Đồng nghĩa của alined

Alternative for alined

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Repeated often to the point of being stale or commonplace
timeworn hackneyed stale threadbare tired trite well-worn ancient banal aged cliche cliché-ridden cobwebby commonplace dated decrepit hack hackney moth-eaten musty obligatory shopworn stereotyped stock broken-down passé ragged rundown weathered worn clichéd dog-eared hoary outworn shabby wrinkled antiquated battered corny frayed old overworked tattered unoriginal used worn-out out of date old hat the worse for wear haggard careworn weather-beaten lived-in overused platitudinous dull common stereotypical run-of-the-mill uninspired derivative bromidic vapid prosaic pedestrian hacky cliché flat worn out unimaginative archaic antique conventional obsolete ordinary played out routine warmed-over antediluvian outmoded cornball hokey set venerable time-worn jejune bathetic out-of-date cliched old-fashioned familiar tune outdated superannuated exhausted chain drained mildewed stereotypic platitudinal used-up ready-made age-old immemorial dateless bygone predictable humdrum out of the ark hoar rusty truistic defunct primitive primeval olden long-standing boring prehistoric primaeval well worn formulaic overdone traditional primordial unfashionable anachronistic dusty superseded extinct dime-store everyday dead past fossilized old-hat of yore old as the hills medieval tedious relic repetitious obsolescent very old mediaeval deep-rooted fossilised past it past its sell-by date old-time imitative elderly former early out tripe familiar warmed-up dreary monotonous tiresome prehistorical uninteresting insipid neolithic vieux jeu behind the times geriatric mind-numbing ho-hum mossy long-lived wearisome grey-haired grizzled stupid deprecated dinosaur getting on senescent older fossil long-established atavistic mouldy moldy time-honored antwacky longevous creaky Stone Age advanced in years had it done for over the hill as old as the hills long in the tooth dead and gone past their sell-by date oldie horse and buggy orthodox cliché standard standardized silly conventionalized tarnished faded antiquarian inane mass-produced typecast uncreative ineffective old-fangled quaint childhood from way back long forgotten historic clunky primal established mundane vanilla standardised foregone démodé customary quotidian old-chestnut old-saw played-out white-haired silvery-haired silver-haired grizzly antediluvial uneventful earliest past your sell-by date of long ago usual worn thin foetid mawkish zestless fetid yesterday's bent effete unvaried naff passé lifeless of an advanced age lot of mileage facile cornfed pabulum zero trivial nowhere bland nothing noplace square dumb blah mimetic gone off like a dinosaur world-weary mimic dull as dishwater ho hum sometime remote decayed old as Methuselah quondam late once aboriginal erstwhile of old pristine onetime done demode original cast-off crumbling oldfangled fixed time-honoured rooted apish ancestral timeless slavish jaded epigonic epigonous forever canned from the past emulative centuries old rooted in the past copied vintage well-established discarded disused out of fashion discontinued numbing slow wearying weary jading drudging tame drab leaden arid monochromatic heavy ponderous colorless dry stodgy tiring stuffy plagiarized stereotype counterfeit plagiarised world-worn Noachian moribund demoded kaputt kaput colourless cut and dried fuddy-duddy out-of-fashion gone obscure no longer in use old-school has-been fallen into disuse old as Adam grey senior mature grey-bearded centenarian doddery aging octogenarian nonagenarian over-the-hill septuagenarian unyoung doddering senile ageing not as young as one used to be gray not as young as one was not long for this world senior citizen shot been around matured ripened no spring chicken worse for wear

