Từ đồng nghĩa của sine

Alternative for sine

sine /sain/
  • danh từ
    • (toán học) sin['saini]
    • giới từ
      • vô, không
        • sine die: vô thời hạn
        • sine prole: không có con

    Danh từ

    Something which indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else
    indication mark signal suggestion evidence hint symptom token manifestation proof note trace clue demonstration intimation pointer attestation flag giveaway sigil testimony flash signification indicator cue lead inkling warning symbol index expression reminder tip guide omen marker beacon notion display signpost implication significant indicia nod whisper tip-off revelation wind prompt high sign vestige show gesture key telltale sign telltale innuendo alert landmark illustration forewarning model notice alarm badge impression exhibition substantiation portent witness prompting suspicion example whiff souvenir insinuation wink word milepost mnemonic caution bell sample allusion Mayday hot lead tipoff specimen admonition siren record augury embodiment prognostic measure testament representation heads-up pledge remembrance gauge memorial disclosure showing validation reflection barometer benchmark communication ghost presage feature track standard guideline adumbration basis declaration prod idea gage monument nudge shadow evocation remnant survival lodestar warning sign information SOS bellwether waypost sniff testimonial milestone inference dead giveaway overtone litmus test point of reference guiding light tocsin horn danger signal red flag sneaking suspicion distress signal tip off stamp evincement exemplar denotation type representative conveyance syndrome instance betrayal light signature glimmering prodrome trait verification gleam ratio rule indicant formula imputation relic tribute zeitgeber recollection remains memory catchword recap notification exponent reminiscence mention voucher confirmation alarum cross tickler memento epiphany divination premonition documentation corroboration exhibit showcase presentation exposition demo grounds signifier aide-memoire follow-up support keepsake info spur jolt stimulus echo goods dope foreshadowing goad jog backing for grounds for reinforcement for support for earnest emblem commemorative smattering announcement iota observation reference register watershed help oracle vision prophecy apocalypse inspiration trail smoking gun inside wire recognition affidavit preamble explanation prefiguration auspice prolegomenon confidential information touch climacteric hunch twit recommendation feed advice warrant pawn gift favour security favor expo breath word to wise flea in ear a word to the wise word to the wise wake-up call climax conception sense say-so credential certificate touchstone meter yardstick corner knowledge feeling faintest criterion test word of advice piece of advice glimmer cairn message faintest notion foggiest foggiest notion foggiest idea faintest idea writing on the wall bleep okay blinker tinge metre guide to flicker modicum connotation undertone tang semblance dash signal fire smoke signal mountain boundary marker innovation hill museum ruins breakthrough stone revolution bend promontory battleground blaze development tree fragment attraction gentle reminder shade soupçon nuance turning point air aura leading light whistle admonishment hooter vantage point scream alarm bell warning device red light shout blast call gong squeal trumpet warning sound buzzer flap drum scramble alarm signal clock yell cry

