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Trang web Tudongnghia.com là một công cụ hữu ích cho những ai muốn cải thiện khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh, đặc biệt trong việc viết văn, sáng tác nội dung hoặc mở rộng vốn từ vựng hàng ngày.

Từ đồng nghĩa của selfish

Alternative for selfish

Từ đồng nghĩa: egotistical, possessive, self-centered,

Từ trái nghĩa: selfless,

Tính từ

(of a person, action, or motive) Making decisions based solely on one's own self-interest or personal profit
inconsiderate ungiving thoughtless unthinking uncaring heedless unmindful regardless insensitive tactless apathetic discourteous uncharitable unkind mean miserly grasping greedy mercenary egocentric egomaniacal egotistic egotistical introverted self-loving acquisitive opportunistic self-absorbed self-centered self-centred self-obsessed self-regarding self-seeking self-serving inward-looking money-grubbing looking after number one on the make out for what one can get wrapped up in oneself narcissistic self-interested egoistic egoistical solipsistic self-concerned self-involved self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-oriented vain conceited vainglorious self-important stuck-up proud pompous self-admiring superior opinionated individualistic puffed up bragging self-indulgent boastful boasting prideful snobbish haughty inflated aloof swollen inward looking stuck on oneself inner-directed wrapped up in yourself unthoughtful megalomaniac individualist independent personal full of yourself looking out for number one childish egomaniac abandoned self-pitying wallowing selflike grandstanding undiplomatic blundering know-it-all having a swelled head on an ego trip wrapped up with oneself self-sufficient in love with oneself in love with yourself self-contained careerist calculating rude indiscreet careless injudicious obsessive isolated intimate intrinsic affected autocratic subjective fortune-hunting gold-digging impolite out for what you can get unique original off-centre nonconformist unconventional unorthodox atypical singular individual idiosyncratic uncommon self-minded groundbreaking liberated characteristic distinctive unconstrained free-spirited pioneering freethinking bohemian particular unfettered eccentric untrammelled special typical odd maverick self-reliant strange peculiar untrammeled smug complacent self-satisfied pleased with oneself arrogant overweening cocky bigheaded swaggering important biggity biggety swellheaded assured peacockish consequential self-conceited self-opinionated swollen-headed big-headed self-congratulatory pleased with yourself cocksure immodest strutting think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself above oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself full of oneself supercilious uppity snooty uppish snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet toffee-nosed smart-alecky loudmouth chesty brag stuck up too big for your boots windbag snotty boast ham big talking phoney phony full of hot air gall high and mighty conceity too big for one's boots insufferable happy content pleased unconcerned proud of oneself gratified satisfied self-possessed wisenheimer confident gloating contented self-righteous obsequious serene self-assured self-contented self-pleased resting on your laurels self-approving easy-going like the cat that got the cream triumphant imperious swanky ostentatious high-and-mighty think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers

Tính từ

Unwilling to spend, give, or share
stingy miserly parsimonious penurious ungenerous tight mean mingy close cheap sparing tightfisted uncharitable grasping illiberal chintzy stinting greedy closefisted frugal pinchpenny spare thrifty scrimping pinching near economical covetous grudging saving pennywise skimping cheeseparing petty chary ungiving curmudgeonly churlish costive avaricious penny-pinching close-fisted tight-fisted Scrooge-like cheese-paring acquisitive grabby money-grubbing rapacious materialistic mercenary moneygrubbing coveting miserable avid hungry hoarding money-grabbing money-oriented possessive desirous skinflinty snoep venal grabbing predatory Mammonish Mammonistic usurious cheapskate skinflint prehensile beggarly skimpy sordid pleonectic on the make extremely thrifty scurvy ironfisted not generous hard-fisted on a tight budget scrounging prudent scrimpy tight-wad tightwad gluttonous extremely frugal cupidinous bribable insatiable pennypinching money hungry money motivated quaestuary demanding hoggish craving forehanded itchy extorting extortionate unprincipled unethical unscrupulous gold-digging corrupt narrow-minded intolerant reactionary prejudiced bigoted hidebound small-minded fundamentalist conservative authoritarian unenlightened puritanical narrow strict oppressive despotic undemocratic repressive alt-right totalitarian anti-democratic draconian fascist tyrannical biased partial proscriptive antiliberal myopic economizing economising provident careful abstemious cautious unwasteful meagre ascetic canny meager scanty spartan austere fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving sensible conserving preserving ignoble money-conscious wary penny-wise close-handed scant plain insufficient paltry pinchfisted economic moderate restrained simple temperate inexpensive stewardly cost-conscious abstinent masochistic shrewd nunlike monastic monkish self-denying non-indulgent self-disciplined mean-spirited wise derisory abject meticulous discreet careful with money

