Đồng nghĩa của comfortability

Danh từ

Contentment or ease
contentment ease pleasure enjoyment luxury relaxation well-being bliss leisure satisfaction serenity succour succor tranquility tranquillity wellbeing affluence comfortableness contentedness cosiness coziness easefulness equanimity opulence peace peacefulness prosperity prosperousness repose security warmth bed of roses freedom from hardship plenty sufficiency wealth welfare liss happiness gratification content delight restfulness calmness fulfilment calm fulfillment gladness rest relish joy peace of mind easiness quietude delectation indulgence placidity idleness relief sereneness extravagance self-content ataraxia inactivity quietness richness soundness cheerfulness placidness complacency creditworthiness repletion felicity hedonism amusement glee stillness poise passivity casualness inertia informality inertness respite self-indulgence relaxedness requiescence supinity unrestraint solvency grandeur unceremoniousness treat lavishness frill quiet splendour extra composure amenity recreation achievement rapture ebullience splendor peace and quiet triumph refinement pride decompression non-essential nonessential gusto superfluity zest solace refreshment lull harmony soothingness quiescence sense of achievement safeness tranquilness secureness confidence naturalness spontaneity elegance freedom abundance riches easygoingness consolation icing on the cake chic freedom from troubles privilege style revelry kick cheer buzz jollies gracious living exuberance free time still privileged circumstances ecstasy joie de vivre zest for life enjoyment of living elation sumptuousness grandness euphoria lack of interruption lack of disturbance magnificence luxuriousness costliness entertainment reward freedom from interference liking fun diversion taste voluptuousness satiety conciliation vindication consummation high spirits resolution agreement approval smugness merriment inner peace clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom lap of luxury downtime self-satisfaction zeal gaiety jollity unwinding sense of well-being beguilement rec sport restoration relaxing good fortune enjoying fruition sensuality loving savor thrill savour rejoicing milk and honey hush dormancy renewal siesta doze inaction somnolence snooze life of Riley silence dreaminess cessation kip letup beer and skittles breathing space period of repose me-time mental repose time out winding down time off calming oneself period of relaxation coffee break loosening up exorbitance rarity immoderation bonus intemperance great pleasure high living

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Relief or happiness
relief cheer happiness joy cheerfulness contentment gratification solace bliss buoyancy delight encouragement exuberance gladness glee good spirits joyfulness joyousness optimism peace of mind respite satisfaction balm pleasure merriment enjoyment gaiety euphoria mirth joviality cheeriness jubilation festivity hilarity jollity jolliness exultation liveliness rejoicing jocundity animation merriness ecstasy mirthfulness elation gleefulness revelry rapture felicity blitheness triumph exhilaration delectation gayety gayness jocularity thrill ebullience amusement blissfulness transport lightheartedness sport beatitude delirium jouissance great pleasure good humour high spirits good cheer cloud nine warm fuzzies transports of delight good humor fruition relish contentedness excitement enthusiasm verve content vivacity fulfilment fervor carefreeness rhapsody playfulness fun joyance fervour sprightliness fulfillment great joy enchantment radiance ravishment blessedness jubilance exaltation prosperity wonder frolic pride prize indulgence regalement charm treasure luxury humor gem humour treat alleviation diversion exulting pearl jewel great happiness seventh heaven pride and joy refreshment joie de vivre merrymaking conviviality geniality jauntiness hopefulness hope frolics light-heartedness living it up larking about merry-making entertainment grins reveling whoopee revelling effervescence laughter sparkle brightness revel blithesomeness shindig pleasantness colorfulness wingding brilliance glitter showiness color jocoseness colour jocosity levity jollification high-spiritedness chirpiness celebration sportiveness well-being zest laughs wellbeing feasting paradise glory peppiness sanctity zestfulness bonhomie bounce zing festiveness pep frivolity partying recreation buffoonery play hysterics facetiousness roguishness tomfoolery transports distraction vigor vigour energy passion vitality blast interest comedy heaven vim perkiness good time nirvana fun and games top of the world high time sweetness and light sunshine and lollipops sunshine boisterousness waggishness jokefulness gloominess show colourfulness gladsomeness gaudiness sunshine and rainbows crowing boasting gloating kicks frolicsomeness hysteria convulsions vivaciousness exultance glorying self-indulgence picnic brawl hoopla smugness revelment frolicking carousing schadenfreude bragging fortunateness timeliness luck beguilement gladdening debauchery celebrating heartiness life expectancy feeling sociability junketing roistering zeal appetite enjoying oneself cordiality anticipation keenness love gusto spell eagerness intoxication swoon high elatedness field day avidity ardour amiability affability congeniality gregariousness warmth warm-heartedness friendliness relaxation Elysium communion at-oneness cool inspiration Utopia halcyon days Arcadia Eden utopia companionability clubbability leisure divertissement foolery fire brio fizz dynamism welcome companionableness hospitality vibrancy ball pastime occupation restoration oomph zip spirit spiritedness rec feast disport jollies vividness sunniness mischief jesting nonsense good nature spree get-up-and-go pizzazz clowning good fellowship riot gambol joking moxie ardor pzazz guts gambolling wantonness silliness friskiness waggery kick foolishness knavery humorousness funniness gamboling romping mischievousness rascality leisure activity beer and skittles R and R