    Danh từ

    Something regarded as an indication of what is going to happen
    omen portent warning forewarning premonition presage augury foreboding harbinger herald auspice forecast foreshadowing hint indication prognostic prognostication promise signal threat caution divination foreknowledge foretoken light precursor prediction presentiment wake-up call writing on the wall handwriting on wall ill omen danger sign high sign prophecy forerunner token boding bodement prefiguring feeling foretelling angel foregoer notice outrider prelude alert straw in the wind messenger alarm usher heads-up prefigurement word of warning admonition notification alarum prognosis tip announcer indicator vaticination prognosticating presaging tip-off menace pointer forecasting soothsaying prophesy intuition auguring misgiving cast predicting hunch suggestion announcement straw handwriting on the wall foretaste vague feeling prenotion vibes funny feeling sinking feeling advance warning prior warning red flag avant-courier preindication intimation suspicion prophet apprehension admonishment word writing outlook inkling apprehensiveness counsel prescience sixth sense advice heads up tocsin gut feeling word to the wise wind change red light feeling in one's bones alarm bells bad omen preview prefiguration knell puku sortilege warning sign adumbration vanguard the writing on the wall sign of things to come adviser runner reporter bearer representative predecessor glimpse possibility idea chill signification clue projection guess bad vibes slight hint worry anxiety fear caveat conjecture lesson dread exhortation guidance estimate calculation sign of the times deterrent commonition worriment vibrations vision sense sneaking suspicion winds planning anticipation speculation message wink bug in ear forethought auspication foresight guesstimate Mayday prevision foreseeing budget precognition second sight winds of change bad feeling feeling in your bones cue prompt look out proclamation lead notifying tidings determent best guess exemplar antecessor advertisement grandparent forefather foreshadow mark model pattern advertiser advance guard example object lesson deterrent example expectation revelation apocalypse oracle horoscope fortune-telling palmistry awareness extrapolation surmise zodiac surmising dope consideration premeditation preconception bet insight crystal gazing contemplation of event anticipation prior knowledge reckoning diagnosis scenario prospects computation estimation expectance expectancy plan foretale likelihood halseny looking forward impression view opinion readiness canon edict answer truth law commandment fortune clairvoyance divining notion realization preparation prospect fancy disturbance discomposure perturbation disquietude theory belief prolepsis witchcraft magic sorcery thought presagement prenotice forewisdom auguration prenotation instinct qualm glimmer omination preconceived notion preapprehension realisation clairvoyancy fortune telling occultism horoscopy spellworking witchery divine utterance foretelling the future nativity forecasting the future star astrological chart

    Danh từ

    A symbol or word used to represent an operation, instruction, concept, or object
    symbol character mark figure cypher cipher device representation badge emblem logo type code hieroglyph ideogram insignia letter numeral signifier arms crest diacritic glyph graph icon ikon logogram rune symbolization ensign form hieroglyphics outline shape writing coat of arms stamp trademark seal hallmark motif token design brand monogram identification label colophon tag motto impresa shield image totem earmark logotype indication signature imprint brand name star impression model portrait embodiment indicator illustration sort banner number likeness exemplification medal grapheme rendering portraiture regalia colors colours initials sigil personification marker inscription statue pattern name adumbration diacritical mark proprietary name trade name signet reference mark emoticon emoji signal integer digit escutcheon watermark written symbol autograph asterisk designation decoration heading scroll slogan hand identification mark moniker medallion pin metaphor printer's mark marque accent gong ribbon award paraphernalia song lyric verse poem allegory signatory ink variety kind line make picture tradename chop hieroglyphic John Hancock product heraldry welt distinguishing mark fruit salad portrayal presentation depiction identifying mark sketch reproduction accent mark distinctive label identification marker alphabet majuscule minuscule ABCs uppercase capital alphabetical character uncial cap lowercase drawing demonstration diagram painting monument figurine resemblance effigy bust flag simulacrum pennant capital letter small letter standard facade statuette profile façade impersonation copy duplicate imitation scepter attribute impress reminder miniature memento sceptre heraldic device pennon streamer jack banderole pendant gonfalon guidon burgee banderol pendent colour color labarum prize notion bunting motive ornament treatment vexillum bannerol denotation pictogram order cliche cliché idea concept armorial bearing theme honour honor leitmotif truism trope rosette pole button charge banneret tattoo indicia blazonry tape cordon clasp bearings bearing sticker permit cachet oriflamme screamer idol symbolic representation folklore flash emblazonry coat emblem worn fanion unifying idea recurrent image headline hanging kit uniform strip iconography livery costume family crest ornamentation style keynote structure jewelry necklace jewellery rondure trophy wreath plume laurel kudo premium accolade distinction garter plate badge of honor graphic citation sash mention kudos bays blue ribbon laurels cross visual chart map Purple Heart plan composition table embellishment artwork graphic design