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sympathy, empathy or general emotions
uncharitable insensitive unkind mean merciless unsympathetic unfeeling unforgiving unfriendly ungenerous hard hard-hearted heedless inconsiderate mean-spirited ruthless thoughtless uncaring cruel harsh self-centered self-centred unpleasant affectless callous case-hardened cold-blooded compassionless desensitised desensitized hard-boiled heartless indurate inhuman inhumane insensate ironhearted obdurate pachydermatous pitiless remorseless severe slash-and-burn soulless stern stingy stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners thick-skinned unfair ungracious unmerciful unsparing censorious hardhearted inflexible lacking compassion unchristian uncompromising hurtful spiteful uncompassionate unsympathizing apathetic hardened indifferent cold inured unreasonable inattentive rude impolite unmannerly uncivil unmannered discourteous impertinent disrespectful unhandsome antisocial indelicate brash unceremonious asocial boorish unrefined ill-bred ill-mannered uncalled-for cold-hearted stony-hearted brutal unpitying nasty hateful tough barbarous unemotional savage with a heart of stone malicious vicious unbending unmoved unrelenting relentless implacable vile sadistic hostile despicable contemptible beastly inexorable malevolent fierce base foul grim low-down shabby frigid wretched bad vindictive rotten malignant obnoxious low hard-nosed unresponsive unconcerned wicked intolerant barbaric unyielding disagreeable coldhearted dirty snide steely strict icy surly dastardly catty heinous dishonourable exacting dishonorable detestable austere aloof execrable uncongenial rigorous ignominious illiberal ill-natured evil stiff currish cool low-minded inhospitable sordid monstrous marble-hearted immoral ignoble malign unremitting cut-throat rigid paltry ferocious hard as nails fiendish diabolical hard-bitten abject reprehensible inclement unworthy wrong cantankerous shameful churlish frosty atrocious unprincipled unsociable chilly sour bestial bloodless wanton draconian stringent depraved disdainful scurvy bloodthirsty sanguinary odious horrible cutthroat dog-eat-dog rancorous servile antagonistic unappeasable flinty nefarious demanding murderous wounding aggressive poisonous disgusting abusive unloving wrathful disinterested discriminatory unsusceptible lamentable combative unkindly distant unwelcoming untouched uncordial venomous filthy contemptuous reserved firm virulent degraded disgraceful truculent butcherly brute ill-humored impatient egregious indignant unindulgent flagitious authoritarian solid repellent lukewarm halfhearted aversive repugnant as hard as nails cowardly rough menial loathsome bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured gruff adamant unforbearing antipathetic horrid brutish tyrannical evil-minded no-nonsense heavy-handed prejudiced impassive belligerent abominable unsentimental feral sinful insensible unempathetic underhand bellicose vitriolic confrontational pugnacious angry bitter indurated adamantine unamiable fell treacherous mortal corrupt ironfisted scrappy spiritless unwarranted unacceptable joyless militant dispassionate furious stinking formal off unamicable crotchety imperturbable disreputable impervious withdrawn not nice viperous stone-hearted unaffable unaffected despiteful forbidding offensive emotionless infamous toughened feelingless unneighbourly ornery grouchy grave punishing cross unsocial obtuse degenerate petty undignified matter-of-fact glacial unapproachable unflinching unbecoming dour without sentiment wintery wolfish remote obscene iron-fisted wintry clammy coldish vengeful cold fish inelegant unneighborly chill gelid brittle frozen antiseptic arctic stand-offish hard-line obstinate astringent uncalled for dirty rotten unstirred hard-eyed cold-eyed out of order below the belt off-color browbeating oppressive killer revengeful detached upsetting challenging taxing without pity satanic hatchetjob coldblooded uncommiserating dead ill killer instinct hellish impenetrable premeditated lifeless cynical terrible stolid tyrannous constant punitive cannibalistic appalling mechanical armour-plated invulnerable intense difficult crass anesthetized sensationless anaesthetized deadened unimpressionable torpid insentient impenitent stubborn careless hard-headed world-weary tactless imperceptive faceless utilitarian inexpressive gray subhuman grey bleak bullying unmindful bloody avaricious unregenerate greedy unrepenting indefatigable uncontrite incurious unsensitive oblivious benumbed hard-as-nails seasoned annoying irritable blank cheap ugly expressionless deadpan lacking sentiment hard-edged hard-shelled headstrong sarcastic timid weak inured to craven blind to deaf to with a hide like an elephant inimical sulky toughened by experience mean machine unchivalrous improper shameless having a killer instinct misanthropic blind snappish grumpy snappy sullen tetchy irascible as tough as old boots blameworthy discreditable fixed serious cranky testy narky querulous stroppy ratty shirty peevish fractious petulant indifferent to Rhadamanthine quarrelsome poor peasant ordinary reproachful lewd modest simple coarse plain solemn supercilious unforthcoming haughty uncommunicative impersonal splenetic peckish liverish chippy soreheaded huffy miffy grumbling curmudgeonly waxy insensitive of insensible to insensitive to heedless of insensible of poker-faced menacing jaundiced negative adversary adversarial unsmiling stuffy homicidal disregardful of Olympian ill-disposed starchy competitive unpromising contrary against warlike not on speaking terms conflicting acrimonious opposed opposite estranged grudging disaffected standoffish ungenial devilish gross louring hideous deplorable scummy ghastly iniquitous ramrod intimidating lowering rugged short-tempered quick-tempered on a short fuse ungodly wrongful sombre earnest ungentle somber unrighteous irreligious sacrilegious profane impious unholy blasphemous hot-tempered short-fused uncompanionable hardheaded single-minded intractable disciplinarian resolved dogged hard-core steadfast imperious drastic dire resolute ascetical immovable domineering by the book absolute dyed-in-the-wool mulish extreme ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic determined pressing autocratic disciplinary bullheaded villainous erring fallen impure mean-looking uninvolved unhappy solitary depressing dishonest diabolic black dark godless unscrupulous dissolute crooked shocking underhanded reprobate outrageous notorious perverted criminal illegitimate shady scandalous sullied tainted roguish bent illicit unlawful lawless illegal scoundrelly abhorrent warped inequitable rascally malfeasant peccable caitiff pernicious maleficent violent slaughterous black-hearted roughshod morally wrong not cricket

