to set ablaze start spark combust explode scorch glow smolder smoulder set aflame get going burn up turn on switch on heat trigger set afire activate sear flare toast spark off char carbonize singe carbonise strike be in flames go up in smoke parch scald reduce to ashes initiate roast put on go up set off energize cremate power up bake cook energise melt broil consume burn down wind up get started destroy by fire set in motion be on fire put in motion be ablaze be alight be aflame be afire be ardent rouse inspire excite ire firebomb lick rage begin to burn catch put to the torch oxidize oxidise destroy consume by fire induce strike up catch on fire start a fire light up affect stir up cultivate incite generate bring about work up discharge burn without flames radiate heat blacken fume brown begin introduce burn violently brand cauterize start off restart launch burst out burn unsteadily log on let off set fire push the button cauterise actuate boot up boot reboot conflagrate smoke gut rekindle wither put in gear kick-start warm reheat boil set something moving crank up start something functioning start something operating set going move get moving fry burn away grill stew burn to a crisp burn to the ground swelter hot smelt raise something's temperature warm up frizzle make hot sun warm through make warm incandesce hot up thaw raise the temperature heat up seethe tepefy flush steam microwave take the chill off chafe

Danh từ

A commotion or state of disorder or unrest
commotion uproar furore tumult disturbance turmoil fuss hubbub pandemonium rumpus ado ruckus bustle hullabaloo ruction kerfuffle row bother furor ballyhoo hoopla clatter pother storm whirl blather bluster welter bobbery moil foofaraw shindy squall stew hurly williwaw clutter splore corroboree hurricane hurry coil zoo do fun agitation brouhaha disorder excitement flurry racket activity ferment flap din scene splash disquiet sensation whirlwind backwash to-do hoo-ha hurly-burly helter-skelter hubble-bubble hoo-hah hurry-scurry alarums and excursions hurry-skurry hue and cry song and dance confusion upheaval clamour clamor fracas trouble hassle chaos carry-on unrest riot turbulence frenzy mayhem bedlam hustle and bustle noise palaver outcry melee free-for-all disruption havoc quarrel action hustle hysteria stink fever rampage brawl babel upset bangarang rage lather restlessness big scene strife rumble affray bobsy-die movement pantomime perturbation distraction hell broke loose outburst drama controversy dither convulsion violence broil donnybrook scandal argy-bargy uprising maelstrom comings and goings fury delirium disarray feverishness busyness jangle tempest animation folderol performance big stink craze scuffle rigmarole altercation fray wildness liveliness babble rush shindig shouting aggro yelling toing and froing anarchy mess mix-up protest buzz bombshell haste bomb tizzy convulsions deliriousness tizz passion stooshie panic activeness production life elation vociferation heat excitation outbreak mania hype fireworks discomposure eruption tamasha annoyance explosion ailment disquietude fisticuffs madness fuss and feathers fermentation fuss and bother discord disarrangement clangour Sturm und Drang goings-on melodrama stramash wingding imbroglio bagarre monkey business upturn tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup clangor insurrection shivaree street fight all hell broken loose hullaballoo business flash hurrah draft draught interruption provocation incitement snafu storms flutter struggle whirlpool fluster worry wow work tension upheavals spin shemozzle fighting uncertainty enthusiasm lunacy fad enterprise outrage roar scrap dust-up rampancy to do glow trepidation party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking spree howl hectic activity tohubohu an outcry unquietness restiveness uneasiness tizz-woz rowdydow surprise madhouse incidents events hijinks motion loud noise hubba-hubba rhubarb paroxysm bouleversement cataclysm earthquake nonsense ructions thrill feeling emotion topsy-turviness anxiety anxiousness instability distress combustion much ado about nothing craziness incitation hurly burly fight unsettlement seething tremor quake spot of bother state fret hell to pay devil to pay kick-up bickering roughhouse proceedings occurrences happenings tempests maelstroms shock hindrance mêlée cacophony farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness spasm chatter ecstasy all hell breaking loose stunner spectacle flurry of activity wrangle squabble bugle call rough house flare-up carrying-on moving stirring dynamism breach of the peace transport jiggery-pokery exaggeration lawlessness euphoria state of unrest wild excitement vandalism disorganization wilding shambles muddle disorderliness untidiness mutiny street fighting snarl distemper burst insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder demonstration shower rebellion misrule run-in revolt revolution anarchism consternation entropy disorderedness wilderness complication dishevelment misorder disorganisation rout dislocation haze messiness jumble muss hell intricacy tumble a madhouse slip-up mare's nest a three-ring circus adventure disaster unruliness conflict histrionics charivari nuisance calamity catastrophe mishap confrontation huff incident snake pit screaming caterwauling adversity hysterics complaint objection boisterousness swirl babbling protestation hazard peril bowwow sweat misfortune danger dissent procedure cry stimulation twitter chance-medley heck crisis setback tragedy hardship indignation katzenjammer contretemps grief opposition derangement tribulation harassment biffo circumstance debacle affair inconvenience three-ring circus public disturbance blow anger seething mass argument theatrics dramatics entanglement twit disorderly conduct public nuisance theatre nervous state theater hurt dire straits bad news hot water rat's nest holy mess utter confusion tempest in a teacup tempest in a tea-kettle federal case state of agitation state of anxiety mountain out of a molehill big deal big fuss scrum circus skirmish thrills clash rammy swivet swelter energy chaotic situation rioting ruffle scuffling talk afters encounter mix up shout scramble discontent scrimmage omnishambles boiling troubles fussing dissatisfaction high winds criticism kicks spirit eventualities high jinks episodes ululation roughness ride soap opera seesaw saga static strike discombobulation terrorism actions firestorm blare discordance rattle decibels bruit tintamarre clamouring ritual temper rabidity lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk carryings-on chain of events confused noise threat disapproval exclamation a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking mob rule mistake misunderstanding destruction menace boilover howl of protest clang tower jargon riskiness perilousness hazardousness risk warmth dangerousness demurral reign of terror lengthy process red tape tedious business a mess a muddle a shambles war of words wild disarray rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak car crash dismay topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness an omnishambles tantrum hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor formal complaint chorus of disapproval eagerness exciting experience precariousness pell-mell a car crash irritation fright vexation alarm stage dramaturgy acting movements dramas fit blowup hissy grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment tangle error hullabaloos tumults exhibition affront queasiness turn-up overthrow alteration turnaround shakeout switch temblor miscalculation fankle botch puzzle hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour flip-flop violent change about-face new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game discomfiture hissy fit temper tantrum a buzz a charge a kick exhibition of oneself display of emotion distressed state suffering failure dilemma tiz-woz state of panic predicament disadvantage harm trial detriment damage plight activism problem quandary theatricals bind trauma conundrum mire quagmire difficulty fiasco infelicity misadventure unpleasantness loss pickle emergency occasion jam affliction perplexity pinch campaigning division break interference horror exigency mishappening accident mischance hitch bad luck snag disarranging disordering crusading unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment persecution rotten luck ill ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences sticky situation hell on earth hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation tear-jerker sad state tight corner critical situation unfortunate situation hard times no-win situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation undermining delay retardation delaying travail straits disbenefit arguing discussion debate splitting separation severance holding up battling rabble-rousing stirring up striving struggling wrangling