    Danh từ

    A gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction
    gesture signal gesticulation cue act action expression mime motion move nod pantomime signaling signalling wave deed indication indicator intimation kinesics movement demonstration display exhibition illustration manifestation wink body language motioning salute high sign signing waving shrug curtsy bow reminder token genuflection gesturing beckoning sign language arm-waving hand movement communication beckon prompting signals signs gestures body English activity maneuver manoeuvre shift shifting locomotion exercise stir operation step procedure performance process stirring stroke execution implementation mechanics mechanism style technique form work workings undertaking proceeding method working manner approach functioning machination exploit routine handiwork fashion measure art artistry agency venture program programme effort delivery play fancy footwork initiative adventure course of action swing running employment behaviour maneuvers manoeuvres moves sweeping sweep feats machinations exploits operations behavior exercising manipulation function application deeds enactments methods approaches course transaction usage use interplay interaction occurrence processes way happening circumstance go-down experiment incident actions strokes undertakings methodology blows doings system engagement campaign affair endeavor project pursuit task job idea practice tradition mode law mission enterprise assignment drill ploy scheme business stratagem tactic trick detail charge post dealings deployment maneuvering brief dodge tack coordination proceedings event expedient means manoeuvring endeavour gambit ruse progress attempt feat enactment realization carrying out doing rendering realisation

    Danh từ

    A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something
    attribute quality mark feature property characteristic trait aspect element hallmark point character note peculiarity distinction dimension idiosyncrasy marker particularity quirk stamp symbol affection attribution criterion diagnostic indicator specific touch virtue differentia facet fingerprint indication trademark speciality specialty sure sign telltale sign status symbol streak token penchant essence side emblem badge oddity factor individuality evidence component cast earmark essential quality typical feature edge strain identification proclivity detail constituent ability ingredient faculty tone angle flavour slant stripe tinge flavor nature power habit differential highlight condition grace eccentricity charm singularity uniqueness endowment sort constitution parameter predication description kind savor affirmation make genius name of tune way of it nature of beast tendency proof symptom calibre standing disposition manner caliber savour notability eminence bent clue manifestation repute hint value complexion way odour odor reputation prestige mannerism temperament foible spirit particular part twist thing lineament custom personality individualism makeup nicety piece substance stuff temper vein respect soul turn mood make-up grain quiddity issue material item trick determinant sense consideration self capacity circumstance identity inclination attributes influence distinctiveness traits mettle regard basis curiosity quintessence standpoint bearing features being outlook style affectation humour essentiality fiber viewpoint unconventionality individual trait level fibre subcomponent structure strand humor form contributing factor integral part determining factor personal trait bottom line name of game sum and substance measure fabric cloth dash trace abnormality merit denominator birthmark addition subtlety distinctive feature article theme effect label tag finish accessory persona qualities constraint signature look gag gimmick integrant incidental minutiae marking essential argument air nature of the beast originality thumbprint frame fine point demeanour ilk bag variable clay color colour demeanor signature characteristic carriage behavior frill variable quantity strong point phase perspective hand bit portion section crotchet kink quip tic erraticism fetish face talent direction way one is behaviour unorthodoxy obverse appearance switch front view prospect position gift point of view aptitude cause question connection matter reason capability flair attitude mind tendencies mould dynamic knack facility qualification head fundamental instrument instrumentality ego intellect emotions mold type mentality susceptibility strength means habilitation inner nature frame of mind antecedent building block part and parcel cast of mind member personal talent natural gift basic characteristics inherent characteristics characteristics inherent attributes inherent qualities life heart core kernel crux basic attributes basic features essential attributes essential qualities basic qualities inherent features essential features essential characteristics principle root gist ethos nucleus lifeblood meat pith significance meaning base fundamentals sum marrow reality backbone centerpiece nub actuality centre entity keynote pivot virtuality burden center timber net essentia bottom germ esse centrepiece nitty-gritty essential part fundamental quality bull's-eye basic characteristic meat and potatoes chief constituent be-all and end-all intrinsic nature main idea fundamental nature basic quality central part

