Đồng nghĩa của uncooperative

Alternative for uncooperative

  • tính từ
    • bất hợp tác, không vui lòng hợp tác với người khác

Tính từ

Unwilling to help others or do what they ask
bloody-minded obstructive unreasonable awkward difficult disobliging unaccommodating unamenable unhelpful unwilling cussed inconsiderate inflexible recalcitrant stiff-necked unadaptable unbending unresponsive unsupportive unyielding wilful bolshie contrary disobedient immovable obstreperous perverse rock-ribbed stubborn thrawn tiresome troublesome obstinate sticky stroppy truculent not cooperative balky uncompromising trying exasperating refractory froward disagreeable not helpful pigheaded determined strong-willed not giving an inch inhibiting blocking delaying stalling restrictive self-centered unobliging hindering unconstructive discourteous unsympathetic uncivil making difficulties contrarious frustrating disruptive unpleasant unfriendly uncongenial rude unamiable ill-natured belligerent annoying unpredictable piggish self-centred prickly intractable irritable vexing pesky touchy vexatious chippy contumacious pervicacious renitent obdurate complex incommodious bulky unmanageable cramped discommodious invalidating disconfirming hard to handle deterring discouraging dissuading difficult to handle opposing perfectionist importunate strict tough fussy dictatorial critical overbearing querulous fractious hardheaded hypercritical unflinching stiff hard to please hard to satisfy hard-line over-particular demanding tyrannical clamorous judgmental rigorous disapproving imperious cavilling harsh nagging insistent overexacting stringent exigent hard unsparing firm sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous hairsplitting quibbling disparaging needy caviling censuring possessive cavillous fault-finding demeaning over-rigorous carping over-censorious over-strict censorious high-maintenance serious cynical over-exacting delicate grumbly dogmatic strong-minded pitiless intransigent oppressive picky single-minded captious dissatisfied snappy sensitive temperamental irritating crotchety indomitable bearish ornery crabby set in one's ways overcritical boorish unrelenting rigid uppity wrong-headed inexorable finical huffy grim cantankerous impolite uptight hard-nosed opinionative disputatious irascible argumentative headstrong feisty opinionated vexed quarrelsome particular resolute fastidious finicky testy invidious disputative sour bull-headed negative oafish pertinacious discontented ungracious steadfast choosy fiendish

