Đồng nghĩa của attraction

Alternative for attraction


Trái nghĩa: repulsion,

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A force under the influence of which objects or people are drawn to each other

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A quality or ability to evoke interest in, or liking for someone or something
appeal interest allure charm draw fascination attractiveness magnetism seductiveness allurement enchantment lure pull captivatingness captivation desirability magic enthrallment entrancement glamor glamour hold IT pleasingness power spell drawing power charisma enticement animal magnetism pizzazz oomph pzazz duende pizazz witchery force field beauty temptation beguilement bewitchment obsession passion seduction infatuation excitement ravishment presence romance preoccupation prestige fixation mesmerism mystique witchcraft compulsion hang-up personality star quality individuality engagingness ruling passion thing for come-on idée fixe agreeableness razzle-dazzle brilliance glitter force of personality magnet persuasion fetish mania influence complex enthusiasm aura flash thing tantalization prepossession dazzle bug charmingness likableness inducement something interestingness pleasantness bee in your bonnet one-track mind strength of personality sex appeal opulence color curiosity hypnotism absorption call strong interest delight enslavement enthralment invitation sophisticated style joy ensnarement mesmerization hypnotization sparkle bliss rapture irresistibility transport loadstone lodestone sexual magnetism splendour colour inveiglement happiness enticingness glory showiness magnificence flashiness irresistible influence crowd puller the jazz bedroom eyes come-hither look razzmatazz agreeability prepossessingness attractivity mojo it confidence éclat loveliness prettiness character intrigue SA star power wiles bonniness blandishments sorcery gorgeousness bewitchery comeliness delightfulness splendor strength of character grabber piquancy trance poise pulling power special something dynamism monomania self-confidence authority addiction worth excellence eligibility fixed idea single-mindedness tunnel vision self-possession self-assurance phobia powers of attraction fetich neurosis craze popularity cachet must phantom delusion fancy hobbyhorse crush case monkey consuming passion exoticism thrill hobby horse glitz glam bug in ear tiger by the tail ax to grind something on the brain pet subject concrete idea bright lights high life

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Something that tempts or induces someone to do something
inducement lure enticement incentive seductiveness seduction temptation bait courting invitation solicitation temptingness gravitation towards come-on inclination towards draw allurement pull appeal decoy carrot magnet snare fascination allure trap siren song bribe turn-on persuasion sweetener seducement inveiglement call charm encouragement interest motive incitement provocation hook ambush mousetrap fake trick camouflage attractiveness urge sitting duck spur enchantment glamour stimulus focus magnetism motivation impetus stimulation influence cajolery impulse consideration coaxing lodestone glamor gimmick tout delusion illusion tantalization douceur shill con game blandishment focal point offer reason drawing card ground teaser desirability siren bewitchment honeypot captivation bribery fancy hankering yen lodestar beacon drag sweetening promise come hither carrot and stick stimulant crowd-pleaser loadstone crowd-puller centre of attention yeast boost momentum ensnarement drive insistence premium excuse exhortation catalyst inspiration determinant challenge rationale purpose reward spring crowd puller overture reason why shot in the arm red herring entrapment pitfall proffer feeler pass supplication suggestion petition date hit prompting coquetry pressure begging paper proposition compliments center of attention facade stick catch nark distraction plant stoolie booster chicane trickery pretence deception chicanery pretense beard blind imitation front cause façade smoke screen stool pigeon blow off persuading convincing goad inducing suasion conversion rain check open door leader desire con brainwash twist perk hard sell clarion call sweet talk snow job soft soap tantalizing tantalising drawing power siren call bung candy urging sugared pill stirring pushing instigation goading pressurization prodding ambuscade incitation surprise ambushment pressurisation needling beseeching egging on kick up the backside arm-twisting set-up honey trap