Tính từ

Having an especially high opinion of oneself, usually with contempt for others
arrogant haughty hubristic supercilious egocentric egoistic egoistical high-handed immodest imperious lordly narcissistic pompous pontifical pretentious prideful vainglorious blustering boastful opinionated overweening bold brash conceited contemptuous disdainful egotistical overbearing patronising patronizing presumptuous proud scornful self-important superior swaggering uppity affected biggity bloated brazen bumptious elitist insolent lofty mocking self-adulatory self-affected self-centered self-centred self-conceited self-congratulatory self-contented self-engrossed self-glorifying self-opinionated self-promoting self-righteous self-serving snobbish snobby swellheaded swollen-headed uppish assumptive bigheaded brassy cavalier chesty cocky condescending egotistic fancy-pants full of oneself hifalutin high-and-mighty highfalutin high-hat hoity-toity huffish huffy impudent orgulous scoffing self-asserting self-assertive smug sneering sniffy snooty snotty stiff-necked stuck-up toffee-nosed toploftical toplofty vain audacious autocratic biggety big-headed bossy bragging cheeky cold-shoulder high and mighty know-it-all overconfident smarty snippy puffed up stuck up jumped up wise guy on an ego trip too big for your boots important domineering self-satisfied magisterial confident self-confident self-assured assured blusterous holier-than-thou ostentatious masterful peremptory presuming aloof portentous showy dismissive flatulent flaunting puffy cocksure cool highfaluting too big for one's boots sure too big for one's breeches assuming self-involved self-absorbed self-seeking braggart complacent bombastic saucy impertinent self-flattering self-loving braggy pontificating self-gratulatory self-complacent self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery forward self-applauding dominating self-pleased extroverted unreserved extraverted uninhibited grandiose sententious stiff la-de-da high-minded la-di-da splendid flowery magnificent overstated exaggerated grand spectacular inflated puffed-up swollen with pride dictatorial pushy tyrannical despotic assertive authoritative officious full of yourself nervy rude sassy commanding dogmatic fresh strutting tyrannous autocratical tyrannic consequential arbitrary forceful wise oppressive persnickety contumelious above oneself inconsiderate brazen-faced bold-faced imperative aristocratic swanky doctrinaire inflexible pushful brassbound arch smart-alecky rigid imperial disrespectful loud wilful pert harsh aggressive uncompromising posh potty rash insulting bullish stuffy ritzy flip pleased with oneself withering obstinate unyielding repressive draconian willful smart offensive on high horse insistent severe unabashed shameless adamant imposing barefaced indifferent full of contempt uncivil prejudiced on your high horse opinionative opinioned ambitious vaunting impetuous bigoted derisive thrusting iron-handed exclusive obdurate heavy-handed intolerant dogmatical obnoxious slighting self-aggrandizing undemocratic autarchic pigheaded boasting familiar loudmouth disparaging overfamiliar anti-democratic obtrusive jeering pushing peacockish strict stubborn overbold impolite malapert abhorrent free scathing strident self-regarding self-admiring belittling pleased with yourself unblushing firm loudmouthed in love with oneself putting on airs coercive biased absolute full of hot air high foolhardy controlling brusque abrupt discourteous hotheaded impulsive impolitic precipitate hasty highhanded emphatic thoughtless dominant ungracious derisory regnant crowing improper inappropriate totalitarian egomaniac careless positive remote tony hotshot iron-fisted summary gracious heedless windbag certain illiberal high-flown untactful vivacious wisenheimer single-minded demeaning degrading derogative snide depreciative denigratory detractive derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative abusive definite in-your-face procacious bull-headed demanding sardonic dictative loud-mouthed throwing one's weight around defiant of fixed views hard opprobrious blatant think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself sarcastic self-approving goody-goody have an excessively high opinion of oneself well pleased proud of oneself too big for one's britches offhand puffed standoffish elitist refined airy powerful casual curt cliquish masterly bullying poncey windy disciplinarian honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty unconcerned insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive ironhanded overproud high falutin reserved distant detached selective self-obsessed decisive wiseguy self-willed unceremonious lording it stooping insufferable ranting glib terse cursory off perfunctory preponderant ascendant prevalent majestic regal august judicial stately dignified blowing one's own horn partisan self-opinioned driven priggish wrapped up in oneself take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish la-dee-da complaisant boldfaced blowhard overhasty previous premature sure of oneself insubordinate compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed highbrow discriminatory temerarious daredevil reckless madcap effervescent trashy headlong brazenfaced incautious bright maladroit brisk fustian presumptive ill-mannered unmannerly swanking big-mouthed high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant too big for your breeches on a high horse on one's high horse self-respecting nose in the air riding for a fall overoptimistic Neronian cynical hypercritical tactless big of preconceived ideas exultant denigrating monocratic as bold as brass lacking civility bad mannered lippy sharp-elbowed clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around tolerant free-and-easy despicable malicious intrusive stuck on oneself compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished feisty think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending out-of-line breezy mannerless off-base pleased crude crass coarse rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating jaunty unshrinking unembarrassed unashamed content throwing one's weight about absolutist small-minded flushed brass-necked spirited brag boast hot stuff conceity ham phony gall noisy blaring phoney fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded prying protrusive nosey interfering busy meddling intruding meddlesome snoopy over-assertive nosy uncontrolled one-party unaccountable unconstitutional single-party gritty sure of yourself heading for a fall put down grating jarring taunting undiplomatic on ego trip ruthless tsarist czarist merciless bold as brass coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards smart aleck smart guy smarty pants piercing raucous go-ahead turning up your nose at looking down your nose at subjugating cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill hard-nosed temperamental disapproving upstage I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream strong-willed gaudy ear-splitting vulgar flashy discordant snot-nosed devastating high hat dog it big talking jazzy tinny garish blowing one's own trumpet humiliating high-pitched metallic flirtatious arrant in driver's seat crack the whip solemn stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing ponderous snubbing blighting hurtful sonorous grandiloquent declamatory crushing rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe apostolic serious grave headstrong pig-headed

Tính từ

Having a familiarity with, or knowledge of, the world
worldly sophisticated worldly-wise cosmopolitan experienced knowing urbane aware knowledgeable mature astute blasé cultivated enlightened grasping materialistic media-savvy perceptive politic seasoned shrewd smart avaricious covetous cultured greedy unprovincial worldly-minded callous cool disenchanted hardened mondain opportunistic power-loving practical self-centred self-centered unprincipled uptown been around having been around worldly wise well versed in the ways of the world polished refined wise suave battle-scarred old trained expert qualified smooth streetwise canny savvy cunning well travelled practised long-serving sensible learned judicious intelligent adept veteran established matured consummate competent not born yesterday skillful practiced accomplished skilful weathered professional sagacious well versed vet pro been there old hand well trained unbelieving on the ball initiated reliable responsible adult dependable discriminating with experience debonair broad-minded unprejudiced liberal civilized elegant svelte stylish well-travelled jet-set classy chic citified level-headed grown-up mondaine erudite civilised catholic planetary gregarious metropolitan public ecumenical well-bred world-weary in the know proficient master crack ace masterful skilled great virtuoso crackerjack complete masterly good compleat versed educated professed mean travelled well-traveled global international traveled disciplined exercised knows one's stuff wise to ways up to speed from way back long-time old-time inured steady of the old school time-served well-versed habituated tested tried familiar instructed prepared toughened sharp acute clever percipient sage calculating insightful bright discerning brilliant wily conversant sentient perspicacious cognizant observant au fait well up in versed in quick brainy quick-witted clued-up tuned-in well-informed sharp-witted clear-sighted with-it clear-eyed well informed keen informed ingenious alert prudent penetrating heady sapient rational thoughtful subtle hardheaded hard-boiled foxy artful cagey crafty deep whip-smart scholarly intellectual conscious genius sly intuitive profound pawky slick logical acquainted adroit abreast sensitive argute cute exceptional fly gifted tricky able devious scheming fast slippery guileful witting supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent designing cagy heads-up resourceful understanding quick on the uptake mindful far-sighted incisive nimble sound cerebral careful piercing nimble-witted precocious beguiling dodgy imaginative ware au courant long-headed tuned in inventive apt apprehensive dexterous apprised ready alive contemplative deceitful witty dextrous reasonable philosophical versant slim insidious reflective sneaky observing suss vulpine plugged in sober fine talented switched-on penetrative together well-read deft full of insight duplicitous acquainted with quick off the mark creative awake all there apperceptive deceptive showing great knowledge with great knowledge Machiavellian no stranger to astucious farsighted reasoned wary prescient dishonest justified underhand solid carny disingenuous gnostic analytical levelheaded well-founded razor-sharp sussed watchful comprehending familiar with commonsensical capable Janus-faced well-reasoned responsive up-to-date grounded attentive street-smart street smart commonsensible knowledgeable about cogitative discreet up to date critical up on well-grounded well versed in well informed about well up on wise to with it whiz sharp as a tack studious au courant with privy manipulative visionary schooled fiendish thinking cluey self-aware foresighted probing accurate well-advised insighted down cautious up cheating well reasoned well thought out hip sane academic circumspect hep far-seeing shifty alive to agile rapier-like no-nonsense intriguing coherent receptive effective pragmatic valid well-thought-out informed about having all one's marbles just quick-thinking elite sensible of not missing a trick highbrow sophic well educated bookish in the picture clued up genned up firm au fait with appreciative nobody's fool alert to excellent delicate vigilant down-to-earth effectual sensitive to well read experienced in at home commonsense superior knowing how many beans make five quick on the trigger analytic in the loop steady-going with all one's wits about one clear hip to eggheaded choice whip cognizant of quick on the draw Einstein whiz kid genial first-class up to speed on plugged into up to date on knows what's what genned up on very intelligent on to on the beam clued up on first-rate crazy like a fox ear to the ground in on down with tasteful selective fraudulent tricksy evasive arch downy crooked realistic philosophic abreast of into keen-witted graceful crazy like fox double-dealing frugal searching egghead balanced greasy underhanded congruent acuminous no fool complex exacting ratiocinative detailed stable matter-of-fact hard consequent serious-minded practised in skilled in proficient in apprised of at home with finely honed active vigorous mercurial curt wired razor-like exact introspective earnest musing deliberate considered museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive solemn grave studied as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork full of common sense in right mind smart as a whip wide awake deliberated having smarts proportional symmetrical well-proportioned well-adjusted kept posted perfect in serious abstruse recondite plugged-in smart as a tack weighty arcane esoteric strategic tactful original across omniscient harmonious mentally stable desirable well-briefed literate hermetic hermetical fit appraised posted leet tactical very smart sensible to respectful recognizant clued acroamatic occult orphic secret having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on deep-thinking efficient regardful heedful chary up with conversant with intractable businesslike tough unsentimental resolute hard-bitten live living feeling well-balanced well judged well advised suitable powerful fitted reactive switched on with an understanding of with a knowledge of well-rounded clued in on ware of hep to in the know about up to date with illuminated certain conscious of aware of conscientious solicitous observative moderate sure tasty suited equal adequate scholastic literary easy effortless equipped endowed awake to careful of chary of wary of watchful of heedful of sentimental emotional perceiving breathing sensate animate flesh-and-blood seeing recognizing noticing sly like a fox strong worthy well schooled well-educated widely read know ins and outs with eyes peeled know all the answers on the job on one's toes regardful of recognizant of be up on up to it know backwards and forwards highly endowed up to snuff know the ropes know one's onions recognising stand pat locked in tough nut hang tough lettered sharp-sighted able to recognize in the right mind capable of feeling well-acquainted shark calculated inside wised up on the inside on top of

