Đồng nghĩa của snobbish

Alternative for snobbish

Đồng nghĩa: arrogant, haughty, priggish,

Tính từ

Having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc.
conceited arrogant pompous proud egotistical vain egotistic vainglorious haughty smug egoistic overweening egoistical superior cocky supercilious narcissistic prideful important bigheaded uppity snooty egocentric boastful biggity swellheaded uppish biggety complacent swaggering assured consequential snotty chesty immodest cocksure strutting egomaniac peacockish loudmouth windbag boast brag conceity gall ham phoney phony self-important stuck-up self-satisfied self-conceited self-opinionated swollen-headed toffee-nosed puffed up big-headed self-regarding self-loving high and mighty self-centered self-centred self-congratulatory full of oneself self-admiring stuck up know-it-all above oneself full of yourself pleased with oneself smart-alecky in love with oneself snot-nosed too big for your boots think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself big talking full of hot air have an excessively high opinion of oneself blowing one's own trumpet pretentious disdainful imperious cavalier lofty highfalutin lordly patronizing condescending high-and-mighty presumptuous sniffy overbearing huffy high-handed patronising hifalutin toplofty hoity-toity contemptuous high-hat snobby bumptious toploftical aloof scornful affected huffish bragging insolent self-assertive stiff-necked self-asserting peremptory presuming masterful opinionated selfish assumptive snippy ostentatious la-di-da bossy domineering inflated overconfident self-serving audacious elitist fancy-pants pontifical boasting brash grandiose bloated self-contented self-righteous cheeky self-affected self-promoting self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed autocratic magisterial impudent swollen sneering holier-than-thou hubristic mocking cool egomaniacal blustering stuck on oneself assuming dismissive self-absorbed posh inner-directed self-assured persnickety bold aristocratic scoffing individualistic impertinent orgulous introverted cold-shoulder contumelious solipsistic confident self-confident self-interested self-obsessed blusterous self-involved self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-oriented self-concerned on an ego trip wrapped up in oneself self-seeking brazen brassy swanky smarty on high horse forward saucy jumped up personal authoritarian la-de-da wise guy high-minded on your high horse stuffy potty goody-goody ritzy priggish high-flown portentous derisive sassy dictatorial fresh indifferent puffy refined pushy withering insulting artificial flaunting obsessive intimate intrinsic isolated subjective disrespectful disparaging slighting jeering gracious abhorrent inward-looking putting on airs belittling self-respecting full of contempt sure too big for one's boots too big for one's breeches braggart bombastic braggy pontificating self-complacent self-pleased unreserved self-flattering self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery self-applauding dominating extroverted extraverted uninhibited grandiloquent exclusive nervy ingrained inborn inherent idiosyncratic standoffish poncey windy blowing one's own horn commanding airy ambitious high stiff sententious showy stooping wiseguy nose in the air self-aggrandizing reserved distant detached on one's high horse too big for one's britches elitist on a high horse wisenheimer splendid exaggerated grand spectacular flatulent flowery highfaluting magnificent overstated tyrannical inconsiderate hotshot bullish uncaring thoughtless unthinking despotic smart officious looking after number one denigrating honourable honorable remote rude flip wise pushful unabashed tony self-approving unblushing boldfaced pert barefaced procacious malapert puffed-up mannered contrived genteel chichi precious schmaltzy campy well pleased highfalutin' proud of oneself derisory grandstanding sanctimonious lah-di-dah independent throwing one's weight about high falutin' upper-class pietistic taunting self-indulgent self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself rejecting antipathetic contemning turning up your nose at averse unsympathetic scouting despising looking down your nose at repudiating demeaning scathing degrading derogative derogatory snide decrying pejorative depreciative denigratory uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory detractive denigrative gone Hollywood over-refined religiose full of airs and graces high hat dog it hard-nosed hard temperamental sardonic upstage opprobrious disapproving squeaky-clean pious Pharisaic pietistical judgmental unctuous preachy simon-pure unco guid high falutin