    Danh từ

    Any of the twelve astrological signs

    Danh từ

    A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations
    caveat admonition caution proviso qualification warning condition reservation clause monition provision rider stipulation alarm commonition forewarning requirement restriction strings alarm bells red flag contingency limitation prerequisite term specification if agreement demand limit obligation article constraint catch but disclaimer precondition complication string prearrangement outline engagement terms contract settlement requisite arrangement designation circumscription non-negotiable point allowance point heading exception string attached fine print sine qua non small print exemption item moderation passage paragraph lessening tempering mitigation reduction softening detail matter head hedge particular chapter regulation note kicker essential necessity modification must codicil need rule postulate must-have criterion doubt uncertainty hesitation restraint check imperative stricture fetter necessary condition terms and conditions corollary amendment vagueness rudiment basic addendum adjunct addition supplement alteration revision measure attachment clarification guideline supposition essential condition necessary thing obligatory condition duty instruction lack of certainty section part element exaction prescription compulsion parameter stress escape clause saving clause subsection curb control division ultimatum joker order delineation description denial demarcation delay indecision repudiation disavowal rejection containment handicap confinement inhibition negation vacillation dubiety hesitancy qualm scruple irresolution no-no lock custody bounds cramp limits hang-up brake glitch contraction ceiling disallowance contradiction disconfirmation denegation string attached to something ball and chain small difficulty stumbling block excess baggage renunciation reserve necessary needful retraction abjuration abnegation disassociation dissociation

    Danh từ

    Something that makes a treatment inadvisable

    Danh từ

    An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency

    Danh từ

    A recognizable pattern of signs, symptoms and/or behaviors

    Danh từ

    A word or phrase expressing a person's or group's core aim or belief
    watchword slogan motto byword maxim catchphrase catchword axiom banner catchline cry mantra saying shibboleth tagline truism buzzword catchcry formula guiding principle refrain tag-line battle cry parole signal sound bite rallying cry catch phrase proverb adage dictum aphorism saw gnome epigram apophthegm phrase precept word apothegm expression platitude sententia tag line idiom tag quotation quote war cry witticism rule jingle password epithet moral repartee cliche remark paroemia commonplace utterance enthymeme tenet theorem principle guideline truth signature phrase bon mot folk wisdom words of wisdom turn of phrase idiomatic expression nickname practice custom text daffodil handle legend strapline trademark middle name gnomic saying standing joke household word guide word epigraph colloquialism party cry interjection proposition statement accepted truth general truth assertion declaration pearls of wisdom postulate axioma articulation pearl of wisdom sentiment canon device brocard belief law prescript construction locution wording term clause comment sentence word group line citation styling verbalism phrasing group of words verbiage phraseology wordage diction figure of speech way of speaking phrasal verb parlance terminology set phrase phrasal idiom passage excerpt extract chestnut piece snippet clip banality bromide homily groaner trope old chestnut cliché stock phrase language jargon code selection fragment verse lingo teaching fundamental argot stanza speech cant reference notation note stereotype choice of words cite prosaism rubber stamp triviality old story counterword threadbare phrase vapid expression trite remark triteness potboiler familiar tune form of words hackneyed phrase boiler plate corn old saw stale saying by-word wise saying ditty pithy saying allusion gobbet cliché announcement one-liner blurb observation response portion section part illustration lesson message example source quoting bit paragraph pericope trite saying newsbreak news item outtake fifteen minutes of fame spot news photo opportunity meaning significance point scene reading canto overworked saying hackneyed saying banal saying formulary slang substance talk usage doublespeak essence sermon import theme moralism thrust signification fuzzword vernacular drift connotation implication sense inference order direction command clipping -speak tongue statute decree ordinance instruction mandate mediaspeak policyspeak idea anecdote subtext patter vocabulary patois style doctrine set expression commandment injunction directive dictate regulation localism dialect style of speech vernacularism syntax idiosyncrasy lexicon manner of speaking lexis street talk provincialism mode of expression set of words set of symbols behest working principle mitzvah prescription decretum edict dogma preception action bidding

