Đồng nghĩa của fish bone

Danh từ

A composite material making up the skeleton of most vertebrates

Danh từ

An affection or proclivity for a person, activity or thing
inclination proclivity penchant predilection partiality propensity leaning tendency predisposition bent affinity disposition bias aptitude affection impulse turn habitude genius devices weakness liking fondness thing proneness preference taste fancy druthers inclining appetite attraction cup of tea yen desire soft spot love itch passion whim favor favour flash type groove hankering urge wish drift longing relish need yearning susceptibility aptness likelihood orientation prejudice thirst mindset velleity readiness bond dish mind feeling attachment favoritism favouritism liking for thing for appropriateness habit custom sweet tooth liability sentiment willingness like drive instinct potentiality shine notion compulsion choice option slant tilt weakness for caprice use keenness love affair having as one's type thought extemporisation whimsy vagary actuation extemporization appeal excitant resolve influence lust lash motive hunch impellent impulsion stomach gusto humour craving list aspiration trend humor idiosyncrasy pleasure capacity capability temperament movement persuasion will sympathy turn of mind rapport accord relationship empathy link closeness harmony communion fellowship interrelationship understanding camaraderie chemistry unity simpatico cotton aroha fellow feeling predilection towards partiality for understanding of close relationship fellow feeling for inclination towards closeness to hitting it off like-mindedness good vibrations penchant for attraction towards same wavelength fondness for special relationship hunger ambition eagerness aim want dream pining gift talent ability knack intent purpose appetency fervor enjoyment flair intention skill ardor enthusiasm fervour appreciation infatuation facility motivation zeal ardour competence devotion direction proficiency faculty hope craze goal objective ache partisanship know-how way prowess expertise palate head brain lustfulness one-sidedness design letch greed prepossession avidity concupiscence rapture eroticism fascination finesse expertness covetousness potential mania pursuit mastery adeptness libido lechery interest lasciviousness tendentiousness libidinousness prurience plan target amativeness alacrity salacity erotism pruriency nonobjectivity cupidity ravenousness rapaciousness thirstiness zest jones endeavor forte dexterity artistry endeavour mission fitness obsession Holy Grail natural ability unfairness run swing tide parti pris intelligence current frenzy solicitude voracity wind object gameness mind-set pick vocation addiction ply discrimination tenor nepotism doting crush cleverness impetus fixation idea end holy grail calling adroitness vision efficiency bag fire in the belly skilfulness pretension expectation craft bourne preferential treatment raison d'être object of desire desired result what it takes unfair preference mood course volition horniness intuition adoration admiration salaciousness progression propension intolerance hots shift bigotry inequity kink tenderness miasm vulnerability demand selection lustihood development conceit power spin standpoint regard illiberality chauvinism burning megrim art flow enchantment emotion whimsey favorite bearing feel giftedness adulation deftness head-set preconception lech narrowmindedness competency trick resolution endowment suitability discretion favourite savvy requirement susceptibleness nature agility fluency dexterousness capableness hobby tooth touch strength ideal accomplishment scheme requisite necessity push skillfulness grace destination bourn mark desideratum preoccupation poise slickness fire in belly hang-up strong interest urgency jobs for the boys sudden inclination likeliness eye eyes for openness daydream fetish appetence grail determination stimulus preparedness set command temptation clout viewpoint catalyst appetition prayer end goal fit clutch amenability positivism innate tendency natural tendency ingrained tendency essential yearn snap decision want-to cause gravitation turning heading atmosphere spirit strong want inherent tendency agreement goodwill consent agreeableness obligingness positiveness amorousness besottedness avidness desirousness favorite activity answer contingency fallback intrinsic tendency driving force ingenuity intuitiveness ease undercurrent vibe narrow-mindedness mastership curve cooperation compliance mind trip emotions innate knowledge perception perceptivity freak solution confidence ageism injustice classism judgement liberty election alternative hungering sixth sense fad feelings ripeness caliber calibre brains experience qualification imagination illiberalism pistol property sense function quality peculiarity nose sentimentality go-to stature adequacy might judgment decision occupation position avocation pastime turn-on what floats one's boat foible maggot sport crotchet hatred intolerantness deep affection right stuff knowing way around up to it strong point the goods vagrancy bee quirk crank small-mindedness wrong possible course of action sudden notion whim-wham freedom of choice heart fantasy positivity needfulness scarcity occasion focus imperative deficit scantiness dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency soft-heartedness softness sudden idea intimacy respect friendship tender-heartedness presumption presupposition passing thought involvement amity idolatry amour speciality specialty strong suit eros gut feeling cherishing allegiance delight fidelity devotedness flame case warmth worship piety assumption preconceived idea preferentialism ardency prejudgment prejudgement domain area metier realm field sphere racket department discipline province arena métier profession romance illusion delusion predetermination wuv ambitiousness preconceived notion luv go-getting fixed idea quickness smarts stuff