Tính từ

Having or showing no moral principles
unscrupulous immoral unethical unprincipled amoral dishonourable reprobate roguish untrustworthy cheating conscienceless corrupt corrupted crooked dishonest exploitative fraudulent improper unconscionable bad cunning disreputable evil furtive guileful knavish unsavory unsavoury wrongdoing cutthroat deceitful degenerate devious dodgy ignoble Machiavellian ruthless shady shameless shifty sinful slippery sly unconscientious underhand venal villainous wicked arrant base casuistic crafty dastardly degraded degrading disgraceful dishonorable illegal low-down mercenary perfidious petty questionable recreant scandalous scheming self-seeking sinister two-faced underhanded unfair unworthy wrongful treacherous dirty double-dealing tricky duplicitous sneaky wily bent nefarious designing vile deceptive artful criminal dubious mean depraved calculating conniving despicable contemptible foul vicious shameful unlawful sharp low slick iniquitous shrewd sordid foxy wrong rotten rascally subtle discreditable Janus-faced dissolute reprehensible nasty dark ignominious shonky disingenuous insidious abominable detestable false fast not cricket scoundrelly snide fishy unjust insincere indecent slim infamous suspicious heinous rogue suspect two-timing execrable lying unrighteous sneaking scurvy malfeasant beastly odious swindling illicit deceiving unreliable traitorous unsportsmanlike lawless unsporting shocking outrageous shabby monstrous manipulative wretched hateful canny unprofessional black abject cagey sorry illegitimate offensive hollow-hearted flagitious atrocious abandoned clandestine shoddy defrauding fiendish astute unseemly below the belt dissipated vulgar untruthful abhorrent cheap secret debauched deplorable barbarous intriguing profane beguiling double-crossing indirect cagy cute loathsome impure malicious perverted wanton disgusting morally wrong notorious egregious seedy unpleasant plotting warped surreptitious mendacious stealthy murky bribable diabolical sleazy faithless unvirtuous dissembling diabolic murderous inequitable licentious dirty-dealing unfaithful horrible ungodly felonious oblique profligate undependable inglorious false-hearted double-faced obscene stinking corruptible low-minded smart grafting funny appalling clever buyable hypocritical irregular covert unholy secretive sacrilegious low-life cruel blasphemous fly-by-night against the rules repugnant lewd truthless coarse impious paltry scummy not to be trusted graceless iffy debased worthless currish miscreant slimy malevolent filthy ingenious delusive smooth distasteful maleficent contriving unacceptable misleading counterfeit louche irreligious crass sketchy snidey off cowardly unrespectable conspiratorial obnoxious opprobrious mischievous fly objectionable godless shy squalid gross lame lousy indictable politic indecorous perverse grubby irresponsible erring untrue unbecoming blackguardly scabby ratty bluffing elusive evasive incorrigible smutty decadent no-good pornographic caitiff resourceful wayward out of order peccable pernicious lowlife unregenerate blameworthy mysterious black-hearted disagreeable fair-weather not to be depended on not dependable hoodwinking repulsive conspiring opportunistic rough unwarranted seamy doubtful repellent rude tawdry arch impish unwholesome grasping rapacious hole-and-corner hugger-mugger unspeakable uncouth terrible backstairs inappropriate intelligent avaricious sham negligent undercover hush-hush revolting lustful devilish crude unchaste promiscuous Punic disloyal not on beggarly delinquent pitiful malignant dreadful astucious undesirable suborned fallen inhuman immodest loose under-the-table servile menial cruddy pitiable culpable a bit much unbefitting salacious vitiated against the law serpentine dangerous cloak-and-dagger back-alley spurious libidinous scungy captious illusory incorrect lowly gutter unprintable sullied tainted rakish phoney whorish bawdy lubricious trustless under the table fickle good-for-nothing sharp-witted trashy errant mock phony fake a bit thick over the fence skillful skilful inelegant libertine carny X-rated injurious heartless mean-spirited harmful no good off-color blue of dubious character beyond contempt on the take beyond the pale potentially illegal of easy virtue colluding shaming shadowy debasing praetorian stop-at-nothing mercentary adaptable indefensible thoughtless collusive caballing despisable bootleg cynical lax unjustifiable unsatisfactory unreasonable unjustified uncalled for raffish transgressing opportunist purchasable meanspirited disrespectful stinky dicey lawbreaking ruffianly scurrilous queer macabre churlish boorish hostile salty ornery snaky backbiting unctuous observant heedful thievish bogus unnecessary under the counter deviant cowboy morally bereft humble slavish unforgivable expedient slipshod disdainable feigned condemnable tactful noisome flimflam scam undignified uncharitable unfitting ungentlemanly pixieish scampish puckish pixy prankish tricksy pixie leprechaunish waggish elvish ill-famed exceptionable sub-rosa concealed peccant risqué uncandid not candid not frank prostituted poor indelicate plebeian common ugly out of turn disorderly controlling falsified imitation pseudo bamboozling forged private behind-the-scenes sneak underground privy stealth unhealthy ill-reputed naughty blamable censurable awful horrid cautious lamentable unsportsmanly nifty of bad reputation tactical irreverent unfrank unveracious pathetic sad miserable acute untrusty frolicsome inconstant media-savvy guilty not trustworthy not to be relied upon unsound opprobious putrid alert profiteering hidden veiled shrouded fink lecherous deleterious damaging good-for-naught no-count meritless no-account not entirely truthful terminologically inexact treasonable baneful hurtful prejudicial nocuous adverse noxious baleful derogatory nauseating horrifying padded simoniac simoniacal plausible seeming imposturous rascal pretended bum catchy detrimental ill lascivious gingerly premeditating circumspect chary wary guarded considerate discreet careful safe vulpine adept masterly adulterous unsafe extortionate open brutal merciless ill-gotten forsworn mythomaniac apostate renegade falsehearted perjured unrefined unclean saturnalian bad news dexterous adroit proficient open to bribery in bad callous inhumane unblushing obliquitous gimmicky under wraps on the QT on the quiet beneath contempt below contempt dirty rotten dextrous back-stabbing wild in low esteem in the doghouse economical with the truth unfeeling unkind forbidding bloodthirsty defiled sadistic spiteful savage tyrannical brutish bestial inexorable tasteless unsophisticated impolite lubricous ribald porny concupiscent itchy goatish raunchy hot satyric passionate stag randy horny hypersexual playing politics put on playing games self-indulgent cold-blooded harsh vindictive pitiless hard-hearted vengeful nonmoral non-moral faking one out not straightforward unpolished rank rancorous wrathful grey fast and loose gone to the dogs subversive shorthanded locker-room disparaging demonic evil-minded contemptuous grisly despiteful gruesome scrofulous scornful virulent disdainful unofficial without standards without morals gray raw acquisitive greedy not done covetous out-of-order contrary to the rules back-door funny-looking queer-looking dishonest-looking guilty-looking mysterious-looking strange-looking foul-mouthed without scruples money-grubbing avid money-oriented grabby