Tính từ

Refusing to obey authority
stubborn recalcitrant difficult insubordinate rebellious defiant unreasonable contumacious disobedient obstinate pervicacious undisciplined wayward incompliant noncompliant stroppy bolshie obstreperous restive froward rebel resistant balky obdurate wilful headstrong refractory undisciplinable recusant unmanageable renitent uncontrollable intractable unaccommodating unwilling willful obstinately disobedient self-willed perverse contrary mulish pigheaded unruly intransigent ungovernable bloody-minded unyielding inflexible uncompromising stiff-necked bull-headed unbending opinionated adamant awkward immovable cussed dogged cantankerous pertinacious untoward bullheaded implacable unrelenting truculent fractious pat hardheaded hard ossified adamantine inconvincible hardened mutinous determined unmalleable disorderly unpersuadable tenacious hard-nosed self-opinionated troublesome contrarious wild firm tough thrawn inexorable rigid unshakeable argumentative uncompliant indurate cross-grained iron-willed disruptive badly behaved resolute unhelpful belligerent hostile naughty obstructive relentless errant confrontational tiresome scrappy persistent steadfast fixed incorrigible contentious single-minded indomitable aggressive antagonistic combative strong-willed bellicose turbulent disobliging delinquent riotous quarrelsome annoying vexatious rowdy pugnacious ornery hard-line stubborn as a mule incontrollable pig-headed unflinching unshakable disputatious sullen non-compliant mischievous strong-minded unbiddable locked in feisty unwavering discordant mean insolent capricious hardline out of control roguish rascally diehard deaf to reason stiff unadaptable peevish hard and fast ill-natured ill-tempered nonconforming dissenting erratic rock-ribbed troublemaking bad-tempered arbitrary steely persevering negative problematic insurgent provocative attention-seeking indocile challenging seditious harsh resisting warlike gladiatorial violent agonistic noisy unrestrained raucous bold impish dissentious disaffected brawly assaultive chippy militant arsey dead set on rough adverse wrong-headed misbehaving insubmissive out of hand fierce rude trying resistive spoiling for a fight ready for a fight morose shrewish crabby unresponsive iron stalwart irritable grumpy irrational sulky adversarial as stubborn as a mule stony unimpressible nonobservant with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unrepentant uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional biased illogical staunch unpredictable fickle radical opposing withstanding stiffened unappeasable grim cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough insurrectionary insurrectionist resolved unbendable set in stone narky blinkered ratty shirty choleric hard-core immalleable ruthless unmovable unswayable durable merciless unalterable tough nut to crack set in one's ways revolutionary unmoved unbreakable dogmatic heady opinionative on the warpath convinced remorseless unbearable undependable intolerable impossible not giving an inch prejudiced intolerant up in arms irregular immoral aberrant dysfunctional factious treacherous uncomplying with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in inveterate unbudgeable loud self-indulgent declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining boisterous uncontrolled ill-disciplined bad impudent badly-behaved whiny petulant limit vociferous tempestuous uproarious narrow-minded unsettling disturbing upsetting dissident nonconformist paradoxical contrariant disagreeing clamorous rampaging socially impaired hot-tempered disturbed pesky nasty loudmouthed ill-behaved demanding troublous maladjusted exasperating malicious unrestrainable irksome uncontainable devilish wearisome lawless rambunctious inimical wrongheaded antipathetic converse dissentient incurable irrepressible roisterous unbridled rackety tumultuous distracting rip-roaring rumbustious rampageous roistering divisive raising the roof piercing screaming raising Cain booming strepitous blusterous insoluble thorny unpliable locked knotty out-of-line disrupting out-of-order causing trouble off-base daring audacious tough nut hang tough cross subversive surly unpleasant discourteous disregardful cheeky reckless dareful sassy gutsy itching aggers scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant sharp hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing destructive bullying ferocious mordant impetuous anarchic chaotic wrong rollicking rash wicked lawbreaking intemperate iconoclastic sinful contradictory fiendish wanton unorthodox unfavorable unfavourable alienated full of mischief lively exuberant ungoverned uninhibited malevolent heedless spiteful knockabout romping malcontent inappropriate impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy robustious rampant hell-raising evil infelicitous inapt unsuitable anarchical excited playful malapropos out of line disloyal abandoned maleficent anarchistic improper traitorous treasonable brattish tricksy scampish puckish prankish rioting threatening gallus erring miscreant inconsiderate inimitable irreconcilable estranged haughty untrained renegade unsteady unschooled robust inconsistent malign heretical maverick swaggering swashbuckling cavalier impotent lacking self-control mutinying apostate schismatic crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant complex burdensome antisocial without law and order incorrect wild and woolly artful unconstrained immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded active animated unlawful strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked overpowering bothersome unfettered extrovert untimely unfortunate misbehaved overexcited bouncy indisciplined raunchy licentious corybantic incautious profligate ebullient spirited vibrant frisky high-spirited inconvenient inopportune impossible to cope with like a loose cannon beside oneself termagant sly foxy impolite drunk on-a-tear out-of-control thrilled raving kiddish infantile frolicsome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish disrespectful inept unfit inapposite incongruous unhappy amiss unanticipated unapt indecorous graceless unbecoming ill-timed unseemly unexpected restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging attacking teasing worthless giddy flighty unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed offending in high spirits clangorous sinning unlucky unwelcome inauspicious irritating effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top brawling bad-mannered deviant badly timed unseasonable culpable transgressing guilty criminal unhealthy rotten vicious cruel straying unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless insupportable terrible painful insufferable needless deliberate unjustified senseless shifting stray deviating heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful unprovoked off straight and narrow gratuitous groundless motiveless unacceptable egregious unjustifiable willed unmotivated beyond bearing not to be borne inhumane aimless atrocious heartless savage butcherly barbarous brute brutal sadistic inhuman barbaric unfair double-crossing unjust