Danh từ

(bone to pick) A grievance, especially one that has been raised with someone in particular
grievance complaint grumble grouse gripe whine beef grouch whinge fuss objection protest lament carp protestation plaint bleat umbrage big stink axe to grind bone to pick ax to grind moan wail kvetch murmur whimper yammer holler squawk miserere cavil criticism quibble problem kick niggle charge bellyache rancour pique case blast crow to pluck rancor howl stink remonstrance exception demur whingeing muttering demurral beefing challenge disapproval expostulation dissatisfaction remonstration outcry question carping griping grouching mutter groan grousing bellyaching opposition demurrer dissent difficulty grumbling whining murmuring nitpicking moans and groans censure disapprobation doubt scruple displeasure odium dislike disesteem disagreement declination demurring discontent hesitation disinclination fulmination revilement reluctance rejection repugnancy shrinking unwillingness accusation counter-argument annoyance word fault-finding argument complaining moaning whispering dispute jeremiad peep cry squeal mithering twine clamour clamor railing inveighing formal complaint protesting condemnation whisper twining sob bickering chunter rhubarb squabble quarrel lamentation yike plaintive cry mither concern hostility reproach guff statement of dissatisfaction rumble representation worry dissuasion pettifogging statement of opposition revolt uproar minor criticism trivial objection trivial complaint adverse comment taking exception indignation tantrum outburst hysterics howls of protest blackball flak riot declaration turmoil tumult campaign knock work-to-rule

Danh từ

The uppermost portion of the foot and lowermost portion of the leg, which contain this skeletal joint

Danh từ

An argument or controversy, or the state of such
polemic argument contention row controversy squabble dispute quarrel tiff spat discussion wrangle altercation debate scrap bickering bicker wrangling disagreement fight donnybrook brawl disputation words beef argumentation feud clash discourse shindy brush contestation blowup brannigan dustup exchange go run-in set-to difference of opinion face-off knock down and drag out barney contretemps misunderstanding dissension bust-up rhubarb fuss kickup slanging match ding-dong cross fire scene romp bone of contention falling out verbal fight static shouting match imbroglio dust-up falling-out rammy ruction battle royal argle-bargle afters argy-bargy hassle back-and-forth bone to pick flap war of words stew rumpus ruckus conflict fracas miff confrontation broil shindig tussle strife battle ruck difference skirmish discord contest bunfight turf war fray threap collieshangie affray bit of argy-bargy difficulty tangle disturbance brouhaha uproar squabbling stand-up tracasseries tracasserie encounter melee commotion combat scrape rumble friction disharmony firestorm war free-for-all dissention quarrelling riot nonconcurrence dissensus dissent quarreling struggle rivalry tumult vendetta split bagarre scuffle storm embroilment passage of arms hullabaloo agitation velitation fisticuffs breach head-to-head trouble engagement showdown go-round rift estrangement dissidence antagonism flare-up arguing clamour clamor sparring rupture angry exchange dogfight acrimonious exchange upset scandal passage at arms variance objection hostility ill feeling yike bout division polemics schism opposition turmoil contentiousness pitched battle slugfest ructions problem animosity rough-and-tumble collision hubbub fighting refuting rebutting disorder exchange of views punch-up snarl ugliness blow-up argol-bargol grudge enmity blow-off swedge conflict of interest peeve biffo bloodletting bother alienation hoedown smackdown disapproval dust catfight complaint knock-down drag-out faction controverting separation clash of views break discordance disaccord contrariety action intense battle fierce contest go-around disunity brush-off revenge flak bad blood petty quarrel powwow conversation bad vibes sour note crossed wires irreconcilable difference hurrah squall fireworks sharp words dialectic mooting forensic scrimmage opposing views blood feud knock-down-drag-out talking-to scrum family feud warfare tug-of-war sweep-stake duel competition sweepstakes match grapple cause célèbre unpleasantness jarring to-do duke out heated discussion rencounter violence clashing tension spot of bother whirl try obstacle hurdle verbal sparring tilt ill will crisis sticking point matter at hand grounds for war sore point issue point in question apple of discord tender spot unfolding climax exposé culmination shootout ball game challenge activism furore rage hysteria campaigning upheaval perturbation anger temper rabidity stink crusading demonstration annoyance bouleversement convulsion cataclysm furor earthquake tempest provocation protest deciding event hue and cry moment of truth hoo-ha breaking point battling striving struggling stirring up rabble-rousing