Tính từ

Having lines

Tính từ

Having the form of a line

Tính từ

Packed or filled tightly
filled full packed stacked bounteous brimful laden loaded overflowing stuffed brimming bursting congested crammed crowded inundated overloaded profuse replete teeming bountiful chockful complete cramped flush gorged jammed plenteous plentiful stocked swarming thick abounding burdened chockablock chock-full covered fat occupied overcrowded overfilled overfull overwhelmed padded permeated plethoric saturated suffused superabundant thronged weighted filled to the brim filled up jam-packed chock-a-block crammed full filled to capacity full up running over full to bursting full to capacity jammed full spilling over full to overflowing full to the brim full to the top topped up up to the hilt up to the rafters wall-to-wall bulging at the seams cram-full bursting at the seams full to the gills packed like sardines full to the gunwales groaning encumbered weighed down weighted down heavy tight bloated glutted satisfied fit to burst awash fraught abundant rife heaving flooded thronging mobbed lousy seething solid charged populous swamped alive crawling overrun like Piccadilly Circus full of bristling generous lavish abounding in busy well-provided crushed chocker exuberant multitudinous choked packed out overburdened rich flowing jampacked supplied copious dense deluged imbued huddled luxuriant massed compressed well supplied well stocked filled to the rafters sardined elbow-to-elbow well-supplied overpopulated overpeopled fit to bust level with pregnant thick on the ground filled with abundant in brimming with loaded with overrun by entire unabridged topfull fully loaded whole well-stocked numerous liberal overladen well provided freighted fruitful flushed dripping overfed luxurious sufficient rolling pervaded full of commotion humming bulging impregnated hoatching taxed bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped stinking big lank scaturient inundant torrential inundatory cornucopian knee-deep solid with people packed to the gunwales boundless ample considerable to the roof infused cram full completely full hampered thickset SRO clean packed to capacity like the Black Hole of Calcutta prolific inexhaustible prodigal galore munificent mob scene up to here lousy with standing room only full house sold out stiff with topped off loaded down in plenty flourishing clogged piled high infested fully charged steeped quilted cushioned teeming with fraught with close compact pullulating deep serried lush heaped great populated fecund with replete with rich in rife with beset attended attended by charged with swarming with thick with brimful of bristling with accompanied by crawling with cram-full of chock-full of like sardines having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of

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Damaged and shabby as a result of much use
worn shabby frayed ragged tattered threadbare faded holey moth-eaten patched broken-down crumbling decrepit dilapidated in ribbons in tatters scruffy seedy shoddy sorry tatty tumbledown well worn worn out deteriorated grotty in holes in rags raggedy ratty time-worn worn to shreds falling to pieces old overused overworked raggedy-ass rent run down used warby busted clapped out damaged destroyed dinged ruined totaled wizened falling apart at the seams worse for wear having seen better days on its last legs the worse for wear dog-eared well-worn worn-down pegged out wrung out run-down tacky mean neglected tatterdemalion mangy grungy beat-up scrubby dumpy miserable timeworn worn-out bedraggled down-at-the-heels down-at-heel rundown bombed-out squalid sleazy unkempt down at heel battered dingy decayed torn gone to seed decaying ramshackle scuzzy grubby tired rickety poor beat up filthy untidy deteriorating crummy disheveled dishevelled yucky falling apart distressed ruinous pitiful desolate slipshod degenerated ragtag rough out at elbows messy disreputable dirty split ripped old-fashioned wretched disfigured bare meager meagre scraggy slovenly dowdy derelict frowzy down-at-the-heel poverty-stricken insalubrious slummy superannuated dodgy unpleasant in disrepair skanky rumpty in ruins scungy all the worse for wear gone to rack and ruin used up shopworn decrepit. in ruins outworn disordered in shreds impaired injured used-up unravelled unravelling ancient broken down falling down sloppy yellowed poorly maintained out of date unraveling worn through unraveled outmoded cast-off well-thumbed well-read worn thin démodé scabby sordid frazzled desultory unpressed contemptible unfinished shaggy crude shredded hand-me-down rank mucky indigent impoverished sick sticky gunky gungy seamy unprepossessing cheap disintegrating uncared-for unmaintained poorly made badly dressed badly worn skeezy low shambly depressed stonewashed full of holes slimy base paltry creaky antiquated manky shacky useless unusable smirched dishonest dismal crooked down and dirty low-class limp down at the heel creaking droopy overgrown wilted drooping sickly wilting ailing sagging flagging weather-beaten quavering shaking in a state of disrepair crippled flimsy insubstantial haggard tumble-down ill-maintained unsound effete fragile anile in a bad way porous leaky punctured cure pot perforated second-rate trashy tawdry bad mediocre nasty lousy substandard low-grade untended low-rent common raunchy seen better days badly maintained deprived underprivileged slumlike inferior frumpy gaudy daggy slobbish junky terrible slum-like slobby rubbishy sloven frowsy shaky cheapjack blowsy slatternly execrable rotten gimcrack schlock blowzy cut-rate schlocky cheesy bum coarse bargain-basement trumpery schlumpy el cheapo draggle-tailed overcrowded unsavoury unsavory withering ordinary scroungy middling menial two-bit sad tottering wrecked uncared disadvantaged marred crumbly peaked shattered infirm in poor condition broken rugged tasteless vulgar unimproved beat in bad repair under par out of condition below par in bad condition needy destitute kitsch showy garish uncouth unkept fallen-in rinky-dink uncared for beaten up fallen in flash Brummagem loud torn to pieces naff flashy passé shanty ghetto ghost straggly mussy tousled ungroomed ruffled ostentatious out-of-date stodgy unbecoming waxy unsuitable poky skid row grody pigpen mussed tumbled snarled passe sere stale depleted etiolated hackneyed shot trite cheap and nasty messed up mussed up matted rumpled windblown uncombed tangled unneat wild ill-groomed awful atrocious in bad taste unsatisfactory dire abject pathetic unspeakable punk dreadful third-rate poor-quality subpar lamentable unacceptable wanting deplorable bush sucky lame horrible abominable crumby suboptimal deficient dissatisfactory wrong jerry-built tinny cheapo pants beastly rubbish ropy duff cheap-jack bodger bush-league shlocky wack woeful hideous a load of pants ghastly faulty God-awful unsightly off scummy scurvy repulsive godforsaken low-quality inadequate disastrous horrendous calamitous shlock cruddy weak gross gruesome plastic pretentious not up to snuff inglorious makeshift low-down penniless penurious impecunious hard up badly off in want in need on the rocks on the breadline on one's beam-ends on one's uppers without two pennies to rub together