Danh từ

An act or instance of moving of shifting in position
movement motion move stirring shift shifting activity action maneuver manoeuvre act gesture operation gesticulation stroke locomotion exercise sign signal fluctuation oscillation flux vacillation dynamics variability inconstancy swing changing unsteadiness wavering agitation instability mobility change motility kinesis variation drift sway kinetics rise and fall coming and going see-sawing toing and froing ebb and flow to and fro rising and falling full swing yo-yoing wave step procedure deed performance process kinesics execution implementation body language mechanics indication mechanism style technique nod mime pantomime form undertaking work workings signalling proceeding expression method working waving signaling manner approach functioning machination exploit routine high sign measure handiwork fashion venture artistry art agency motioning cue program programme gestures signing effort delivery initiative play fancy footwork adventure intimation wink course of action sign language running employment course behaviour communication transaction prompting manoeuvres maneuvers happening moves gesturing signals signs sweeping sweep body English indicator go-down feats exploits machinations operations manipulation behavior exercising function application demonstration display illustration manifestation exhibition curtsy arm-waving beckoning reminder token genuflection shrug bow salute deeds methods approaches enactments usage use interplay interaction processes way hand movement actions undertakings strokes methodology doings blows system engagement affair campaign endeavor pursuit project task job practice tradition mode law idea mission enterprise assignment drill ploy scheme business stratagem tactic trick detail dealings deployment charge post maneuvering brief dodge tack proceedings event coordination expedient means manoeuvring endeavour gambit ruse attempt progress feat enactment realization rendering carrying out realisation doing