Danh từ

A feeling of regard or fondness for someone or something
liking love fondness taste preference bent bias partiality tendency affection affinity appreciation inclination penchant propensity predilection proneness weakness fancy passion appetite enjoyment favor favour like predisposition proclivity relish shine thirst attachment hankering leaning longing palate urge desire devotion favouritism favoritism itch mind stomach thing pleasure sympathy tooth use velleity will soft spot love affair disposition yearning lust wish craving hunger impulse need infatuation ardor aptitude yen concupiscence eroticism druthers habitude bone craze libido lustfulness lechery ardour lasciviousness libidinousness prurience amativeness salacity erotism aspiration pruriency turn covetousness fervor avidity cupidity rapture ambition ravenousness mania devices genius eagerness rapaciousness fascination doting keenness susceptibility fervour cup of tea admiration motive frenzy greed solicitude voracity hots zest gusto crush appetency horniness salaciousness prepossession whim letch lustihood enthusiasm besottedness adoration lech feeling humour zeal bond regard humor fixation obsession inclining adulation liking for amorousness sentiment sweet tooth enchantment thing for addiction eye bag allurement understanding appetence prejudice openness readiness list orientation eros weakness for drift capability trend type aptness idiosyncrasy capacity temperament movement persuasion groove mindset turn of mind emotions strong interest feelings deep affection closeness friendship reverence devotedness tenderness captivation relationship warmth aroha amore whimsy fantasy want vision dream regard for love for affection for affinity for pining caprice ideation fondness for feeling for thought daydream ache vagary illusion admiration for high regard sentiment for relationship with friendship with reverence for respect for intimacy with tenderness for envisagement chimera eccentricity delusion idea phantasy phantasm imagination contrivance kink quirk reverie hallucination fantasm imaginativeness whimsey conceit peculiarity picture figment inventiveness envisioning aching fetish care romancing mirage fabrication chimaera pipe dream eyes for pie in the sky fool's paradise castle in the air drive liability talent aim gift knack notion flair instinct ability willingness intent purpose intention skill compulsion facility motivation competence tilt direction likelihood proficiency faculty hope choice goal objective habit know-how way interest prowess expertise partisanship head brain design one-sidedness alacrity finesse expertness thirstiness potential pursuit option jones mastery adeptness flash pick tendentiousness plan target natural ability nonobjectivity resolve endeavor forte dexterity artistry endeavour mission fitness selection Holy Grail custom demand run swing tide parti pris intelligence current appetition wind object gameness unfairness mind-set slant ply impulsion tenor cleverness impetus vocation end holy grail calling adroitness efficiency push fire in the belly skilfulness nepotism pretension expectation craft bourne discrimination raison d'être object of desire desired result urgency preferential treatment what it takes unfair preference mood course volition intuition progression propension intolerance dish shift bigotry spirit avidness desirousness miasm vulnerability burning development power spin standpoint potentiality illiberality chauvinism megrim art flow emotion bearing feel giftedness deftness head-set preconception narrowmindedness competency favorite trick resolution endowment suitability ardency determination discretion savvy requirement susceptibleness nature inequity agility fluency dexterousness favourite capableness hobby touch strength ideal accomplishment scheme requisite necessity skillfulness grace destination bourn mark desideratum preoccupation poise slickness fire in belly hang-up jobs for the boys appropriateness sudden inclination faithfulness loyalty likeliness device hungriness estimation indulgence grail stimulus preparedness set command temptation nominee clout end goal catalyst viewpoint impatience excitement prayer hungering fit clutch atmosphere appointee candidate essential yearn amenability positivism innate tendency natural tendency ingrained tendency snap decision want-to cause extemporisation extemporization hunch actuation appeal excitant lash impellent influence gravitation turning heading undercurrent vibe strong want inherent tendency agreement goodwill consent agreeableness obligingness nostalgia cacoethes choosing bet preferentialism positiveness freak favorite activity answer contingency fallback intrinsic tendency big eyes driving force ingenuity intuitiveness ease fad mastership curve cooperation compliance innate knowledge perception perceptivity narrow-mindedness solution confidence judgement liberty election alternative foible maggot sport crotchet mind trip sixth sense ripeness pistol property sense function quality nose caliber calibre brains experience qualification ageism injustice classism fire vagrancy bee crank sentimentality go-to stature adequacy might judgment decision sudden notion whim-wham occupation position avocation pastime turn-on what floats one's boat illiberalism presumption presupposition verve right stuff knowing way around up to it strong point the goods hatred intolerantness possible course of action freedom of choice heart fervency fanaticism small-mindedness wrong assumption preconceived idea sudden idea positivity needfulness scarcity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency soft-heartedness softness passing thought committedness militancy zealousness earnestness prejudgment prejudgement intimacy respect tender-heartedness energy vigour vigor predetermination involvement amity idolatry amour speciality specialty strong suit fierceness diligence intentness perseverance what-it-takes dispatch stick-to-itiveness initiative intensity hustle dazzle sincerity vehemence enterprise bustle gut feeling preconceived notion cherishing allegiance delight fidelity flame case worship piety fixed idea ambitiousness domain area metier realm field sphere racket department discipline province arena métier profession romance quickness smarts stuff wuv go-getting luv