coveting moneygrubbing fallacious unsuitable materialistic hideous damnable infernal hellish stingy miserly gold-digging incongruous unfit infelicitous malapropos inapt inapposite inept unhappy amiss untoward inapplicable unapt inopportune uncalled-for ill-timed unseasonable unsuited inaccurate erroneous untimely imprudent undue abnormal discordant preposterous out-of-place ill-advised inharmonious out-of-season ludicrous odd inexpedient discrepant inadequate awkward off-base uncomely inadvisable inadmissible out of place not suitable at odds bad form bitter unpalatable yucky malign poisonous displeasing sickening icky catty sour unwelcome malefic unpleasing venomous yukky unlovely uncongenial destructive ill-natured horrendous sick unfriendly evil-intentioned frightful ghastly rancid demoralized inexcusable God-awful calamitous off-putting demoralised skanky yucko repellant disgustful loathly vitriolic nauseous sick-making wounding unappetizing inimical fierce grotty fulsome intolerable uncleanly grievous unfortunate ruinous satanic disastrous jackleg rakehell rakehelly antagonistic unpardonable intemperate defamatory malodorous unruly fetid uninviting grody disobedient contaminated poison festy dire foetid insufferable troublesome annoying acrimonious corrupting inconsiderate bogging inedible bad-natured indigestible flagrant tragic horrific smelly mephitic unfavourable truculent mucky unfavorable profaned atheistic funky insubordinate faulty niffy unhallowed olid desecrated devastating aberrant unfit for human consumption senseless humiliating uneatable barbaric unlucky on the nose insupportable cutting regrettable deadly unsympathetic distressing menacing vice-ridden insolent arbitrary woeful waspish carnal ill-disposed irritating shrewish abusive splenetic irksome rebellious brute butcherly violent contrary cantankerous difficult creepy invidious cussed cacodemonic accursed acrid polluted tough as old boots pongy whiffy disruptive uncontrollable smudged bedraggled befouled miasmal bemired dusty draggled grimy muddy stained besmirched blackened dingy grungy begrimed soiled recusant contumacious negative cataclysmic catastrophic inferior hardened agnostic crummy sinning unbelieving prurient demeritorious barbed non-believing heathen non-theistic remiss pagan fatal groundless impudent acid slanderous demoniac resentful vomitous distorted insensitive cataclysmal vexatious twisted uncivil stale misbehaving grim gut-churning uncomfortable demoniacal anarchic revengeful iconoclastic caustic hate-filled uncaring unconsumable antipathetic spoiled turned fateful nullifidian unbearable pervy ill-fated anarchical unpropitious nightmarish riotous vituperative murder scuzzy undisciplined sicko insurgent hapless yecchy ill-starred hard vomit-inducing mutinous galling demonian badly behaved kinky unnatural trying seditious spoilt bothersome foul-smelling evil-smelling unrestrained unmanageable terrific grewsome lurid nightmare facinorous aggressive insurrectionary terrorist very bad godawful fearful drunken erratic mutinying untamed Luciferian Mephistophelian rebarbative pesky coldhearted rowdy unorthodox ungoverned anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist not nice cursed turbulent nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised warlike unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized disordered not pure without law and order not fit to eat critical disapproving bad-hearted hating snarky brackish messy poorly off-colour crook off colour deficient rubbish depraving out of sorts embarrassing ferocious blameful glaring threatening subpar perverting dissatisfactory substandard grave prejudicious wilful abased disturbing disappointing cancerous deviate great extreme dishonoured deliberate needless demoralizing suboptimal sleazoid disadvantageous nocent harrowing reproachable remorseless reeking perilous intense dishonored tough scathy unprovoked uncool envious demonlike demonly demonish bloody contorted grotesque impaired vitiate sceptical calculated surly intimidating frightening pestilential pestiferous compassionless hazardous agonizing mighty discourteous ridiculous foolish full of hate ravaging reprovable blameable homicidal fell gratuitous motiveless bilious ominous severe unappealing painful ungovernable cold-hearted upsetting insalutary crying abysmal gnarly of evil intent corruptive demoralising sanguinary viperous misguided heretical scathing crashing minatory intimidatory unmannerly sarcastic ill-humored revolutionary inhospitable ungenerous unkindly unamiable spleenful squint-eyed angry annihilatory damning devastative inauspicious unsuccessful desperate hairy dislikeable biased prejudiced agonising incisive blistering astringent stinging biting mordant ill-intentioned infidel barbarian louring bodeful minacious chaotic reckless unlikable dismaying hardhearted unchristian abortive heartbreaking mournful inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed hateworthy measly willed unmotivated bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured possessed impertinent strong surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying searing withering swinish outcast discriminatory averse direful heathenish idolatrous not pleasant doomed luckless ill-boding at fault hedonic against opposite in opposition alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign aimless envenomed unpleasant-tasting tyrannous despotic uncontrolled terrorizing heterodox terrorising tempestuous partisan LaVeyan gut-wrenching eye-watering audacious ungracious cringe-making stomach-churning stomach-turning stabbing doubting canting unsanctified defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful disbelieving desecrating sanctimonious religionless nonreligious indulgent flagitous accidentally on purpose discriminating partial bigoted unequal offending sybaritic swinging unconstrained voluptuary undevout freethinking ignorant deteriorated violated easy weighted slanted preferential intolerant coloured not religious demonical in the fast lane dirty-minded night owl lacking restraint in the gutter gone bad pleasure-seeking fast-living high living aspersive skeptical free-thinking unspiritual unwarrantable unbalanced loaded uneven Hadean froward straying one-sided unrightful non-objective colored untenable hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish defiant dysfunctional unsustainable heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating fallible ill-disciplined prohibited flimsy shaky unfounded invalid ill-founded baseless weak badly-behaved whiny problematic pugnacious petulant out of control off straight and narrow belligerent uncooperative confrontational stubborn bellicose combative recalcitrant flawed defective implausible absurd specious inexpiable illogical unlicensed contraband tiresome hot-tempered disturbed loudmouthed ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable uncontainable peevish wearisome indocile socially impaired willful self-willed sullen undisciplinable demanding troublous argumentative exasperating scrappy uncompliant forbidden irrational impermissible banned outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized actionable interdicted proscribed verboten taboo violating excessive wildcat unauthorised heavy criminogenic racketeering haram tapu under-the-counter off base contrary to law not acceptable out of line smoking gun ruled out in violation of law off limits black-market not permitted not allowed