Danh từ

Media attention or elaborate ceremony
fanfare display show ballyhoo commotion fuss hullabaloo ostentation showiness brouhaha flashiness hubbub hype pageantry publicity sensationalism splendor splendour glitz pzazz pizzazz razzle-dazzle ritziness to-do alarum array cheering demonstration elaboration panoply parade pomp salute shine trumpet blast spectacle flourish exhibition pomposity extravagance ostentatiousness lavishness flaunting resplendence splendidness parading ceremony vaunting pretension bravura pretentiousness showboat frippery pageant vanity splurge showing off ornateness affectation exhibitionism flamboyance glitziness garishness grandeur boasting swankiness swank magnificence bragging splashiness drama ceremoniousness glitter pompousness ceremonial theatricality state glory showoff ritual splash razzmatazz grandiosity formality bravado swagger solemnity production performance grandness opulence stateliness gloriousness majesty richness sumptuousness strut brilliance style radiance dazzle bother ado vainglory éclat hoo-ha prancing glamour showing-off strutting trappings grandezza regalia attire apparatus dress turnout get-up glamor grand gesture raiment insignia garb frame-up exhibit exposure pedantry scheme example blaze sample exposition arrayal grandstand play revelation arrangement presentation act manifestation panorama dash unfolding expo spread layout for show front nobility gorgeousness splendiferousness augustness superbness nobleness sublimeness resplendency stupendousness impressiveness greatness sublimity loftiness beauty dignity luxury fineness lustre elegance luster pomp and circumstance flair gaudiness luxuriousness flash stylishness royalty kingliness loudness prestige exaltedness illustriousness poshness power success effect confidence gilt refinement vigor vigour effulgence preciousness brightness eminence obtrusiveness conspicuousness handsomeness prominence rank standing great beauty immensity vastness awesomeness preeminence brashness tinsel kitschness showmanship transcendency superbity quality fashion class great importance tastelessness self-advertisement window-dressing vulgarity flashness image impression window dressing regalness royalness queenliness regality awe chic sparkle verve triumph excellence sight renown finery panache brag boast put-on vaunt bad taste braggadocio swaggering brazenness pretending exaltation pride superficiality appearance stature status cachet consequence brio gravitas flamboyancy floridity luridness colorfulness false front distinction grace imposingness importance marvelousness pulchritude spectacularity rite form observance routine convention custom practice usage tradition protocol extravaganza sacrament praxis liturgy office procession cavalcade tableau play scene raree-show representation spectacular circus carnival motorcade celebration fair charade make-believe tableau vivant