    Danh từ

    A mark used as an indicator

    Động từ

    To authorize (a document) by attaching a signature
    authorise authorize certify authenticate endorse sanction approve enact legalise legalize ratify validate adopt OK acknowledge confirm rubber-stamp agree to put into effect say yes to give the go-ahead give the OK give the green light give the thumbs up give approval to accept warrant consent to formalize affirm accede formalise assent to recognize okay accredit clear recognise license acquiesce consent sign off on licence give the nod seal finalize approbate homologate countenance finalise bless agree uphold bind assent grant allow countersign pass permit establish go for approve of acquiesce in accede to give permission thumbs up shake on buy say yes go along with corroborate back initial underwrite second O.K. enable empower give stamp of approval admit make valid greenlight give someone leave rubber stamp condone charter humor give the OK to concur concede let pass give the thumbs up to humour have give your blessing say the word give carte blanche abet give the go-ahead to sanctify indulge give the green light to take kindly to indemnify legitimize give one's blessing to give consent to concur with favour favor substantiate legitimise make stick make legal make binding set seal on make legally binding set one's seal to commission John Hancock let mandate bear out be behind recommend advocate put one's name to entitle suffer tolerate comply subscribe support qualify push for get behind make law stump for take up buy into give one's leave agree with give go-ahead lap up subscribe to concur in legitimatize legitimate endure brook give someone authorization undertake come round engage cause clinch legitimatise boost privilege franchise grant the right wink at leave green-light blink at admit of facilitate acquiesce to set arrange deliver serve strike comply with reach a decision settle on sign on agree on come to an agreement on execute vindicate vouch for justify verify champion legislate sustain decree prove back up ordain constitute defend formulate give permission for maintain give one's assent to live with promote give the stamp of approval to stand by stand for bear make espouse give the nod to yes attest to give give in decriminalize vote for give green light appoint put up with attest regulate throw in the towel codify launder vest invest yield abide by decriminalise back down clean up embrace ditto give up encourage lay down account for lend weight to play ball cave in testify to give credence to check out say uncle green light smile on nod at stand up for be in favour of give the seal of approval to give permission to respect evidence demonstrate take give the go-ahead for conform buttress make concessions submit succumb normalize assert admit defeat carry capitulate excuse pronounce lawful commend normalise accommodate conform to surrender advance effect argue concede to yield to give substance to show to be true implement proclaim vote in knuckle under put the seal of approval on further document give in to dictate welcome carry through put through cut a deal cooperate with make into law put John Hancock on give support to fall in with throw in the sponge show the white flag stick up for hear of throw your weight behind argue for check up bear witness to grant the right to engage in stand behind side with raise the white flag notarize give one's consent promise give leave for regularize relinquish give a hear hear regularise guarantee depute lend your name to give consent for declare legal give one's word fold submit to entrust give approval for delegate give something the go ahead certificate nod through settle for be happy with compromise on contract make do with accord receive give authority for give a certificate to give a diploma to vouchsafe roll over give the green light for accord with gain entertain legislate for care for give leave to take on board speak up for circumstantiate give a blank cheque to confer a right to give authority to give power to adjust bend adapt reinforce free up say the magic word give okay sit still for give the O.K. be big underpin make a deal reconcile jibe bolster present assume bestow forward regard consider believe in obey undersign be in agreement with signature cosign hold with explain be subject to permit to grant permission to cope with allow to bear the brunt of strengthen show string along reenforce give the go ahead to give the okay to pass on toe the line nod show agreement give proof of sponsor accept tacitly go along give five see hold view prefer objectify test debunk complete reify try try on realise actualize realize try out be supportive of formally support avow deem envisage feel order comprobate relent astipulate appreciate greet rationalize receive wholeheartedly ally oneself with receive enthusiastically be on the side of take to heart take up the cudgels for go in for aid and abet get into take to take on give weight to give nod check on declare true shore up double check think advocate for be with go with give moral support to announce one's support for give moral support cave in to be of one mind show beyond doubt honor honour roll over and play dead enter into be game for relent to come round to surrender to back down to defer to give way to hold to hold up one's end come to the defence of give backing to stick by rationalise command rule impose officially approve suggest answer for merit regard as being identical to regard as being the same as consider to be show just cause for provide a rationale for do justice to show to be reasonable speak in favor of make good on give a justification for give reasons for be answerable for prove to be reasonable give an explanation for make allowances give grounds for show cause carry out conduct declare be acquainted with be on familiar terms with accept as valid be familiar with fix institute transact accomplish effectuate determine steamroll railroad draft propose put into practice bring to bear bring into effect demand deserve identify require earn bring about make laws vote favorably jam through railroad through plug push defer concede defeat draw up form fulfill wage draught administer compass pursue fulfil follow through with carry off organise pull off negotiate organize rate put in force get the floor speak for put forward entail necessitate call for fall victim give way be a defence of give ground for be a justification for explain away be a reason for be worth be deserving of offer grounds for be entitled to be worthy of qualify for put in a good word for be overwhelmed by be overcome by be conquered by

