Đồng nghĩa của uncapable

Tính từ

Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully
incompetent inept inadequate inexpert unfit unfitted unqualified feeble ineffective unproficient unskilful ineffectual inefficacious inferior insufficient cack-handed ham-fisted hopeless inapt lacking ability no good pathetic unable unskilled unskillful useless weak not good enough butterfingers dependent disqualified frail ineligible inexperienced inproficient losing naive poor uncool unequipped unsuited vulnerable a dead loss leaving much to be desired not much cop not up to scratch unequal to the task not up to it not up to snuff not equal to not up to out of your depth not know one's arse from one's elbow amateurish untrained amateur bungling inefficient unprofessional blundering substandard maladroit unprepared impotent wanting clumsy floundering powerless not cut out for dilettante deficient unsuitable unapt dilettantish raw bad slipshod sloppy nonprofessional half-baked lacking undependable can't hack it jackleg green crude bumbling unworkmanlike awkward unhandy skill-less lousy worthless ill-equipped faulty careless cowboy gauche untaught unreliable shoddy unpractised botched bush-league unsuccessful incapacitated feckless hamstrung inexpedient counterproductive lame hapless unsatisfactory unequal duff unschooled uncultivated rotten not cut out unpracticed unable to do something for toffee untalented incapable of unqualified for incompetent at slovenly disorganized slack extravagant prodigal shooting blanks improficient improvident incompatible edentulous inadept hack talentless loser bum toothless unstudied disorganised non-qualified bush inoperative imperfect ham-handed fumbled heavy-handed not prepared can't cut it defective slapdash butterfingered bodged suboptimal subpar negligent couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery all thumbs unaccomplished unpolished without finesse all fingers and thumbs lacking finesse not much chop untrained for unable to do something out of one's element can't make the grade no great shakes helpless uninitiated unadapted awful appalling atrocious dreadful terrible frightful asymmetrical abysmal dire rubbish pants less capable not qualified for found wanting in unsuited to inadequate for insufficient for unfitted for out to lunch not have it very poor a load of pants unable to do something to save one's life very bad untutored ignorant unversed unacquainted uninformed non-technical unchartered uneducated unlicensed uncertificated non-professional new lay untamed illiterate undisciplined novice nescient wild not trained graceless ungainly ungraceful inelegant unco lumbering gawky clodhopping uncoordinated oafish stumbling fumbling cloddish handless miserable klutzy rude coarse execrable second-rate unacceptable left-handed gawkish wrong unrefined undexterous wretched dissatisfactory mediocre crummy dismal deplorable laughable horrible punk poxy artless junky rubbishy foolish muddled trashy cheap trumpery sucky low-grade botching tactless stiff unsophisticated injudicious ponderous off wack gangling inappropriate clownish uncouth improper sour diabolical ill-suited crumby ill-judged amiss disappointing insipid regrettable unfortunate low-rent stupid schlocky gimcrack cheesy common schlock lamentable sleazy cheapjack grim cut-rate bargain-basement chronic with two left feet el cheapo having two left hands having two left feet broken rough-hewn shambling backwards mutton-fisted nonexpert unwieldy unsound wooden meager fumbly impaired stilted lubberly coltish disgraceful abominable ill-bred sorry stinking meagre low quality low woeful ropy lumpish God-awful pits pitiful egregious flimsy junk not proper unadvantageous inconsistent unproductive futile limited bulky paltry second-class not up to par third-rate ill rough desperate unspeakable two-bit piss-poor dime-a-dozen tinhorn bodger simple unsubtle untactful for the birds unwelcome harmful outrageous primitive rustic of a sort undiplomatic insensitive thoughtless impolitic indelicate inconsiderate rudimentary plain strictly for the birds jerry-built rough and ready jury-rigged jerry-rigged rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready inapposite incongruous indecorous infelicitous unbecoming unseemly unbefitting unfitting untoward unladylike malapropos ungentlemanly untimely ill-advised ill-considered inadvisable misguided heavy incorrect misplaced perverse tasteless unhappy dull undue slow inopportune ill-timed unadept blunderous elephantine lacking in propriety out of place undesirable out of keeping ill-fitted jejune banal ill-adapted unfacile flat unmeet in poor taste in bad taste accident-prone out of order like a bull in a china shop