Danh từ

A slight change in position, direction, or tendency
shift change adjustment deviation swing transition adaptation fluctuation swap switch alteration modification realignment recasting redirection renewal reshaping revision transformation turn turnaround vacillation amendment conversion flux modulation readjustment reformation reversal variance variation veering about-turn changeover correction mutation oscillation permutation rearrangement refashioning reordering retraction revolution rowback stirring substitution upheaval wavering bend deflection yaw sea change flip-flop about-face U-turn metamorphosis development move remodelling transmutation remodeling movement transfiguration transmogrification reconstruction turnabout volte-face reorganization vicissitude progression motion change of heart reorganisation evolution innovation reworking makeover revamping difference translation advance backtracking drift turnround restyling diversification change of mind course refinement turnover addition transposition remaking redoing rebuilding shifting remoulding trend reshuffling transubstantiation remolding renovation novelty tendency tempering diversity variety break passage restructuring doubleback reverse changing rejigging alternation progress renewing compression contraction surrogate distortion variability direction current tide inconstancy climb-down bias rotation radical change flow concession change of direction shake-up wind curve overhaul backpedaling turning retreat swerve backpedalling see-sawing regeneration revolutionizing yo-yoing 180 degree turn shakedown ebb and flow revolutionising mid-course correction paradigm shift one-eighty change of plan gradation reversal of policy change in direction growth leaning repositioning run transfer relocation instability passing arc repeal inclination crossover unsteadiness redesign redevelopment arch twist orientation cancelation interchange redistribution regrouping bearing departure metanoia tenor hook changeabout advancement rethink cancellation angle tack undulation modernization aim rise and fall rise morph improvement rising and falling revolutionary change change of tack complete change volte face jump metastasis leap shuffle rationalization manipulation u-turn turning point crossing transit swaying vagary backdown repetition mutability right about turn seesawing path procession operation process replacement downturn switchover cross specialisation climbdown divergence nuance waving digression rationalisation tergiversation converting gravitation heading diversion dynamics activity quantum jump sudden change major change quantum leap marked transformation total change reversion rollback backtrack newfangledness innovativeness specialization eating one's words mobility motility agitation drive slant tilt tailoring customizing refitting originality break with the past kinesis sway kinetics breakaway U-ey revamp reshuffle inclining change of fortune metasis altering evolvement repeated rotation evolving go over adoption customising reorientation upset disruption rebirth overturning double freshness unconventionality modernism newness transfigurement cataclysm convulsions reform drastic shakeout unrest origination presentation sorting order grouping disposition organization arrangement combination uniqueness coming and going toing and froing to and fro roaming wandering break with tradition new measures new devices shake up new methods shift of emphasis bent turning around full swing drastic alteration complete shift radical alteration dramatic change version perm alternative fall policy change review fixing revise exchange 180 accommodation organisation annulment spin inversion switch-over zigzag rescinding swivel winding cycle whirl twirl gyration changeability circle wheel lean second thoughts change of opinion change of attitude curvature pivot circumvolution spiral pirouette circulation crook roll gyre curving inflection twisting inflexion circuit bow round rectification rehabilitation editing emendation repair restoration amelioration rectifying mending qualification betterment reassessment reconsideration rewriting re-examination rewrite redrafting rephrasing tweak customization redraft patching up enhancement copy-editing modifying customisation improving remedy revisal tweaking amending rehab resolution redress reparation acclimation refining clarification overhauling re-evaluation rewording redaction form reappraisal remake retrospect correcting repairing refurbishing moderation refurbishment reexamination righting enhancing polishing variant fine-tuning adjusting adaption different form alternative form other form sorting out putting to rights derived form revised version beautification cosmetic treatment rendering reassembling restriction varying rethinking redesigning redecoration updating reorganizing reorienting reestablishment subediting reorganising refurnishing acclimatization bowdlerization expurgation censoring censorship afterlight updation reediting polish recension homework retrospection rescript heterodoxy heresy pragmatism reinterpretation resetting replanning re-establishment re-creation melioration corrective action minor adjustment recovery putting right setting right reconstitution conformation rereading indemnification revising thinking over regulating regulation handover ironing out clearing up ameliorating patching recapitulation setting bettering servicing refreshing acclimatisation edit fresh look summary another look relegation tuning reviving renovating jiggering twiddling second look transference assignment darning revitalization hemming refurb revisionism organising shaping organizing balancing fitting conferral conveyance allocation freshening helping sewing stitching a fresh look update attachment perfection addendum adjunct fixing up patch-up cession bestowal completion finishing honing breakthrough resolving reclamation crowning consummation mutant aberration abdication final touches finishing touches minor change touching up finishing off deviant rogue seeing the light exception branch result alternate irregularity spinoff option being born again