Tính từ

Elegant and luxurious
ritzy deluxe gorgeous luxury palatial costly glittering magnificent splendid aristocratic classy elitist expensive fancy fancy-pants glamorous glitzy grandiose high-hat lavish lavishly appointed lush luxurious opulent persnickety plush plushy posh potty rich snobby snooty snotty stylish sumptuous swank swanky swish toffee-nosed upmarket chic choice cultivated dignified elaborate elegant exquisite fine grand handsome high-class Lucullan ornamented ornate ostentatious overdone palatian refined snazzy stately stuffy select premier elite limited private upscale special trendy up-market cliquish cliquey exclusive clannish voguish high-end top-drawer high class upper-crust high-toned upper crust A-grade fashionable smart superior upper-class tony genteel modish sophisticated tasteful prestigious noble a la mode dicty flashy sharp showy splashy gentle graceful highborn chichi great patrician wellborn five-star highbred swankish swell prestige high-quality snappy au courant blue-blooded silk-stocking well-bred in cool quality with-it luxuriant distinguished delicate flash dainty rare flamboyant beautiful nice recherche schmick titled courtly resplendent majestic landed landowning uptown dashing embellished county spiffy high-born well born noble-born of gentle birth yuppie formal of noble birth happening fresh supercool hip famous par excellence high cosmopolitan sprauncy plummy larney swagger prominent notable esteemed important la-di-da chi-chi mod lordly swishy reputable eminent renowned agreeable superb extravagant royal pleasant on fleek in vogue abundant exuberant haute valuable precious beyond price high-status respectable pretentious peacocky artistic comfortable leafy discerning polished classic urbane huntin', shootin', fishin' top-people's cultured lovely aesthetic charming salubrious suave decorous comely affected debonair intricate well-off gracious august well-designed well-dressed esthetic stylized decorative decorated ornamental executive baroque adorned rococo gaudy fussy busy towering extreme devilish prime fanciful jazzy froufrou florid frilly fancible unusual cushy custom beautifying OTT over the top highfalutin purebred privileged pedigreed well-born bluestocking luxe loaded palace Lucullian silken pricey Babylonian well appointed first-class luscious splendiferous super