Tính từ

Hating or disliking mankind
misanthropic cynical antisocial unfriendly skeptical sceptical suspicious unsociable jaundiced malevolent distrustful inhospitable inhumane pessimistic reclusive uncongenial unneighbourly disdainful egoistic egotistical eremitic grouchy hating misanthropical narrow-minded reserved sarcastic sardonic solitary standoffish withdrawn aloof distant cold cool uncommunicative retiring reticent offish unforthcoming unapproachable remote frigid introverted uncompanionable stand-offish chilly dry frosty detached taciturn secretive shy quiet unaffable icy self-contained cold-eyed unsocial restrained formal asocial unclubbable undemonstrative haughty unbending standoff close-mouthed demure close cautious diffident modest inhibited prim unresponsive Olympian bashful gentle mild serene soft-spoken peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate collected composed placid backward conventional unamiable self-restrained buttoned-up cloistered isolated hostile scoffing unbelieving hermitic disagreeable ascetic antagonistic ironic mocking sneering scornful contemptuous negative lone indifferent derisive silent controlled self-controlled rude uncivil private wry supercilious unneighborly eremetic snobbish retired biting caustic satirical tongue-in-cheek cynic constrained alienated mopey mopish media-shy guarded closemouthed unemotional shrinking timid tight-lipped laconic self-effacing dumb inaccessible nongregarious brooding inapproachable scowling austere hermitlike ironical uppity secluded hermit-like sequestered stuck-up unwilling to mix with other people monastic seclusive recluse snooty superior lonely alone secluse anchoritic hermetic eremitical companionless friendless unaccompanied shut away lonesome unique singular one one-off sole special only hermitical by itself by oneself independent stag separate forsaken sui generis lorn self-sufficient on its own unattended all alone out-of-the-way particular deserted disbelieving doubtful doubting disillusioned incredulous disenchanted hardened hard world-weary hard-bitten black hard-boiled bleak mistrustful mordacious scathing disparaging detracting nonbelieving surly sour inimical unsympathetic unamicable aggressive ill-natured unpleasant unkind unwelcoming quarrelsome stiff severe impersonal nasty stern hard-eyed wintery frozen chill antipathetic menacing mortal antiseptic arctic gelid brittle wintry glacial obnoxious adversary impolite coldish adversarial discourteous uncordial clammy cold-blooded unmannerly ungracious ill-disposed starchy cross uncharitable opposite competitive estranged censorious unpromising combative grudging gruff malicious contrary disaffected against warlike malignant vengeful conflicting hateful acrimonious spiteful opposed not on speaking terms coy dispassionate unassertive unassuming sheepish humble mum mom meek unconcerned timorous discreet mute passionless unfeeling recessive apathetic speechless clammed up emotionless introvert calm self-conscious impassive wooden hesitant uptight phlegmatic sober embarrassed incurious tongue-tied forbidding unconfident close-lipped insecure stolid uninterested apprehensive unexpressive wary muted mousy untalkative buttoned up moderate reluctant unpretentious nervous staid stony temperate careful unobtrusive affectless conservative unenthusiastic tightlipped sententious incommunicable blushing incommunicative fearful poker-faced lukewarm stoical stilted sparing uncommunicable chary laid-back stuffy stoic impassible disinterested numb strait-laced secret casual down-to-earth cagey uninvolved considerate hushed wordless thoughtful circumspect unmoved curt unpresuming seemly prudent proper dark repressed callous unassured inarticulate evasive unspeaking tight-mouthed cool, calm and collected judicious unruffled unflappable chaste unexcitable nice prudish aw-shucks decorous straight rigid heartless subdued imperturbable on the QT simple matter-of-fact reasonable zipped uneasy voiceless abashed dour steady clamlike measured lowly at a loss for words tactful skittish shamefaced self-possessed tentative clinical pompous priggish unostentatious offhand withdrawing contained sensible politic non-communicative dried-up uncurious unrevealing offended impertinent procacious annoyed impudent insolent level-headed unaffected nonchalant square pure alert heedful rabbity hush-hush unpassioned abstract rational gingerly safe hard-hearted deadpan tranquil virginal virtuous laid back watchful vigilant decent mumchance attentive calculating flat cold-hearted balanced serious dummied up introspective unsure disciplined abstracted in check unimpassioned preoccupied mannered not talkative inward-looking cold as ice faint-hearted businesslike strained insular lost for words awkward maidenly unloving unsentimental diplomatic soft enigmatic unpretending proud unwilling deep afraid coquettish under control still uncomfortable kittenish off inconspicuous prissy ungregarious spiritless polite unboastful courteous thick-skinned mim stuck up insensible puritanical niminy-piminy dried up fogeyish putting on airs leery overmodest arrogant affected old-fashioned equable removed plain solemn insouciant correct neutral spacey dumbstruck of few words dumbfounded untroubled expressionless toneless hollow dead blank bland vacant insensitive objective bottled up ill at ease strict unexpansive starched spaced-out playing one's cards close to one's chest prim and proper pococurante impartial keeping people at arm's length out of it discriminating observant precautious nowhere immovable nonemotional self-centred fuddy-duddy with reservations stick-in-the-mud easy even self-centered warm nonvocal struck dumb on the lookout with eyes peeled of the old school levelheaded soundless saying nothing not saying boo unable to get a word out stony-eyed unexcessive bereft of speech not given to excesses stiff-necked unextreme avoidant unaffectionate unnatural forced costive sullen frustrated deliberate tamed restricted limited brusque vestal unsullied undefiled contrived laboured artificial ungenial girlish socially inhibited camera-shy arch flirtatious retreated aseptic insociable kind punctilious genuine natural half-hearted tepid hung up immaculate intact self-doubting uncertain steely flinty unhappy depressing mean-looking stodgy ungainly docile put on airs unconversational unsmiling passive ashamed ingenuous ordinary artless unambitious apologetic respectful indrawn low-pitched low muffled hushful low-keyed simpering short outside repellent lifeless dubious blenching flinching unpoised low-key unaggressive fierce discouraging off-putting contemplative self-interested pensive self-absorbed unenthused unnoticeable low-profile labored not forward exact precise cowering weak-kneed trembling quaking cool-headed hard-headed not forthcoming complacent perfunctory unimposing cold-shoulder withering ruminative meditative reflective inner-directed unagitated inflexible uninquiring zipped one's lips have tight chops lacking courage easily frightened unimpressionable unfazed inscrutable hardhearted official bureaucratic inhuman keeping a low profile stony-hearted disinclined loath hesitating wavering indisposed ladylike respectable unprejudiced uncommitted unbiased cryptic wise strategic obdurate inexpressive listless coldhearted marble uncompassionate blah self-deprecating free from vanity hiding one's light under a bushel wouldn't say boo to a goose innocent pokerfaced wimpish mousey yellow gutless tremulous chicken fainthearted scary fearsome yellow-bellied sissy trepidatious featureless colorless soulless gray colourless grey equal uncolored depersonalised faceless candid depersonalized nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic resigned undercover backstairs covert sly furtive feline mysterious intelligent judgmatical judgmatic discerning stable tolerant regular silentious unheard unimpressible insusceptible goody-goody old-maidish buttoning up clamming up hidden mum's the word tight chops zipping one's lips buttoning one's lip straight arrow by the numbers shocked sagacious softly-softly kid-glove delicate lenient abstinent peaceable straight-faced indurated inexcitable averse astounded under wraps inobtrusive nonaggressive corked up in charge chilled on a leash in control of yourself closed up in private in chambers in privacy earnest aghast dazed thunderstruck amazed awake civil worldly-wise faint cowardly shuddering recreant poor-spirited frightened scared considered not excessive compromising strictly business cold turkey dependable settled reliable in the background in the dark sober-minded benign even-tempered sobersided gobsmacked flabbergasted shell-shocked along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches on lookout having foresight not rash dumbstricken obmutescent playing your cards close to your chest mature anxious troubled knocked for six cool as cucumber astonished aphonic hit for six like a clam poised responsible sound carefree secure restless tense discomposed edgy unsettled unperturbed blithe good full of common sense well balanced calculable serious-minded unswerving having both feet on the ground medium comfortable checked regulated constant curbed relaxed perturbed unrelaxed bothered nervy jittery antsy mindful provident aware unworried deadly musty conformist suspecting scrupulous shrewd forethoughtful unquiet discomforted disquieted discomfited devil-may-care happy-go-lucky humourless fusty unanxious old-fogeyish keeping a weather eye on all ears walking on egg shells thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves on your guard belt-and-braces watching one's step watching out walking on eggs on your toes taking it slow playing safe hedging one's bets on the qui vive on guard on the watch with one's eyes peeled genteel narrow magisterial fetid straitlaced important self-important hot bloated humorless puffy foetid Victorian smug smoky smelly careless lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair lacking social skills on edge verecund blushful recoiling lofty nonplussed unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless inattentive lackadaisical blind supine deaf without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss heedless undisturbed negligent undaunted easily embarrassed non-committal on ice as dry as dust cold fish lone wolf vague overcareful canny overcautious