Danh từ

The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held
dissent disagreement opposition conflict objection protest strife defiance disaccord discord discordance dissention friction resistance argument contention demur disapproval discordancy disharmony dispute dissension dissidence dissonance insubordination nonagreement nonconformism nonconformity rebellion remonstrance disunion disunity division inharmony nonconcurrence quarreling quarrelling schism variance war warfare wrangling arguing bickering denial difference infighting refusal spat split clinker flak hassle misbelief difference of opinion bone of contention lack of agreement bone to pick sour note clash hostility controversy disobedience antagonism falling-out quarrel altercation rebelliousness disputation disaffection enmity squabbling heresy violation row debate feuding recalcitrance bad blood tension confrontation breach unruliness recusancy difficulty noncompliance wrangle mutinousness acrimony divisiveness insurrection rivalry resentment rupture rejection feud clashing sedition noncooperation misunderstanding firestorm animosity faction squabble bad feeling ill feeling antipathy revolt mutiny run-in bitterness estrangement nonacceptance contestation dissensus insurgence transgressiveness contumaciousness insurgency trouble ill will nonconsent recusance veto lawlessness unrest dissonancy alienation set-to exception negation war of words subversion dissentience contrariness revolution backbiting uprising inharmoniousness incompatibility detachment tiff fighting divorce apostasy fight struggle barney contest factionalism contretemps nonconformance falling out battle royal shouting match brawl words scrap rising contumacy discontent subversiveness frowardness willfulness balkiness refractoriness waywardness intractability obstreperousness provocation jar affray outbreak bicker battle internal strife combat riot vendetta counteraction non-compliance aversion argy-bargy fuss bad vibes scene power struggle contrariety blowup afters static beef slanging match turbulence contradictoriness rift tumult argumentation velitation doubt isolation unorthodoxy dispeace independence upheaval animus disparity unharmoniousness separation breakup grievances grudges contradiction fracas exchange tussle tangle divergency disconnection divergence disjuncture disjunction niggle quarrelsomeness sectarianism ruckus hatred rumpus palace intrigue clashes palace politics irreconcilable difference competition ruction dustup angry exchange passage of arms counter-argument divided loyalties conflict of opinion brush brannigan brush-off striving emulation negativity tug-of-war face-off sweep-stake duel dogfight sweepstakes match grapple lack of concord nonfulfillment failure internal conflict opposing views bit of argy-bargy tug of war imbroglio sparring kickup rammy donnybrook rhubarb jarring ball game cross fire ding-dong argle-bargle turf war gainstriving belligerency gainstrife agitation rabble-rousing incitement fomentation unconformity rioting inflaming treason troublemaking obstruction disloyalty obstructiveness opposition to hostility to aversion to criticism unwillingness to accept dislike demurral incitement to riot fomentation of discontent reluctance to accept disinclination to accept refusal to accept lack of enthusiasm for prevention defence defense repulsion oppugnancy antinomy counterattack negativism action repugnance contradistinction opposure contraposition unfriendliness incitement to rebellion civil disorder civil disobedience disregard contempt insolence bravado boldness temerity audacity challenge scorn daring aggression truculence affront intractableness stump effrontery call lip muster gas cheek summons sass order impugnment factiousness defy dare brazenness spite perversity enjoinder impudence cartel cheekiness guts command back talk big talk hot air throwing of the gauntlet bust-up miff shindy shindig broil dust-up ruck skirmish bunfight threap collieshangie disturbance brouhaha stand-up flap uproar tracasserie tracasseries encounter discussion scrape back-and-forth commotion fray bagarre rumble melee break-up go-round scuffle disgruntlement souring discourse free-for-all go flare-up polemic upset acrimonious exchange fireworks yike passage at arms grudge fisticuffs severance withdrawal problem turmoil clamor clamour pitched battle embitteredness antagonization embroilment collision hubbub refuting rebutting exchange of views parting of the ways knock down and drag out verbal fight head-to-head scandal ugliness showdown disruption snarl bother blow-up argol-bargol conflict of interest peeve polemics punch-up biffo break clash of views bloodletting swedge slugfest hoedown complaint dust catfight storm clash of opinions barrage divorcement bustup blow-off hullabaloo disruptiveness dissatisfaction crossed wires controverting dialectic mooting forensic romp stew knock-down drag-out go-around disorder unpleasantness revenge restlessness frustration fierce contest intense battle smackdown sharp words petty quarrel scrimmage conversation powwow blood feud scrum squall family feud parting disillusionment apathy cynicism rough-and-tumble heated discussion knock-down-drag-out talking-to engagement secession whirl try hurdle obstacle spot of bother to-do withholding verbal sparring crossfire distance leave turning away dissociation distancing leaving disassociation removal drifting apart malice hate sticking point matter at hand issue apple of discord grounds for war sore point point in question tender spot malevolence rancor rancour venom loathing spitefulness detestation gall abhorrence malignity odium jaundice disrelish needle