Động từ

To have furnished with, or caused to be present
provided furnished prepared equipped implemented made available planned accommodated arranged for procured readied added advanced allocated allotted anted up assigned brought forth came up with distributed donated extended fit fitted fitted out forked out issued laid out lay out lent parted with ponied up put forward put up spared turned out accoutred afforded apportioned armed arrayed attired ceded dealt out deeded doled out fixed up gave granted handed kitted out made over meted out offered organised outfitted parceled out parcelled out plied with portioned presented prorated provisioned purveyed ran rendered rigged rigged out staked stocked supplied transferred yielded came with catered to gave out handed out lined up made up raised rigged up rustled up set up stocked up stumped up installed managed organized come up with come with equipt given yold given out yolden bestowed delivered endowed handed over conferred contributed imparted dispensed gifted accorded proffered awarded invested dished out shelled out fulfilled served fitted up turned over appointed girt girded geared filled favored bequeathed endued favoured accoutered feed fed blessed blest coughed up kicked in produced kitted up tendered disbursed indued beared entrusted committed chipped in pledged relinquished left volunteered pitched in graced catered surrendered devoted passed administered shared provided for bequoth bequethen put at someone's disposal let someone have provided with payed paid met given away gave away satisfied lodged loaded bore borne vouchsafed transmitted submitted refitted catered for passed out laid on presented with conferred on supported sold remitted restored sustained refilled restocked answered renewed covered subscribed handled lavished packed stored consigned trusted discharged bequested showered decked allowed replenished prepped registered suited kitted sacrificed subsidized brought put forth injected plied sent passed round entered sated made a donation of divvied arranged let oneself in for passed on put on the market put in the hands of put out shared out sent in dealt in set forth traded in paid out furnished with lotted come across with payed out put in subsidised let come through handed in gifted with sweetened the pot put forked over dowered put oneself down for fitted the bill for partitioned filled up decked out expended spent loaden lay on cleared availed freed loaned refurbished retailed replaced forked up financed maintained reconditioned credited intrusted placed confided commended delegated reposed recommended enabled disseminated circulated regaled achieved stockpiled groomed tabled brightened proposed ventured empowered turned in laid down auctioned carried traded suggested laid sponsored funded dealt reloaded heaped refreshed gave up given up introduced improved mooted fixed fixt deployed touted victualed dispatched appareled hawked peddled apparelled flogged willed equaled equalled manned matched toted inflicted harnessed blent blended referred followed observed propositioned aired ministered assembled given a donation of gave a donation of slipped served the purpose supplied on credit pertained came through freed up come across gave to sufficed for relegated carried out held out to bestowed on catered in surfeited passed around accommodated someone with rehabilitated endowed with subbed paid in advance divvied up got up divided packed a rod made provision rationed given to granted to made a contribution of supplied with laid at one's feet dropped brought forward assisted laid something on sharked stashed fed the kitty kept supplying furbished meted heeled up placed at disposal made good on measured up to spruced up sweetened the kitty appropriated came across with delivered the goods passed the hat carried through laid on one lived up to processed loan sharked smartened up got it up released settled tricked up lavished on dispersed found permitted satisficed clad showed slapped together qualified for had divided out trafficked in satiated invested in enhanced adorned complied with vested matched up to kept up with measured come up to diffused gussied up begifted vended enriched piled made a gift of had for sale rodded up measured out geared up obliged loaded up entrusted to trapped out clothed bestowed to belonged tricked out handed round conveyed held out devolved topped topped up made a pitch lent-lease lugged iron lay down putten gotten up begave begiven came across given over gave over shown letten leet given with gave with gave an opportunity given an opportunity adapted to adhered to came up to adjusted to given of gave of gotten in the act did your part got in the act done your part gotten it up founden given in gave in fand