Tính từ

Characterized by a lack of care
uncaring indifferent negligent unconcerned unfeeling unmoved unsympathetic aloof blasé callous cold cool detached disinterested dispassionate hardhearted heartless impervious insensible listless nonchalant passionless unaroused unemotional uninterested uninvolved unresponsive not caring apathetic heedless distant inattentive bored lukewarm regardless impassive careless emotionless phlegmatic stoical pococurante laid-back uncurious weary jaded glutted not interested world-weary offhand unexcited carefree laid back relaxed cloyed impartial objective unconcerned about equitable unbiased passive offhand about uninvolved with unimpressed unprejudiced insouciant heedless of apathetic towards nonpartisan apathetic about uninvolved in casual about nonchalant about uninterested in uncaring about fair reckless about careless of regardless of neutral frivolous about cavalier about bored by evenhanded dismissive of square mindless of candid oblivious to just unimpressed by equal weary of lukewarm about nonaligned unenthusiastic about unmoved by phlegmatic about unresponsive to stoic scornful unsocial supercilious highbrow silent haughty uncommunicative diffident superior lethargic sluggish languid torpid lackadaisical non-committal half-hearted affectless undemonstrative supine stolid unambitious numb impassible cold-blooded inert unmotivated not giving a monkey's Laodicean untouched draggy lazy flat droopy dispirited wimpy moony blah what the hell could care less couldn't care less don't give a damn