Tính từ

Unsociable and unfriendly
standoffish aloof cold distant cool reserved unsociable remote unfriendly withdrawn detached frosty antisocial unapproachable offish unforthcoming unclubbable reticent asocial unbending standoff indifferent dry solitary reclusive haughty misanthropic uncompanionable supercilious eremitic snooty superior cold-eyed buttoned-up uncommunicative secretive retiring restrained silent demure shy taciturn constrained self-restrained quiet undemonstrative cautious closemouthed introverted media-shy private retired self-contained laconic guarded close-mouthed stand-offish tight-lipped discreet introvert independent isolated unsocial ungregarious insular hermitical hermit-like hermitic unrevealing eremetic all alone self-sufficient non-communicative formal close modest diffident frigid chilly prim shrinking timid unresponsive self-effacing dumb inhibited unemotional Olympian bashful placid collected soft-spoken backward gentle icy mild peaceful composed ceremonious conventional noncommittal sedate serene stiff coy impersonal dispassionate unassertive unassuming sheepish humble mum mom meek unsympathetic cold-blooded unconcerned timorous unwelcoming mute passionless unfeeling recessive apathetic speechless clammed up emotionless glacial controlled chill calm self-conscious impassive wooden hesitant uptight phlegmatic austere sober embarrassed incurious tongue-tied forbidding unconfident uncordial close-lipped insecure stolid inhospitable gelid uninterested apprehensive unexpressive wary hostile muted mousy untalkative buttoned up self-controlled disdainful moderate clammy antiseptic brittle reluctant hard-eyed unpretentious nervous staid stony starchy temperate careful unobtrusive suspicious unaffable affectless conservative uncongenial unenthusiastic tightlipped sententious incommunicable blushing incommunicative fearful wintry poker-faced wintery lukewarm coldish stoical frozen arctic stilted sparing uncommunicable chary laid-back unneighbourly stuffy stoic impassible disinterested numb strait-laced secret casual down-to-earth cagey uninvolved considerate hushed wordless thoughtful circumspect unmoved curt unpresuming seemly brooding uppity prudent proper dark repressed callous unassured inarticulate evasive unspeaking unneighborly tight-mouthed cool, calm and collected judicious unruffled unflappable chaste unexcitable nice stern prudish aw-shucks decorous straight rigid heartless subdued imperturbable on the QT simple matter-of-fact reasonable zipped uneasy voiceless abashed dour steady clamlike measured lowly at a loss for words tactful skittish shamefaced self-possessed tentative unamicable clinical pompous priggish unostentatious offhand withdrawing contained nongregarious distrustful sensible politic dried-up uncivil uncurious offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent level-headed severe antagonistic unaffected seclusive nonchalant square pure alert heedful rabbity hush-hush unpassioned abstract rational gingerly safe hard-hearted deadpan tranquil virginal virtuous laid back watchful vigilant decent mumchance attentive calculating flat cold-hearted balanced serious dummied up introspective unsure disciplined abstracted in check unimpassioned preoccupied mannered not talkative inward-looking cold as ice faint-hearted businesslike strained lost for words awkward cloistered maidenly unloving unsentimental diplomatic soft enigmatic cynical unpretending proud unwilling deep afraid recluse coquettish under control still uncomfortable kittenish off inconspicuous disagreeable prissy secluded unkind unpleasant spiritless polite unboastful ungracious ascetic courteous rude thick-skinned hard-boiled anchoritic eremitical mim stuck up insensible puritanical niminy-piminy dried up fogeyish putting on airs leery overmodest arrogant jaundiced affected lone inimical stuck-up old-fashioned equable removed plain solemn insouciant negative correct neutral inapproachable discourteous spacey dumbstruck of few words dumbfounded untroubled inaccessible expressionless toneless hollow dead blank bland vacant uncharitable hateful narrow-minded insensitive objective bottled up ill at ease hardened grouchy strict unexpansive starched spaced-out playing one's cards close to one's chest prim and proper pococurante impartial keeping people at arm's length out of it discriminating observant precautious nowhere immovable nonemotional self-centred fuddy-duddy with reservations stick-in-the-mud easy even self-centered warm nonvocal struck dumb on the lookout with eyes peeled of the old school levelheaded soundless saying nothing not saying boo unable to get a word out stony-eyed unexcessive bereft of speech not given to excesses stiff-necked unextreme avoidant unaffectionate unamiable unnatural forced costive sullen frustrated deliberate tamed restricted limited brusque vestal unsullied undefiled contrived laboured artificial ungenial girlish doubtful socially inhibited mopey mopish camera-shy arch flirtatious retreated aseptic insociable kind scowling punctilious sequestered genuine natural half-hearted tepid hung up immaculate intact self-doubting uncertain steely flinty unhappy depressing mean-looking stodgy ungainly docile alienated put on airs unconversational unsmiling passive ashamed ingenuous ordinary artless unambitious apologetic respectful indrawn low-pitched low muffled hushful low-keyed simpering short outside repellent lifeless dubious blenching flinching unpoised low-key unaggressive hard fierce discouraging off-putting hermitlike contemplative self-interested pensive self-absorbed unenthused unnoticeable low-profile labored not forward monastic exact precise cowering weak-kneed trembling quaking cool-headed hard-headed not forthcoming complacent perfunctory unimposing cold-shoulder contemptuous withering ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed unagitated inflexible uninquiring zipped one's lips have tight chops lacking courage easily frightened unimpressionable unfazed inscrutable secluse hermetic hardhearted official bureaucratic inhuman keeping a low profile stony-hearted disinclined loath hesitating wavering indisposed ladylike respectable unprejudiced uncommitted unbiased cryptic wise strategic obdurate inexpressive listless coldhearted marble uncompassionate blah unwilling to mix with other people sceptical self-deprecating free from vanity hiding one's light under a bushel wouldn't say boo to a goose innocent pokerfaced wimpish mousey yellow gutless tremulous chicken fainthearted scary fearsome yellow-bellied sissy trepidatious featureless colorless soulless gray colourless grey equal uncolored depersonalised faceless candid depersonalized nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic resigned undercover backstairs covert sly furtive feline mysterious intelligent judgmatical judgmatic discerning stable tolerant regular silentious unheard unimpressible insusceptible goody-goody old-maidish buttoning up clamming up hidden mum's the word tight chops zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip malevolent shut away straight arrow by the numbers shocked sagacious softly-softly kid-glove delicate lenient abstinent peaceable straight-faced indurated inexcitable averse astounded under wraps inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up in charge chilled on a leash in control of yourself closed up in private in chambers in privacy pessimistic inhumane earnest aghast dazed thunderstruck amazed awake civil worldly-wise faint cowardly shuddering recreant poor-spirited frightened scared considered not excessive compromising lonely alone strictly business cold turkey dependable settled reliable in the background in the dark sober-minded benign even-tempered sobersided gobsmacked flabbergasted selfish sarcastic hating egoistic sardonic egotistical misanthropical companionless shell-shocked along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on lookout having foresight not rash dumbstricken obmutescent playing your cards close to your chest mature anxious troubled friendless skeptical unaccompanied knocked for six cool as cucumber astonished aphonic hit for six like a clam poised responsible sound carefree secure restless tense discomposed edgy unsettled unperturbed blithe surly sour lonesome good full of common sense well balanced calculable serious-minded unswerving having both feet on the ground medium comfortable checked regulated constant curbed relaxed perturbed unrelaxed bothered nervy jittery antsy mindful provident aware special one-off sole unique singular one only unworried deadly musty conformist aggressive ill-natured suspecting scrupulous shrewd forethoughtful unquiet discomforted disquieted discomfited devil-may-care happy-go-lucky humourless fusty by itself quarrelsome unanxious old-fogeyish nasty keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on your guard belt-and-braces watching one's step watching out walking on eggs on your toes taking it slow playing safe hedging one's bets on the qui vive on guard on the watch with one's eyes peeled genteel narrow magisterial fetid straitlaced important self-important hot bloated humorless puffy foetid Victorian smug smoky smelly careless lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair doubting antipathetic menacing adversary obnoxious mortal impolite adversarial unmannerly unattended forsaken sui generis out-of-the-way particular deserted lacking social skills by oneself on edge stag separate lorn on its own verecund blushful recoiling lofty nonplussed cross ill-disposed against conflicting opposite estranged malicious disaffected malignant spiteful competitive unpromising contrary warlike vengeful acrimonious opposed censorious combative grudging gruff unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless inattentive lackadaisical blind supine deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss heedless undisturbed negligent undaunted easily embarrassed non-committal on ice as dry as dust cold fish lone wolf vague not on speaking terms overcareful canny overcautious

