Đồng nghĩa của pissed someone off

Tính từ

Very annoyed
aggrieved annoyed discontented displeased dissatisfied irate resentful angry cross disaffected disappointed disgruntled irritated malcontent unhappy exasperated fed up indignant irked piqued sulky vexed aggravated churlish grumpy miffed peeved peevish petulant put out riled sore sullen testy browned off cheesed off eggy hacked off narked out of temper peed off pissed teed off affronted boiling enraged fuming furious hot huffy incensed inflamed infuriated livid mad maddened offended outraged peed PO'd provoked raging snuffy steamed steaming storming ticked off vex bummed out fighting mad hopping mad in a huff peeved off steamed up t'd off tee'd off torqued off hot under the collar in a tizzy bent out of shape fit to be tied angered ireful upset wrathful tooshie choleric nettled shirty in high dudgeon foaming at the mouth apoplectic brassed off bothered not best pleased in a temper galled rabid wroth rankled ballistic ticked up in arms snaky roiled seething foaming riley miffy frustrated hurt choked enflamed infuriate hopping horn-mad on the warpath incandescent crook irritable beside oneself agitated ruffled wild ropeable in a lather ratty crabby soreheaded in a frenzy in a pet in a fume going crook blue in the face aerated disturbed worked up impatient troubled ill-humoured bad-tempered ill-tempered off the air beside yourself ill-humored touchy discontent pained very angry scunnered frenzied perturbed raving ranting hot-tempered in a bad mood as cross as two sticks wound up distressed irascible snappy tetchy wounded insulted surly disgusted splenetic wrath short-tempered hoha stung in a paddy in a bate flustered grouchy harassed chagrined crabbed crotchety cantankerous malcontented waspish querulous miserable prickly cranky crusty chippy out of joint heated seeing red quick-tempered weary discouraged complaining disheartened depressed bitter fretful grumbling snappish ungratified hot and bothered griping injured fractious kvetching acrimonious antagonized unsatisfied blue pettish fiery huffish narky burned up afflicted stroppy waxy sour spare out of humour with all guns blazing hostile boiling mad antagonised raging mad bored tired excited envious restless worried rancorous moody harried restive disquieted disagreeable chafed needled sick grudging morose picky anguished frantic rattled embittered short hacked roused edgy grieved curt moping sick and tired peckish perverse liverish dyspeptic critical bellyaching hateful insane slighted bugged glum snarky snippy in a rage acrid snippety mardy grieving out of sorts all steamed up up the wall sensitive uptight gnashing one's teeth passionate shocked pushed too far faultfinding at boiling point like a bear with a sore head blown a gasket antagonistic dark raspy ill-disposed in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage stuffy impassioned goaded overexcited unimpressed pissed-off good and mad mad as hell confused fretted burning with excitement anxious het up p.o.'d scornful tormented salty violent snubbed berserk rousted spiteful crackers crazy perplexed as black as thunder black flaming grousing crabbing uncontent bad tempered kicking unforgiving dogged overcome with anger at end of one's rope scandalized rubbed the wrong way scandalised buffaloed captious butthurt vitriolic revengeful wry peppery ready to be tied rebellious weighty hard annoying distressing unpleased out of countenance jaded reproachful jumpy out of humor caviling cavilling umbrageous dishonoured dishonored dirty at daggers drawn humiliated unglued filthy bilious wronged wearied brusque snarling ill-natured tart nasty apt to fly off the handle on a short fuse volatile overheated browned-off sick as a parrot blasé factious hassled harmed snitty dissentious troublemaking ill-used hard done by woeful persecuted oppressed victimised saddened victimized unamused nitpicking fault-finding carping unfulfilled jaundiced curmudgeonly belly-aching gloomy surfeited down sated satiated up to here dismal unsated temperamental thin-skinned ticklish whingy ennuied sniveling plaintive put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable snivelling disapproving regretful fed-up unappeased fretting not satisfied jealous stewed emotional frowning saturnine mopish dour excitable easily frightened easily upset mumpish fierce dejected neurotic agitable mopey easily agitated kittle hot-headed high-strung mopy broody skittish raving mad bitching revolted sickened desperate full-on all-out demented crazed uncompromising maniac energetic bent unreasonable smoking manic corybantic breakneck irrational concerted repulsed nauseated sick to death repelled aghast mortified appalled grossed out turned off nauseous extremely angry fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Tính từ