Tính từ

(of a person, attitude, or situation) Having the characteristics of a pessimist
negative pessimistic defeatist gloomy gloom-ridden cynical bleak fatalistic dismissive anti antipathetic unwilling discouraging obstructive resistive unconstructive balky resisting unenthusiastic cool cold uninterested weak unresponsive apathetic ineffectual unhelpful nonconstructive dejected despondent downbeat depressed hopeless melancholy discouraged demoralized despairing demoralised morose lugubrious glum downhearted black sullen bearish sad disheartened miserable unhappy desolate disconsolate dark foreboding unhopeful dismal suspicious distrustful morbid doubting alarmist resigned troubled cheerless doleful joyless mournful downcast saturnine forlorn dispirited woebegone blue heartbroken brokenhearted desperate inconsolable depressing sombre doubtful somber bitter sepulchral unfortunate given to looking on the black side wretched gray grey comfortless down crestfallen melancholic low-spirited low disappointed cast down anguished distressed dolorous heavy-hearted upset moody sorrowful heavyhearted droopy heartsick heartsore saddened sulky fed up down in the dumps broken-hearted down in the mouth grief-stricken uncertain unconfident defeated unfavorable unfavourable spineless looking on the dark side looking on the black side unoptimistic grim grave dreary drab in doldrums hurt down in dumps crabby languished broken emotional out of sorts dysphoric bowed down aggrieved teary in tears languorous triste tristful bereaved listless weepy down-hearted sick at heart languid pensive wistful down in mouth in grief spiritless in the dumps grieved hapless tearful regretful disheartening dispiriting funereal worrying dim harsh horrid oppressive austere chilly Eeyorish dreich depressive elegiac elegiacal godforsaken solemn drear oppressed helpless pained tragic abject crabbed chapfallen long-faced sour weary doomed bad dour grumpy woeful hangdog sorry churlish mirthless surly in low spirits huffy adust chap-fallen ill-humoured unmitigable sunk brassed off ill-humored cheesed off bummed out in the doldrums up the creek in pain long-suffering in despair without hope misanthropic worried