    Động từ

    To give or assign a date to a document that is earlier than the current date, to antedate

    Động từ

    Contribute or undertake to contribute a certain sum of money to a fund, project, or cause, typically on a regular basis
    subscribe donate give pledge autograph back finance ink pay sponsor subsidise subsidize underwrite buy contribute contribute towards enrol enroll give money grant kick in make a donation offer promise register second set signature chip into make a contribution make a subscription pitch into ante up chip in come through donate to give to pitch in put up sign up do your part make a deal join enlist present bestow gift hand out accord supply provide furnish bequeath volunteer endow impart devote award shell out cough up come up with dish out stump up fork out confer give a donation of make a donation of give away join up pony up matriculate sweeten the pot admit sign on put your name down hand share bequest sacrifice throw in fund deliver dispense advance proffer extend hand over part with give up transfer purvey give out pass gift with tender provide with pass on leave furnish with present with dower let someone have sweeten the kitty inscribe list employ take course accept call up become student serve obtain recruit muster register for take on engage enter apply book sign up for be admitted check in be enrolled go in for commit entrust give of make a contribution of lay on make a gift of confer on put oneself down for dole out endow with get it up feed the kitty pass the hat get in the act lay out invest afford vouchsafe disburse spend allot expend lend distribute allocate will endue favor favour put in yield lavish splurge transmit pay out make over present to issue bless bestow on pay up indue outlay drop feed apportion turn over convey vest award to come across with put out grace venture surrender devise demise inject assign defray accord to legate hand down vest in allot to assign to allow stake lavish on honour with impart to supply with spend money foot the bill lash out fork up fork over hand out to decorate with get rid of provision loan put forth put at someone's disposal credit shower squander provide for put forward speculate dissipate reward waste bestow to bring forward gamble risk remit cede club together have a whip-round allocate to bless with sign over contribute to let oneself in for decree render sub pay in advance supply on credit raffle submit trot out place at disposal add spring concede crown accommodate someone with consign sink in plough in pay for pick up the tab use up blow knock down blue splash out spring for pay down settle deal enable acquit grant to give out to extend to giving honor vouchsafe to relinquish empower slip hand on equip distribute to bequeath to consign to invest in apportion to afford to leave in one's will leave to leave to by will give over arm bring enhance begift commit to entrust to heap on let lend-lease oblige trust permit accommodate shark honor with render to lay on one loan shark administer mete prorate portion circulate disseminate deal out share out parcel out pass round pass out give round hand round mete out