Danh từ

The advantage or benefit of something
beauty advantage asset benefit blessing boon good merit strength use draw gain lure plus profit pull virtue bonus utility excellence excellent feature good point importance inspiration selling point strong point upside value worth added extra good thing perk pro perquisite advantageousness additional benefit fringe benefit extra godsend aid help convenience expediency privilege service expedience recommendation ace in the hole ace up your sleeve attractive feature plus point dividend treasure amenity gratuity added advantage added attraction appeal stroke of luck icing on the cake favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature appealing aspect thing in its favour gift talent skill ability forte quality power distinction qualification credit long suit compensating feature endowment strong suit positive feature redeeming feature reward favour start favor profitability helpfulness usefulness assistance avail leeway leg-up leverage preference advisability eminence break desirability return luck influence gratification support pre-eminence improvement foredeal effectiveness efficacy account mileage resource appropriateness fitness efficiency practicality appanage serviceableness serviceability suitability edge productiveness windfall luxury liberty opportunity interest good fortune success authority potency prerogative significance authorization sanction gravy license substance right functionality entitlement authorisation lagniappe effect due birthright claim capability efficaciousness consequence point apanage licence tip premium purpose note leave freedom sense weight relevance consideration accommodation permission adequacy bonanza facility benison comfort concession possibility aptness capacity import impact feasibility fruitfulness ease efficacity appropriacy charter franchise performance grant donative cumshaw consent effectualness honour manna successfulness valuation warrant compensation magnitude freebie throw-in effectuality potence constructiveness felicity benediction prize honor handiness carte blanche largess incentive sweetener moment mark betterment chance goodness perks practicability saving grace gravy train prudence applicability preferableness choice judiciousness feather in cap piece of good fortune viability workability satisfaction wisdom timeliness propitiousness title exemption droit immunity independence worthiness concern function validity propriety dispensation bounty present nicety relief desirableness advisableness jackpot force advancement indemnity meritoriousness weightiness competence superiority behoof percentage solution allowance aim prominence momentousness capableness sufficiency seriousness gravity refuge caliber benefits niftiness repayment creature comfort effectivity signification calibre stature attractiveness usability vantage estimation mod con call justification good luck golden hello lucky break manna from heaven valuableness worthwhileness opportuneness chance of a lifetime favourableness soundness affordance delight joy preferability boot fittingness sensibleness usage bliss rightness achievability neatness well-being grace attribute attainability operability workableness recommendability seemliness sensibility advantages extenuative palliative attractive aspect business meaning allure golden opportunity excellency significancy kindness pith class greatness meaningfulness prosperity free will priority most favourable aspect most pleasant aspect best point miracle prequisite perquisites allowances solatium grade excuse grounds pragmatism profitableness versatility welfare pretension pretense pretence dibs reason perfection extenuating feature mitigating feature redeeming quality enjoyment coup triumph good quality standing compensation package employee benefit piece of luck logic forcefulness latitude feat masterstroke achievement rank matter ease of use object motive cardinal virtue lucky thing gainfulness benefit in kind succor autonomy flexibility attainment accomplishment sake availment upshot utilitarianism indulgence esteem urgency repute award protection weal point of character scope discretion space boom guide validness clout opportunism properness meetness acquisition freelage noteworthiness recompense payment system arrangement appliance deal room free rein margin result discovery wealth hand facilitation accessory stopgap expedient winnings requital price venture buy acquirement equipment solutions provision furtherance succour ministration ministry meed decoration carrot addition steal good judgment leisure unrestraint personal best best crutch bargain purchase discount deduction reduction extravagance enrichment enhancement desert purse pay-off guerdon payoff inducement fortuity fluke fortune investment accretion procuration possession holding remuneration cut blank cheque complete discretion complete freedom blank check breathing room wiggle room elbowroom elbow room breathing space rein free hand unrestricted freedom lack of restrictions pennies from heaven pot of gold winning streak treasure trove cash cow crock of gold run of luck gold mine rebate recourse backup pick-me-up resort pointer assist abetment garland goodies crown accolade good buy good deal pleasant thing strike run concurrence granting clearance sufferance decrease encouragement donation benefaction compliment lucky strike prize money foot in the door way in leg up weighting refund adjustment tolerance admission adaptation green light toleration implication bearing bang for the buck