Tính từ

Having or showing opinions that are rigid or limited in scope of consideration

Tính từ

Behaving in a mean or unfair way
shabby contemptible despicable dirty low mean cheap rotten shameful unworthy dishonourable disreputable ignoble low-down shoddy discreditable sorry unfair base mean-spirited nasty ungentlemanly unkind hateful scurvy ungenerous unpleasant beastly beggarly cruel despisable disgraceful dishonorable disrespectful ignominious inconsiderate inglorious mercenary miserly natty scummy shady stingy thoughtless vile sordid wretched reprehensible detestable unprincipled execrable bad infamous wicked odious snide abject deplorable low-minded paltry immoral heinous currish disgusting loathsome abominable scandalous villainous offensive foul corrupt uncharitable unscrupulous blameworthy degrading nefarious dastardly lousy obnoxious vicious shocking wrong depraved crooked appalling treacherous opprobrious degenerate worthless unrespectable abhorrent notorious malicious knavish spiteful filthy shameless egregious flagitious beyond contempt dishonest distasteful atrocious revolting hurtful pitiful humiliating unspeakable dirty rotten horrible sinful miserable monstrous reprobate underhand shy louche deceitful degraded grubby lame diabolical ratty sneaking cowardly scabby beyond the pale obscene improper disagreeable untrustworthy no-good evil poor unsavoury rascally horrid scoundrelly vulgar pitiable iniquitous inexcusable unforgivable pathetic dreadful unacceptable unethical fiendish outrageous deceptive indefensible terrible fraudulent underhanded lamentable unsavory cruddy stinking impure barbarous undignified unlawful servile menial unbecoming not cricket out of order below the belt malevolent off-color shaming insensitive unfriendly repulsive ugly callous harsh repugnant objectionable unfeeling uncaring unsympathetic devilish debased repellent petty squalid heartless unwarranted sly inhuman nauseating roguish off hard-hearted brutal coarse indecent hostile ill-natured savage perverted illegal lewd sad gross awful sneaky catty slimy dark coldhearted crass malignant unrighteous debauched exceptionable inhumane diabolic blackguardly cold-blooded sadistic criminal dissolute black scungy sleazy low-life not nice illegitimate uncalled for devious inequitable caitiff illicit inelegant unpardonable debasing intolerable unseemly embarrassing poxy culpable perfidious traitorous disdainable unjustifiable unfortunate regrettable poisonous unheroic unsuccessful unregenerate hateworthy measly remiss ungodly wrongful swinish outcast inferior demeaning mortifying failed irreligious sacrilegious profane impious unholy blasphemous pitiless ruthless compassionless mischievous erring fallen dislikable horrifying wounding cold-hearted merciless upsetting murderous godless craven uncivil inhospitable unkindly unamiable pixieish tricksy impish scampish arch pixie lying leprechaunish waggish puckish pixy prankish elvish opprobious miscreant putrid sullied tainted bent lawless unsporting crafty unchivalrous warped malfeasant unchristian hardhearted beneath contempt below contempt double-dealing peccable immodest ribald intemperate flagrant unclean drunken carnal profligate cunning wily hard ill frolicsome arrant black-hearted morally wrong Machiavellian cheating shifty conniving designing calculating guileful peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain deceiving unsportsmanly shrewd unsportsmanlike slick scheming impoverished destitute needy poverty-stricken sickening ill-gotten against the rules Janus-faced off-putting indigent penniless beggared yucky penurious impecunious gut-churning hellish icky sick-making God-awful damnable vomitous sick bogging noisome noxious yucko disgustful loathly skint needful pauperized dirt-poor broke necessitous threadbare down-and-out famished distressed abandoned tawdry graceless hard up vomit-inducing meagre meager vindictive malign despiteful virulent remorseless cold unmerciful stony unsparing hard-boiled severe obdurate bitter rancorous rude venomous thick-skinned affectless unforgiving desensitized stonyhearted stoney take-no-prisoners ironhearted indurate case-hardened pachydermatous insensate slash-and-burn soulless maleficent desensitised uncompassionate impolite surly truculent unpitying stony-hearted tough indifferent unconcerned unrelenting unemotional discourteous unmoved grim malefic fierce ungracious barbaric antagonistic abusive with a heart of stone intolerant vitriolic stern bellicose vengeful brutish belligerent pernicious cantankerous relentless inimical pugnacious uncongenial ornery evil-minded aggressive churlish baleful boorish evil-intentioned antipathetic wrathful rough unmannerly tactless confrontational combative militant implacable angry violent apathetic bad-tempered bestial ill-tempered adverse unresponsive sharp destructive lacking compassion scrappy ill-mannered unsociable sour tyrannical gruff revengeful wanton ill-humored sinister uncompromising impertinent ill-humoured frigid draconian bad-natured cross undiplomatic exacting rigorous dour ill-bred curt viperous austere blunt bloodthirsty unbending hard as nails butcherly brute hard-nosed adversarial sanguinary aloof warlike inclement unloving hardened argumentative alien sullen resentful indelicate negative acrimonious contrary unpropitious irritable unmannered disinterested inflexible ferocious defamatory brash unhandsome grouchy short ghastly grumpy bad-mannered untouched strict harmful splenetic oppressive ill-disposed wolfish injurious lukewarm halfhearted aversive uncalled-for bloodless heedless self-centered feelingless self-centred icy unwelcoming brusque disapproving adversary contentious uncouth hideous waspish irascible unjust stroppy insolent intimidating biting jaundiced unreceptive unrefined sarcastic antisocial testy narky fractious petulant heavy touchy unmindful cool miffy poison murder cut-throat asocial ungallant snappish snappy onerous unceremonious stone-hearted without sentiment unthoughtful cranky unconsiderate disdainful indiscreet offhand chippy soreheaded huffy frightful ignorant unyielding abrupt contemptuous damaging prejudicial unsusceptible detrimental joyless furious annoying disparaging deleterious unladylike short-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered grisly gruesome inexorable cussed authoritarian flinty rigid illiberal crude tyrannous uncivilized cold fish uncivilised unremitting obtuse imperceptive incurious crotchety hardhanded heavy-handed unstirred forbidding unhappy detached disregardful censorious stonehearted unsympathizing grudge-bearing loveless uncommiserating impenetrable demanding challenging taxing avenging fell cannibalistic impudent gauche cavalier sulky infernal bearish trying grievous rugged intense terse wreakful out for revenge retaliatory grudging firm tetchy unreasonable punishing cutthroat satanic insensible hatchetjob coldblooded dog-eat-dog dead disadvantageous inauspicious unfavourable unattractive querulous shirty peevish tormenting torturous forceful abrasive excessive constant punitive unlikable excruciating searing loutish insidious marble-hearted peckish liverish grumbling curmudgeonly waxy lifeless unlovable full of hate menacing of evil intent shrewish no-nonsense browbeating ironfisted bullying difficult baneful troublesome dangerous nocuous unempathetic anesthetized sensationless emotionless anaesthetized deadened uncordial crabbed bloody avaricious greedy unrepenting indefatigable uncontrite hard-bitten obloquious derisive derogatory insulting acerbic full of spleen impervious inattentive unaffected unsensitive oblivious despotic dictatorial killer instinct mechanical spiritless artful perilous counter untoward unfavorable unbearable insufferable irritating morose oafish burdensome stiff unimpressionable impassive impassible insusceptible suppressive uncool envious as hard as nails on a short fuse short-fused hazardous bothersome scathing berating scurrilous reviling denigratory belittling pejorative uncomplimentary unloveable rowdy extreme ramrod faceless utilitarian inexpressive gray subhuman grey feral bleak inured to frank outspoken critical vituperatory calumniating vituperative impolitic bluff timid weak quarrelsome loudmouthed contumelious homicidal classless clownish cloddish fiery feisty threatening defiant exasperated hard-shell speaking as one finds plain-spoken calling a spade a spade snarly pettish fretful mighty assaultive peppery prickly crabby agonistic discordant arsey choleric snippy clodhopping uncultured crusty cross-grained polite unpolished rustic lowbred unneighborly horrific ill-deserved amoral harrowing horrendous fearful licentious self-indulgent vitiated delinquent errant exploitative libertine slippery unconscionable demonic scrofulous self-seeking felonious conscienceless two-faced incorrigible scornful dodgy decadent defiled unconscientious questionable corrupted hair-raising macabre nightmarish slaughterous roughshod terrifying frightening alarming unthinking careless grewsome spine-chilling lurid formidable terrific nightmare terrorizing bloodcurdling from hell terrorising dire eerie lou reckless incautious hasty

Từ trái nghĩa của selfish

selfish Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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