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Relief provided through words, expressions or gestures
compassion solace concern condolence consolation empathy encouragement kindness succor succour assuagement benevolence cheer commiseration condolement easement grace inspiration kindliness optimism pity reassurance support sympathy tenderness understanding warmth fellow feeling gladdening relief help feeling charity ruth mercy heart softheartedness warmheartedness kindheartedness largeheartedness bigheartedness humanity alleviation good-heartedness consoling aid comforting ease soothing solacing moral support lenity condolences consideration solicitousness rue peace respects reassuring fortification relieving sorrow cheering up hope assurance faith guarantee clemency forbearance leniency emotion quarter compunction goodness philanthropy favour favor mercifulness sensitivity solicitude caring thoughtfulness aroha kind-heartedness tender-heartedness warm-heartedness care humaneness goodwill friendliness gentleness benignity generosity love tolerance cordiality affection indulgence altruism tenderheartedness amiability beneficence regard amity graciousness attentiveness softness geniality benignancy decency comity compassionateness neighborliness neighbourliness helpfulness friendship magnanimity rapport considerateness unselfishness charitableness fellowship affability soft-heartedness good will brotherly love awareness affinity courtesy tact liberality respect mildness humanitarianism consciousness appreciation forgiveness lenience thought responsiveness good-fellowship attention courteousness reverence patience politeness hospitality sensibility receptiveness mindfulness pleasantness selflessness brotherhood cordialness conviviality deference sweetness nobility affectionateness identification caritas cooperation familiarity communion civility fondness lovingness gentility good-naturedness feelings caringness refinement munificence discretion urbanity gallantry courtliness elegance polish recognition cultivation culture sensitiveness heed magnanimousness cognizance genteelness chivalry suavity delicacy subtlety ceremony sincerity carefulness receptivity complaisance mannerliness address gallantness amenities good breeding fatherliness motherliness harmony agape awareness of the feelings of others brotherliness sisterliness good behavior peacefulness peaceableness serenity tranquillity mutuality liking heartiness agreeableness bounteousness good nature amorousness tranquility largesse amicability heedfulness comradeship assistance soul big-heartedness congeniality esteem public-spiritedness bounty hospitableness sociability mind concord notice wholeheartedness estimation lifesaver amenity agreeability apperception assimilation interest amenability gift niceness perceptiveness good deed earnestness perceptivity diplomacy approval perception approbation philanthropism charitability note politesse accuracy thoroughness meticulousness precision openheartedness virtue principle attention to detail attachment charm collaboration sentimentality devotion obligingness oblation office benefaction character service constitution finesse togetherness vibes closeness connection relating good-temperedness personableness amiableness lavishness free-handedness open-handedness boon respectfulness benefit judgment equitableness justness sufferance moderation toleration endurance fairness unity almsgiving social conscience good manners mutual support tender feelings concernment tending decorousness likableness good feeling sympathetic response loving concern Christian love tender loving care couth good neighbourliness rallying round benediction nobleness nervousness sense susceptibility reactiveness impressionability affectibility sensation reactivity concern for others heart of hearts manners generousness liberalness finer feelings soft skills jovialness gratefulness enjoyableness reciprocity good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling looking after judgement good turn helping hand apology inner beauty act of assistance bountifulness orderliness order solid brownie points shyness quietness sight joviality companionability companionableness demonstrativeness lawfulness touchingness sweetness and light observance view modesty repose placidness demureness stillness humility decorum stability accessibility communicativeness mateyness gregariousness clubbability interestedness mansuetude docility meekness enthusiasm passion vehemence approachability good humour chumminess openness bonhomie kinship an eye once-over regret intensity calmness pliancy placidity pliability fragility palliness easy-going manner outgoingness camaraderie comradery clubbiness zeal eagerness welcomingness open arms good humor conception apprehension insight admiration acclaim veneration account passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence heat fire ardor fervency fervidness intenseness fervor fervour ardour comprehension cognition repute lack of reservation lack of inhibition expression of regret intuition enlightenment acquaintance knowingness knowing popularity honor reputation happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions zest excitement laudation praise homage adulation honour opinion white heat spirit glow empressement cottoning to cherishing extolment value good opinion high regard high opinion being on same wavelength