pissed bladdered blotto drunk intoxicated plastered rat-arsed smashed tipsy wasted hammered blitzed inebriated drunken bombed sozzled sloshed soused loaded tight wrecked sottish canned stewed pickled stoned besotted steaming blasted legless tanked inebriate tiddly squiffy woozy paralytic zonked lit up ripped bevvied juiced pie-eyed squiffed stiff crocked high befuddled out of it fuddled under the influence blind drunk dead drunk wet merry slang fried blind cockeyed lit impaired Brahms and Liszt oiled gassed stinking boozy potted looped buzzed soaked under the table flying drunk as a skunk three sheets to the wind mullered ratted lashed gin-soaked trolleyed roaring drunk rolling drunk slaughtered worse for drink arseholed tanked up worse for wear drunk as a lord crapulous well oiled crapulent tippling wiped out foxed sotted screwed bibulous ebriate half cut well away ebrious cut reeling fou tired and emotional maudlin half seas over incapable toping monged wired trashed guttered stinko monged out steamboats steamed full cock-eyed shickered shot munted inked lekker two sheets to the wind pixilated ebriose having had a skinful liquored up off your face out to it grogged up as pissed as a fart as pissed as a newt having had one over the eight sauced as full as a goog as tight as a tick in the bag kaylied langered dronkverdriet mashed broken ossified boozed-up stukkend totaled groggy strung out boozed up crock blatted swacked elephants zoned babalas sat in one's cups seeing double feeling no pain tanked-up flushed bashed three sheets in the wind snockered stupefied jacked muddled bacchic Adrian Quist happy glazed drinking well-oiled red-nosed laced gone schnockered spaced tripping gin-sodden the worse for drink one over the eight under the weather dead to the world half in the bag half-crocked out of one's head feeling good hooched up out of one's skull out of one's box boozing polluted boozed unsober sloppy baked drugged doped tied one on dead-drunk cooked obliterated lush out off one's head irrigated unsteady intemperate geeked shit-faced sodden dazed beery drunked up spaced-out hopped-up slightly drunk zonked-out half-seas over hard-drinking high as a kite spaced out half-cut under the influence of intoxicating liquor blown-up on a trip out of one's gourd burned-out