Tính từ

Affectedly proper, or formal, and rather prudish
prim prudish formal proper puritanical demure prissy strait-laced priggish Victorian starchy stuffy fastidious fussy mimsy niminy-piminy old-maidish particular precise schoolmarmish stiff bluenosed governessy nice-nelly old-maid po-faced schoolmistressy straightlaced straitlaced Grundyish square-toed blue-nose ceremonial ceremonious choosy cleanly conventional correct dapper decorous dignified genteel good goody-goody meticulous moralistic nice nit-picking overmodest polite prim and proper rigid spic-and-span spruce stickling straight upright wooden square reserved reticent narrow-minded strict staid sedate uptight narrow diffident restrained quiet austere withdrawn modest retiring shy bashful mild stick-in-the-mud conservative timid finicky backward smug sober stilted overnice fuddy-duddy severe affected uncommunicative punctilious cool puritan aloof offish taciturn undemonstrative unapproachable composed close serene placid frigid unresponsive collected icy tight-laced peaceful timorous old-fashioned Pecksniffian pompous scrupulous cold secretive shrinking self-effacing of the old school self-contained distant close-mouthed seemly serious cautious inhibited self-righteous solemn standoffish inflexible gentle soft-spoken misanthropic noncommittal reclusive solitary uncompanionable eremitic sententious self-restrained bigoted sanctimonious censorious shockable stiff-necked stern forbidding pernickety mincing meek holier-than-thou respectable pretentious artificial humble unpretentious hypocritical squeamish fogeyish overparticular moral pedantic rigorous precious self-satisfied mannered silent unassuming unassertive down-to-earth lowly starched earnest unforthcoming controlled self-controlled virtuous exact discriminating pure remote unfriendly detached introverted picky overdelicate careful retired goody-two-shoes exacting persnickety stand-offish choosey nit-picky overscrupulous ascetic pietistic stodgy fanatical disapproving pious hair-shirt spartan niggly Pharisaic overexact simpering illiberal abstemious conforming abstinent complacent vain overcautious epicene pi straight-laced god-fearing unctuous PC old-womanish namby-pamby uncompromising methodical unostentatious unobtrusive simple forced conscientious politically correct goody two-shoes mathematical stringent unnatural laboured sticklerish fixed tough scientific insecure unaffected unconfident natural genuine strained unsociable indirect unrelaxed unpretending artless unambitious mousy ordinary ingenuous plain inconspicuous labored private coy constrained equivocal afraid hesitant euphemistic doubtful media-shy guarded calm closemouthed unemotional chilly tight-lipped laconic dumb tranquil Olympian disingenuous devious insincere deceptive unruffled dainty demanding ladylike decent discerning sensitive critical innocent virginal chaste maidenly imperturbable unflappable impersonal fine kittenish sheepish coquettish recessive steady deadly musty conformist finical refined sharp keen selective serious-minded grave humourless fusty perceptive faddy fussbudgety faddish finicking perfectionist acute mealy-mouthed coolheaded undisturbed limpid equal unshaken unworried self-possessed unperturbed together recollected untroubled self-composed level possessed smooth unassured blushing skittish old-fogeyish hypercritical nitpicking delicate boring foetid self-important hot bloated warm fetid arrogant smoky supercilious humorless smelly magisterial important puffy sombre deliberate dispassionate stately somber hard to please over-particular difficult to please impossible to please cold sober cool as cucumber as dry as dust unbending unsympathetic haughty unsocial official antisocial straight arrow keeping people at arm's length by the numbers