    Động từ

    To be or give a sign or symptom of
    indicate show demonstrate denote signify bespeak display imply reveal signal suggest betoken manifest mark point to evidence evince connote testify attest disclose illustrate record register witness argue betray express import mean prove read reflect represent augur peg pinpoint symbolise symbolize testify to bear witness to be a sign of be evidence of flag up make known signpost tell of be a symptom of be symptomatic be symptomatic of button down hint at pin down point at point toward add up to announce matter communicate exhibit spell intimate designate proclaim convey portend herald tell bear talk insinuate stand for wink carry flash amount to purport be an indication of typify infer allude to promise hint make expose evoke impart bear out refer to presage declare foretell bode epitomize embody exemplify allude identify symbol finger tab tag emblematize characterize speak characterise epitomise point put one's finger on put down for be a symbol of point in direction of point out lead to believe smack of personify mirror encapsulate foreshadow result from harbinger forebode prognosticate offer name lead body forth foretoken prophesy foreshow omen assert betide note threaten advertise present advertize flag serve as evidence of disport warn of gesture towards air feature unveil be a warning of draw attention to equal be an omen of give a warning of distinguish substitute for predict correspond to equate with propose be a mark of add up exclaim address ask discuss stipulate cite arrange accost give away engage hang sign on spell out conjure up advert refer shadow remind adumbrate occur constitute put someone in mind of bring to mind put one in mind of get at summon up be redolent of drive at make you think of call to mind remind you of call up put you in mind of remind one of portray be symbolic of be the embodiment of be the incarnation of be representative of corroborate substantiate authenticate validate confirm affirm justify verify certify establish ratify support back uphold check give substance to demonstrate the truth of witness to show clearly make evident show beyond doubt

    Động từ

    To order or instruct to go, or come, to a particular destination or in a particular direction
    summon call assemble convene convoke muster rally order bid gather hail invite announce declare levy activate beckon beep charge command conjure conjure up direct draught draft enjoin find get up motion petition request ring rouse send for signal toll round up call back call in call upon draw on get together call together demand require call for solicit ask collect seek instruct compel ask for tell raise adjure exact call up requisition expect hold claim page invoke urge evoke oblige draw force quest press for call on insist on boss around appeal for clamor for stipulate for organize arrange cite impose appoint organise dictate decree mandate call out implore entreat beseech importune extort warn give orders subpoena clamour for lay claim to push for badger for pester for nag for bay for petition for look for exhort pray for impetrate arrogate whistle for besiege coerce inquire about beg for apply for hit up supplicate hold out for sue for muster up summon up extract get obtain open sit corral unite order to testify serve notice serve a court order bring together propose remember review recall contrive recollect materialize produce as by magic create insist upon conduct suggest hold meeting set up scare up phone up have run tax materialise bid for fetch schedule preside put assess fine lay contact preconize celebrate solemnize mulct officiate solemnise broadcast for lay on wrest set put on place wring lure officiate at preside over hunt for carry on call the name of ordain pull attract entice coax tempt need prescribe necessitate task allure authorize rule authorise charm call the shots give the command to give orders to put your foot down force upon lay down the law impose on give the order to give directions fascinate interest engage induce persuade enchant captivate bring in indicate pull in catch the eye of