Tính từ

In low spirits
out of sorts dejected unhappy blue depressed down downcast downhearted gloomy melancholy miserable morose sad crestfallen despondent disconsolate discouraged disheartened dispirited forlorn glum woebegone brassed off cheesed off fed up heavy-hearted low subdued browned off in low spirits in the doldrums peed off teed off ticked off with a long face down in the dumps down in the mouth cast down melancholic saddened bad heartbroken heartsick woeful wretched heavyhearted sorrowful brokenhearted doleful hangdog heartsore sorry mournful inconsolable joyless droopy chapfallen low-spirited in the dumps low in spirits unnerved undermined crushed disappointed dismayed despairing daunted shaken sapped thrown humbled cowed broken drained devitalized deflated weakened demoralized demoralised desolate dismal dolorous cheerless lugubrious sombre broken-hearted somber grief-stricken sullen pessimistic moody distressed tearful chap-fallen funereal dreary grieving comfortless solemn anguished long-faced bleak troubled spiritless saturnine upset dragged in pain depressing oppressed grim depressive morbid black elegiac hurting bummed out in the pits sick as a parrot abject mirthless elegiacal destroyed down and out choked rueful sepulchral gray lonesome lonely grey dark sulky hopeless weighed down teary wistful dire dour godforsaken drear cold tenebrous tenebrific dull devastated down-hearted tristful weepy regretful weeping afflicted chill murky darkening plutonian dreich sunless cloudy in a blue funk cast-down lachrymose Cimmerian grieved surly emotional hurt sorrowing defeatist piteous crummy bleeding mopey sick at heart singing the blues aggrieved pitiful bereaved pensive listless painful distressing mourning plaintive dysphoric weary in tears dolent as sick as a parrot torn up sunk in gloom ripped agonised let down taken down agonized all torn up on a downer shot down distraught grievous flat tragic heavy Eeyorish crabbed downbeat humourless humorless bowed down lamentable brooding in grief in despair in doldrums moping calamitous plangent cut up bitter mopish ruthful in the toilet broody low-down pained pathetic pitiable shattered defeated tormented enervated oppressive suffering dispiriting sorry for yourself abashed pouting shamefaced down-in-the-mouth helpless heart-rending sour sheepish gutted harrowing intimidated grumpy bereft deterred unconsolable languorous triste pouty deplorable bewailing bemoaning in a funk wailing hapless in sorrow bummed-out funeral sober down in dumps blue funk aching heartrending negative deploring full of sorrow adust in mourning languid dirge-like dashed ugly dolesome drab serious apathetic poor worthless sedate sinister displeased uneasy given to looking on the black side feel-bad dirgeful afflicting very sad emo let-down not happy feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny grave at sob story threnodic taciturn dirgelike desperate reflective griefstricken damp without energy atrocious horrible foreboding ominous heart-sick lovesick prostrated atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging mopy sunk worried off unable to be comforted beside oneself with grief lowered unable to be consoled bowed sluggish prostrate with grief saddening depressant have the blahs bummed heartbreaking powerless down-and-out downtrodden tortured racked discontented wounded strained ailing luckless lamenting nostalgic churlish unmanned unsatisfied torn-up discontent perturbed bothered empty ill-humoured huffy ill-humored disillusioned taken aback troubling tear-jerking affecting crying languished down in mouth having the blahs crabby having blue devils disturbed concerned cringing browbeaten guilty sobbing guilty-looking furtive lost discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused whimpering snivelling forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned ashamed embarrassed cowering uncomfortable sneaking humiliated conscience-stricken close to tears friendless destitute uncared-for dolorific regrettable afflictive blubbering in floods of tears sniveling easily moved maudlin larmoyant with tears in your eyes on the verge of tears dragging cynical solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone shook up unenthusiastic lacking in confidence in blue funk lacking in enthusiasm with cold feet beat-down come-apart gone to pieces put off unenthused having lost heart lost momentum caved-in down-in-mouth unconfident beat disheartening unwelcoming