Tính từ

Unable to behave rationally or manage one's affairs
helpless impotent powerless unable incapacitated unfit weak feeble vulnerable defenceless incompetent debilitated dependent defenseless paralyzed paralysed infirm prostrate ineffective hamstrung impuissant handcuffed frail gutless disabled hog-tied high and dry over a barrel unfitted needy needful reliant clingy desperate clinging effete lame nerveless enervated unproductive forceless inept crippled infecund puny enfeebled dud exposed unprotected past it paper tiger abandoned susceptible unguarded weakly unresistant undefended stranded forlorn destitute invalid inefficient shiftless friendless basket-case forsaken unaided pinned tapped inexpert wide open easily hurt easily destroyed open to attack tapped out with hands tied up creek without paddle ineffectual useless inadequate passive inert strengthless subject tied supine unarmed disenfranchised etiolated resistless chicken wimp blank disfranchised wishy-washy without power not able with no say out of gas open endangered assailable naked pregnable unshielded deserted unfortified in the lurch insecure accessible unsafe indefensible without arms at risk marooned aground like a sitting duck without resources in difficulties without assistance without help stuck shipwrecked caught easily damaged unpatrolled without weapons hands tied in peril in jeopardy easily wounded in danger on the line out on a limb weaponless unarmoured undefendable without defences vincible unsheltered trapped unattended wide-open isolated unwatched woundable cut off grounded in the line of fire bereft ashore left in the lurch open to foundered defenceless against vulnerable to an easy target for susceptive to receptive to wrecked ill-protected attackable beached liable stuck fast run aground sensitive prone poor pigeon sitting duck threatened threatened with laid open in peril of without protection in danger of left open laid bare up the creek on the spot out on limb in line of fire like a clay pigeon

Tính từ

Being under the influence of alcohol
loaded drunk inebriated inebriate drunken plastered intoxicated hammered high wasted smashed tipsy blitzed bombed sozzled blotto canned sloshed sottish pickled stewed soused blasted tight tanked squiffy tiddly ripped besotted juiced stiff squiffed wet crocked slang fried blind cockeyed lit impaired oiled gassed stoned stinking boozy potted looped befuddled buzzed wrecked merry fuddled trashed zonked woozy crapulous steaming tippling legless crapulent bladdered soaked maudlin paralytic bevvied toping ratted mullered lashed reeling trolleyed slaughtered wired fou guttered stinko cut bibulous steamed foxed screwed sotted full shickered ebriate shot sauced inked lekker munted monged pixilated ebrious ebriose crock swacked zoned pie-eyed under the influence lit up drunk as a skunk under the table dead drunk gin-soaked blind drunk roaring drunk rolling drunk three sheets to the wind worse for drink tanked up worse for wear well oiled out of it rat-arsed wiped out drunk as a lord cock-eyed half cut well away liquored up two sheets to the wind in the bag Brahms and Liszt having had a skinful grogged up strung out half seas over monged out tired and emotional having had one over the eight as full as a goog as tight as a tick flying totaled steamboats boozed-up elephants dronkverdriet kaylied langered mashed ossified sat stukkend broken off your face out to it boozed up blatted Adrian Quist groggy flushed laced bashed seeing double feeling no pain spaced boozing tripping doped baked drugged red-nosed well-oiled gin-sodden obliterated bacchic babalas glazed tanked-up lush muddled snockered one over the eight out off one's head in one's cups out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box drunked up stupefied dazed spaced-out on a trip jacked happy the worse for drink zonked-out three sheets in the wind hopped-up high as a kite narcotized spaced out comatose dopey benumbed floating unconscious coked drugged up on drugs junked-up blown away cooked boozed unsober sloppy tied one on plowed irrigated unsteady intemperate drinking geeked gone schnockered sodden beery pixillated ploughed punchy slightly drunk half-seas over hard-drinking half-cut under the influence of intoxicating liquor blown-up under the weather burned-out euphoric dead to the world feeling good delirious half in the bag half-crocked out of one's gourd hooched up hallucinating insensible anaesthetized anesthetized charged up freaked out hyped up knocked out out of your mind