Danh từ

Help or aid
aid assistance care help relief goodness kindness secours succour succor support a hand a helping hand service benefit ease ministration guidance furtherance backing abetment sustenance boost hand satisfaction assist interest enjoyment favor favour welfare grace encouragement attention lift helping hand shot in the arm good advantage treatment benefaction boon mercy convenience contribution blessing benediction use easement good deed good turn compensation abettance deliverance cooperation salvation push facilitation solace reinforcement well-being promotion consolation a leg up leg up purpose nurture object backup espousal giving alleviation spurring on advocacy advice rescue worth effect reassurance maintenance fillip stimulus nourishment collaboration supervision therapy spur impetus services ministrations intervention tonic kick betterment greater good tending a lift a favour a good turn offices a kindness a break buzz luxury joyfulness sake pleasure felicity melioration utility delight avail manna anodyne joy happiness prosperity growth rehabilitation reprieve respite remedy pick-me-up gee-up accommodation helpfulness devotion TLC looking after tender loving care hand-holding advancement ministry benevolence courtesy bounty indulgence turn alms philanthropy benison dispensation honour honor gift charity deed endowment funding largesse donation grant subsidy handout patronage offering subvention sponsorship allowance bursary reward kind act hand-out act of assistance act of kindness goodwill gesture auspices championship aegis protection ward auxiliaries reinforcements mediation trusteeship intercession endorsement agency reserves cavalry inspiration supplementaries uplift good offices abettal guide influence abetting rescuer provider helpmate benefactor accessory crutch intermediation recommendation bolster participation furthering security responsiveness troubleshooting coattails instrumentality mitzvah complicity office sanction extras approval shelter championing seconding donations gifts redemption commendation accompaniment fix guardianship charge keeping umbrella incentive additional resources secondment adherence protectorship auspice wing defence defense safeguarding moral support quick fix guaranty stimulant incitement goad prod inducement stimulation financial assistance debt remission tutelage reviver motivation prompt spice zest succours additional fresh troops impulse line link additional troops additional police additional materiel succors lifeline way of continuing means of survival rescue device safety device life belt

