Đồng nghĩa của excuted

Tính từ

Finished or having been brought to an end
performed accomplished completed done finished carried out concluded fulfilled achieved consummated realized effectuated realised effected complete attained finalized settled brought about finalised wrapped up over ended terminated sewn up through compassed over with done with sorted out discharged perfected up resolved down polished off finished off in the can wound up over and done with actualized satisfied closed clinched dispatched at an end all over full-fledged wrapped-up in the bag final happy contented pleased content produced made gratified decided established comfortable obtained crowned matured buttoned up brought to pass brought to a close out of the way made good at ease materialized substantiated determined built materialised relaxed perf handled dead defunct kaputt obsolete expired extinct kaput organized organised consummate all-inclusive sweeping all-embracing that's it fini all over but the shouting home free exhausted depleted spent taken care of rendered set prepared effete wrought a wrap used up serene placid delighted reached untroubled rewarded put into effect at peace full ceased lapsed entire knocked off tied up worked out come to an end over and done glad thankful cheerful cheery unworried chuffed tranquil complacent blissful appeased joyful tickled assuaged joyous carefree agreeable tickled pink pleased as punch calm mature developed willing to accept sympathetic imperturbable casual easygoing easy unruffled chilled gruntled triumphant pacified faultless conclusive ripe thorough easeful unhurried indulgent together unfazed unflappable well pleased smug willing like the cat that's got the cream laid-back happy-go-lucky easy-going can't complain

Động từ

To have carried out an action to the end
completed finished concluded achieved finalized fulfilled consummated nailed accomplished did effectuated performed settled realized capped perfected actualized crowned ended polished terminated carried off carried out complemented did thoroughly finalised finished off got through polished off realised rounded off rounded out sewed up sorted out topped off went through with wound up wrapped up added the final touch to added the finishing touch to brought to a conclusion brought to an end brought to fruition brought to maturity called it a day made good on made perfect made up put the finishing touches on put the last touches on put to bed ultimated effected implemented put through discharged made brought off followed through with pulled off done negotiated prosecuted put into practice put into effect brought about carried through perpetrated administered operated conducted applied enacted committed managed put into action compassed observed wrought handled met run kept followed enforced exercised put into operation engineered worked satisfied complied with used obeyed plied attained honored engaged filled honoured wielded abided by conformed to practised employed controlled manipulated heeded put in force lived up to practiced utilized piloted commanded imposed produced acted upon succeeded in acted in accordance with stuck to kept to maneuvered ran organized manoeuvred administrated redeemed directed hit utilised transacted carried on stood by organised brought to bear dealt with put to use kept faith with reached respected contrived answered acted out clinched dispatched undertook steered succeeded made good engaged in responded to caused upheld exerted established gone through with engagde in inflicted undertaken harnessed overlooked stewarded delivered secured presided over fixed fixt adhered to deferred to scored put the final touches to wreaked yielded to submitted to put finishing touch on embraced brought into play acted according to made it through delivered on cooperated with put in motion followed through on put the tin lid on set in motion brought into effect put the finishing touches to initiated created pursued supervised superintended ruled guided governed engendered led leaded exploited headed regulated occasioned matched exacted rendered setted the seal on won tended to captained bossed procured invoked gotten through sewn up lived by stuck with made to happen made happen brought on translated into headed up called the shots agreed with racked up paid heed to coped with toed the line meted out chalked up stuck by clocked up determined held down had acted on acted taken care of took care of generated ordered oversaw overseen upholden affected launched put in place passed brought fit bestowed tackled dispensed arranged distributed accepted actionized held followed up on authorized induced took set up tended prompted put out dominated fielded spawned served brought to pass acquired landed yielded catalyzed actuated officiated assigned addrest addressed bred assented to gratified bagged minded actioned gained processed ministered struck acquitted acquited adopted annexed drawn on drew on fallen in with put lid on put forth dealt out set made short work of run with the ball put the finishing touch to doled out pulled the strings devoted oneself to run the show watched over set out with put screws to made it followed through set about fell in with put it over cared for served out delivered the goods notched up nailed it authorised brought to completion catalysed put to work carried to completion got there swung set off worked out put away paid attention to arrived at called the tune in called the shots in buttoned down survived disposed of saw through held to put into use put across called upon hit upon seen through acquiesced to underwent hitten hat taken taken heed of done justice to fallen in line with done as told fell in line with went along with been through did as told bore out gone along with gone through did justice to took heed of went through borne out unleashed doled dealt meted allocated apportioned issued ordained vented sanctioned decreed ratified legislated equaled equalled provoked approved framed finessed machinated finagled masterminded wangled called forth fitted enabled validated consented to reified acknowledged visited expressed indulged expedited holden refined originated hegemonized swayed commenced incarnated occupied attempted driven drove drave druv precipitated started given rise to gave rise to laid down maintained constituted worked on influenced proclaimed legalized triggered caused to happen caused to occur begot begat begotten reigned over tapped deployed found yolden yold went whole hog gone whole hog done thoroughly went the limit gone the limit made real began agreed to begun hacked mastered made law closed OKed pulled grasped conquered seized earned accommodated had control of transgressed exercised control over kindled obtained stricken made the most of had recourse to voted favorably called the signals netted endorsed brought home the bacon sanctified started in on were responsible for jockeyed took the helm developt followed out lived out tyrannised accelerated instructed regarded legalised been in charge developed were in charge pulled the wires took care of business turned out did one proud held office goose-stepped to was responsible for cleaned up reached the summit of scored a success instigated latched onto held sway over checked with took on fitted in jammed through voted in called a day taken up made concrete hammered out ticked materialised steamrolled launched into pressed dictated gained fulfillment folded up committed to turned acquitted oneself of endeavoured to do paid regard to called in fulfilled one's potential had regard to laid down the law reorganized occupied throne railroaded through measured up to reigned fulfilled your potential wrecked got done took up measured up idealized tied formulated ran the show called into use wrested activated proceeded with was in charge juggled made a reality prest pushed through railroaded thrashed out played on corporealized laid on angled been responsible for specialized in taken on harmonized with forced upon found a way concurred with brought to perfection capitalized on swang endeavored to do shifted mopped up held dominion made work waged forced made laws called into play worked it treated buttoned up ran with the ball entered on topped it off watched presided held sway bowed to materialized made use of looked after tyrannized matched up to conceded to held the reins catered to come up to fought swungen logged brought forth run things exhibited concentrated on instituted reorganised turned the trick cohered with consecrated provided the means for knocked off snagged followed orders performed according to got cracking on gotten done elaborated sat on top of taken the helm exercised authority accorded with ruled over made hay wrangled embarked on cogitated entered upon idealised chorded with wrapped committed oneself to wrapt played games worked at appointed made the grade taken care of business overruled engineered a way done one proud projected made into law made ready turned to followed up coincided with served the people sufficed called the tune undergone arranged for founden fand canned ran things acceded to came up to took action on taken action on availed oneself of availed yourself of taken notice of took notice of swang it swung it got out of the way gotten out of the way resorted to lay down were in the driving seat worn the crown was in the driving seat wore the crown been in the driving seat assumed command did the trick gotten someplace got someplace done the trick done a bang-up job did a bang-up job went that route did to a turn done to a turn gone that route rung up rang up gave given lay on gave free rein to given free rein to gave vent to given vent to been successful were successful was successful gone on with went on with foughten upped and done upped and did honchoed taken over took forward taken forward took over given the seal of approval to gave the seal of approval to gave the green light to gave the thumbs up to given the OK to given the go-ahead to got the floor gave the go-ahead to given the green light to given the thumbs up to gotten the floor gave the OK to done business did business seen to saw to gone about addressed oneself to went about took part in got down to got to grips with gotten down to taken part in gotten to grips with

