Đồng nghĩa của wild eyed

Tính từ

Exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion
zealous ardent passionate fervent enthusiastic vehement keen eager intense fervid impassioned fiery earnest fanatical avid perfervid wholehearted burning spirited fierce dedicated vigorous devoted energetic committed forceful extreme hot antsy sincere rabid devout hearty obsessed pushy obsessive zestful militant frenetic afire fanatic itchy ripe possessed purposeful fireball fired zealotic gung-ho go-ahead single-minded self-starting coming on strong wild excited feverish passional torrid warm red-hot flaming emotional heated crazy charged enthused strong demonstrative hot-blooded desirous warm-blooded incandescent hungry voracious violent superheated religious impatient powerful gung ho blazing glowing athirst raring solicitous determined intent agog pumped thirsty nuts animated anxious frenzied heartfelt emphatic yearning stoked longing ambitious juiced profound lively greedy deep keen as mustard hopped-up great hepped up insistent geeked resolute itching mad keen willing raring to go interested dynamic champing at the bit deep-seated appetent aggressive mad potent ready consuming assertive urgent dying craving bigoted uncompromising strenuous acute assiduous heightened domineering motivated ready and willing as keen as mustard bold frantic active pining hankering driven inflamed all-consuming infatuated ebullient raging diehard immoderate bullish dying to forcible hot to trot bright-eyed and bushy-tailed deeply felt warmblooded excessive authoritative tough firm diligent desiring intemperate furious serious high-spirited aching extremist in-your-face breathless gone on restless intolerant keyed up nutty confident commanding prejudiced vociferous blunt mettlesome uncontrollable bossy feisty intensive audacious resounding full-blooded muscular clamorous exuberant exhilarated vivacious severe radical ferocious enamored explosive swivel-eyed steadfast dominant enamoured unrestrained dogmatic expressive titillated uncontrolled hard-hitting strong-willed opinionated stirring gagging thrilling potty biased vocal covetous loud wishful maniacal sentimental deep-rooted compelling melodramatic restive rarin' to go angry obstinate stubborn chomping at the bit set stout straining at the leash inflexible partisan illiberal hopped up full-hearted narrow-minded industrious hard imperious fired up fond smitten terrible extraordinary outspoken exceptional hopeful tenacious conscientious sprightly feeling forthright wishing thrilled genuine dogged pleased animate strident entrenched hellacious persistent competitive noisy blistering ungovernable heavy true pertinacious dotty hooked rooted unbridled acquisitive messianic demanding intrenched unfeigned infatuated with fixated inveterate over-enthusiastic thorough devoted to raw inordinate eloquent punchy impetuous excitable unyielding overenthusiastic settled fascinated supreme compulsive impulsive habitual staunch rousing intent on honest hard-core ecstatic stimulated unqualified delirious thoroughgoing hot for tender responsive self-assured self-confident moving resolved self-possessed raving bona fide bugged inspired incorrigible card-carrying vivid stirred roused one-sided very enthusiastic addicted full-throated adamant aflame amenable raucous white-hot confirmed disposed steamed up gotta have can-do true blue decided overemotional emotive bred-in-the-bone definite pulling no punches inclined on fire game from the heart full of beans waiting with bated breath bursting plucky mighty fevered insatiable volatile spunky amorous overpowering peppery gingery all out thirsting sexy titillating arousing marked pushing driving effusive stormy irascible expectant allegiant edgy ravenous grasping penetrating piercing enterprising avaricious rapacious intensified aflutter prepared abject rhapsodic wacky concerned tantalized temperamental tireless importunate tantalised zesty gaga chafing straining bubbling over turnt arduous taxing towering up in a hurry visionary susceptible tumultuous pious warmhearted psyched not backward in coming forward proactive banzai inspirited galvanized energized all-out rigorous exhausting brisk grave hoping fain sectarian wackadoodle wackadoo sensitive vociferant obstreperous assured relentless overwrought in love dizzy hardline moved influenced activated encouraged aroused uplifted engaged hung up happy unreluctant glad minded poignant high-pressure precipitate headlong high-powered inspiring hotblooded affecting quickened exciting loving heartwarming overcharged tempestuous frank credulous up for willful on for erratic monomaniacal unruly partial headstrong contumacious in the mood of a mind favourably inclined pysched up take-charge imposing influential ghastly almighty extremely enthusiastic desperate concentrated pronounced hyper revolutionary decisive forward controlling major hysterical self-driven galvanised energised stirred up ablaze sentient verklempt convincing overbearing positive mushy romantic touching exquisite Herculean indefatigable in earnest deliberate meaning what one says meaning business hell-bent serious-minded revolutionist chauvinistic blinkered activist fearless drastic dreadful set on bent on desirous of on tenterhooks besotted beguiled charmed enchanted persuasive robust touchy-feely daring composed collected nuts for turned on high on sharp fearful beside oneself fond of sweet on enamoured of very keen on smitten with worked up starry-eyed on the edge of your seat on pins and needles hankering after unremitting effective poised intrepid keen on daft fearsome significant lovesick captivated bewitched on the make enamored of plain-spoken crazed overzealous vicious brassy nutso steely red-blooded lusty vital spellbound love-struck taken enraptured seduced intoxicated frightful unreasonable irrational free-spoken candid open direct uninhibited excruciating critical reborn ultra self-asserting addicted to infuriated berko berserk strong-minded self-assertive self-reliant heavy-duty cut-throat articulate cool-headed in love with hooked on deranged overboard sick infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased insane corybantic sizzling bitten unwell virulent flipped ill rebel rigid mad on reinvigorated pontifical very keen terrorist freaked out facile plainspoken smooth-spoken glib voluble fluent free venting stentorian round authoritarian hardened seasoned chronic impractical self-opinionated speculative dogmatical theoretical opinionative opinioned revitalized established perennial lifelong fixed ideological unpragmatic unrealistic hypothetical enduring loyal proved faithful stalwart indelible unwavering complete immutable hectic irredeemable unreformable ineradicable impenitent unshakable intransigent longtime unshakeable inexorable unapologetic unashamed staid ingrained incurable explicit accustomed inured habituated strict pigheaded doctrinaire magisterial stern holding fixed views mulish stiff-necked dictative unbending dictatorial bullheaded revitalised born-again sicker dyed-in-the-wool long-established through and through hard-line well established deep-set hard-shell firmly established deep-dyed long-standing die-hard well-established

Trái nghĩa của wild eyed

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