Danh từ

The row of bony segments that surround and protect the spinal cord

Động từ

To unlawfully take possession of something
rob steal pilfer purloin thieve filch swipe take pinch nick lift appropriate misappropriate heist snitch loot nab embezzle snaffle hook liberate whip glom abstract nobble burgle crib blag burglarise burglarize shoplift tief snavel rifle peculate defalcate scrump cop souvenir clifty requisition dispossess scrounge pickpocket hijack relieve despoil disinherit drain bereave rip off knock off half-inch abscond with carry off run off with walk off with help oneself to walk away with run away with take for oneself knock over steal from take off take from rush off with pocket snatch nip boost trouser make off with cabbage walk go walkies pillage plunder swindle borrow make away with have one's fingers in the till poach snare annex pluck palm annexe expropriate raid skim kidnap abduct remove help yourself siphon off have sticky fingers reave arrogate finger commandeer seize use bag acquire simulate derive obtain usurp assume flog prig jack ransack convert cozen withdraw take over spirit away cheat one of stick up defraud one of hold up be light-fingered take possession of hold for ransom strip one of make free with pirate grab preempt use without asking confiscate accroach sequester wrest press defraud rustle sneak impound claim skyjack sequestrate capture attach cart off shanghai disseize distrain poind take away carry away take hostage lay claim to shop steal run off rip-off treat without respect hustle snipe dispossess of take illegally keep gain possession of plough plow help mooch cheat thieve from deprive of property carjack make claim to secure commit fraud put hand in cookie jar demand presume smuggle encroach intrude hunt commit white-collar crime have one's hand in the till steal money take on line one's purse with line one's pockets with dip into the public purse defraud someone of repossess confisticate whisk turn over clean out glom on to possess oneself of moonlight requisition claim unduly whisk off carry spirit whisk away highjack displace elbow in butt in work in get your hands on grab hold of barge in infringe upon squeeze in cut out clap hands on lay hold of worm in muscle in hunt illegally fish illegally decoy waylay ransom inveigh lure impress entice coax seduce hold to ransom body snatch take as hostage bundle off take prisoner lay hands on

Động từ

To make smooth, glossy or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding

Phó từ

To a very large or great degree
extremely really exceedingly particularly very highly terribly seriously immensely awfully uncommonly vastly enormously hugely extra especially greatly mightily eminently supremely most majorly severely so frightfully stinking desperately mighty real intensely awful way incredibly right too surpassingly jolly super wildly heavily blisteringly colossally specially fantastically fabulously fiercely sorely exceeding achingly almighty much dang filthy far roaringly that badly deadly thumping ever full cracking archly vitally beastly corking whacking mortally rattling spanking roaring unco wicked monstrous passing sore such remarkably exceptionally tremendously extraordinarily decidedly well a lot good and as all get-out ultra dead mega thoroughly oh-so unusually markedly terrifically excessively ever so devilish mucho powerful plumb madly devilishly truly inordinately lekker dreadfully singularly quite outstandingly notably utterly fearfully fair very much distinctly to a great extent strikingly hellish bloody significantly positively darned abundantly profoundly overly downright deeply perfectly acutely heartily too-too dirty signally to the nth degree over considerably completely totally absolutely all that uniquely superlatively staggeringly amazingly painfully strongly immoderately entirely vehemently fully hard passionately wonderfully extensively monstrously massively largely sizably broadly astronomically monumentally stupendously wholly conspicuously mad altogether big-time to a fault prodigiously unduly unreasonably critically peculiarly intently surprisingly gravely ridiculously exorbitantly immeasurably prominently appreciably to substantially hopelessly easily materially chronically incomparably noticeably suitably irretrievably indeed dramatically drastically obviously unnecessarily unconscionably outrageously hysterically over- strangely beyond clearly to a great degree by far by a great amount by a great deal in every way in every respect by a mile by much in all respects to the hilt by a long way to the core one hundred per cent a hundred per cent every inch disturbingly to too great an extent too much in excess to too great an degree in the extreme like mad by leaps and bounds in a marked degree par excellence like crazy on a grand scale distressfully heartbrokenly positive simply screamingly thundering stonking socking flaming confoundedly blasted blooming astonishingly enough carelessly thrice dashed disgustingly abominably revoltingly horribly unhappily discouragingly unfortunately notoriously unbelievably soundly exactly unwontedly really bad through and through all over darn all before all else abnormally uncustomarily preeminently oddly unaccountably in specie Esp curiously somewhat firmly plenty fatally lots no end extremely badly a fair amount by half a great deal very badly as all get out bizarrely rarely atypically weirdly queerly anomalously aberrantly unconventionally eccentrically freakishly outlandishly irregularly unfamiliarly unorthodoxly differently funnily quirkily phenomenally unexpectedly quaintly unnaturally novelly preternaturally idiosyncratically freakily unaccustomedly untypically originally noteworthily unprecedentedly wackily erratically kinkily uncannily kookily rumly crazily exotically distinctively mysteriously funkily crankily whackily queerishly newly inconceivably puzzlingly impressively astoundingly radically mystifyingly zanily freshly divergently emphatically individually uncharacteristically perplexingly sensationally bafflingly unknownly stunningly incongruously alternatively unimaginably isolatedly unthinkably awesomely characteristically foreignly alienly whimsically inexplicably marvellously memorably revolutionarily spectacularly powerfully breathtakingly miraculously marvelously pronouncedly deviously aberrationally flakily dubiously momentously brilliantly wondrously pioneeringly exclusively spookily manifestly perversely nonstandardly infinitely groundbreakingly suspiciously startlingly incomprehensibly diagnostically scarcely preposterously mind-blowingly superiorly daggily innovatively distinguishedly creatively visibly infrequently questionably pervertedly absurdly unreally jarringly mind-bogglingly sizeably quizzically inventively distinguishingly modernly supernaturally imaginatively ingeniously importantly surreally individualistically experimentally saliently obscenely fishily unforgettably fancifully palpably classically interestingly heterodoxly nuttily capriciously observably specifically glaringly creepily inimitably obscurely anomalistically neoterically insanely contemporarily typically incalculably implausibly très grandly improbably magnificently rather matchlessly