Tính từ

Showy in speech and given to using flowery or elaborate terms
high-flown elaborate extravagant exaggerated florid high-sounding flowery grandiloquent grandiose lofty ornate overblown highfalutin inflated pretentious rhetorical grand-sounding magniloquent purple affected bombastic la-di-da oratorical overdone overripe overwrought turgid verbose aureate declamatory hifalutin magnific rhetoric windy arty-farty euphuistic fustian high-falutin orotund tumid exalted high-minded pompous showy sonorous ostentatious flamboyant strained Ossianic laboured convoluted over-elaborate pleonastic labored hyperventilated stilted flatulent baroque eloquent pedantic gassy gaseous theatrical wordy silver-tongued fancy hyperbolic fulsome swollen articulate ornamented big mouthy effusive formal complicated Ciceronian rotund imposing epideictic fussy Demosthenic Demosthenean periphrastic epic rococo histrionic erudite scholarly bombast stagy long-winded boastful heroic Miltonian Homeric busy braggart bragging grand Falstaffian contrived gingerbread bold figurative embellished overelaborate dramatic ornamental fluent big-talking windbag sesquipedalian elocutionary prolix ranting over the top puffed overwritten excessive puffed-up majestic impressive elevated mannered over-the-top curlicued long vast monumental actorly wedding-cake lexiphanic boasting portentous decorative garnished rich luscious very elaborate elegant euphistic haughty tall-talking overinflated discursive ambitious blathering blustering arty high-wrought booming melodramatic arresting rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash over-embellished over-ornate overambitious verbal linguistic overworked gingerbreaded bedizened overdecorated gingerbready OTT oratorial stylistic redundant diffuse euphemistic stuffed shirt ponderous highly decorated overornate excessively ornate overembellished flashy egotistic stodgy prim complex involved detailed decorated fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian self-important stuffy rhapsodical overestimated full of hot air overheated glib vocal voluble tumescent splendid yellow brilliant golden hoity-toity la-de-da posh poncey toffee-nosed gone Hollywood chichi high falutin' schmaltzy campy fancy-pants loquacious garrulous tedious tautological rambling palaverous circumlocutory circuitous repetitious lengthy gabby logorrheic talkative tortuous chatty protracted talky ambagious vaunting long-drawn-out meandering expansive high tiresome prolonged overlong babbling prating gushing prattling indirect large wandering jabbering digressive big-mouthed wittering multiloquent multiloquous gobby logorrhoeic yacking with the gift of the gab self-righteous learned superfluous roundabout tall swaggering solemn shallow superficial breezy iterative fine pontifical sententious boring wearisome maundering sublime interminable circumlocutionary waffly effervescent fizzy carbonated sparkling bubbly full of verbiage serious arrogant grave reiterating padded empty yakking crass flaunted jaunty vain brazen garish gossiping chattering tautologous repeating repetitive gossipy conversational chattery full of air having kissed the Blarney stone communicative forthcoming motormouthed blabby magnificent tonguey able to talk the hind legs off a donkey flap jaw loose-tongued blabbermouth having kissed the Blarney Stone loose-lipped motormouth yakkity running on at the mouth prosy wind-bag yakky stately glorious resplendent awe-inspiring superb lavish striking palatial august opulent plush imperial heroical classy massive royal gallant proud baronial regal luxurious flash swanky unfathomable cosmic impenetrable splashy overwhelming high-falutin' high-flying lordly

Trái nghĩa của snobbish

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