Động từ

To have produced or brought about
developed established formed began commenced created started built designed introduced organized constructed crafted effected embarked on enacted engineered generated initiated instituted launched originated produced set down set in motion set up actualized affected assembled catalysed catalyzed composed constituted effectuated fashioned forged found founded installed instigated machinated materialised materialized moulded organised put in motion realised realized setted authored brought about brought into being brought into existence brought to pass cast erected fabricated gave rise to inaugurated knocked together knocked up made pieced put in place rendered rigged secured shaped shope did germinated molded engendered exercised put together devised framed contrived arranged conceived set invented developt planned come up with drafted modeled modelled draughted laid out diagramed diagrammed put up formulated manufactured put on turned out came up with accomplished set out strategized put into force fulfilled shapen begun compounded cooked up made up outlined lay out comprised dreamt up advanced decided worked started up drummed up brewed plotted brought on hammered out determined brought carved out choreographed conjured up threw together wrought concocted blueprinted processed run pioneered coined innovated coordinated schemed opened discovered prefabricated masterminded carried out scheduled charted planned for orchestrated projected spawned mass-produced drew up minted fangled beared sketched machined completed ran up translated into synthesized laid on tossed off milled fixed up tooled synthesised had worked out thrown together laid plans made arrangements for provided threw up cobbled pencilled in prefabbed achieved delineated sketched out carved knocked off prepared for laid fired up performed blocked out made preparations for run up fudged together described penciled in doped out traced bore borne drawn up thrown up given rise to done drawn lay drew corve carven lay on threw thrown ran got going on gotten going on cut sculpted sculptured fit prepared fit together confected hatched hewed hew whittled chiseled chiselled thought up adapted fitted raised pieced together beat patterned built up whipped up tailored hammered structured excogitated adjusted reared hewn knocked out styled cobbled up manipulated readied compiled trumped up fixed fixt beat out put in order vamped up chipped influenced churned out issued engraved guided brainstormed controlled kneaded joined writ mapped out vamped yielded purposed conceived of cobbled together plied directed etched decorated steered led leaded forecast ordered inscribed pounded dressed sculped list calculated budgeted handled stamped malleated equipped incised procured regulated slashed geared categorized conditioned improvised made ready edited roughed out evolved envisioned perfected elevated schemed out strategized about lined up mixt mixed worked up put out jerry-built die-cast beat into shape put straight got ready trimmed becast categorised axed superstructed cast about cut in slices banged out hit upon revolutionized ushered in begot begat wrote written fathered spearheaded kicked off modernized beaten implemented rigged up eked out rustled up whipped out patched together started out inducted revolutionised modernised intended aimed defined ornamented swayed scored classified codified made fitting embellished premeditated chased connected slated marshalled grouped marshaled contemplated cultivated purported proposed transformed systematized forecasted mapped conspired represented detailed sorted painted propagated catalogued tabulated hacked drest planned out cataloged standardized listed harvested wangled came out with thought ahead begotten jockeyed arrayed united systemized disposed indexed prioritized filed equipt meaned meant rough-hewn yolden yold rough-hewed brought out supplied meditated quarterbacked thought out chalked out intrigued blocked regimented collocated methodized ranged pigeonholed adumbrated destined remodeled rang in come out with remodelled graved sewed sliced derived imagined furnished outfitted accoutred prepped configured made arrangements figured on reckoned on figured out fixed to laid in provisions roughed in inventoried consolidated correlated triaged fabulized oriented released comped conformed brought together joined up ground out harmonised skeletoned patted edified sorted out scribed pumped out ad-libbed pruned roughhewed caused to happen faked it combined carpentered moved crystallised labored groomed thumbed beaten out laboured winged it got up divided made provision indented fixt in position fitted out struck anticipated fictionalised smoothed trotted out become turned fixed together batched sundered lumped together filled in tended curated dissevered prioritised copied roughed modified cleaved cared for worked on followed smoothed the way blent straightened storified thrashed out patched up settled crystallized systematised pulled together harmonized knocked into shape played it by ear reconstructed stirred up emulated slapped together fingered blended settled on standardised beaten into shape ad libbed doctored suited converted stippled straightened out stroked imitated held whomped up envisaged consummated mixed up welded jacked up licked into shape dissected pared fictionalized matured hashed out whipped into shape finished squeezed appointed accommodated endowed cranked out arranged for stage-managed bargained for graven grove roughhewn gotten up rung in stricken holden drew together drawn together sewed up sewn up becomed becomen became grew grown