by a considerable amount imposingly showily consequentially progressively discernibly doubtfully famously dazzlingly pretty futuristically evidently twistedly discriminatingly ludicrously bodaciously commandingly catchily flamboyantly noisily splashily boldly symptomatically stellarly attractively jaw-droppingly heretically originatively disruptively newsworthily contrarily forcefully sporadically refreshingly modernistically nonsensically overwhelmingly portentously irrationally seldomly coolly cockeyedly soly loads hellishly heaps solitarily tons indescribably singly oodles wholesale overmuch tonnes a good deal unmistakably unequivocally a ton grotesquely patently all in all to beat the band waywardly impossibly engagingly finely definitely bewilderingly supernormally unconvincingly properly too … for words sharply decisively digressively personally nobly intriguingly perceptibly uber principally dearly informally incredulously comically uncompellingly fundamentally inconsistently unconceivably inscrutably keenly peerlessly nameably onely disquietingly paranormally unlikely disparately arcanely wanderingly beautifully extravagantly latestly unceremoniously magically flukily flat-out exaggeratedly crucially hotly esoterically unpredictably limitedly dottily meaningfully recently mystically egregiously suspectly electrifyingly foolishly problematically eventfully capitally improperly rummily unknowably unanticipatedly toweringly untraditionally occasionally reconditely remotely gloriously sufficiently shockingly crazy undoubtedly veritably certifiably disproportionately dissimilarly unexplainably forsooth frankly honestly admittedly truthfully verily actually illogically paradoxically fairly tidily reasonably sickly battily illustriously reputably sublimely … enough alternately measurably detectably unsettlingly thrillingly unfathomably crackingly alonely awkwardly discretely prohibitively unquestionably undeniably expressly violently deathly ramblingly pre-eminently insolubly impenetrably pervily subnormally genuinely prestigiously alarmingly distressingly otherly unhealthily pointedly indisputably certainly plentifully defectively disconcertingly fast entire even clean wide out flat cleverly renownedly excitingly tall in the saddle shadily anarchistically on a large scale in great measure gorgeously captivatingly labouredly laboredly transcendently transcendentally readily unrealistically bigly uncommon movingly touchingly marginally insupportably artfully corruptly shakily equivocally disputably dubitably debatably dodgily skittishly grandiosely superhumanly metaphysically unharmoniously errantly discordantly supercalifragilisticexpialidociously mentally transformationally superly utmostly enigmatically abstrusely ideally all of randomly dissidently iconoclastically so much dementedly brightly upsettingly confusingly unannouncedly discomfitingly determinedly surely sure variationally devicefully unsuitably inappropriately illegally redoubtably unforeseeably fortuitously precisely separately occultly ghostlily luminously sort of unintelligibly weightily heftily unconstrainedly unfetteredly anarchically schismatically representatively astrally independently majestically delightfully admirably in spades no mistake of course no catch straight out historically resonantly fatefully burningly generously pivotally urgently conclusively pressingly earthshakingly earnestly quantumly potently preponderantly impactfully cardinally essentially privately no holds barred no strings attached for a fact by all means goldenly forcibly ineffably unutterably unspeakably visionarily unrelatedly loftily cogently fascinatingly charmingly tellingly compellingly jazzily no ifs ands or buts funny primely inspiredly inspiringly nondescriptly scatteredly subtly shortly scantily thinly subtilely semioccasionally unfrequently sparsely lightly tenuously deficiently flimsily artistically seminally excellently direly harshly uncompromisingly strictly unbendingly sternly toughly zealously unrelentingly unyieldingly unmitigatedly remorselessly rigidly nicely exquisitely punishingly steeply fanatically punitively stiffly draconianly austerely rigorously daintily superbly unseemlily flagrantly downrightly grossly oppressively ferociously baroquely unmercifully intemperately sterlingly splendidly popularly heavenlily optimally preferentially unsurpassedly fantabulously lovelily groovily plethorically swingeingly imprudently lavishly overweeningly sheerly fancily intolerably preciously corkingly neatly dandily meanly righteously slickly niftily elegantly bonnily divinely peachily defly choicely favouredly valuably supernally

Trái nghĩa của fish bone

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