Động từ

Past tense for to harass or annoy someone
aggravated angered annoyed exasperated irked irritated vexed vext antagonised antagonized incensed infuriated nettled provoked riled needled offended peeved piqued put out ruffled bugged miffed narked got at gotten at got someone gotten someone hacked off wound up bummed out got across gotten across made someone see red rubbed up the wrong way ticked off upset galled displeased rankled gravelled graveled bothered got to enraged maddened got rasped put your back up chafed grated exacerbated humped hassled goaded spited harassed disturbed persecuted frosted inflamed outraged griped affronted rid rode ridden roiled gotten to pestered teed off gotten gat itched got your goat put someone's nose out of joint made angry agitated fretted got in your hair burnt up burned up made your blood boil hacked you off rubbed the wrong way given someone the hump gave someone the hump teased driven up the wall drove up the wall pissed you off disgruntled nagged madded enflamed ired rankled with steamed up got on your nerves gotten on your nerves made cross distressed hurt got under your skin gotten under your skin plagued ate eaten made somebody's hackles rise baited driven mad drove mad grope gripen got your back up gotten your back up troubled perturbed frustrated drove crazy driven crazy grated on tried your patience got on your wick ruffled one's feathers raised your hackles niggled worried insulted rattled tormented harried pained gave someone the pip given someone the pip badgered gnawed empurpled got your dander up turned off made waves abraded cheesed off disgusted hit where one lives egged on taunted pricked got on one's nerves gotten on one's nerves wound wounded got across someone driven to distraction drove to distraction jarred on driven round the twist drove round the twist molested bedevilled bedeviled stirred up fired up mortified sent into a rage tried burnt burned hacked rubbed you up the wrong way umbraged asked for it stung drove round the bend driven round the bend prodded gave a hard time given a hard time injured incited discomposed incommoded disquieted embittered gnawn gnew hounded dissed embarrassed excited dissatisfied mithered caused offense set on disobliged acerbated set off beset put down upset the applecart bummed hurt somebody's feelings grilled chagrined gotten up someone's nose bit got up someone's nose made you see red rattled someone's cage browned off cut to the quick driven bananas got a rise out of gotten a rise out of drove bananas festered slighted discountenanced afflicted spurred harmed nudged henpecked disconcerted dismayed irritated greatly beleaguered foiled thwarted flustered heckled hazed depressed aggrieved disrespected shocked fussed worked up made sore horrified hung up grabbed messed with gnawed at slurred loused up wigged examined got on someone's tits lost one's temper started ignited petted dogged stewed worked into lather discommoded snubbed got your hackles up crabbed made an enemy of somebody tweaked tiffed soured bitten given someone grief caused resentment to crazed pushed someon's buttons gave someone grief steamed jarred aroused distempered humiliated inconvenienced setted one's teeth on edge obsessed hectored drove you up the wall made you angry mixed up raised hell attracted crossed awaked heated up boiled messed caused annoyance to quizzed het up begrudged riled up eaten away at grudged sticked in one's craw absorbed absorpt driven you up the wall motivated run up the wrong way worked on gotten your hackles up picked on bristled whipped up questioned zinged huffed discomfited ate away at quickened interested broke broken brake ran up the wrong way gave a bad time given a bad time blew up blown up took a rise out of taken a rise out of worn on wore on eaten at ate at gotten on the wrong side of got on the wrong side of gotten on someone got on someone gotten even got even ate up eaten up awoken given the business gave the business awoke gave offence to given offence to trod on someone's toes trodden on someone's toes given offence gave offence fazed unsettled unnerved perplexed alarmed concerned discombobulated distracted flurried put off confounded ailed unhinged nonplussed bewildered confused put someone off their stroke saddened frightened discomforted appalled frazzled grieved spooked thrown threw daunted disheartened agonized scared sickened exercised strained hagrid alarumed derailed weirded out freaked out put into a flap agonised thrown off balance threw off balance shaken shook oppressed puzzled flummoxed abashed stressed floored intimidated made anxious psyched psyched out discouraged dispirited tortured demoralized surprised fuddled burdened muddled cast down weighed down put the wind up put someone off their stride demoralised put out of countenance undone undid dejected unmanned startled mystified jolted cowed made nervous nauseated addled shook up shaken up made uneasy panicked hagridden hagrode tantalized rattled one's cage chilled jumbled tantalised disarranged nagged at caused anxiety to took aback taken aback baffled haunted bored wearied harrowed devilled deviled stumped chivvied unbalanced undermined dumbfounded beat weakened besieged tired sapped bullied disrupted importuned moved disappointed crushed disordered enfeebled racked disoriented dunned made uncomfortable made unhappy made wretched caused discomfort to caught off balance stressed out astounded flipped out caused to be at a stand sweat consternated put on edge knocked for six set back turned pushed buttons weighed on knocked sideways lied heavy on fouled up made miserable affrighted enervated caused concern to let down cut turned on caused anguish to put into a funk stunned cut up indisposed caused someone to lose their composure disorganized pothered debilitated baulked terrified made someone fed up put a damper on flipped made someone scratch their head buffaloed balked thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz stirred befuddled affected bemused bore criticized devastated foxed bamboozled taxed chid chided brought down blustered frilled furbelowed browbeat repelled repulsed excruciated fogged posed destabilized chivied hurried heated het stimulated roused dashed disarmed mazed despaired dampened spirits disenchanted made discontented mucked bowled over downed gave a turn deranged strapped stopped someone in their tracks breathed down someone's neck weighed heavily on complicated astonished disparaged displaced keyed up ravelled messed up befogged bullyragged demented kept after screwed up forayed snarled up lambasted layed up knocked for a loop given a turn attacked pushed encumbered macerated threw off devitalized curst kept on at unzipped made flip made blue teared knocked the stuffing out of traumatized intruded upon preyed on your mind disillusioned pushed the buttons of preoccupied terrorized mixed you up reminded rocked the boat despoiled made a scene picked at cursed ventilated stupefied jerked around possessed interrupted sweated out knocked props out become bored bustled pursued caused sorrow caviled scandalized feared martyred snarled brought low sweated sent up aroused anxiety in bled hindered crippled anguished dampened found fault with grossed out paralyzed pulled the rug out from under incapacitated noodged raveled tried the patience of involved fermented caused anguish wildered criticised lost patience stumbled muddied tested grated at bugged up unglued made it tough for bent someone's ear disempowered filled with consternation setted someone back on their heels muddied the waters thumbed nose at rummaged entangled disarrayed cramped scandalised damped unstrung deflated caused suffering to amazed tangled chastened awed mourned traumatised caused suffering desolated destabilised had had enough grinded cavilled subdued petrified terrorised ground paralysed mucked up thrown off thickened niggled at sent into a spin dragged down pulled the rug from under laid up insisted beaten broke one's heart broken one's heart became bored torn tore browbeaten worn wore nit-picked done a number on did a number on snafued threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy taken by surprise took by surprise uncalmed thrown a curve threw a curve broke the heart of broken the heart of took steam out taken steam out taken apart took apart blown out blew out threw into tizzy thrown into tizzy threw into confusion threw into disorder threw into uproar thrown into confusion thrown into disorder thrown into uproar