    Động từ

    Appear attractive or inviting
    beckon invite lure attract call coax draw entice pull tempt allure charm engage fascinate interest captivate enchant induce persuade ask bid bring in command demand indicate pull in summon catch the eye of seduce beguile inveigle bewitch hook win over suck in turn on sweep off feet tantalize woo excite enthral enthrall rivet grab absorb entrance wow titillate arouse wile court magnetize secure obtain magnetise get win tantalise decoy be a hit with appeal to rope in whet the appetite of draw attention pick up ensnare cajole bait solicit trick lead on enrapture betray lead drag train rope steer draw in come on hit on wheedle entrap deceive intrigue influence sweet-talk dupe mislead delude mesmerize blandish grip con soft-soap engross spellbind hypnotize mesmerise fool flatter talk into blarney butter up hypnotise urge mousetrap hoodwink manoeuvre gull prevail on trap enamour maneuver kill catch please occupy involve witch take snare string along delight sucker cheat dazzle ravish cozen entertain hold get round snow immerse busy argue into enamor work on bemuse sway pique enwrap divert convince put one over on capture tease honey tickle your fancy take for a ride press worm palaver plague pester transfix bamboozle provoke enslave gaff rook infatuate smooth-talk amuse lead astray bring round hoax scam flirt with arrest take in come on to hornswoggle appeal double-cross humbug catch up be of interest to lead up the garden path pull a fast one on bedevil toll diddle encourage wangle distract importune jawbone soothe barter gyp entangle vamp flimflam stroke misinform swindle stick bilk misguide enmesh chisel snooker defraud bluff banter oil soap gratify transport prevail upon hose shaft elicit hold spellbound outwit exploit victimize have spoof juggle burn buffalo gammon get around carry away arm-twist set up finagle attach sweeten up lead up garden path have on take advantage of fake out make your mouth water preoccupy gladden make up to move impose on spread it on pull a swifty on kid call forth victimise be attractive to float someone's boat rip off put under a spell arouse curiosity troll frame ensorcell tout shill egg on give the come-on to rouse talk prompt outsmart flatter into slay satisfy catfish fit up subjugate dare poke borack tickle pink make an impression on fix seize gain affect be interesting to touch concern perk up turn one's head make prod inspire bat eyes at trip up catch out draw out pressure reason argue coerce pressurize lay a trap for matter to catch hold of bring around bribe monopolize monopolise tie up take someone's fancy whet someone's appetite kowtow pressurise be a source of fascination to arouse the curiosity of engage someone's attention hold in awe motivate persuade to buy arouse someone's interest in sell bootlick soften crowd jolly push brownnose massage bring forth torture torment compel catch your eye root to the spot dangle soften up dangle a carrot in front of bedazzle hold your attention engage one's attention capture your imagination light someone's fire sit up whet one's appetite lay it on bring pressure to bear on net work over build up apple polish misdirect taunt intoxicate overwhelm kindle subdue thrill animate fire interest greatly stir overpower stimulate misstate prevaricate disinform suck up to play up to get next to hand a line frustrate thwart badger annoy baffle harass worry harry gnaw beleaguer doublespeak illude misrepresent lie distort pervert fudge bunk propagandize outfox fabricate rub the right way lay it on thick bag immesh implicate embroil mesh ensnarl entoil tangle fleece jive pull the wool over someone's eyes put on the wrong track put on an act give someone a bum steer cover up wrong steer lead down the garden path put on false front do a number on bait and switch propagandise lie to put on pull one's leg caboodle double-talk give wrong information to overreach send on a wild goose chase throw off the scent play trick on put up smoke screen give the wrong impression stiff blind generate sting flirt hustle land skin cause foster bleed do shortchange keep hanging wind up screw fiddle betrap benet engender incite create mulct squeeze toy with philander with short skunk ream befool chouse keep someone hanging on thimblerig euchre pluck manipulate jockey shave play finesse nobble chat up trifle with beat reel in lay for box in entreat make happen beg for issue bring on oneself call for countenance leave the door open to bring on lead to ask for set a trap for milk embezzle make eyes at gazump chicane bunco swizzle sharp swizz play for a sucker sell a pup screw over pull a fast one do in sell a pup to do the dirty on shake down take to the cleaners make a hit with talk someone into something twist one's arm

    Từ trái nghĩa của sine

    sine Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

    English Vocalbulary

    Music ♫

    Copyright: Proverb ©

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