Tính từ

Bad-tempered or irritable
ornery irritable cantankerous testy grouchy grumpy surly crabby disagreeable splenetic cranky dyspeptic bilious mean crusty quarrelsome bearish acid vicious nasty unfriendly sour obstinate difficult awkward contemptible ignoble rotten ill-tempered bad-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured ill-humored bloody-minded hard-nosed cross petulant fractious perverse chippy stroppy irascible touchy peevish ratty prickly snappy argumentative pettish shirty snappish crabbed tetchy shrewish crotchety choleric curmudgeonly narky peppery waspish contrary soreheaded peckish eggy stuffy miffy waxy snaky hot-tempered quick-tempered short-tempered cross-grained like a bear with a sore head huffy moody fiery angry morose churlish scratchy snarky liverish snippy snippety raspy dour vinegary short-fused out of sorts in a bad mood on a short fuse as cross as two sticks in a mood sullen critical glum disgruntled resentful pouting truculent fretful pouty sulky querulous unsociable gruff captious gloomy mumpish iracund iracundulous brooding mardy waspy out of humor obstreperous out of humour out of temper vinegarish arsey mopey piqued put out mopish scowling glowering moping peeved vexed fed up dark aloof frowning withdrawn dismal depressed sourpussed sulking cheerless in the sulks in a huff in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk uptight tense temperamental curt huffish impatient volatile sensitive feisty whingy bristly ireful brusque misanthropic cynical bitter contentious hotheaded oversensitive harsh pertinacious discontented hypercritical whining miserable exasperated displeased snarling grumbling whiny crybaby acrimonious ungracious annoyed tough fussy disputatious edgy grousing on edge dissatisfied acrid trying carping griping growling complaining malicious venomous fretting short whingeing childish cavilling tart sharp hasty malignant vindictive caviling sorehead saturnine sore passionate filthy spiteful blunt cussed chuffy ugly thin-skinned fault-finding having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot under the collar foul-tempered out-of-sorts hot-blooded having got out of bed the wrong side easily offended tooshie malevolent unpleasant rancorous hostile catty hateful malign unkind virulent antagonistic cruel poisonous vitriolic malefic maleficent rude baleful bad evil hurtful refractory viperous wrathful bellicose inimical wounding despiteful froward scrappy ticklish dirty evil-minded unsympathetic aggressive inhospitable pugnacious combative confrontational militant pernicious restless vengeful belligerent hypersensitive disobliging uncongenial defamatory restive impolite evil-intentioned headstrong wicked recalcitrant mean-spirited biting negative easily upset hot-headed highly strung uneasy emotional fidgety overemotional contrarious anxious discourteous agitated abrupt inconsiderate barbed cutting snide uncharitable abusive nervous boorish foul unwelcoming atrabilious explosive melodramatic unquiet unruly unhelpful menacing hate-filled worked up caustic twitchy ill at ease warlike disapproving adverse alien adversary adversarial ill-disposed willful neurotic wilful jumpy horrid bad-natured unpropitious intimidating antipathetic jaundiced unreceptive low indomitable high-strung destructive sarcastic unpredictable prima donna-ish cold accidentally on purpose in bad mood stubborn unyielding owllike strigine owlish backbiting envenomed impulsive tempersome slanderous bad-humored snarly zowerswopped excitable inflammable unlikable uncivil brief scornful perversely irritable eristic humourless humorless disrespectful got up on wrong side of bed like a bear uncompliant indocile wild unsmiling overwrought distraught worried uncomfortable furious contradictory inimitable wayward impossible rough scathy lousy jealous stressed injurious toey joyless mischievous grudging green-eyed ill-mannered dicey hazardous unsafe wired up wound up bundle of nerves perturbable unhappy harmful noxious acerbic vile awful deleterious detrimental beastly gross savage razor-edged astringent upset wrought up distressed unsettled obnoxious despicable uncool envious petty execrable wretched annoying ignominious sordid currish offensive dishonorable base detestable paltry owly jittery wreck rattled faultfinding overstrung dripping venom full of spleen vituperative full of gall viperish toxicant ruthless dishonourable low-minded low-down nervy het up unrestful apprehensive spleenful squint-eyed stressy wired antsy like a cat on a hot tin roof keyed up like a cat on hot bricks champing at the bit on tenterhooks over-emotional grumbly hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways intractable unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical obdurate tiresome pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity troublesome unreasonable unamenable resolute immovable disputative oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff opinionated stiff-necked delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy irritating unflinching overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist balky particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial bolshie