Danh từ

A state of energy and invigoration
life activity energy spirit liveliness vigor vitality zest enthusiasm excitement exuberance high spirits passion soul vibrance vibrancy vigour vivacity zing ardour ardor bounce bustle color colour dash drive dynamism esprit fervour fervor fire get-up-and-go gusto hustle and bustle panache pep pzazz pizzazz spunk verve virility vivaciousness zeal zip buoyancy effervescence go movement oomph sparkle spiritedness sprightliness spunkiness vim elan élan elan vital snappiness brio animation punch juice moxie snap sap ginger hardihood gas starch beans vinegar force ebullience forcefulness push strength welly intensity stamina fizz power spark feistiness eagerness potency birr vehemence perkiness enterprise initiative vigorousness steam relish might gaiety fieriness endurance lustiness zap keenness motivation kick joy high-spiritedness robustness tuck bang cheerfulness jauntiness warmth pluck determination joie de vivre chirpiness briskness exhilaration gumption light-heartedness jazziness flair vim and vigour peppiness fortitude muscle jollity happiness breeziness zestfulness exertion impact avidity merriment irrepressibility vividness cheeriness fanaticism feeling brightness toughness pepper earnestness aggressiveness impetuosity hustle radiance confidence heart life force appetite momentum impetus clout stuff action style vital force bite ambition scintillation effectiveness bounciness spontaneity application fervency flamboyance airiness optimism sunniness powerfulness pleasure pertness interest heat activeness buoyance peartness enjoyment love delight spring ardency puissance emotion fervidness boldness passionateness intenseness violence guts aggression commitment white heat red heat vital spark fury elation qi vital principle resolve perseverance resilience intrepidness ferment resolution adventure glitz richness fascination efficiency resources efficacy operativeness punchiness grit mettle point fun friskiness abandon gayness venturesomeness audacity being bloom pulse get up and go bound bob brilliance joys of spring balls humour jazz humor gameness great enthusiasm excitedness volatility exuberancy quickness light splendour have-a-go attitude dedication doggedness tenacity lustre carefreeness gladness blitheness full of life creativity virtuosity imagination inspiration inventiveness go-getting zealousness spriteliness nervous spirits frolicsomeness sportiveness joviality heartiness luster positiveness bullishness hope sanguineness splendor calenture avidness lifeblood single-mindedness motive burning passion stylishness conviction wholeheartedness willingness devotion fire in belly will power right stuff impellent self-motivation what it takes flourish thirst devotedness desirousness lust breath lightheartedness moroseness good humour good humor rapture hunger ecstasy fever mirth impatience éclat impressiveness flare joyfulness readiness frenzy flame glow self-assurance animal spirits good spirits keen interest pressure effort stress potence impulse horsepower sinew firepower stimulus weight draft pow arm subjection tension physical energy speed trouble brunt draught potential strain velocity sock desire fondness longing inclination yearning devoutness liking craving hankering urge sincerity affection weakness taste faithfulness constancy yen fierceness piety attachment adoration partiality reverence allegiance piousness spirituality fidelity fancy religiousness fealty deference service observance consecration adherence propensity itch alacrity sanctity devotement worship appetency favour favor pietism greed preference religiosity anticipation intentness proclivity penchant religionism wish assiduity thrill agitation hopefulness stomach cheer greediness pining disposition will like shine satisfaction appreciation flurry mania ache assertiveness predilection faith ambitiousness appetence need infatuation soft spot bias delectation good cheer depth persistence fire in the belly urgency purposefulness love affair diligence voracity conscientiousness bent resourcefulness resoluteness backbone glee purpose daring use expectation resource capability mind jolliness tendency palate trust calmness idealism easiness sureness encouragement assurance certainty positivism stimulation craze sanguinity amenability jones thirstiness letch loyalty positive attitude gratification joyousness goodwill obligingness contentment obsession rose-colored glasses steadfastness leaning ingenuity contentedness courage looking on bright side emphasis firmness committedness voraciousness ferociousness vehemency excitability effusiveness incentive hurry alertness imaginativeness madness flutter talent ability appetition cleverness perturbation emotionalism euphoria virtue aspiration intrepidity feverishness turmoil tooth leadership seriousness empressement ferocity striving flap furor commotion affinity hot-bloodedness adventurousness thing attraction pep talk excitation predisposition quick-wittedness blithesomeness proneness rage native wit wildness delirium a buzz a charge furore distraction a kick aim sanctimoniousness hungering cupidity covetousness respect admiration glory level degree sensation sentiment anxiety bliss feelings emotions intent psyche intense desire hungriness estimation praise support magnitude unction swagger strong interest preparedness religious observance religious zeal religious fervor care sense of God indulgence expectancy pizazz demand instigation fixation suspense facility insistence address thrust forcibleness wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness vociferousness severity concentration excess forthrightness outspokenness sassiness flamboyant confidence sense of purpose haste savor savour hurrah solemnity extremity pertinence tenaciousness pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness hastiness rashness ado monomania addiction sedulousness strong desire impulsiveness eye positivity emulation jubilation obsessiveness fandom solicitude great expectations bright outlook Pollyannaism rosy outlook silver lining engrossment deliberation ants in pants kicks intoxication wishing bubbliness content beef thirsting aridity agreement consent agreeableness overenthusiasm firmness of purpose promptness labour labor industry grievousness charisma elegance anger turn on sweltering heat extreme heat oppressive heat torrid heat tropical heat intense heat high temperature over-enthusiasm favoritism favouritism ingeniousness genius a sense of purpose cooperation volition compliance incandescence nerve originality transports gladsomeness aptness ease intuition intelligence wit shrewdness cunning perceptiveness bravery big eyes entrepreneurial spirit cup of tea favourite favorite creativeness wisdom brains knack sharpness bottle warmness love of life transport being full of the joys of spring risk riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness hazard dangerousness hard work titillation ripeness smartness militancy intensity of feeling yearn burning want panting dream goal spine staying power dazzle dispatch wild emotion stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes druthers restlessness valor uncertainty precariousness discomposure exciting experience unrest rampage hysteria uproar flush deliriousness sharp-wittedness courageousness gutsiness dauntlessness gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness daringness fearlessness heroism goods innovativeness fluster prowess stoutness openness provocation incitement positive thinking burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes pecker valour tumult spirit of adventure self-reliance weakness for thing for stout-heartedness intestinal fortitude panic amusement confusion entertainment play state of anxiety playfulness merriness festivity foolery blast buffoonery festiveness jocularity living it up tomfoolery ball gleefulness silliness foolishness knavery facetiousness jocosity felicity romping rejoicing gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace grins humorousness levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness wantonness jocundity clowning funniness gamboling joking comedy laughter nonsense revelry hilarity treat jocoseness good time gambol mirthfulness rascality

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