Động từ

Past tense for to be positioned (at intervals) along the side of something
flanked bordered bounded bound edged followed skirted fringed hemmed rimmed verged surrounded adjoined abutted touched joined neighbored circled neighboured bordered on margined verged on butted against butted on encircled enclosed circumscribed framed marched with encompassed ringed girdled met connected compassed walled environed girt girded trimmed reached engirded converged hit put inside converged with shut in cut off rung rang banded confined enveloped penned pent hedged screened encased blockaded encaged fenced outlined hugged closeted impounded wreathed corralled caged housed wrapped wrapt embraced immured pounded cooped contained held mured brushed contacted extended gaoled imprisoned mewed interned jailed limited restricted grazed rejoined conjoined boxed in walled in lain alongside lay alongside extended as far as come into contact with extended to butted hedged in made contact with struck closed in marched locked in lain along bounded on linked up with cooped up impinged upon butted up against blocked off boxed up lain next to trenched on hemmed in cordoned off abutted on come together with run alongside fenced in lay next to locked up bottled up mewed up lay along opened into fenced off pushed against sealed off communicated linked with bounden holden hat hitten ran alongside lay beside lain beside lain near lay near came into contact with stricken came together with set beset inclosed rounded enfolded formed a barrier round formed a ring around delineated defined cased mounted cinctured delimited circumvented invested setted in a frame penned in penned up set out set bounds to inset finished sketched charted purfled demarcated established determined fixed fixt blocked circumnavigated orbited circuited decided specified begirt begirded identified settled classified designated stipulated besieged covered haloed enringed boxed demarked prescribed distinguished sieged beleaguered marked detailed thronged enwreathed trapped belted closed in on staked out laid siege to laid down setted the boundaries of setted the limits of closed around insetted enclaved marked out curbed inundated looped terminated marked off girded in drawn drew gone around went around lay down rang in rung in rang round rung round drew round drawn round

Động từ

Past tense for to make stripes or lines on

Động từ

Past tense for to line or decorate with paper or material

Động từ

Past tense for fish

Động từ

Past tense for to give a representation, or an account of, in words
described delineated drew drawn sketched traced outlined depicted imaged limned painted pictured portrayed rendered delimited demarcated draughted drafted plotted set out marked out laid out lay out sketched out represented defined silhouetted pencilled penciled planned developed doodled blueprinted diagrammed skeletonized designed developt characterized characterised skeletoned chalked charted adumbrated detailed diagramed roughed out blocked in made a drawing of drew a picture of drawn a picture of prepared blocked out framed mapped out cast formulated marked arranged illustrated set devised copied evoked mapped etched reproduced contrived formed drawn up drew up marked off budgeted choreographed organized modeled modelled recounted bordered composed graphed demarked recorded bounded bound edged figured set forth organised strategized about schemed out shaped showed created profiled projected roughed produced put graphically forged fashioned painted a picture of mocked up marked the boundaries of put in words constructed marked the limits of made a diagram of worked out fulfilled told unfolded narrated drew the lines of drawn the lines of scribbled tabulated crafted registered documented calculated presented caricatured allocated caught captured colored coloured shope shown engraved crayoned concocted fabricated parodied charactered simulated drew round drawn round mimicked duplicated imitated photographed written wrote conceived indicated brought to life told vividly painted in words reported summarized summarised schemed caught a likeness made you see conjured up made a diagram made a drawing chalked out drawn over drew over stood out conjured up a vision caught a likeness of summed up made a chart of worked up ground out invented thrashed out executed painted a mental picture of accomplished sketched in effected laid plans achieved strategized hammered out carved out laid performed made a rough draft doped out drawn plans of drew plans of acted like went over gone over done drawings did drawings written about wrote about written an article about wrote an article about gave an account of given an account of

Trái nghĩa của alined

alined Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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