Tính từ

Not much disposed towards somebody or something
ill-disposed unfriendly antagonistic hostile anti averse opposed against antipathetic inimical down on contrary disobliging opposing unfavorable unfavourable unsympathetic unwelcoming aggressive cold cool negative at odds adversarial inhospitable resistant reluctant adversary counter unwilling jaundiced indisposed hesitant loath disinclined backward adverse afraid uneager injurious agin damaging prejudicial set against dead set against unenthusiastic reticent dubious cagey cagy allergic critical mortal nasty poor disavowing discouraging uncomplimentary unflattering disapproving not in the mood dissenting from at odds with in disagreement with at variance with oppugnant bad low on the warpath naysaying resisting chary wary remiss belligerent opposite confrontational acting in opposition combative quarrelsome contentious unprepared balking incompatible loth slow nervous destructive harmful hurtful sticking hesitating objecting recalcitrant shying protesting shy doubtful disliking perverse fromward at variance not disposed baulking pernicious detrimental ruinous deleterious dangerous resistant to hostile to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to antagonistic to untoward calamitous disadvantageous unfavourably disposed to maleficent malefic having no use for inimicable disaffected inimic repugnant ill noxious not conducive hesitant about chary of scared discouraged disheartened uninclined shy of not in favour of diffident about contra embarrassed afraid of in opposition not ready frightened uncaring not minded not keen ashamed nervous about unenthusiastic about dismayed suspicious averse to grudging cautious with circumspect about queasy about involuntary forced laggard enforced demurring refractory unwishful unaccommodating unobliging begrudging indocile squeamish queasy cautious calculating afraid to bashful about shy about coy about hanging back ashamed to

Tính từ

Ill-tempered, nasty, obstinate
cussed accursed accurst blasted confounded cotton-picking cursed curst damnable dang danged darn darned deuced doggone doggoned durn durned freaking goddamned infernal annoying irritating obstinate perverse stubborn execrable pestilential pesky flaming detestable blessed hateful heinous horrible flipping effing exasperating wretched offensive awful odious loathsome rotten abominable infuriating vile blimming despicable disgusting pestiferous blamed abhorrent aggravating objectionable bloody blinking vexatious blooming foul undesirable bleeding chuffing ruddy bally plurry dratted obnoxious devilish trying bothersome revolting repellent fiendish hellish horrid repulsive repugnant obscene ghastly evil terrible beastly infamous loathly fricking precious fell pernicious perturbing atrocious diabolical wicked demonic Mephistophelian demoniac base maddening insufferable nasty unpleasant disagreeable iniquitous anathematized sinful provoking forbidding unholy unsanctified blankety-blank foredoomed afflicted snakebit bedevilled voodooed blighted banned bedeviled villainous God-awful distasteful yucky irksome galling depraved culpable under a curse outrageous disgustful dreadful tiresome vexing resentful ornery unbearable intolerable uncool gross invidious bitter shuddersome dashed plaguy pestilent scurvy hell fire cast out appalling monstrous nefarious vicious unspeakable shocking contemptible reprehensible satanic horrifying cacodemonic egregious cruel hideous diabolic demoniacal ungodly barbarous inhuman flagitious immoral savage lousy black dark scandalous barbaric brutish black-hearted bad shameful facinorous miserable Hadean disgraceful malicious perverted blithering godawful amoral bestial footling malevolent malignant demonical demonian Luciferian deplorable sickening sordid unhallowed nightmarish horrendous brutal Stygian nauseating dirty nauseous frightful reprobate dastardly horrific abysmal stinking chronic grody low-down crazed frenetic mad maniacal possessed full criminal grave noxious noisome inexcusable rancid unjust unpardonable unforgivable improper raunchy flagrant repellant fulsome unrighteous revulsive sleazy hairy grim heartless beneath contempt crying beyond the pale unlawful unfair unsavory wrong unethical cloven-footed ghoulish hellborn serpentine satanical lamentable malfeasant ignominious pitiless murderous bloodthirsty merciless ruthless ferocious unfeeling inhumane implacable brute truculent sadistic wanton butcherly naughty unsavoury very bad misbegotten pits tenth-rate woeful dismal punk dire pants sucky low paltry mean abject cringe-making defective pathetic sorry detested execrated a load of pants currish dishonorable snide despised ignoble shabby useless cruddy measly degenerate worthless lame loathed abominated hated abhorred stupid dishonourable hateable yucko low-minded maggot

Tính từ

Contrary to the laws and customs of society, in a way that causes annoyance and disapproval in others

Trái nghĩa của uncooperative

uncooperative Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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