Động từ

Past tense for to leave from or to somewhere
left went gone departed skedaddled vamoosed scatted split begone avaunted decamped got gat gotten flew flown got out gotten out went away gone away beat it got lost gotten lost got going gotten going buzzed off cleared off ran along run along pushed off shoved off bugged off hopped it racked off buggered off took off taken off bogged off took a hike taken a hike got along lit out naffed off nicked off slung your hook hauled off hauled ass fucked off hit the trail sodded off walked out got moving gotten moving set off hit the road moved off took a powder taken a powder went jump in the lake gone jump in the lake skipped off walked off set out made oneself scarce got stuffed gotten stuffed pushed along ducked out popped off took leave taken leave took wing taken wing absented yourself started out took yourself off taken yourself off went and jump in the lake gone and jump in the lake hopped the stick hopped the twig got out of my sight went your way gone your way made a start cheesed off peed off teed off ticked off torqued off scramed scrammed cleared out shooed quit exited oned your bike moved along scooted bailed out quitted scarpered retreated vacated backed out checked out retired bailed cut out parted moved bugged out stepped along got off made tracks run off piked out run away headed off bolted packed off hightailed disappeared packed up piked off taken a long walk on a short pier withdrawn took a long walk on a short pier withdrew drawn away drew away booked pushed on dug out pulled out pulled stakes peeled off sallied forth gotten off beat off made like a tree and get out of here got away beat a retreat ran away made like a tree and leave ran off hurried away gotten away book gone off went off blew blown beaten off beaten a retreat gone and chase yourself went and chase yourself

Động từ

Past tense for to annoy

Trái nghĩa của pissed someone off

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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