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Physical beauty
pulchritude adorableness allure allurement elegance exquisiteness glamour glamor handsomeness loveliness prettiness shapeliness comeliness good looks physical attractiveness fairness gorgeousness attractiveness beauty winsomeness seductiveness beauteousness looks beautifulness cuteness sightliness aesthetics esthetics appeal pleasingness charm glamorousness prepossessingness fascination takingness sexiness winningness desirability magnetism hotness enticingness engagingness pleasant appearance eroticism temptingness sexual attractiveness sexual attraction grace bloom artistry voluptuousness symmetry magnificence heavenliness impressiveness decorativeness picturesqueness pleasantness grandeur splendour irresistibility wonders delights bonniness seemliness glories refinement delicacy style splendor class polish natural beauty sumptuousness nobility sophistication dignity culture majesty gracefulness stateliness suaveness smoothness poise courtliness tastefulness cultivation discernment breeding propriety distinction politeness luxury couth urbanity gentility elegancy nicety felicity restraint noblesse purity poshness lushness ornateness hauteur rhythm good taste perfection courtesy worldliness civility dreaminess mannerliness self-possession civilization gallantry graciousness manners affability gentlemanliness diplomacy cool suavity tact soft skills civilisation courteousness genteelness grandness resplendency resplendence augustness brilliance glory stupendousness gloriousness splendidness splendiferousness sublimeness superbness nobleness sparkle radiance brilliancy taste stylishness finesse fashion flair opulence plushness fineness dash panache classiness swankiness chic smartness modishness cultivated beauty

Danh từ

An extremely attractive or impressive person or thing
knockout marvel masterpiece sensation wonder coup feat hit success triumph winner cracker smasher master stroke smash hit tour de force smash masterstroke achievement blockbuster biggie wow sell-out crowd-puller stroke of genius masterwork accomplishment jewel chef-d'oeuvre megahit phenomenon gem treasure magnum opus piece de resistance marvellous feat showpiece classic prize attainment sellout bestseller supernova smasheroo prodigy cream perfection belter big hit victory box-office success box-office hit work of art market leader cream of the crop supreme example great success stroke paragon coup de maître valuable object objet d'art objet of virtu one for the books home run something else smash-hit succès fou show-stopper deed exploit thrill stunt performance splendor portent miracle splendour conquest trick number star attraction crowd puller runaway success grand achievement feather in cap feat of strength great achievement spectacular achievement favorite favourite boffo clicko star legend icon superstar idol best-seller starlet draw lead luminary headliner hero personality topliner success story celebrity fairy tale fame leader box office success crackajack natural best seller somebody big fish big shot dandy notable personage V.I.P. jim-dandy face crackerjack high muckamuck public figure top name pip leading light big cheese nob megastar celeb kahuna important person prizewinner household name dignitary macher bigwig big name big noise VIP model standard flower monument great work master work outstanding example