Động từ

Past tense for to kill or cause the death of
killed hung hanged crucified guillotined shot shotten beheaded decapitated dispatched electrocuted slew slayed slain assassinated croaked garrotted iced lynched murdered neutralised neutralized snuffed whacked bowstrung bowstringed fried liquidated offed terminated bumped off did in done in eliminated finished gassed got gat gotten purged knocked off put away put to death took out taken out rubbed out sent to the gibbet stoned to death strung up put before a firing squad sent to the chair sent to the gas chamber carried out a sentence of death on sent to the electric chair slaughtered cut down wasted butchered exterminated massacred topped destroyed stiffed annihilated wiped out hit smoked eradicated cut to pieces finished off mowed down put down put to sleep disposed of polished off scragged erased decimated shot down blew away blown away ended the life of did away with done away with put to the sword zapped snuffed out made away with put an end to felled caused the death of extirpated done to death did to death downed took the life of taken the life of waxed carried off obliterated hat hitten gunned down blotted out done for did for terminated with extreme prejudice ended claimed fell dusted off gotten rid of got rid of sent to the gallows put paid to strangled put out of its misery greased gibbetted gibbeted blasted abolished vaporized cooled vaporised extinguished hung by the neck killed off gave someone the works given someone the works taken someone's life took someone's life bagged removed ruined chilled defeated asphyxiated devastated silenced euthanized blackballed nixed immolated expunged canceled cancelled brought down stretched out wiped from the face of the earth stamped out cut a swath through sent to the gas chambers put end to put a bullet in deep-sixed wiped off the face of the earth taken took necked overcome overpowered routed worsted stabbed dusted potted plugged stoned bested suffocated murked smote smited smit smitten sacrificed knifed smothered garotted overwhelmed sterilized dragged scratched sterilised excluded drug discarded dropped effaced cleared away dragged down razed totaled demolished totalled ravaged nuked smashed desolated pulverized wrecked shattered wracked taken care of took care of depopulated noosed suicided moved in for the kill picked off sent to kingdom come committed genocide suspended by the neck swept away administered the coup de grâce cleaned up rooted out pumped full of lead executed by hanging ethnically cleansed made swing pulled down killed in cold blood blacked out laid waste wreaked havoc on pulverised sent to the scaffold overcame did done taken down took down took a life taken a life creamed took off taken off saw the back of seen the back of drove to the wall driven to the wall wrought havoc on torn down wrought havoc tore down gave the coup de grâce cut axed washed out wiped off the map excised removed all traces of deleted struck out marked out scored out crossed out squashed levelled torpedoed leveled knocked out wiped off face of earth inked out obscured blocked out KO'd scrubbed covered destroyed root and branch trashed rubbed off blanked out blued pencil sunken blew sky-high sank blew to bits blown sky-high sunk taken apart blown to bits took apart

Động từ

Past tense for to sign (a will) in the presence of witnesses and in accordance with other legal formalities

Trái nghĩa của excuted

excuted Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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