Danh từ

The quality of being prosperous

Danh từ

The action or process of releasing or being released
release liberation emancipation freedom liberty deliverance discharge delivery exemption exoneration freeing relief absolution acquittal acquittance alleviation clemency dispensation manumission ransom spring walkout ease quietus quittance let-off reprieve extrication amnesty immunity rescue pardon exception salvation remission impunity setting free redemption exculpation enfranchisement exclusion unchaining indulgence unshackling unfettering forgiveness pardoning derogation saving clearing letting off liberating indemnity privilege licence license mercy escape clearance untying releasing remittal salvage disimprisonment disentanglement condonation disenthralment vindication allowance special treatment independence free pass disconnection special consideration parole detachment dismissal rescuing discharging unbinding loosing respite disengagement favouritism oblivion permission protection favoritism general pardon get out of jail free card relaxation excuse deconfinement loosening restoration unlocking disentangling raising purgation shriving disembarrassment acquitting dismissing non-liability for condoning unloosing free pardon non-confinement declaration of innocence sovereignty autonomy compurgation shrift means of escape condonance deinstitutionalization relief from sovranty independency disinthrallment extriction granting freedom unconstraint laissez-aller remittance probation range scope prerogative latitude right asylum resistance room droit resilience immunization inoculation invulnerability charter immunisation insusceptibility franchise legal exemption imperviousness unyoking uncaging unbridling separation carte blanche play suspension let-up letting loose uncoupling letting out mitigation palliation continuance abatement abeyance deferment setting loose free rein withdrawal unfastening lifeboat postponement suspension of punishment official pardon stay anchor cancellation of punishment stay of execution commute truce lifesaver postponement of punishment severing break breaking away

Động từ

To relieve the distress or suffering of
cheer console hearten placate soothe calm cheer up reassure relieve assuage buoy up condole uplift allay assure bolster boost commiserate commiserate with compose ease elevate encourage enliven gladden inspirit envigorate invigorate lift pacify put at ease reanimate relax revitalise revitalize salve solace succour succor support besoothe bring comfort to buck up condole with empathize with give a lift to give condolences to give solace to give sympathy to lighten burden mollify palliate quiet fears sympathize with make one feel at ease make well quiet mitigate tranquilize tranquillize alleviate quieten appease buoy lull still animate soften settle lighten pity help lullaby becalm subdue reduce cool upraise sympathize perk up lessen embolden temper diminish moderate stimulate feel for balm exhilarate strengthen sympathise calm down brighten steel incite rally pep up aid gee up untrouble quell compassionate empathize inspire free assist sweeten empathise abate stroke unburden fortify give strength to feel sorry for settle down cool off ameliorate be moved by pour oil on be a source of strength to stir rouse revivify arouse energize elate bear up chirk up conciliate sustain propitiate cheer on hush ginger up energise raise your spirits put one's mind to rest dull pick up boost morale give a shot in the arm to express sympathy express sympathy for give a lift decrease cure satisfy see someone through silence win over soft-pedal dulcify bleed for make peace with quieten down smooth down disburden take a load off grieve for play up to let up on feel pity for ache for facilitate relent have one's heart go out to take the sting out grieve with be a tower of strength to have mercy on make up be there for patch things up grieve give respite to express sympathy to show compassion to cushion content show fellow feeling to brighten up blunt brace modify humour curb heal ally keep someone going gentle disarm give confidence tone down fix up mellow take sting out be a source of strength give a leg up to give moral support to hold someone's hand boost the morale of deaden repress quash stifle take the edge off take the sting out of reconcile please humor open your heart motivate lament for restore confidence to set your mind at rest snap one out of it check boost moral restore someone's confidence dispel someone's fears bolster someone's confidence rock to sleep take it easy chill out qualify quiet down ease off take the edge lay back fall cease put a lid on drive incentify empower raise spirits square make peace square off pour oil on troubled waters applaud spur push galvanize help out cheer along tide over keep someone's head above water keep going loosen spark pique disinhibit trigger sway fillip vitalize impassion build up goad enforce butter up make nice slacken egg instigate stir up kindle jumpstart fire up activate incentivize whip up spur on enhearten excite move build make lighter quicken give a boost to reenforce raise pump up ignite rev up provoke boost up restore warm release refresh nudge adjust slack praise prick ease up reduce weight disencumber empty levitate take remove extenuate uplight change shift put off throw out pour out jettison thin eradicate attenuate cut down unload dilute make less identify with lament with show forgiveness have compassion for ache forgive be compassionate towards understand pardon grant amnesty be sympathetic yearn over show concern feel sympathy for show sympathy be sorry for give quarter have compassion be sympathetic towards take pity on feel with weep for reprieve loose stimulate spiritually raise the morale of give shot in arm spirit up psych up give hope to light a fire under prop up lift the spirits of give confidence to bield stiffen the resolve of dispel counteract brace up snap out of it galvanise incentivise punctuate vary put on cloud nine let the sun shine in stop liss interrupt put on top of the world prevent break up run interference for clear the way anesthetize let up nurse forward disengage anaesthetize improve speed up doctor simplify meliorate promote make easier speed untighten expedite attend to open the door smooth further bring respite to bring an end to bring aid to make something bearable bring aid take load off compassion mourn for send condolences to sorrow for offer condolences to share sorrow offer sympathy to be sympathetic to offer condolences have mercy show compassion