Danh từ

An advantage or purpose that can be gained from doing something
point aim object purpose design end goal intention objective use idea reason ideal intent motive plan sense utility advantage ambition appeal aspiration meaning pretension target value charm dream bourn bourne cogency fascination impact interest mark thing usefulness validity validness central theme nuts and bolts name of the game hope desire wish mission motivation holy grail basis Holy Grail focus grail justification function direction scheme destination resolve grounds end in view desired result why and wherefore cause case object of the exercise raison d'être argument principle subject rationality significance occasion project impetus course rationale view concern determination evidence premise expectation wherefore vision whole idea scope pretext desideratum resolution butt explanation authority why duty excuse account underpinning accounting rationalization rationalisation bullseye drift end purpose the why and wherefore initiative gist reasoning essence spot outline where one is heading where one's heading bull's eye bull's-eye overview benefit logic program system programme strategy foundation factor big picture solution summary good snapshot sketch master plan road map game plan ground plan sake footing upshot worth prize pie in the sky castles in the air role job bucket list object of desire capacity operation application relevance backup proof prospect good judgment proposal premeditation responsibility mind terminus nirvana plot action charge affair task victim recipient occupation consideration avail business wont way whyfor big idea ulterior motive remonstrance scapegoat receiver ground zero zero incentive defence defense apology ground inducement warrant vindication apologia causation causality antecedent exposition driver instigation story source genesis origin inspiration causal agent driving force chief ingredient whys and wherefores principal element undertaking assignment work commission drive pursuit inclination exercise errand brief detail want passion enterprise endeavor endeavour yearning longing craving hankering urge calling vocation employment labor labour push post hunger fancy end goal engagement office chore fire in the belly gig quest need final destination part requirement position place essential activity requisite lust conviction thirst propensity predilection predisposition proclivity disposition compulsion ache catalyst itch effort obligation preference province notion yen penchant ambitiousness venture thinking process piece of business go-getting ultimate object daydream purport telos milestone journey's end end of the line compass decision commitment want-to cynosure pledge ultimate destination ultimate goal lack emulation fire in belly loadstar polestar lodestar promise prerequisite consequence exploit deed feat trip expedition necessary act matter racket contract onus stint demand final cause vow long row to hoe piece of work fun and games stunt burden accomplishment doing journey trust eagerness something in mind lifework profession trade movement indispensable thing desired thing sine qua non missing thing needed thing spur incitement persuasion choice oath situation stimulant stimulation determinant enticement carrot person's task preoccupation heart's desire care agenda crusade belief charity bandwagon campaign tenet principles service necessity prey end game march bid faith result outcome appointment zeal yearn relish obsession creed bag behavior faculty connection appetite impulse pining whim will vested interest score to settle reason why hidden motive hidden agenda special interest merit behoof effect pigeon berth power behaviour billet gain return profit line of country chase kill hunted game thought quarry ravin wild fowl big game impression understanding conception visualization image inkling regard visualisation perception postulation idée fixe sentiment abstraction hypothesis deliberation worry reflection conclusion contrivance opinion contemplation supposition conceptualisation estimation conceptualization

Danh từ

The state of being thankful
thankfulness appreciation appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude thanks acknowledgement acknowledgment admiration affection appraisal assessment awareness cognizance commendation comprehension enjoyment esteem estimation grasp knowledge liking love perception realisation realization recognition regard relish respect responsiveness sensibility sensitiveness sensitivity sympathy understanding valuation aesthetic sense high regard indebtedness tribute obligation credit thanksgiving grace gramercy hat tip testimonial thank you note requital sense of obligation praise acclaim approval honour honor homage accolade laudation brownie points congratulations pat on the back acclamation approbation adulation kudos mention extolment applause citation rave glory distinction eulogy eulogium veneration paean panegyric encomium attention hymn notice bouquet recommendation puff bouquets compliment points stroke pumping up honourable mention round of applause merit debt commendations props fame laurels laud respects sun bays prestige salutations heading byline plaudits salutes bravo boost worship sycophancy devotion flattery obeisance exaltation celebration plaudit cheering ovation hurrah cry glorification cheer strap line expression of gratitude a pat on the back a round of applause expression of appreciation good word big hand congratulation dithyramb prize salutation award encouragement stroking honorable mention special mention good opinion shot in the arm pat on the head reward acceptance salute puffing up pat on head pat on back