Tính từ

Deprived of the ability to perform natural mental or physical activities
disabled incapacitated paralysed paralyzed crippled infirm handicapped impaired wounded lame hurt maimed paraplegic challenged quadriplegic helpless invalid weakened tetraplegic powerless exceptional hemiplegic monoplegic paraparetic paretic confined hamstrung sidelined decrepit disarmed stalled wrecked wheelchair-using learning-disabled differently abled having a disability physically challenged physically handicapped physically impaired run-down broken-down laid-up out-of-action out-of-commission worn-out having learning difficulties having special needs having a mental disability with a disability immobilized unfit indisposed debilitated laid up impotent weak injured wornout bedridden harmed undermined immobilised hors de combat out of action out of commission damaged sore bruised game mutilated housebound gammy battered deformed confined to bed broken mangled tender ailing palsied immobile enfeebled numb afflicted aching marred stricken stiff pained smarting painful throbbing hurting stinging cut inflamed paralytic crushed discoloured scarred discolored sick black-and-blue ill benumbed halt dead insensible useless inactive defective inert gimp spoiled spoilt torpid bad beaten grazed scratched raw burning on the sick list sensitive lacerated gashed crook chafed reddened agonised knackered flat on your back ruptured in hospital in the hospital mauled bleeding agonized disfigured scraped nicked in pain struck busted up hit limping hobbling lifeless nerveless unmoving bedfast bedbound prostrate disadvantaged fractured poorly unwell deadened ruined destroyed smashed shattered limp unfeeling frozen sickly deterred restrained restricted encumbered foiled stymied blocked hampered impeded checked obstructed curbed balked limited burdened frail gimpy hog-tied feeble insensitive insensate desensitized ill in bed baulked diplegic below par off colour smitten palsified mentally disabled physically disabled desensitised excruciating agonizing delicate tingly distressed under the weather achy afflictive prickly twingeing irritated severe gnawing suffering biting uncomfortable smartful laborious nagging sharp troublesome searing piercing pounding tingling agonising hurtful caustic abscessed harrowing red tired nasty achy breaky grievous ulcerated shot buffeted tortured warped

Tính từ

Meager or little in amount
insufficient deficient inadequate short lacking incomplete scant meagre sparse scarce wanting incommensurate scanty unqualified insubstantial limited low not enough paltry poor restricted shy sketchy skimpy too few too little bereft defective destitute devoid drained dry exiguous failing faulty imperfect incompetent infrequent meager measly minus piddling rare thin too small unample unfinished unfitted unsatisfactory at a premium in short supply out of short of too little too late patchy few negligible thin on the ground bitty rudimentary hard to find scrappy few and far between hard to come by minimal small lean partial fragmentary missing uncommon slight sporadic reduced diminished trifling shoddy occasional like gold dust not to be had not to be had for love nor money superficial little finite outline tight perfunctory inferior scattered depleted slender unsufficient shortened rough short-handed flawed nominal part crude impaired substandard unsound unpolished insignificant low on short on inconsiderable second-rate needing shabby less needed middling straggling stingy inconsequential imperceptible minute unfrequent seldom met with not up to scratch leaving much to be desired running low seldom seen low in numbers minimum marginal slim undermanned under strength inappreciable nugatory token tiny basal circumscribed defined miserly definite determinate measured basic truncated threatened seldom semioccasional broad-brush with an insufficiency jejune set ineffectual mean thumbnail weak next to none next to no strapped for pushed for coming up short skeletal lacking in detail not hacking it scarcer than hen's teeth dwindling mediocre with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in with an insufficiency of not making it duff unsuitable unworthy cursory cut puny inquorate unassembled unequal underprovided undersupplied injured amiss damaged marred unusual vague second string second fiddle outta gas found wanting third string imprecise run-down not make it seldom found hurried hasty fuzzy not cut out for in the minority provisional widely spaced out of the ordinary at a low level cobbled together woolly uncritical shallow wooly introductory preliminary coarse unclear hazy depthless disappointing need of help needing help on the back of an envelope unsatisfying unacceptable pathetic absent not good enough unrefined not up to standard bodger not acceptable undeveloped undone abridged fragmented omitted empty cooked gone away unfulfilled bankrupt deprived half-baked half-pie unaccomplished qualified unexecuted not up to par burned out below par in default cut off out of gas inchoate rude not total broken expurgated underdone fractional unconsummated immature unwhole curtailed piecemeal not whole not entire garbled incoherent not up to expectations not much cop under construction

Trái nghĩa của uncapable

uncapable Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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