Động từ

To meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone)
satisfy satiate gratify sate fulfil fulfill quench indulge content fill please humour humor serve slake feed gladden meet suit cheer delight oblige pleasure accommodate amuse elate enliven enthral enthrall exhilarate feast flatter gas glad satisfice surfeit warm cloy refresh animate captivate capture entertain rejoice sell cater to pander to agree with provide for make content tickle pink buck up give pleasure to make happy brighten up fill the bill make merry make someone feel good do the trick give a buzz give someone a kick hit the spot charm tickle appease placate soothe mollify pacify silence still quieten suffice bewitch enrapture thrill reconcile divert interest occupy distract absorb regale beguile fascinate engross involve solace disport engage preoccupy recreate immerse crack up ecstasize slay pique inspire grab knock dead stimulate inspirit hold the attention of relax help aid assist support favour favor benefit pamper abet convenience sustain cater for cooperate with allow for meet the needs of meet the wants of do someone a favour be of service to bow to give a leg up to find ways to help submit to bend over backwards for do someone a service lend a helping hand to fit in with lend a hand to do a good turn to defer to do someone a good turn yield to gorge glut stuff comply with give in to delectate enchant overfill sicken go along with assuage cheer up excite nauseate coddle overfeed overindulge jade fill up appeal to give someone pleasure spoil cram baby cater weary titillate hearten uplift entrance arride saturate pander enamor allure attract pall fawn on give way to get one's kicks turn on warm the cockles of the heart buoy up bring joy to give a lift go over big do someone's heart good relieve cosset mollycoddle brighten disgust revitalize outfit revitalise recompense requite adapt to bloat be a slave to overeat eat warm the cockles of someone's heart minister to overjoy make a hit do one proud wow ravish send groove be too much stall stodge tailer oneself to bowl over please greatly tickle to death be the ticket make a hit with be agreeable to fracture laugh it up treat to have a get-together party toss a party give a party nurture fully satisfy give in mesmerize intrigue make somebody's day make someone glad make someone pleased overdose go along transfix magnetize hook grip infatuate tantalize spellbind hypnotize dazzle lure win over carry away seduce feed to gills tickle your fancy take put under a spell tantalise hypnotise magnetise mesmerise wile nourish supply victual provision board fatten prepare food for cook for make a meal for provide food for stock dish out provide with food give food to

Trái nghĩa của comfortability

comfortability Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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