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The core or basis for something
focus core center basis body essence locus nucleus spirit axis backbone bedrock cornerstone epicentre epicenter gist root soul spotlight anchor centrepiece centerpiece foundation heart highlight substance target hub quintessence stress base bull's eye centre emphasis forefront kernel nub pith seat showpiece focal point nitty-gritty hot spot main idea central point rallying point center of attention centre of attention crux pivot meat bottom line point linchpin focus of attention draw magnet cynosure meat and potatoes main feature keynote sum net marrow bull's-eye centre of interest subject keystone feature climax lodestone nubbin flagship mainstay high point high spot crowd-pleaser central component crowd-puller best part key feature pride and joy basic polestar quick bosom jewel in the crown main point essential part name of the game coal and ice crowd puller sum and substance prime focus point of convergence kingpin stuff hinge star epergne middle gravamen raison d'être most prominent element nexus belly inside gut bones heartstrings intrinsic nature pull enticement lure ground zero inner space object main focus foreground loadstone invitation temptation allurement fascination theme lodestar beacon inducement embodiment mainspring tenor key positive space drift text topic main event long and short fundamentals manifestation staple groundwork warp underpinning bottom ground footing fundament essentials message basics burden premise main ingredient prop general meaning subject matter purport ropes specialty speciality reality animating spirit symbol strength life force representation life realization moving force realisation incarnation lifeblood moving spirit personification élan vital vital spirit exemplification pillar essential fundamental principle details innovation headliner most interesting part brass tacks starting point warp and woof vital element foundation stone key element chief thing the name of the game heart of the matter chief part essential details the facts salient point cold fact important matter fundamental point crux of the matter nuts and bolts hard fact special honeypot main reason special attraction big show main item drawing card selling point prominent part breast blood being matter essentiality nature interior significance quiddity thrust innards meaning principle import upshot recesses bowels importance guts fiber sense fibre virtuality inner parts feelings constitution ethos contents sentiments emotions bone conscience character depths short midst within inner being subconscious ABC material central part lining inner self basic principles ABCs inner part womb viscera sympathies affections animus entity mind most important point psyche insides crucial point form esse idea elements internals consequence essentia rudiments score seat of affections timber intrinsicality pulp principles punch line first principles grammar sine qua non inner area alphabet entrails intestines midpoint cream workings components meat-and-potatoes instinct intuition quintessential decisive point internal organs distillation piece bit atom morsel part inwardness ultimate extract zest beginnings direction omphalos butt quintain fundamental infrastructure main theme central idea central theme bearing summary force making standard heart and soul disposition lynchpin real meaning true meaning true intention important point creation filling layer seat of one's emotions swivel the long and the short of it dead center home run direct hit crown grounding general picture ego inmost soul deepest mind inmost heart cockles of the heart inmost mind inner woman heart of hearts mind's core persona anima identity hole in one moment meaningfulness vital part bare bones recess personality individuality support basic idea validity content power soundness defining characteristic essential element essential feature policy line nature of the beast concreteness clout presence thoughts foundations preliminaries spindle axle prominence magnitude stuffing question first principle guiding principle pneuma creature organism grain structure element actuality rules laws cornerstones essential point signification proposition vein aspect quality mass fulcrum circumstance moral relevance case consciousness texture self axioms design caliber property calibre attribute germ innermost being viewpoint motif kicker view statement opinion sum total main inner portion inner recesses inner side income outcome determination conclusion loss profit fundamental nature basic quality inspiration essential nature bulk weight fundamental quality basic characteristic inner surface stimulus chief constituent name of game generality majority total whole brunt seat of the affections line of reasoning most important fact essentialness be-all and end-all ground rules seat of one's feelings end result end product indispensable content whole story key point last word final decision main thing inner man main ingredients vital fluid vital spark dynamic force essential constituent essential component what it's all about animating force driving force sap substructure chief heft preponderance main part major part principal part lion's share vital signs better part greater part spark of life

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Arousal on a primal level

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A revolving machine with model horses or cars on which people ride for amusement

Trái nghĩa của attraction

attraction Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

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